Good afternoon everyone. Rain again good job Chloe’s got a rain coat.Absolutly sick of rain now. I don’t like this time of year when I see all the Christmas decorations but Christmas as gone for another year.
This topic contains 36,327 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by hedgehogs 5 hours, 35 minutes ago.
Dave- glad Denise is on the mend! Nice to get out for a bit bowling…
Jean- good you had a nice day with Jacqui, & seeing her again tomorrow, glad your grandson is enjoying himself 😊
Hemmy- must seem flat now Kristy has gone home, hope you’re okay xx
We had a busy day Boxing Day with family, & then again last night- made hard work of dinner, spent all day fiddling about cooking! My aunt & uncle have taken mum back with them for a week, quite scary uncle driving that far, he’s gone downhill quite quickly, very slow & vacant, he’s 83…Went to see our neighbour who is 80 today, she’s quite poorly & missed being taken out by friends, such a shame…Did some food shopping (mainly for son, we’re happy with leftovers!), & popped in to see youngest. We have been given so many boxes of chocolates & biscuits, mostly been put away for another time! I haven’t eaten as much as other years but think quite a few pounds will have gone on as I’d done so much fasting before Christmas!
Morning All..
Cuppa in bed, full moon, not raining… very windy… Charlie’s been and back to sleep!
I managed a fast day yesterday about 700 cals but braved the scales and very surprised at 1 pound on only.
Going up to Jacqui’s for a few hours as she is going away for new year. She is finding it hard with an empty house with no boys.
Just popping to shops for some cold slaws, tomatoes and milk.. thinking on healthy side.. lots of unopened chocolates and Xmas cake.. remind each other next year to buy for one person and guest if needed.
A worry uncle driving, my BIL keeps saying about visiting but I worry about that he’s 80 and his memory isn’t good. I must try to drive there 1 1/2 hours each way.
Hope mum enjoys her self while away.
I feel the same decorations nearly coming down but Spring is on its way…
Jean x
Good morning FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx
It looks a better day with some sunshine besides showers.. At least very mild still.
Walking with Mary Ann and Wesley today .. Pips favourite friend.
Weighed this morning and I had put on a pound .. so that’s true to form eating up bits lolol. It is Christmas though. Just need to keep check on it.
Dave..Yes the rain is annoying but its better than ice and snow re the dog walking.
H H .. II sounds like you had an enjoyable Christmas.. nice that Mum is having a nice little holiday .
I do miss Kristy but its so nice to get back in my own routine.. younger ones seem to just go with the the flow no plan .. lolol
Sym.. Yes .. it is hard to judge what food to get in at Xmas for others .. I would rather have more than less .. None will get wasted .. I will enjoy a mince pie with ice-cream in February lolol Enjoy your visit with your daughter.
Enjoy you day everyone … You are what you eat. xxxx
Good afternoon everyone I’ve pigged out on chocolate so had to buy more🐷🐷🐷. That tornado was very bad. I said to Denise listen to that wind it’s only 6 miles away from me so lucky it didn’t get our house. It sounded like the north pole wind really howling.Denise used to live in Staylebridge when I met her. She lived at the top of a big hill and there used to be snow around her house in winter and the buses stopped going near her house because it was so high.
Jean- hope you had a nice day with Jacqui…must be so hard for her now both the boys are the other side of the world 😢 Well done with just a pound on…
Hemmy- same well done to you! I think mine will be way more…glad you’re okay being back in your routine, do you do anything for new year?
Dave- good you avoided the rain, it is getting a bit much now …
Walked Enoch again today, he was very lively & we met lots of different dogs, he loves to say hello but jumps & scares them, I don’t seem to be able to break that habit! Lazy afternoon, haven’t been sleeping well. Had a lovely fish pie for dinner & have finished the pudding left from Wednesday, I only made a tiny Christmas cake & that’s gone now, hopefully can get back to fasting, although am going to make some tiffin & stuff on Sunday for youngest son’s birthday…
Evening All….
I had a good few hours with Jacqui, you sat chatting and having lunch.
Talking about the cruise and what we are taking.. finish one thing and onto the next.
It’s hard to stop the jumping, Oreo gets scared Charlie looks after him although Oreo is much bigger now.
Tiffin on the go again.. I have a Xmas slice not open as yet.
Glad the fish pie was to standard 🤣
Buying more chocolate!!!!.. fish and chips sounded good.. ours is closed this week.
On my second day of the virgin olive oil, just a dessert spoonful to start with, and a dribble over my salad.
Sounds good ice cream on the mince pies.. mine is still in the jar!
Nothing much happening here for the next three days.. tree will be coming down, a bit of a sort out of Xmas stuff some to go to tip, a case has not been open for three years..
Jean x
Hello everyone I think it will get colder soon, the grass is still growing because of the temperature.Chloe as been at my side all day, I think she knows I’m not happy. It’s 2 years to the day I lost Heidi😭😭. I’m sure she knows. Denise got up early so Chloe jumped up on the bed and put her head on my leg and went to sleep🤎🤎. Then when we got up she lay next to me on the sofa. Dogs are so loving.
Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you . Xxxx
It s a very dark damp day again.. Our walk is like a mud pond. ..Pip was filthy.
Scales gave a 2lbs increase in weight this morning. So will have to be more careful today. Ate lots of quality street last night .. It fatal once you start. lol It is Christmas though. Will end here midnight Jan 1st lol
Not cooking today just crusty bacon and tomato rolls
Dave .. These anniversaries are so hard .. Heidi was lovely .not to be forgotten ..Now you have Chloe with lovely ways too.
I couldnt find you on Facebook.
Sym… Are you getting on ok with the oil I don’t mind the taste much to my surprise.
H H ..Nothing doing here for New Year .. Andrew and I never did unless we were abroad .. Then I spent it here with Mum.
What are you doing.
Soo dark now and its only 3.15 Nearly time for garden play.. seems like we only just came back from our walk. lol
You cant have a positive life and a negative mind. Xxxx
Afternoon All…
Dave so sorry the last 2 years have passed quick they are always in your thoughts. Sorry the loss of your fishing friend too.
We got drenched again this morning… the river has gone over the fields, very high tides with the full moon and heavy rain.
Looks wet for our next walk too…
Xmas decorations all down and away… Hoover up tomorrow and tidy around, there’s no dash. Two vases of Holly and flowers are still fine so I will leave them. Some things have been thrown away too.
Popped to shops for milk and cold slaw, bought some loose tea for a change..
Take care everyone..
Jean x
Hi all!
Dave- so sorry, getting muddled with the days so didn’t realise it was the anniversary, sending you a hug & glad you have Chloe to cuddle 🤗
Jean- I hate decorations coming down, looks so bare…nice that Charlie looks after Oreo! Is Oreo’s hip okay now? I met a 3year old retriever today who’s had hip problems already 😔
Hemmy- you’ve done well over Christmas, you deserve a few chocolates! I’m sure the pounds will soon go, they usually do for you! We don’t do anything for New year now, always saw my parents when Dad was here but Mum goes to my aunt’s now. I’ll have trouble staying awake now!
Have been busy today, walked Xena then Enoch, did lots of cleaning…son & his gf are going to a party tomorrow night & will either stay there or come back here, so want it tidy! It’s a cocktail party, told son he can’t wear jeans, he spent ages trying to decide what to wear, he’s worse than a girl 😂
Have done a FD today, 550cals.
Denise as made coconut buns,my favourite 😋😋😋 so no fasting today sissy got beer for tonight, roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for tea and Denise is doing a buffet later tonight🐷🐷🐷. Not sure I’ll be able to eat much, I keep telling her to cut down on portions I can’t eat a lot these days. It’s pouring down again here with a weather warning for rain.
Good morning FB Brits. hope all is well with you on this first day of 2024 .
Feeling tired this morning.. too much wine last night lol. Weighed this morning and I am now 3 lbs up on Christmas Eve.
Today a new day new year .. not going to be too drastic .. just eat up all the naughty bits eat the chocolate that is opened. Luckily I bought the tins of chocolate /sweets so unopened can go away for Easter or gifts.
How did everyone else fare with their eating?
Walk time calls .. at least it looks to be a dry day for a change. The walk will be an effort this morning but it will be good to be in the fresh air. I had forgotten the sluggish aftermath feel of too much wine lolol
Enjoy your day what ever you are doing
Tomorrow is another day Xxxx
Morning All…
A lovely dry walk some path and some off lead so difficult when so muddy…
I was in bed at 10.30 my usual time, I don’t bother much with new year.. hoping it’s a good one for us all.
I am fasting today, I have salad bits in and cooked ham.
Oreo has hip displacement from being born, it’s not bothering him at the moment he does run strangely like bunny hopping.
Hope your mums ok away if must be difficult for her.
Yorkshire puds and beef sounds good.. coconut buns too 😋
Yes a dry walk here but so so muddy..
Hope your walks blown your cobwebs off it’s lovely here.
Decs are always down on the 1st so only a little early. Clean upstairs today.
Jean x
Afternoon! And a belated happy new year!
New Year’s Eve was not great for us, our neighbour (the one whose dog I walked in the spring) is very poorly & we had to get her an ambulance, she’s been admitted to hospital, so a real downer…another neighbour helped out going in to her house to turn everything off called us over to see, she’s just not managing so if she does pull through she’s going to need carers again 😢 She has COVID so we might get that from her, I saw her in our village shop when she was starting to feel ill, she hadn’t bothered wearing a mask 🤧
Made Crunchie tiffin again & a Malteser chocolate thing for youngest son, it’s his birthday today, so he came over to get his presents. All gone though so none to tempt me!
A miserable rainy day here, decorations down, all clean now & a liquid fast, will weigh on Friday.
Evening All..
Dry walk this morning…drenched pm walk..
Had a lazy day watched ‘Mr Bates v The Post Office’ itv3
Very good 4 x 1 hour..
Half a stone you have to get your mind to it again….we all will.. I didn’t finish my FD on Monday.
Hoping your neighbour picks up and you both don’t get Covid. Your tiffin sounds good again.. everyone else sounds as they like it too.
Jean x
Evening everyone, hope you all have had a nice Christmas and New Year.Our Christmas and New Year were very quiet, daughter and son in law , not forgetting grandog Poppy came over for brunch on Boxing day.
A busy day today in all of this terrible rain we decided to do an Aldi shop and then visit our daughter on the way home.
We had a delayed Christmas dinner yesterday so today I’ve made a nice Turkey soup from the carcass.
I’ve also managed a fd today coming in at 820 calories. I did brave the scales in between Christmas and New Year and had gained a pound but will officially start my new year weigh in this Friday.
All being well weather-wise tomorrow we’ll be cycling to the busway to resume our Wednesday lunches.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone
Nana xxx
Good evening everyone. Xxxx Hope you are not getting too wet.
Awful day here it hasn’t stopped raining … we got absolutely soaked this morning .. still wet this afternoons play out in the garden.
I was pleased to see I had lost a pound this morning. So 2 to go . Not had much today.. fed up with all this eating up lol. Since Xmas I don’t seem to have been eating healthily just bits and pieces. .
Dave .. you will soon get those lbs off .. Did you eat a lot extra. Do you think its the chocolate.
H H .. Oh what a shame about your neighbour .. what about the dog .. does she have family. .
Its going to have to be a good woman for your boys that takes over from you and your cooking and care.
Sym… Do you read or watch films the most. ..I will be so glad and I expect you will to see some drier weather … although they say a lot of snow on the way for most of the country.
Nana … just saw your post .. sounds like a lovely Christmas for you .. the turkey soup sounds yummy
Enjoy your evening everyone. It’s never too late to change old habits. Xxxx
I think it was definitely the chocolate that put the weight on. No more chocolate now or alcohol.I didn’t have much beer anyway. Had 2 good days so back on track. Chloe’s off colour, she was sick before but now she’s moaning because she wants chews.Not giving her any she will have to starve, she does have food out but obviously isn’t hungry.
Dave- poor Chloe, hope she’s better soon ..shame about the bowling.
Nana- you did so well over Christmas with just one pound on! I’m sure that’ll come off quickly, especially with cycling today!
Jean- we might watch the post office thing, it was awful how they were treated …
Hemmy- it’s too wet for Xena to play in our garden at all! Hubby takes her to the park with her ball every afternoon though … Neighbour’s dog has gone back to his previous owners (they had to re-home him because he bit a grandchild, but he’s older now so it should be fine). Both my boys cook for their gfs, so don’t get looked after, they never cook/ed at home though!
Liquid FD was okay yesterday, but did wake up quite hungry, so have probably overeaten today, not good, there’s still some opened chocolate about! Had a long walk with my friend & her dog, been shopping, quick tea break before I start on dinner, veggie & meat shepherds pies tonight. Tomorrow won’t be a FD now, taking my sister out to a cafe for lunch to celebrate as she would’ve been back to work…such a shame her knee is still so painful, we were hoping to have walked the dogs together 😔
Enjoy your day everyone!
Good afternoon, the sun is out😱.I watched a video on time restricted feeding as they call it. They did a test with 2 groups and they both had the same calories. The first group had their meals at normal times, breakfast in the morning lunch at midday and dinner at 7pm. The other group had their 3 meals in a much shorter period and they were much better when tested blood etc and lost more weight as well.
Good afternoon F B B Friends hope all is well with you. Xxxx
Its been a dry day so far but grey.. still so wet everywhere though.
Just had a cup of soup and marmite sandwich late lunch. Walked longer today with MaryAnn
Came back and got my Croc pot going.. Making a batch of beef hot pot… I had some thin steaks called sizzlers from the coop ..smelt lovely with lots of spice already on them. Lots of veg added so all tasty and healthy
H H .. it is so wet everywhere.. In the garden we mainly stick to the the gravel parts throwing.
Do your boys still live at home or with their Girlfriends. and just come back for Mums cooking lol.
What did you have for lunch out with your sister.
Dave… Yes I think by what I have read the timing of meals is very important to weight loss.
Enjoy your day everyone…. The best diet – for weight management and supporting general health – is a balanced diet. Xxxx
Jean- hope you had a lovely time with Jacqui, when is her school back?
Dave- enjoy your tea! Good you had a dry day! I don’t fancy a main meal at lunchtime, don’t think it would fit in with our routine but I’m sure it is better…would like to do more time restricted eating this year though…
Hemmy- nice to have company for your walk, hope your stew is nice! My eldest is still at home, youngest left 18months ago. I think eldest is psyching himself up to leave this year though! It depends on work & what his gf does…
Walked Xena- took her to the main forest, not been for ages, she got a stick & tucked in behind me, hardly ran about at all so that was a waste! Walked Enoch then a few jobs before going for a toastie with sis, was so nice to have that time together. Catching up with a book this afternoon… Trying to ignore the last of the chocolate!
Evening All..
A lovely walk then my daughter came for a visit. Made a quiche and ginger biscuits.
Stayed the same this week so still 1 pound up.
Well done over Christmas. I am not keen on turkey soup.
I read and watch films , Tv is so bad at the moment. I have started watching The Traitor I enjoyed the last one.
Snows on the way I haven’t seen that….
Your croc pot always sounds nice.
Hoping Chloe is feeling better, it’s always a worry..
I eat in a short period …10.30 and 4.30 I have got quite used to it..not much processed really.
Jacqui is back Monday, she left me to do some work… she works long hours at times. She has lost 2 stone since James has left, Philip home for the evening meal so eating different..
Is the forest muddy or dry under the trees? The boys are doing well cooking .. trained them well…
Jean x
Very well done Dave!
Jean- good Jacqui has lost some weight eating differently, I would imagine the stress probably added to that?!
Some bits of the forest are getting muddy, today’s walk not too bad although I got pretty wet! Can’t claim the credit for training my boys well, they’ve never done much cooking at home! I guess all I can say is I’ve given them a taste for proper cooking rather than processed stuff!
Today’s been hard, I wanted to just have the one meal but quite hungry (I only had a banana yesterday evening after the toastie at lunch time so maybe why!), had a spoonful of peanut butter to keep me going, doing sweet & sour tofu tonight, a favourite but I haven’t cooked it for a while…walked Xena but Linda back to not answering the phone so no walk for Enoch. Lots of ironing done. So miserable & dreary again, just feel like hibernating!
Have a good weekend 🥰
Hi F B Brit friends Hope all is well with you Xxxx
Ohh so fed up with wet walks muddy dog and wet towels. lol A dog owner s lot at the moment and has been for a while now.
On my morning weigh in… 2 lbs gone from the 3 lbs I put on over Christmas.
Well done Dave that’s a brilliant result. .A good start to the year. How is Chloe?
Sym.. Yes I think I need to get into films .. maybe look up so old classics.
H H… You are good ironing I rarely do any these days .. I put lots of things on my heated towel rail and call them good to go lolol I find I cut so many more corners than I used too lolol
Nana… how is your day going.
Enjoy your evening everyone. “Came from a plant, eat it; was made in a plant, don’t.” Xxxx
Chloe’s fine now thank you. How do you watch films? YouTube have lots of films. It’s been dry here today so nice not to get soaked, the weather is getting drier apparently. Gone over my limit today for calories but it’s only today hopefully although I have a really thick rib eye for tomorrow,I might try and do some homemade chips in the airfrier to go with it.
Morning everyone, really must start posting more often. Scales yesterday morning showed that I’d lost a pound so I’m back to the weight I was on 22nd December so pleased about that as I used to gain at least half a stone over the Christmas period.
Dave well done on your loss and like you I’ll be having a steak this evening with ninja chips.
Hedgehogs I also had sweet and sour last night but it was prawns from our Chinese takeaway that we use – no alcohol though as it was my turn to drive.
Hemmy well done on your loss also. It’s so muddy around here with waterlogged fields and very high streams, OH and I will take a walk up to see if the one that runs through just before coming into our village has come over the bridge and road.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and I’ll be back tomorrow if I remember 🤞
Nana xxx
Morning All..
A late start and walk .. James my travelling grandson, he jumped out of a plane yesterday his adrenaline was so high even 6 hours later.. loved it but never again!
Holiday in a month so going through my things seeing what I need….
You put on fast but you can move it too.. brilliant well done.👏
Yes Jacqui’s weight off is stress and not eating but she’s pleased, she’s been trying for years to loose.
You get used to home cooking nice to see the boys cooking.
Hemmy ..
Well done on the 2 lbs off.. I had to read your saying twice, it’s a good one..
I hope to have steak this weekend.. trying to eat out the freezer..
Jean x
Good afternoon FB Brits friendly corner. Xxxx
Ohh a much improved day with blue sky and sunshine for our walk. Wonderful although still muddy lolol.
It was so uplifting though after all the grey wet days. .The news keeps saying deep snow is on the way.. I hope not as it is the only thing that stops our walking. . We did well last year.
Dave.. I have been watching .. well just briefly looking at the Amazon Prime films as I get them free. Will look at You Tube..
Nana .. well done getting back to pre Christmas weight already .. are you at goal weight.
HH ..Its funny how sometimes we cant get enough food then other times we don’t want much at all. It s funny at the moment I am in the not wanting much at all mode.. After having such a lot of Christmas bits to eat up I feel sick of it lolol Probably a few weeks ahead I will probably wish I had it lol. Whats on your menu today for dinner.
Sym… Lovely for you to start thinking about your holiday clothes it will soon roll around. Her boy must have been such a worry for your daughter losing the weight so quickly .. Does your grandson seem ok now. Xx
I have only just had lunch .. It seems to be getting later by the day.. funny as at one time after milky coffee at 8am I had to have lunch at 12 as i always felt “light” if i didn’t .. Years ago I had low blood pressure and put it down to that.. Maybe with age its normal now.
Whatever I expect having a smaller eating window is helping weight loss.
Enjoy your evening everyone….
Eat to live not live to eat. Xxxx
Hemmy have a look on YouTube about time restricted eating it’s very interesting. Do you have an Amazon fire TV stick or any other device? My steak extremely juicy but too pink so Chloe had half of it. Now she’s having a chicken breast and then Denise’s managed to have 2 dry walks today so fingers crossed for the last walk later.
Had dry walks the last 2 mornings but wet when I did the last walk round the block… horrible here right now!
Went out yesterday to a couple of antique shops, & had a scone for lunch. Still struggling with being hungry, feeling so cold doesn’t help!
Hubby couldn’t find a nice looking piece of beef for a roast today, so will do sausages, roast veg & potatoes & yorkshires tonight. I’ll avoid the roasties & puds though. So cross as I was doing well before Christmas!
Well done to everyone losing Christmas weight!
Good afternoon another dry day but the sky is going grey. Chloe’s favourite for tea chicken. I’ll do the roast potatoes in the air fryer, tried three different ways of doing them,2 were excellent one not so good.I watched a film on YouTube last night. I have prime video and Netflix,I cancelled Netflix then virgin gave it to me free of charge.
Good afternoon F B Brits. Hope all is well with you Xxxx
Its the coldest its been here today .. I wish I had put on gloves this morning
walk. At least though thankfully another dry walk .. still very wet and muddy.
Just had a cheese and Branston pickle sandwich.. I have rediscovered it loved it years ago. This evening my favourite Jacket potato with some king prawns and long stemmed broccoli. which they where selling off at the Coop.
Dave… No I don’t have Amazon TV stick or anything .. Just normal TV .. a radio and laptop.. and the Free Prime movies I m not a gadget person lol I find for me just the basic stuff enough to hassle with. lol
So glad Chloe is back to normal… lovely she had her steak
H H.. I think it goes like that with eating.. cant get enough food or not wanting anything much
Your dinner sounds yummy.
Going to have a read .. then it will be out with Pip. in the garden.. Getting lighter now thank goodness.
Enjoy this ” Day of rest ” as my Granny used to say about Sunday.
Health is not about the weight you lose. It’s about the life you gain! Xxxx
Afternoon All..
A surprise walk with Oreo this morning I was just thinking where to go, the mud seems to be getting a bit better.
Fasting today and having a lazy day.. going out looking for black sandals for my holidays tomorrow .. I am having Oreo at the house Wednesday, as Natalie mum is moving house and she was concerned about him getting out.
Grandson is on his las 6 day before going back to Sydney, I think he seems much better and he’s had a great time, he needs to work and get some money in.
I have a month to get ready for the cruise so getting close now.
I often say your to live not live to eat.. some of my boules friends eat such a lot.. I am knocking on a meal out tomorrow , I just can’t eat that much these days.
Your Brew and Co tea is very tasty, I am very impressed, just had three cups!!!
Ribeye steak yesterday it cut like butter delicious …
Hope you soon get on board again..I think it’s struggle after having time off.
Jean x
Dave- can’t say the idea of liquorice tea is appealing!
Jean- that’s lovely to have the cruise to look forward to, not long away…
Hemmy- haven’t noticed it getting lighter yet here! It’s getting dark most nights when hubby gets back with Xena… haven’t had a cheese & pickle sandwich for years, used to like it occasionally…
Nana- hope you’re okay 🤗
Walked Xena & Enoch in the cold & hail & snow! Not laying though…met one of my HomeStart families at a cafe today, she’s moved to Belfast but came back for a visit, it was lovely to see them, her little girl has health problems, they’re going to do genetic testing to see if it’s a rare syndrome so quite a worry 😢
Managed to keep fairly low today, hopefully a FD tomorrow.
Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. xxxx
Ohh it sso very cold .. A freezing cold walk this morning but no snow here yet thank goodness. About 30 minutes away my friend Sarah is having some snow showers.
Egg beans and few homemade chips this evening
I cant get motivated todo much this weather .. the walk is taking longer with the mud to clean off after. Horses had churned it up today.
Dave… Good you had your bowls. .. Ohh not for me that liquorice tea .. lolol sounds awful. lol
H H .. You must get very attached to these families and wonder how they are getting on. well done with your low day.
Sym… Lovely to have that cruise to look forward to especially at this time of year
Nana .. hope you are having a good day.
Tomoz it is the monthly meet up at the Buckingham Garden Centre with my old friend Chris.. so it will be a lovely lunch .. good food and lots of chat lol
Enjoy your evening everyone..“Processed foods not only extend the shelf life, but they extend the waistline as well.” Xxxx
Good morning the sun is out but very cold. Denise is off to Spanish lessons today so I take her there then take Chloe around the park, she gets excited going to the park so long as I keep her away from other dogs. We met her one and only friend yesterday on our walk. A little dog called Rashford,no guessing which football team the owner supports 😁😁. Rashford used to give Heidi my German shepherd a hug,it stood on its hind legs and grabbed her, it tried it with Chloe but she pulled to get away so now they can walk side by side with a small gap between them. It’s nice to see her with another dog, Rashford could quite easily walk underneath Chloe😂.I had a good fast day, I fasted for 25 hours then I had a sandwich which tasted like heaven.
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7:22 pm
28 Dec 23