Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening!
    Steve- hope your FD went okay…
    Jean- see how it goes with trying 800cals for 2 days, otherwise try doing several of those in a week if you want to get rid of that last pound! Not long til you go away, hope that the weather improves! You did well keeping quiet with the shift workers for that long!
    Dave- hope your tummy gets better, wonder what set that off? Shame you get to play the best players…
    Hemmy- well done avoiding too many treats this weekend…muddy walks here again- Xena saw 2 dog walkers she loves & flopped over in the mud fir a tummy rub!
    Hope everyone else is okay ☺
    So walked Obi & Enoch as well as Xena- Enoch was a pickle & ran up to some dogs, one hated greyhounds so he wasn’t popular! I was just calling him back when he spotted Bella in the distance!
    Eye tests today- a trainee being tested did mine, so the examiner checked all the tests, my eye pressure is up so I have to get it checked in a year. Should have new reading glasses but I disagree with that so not bothering! Hubby has cataracts starting…a cooking afternoon & popped a dinner round to mum, she’s better today. FD here, 700cals, another one hopefully tomorrow.

    Won easy at speedway tonight. But it was very cold. You would have needed 2 hot water bottle s HH. Trying 1200 calories and 16-8 just to see how it goes, Nana is also doing it so we can do it together.

    Morning everyone hope everyone is keeping well. A lovely weekend and managed to keep my eating reasonable but did enjoy a couple of glasses of wine but did still come in on my calorie allowance. As Dave mentioned I’ve decided to try 18:6 with a calorie allowance of 1200 per day and started this on Saturday so will see what the scales say Friday morning, will have to fit in adjusting eating window when we go out for evening meals with friends and our Friday night takeaway. I’m finding not eating until 12pm okay at the moment as I never used to eat breakfast until I joined the first of many slimming groups that said I had to as it’s the most important meal of the day.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What beautiful day after all the rain of past days. We went out for our morning walk at 11am never got back till 2pm. lol

    I am sure the blossom is the best its been for years.. the hedgerows are magnificent

    Nana … I wasn’t eating breakfast and found it easier to control my weight plus honestly never missed it .. I always had a cup of all milk coffee that was enough for breakfast. Xmas I started eating some toast nuts and fruit with Kristy .. I have just got back to just the coffee.. I find it much easier to control my weight not actually eating till about 1pm.

    Kristy coming next Fri – Mon so I am looking forward to that.

    Have a good day every one … “Two Things Prevent Us From Happiness, Living In The Past And Observing Others” Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone, Tuesday is usually my bad day foodwise but done ok so far today. Lamb casserole for tea so should be ok with that. Won the speedway easily last night. It’s been a sunny day but still cold.

    Hello all!
    Dave & Nana- hope the IF works for you both!
    Hemmy- lovely to have a sunny walk! Very chilly here & some heavy downpours…nice you’ll be seeing Kristy again!
    Managed a 600cal FD here, was quite busy so apart from feeling ratty (I did stay restrained!) not too much time to be hungry. Walked Xena & Obi but it poured when I was going to walk Enoch. Ached too much to get cold & soaked, plus we had a big shop to do…
    I’ve got the 2nd day of the mental health course tomorrow & we’re going out for dinner so no FD for me!
    Hope everyone’s okay ☺

    Good morning, the sun is out at the moment, only 8°C so not very much like summer. It was a struggle yesterday doing the 18-6 as it turned out. But stuck to it although I did go to bed early, just gone midnight. My last meal was 5pm yesterday and going bowling just after 12 so won’t eat until at least 4-30pm.

    Back from bowling still not had any food, so almost 24 hours without food. Don’t know what I’m having or when to have it.

    Good job I’m here, keeping it going today.

    Very happy with the football tonight, I celebrated with toast 😋😁. Where are you all?

    Fat busters come on down. WHERE ARE YOU ALL. Bowling again and rain is predicted, so I better take wet weather gear. In on my own today. My mate is in Bournemouth on holiday so I will drive on my own. Not a clue where we play thank goodness for sat navs.

    Afternoon All…
    Play date with Oreo this morning, quite chilly out.

    I have had a quick visit from Louise all day yesterday and she stayed over night, she was off early this morning to visit her mum. A lovely long walk with her yesterday afternoon took her on my new over the fields walk it was lovely, so peaceful.
    A meal out last night which we both enjoyed.

    Feeling quite tired today a couple of iffy nights sleep. Too much talking!

    I have got my Texas flights booked a difficult site, I am a day short on my booking I don’t know if it was me or the next days flight full.. so 14 days instead of 15..

    What is it with labs always finding muddy pools, my friend has one here just the same.. they do like muck and water.
    Hope your course goes well more biscuits?

    Hoping the new window eating helps always good to have a change around.

    A three hour walk that’s good going.
    Enjoy your weekend holiday with Kirsty hope you do some nice things..

    Hoping the eating window helps nice a different thought. Hope your ears soon improve.

    A very lazy day …bought a frisby coming by Amazon for the boy, he likes parcels especially his!

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, just back from our usual Ely trip and visit to Auntie who is starting to walk about indoors unaided. Lots of children around as school teachers on strike today.
    Time restricted eating going well and as we didn’t go for our usual weds lunch yesterday due to OH going to an old workmates due and I was his taxi no alcohol for me but he had my share 😉 Will see what the scales say tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Nana- I missed there was a teachers strike, that explains the children about! Good your Auntie is doing so well ☺ Hope the scales are nice to you tomorrow!
    Dave- very busy yesterday so no time to post on here, were you lonely?! I hope you found the bowling green okay- I don’t trust satnavs so always write out directions as well 😂 Sounds like you’re doing really well with the IF…
    Jean- a lovely visit with Lou, that’s nice, even if at short notice! Shame about your Texas flights, the joy on internet booking…hope you’re not too tired today & can rest up a bit!
    Hemmy- have a lovely weekend with Kristy 😀
    Yesterday’s course was very good, alot to take in though so tiring- she said if we had a shorter lunch break we coukd leave earlier, but we still finished at the same time! Had a lovely meal out with hubby in the evening. FD today, keeping busy but still been a struggle…walked Xena & Obi but no Enoch again. Popped out for food for Xena & compost, have done a bit in the garden, washing, ironing & cleaning…different dinners to cook tonight as usual!
    Keep strong everyone 💪

    I’m aching now, had to play twice because we were one short. Just had a cuppa so will take Chloe out, she likes going out now only trouble is her tail is so long it knocks everything flying.

    The scales are good, I’ve lost 2lbs, so it’s working the new method, for the time being anyway. A dull day here, think I might get wet this afternoon bowling.

    Well done Dave, the new plan seems to be working for you.

    I have another FD, today, to do so fingers crossed for the morning weigh in.
    I’m trying to reduce my eating window too, so I have longer fasts. If I keep busy I can delay eating anything and if I’m at home I can close the kitchen after tea. It’s if I’m out in the evening – those are the days I need to really delay eating in the day.

    I’m hoping that the weather now is more stable so I can get back to sorting out things in the garden. Lawn bowls started and my first friendly match tomorrow, hopefully it will ge dry. Playing tonight so a good bit of practice on the wet heavy green!

    Picked up some work this week and have a bit next week too, although Neil has the week off so we are hoping to get out and about to do some things.

    F1 this weekend and the final matches of the women’s rugby.

    Hope everyone is OK. How as April been for weight loss for you?


    Afternoon everyone a quick check in. Scales showed a one and a half pounds loss this morning making a total loss for the month of two pounds. Well done Dave on your loss. I’ve decided to carry on with the time restricted eating for the time being.
    Today will be slightly different as we are having our usual Friday night takeaway (Chinese) this week so not such a long fasting window.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone and a nice weekend.
    Nana x

    Well done girls, I won at Bowls again, got another good player too. This green was much flatter so better suited to me.

    Well done Dave & Mary, hope the weigh in is good for you Kay! I lost a pound this week but have been up & down so not lower than I was just before Easter…
    Busy day, walked Xena extra early, & then Obi. Had a new family to ring for HomeStart, going to be quite an intense one I think, lots going on. Jobs done & then walked Xena with a friend & her dog, he’s a funny one too, my friend had loads of treats to keep him close, of course Xena loved that! We delivered the village magazines after that, so a bit weary now! Youngest son has passed his fire service course so can go out on call tomorrow after work, he did well!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Good afternoon one and all. A warm sunny day here, who says it always rains in Manchester.My new car air freshener looks like a space ship and when the sun is out it spins very fast. Bought chocolate again so will see if it was luck last week, if not I can have chocolate at the weekend and still lose weight. The best of both worlds.

    Ordered a new suit, and got smaller sizes than normal. So hopefully they will fit. A quiet day today nothing planned. Speedway tomorrow so not bowling. Got to decide what film to download on my tablet to watch in the plane, it’s over 4 hours flight.

    Busy day, walked Xena, Obi & Enoch, had a cuppa with neighbour, must be long days for her on her own & not able to get out…popped to get a grow bag, a beautiful day here so heaving & the garden centre! Saw Mum this afternoon, her dementia is getting worse although she’s still okay on her own still. Have done another FD today, been quite hard work though…
    Have a good weekend!

    Hello FBBs
    Late evening here, it’s nearly tomorrow. I am catching up with reading the forum posts.

    Arrived home Thursday from our short break away and have been catching up with jobs. Our meals away were mixed and not all good. We are not fussy when places allow our two dogs so it is nice to be home for some sensible meals. Not been on the scales yet but a FD on Tuesday so will weigh in on Wednesday. Invited to a May Day BBQ so more temptation there. We also had some lovely Dales ice creams while away too so not looking forward to getting weighed.

    The weather has been lovely here today. Not very sunny but warm and caught up with some gardening. Should have burned some calories with that.

    Best wishes for May Day.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Holiday soon so that’s a minimum weight gain of a stone. I don’t hold back on holiday all fasting goes out of the window. Looking forward to some nice sunshine, Lanzarote here I come, first holiday abroad since COVID.

    Afternoon All..
    A couple of days under the weather sore throat and sore ears and very tired.. seem to be much better but throat is still hurting but I am fine .
    A couple of loads of washing dried and ironing done.
    Still walking across the fields it’s about 5 miles in a morning, it can get very muddy but ok at the moment. It takes about 70 mins..small walk later.

    Well done all the losers I put on 2lbs but two meals out and I cooked a Yorkshire pud and roast at home so it’s to be expected.

    Have a good bank holiday everyone..

    Jean x

    Jean- that’s a long walk considering you’ve been poorly! Take it steady, hope you’re over it now xx
    Bronwyn- sounds like a nice holiday & hope the BBQ’s good today! I usually leave the scales for a bit after a holiday!
    Dave- you might regret getting the smaller size suit after your holiday! Nice to have some warm weather to look forward to 😎
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Fasting today- not sure if it’ll make up for yesterday, I was so hungry & ate well! Have kept busy- walked the three dogs, & did some planting up in the garden- growing potatoes, tomatoes, runner & dwarf beans, courgettes, peas, garlic & will do lettuce as well.
    The fire service have a live incidents map, so been checking on that, youngest has been on 2 more calls- a child stuck in a swing & then a big fire in west Suffolk…eldest has been off today as they don’t want to pay trainees double time!
    Keep strong anyone fasting!

    Good afternoon, been to the speedway we won against Leicester. Weather mixed had rain and the sun tried to come out but didn’t succeed. Egg and bacon for tea so should be ok for my 1200 calories.

    Evening All…
    Still not feeling too good most of the day although not too bad at the moment.. the bug seems to be coming and going.

    I have fasted today my next one Wednesday.

    I am going to see the King and I at the theatre with Jacqui a part of my birthday present, I am looking forward to it, Thursday evening.

    Jean x

    Good evening, still feels very nippy outside, just took Chloe out. Quiet day tomorrow then bowling the rest of the week, we’ve to speedway this afternoon.I don’t like the 12pm starts.

    Evening everyone,
    A late check in again. I seem to have a habit of catching up with the forum when I go to bed 🙂 It’s nice to read how others have spend their day.

    Jean, I hope you feel better soon, especially for your theatre trip on Thursday. You sound very motivated with your walking and keeping up with jobs around the house. I envy your get up and go. If I didn’t do aquafit I would be very sedentary.

    I need to lose more weight so will really try this month. March was good but April not so much.

    Have spent the day with my son and DIL and small grandsons. They live in a small village with a lovely community spirit. The main street was decorated with union flags and with a royal themed scarecrow hunt. We had a curry style chicken traybake for lunch made with coconut milk with ice cream to follow. I mistakenly thought it was a BBQ so was pleased. Sensible sized portions and it was delicious.

    FD tomorrow with weigh in on Wednesday. Have a good Tuesday everyone.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Good morning everyone, I changed the calendar and for this month it’s a black greyhound, Chloe keeps looking at it😁. I’ve got a stiff neck today think it’s too do with Denise’s pillow she as 3 and when she got up I moved over. I only have one pillow. Doing well not getting the holiday feeling yet, still sticking to 1200 calories per day and 16-8 or sometime 18-6 or less.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you.Xxxx

    Its been a lovely few days with Kristy .. very enjoyable..

    I am so pleased my weight has stayed stable just about a pound on.. this mornings weigh. I think my stomach has shrunk a bit as I cant eat so much now.

    Another bank holiday ahead.. so far this village isn’t doing anything special at all.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.. Hope you are feeling better Sym. Xx

    Take care all “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” -Xxxx

    Morning All…
    Play date with Oreo and his grandma this morning.

    Played boules feeling much more like myself, 4 of us played in pairs, we won two games so took the match… I played with a new lady she played well.

    Popped out shopping but wanting reading books from charity shop came back with 10.
    We are going to Bridlington next week and weather looks very rainy!… Monday to Friday.. I just want dry weather.

    Charlie keeps me moving we do a good morning walk then small one late afternoon. I don’t do anything like I did when my hubby was about I feel quite lazy and on top of things.
    I don’t really think you realise what you do when you have ill people it creeps up without you thinking.
    Your meal out sounded nice, you don’t always want a bbq.

    You sound like us, me one pillow, Steve always 3 or even 4..,
    Warm now here, you could now sit in a corner of the garden.

    Well done on keeping your weight stable. Hope you had a good time with Kirsty.
    We had lots of things planned for the village but looks as if no one is bothering…. Our church is decorated with bunting which looks nice

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone.
    Jean glad you’re feeling well enough to play boules. Well done on taking the match.
    Hemmy glad you had a lovely time with Kristy will she be coming for the Coronation weekend and also well done for keeping your weight stable.
    Dave hope the stiff neck has eased I’m also carrying on with the 1200 calorie time restricted eating.
    A few things going on in our village for the Coronation but we’re going to our daughter and son in laws on the day to have a celebration tea.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Jean- glad you’re feeling better, nice to be going to the theatre…10 books shoukd keep you quiet, hope the forecast improves for your break!
    Dave- hope your neck gets better soon, I can sympathise with that!
    Nana- well done keeping the calories & the eating window down, hope it keeps on working for you…
    Hemmy- well done keeping on track, hope it was a lovely weekend ☺
    Bronwyn- were your grandchildren off today again? The curry traybake sounds interesting- not warm enough for a bbq yet IMO…I do a ‘fried rice’ traybake which is lovely.
    No decorations up round here, we’re obvs not big royalists in our area! I’m not watching it, can’t stand Charles…
    Have done another FD, been busy & not as hungry as yesterday. Walked all 3 dogs- Enoch’s owner was in tears, she has been better so a shame, her MIL just passed away…took mum’s hearing aids back to get the filters changed, they were stuck so glad I did, she’s away with my aunt & uncle next week so don’t want any problems!

    Good morning everyone I’m off bowling soon, just arranged to pick up two of my mates, we take it in turn driving. The sun is out so nice bowling weather.I slipped a little yesterday think I am getting the holiday feeling but will get back on track today. For some reason Tuesday is always a bad food day.

    Afternoon All…
    A different walk to pass the cemetery and top up water for the flowers then across different fields… these crops are well up, it won’t be long before the harvest starts again.. the months pass so quickly.

    A bit of holiday shopping, a big black sun hat, black swim knickers I have the tops I bought about 5 years ago unworn. Throws for the two settees, a few other things..

    Still feeling unwell through the night it seems to go through the day, a bit annoying coughing today while shopping.

    I shall only take a couple of books away, just start collecting as I see them, for my shelf again… Chris used to pass hers on but she doesn’t read now. Some books for my June holiday. A few flags going up about the village.

    I am feeling the holiday feeling too.. enjoy your bowling.

    Nothing planned for me this weekend.. there is boules but I may watch the coronation on the tv…

    Jean x

    I was totally garbage at bowls today lost 21-17, I’ve decided I am going to try and never bowl short again. Was terrible today, way to short.A chance to put it right tomorrow but we play a very good team on the second green which nobody as ever played on. The ladies will be playing on the good green. Then Friday we play another good team so not looking promising for me this week.

    Evening everyone a very enjoyable lunch with our friends in St Ives today. St Ives has lots of bunting everywhere and knitted/crocheted things on lamp posts and post boxes. The pub we went to today is called The Oliver Cromwell and they had no bunting or decorations at all – maybe because of the historical links of St Ives to Oliver Cromwell 🤔
    Just myself going to Ely tomorrow as OH is going to the cinema with our son in law to see the latest Guardians on the Galaxy film.
    Finding the 1200 calories time restricted eating is getting easier now.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Morning everyone,
    Not a fast day for me today. My weigh in yesterday after Tuesday’s FD was 1lb loss. Not great but in the right direction.

    I have moved my FDs around because of being away and the bank holidays. I shall be happy to get back to Mondays and Thursdays. My aqua classes are being moved around too.

    I am by myself for a few days because of the cricket. I have made a list of jobs to keep me busy and away from the fridge. I shall be busy Saturday in front of the tv. I have bought some small bottles of fizz to keep me company (3) 🙂

    I am curious about the 1200 being mentioned. Is it a new diet regime? I understand the 16/8 but not the calories. Thankyou.

    Eating more protein has not really made much difference to my carb craving. I am swapping to brown rice and wholemeal pasta. I have tried it before but giving it another go. Also no potatoes without skins.

    Weather fine here today.
    Regards Bronwyn

    I’ve got the holiday feeling so thrown in the towel. Will still keep lowish in calories if I can. My new suit arrived yesterday and fitted me perfectly. So hope I don’t put to much weight on as I will only have a month to lose it before the wedding of my daughter.

    Morning All..
    Play date with Oreo on the river bank..

    I am still feeling very grotty, very bad over night and it’s still about now.. a few days it disappeared through the day but not today.. a hacking cough through my throat/ tonsil area, I have got throat tablets for the show this evening.

    I am cleaning through there’s dally glitter ( fur) all over, I need to cut my grass as it’s raining the next week. That will be it!

    I weighed in today.. stayed the same…. Early weigh due to the theatre tonight.

    A few people are messing about with their eating, we have been doing 5.2 for years, just mixing it about. Kay and I have been on it for 8 years solid…you slip a bit then crack on again. Enjoy your time on your own but not all work.
    Well done on the pound off.

    Suit sounds lovely, everything ready for your daughters wedding….. watch your holiday weight!!

    Enjoy your shopping day in Ely, will you see auntie?

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits.. hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Just come back from Tesco … all was quiet.

    Bronwyn … well done on your pound loss Xx Enjoy your days alone… and of course your fizz lol.

    Dave… be careful .. it will be lovely wearing your new suit .

    Nana.. I hope you enjoyed yourself in Ely today.

    HH… I have exactly the same thoughts on the Coronation

    Sym… Hope you are soon feeling better … Have a chat with a pharmacist in Boots .. I find them better than the Drs these days .. Xx

    Kay .. hope all is well with you… and you are not too busy .

    I am my lowest weight for years… and feeling better for it.. Again I have cut out all rubbish.. Just a big milk coffee for breakfast .. A sandwich and fruit for lunch .. fish meat or eggs .. salad or veg in the evening .. If I want something else later I just have a cup of hot chocolate or icecream .

    Probably put some weight on this weekend as Kristy and Phil coming tomorrow till Monday…

    Enjoy the weekend everyone.. Xxxx

    Well I’ve gained 2lbs so to be expected to much naughty stuff. Next weigh in on there 26th of may. That won’t be pretty either. I’ll have a month to lose what I gain on holiday.

    Morning everyone was rewarded with a one pound loss on the scales this morning so will continue with thr TRE 1200ish calories for a bit longer as I’m finding it easier than doing the traditional 5:2 method which I found easy the first time around but really struggled with it this time.
    Dave it’s not easy to stay on track when you know your holiday is so close.
    Jean thanks for asking about my Aunt yes I did go to see her yesterday and I was the only one as my OH went to see the new Guardians on the Galaxy film and my sister and brother in law had taken her father in law for his covid booster. Hope you start to feel better soon it’s been a while now.
    Hope everyone has a lovely long weekend whatever you’re doing
    Nana x

    Morning All..
    Rainy start.., a very late start this morning, a lie in..I felt really bad all day yesterday put a face on to enjoy the King and I, I felt awful.. sucking cough sweets and sipping water to keep my coughing under control. I have done a second covid test it’s still negative but I think it is….8 days now.

    A lazy day just Charlie’s veggies to cook.

    Enjoy Kirsty another visit close to the other. I have plenty of things in for coughs etc.. Steve had plenty in for his own use so working through them. It’s hanging about a bit.

    You are going to think before you eat… it’s difficult when holiday then wedding …. my holiday looks a rainy one so not really impressed!!

    Hoping Auntie was well she would be fussy to have you on your own .

    Jean x

    Afternoon all!

    Fasting again today….the last one of the week!

    Worked this morning; just done a Sainsburys online order for tomorrow evening and want to go and plant up some more seeds.
    Bowls at 6pm, just a club mixed roll up, but all good practice.

    We are ringing the bells for the coronation but that’s as far as I’ll be going in terms of celebrating! I’m not a fan of Charles and Camilla.
    We are hoping to get out on the body boards again tomorrow. We went on Wednesday afternoon. The sea is just getting warm enough with wetsuits and gloves!

    Jean, I hope you are finally feeling better. The cough does seem to linger around for people.

    Dave, nearly holiday time! Are you away for a week? It will be nice to have a bit of warmth. Our weather seems to have gone downhill again.

    Hemmy, well done with weight loss, although another Kristy visit ahead! I’m 10lbs down this year but a few more pounds to go.

    Nana, well done. The change around seems to working well for you.

    Bronwyn, a loss for you too, well done. It all counts. I’ve tried upping the protein too, but not really making a difference. Enjoy your Fizz tomorrow!

    Steve, how are you doing?


    Kay I’m away 10 days. And Jean I definitely won’t be thinking about what I eat, plus lots of beer to be drank. Not had a pint since February so overdue, I’ll be like a Tasmanian devil with food and drink. My son’s away for the night at Nottingham for ice hockey.

    Took Chloe out and you would think we walked for miles, she’s fast asleep. Greyhounds must be the laziest dogs of all. I thought I could sleep but she puts me to shame.A dull day here today. Much nicer in Lanzarote 😁.

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