Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning everyone, yes we go soon, looking forward to some nice sunshine.Only problem is I always gain a stone on holiday, and I will do so again.No point in going away and dieting.I just enjoy it then start on the 5-2 again.

    Evening everyone, a loss of half a pound this week which was a surprise as I’ve not logged my food daily this week but have been trying to make sensible choices whilst eating out this week.
    A very nice chicken shish kebab for our takeaway this evening plus it was OH’s turn to drive so shared a bottle of prosecco with my friendšŸ„‚
    Off on holiday Monday to Friday next week so will be missing. West Norfolk this time.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and have a good weekend.
    Nana xxx

    I’m not sure if I’ll use my phone when I’m in holiday so if I go quiet you will know why.I rang the bank dispute team yesterday,I was put on hold for 40 minutes but I didn’t give up. They said exactly the same that they would put the money back into my account and give me a reference number. They actually did it this time. They said if the money is still there in 45 days then all is settled. So fingers crossed it will still be there.I will start fasting in ernest when I come home from my holibobs.

    Hi F B Brits .. what a lovely warm autumn day. Hopefully it will last a while yet

    I have lost 1 lb of the 3 I had put on. So going the right way.. getting back to normal eating and drinking after the days away.

    Yesterday was lovely Mary Ann and i walked the dogs then went to lunch in the Tent Tipi as they call it. lolol .It was enjoyable ..we will go again.

    Having my favourite eggs beans and chips this evening .. I have got mince out of the freezer to make cottage tomorrow . Haven’t made it for years.

    Nana .. well done with your loss .. enjoy your break away.

    Sym.. What are you up to today..

    Dave.. Just keep an eye on the bank and keep pestering if need be Fingers crossed all will be ok. . Enjoy your holiday ..you will soon get back into 5 2 after that’s the beauty of it.

    Enjoy the day everyone.. Choose people who celebrate your wins without jealousy. xxxx

    Afternoon FBBs
    Lovely day here in W Yorks. Perfect gardening weather. Lots of tidying up done.

    Weigh in yesterday and I have stuck. Still down 4lbs from my horrible bug so still pleased with that. see what next week brings. Being very mindful with my food.

    Hemmy, had a lovely day in Lytham. It is my spiritual home šŸ™‚. A lovely little town with some nice shops and good dog walking on the front. Traditionally a retirement place.

    Nana, I have fell well since my Covid jab but I have a very sore arm with a lump where the needle went in. Not had that reaction before. Flu jab next week so will have it in my other arm.

    Jean, I listened to both Jason Fung and Robert Lustig, thank you for that. Both very informative but Jason Fung was easier to listen to. I have subscribed to him and am catching up with his older posts. It gives you motivation to carry on.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Happy hols Dave.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Good morning, not a bad day here. Soon be in the Canaries, it’s hot over there at the moment think they are having an heat wave. It’s 33Ā°C at the moment and they are on the same time as us. The sun is out here but it’s only 14Ā°C. I’ll have to be up early when we go, flight is at 7am but we get there at dinner time and coming home we get back in the afternoon so not bad flights.

    Afternoon All..
    A steady walk across the fields this morning, lots of planting has been done some still waitingā€¦ dark nights and mornings starting, saying to John in 4 months and we will be coming to Spring. I laugh we say it each year but it passes so quickly. He walks the old road walk at 4 pm every day as it gets dark I know he is always about with his 2 dogs.

    Cleaned up down stairs moving upstairs after my cuppa.. itā€™s not too bad.

    Holiday will soon be here now have a really lovely time.

    You too have a great time next week hope the better weather holds for you.

    The tepe cafe sounded interesting, it must have been nice if you are going back..
    Egg, sausage and chips for me yesterday, always think of my dad, he always cooked it for me on a lunch time if he was home school daysā€¦only thing he cooked..,strange how things bring memory backā€¦
    Still waiting for James to come home hoping for Wednesday, my daughter has come back as work tomorrow..

    I liked Jason Fung so dishy, he really makes you think.. the other was in book form for me still interesting.
    Both really into the fasting wayā€¦ I have been fasting now for 8 years, nearly 9 nowā€¦
    Good you are holding with the 4 lbs offā€¦

    Jean x

    It’s roasting here 35Ā°C was hotter. No air con either but there is a fan in the bedroom.I need a drink, anything will do.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What beautiful day .. lots of sunshine and a good temp. A nice morning walk then went to Tesco and did a shop.

    I am trying to shop for longer now and try like my friend to just shop every month. I am not very good at using what I have and the local village shop is very expensive .. although a Coop .

    Bronwyn.. you sound like you are surrounded by some lovely places there.. best to enjoy them while the weather is good.
    I remember conversation on here a few years ago. about Jason Fung . now Sym says he dishy I will go and look lolol .

    Dave… Sounds super hot there .. plenty of liquid needed the alcoholic kind. lol Enjoy yourselves.

    Sym… Hopefully come Wednesday the Grandson will be home.Xx Yes its strange how we remember food things in our childhood … my granny made the very best gravy for roast dinners .. I have not tasted any like my granny’s . Mum always said it was because they lived on a farm and the meat was so good.

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Appreciate people…It will keep them motivated. Xxxx

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A long walk and play date this morning and we will again tomorrow..

    Fast day has gone well about 600 cals, I roughly add up..

    I have Steves daughter coming up tomorrow but not staying over. Itā€™s three years since Steve passed, time passes so quickly. I miss him so much.

    It sounds very hot, a beer or two needed.. have a good holiday.

    I must go through Jason Fung again, puts you back on track and reminds why you are fastingā€¦ yes very dishy!!
    My daughter is so upset and distraught.. hoping he comes home. He is saying he is going travelling in Australia, although he wants too, I have my doubtsā€¦
    I shop about every 10 days, just buy milk/ bread from the village shop if I have too.

    Jean x

    Had the a drop off the amber nectar, it’s so warm. Going cooler from today dropping to 31Ā°C šŸ„µ.I think when I come home I’ll try a liquid fast if I can. Just water.

    Enjoy your holiday and donā€™t think of fastingā€¦
    Have a good nights sleep

    Afternoon FB friends,
    Lovely day again here in W Yorks. Unfortunately, all windows and doors closed as we have lots of ladybirds trying to get in šŸž Our kitchen window is full of them, very strange.

    I have been to the gym for a short visit. No aquafit but just swimming and a few standing still exercises. It’s boring doing it alone but I did 30min non-stop. Trying not to jump about to see if my hips improve. The gym was having trouble with the showers so I had to have a cold one – still tingling šŸ™‚

    Yesterday I managed an 18/6 day. I have only just eaten so today will be another one with tea at 6-7’ish. I may listen to another fasting podcast this afternoon to keep me motivated. Housework can wait.

    Dave, hope you are having a lovely holiday.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you xxxx

    A lovely day here .. lots of sunshine on our walk .. took lots of photos of deer and sheep in the fields.

    I have only just got around to making the cottage pie today got the mince and veg in the croc pot before walking .. it was lovely to smell it when i got back in.

    It was a late lunch cheese and piccalilli sandwich and satsuma .. so will now go and assemble the pie. I do a layer of peas along the bottom of the dish then the mince.. the mashed potatoes with grated cheese and sliced tomatoes on the top. its like a meal in one pot lol. Some this evening and tomorrow then freeze the rest.

    Dave.. forget any restriction of food an drink.. you are on holiday spoil yourself.

    Bronwyn.. We had lots of ladybirds coming in the windows a few years ago .. they went all drowsy fluttered their wings and crawling on the sills . it was ok last year.. hopefully the same this year. somehow funnily enough I found them a bit creepy . lol

    Sym… Anniversaries of the loss of a loved are never easy no matter how many years. Hopefully the day passes well. Xxxx

    Have a lovely afternoon everyone

    ” Happiness depends upon ourselves” Xxxx

    Hemmy I will have a good holiday with no restrictions then do the 5-2,will try a water fast and if I can do it I’ll do 2 of them the next week. Got to do something, Hope to lose at least a stone by Christmas of not more.

    Morning All..
    Sleepless night struggling to get offā€¦

    Walking with Natalieā€™s Mum and Oreo Natalie is flyingā€¦

    Hoping for James to come home apparently he has bought his plane ticket so fingers crossed.

    My day well considering, lots of memories but itā€™s same as any day Steve is always on my mind..

    We have had a few ladybirds but not as many as you, they seem to come with the hot weather..
    Hoping the swim exercises help you.

    Your food always sounds interesting, I have eaten a lot as out for lunch yesterday, already thinking what low food plan for tomorrow.

    Dave ..
    Someone said 6 weeks to Xmas , they seem to have lost a month.. panic over!!!
    I need a few pounds off tooā€¦.

    Jean x

    I should have lost a stone here in Gran Canaria sweating so much, it’s never like this in Lanzarote. We are in the middle of an heatwave though. It’s the 29Ā°C all night that’s the killer. Hard to sleep. No air conšŸ˜«. It’s cooler today at the moment 31Ā°C . I’m ok I’m the sun in the daytime but night time heat is awful. Had 7 glasses of the amber nectar yesterday purely medicinal to aid sleepšŸ˜

    It sounds a bit hotā€¦ hope it drops a bit for you..
    Notice our temperature is dropping though the day here today..

    Make the most of it..
    Jean x

    Been to the shopping centre and the market.I bought Denise a necklace and bracelet. She bought some perfume.Had 2 cokes and a smoothie (no beer) will make up for it tonightšŸŗšŸŗ.At least there is a breeze today so that helps, Had fillet steak 2 nights running so will have a change tonight. Wi-fi is a bit ropey, keeps cutting out so I unplugged the router and it’s working at the moment.Denise can’t stop drinking, she slows down when it’s alcohol though.

    Hi FB Brits I hope you are having a good day.

    Rain and a gray day here although managed a dry walk just wet underfoot.

    Well i was so chuffed yesterday .. my cottage was soo tasty even if i say it myself lol. Maybe my cooking interest is coming back lol.

    I should be cleaning and polishing upstairs to day but think i will sit and read till I go out in the garden with Pip .. at 4pm.

    I have treated myself to a new book..from Amazon… Atomic Habits by James Clear. An easy and proven way to build new habits and break bad ones. It s a best seller.
    Reading it slowly just a few chapters at a time… I had fallen into the habit as just me here .. Of leaving washing up at night ( would have been unheard if Mum was still here) lolol

    Anyway all good as since reading this book I seem completely cured again. lol

    Dave.. It sounds super hot.. just relax chill out with cold beers.. take it steady .

    Bronwyn.. how is your day going..

    Sym… I think when you go on holiday or out for lunch .. its best to just have all and exactly what you fancy . We know if we put our minds to it we can get off any surplus.

    Thinking of you today… Xx It is Andrews Birthday on Monday .. 11 years of missing him and it could be 1

    Hope everyone is well in our little corner . … HH .. Kay … Xx

    Be happy not because everything is good, but because you see the good side of everything. šŸ’œ

    I’m going to lose weight when I get home, determined to do it. I’ll have to have the same willpower as I did when I gave up smoking. That was very hard but I did it. So if I can do that I can do anything. Might have to have a chat with my ex smoking friends, funnily enough they are all women.

    Good morning I slept better last night, it was still hot but must have been tired or the Cider was good šŸ˜‹. Don’t know what we are doing today I’ll leave it up to Denise. Had a nice Chinese meal last night I had a nest with beef,chicken and cashew nuts, Denise had duck and orange.She said it was lovely and wants to go back again.

    Hi F B Brits .. how are you today Xxxx

    Its a dull chilly damp day here again today missing those sunny days already lol and a long way to go till Spring.

    Everywhere has Christmas stuff already .. mince pies on the counter in the local shop.

    I said today ..I dont want to get started on those a while yet lol Felt pleased with myself as only came away with some Warburtons granary bread my favourite .plus some marked down chicken breasts for the freezer . Got fed up with crisp breads for lunch.. I only have 2 slices per day and like a lunchtime sandwich.

    I have lost another pound from my holiday gain of 3lbs…so 1 more to go and back on track.

    Must keep mindful now though with Christmas around the corner and lots of treats about during the build up to it.

    Dave .. your meals sound lovely… best part of being away is enjoying the food you haven’t had to cook lol Enjoy your day in the sunshine.

    Hope everyone else is ok.. Confidence isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. šŸŒ±šŸ’« Keep growing, keep glowing. šŸŒžšŸ’– Xxxx

    Afternoon FB friends,
    Lovely and sunny here but chilly when you are out of the sun. The garden is still full of colour, I am enjoying looking at it. No ladybirds today. I like them outdoors but don’t like them when they fly about inside.

    Weigh in this morning and I have lost 2 lbs since the last weigh in. Keeping to 18/6 and it is working. Motivation coming from listening to podcasts. Hope it lasts – I have been here before šŸ™

    Been to two crafting meetings today. A shame they fall on the same day sometimes. Listening to a friend who has a grown son with mental health issues that is starting to affecting her too. Domino effect. I am thinking about her and at the same time counting my blessings.

    As a child I listened to grown ups complaining about Christmas and couldn’t understand why. I look forward to it and don’t mind the things in shops. I am already buying small Advent gifts for the grandchildrens calendars. Yes, friends tell me I am annoying šŸ™‚

    Hope this weather lasts into the weekend.
    Regards Bronwyn

    I get yelled at if I say how long until Christmas don’t I ladies! I always liked Christmas until I started work at royal mail then it was a nightmare. I like it again now I have retired. When I was working there we got over 1 million cards every night, and lots of parcels.

    Evening All..
    A good fast day but munching a bit on NFDs.. must think more!

    A bit of shopping and cleaningā€¦ made some fish cakes for the freezer, they will be on menu Friday dinner..

    Grandson got a back dated sick note till 22nd.. he has ups and downs.. trying to go for a job open day on Sunday but he is not in a good place, very suicidal againā€¦I canā€™t see him going..itā€™s a worry.

    Lots food and drinkā€¦have a great timeā€¦

    Too much Xmas aboutā€¦ I shall do small this year a few treats but not as I usually doā€¦. I love a good granary cob with butter thing is I eat it allā€¦.
    Well done on getting the weight off, just 1lb to goā€¦

    Well done on your 2lbs offā€¦my daughter is doing crochet at her craft class.. now moved to a pub every other week.
    Sheā€™s not very good sheā€™s at breaking point with grandson.. mental heath is awful. Glad you are enjoying the podcasts.

    Night from us..
    Jean x

    Good morning, going for a long walk to the other shopping centre it’s all downhill so that’s good, the heat saps the energy so it will be a taxi back up the hill. Going to have a picnic this afternoon and stay close to the hotel tonight, maybe watch England play tonight then go out to our localšŸŗ.

    I’m hooked on the cider,copperburge strawberry and lime it’s really refreshing. Won’t have any when I get home. Alcohol will stop once I’m home, have some at Christmas.Although these days I can take it or leave it.A few clouds today so with a bit of luck it will be cooler. I’m missing Chloe,my son keeps sending pictures of her.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A rainy day we got very wet this morning..

    I stayed the same.. too many biscuits on NFDā€™s must pull my socks up!!!

    Must try some cidar again a while since I have had it.

    Jean x

    Jean the strawberry and lime is lovely with plenty of ice. Will have a few of them tonight.Back from shopping centre it was a long walk to get there luckily all down hill. Took 5 minutes to get back in a taxi.Denise is nodding off after her cocktail šŸ˜.I have no energy left now.Maybe I should have Red Bull. Could do with some wings.

    Raining all dayā€¦.

    Popped to Scunthorpe M&S bought two pairs of jeans for every day wearā€¦I needed these as lock down started so very desperate for themā€¦ getting chilly now need to check on my winter clothes.

    Are all the bars in the shopping type mallsā€¦ where we went in Grand Canaria there was two, one at the top of the hill and another towards the bottom..no really separate bars on the roadā€¦all clumped together.

    Jean x

    Most are in shopping malls but there are a few scattered around a few 100 yards from our hotel. It’s expensive in the gay shopping centre, the meal cost ā‚¬72 but that did have a dessert included.And it was all lovely so I don’t mind paying but the fruit cocktail Denise was having was over ā‚¬7. The alcoholic one she had today was much cheaper. Considering it was a gay place all the bars are gay ones they’re wasn’t any women, all men walking round in next to nothing and all ages.When I used to go in the gay bar near work there were 2 transvestites that used to wait on, both 6 foot tall and had better legs than any woman I have seen. We used to have a good laugh with them.We all got on well.

    Hi F B Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Its raining very heavy here this evening ..hopefully this will be the end of it as sun showing tomorrow and no rain on the local weather forecast .

    We did manage a dry walk but very flooded on the bridle way.

    This evening I am going to have another Tesco ready meal curry.. they are not too bad but after having my lovely cottage pie I will do another batch meal next week. Lasagne I think..

    Sym… I do hope your grandson will settle what a worry for you all. xx
    Lovely to have the new M&S jeans.. I love M&S always reliable with sizes and quality.

    Do the Boules carry on in winter inside.

    Dave… I would just love some of that sunshine.. ohhh and a cocktail like Denise. lolol Reality is a glass of cider for me or may be 2 lolol. Enjoy yourselves How long are you there for?

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. Let it rain.A rainbow will soon follow. Xxxx

    We come home on Monday hemmy, Will be nice to be cool again it’s still 29Ā°C at this time so another bad night, will have to drink plenty of cider. Watching the football in our room at the moment then going out.

    I though soā€¦ I like bars as you walk around not in purpose built mall type placesā€¦it sounds where we wentā€¦ I prefer other places.. looks like you got the better weather hope it keeps a bit longer.

    A worry with grandson, he wants to travel but not well enoughā€¦ he is of an age you canā€™t stop him.
    He wants Dubai flying with Emirates but he has not researched enough itā€™s the open day Sunday.. he is not ready unless he has luck on his sideā€¦.otherwise travelling and working in Australia starting at Sydney..Jacqui is so worried..
    I must start going to boules again it goes through the year outside depending on weather.

    Jeans a good buy for every day wear. Your curry sounded a good buy..

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Just made poached eggs and toast for breakfast, I’m up before Denise which never normally happens. It’s 30Ā°c now at this time but will get higher. It’s the night time that bad, way to hot for sleeping. Jean we go in a pub called the Galway but they are English and Spanish the two who run it. It’s weird the bars in the mall are all gay bars but everyone sit facing the same way watching what is like the red carpet as people walk up and downšŸ˜.Next door to the pub is another pub which caters mainly for Nordic countries but that’s not doing very well at the moment.Our rep said she will soon be back in England as they change over to Nordic people and she can’t speak the language.

    Going for a Chinese again, Denise like the duck. I said I’ll cook her one when I get home. Not a clue how to do it so should be interesting. Got to make her a smoothie as well, never done one of them either. I have a very good juicer that does ice cubes and even grinds coffee. Still roasting here but heavy rain is predicted.Think it’s after I’ve gone home though.

    Horrible last night, it was like sleeping in a sauna.I had to keep getting up to wash my face. It was in the hight 20s all night. And is 28 already now.I will have at least 10 hours sleep once I get home to make up for the loss of sleep this weekšŸ˜. Last day today, nothing planned,my son’s sending me photos of Chloe,I really miss her.

    I’m taking to myself herešŸ¤£. Back in the hotel, we come home later today, will be nice to be cool. Going home in my shorts and polo shirt didn’t bring a coat.Hope my tyer is still ok. A warning light came up when we got to the airport parking so may have to pump it up before we leave the airport.šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž. See you all when I get back to Blighty.

    Morning Allā€¦
    Organised a play date with Penny then Natalie texted.. I shall see her Thursdayā€¦I feel guilty..
    So cold again this morning a bit of frost about..

    Grandson got down to the last 10 at the interview from 40 some went after 15 mins, he lasted 4 hours doing role play etc.. he can reapply after 3 months, he is disappointed but he got further than we thought, he got all his file together in 5 days!

    My weight seems to be going up!! Had more bread than usual of late, I think it makes a difference.

    Safe journey home ā€¦it will be a shock to the system itā€™s cold.. travelling in shorts planes are always cold.. big brave boy!!

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, got to be at the pickup point at 9-30 to get the coach. Flight is 1-15 I think so will be home for tea all being well.My mate came home from Lanzarote yesterday and his flight was delayed 2.5 hours. Very rare they take off on time these days. looking forward to some cool air. It’s been near enough 100Ā°F all week here, to hot for my liking.

    Hi FB Brits hope you are having a good day Xxxx

    Its bitterly cold today.. frost on the car this morning for the first time this year.

    An early walk as it was my monthly meet up with my oldest friend. ( not in yrs as she reminds me lolol)

    Met at our usual … Buckingham Garden Centre . A good distraction as missing my Andrew on his Birthday today.

    we are lucky to have two good places near by . This one does the lovely food the other does the cosy Tepee and more casual food.

    Like Sym I seem to be eating more at the moment .. probably the colder weather will have to be mindful. Mustn’t go down that track again. lol
    Not much done today .. Just some Toast this evening I think.

    Dave.. Be careful with the change of Temp its bitterly cold at the moment.. although I think warming up again. Your faithful 4 legged friend will be soo excited to see you.

    Sym… Your Grandson did so well bless him .. everything is so serious with young relationships.its heart breaking xx

    It seems to be all or nothing with meeting with friend s.. I try to keep to just one or two at the most days for meeting up ..

    Enjoy your day everyone.. Just braving it out in the garden to throw for Pip Getting bitter now though .. what we do for these fur babies lolol.

    Be as kind to self as you are to everyone else.ā€¦ xxxx

    So very cold a bit of frost about here too.. my friend Penny cancelled this morning so I did catch up with Natalieā€¦ Penny does this a lot, I donā€™t mind if urgent but not too many times as she does.

    Play date again with Oreo and his grandma tomorrow .
    Hoping to play boules tooā€¦

    A good fast dayā€¦. 500 ishā€¦

    I must cut back on the bread and biscuits.. as you say pull it up before weight creeps back onā€¦
    Could do to do some batch cooking now itā€™s colder.. freezer is on the low side for a change..

    Hope the girl was fussy to see youā€¦ get the heating on for Denise..

    Jean x

    Jean, Chloe was whizzing around the living room at 100mphšŸ˜ so good to see her, she’s been on my knee twice since I got home, she’s always nice and warm. Better than an hot water bottle. It is cold so maybe a jumper on. Denise just said she needs her woolly PJ’s on tonight.

    Good morning everyone, the sun is out but dosent feel the same as it did last weekā„ļø. Chloe’s settled down again and stopped all her zoomies. She’s so fast when she wants to be but when I take her out I have to drag her sometimes. She must have been trained to walk to hell which I don’t like because it’s like I don’t have a dog on my lead, she never pulls. She will be excited later when I drop Denise off at the park. She likes the park providing there are no dogs about.

    Evening everyone have enjoyed a lovely time away and had gained half a pound when I weighed myself on Saturday morning. We were very lucky with the weather and spent the Tuesday sitting on the beach reading our books and enjoyed a bottle of wine. It did get a bit cooler towards the end of the week.
    What a cold start to the day yesterday. We had a busy day yesterday and as I wasn’t hungry I didn’t have breakfast and wasn’t feeling hungry even after doing an Aldi shop and helping our youngest great grandson to eat his lunch when we dropped in on our daughter on the way home.
    Dave glad you’ve had a good time away despite the heat.
    Haven’t had chance to catch up on all of the posts from when I was away but hope everyone is keeping alright.
    Usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Hello, sorry I’ve not been posting for a bit, not done much fasting, we’ve been out a bit for meals & had a lovely weekend away for hubby’s birthday…back to it now, my clothes are getting tight! Been quite busy today & managed on 500cals, made spicy carrot & lentil soup, it’s so nice & filling- Dave’s favourite!

    Afternoon FBBs,
    Sunny and mild here today. Catching up with outside jobs while it is mild. Washing down fascia and guttering – dirty wet job but makes the outside look better.

    Welcome home Dave. I was warm just reading your holiday posts šŸŒž Hope you have come back refreshed. It’s so lovely to be welcomed home by our doggie friends, unconditional love šŸ¶

    My eating has been just okay this week but weigh in on Friday will be the true test. I have had to go back to eating breakfast to be able to have some pain medication first thing. The physiotherapist pulled me about on Monday to test my strength and I have had even more pain since. Apparently I need to strengthen my hips and legs. After years of aquafit I’m not sure he’s right. My neighbour who has ongoing back trouble and has physio too says the exercising is a load of rubbish šŸ˜²šŸ˜‚ She made me laugh. I’m carrying on with them though as exercise and weight loss is my goal.

    Good luck to the people who are fasting today. My turn tomorrow.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Damp and cold here .. we did manage a dry walk though
    I have got the makings of lasagne filling in the croc pot .. but did it a bit late so it wont be ready till 6pm.. so think i will just have a portion with spaghetti .. spag bol. then assemble the rest for Lasagne tomorrow and freeze.

    The dark cold days have seemed to arrived very quickly after the mild weather.. and Xmas seems everywhere lol.

    Dave .. Back home much to Chloe’s delight I would imagine.

    Bronwyn …Hope you feel better soon.

    Nana .. Glad you had a lovely time away .. What was for lunch today .

    H H … Lovely to see you back.. I had been worried you were ok.. I have missed your posts.
    Its nice at times to have a break from fasting. I honestly don’t know how you fast with all the lovely food you make for your family .Xx

    Sym… Did you play Boules… Yes it is annoying when people let you down at the last minute..sometimes cant be helped. I have a friend that is a bit like that. it depends on her moods on the day . lol .

    Enjoy your evening everyone Be as kind to self as you are to everyone else.Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    Lovely morning walk, pm very chilly and the wind picking up.

    I got quite a few jobs done today a batch of Yorkshire puds made for the freezer. Charlieā€™s food frozen too and his pan of veggies cooked.

    Out shopping picked some chocolate bits for my Christmas shelf in the bedroom ā€¦

    A bit of a normal eating day fasting tomorrow..

    Glad you had a good break and even sitting on the beachā€¦

    A nice birthday break for your hubby, glad you both enjoyed it..

    Some jobs just need doingā€¦ my windows could do with a clean šŸ˜¬
    They always say exercise but itā€™s not them having to do itā€¦!!
    Hope you soon feel better itā€™s a slow process..

    I did play boules but I lost, I played with two best players of our club but stayed close with them tight games. Played well considering I havenā€™t played for 6 weeks.
    Play date again tomorrow he is more busy than me!!
    A lot of cooking for you tooā€¦ batch cooking for the freezer.

    Did Chloe walk at the park?.. Charlie loves the park.
    Hope Denise likes her heated throwā€¦.

    Jean x

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