Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Enjoy your holiday Nana 53 years, well done. We have done 48 years so far. Going on a cruise for our 50th all being well. Hemmy you will enjoy it when you get away, it will be a nice change and when it’s all over the best part will be coming home to Mr Pip,I always loved that part coming home to my dog.Heidi used to ignore me for an hour then go mad. My collie used to go beserk when he seen me.

    A better day weather wise,dry at least but it is getting cooler.steak pie and mash for tea, homemade pie. Chloe will want some.

    Evening All…
    A busy day a lovely walk with Maxi he waits outside my bedroom door every morning …
    Lots going on birthday party for Charlotte, the boys disappeared, one at the gym another out with friends.. gone are the days when we were all together..

    We went to Lake Conroe just Katie and I, we had early dinner everyone else busy.

    Coles birthday tomorrow just sorted the room with balloons and presents.

    Enjoy your time away… the month has nearly gone passing so quickly… last two full days for me ..I leave the house for my flight on Tuesday at 3pm..

    Any thoughts on where on a cruise?? It will be your first?
    Canaries and Madeira for me in February it’s 7 years since my last one..

    Night from me
    Jean x

    It will be our third cruise.Possibly Monaco, Barcelona, never been there. The northern lights would be another, see where Denise wants to go to. Just got wet taking Chloe out, winter is coming.Got my flu jab booked for October don’t know if we will get another COVID one.

    Good morning everyone how are you all doing? A bowling 1/4 final today so wish me luck. It’s a team one so 7 others playing.The police helicopter is hovering above me at the moment, not seen it for a while. Nice and sunny here today.

    Afternoon All..
    It has been a cloudy hot day rain and thunder forecast am… we are now 4.30 pm and it’s arriving, sitting outside under the pagoda getting very dark and noisy…

    We had a nice meal at a French restaurant at lunch time, although the soufflé’s were nice.. wasn’t overall impressed.. we had a cheese and ham then chocolate to finish, the best bit was the bread hot out the oven …I won’t be making any soufflé’s, when watching TV shows they look so tempting.

    Half packed.. and most things clean. We are going to school to have lunch with Charlotte tomorrow before I head off to the airport.

    There’s loads of different cruises, I am hoping to do another.. Malta and Greek islands look good for me at the moment but could be another year yet…
    Well done on getting to the finals you have done really well.

    Getting wild and noisy here now…😬

    Jean x

    We usually do a cruise and stay, normally from Majorca.But wouldn’t mind a week in Cyprus after a week’s cruise. Will see what I can find. We are copying Manchester city and going for the treble at bowls, we won the league and are in the final of one cup and the semi final of the other.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a changeable weather day .. poured this morning but we managed a dry walk.

    Well after all my worries about Pip traveling and settling in Beer .. Somerset.. he was brilliant .. loved it wagging tail .not a murmurat night .. took his basket and toys. lol

    It took us longer Fri about 4 hr journey .. down to 3 on Sunday coming back.

    Lovely cottage near the sea. Weather really lovely Saturday .. on the beach..Pip loved it.

    Its very dog friendly all the restaurants /Pubs ok with them. .. soo enjoyed it all. Wish we had done it before.

    Kristy said .. lets do it again Nov.. lolol I said i think the spring..would be the time for me April.

    Weight good no gains .. we had lunch time main meals. .. so just wanted cheese fruit in the evenings.

    Kristy has lost 2 stone so quickly cut out all sugar based food . I have to say she looks so good .. 10yrs younger.

    Sym… Safe journey home. Xx

    Dave.. I love Cyprus .. one of my favourite places.

    Hope everyone is having a good day .. just going into the garden to play with Pip

    ” The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.” Xxxx

    Yes I love Cyprus been at least 8 times, and love the Canaries too.Both about 4.5 hours flight.I just love going on holidays😁.Jean you sound like you have had a good time.I used to worry about getting sea sick but on one cruise we had a force 7 gale and I was fine.

    Hemmy- so pleased you had a good break & that Mr Pips enjoyed it too! Kristy has done well cutting out sugar, it does help…
    Jean- safe journey home, sounds like your holiday was quite hectic in the end! Charlie will be pleased to see you! I make a cheese soufflé, quite easy & very tasty…
    Dave- my poor Aunt would love to see the northern lights, she’s been quite a few times but never seen them. Mum& Dad went too & never got to see them either! I’d like a cruise but not one of those huge ships, too many people!
    Bronwyn – hope you’re okay?
    I’ve come down with a cold, feeling okay though so have still been walking Xena & Enoch, did gardening & shopping yesterday & a big pile of ironing today. We’ve been running son about, his car is a never ending saga and the garage missed something else which now has to be done 😠
    Fasted yesterday, feeding my cold today 😂

    Afternoon All..
    We called with lunch for Charlotte at school chatted while she ate it, then went to finish the holiday with lunch and wine at the golf course. Fasting starts Monday it will be well needed !!!!

    I have had a good two weeks lots of catch-up and family time, she spoils me a lot.

    Maxi saw the case and was sulking…

    At airport now, we should be on time.. 3 hour wait and then a 9 hour flight the worse bit.

    Looking forward to seeing my boy, he will smell Maxi on me.

    Hemmy ..
    Glad the holiday break was a success and there’s thoughts of another one.
    Yes no wine and sugar for me from Monday… I have been a bit carefree of late 😬, I got in the holiday mood far too early.

    Lots of cruises to choose from…I like Cyprus too I have only been once…

    Soufflé’s remind me of a light quiche filling, felt it needed green side salad or something, it was a French restaurant they obviously serve it plain…
    Hope you are feeling a bit better, although night times the worse. Shame about sons car taking time to sort it out…
    Can get hectic in the house usually to do with homework, Zacks the culprit this time, grounded and phone taken off him, he plays Katie especially when daddy’s away..

    Jean x

    I’m still having trouble with my credit card.Lloyds have charged me interest on my outstanding bill of £609 for a phone I have not even received. I’m not going to pay for something I’ve never had. I got in touch with them last night and left a message on my banking app.So will see what happens next.

    Dave… Re the Bank

    Don’t bother with the bank. Get in touch with The bank ombudsman uk

    The banks don’t want to go down this road and soon sort things out. Hope it gets sorted asap.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    It is 19deg here but feels cooler with a bit of wind and no sunshine. So far no sign of the Storm forecast.

    We have rebooked Dorset for 25th March so something to look forward too and know that Pip loved it too. lol

    Just having an easy week continuing in holiday mode…

    This evening cooking 2 salmon steaks one hot today then the other cold tomorrow. I am finding thats the best way to go now. .. I have some long stemmed broccoli my favourite veg .. and I have never had them before but some small potatoes in a micro bag with garlic butter .. From Tesco veg counter.
    Icecream and blackberries.

    So just had a few Ryvita and a cup a soup for lunch. With winter coming it will be harder to not over eat .

    HH … how are you feeling today with your cold. .. I know I have over the yrs gone on about Berocca but I honestly cant remember the last time (years ago) I had a cold or flu. Honey is good too .

    Sym.. Hope you are safely home .. Charlie will be ecstatic I bet. Back to his routine .

    Have a good day everyone in our little corner .. Keep a goal in your mind every day.When the mind is focused, it performs its best. Xxxx

    Jean- glad you’re safely home, hope you’re okay being back, this time of year too xx
    Dave- hope you get your credit card sorted, very frustrating!
    Hemmy- that’s great, booking the cottage again…cold isn’t too bad, haven’t needed lemon & honey yet…
    Had a walk with my friend & her dog again. Had a big kitchen clean, we’re inundated with fruit flies, have made an apple cider vinegar trap as well, hopefully that’ll do the trick! No FD today, we had a takeaway tonight again, hubby’s on a roll! Am debating putting the money in jar every time I fancy a snack instead, giving that to charity, will make me think before eating, it worked today anyway!

    Good morning everyone.Hemmy I’ll see what happens with the bank. If I do not get any joy I will do what you said, thanks for the advice. Bowling going well at the moment.We won yesterday beating another team from the league above. Were in the cup final on Monday and the semi final and hopefully final on Wednesday.

    Hello FBB
    Thank you for asking about me. I have not had a good September since our short break away. I was turning into the group’s Moaning Minnie so decided not to post for a while. I started doing the exercises the physio sent me in the post for my sciatica. Did them for 10 days. The pain was increasing and I was miserable. Finally saw the physio in person on the 18th. I was so excited you would think I was going to a party! He gave me a full examination. Result is that I have not got sciatica. I have got GTPS (greater trochanter pain syndrome), used to be called hip bursitis I think. I have it on both sides so doubly painful. I go back in a month. He told me the exercises I had been doing wouldn’t have helped anyway. My common sense told me it was silly diagnosing me over the phone in the first place.

    I wish my misery ended there. We had a visit from our 1 year old GD Lily last Friday. She came down with a sickness bug over the weekend and I started with it on Sunday night. I have had the mother of all bugs and it is my first day downstairs today. It wasn’t a 24hr one and it is still lingering 😟. I have had very little to eat since. The scales show I have lost 7lbs. Normally I would be thrilled but I’m not really.

    Anyway … end of moan. I managed a wobbly walk with the dogs earlier, it was lovely to be outside and I am catching up with recorded things on tv. Exercises when I feel better and goodbye September and roll on October 🙂 Will post again in a couple of days.
    Kind regards
    Bronwyn x

    I hope your soon feeling better Bronwyn.I had a bad shoulder and had a cortisone injection in it. I then went to see a physio,he gave me exercises to do but before I had time to start them I fell chasing Chloe and fractured my arm. It now feels much better so I never went back to see him. Just bad knees now. I think I will have these until I die do will just get used to them. Can’t see me getting on the list for knee replacements.Denise is still waiting for her new knee.

    Good morning everyone a bright sunny day today. Hemmy I don’t seem to be getting very far with Lloyds Bank. I’ll have one last go then I’ll take your advice and get in touch with the bank ombudsman.Its ridiculous that I should pay over £600 for nothing. They did refund me the interest charges because I didn’t pay anything on my credit card but said I must pay the minimum amount or it will be charged in interest.

    Dave… Have you been in touch with the phone company that have taken the money as they should have had proof to show you allegedly received the phone. .. either a signed receipt from you or a doorstep picture if through Amazon etc.

    Yes I’ve been in touch with Samsung and my bank. I have 2 text messages from DPD the first saying my phone as been delivered with a picture and the second saying when it was coming. It was delivered but I refused it as that’s what Samsung told to do. The one I’m being charged for as never been sent out. I told all this to bank using the live chat on my banking app. I have spoke to 5 different agents on the app so today I rang the dispute team. I told them that I traded in my old phone so why was I charged only £609 when I had already got my phone for that price, they wouldn’t give me £400 trade in on 3 phones and DPD must have records of how many phones they deliver. You get a pin code just to accept the phone. Without the pin you cannot get the phone.

    If no good comes of it I’ll do what you said and contact the ombudsman.

    Good morning F B Brits .. Hope you are well. Xxxx

    It was a beautiful day yesterday and looks to be the same today.

    How is everyone doing this week .. any loses or gains. Xx

    After the days away and staying good weight wise I am this morning 2 lbs up on my best weight. Which often happens .. Like Xmas never gained hardley any then the week after gained.

    I have been lazy this week carrying on the holiday .. yesterday bought a crusty loaf from the local and binged on it not doing proper meals.

    Today croc pot will be out and chicken breasts .. and any veg I can find will go in will be the weekend meals.

    Funny as we never learn however many years we have been on here lolol silly thing is also those ole carbs make you feel really sluggish so why put ourselves through it lolol
    At least I have stuck to my cider no wine. lol

    Anyway .. a new week ahead … onwards and downwards.

    Have a good day whatever you are doing… Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” Xxxx

    I’m just waiting to start a weight loss program I was referred to by my GP. It’s 12 months so hopefully I’ll lose weight. I’ll keep you all posted. I have to wait 15 days for MasterCard to look at things. My bank said they will put the money back in my bank and if after 45or 50 days it’s still there then all is good, if not I will be contacting the Bank ombudsman.

    Evening All…
    Getting more back to normal.. Jacqui came up to see me today which was nice, I did a bit of lunch.

    Charlie has had a shower he looked very mucky he was before holiday but definitely he was ready for one.. lovely white and smelling delicious.. it’s about 16 months since his last one, they are not supposed to be showered..

    Last bag of treats being eaten ready for Monday nothing naughty to eat then!!!

    Sorry lots to catch up on but read all posts… I didn’t realise I haven’t posted… get back to normal now…

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.Rain here so winter is on its way. I don’t mind winter unless I have to walk in the snow, fortunately we don’t get much snow in Manchester, some winters we don’t get any.1962/3 I forget which one and 1978 were bad,my daughter was born in 78 and there were no transport running because of snow so I had to walk to the hospital to visit Denise and new baby.It is around 2 or 3 miles each way.Wouldnt like to do it now. Knees would give way.

    Afternoon All…
    Just a quiet day I feel tired
    A village walk the river had gone over again very high tide, first wellies out for the season but needed them.
    It seems chilly today first day I have felt it but was humid out.

    We don’t seem to get snow, just the odd years. Sometimes just for a couple of weeks. I can’t remember the bad years.

    Jean x

    Afternoon All…
    Just a quiet day I feel tired
    A village walk the river had gone over again very high tide, first wellies out for the season but needed them.
    It seems chilly today first day I have felt it but was humid out.

    We don’t seem to get snow, just the odd years. Sometimes just for a couple of weeks. I can’t remember the bad years.

    Fasting tomorrow… I must say I went up a hole on my belt but gone back to normal… haven’t been near the scales.. all sweet stuff from flying has now been eaten.. weight off now for next holiday..😂

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope you are enjoying your day Xxxx

    Sym… Lovely to have you back.. Charlie boy must have been ecstatic to see you and you him. It will take awhile i expect adjusting back into routine after a busy house hold. xx

    Dave… We have all been lucky these past few years without hardly any snow hopefully it continues .. I hope the bank will sort that money so you wont have to be bothered with it any more .

    It is chilly today inside but seems warmer over the fields. A long walk with MaryAnn and little Wesley.. We are going to lunch this week in a tepee at Preston Bisset Garden centre a village near by .. something different lol

    I never got round to making the chicken croc pot yesterday will do it tomorrow now.. So it looks like my favourite egg bacon a few chips and baked beans for later.

    Just come back from Tesco as needed a good shop.. I think Sunday is a perfect day for me to do food shopping something different from years of cooking Sunday lunches.

    Right back to it and get everything unpacked and put away.. then into the garden for a play with my lovely boy.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within ourselves , in our way of thinking.” Xxxx

    Afternoon Hemmy..
    I am glad you have said cold inside very humid out.. thought it was me being tired.

    Lovely to be away, nice getting back into a routine.. a quiet day had a snooze which isn’t like me…
    I cooked a small ham joint so ham salad for tonight. I bought some peaches one will be going on my salad, I really will enjoy that.

    Nice to go to a different garden centre hope it’s nice. I need to go and top up at Tesco, a few things missing in my cupboard.

    Have a lovely evening
    Jean x

    Evening all
    A very wet and humid day here. No chance of tidying the garden as planned but sunny weather on the way we are told. Spent the day catching up ordering dog food online and finding the cheapest Frontline plus for the dogs, also carbomer gel for Poppy’s eyes. How the prices have risen, it was a shock after buying the same things for 12 years. I buy in bulk twice a year.

    Finally recovered from the sickness bug. I am trying to capitalise on the 7lbs loss with very careful calorie watching. Some weight will have gone back on but hopefully not all. Weigh in tomorrow.

    I have been listening to Michael Mosley on BBC Sounds. Short episodes on health matters called ‘Just One Thing’. One on the benefits of swimming or exercising in water another on the benefits of eating tomatoes. Lots more to listen to. I’m glad I discovered them.

    No aquafit this week. I am giving my hips a rest from jumping about. Doing my exercises but I know losing weight will help me more.
    Regards Bronwyn

    I’m waiting to get started on my weight loss plan, will see what they come up with. Bowling cup final tomorrow at 1pm before that two of the teams I play for face each other in a cup final. So I will watch that then play later. If I can make time I would like to go swimming again.

    Morning All..
    Up to time this morning out for a play date.. Oreo was howling when he saw us, he has been waiting at the gate for us to come while away crying.. they do love each other..

    Sorting through the freezers hoping to defrost one later, then get some winter meals frozen… need a bit of shopping too..

    I am fasting today, weigh in Friday, I have been nowhere near the scales!!

    Winter is definitely coming in a bit chilly, need long sleeved tops out…

    Glad you are feeling better it would be nice to hang onto the 7 lbs lost…MM is good nice you are working though his podcasts.
    Dr Jason Fung has short 30 mins U tube videos they are a really good watch..
    Dr Robert Lustig..the bitter truth on sugar… a very good book to buy..also on u tube
    Both on MM wave length … makes you think..

    Time I went over them again it puts you back on track!!!

    Everything has gone up notice more in bulk buying…still Charlie’s food gone down a £5 this times buy.

    Enjoy you bowls final…

    Jean x

    Evening …
    A good fast day.. kept busy got my freezer defrosted.. thrown out a few bits, taking stock on what needs eating…out to shops got veggies for Charlie and made a pan full for tomorrow…

    Chicken out of the freezer to make a casserole type thing tomorrow it will last me a few days, see how it goes….following Hemmy’s crock pot idea…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone. Have had a really good holiday and was lucky with the weather being nice and warm for this time of year.
    OH and I had our covid boosters this morning at a vaccination centre in Cambridge and treated ourselves to lunch at a nearby Bella Italia for being brave – any excuse 😀
    We’re off again for another seaside break next Monday to Friday the same place as we went in May earlier this year.
    Lunch out tomorrow at a nice pub on the outskirts of Cambridge with my sister and brother in law for a pre birthday get together as her birthday is the 7th October and brother in laws is the 8th October.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Good morning one and all. The bowling was good yesterday.Our B team played the B team of the other club I play for so mixed emotions.Our B team won,I got there early to watch it as I know all the players. We then played our cup final a couple of hours later on the same green. We drew the game 125 all.But we had to give them 18 points start so they won the cup. We play in another league tomorrow, it’s another cup game.We play the semi final against a very good team, this time they have to give us a start and it will be very difficult.If we win we then play the cup final later in the day.

    Morning All..
    A lovely walk again with Oreo.
    Then took Charlie to vets as he had a tick I couldn’t get out. She said she thought it had fallen out or a graze.. I have to keep an eye on it for infection.. strange it was free!! I saw the nurse….

    Making my chicken thing what Hemmy makes shortly…

    My grandson is having a nervous breakdown after his girlfriend of 2 1/2 years broke off from him… he is suicidal and in a very bad way he took off yesterday on a one way ticket to Malaga Spain, my daughter and hubby are on the way to the airport to try and find him and bring him home.. they only have a photograph where he is.. they know the area but hoping he doesn’t take flight again…so sad and a worry.

    Jab tomorrow for me.. hope you are ok today I have had bad reports saying it makes you feel very ill.
    Enjoy your lunch today…

    The bowls sound complicated in the final.. hope they win the next final..

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    A lovely walk again with Oreo.
    Then took Charlie to vets as he had a tick I couldn’t get out. She said she thought it had fallen out or a graze.. I have to keep an eye on it for infection.. strange it was free!! I saw the nurse….

    Making my chicken thing what Hemmy makes shortly…

    My grandson is having a nervous breakdown after his girlfriend of 2 1/2 years broke off from him… he is suicidal and in a very bad way he took off yesterday on a one way ticket to Malaga Spain, my daughter and her hubby, are so upset they are on the way to the airport to try and find him and bring him home.. they only have a photograph roughly where he is.. they know the area but hoping he doesn’t take flight again…so sad and a worry.

    Jab tomorrow for me.. hope you are ok today I have had bad reports saying it makes you feel very ill.
    Enjoy your lunch today…

    The bowls sound complicated in the final.. hope they win the next final..

    Jean x

    Your posts are so good you put them on twice🤣🤣. Took Chloe out again, got soaked again☔☔☔. Waiting for parcel to arrive.My son’s on guard when I go out.

    Hi FB Brits how are things with you today. Xxxx

    Its a better day here today.. lots of sunshine plus windy.. Perfect for drying the washing.

    A good walk .. Came back and had lunch.. scrambled eggs on toast very enjoyable as I haven’t had it for a while.

    Its the second day of the chicken and veg croc pot this evening. Some over which will go in a soup.

    I am 3lbs up on best weight funny as it always appears days after a spurge being the days away.. Same happens after Xmas.

    Will just be mindful now of what I am eating. I did have wine while away and bigger meals out I guess.

    Nana .. always off somewhere good for you.. enjoying life and making memories.

    Dave.. Lots going on with the bowling for you .. hopefully the weather stays good.

    Sym… What a worry for your daughter re your grandson.. Bless him.. love life is soo intense when young. Hopefully all will be ok.

    This morning I thought Pip had hurt his front leg as when I let him out first thing he was limping .. then after a while inside he was normal again it must of been how he had slept. Thank goodness.

    Hope everyone else is well.. X

    Enjoy your day … When you feel tired, take a pause and when you start, consider it a fresh start. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone
    Pouring with rain first thing but beautiful now. So changeable this time of year.

    Very mindful of my eating at the moment. I regained 3 lbs from the 7lbs lost after my sickness bug which I expected but still 4 down. I have to lose weight to help with my hip problems so I am in a determined mood at the moment. Next weigh in is Friday.

    Lytham tomorrow for the day. Booked lunch and coffee and plant sale at Lytham Hall when we arrive. Never tire of the same routine. We planned to retire there but never imagined all sons and families would settle around here 🙂

    Thank you Jean for the podcast suggestions. Going to try them.

    Our covid jabs on Thursday, hope we don’t get a reaction. We still wear our masks when out shopping because there are too many people coughing. A lady in the supermarket queue didn’t even bother covering her mouth yesterday. Everyone doing eye rolls but nothing said – all too polite 🙂
    Regards Bronwyn

    Evening everyone, a very enjoyable lunch today and my sisters son and daughter joined us so it was lovely to see them also. Still full up so not having anything else to eat.
    Pleased to say neither of us have had a reaction to the covid booster not even an achy arm. We’re having our flu jabs at our Drs on Thursday and I’m also having an ecg as I’ve been told I have hypertension so another tablet yo take now 🤗
    Won’t be able to visit Auntie because of Drs appointments but we keep in touch on messenger and Facebook she really is good for 90yrs old to manage that but she won’t use facetime.
    Jean such a worry with your grandson hope he will sit and talk things through with his parents and come home.
    Usual lunch tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.

    Afternoon All…
    Good walk different riverbank joined up with a Natalie’s mum and Oreo, she’s a tiny lady Oreo is strong she likes me with her..both off lead and running.

    Two jabs and back, I did chuckle two housing estates gone up like fairies in the night, near surgery.

    Lazy day finish my book, already hoovered through that will do!

    Hope mr. pip is still ok today it’s a worry , went off to vets with a tick I couldn’t get out, she though a graze or it had fell out, we do love them….
    Weigh in for me Friday.. I will be up.. I was having a dry month but opened wine yesterday, felt a need with all that’s happening..,

    Enjoy your lunch today, I am like you enjoy routine..

    Auntie is very good using her tablet., hoping I have no reaction on jabs…

    Hope your parcel arrived..

    Jean x

    Got slammed at bowls today, they put me on first and there was a good size crowd watching.I lost 21-5.In looked up the bloke I played and he is the best player in the entire league top of the averages so I don’t feel too bad about it two of our team lost by more so it will be difficult next season when we play them every week.

    Got a message on the NHS app to book my flu and COVID jabs, I’ve already booked my flu jab at my doctor’s so will see when I can book the COVID jab. I’ll ask to have them both in the same arm, my left arm. Holiday soon so maybe have it done when I come back.

    Hi FB Brits .. hope everyone is well in our little corner of the forum. Xxxx

    Its a chilly sun on and off day here .. awaiting this mini heat wave we are promised this weekend. lol

    Yesterday was a muddled day here .. I never realised it was Wed I had a dental check .. had thought it was today ..

    SO a rushed the walk then off for the appointment. Traffic diversion to Bicester but ok and on time arriving. .. all good for another 6 months.

    Croc pot stew all finished .. this evening small pizza with salad. I have lost a pound of the 3 had put on.

    Just collected two key rings from my artist/ writer friend.. They are beautiful a dog all soft made in felt .. beady little eyes and floppy ears. She has put them in little gauze bags perfect little presents. Plus it helps her.

    Dave… Yes best to have your holiday before the jabs.. in case of a reaction.

    Bronwyn… Did you have a lovely day yesterday at Lytham.

    H H .. hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Nana ..You aunt sounds brilliant… up with all the latest technology . I hope you are having a good day.

    Sym… Any sign or sightings of your grandson. Xx
    Pip is fine I think like me he sometimes gets stiff when laying. I was surprised yesterday how much Xmas goods about .. this year seems to be flying by now.

    Tomoz looking forward to lunch with MaryAnn .. in the tepee lolol will be interesting. lol

    Take care everyone. Hi FB Brits .. hope everyone is well in our little corner of the forum. Xxxx

    Its a chilly sun on and off day here .. awaiting this mini heat wave we are promised this weekend. lol

    Yesterday was muddled day here .. I never realised it was Wed I had a dental check .. had thought it was today ..

    SO a rushed walk then of for the appointment. Traffic diversion to Bicester but ok and on time arriving. .. all good for another 6 months.

    Croc pot stew all finished .. this evening small pizza with salad. I have lost a pound of the I have put on.

    Just collected two key rings from my artist/ writer friend.. They are beautiful a dog all soft made in felt .. beady little eyes and floppy ears. She has put them in little gauze bags perfect little presents. Plus it helps her.

    Dave… Yes bet to have your holiday before the jabs.. in case of a reaction.

    Bronwyn… Did you have e a lovely day yesterday at Lytham.

    H H .. hope all is well with you and yours. Xx

    Nana ..You aunt sounds brilliant… up with all the latest technology . I hope you are having a good day.

    Sym… Any sign or sightings of your grandson. Xx
    Pip is fine I think like me he sometimes gets stiff when laying. I was surprised yesterday how much Xmas goods about .. this year seems to be flying by now.

    Tomoz looking forward to lunch with MaryAnn .. in the tepee lolol will be interesting. lol

    Don’t forget to take care of the person who looks back in the mirror at you Xxxx

    Yes I’ll wait until after my holidays for jabs flu jab already booked for the end of October. So I will look around and see if I can get both jabs done together. Will start fasting when I get home from holiday. Can’t stop munching chocolate at the moment, not heard anything from the bank so will give them a call tomorrow.

    Evening everyone,have had a busy day today.
    Due to being diagnosed with hypertension I had to have an ecg at our Drs today and also had my flu vaccination and so far no reactions 🤞
    Then we had someone come around to look at quoting for replacement velux windows.
    A late lunch and then I made a large pan of red tomato chutney and prepped a load of green tomatoes ready to make chutney tomorrow after we get back from visiting our daughter and son in law. Must make sure OH reduces the amount of tomato plants he grows next year.
    Yesterday’s lunch was as always good fun with our friends and we actually cycled to catch the bus for the first time in ages.
    Hemmy enjoy lunch tomorrow with your friend.
    Dave not long to your holiday now.
    Bronwyn hope you don’t have a reaction to the covid booster today – we’ve both been fine with ours this times no aching arm.
    Jean hope the situation with your grandson is easing.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    Finished at 550 ish cals.. weigh in tomorrow hope it’s not too high….

    After my two jabs feeling very tired have not done much at all..I got my tough planted and taken to cemetery.

    My daughter has found James and treading very carefully, leaving him to decide if he wants to eat or walk with them. She states where they are going most times he joins them although he says No earlier. They go home Saturday and he has a friend who is a girl joining him for three days.. they are hoping he may come home with her but not sure.
    Difficult situation…
    Enjoy your lunch tomorrow a tepee that’s different..

    It’s not long now for your holiday now, is it two weeks?

    Lovely to be on your bike again.. a good batch of chutney made, tasty.

    Good night
    Jean x

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