Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon everyone a typical April showers day here.
    Didn’t lose any weight this week but that was good considering its been Easter.
    OHs chest x-ray was very quick in and out before his appointment time.
    Youngest army grandson has been to visit us today before he goes back to camp so I made some sausage rolls which have all been eaten so no chance of OH and I finishing them off.
    Hedgehogs a takeaway curry for us tonight and sadly I’ll be driving again but will allow myself a glass of wine once I’m back home.
    Meal at our local pub tomorrow evening.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All…
    A rainy cold day.. a dry walk this morning..

    I stayed the same this week, I did have Easter eggs so I suppose not bad..

    Been to see my sister she was in good fettle looked quite well.. Charlie came too.

    Hope you managed the bowls today.. hope the weather soon improves…

    Poor Enoch missing out on his walks..I was on another cow field this morning, no cows but their muck all over, Charlie decided to eat it so that spoiled a good walk!!.. I won’t bother going any more while they are out.

    You have to have some treats you are much better than me.
    You read on the packets what’s in the ingredients it’s not good at all… better homemade…

    Well wet weather gear on, deep breathe and off we go….😣

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    Well it absolutely poured down all day still raining now, got soaked taking Chloe out twice, drenched playing bowls. And to top it all I left my coat at the bowling green.I went back but it was all locked up.

    watch this useful video and you will learn how to lose weighthttps://shrink.me/h9L1D8

    Evening everyone
    FD today, could have done better, 800 approx. Difficult to get back into it when you have had a few days of treats and eating out. Weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Hemmy, you are right about addiction to naughty things because of what they contain. When my children were small I used to bake a few times a week. I never shop bought. I don’t bake any more as it is too much temptation.

    Jean, surprised about the cows. I was told when I was a child that cows were scared of us and if you ignored them they would ignore you. Some advice 😮

    Rained nearly all day. Two miserable dogs here, they are fair weather creatures. Hopefully better tomorrow.

    Regards Bronwyn

    Chloe isn’t bothered about rain, she’s happy to go out in it. She as her rain coat on. Been a dry day today,about time sick of all the rain. Watching a 50 sci-fi film, giant insects 😁😁.

    Good afternoon everyone.A dull day today but dry at the moment.Roast beef tonight so I better make the batter for the Yorkshires.Chloes on my lap so will have to move her first😀. The bowling season starts in ernest this week, I play 4 days a week. So that will keep my busy. Denise will have some space, hope she catches up on all her soaps, I can’t stand them.

    Afternoon All…
    We got in the car and went to a cow free river bank this morning, I am struggling where to go. I seem to be walking faster and going further… but in a hour!

    Fasting today… a bit of a boring day, reading ..don’t know what to do ..one of those days…

    Your dinner sounds so nice on a fast day….

    The weather seems much better today and dry.. we shall be out again in 30 mins just small and local pm walk.
    Hoping to fast again tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a dull but dry day here… Missing the sunshine.

    Well .. after all my good advice blah blah lolol I really let myself down yesterday resulting in a 2lbs gain this morning lol How the hell is that possible lolol. to put on 2lbs overnight.

    Yesterday was a very bad day for eating rubbish . ( all I had been preaching about ) I opened a pkt of biscuits .. and ate the lot mindlessly plus 2 bags of crisps. .. both I had in a bag I accumulate bits for Kristy to take home. lol

    It was the first time for months I had been sooo good. I think it was boredom…

    My friend Sarah thought it hilarious .. ( She is on a shake diet) .. lol she said
    oh Carol how the mighty can fall. Well I had to laugh.
    Seeing today out with some crusty bread and cold beef.. then back on the sensible horse tomorrow. lol

    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing 💗Fear of change can prevent us from creating space for something better.Xxxx

    Hemmy enjoy it, I’ve given up, will start again tomorrow.I would never ever attempt a fast day on a Sunday. It’s easier to fast in the bowling season. And speedway as well so busy day Monday.

    Good morning everyone,a dull day again hopefully it will stay dry for bowling, but I won in the pouring rain last week so who knows.

    Hi everyone
    Should be a FD today but no chance. We are looking after two of our grandsons as it is a staff training day at school. Early start at 7am, the M1 was slow going all the way here. Patience is hanging by a thread. They are a mixed blessing 🙂 The dogs are in hiding.

    Going out to lunch soon, will try to choose well 😕 May feel better after food.

    FD tomorrow and aquafit, can’t wait.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Afternoon All….
    A walk out of the village and across the fields, well around the edges of lots of fields, we managed to do a hour, back tracking a bit but Charlie was lively as all different smells… not a soul about.

    I am doing my second fast b2b and all is going well.. after a lazy boring day yesterday, I have pushed on with jobs and it’s Charlie blanket washing time again… popped to pet shop for food.

    William rang me from Aussie I was still in bed, lovely to chat to him.. he had drove 6 hours, done 1 1/2 hour job and was on the beach at 1pm, sleeping over, home tomorrow then flying to a mine on Wednesday … not a mundane job at all…and a bonus.. 10 dollars a hour extra while away from the city.

    Just picked up some Ryvita originals from my corner shop, only 20 cals a slice my seed variety are 40 cals .. have you noticed the difference… maybe like cardboard!!!😂
    You will soon loose it… enjoy your crusty bread and beef today.

    Enjoy your bowls you are very busy… I am playing morning tomorrow…

    I did laugh at your dogs hiding… it can be hectic with grandchildren… I am going away with mine and the family in June, is it a good idea I say….thought I could have a day around the pool while they go out but Katie thinks it’s better to do things together…😬
    Have a good fast day tomorrow…

    A little sit and read now, just need to freeze some portions of dog food… then that’s it…

    Jean x

    A good game of bowls I got beat by 2 points so happy with that. The team won, don’t think we’ve ever beat them on their green. The doorbell as gone funny do got a new one today, this one is battery, so have to charge it first. Greening very hungry now and don’t know what I’m having.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A funny weather day very dull now at nearly 5.30 suns coming out lolol.

    I am having a finishing up day .. just eaten the last crisps sitting with my glass of wine listening to classical FM … absolutely wonderful music.. Xx

    Salmon tonight which I should have had yesterday but ate the bread and beef. lol

    It s been a busy day line full of laundry after changing my bed.. plus some winter fleeces I am now putting away Plus cleaned my car. .

    Tomorrow I am going to lunch for the 3rd month with my friend I hadn’t seen for 7years. So I am looking forward to that .. We are meeting monthly now in Buckingham She lives in Aylesbury.

    Dave.. it sounds like its all systems go for you with all your sport. You will be very fit indeed.

    Sym.. These brown Ryvita I have are 37 per slice .. hopefully the ones you have bought will be tasty.
    Well done on your B2B fasts.. Better weather will help us.

    Hope everyone in our little corner of the world is having a good day…. First few attempts are practice but if you miss your goal too many times, try changing your game plan… xxxx

    Morning everyone a lovely morning here. A lovely weekend which included a meal at our local pub Saturday night with our daughter and son in law. I stood on my scales Sunday morning and it wasn’t good so had a fd and then because I was so busy yesterday had another. Would have had one today but our Newmarket friends are coming over for a curry night so not possible but hopefully will manage another on Thursday.
    Bronwyn we visited our daughter yesterday and as our son in law had been previously married she is stepmother to two daughters and a son,one of the daughters has three young boys aged 8,6 & 18mths she was looking after all three due to the elder two being of school due to a teachers training day which also started at 7am. It was exhausting for us just looking after them for a half hour whilst she took our Grandog Poppy for a walk.
    Dave and Jean good you are getting to enjoy bowls and boules in better weather to look forward to.
    Jean sounds like your grandson is enjoying working in Australia.
    Hemmy enjoy lunch with your friend. I also had my favourite salmon and pasta meal yesterday.
    Off to tidy up our home ready for this evening.
    Hope everyone has a good day whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone, were going to a concert called the Stars come out for Francis house, it’s an hospice for children. There are some 60s groups and others. My son is also going to a concert at the Arena in the city centre do poor doggie will be left on her own. It’s a nice day today the sun is out🔆🔆🔆

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk with Oreos grandma this morning …Natalie doing some exams on line..catch Nat tomorrow..

    Played boules.. three of us doing singles .. I won two games.. absolutely cracking game I played so well.. a fluke but nice.

    A day off from fasting..

    Hoping your new doorbell works nicely…well done at bowls..
    Enjoy the concert I am sure Chloe will be fine…

    My Ryvita just from village shop so no choice, I do like the seeded ones…hope your lunch went well with your friend..

    Sounded a handful all the children.. I don’t know how the teachers cope every day… some are little tinkers…
    Short sleeve tee shirt today and now sitting in the sun for a hour.. lovely..

    Fasting Wednesday and Thursday again.. see if I can move the pound…

    Jean x

    The new doorbell is going back, can’t get it to connect to WiFi.I bought some Ryvita sweet onion flavour I think so will have to test them.Bowls the next 3 days, so it will keep me busy. On the lookout for another doorbell.

    Hello all!
    Jean- well done with the boules, glad your grandson is doing so well…
    Dave- hope the concert’s goid & Chloe doesn’t get up to anything!
    Nana- lovely to see the great-grandchildren! Well done with your FDs & hope you have a nice meal out…
    Hemmy- oops with your eating rubbish day- but the occasional day doesn’t hurt!
    Bronwyn- sounded busy with your grandchildren, poor doggies! Well done getting back to fasting, it is hard after time off…
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Quite busy at the weekend, I think I fasted Saturday, lost 2lbs (gained at Easter) Couldn’t get in the right frame of mind yesterday but fasted today. Finally had some dry days so got outside jobs done, walked Obi but still not Enoch 😡 Youngest came for dinner tonight after his fire service course, lovely to see him & hear about it. I’m doing a course for HomeStart tomorrow so won’t do a FD, sitting listening all day is not good on an empty stomach!

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a dull chilly day here quite windy so some washing out to blow.

    We had a lovely lunch yesterday .. and nice meet up and chat … Chicken Korma for lunch very tasty and filling . So just some fruit in the evening.

    Nana hope your evening with friends was enjoyable.

    Dave .. did you try the sweet onion Ryvita .. I haven’t seen those.

    Sym.. how is your fasting going.. well done on your games.

    HH.. well done with your 2lbs loss. you do so well losing with all the cooking you do for others.

    Bronwyn.. How is it going for you.

    Just had ryvita and cheese for lunch ..I think am omelette for dinner.. ice-cream and a microwave apple with honey just keeping it simple today.

    Take care all … “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Xxxx

    Afternoon all!

    After a couple of weeks off, the Fasting is back!
    I’m a pound up from end of March so get that off first and then back on the challenge to lose the stone.

    Been cleaning the kitchen today and just back from walking Tara and the choc lab Bella so having a breather for going back to finish it.
    Managed to not eat until after 2pm – trying to reduce eating window even on NFDs.
    3rd FD tomorrow. Not sure if I will manage another over the weekend yet.

    Hope everyone is OK 😊

    Hemmy I’ve just had a onion Ryvita, very onion taste but nice. Lost at bowls again, an extremely difficult green, never win here.I will have to send the doorbell back unless they answer my question with a solution.

    Hi all,
    Been on a training course today, mental health awareness, very good, very different approach to when I was a support worker 25years ago! Definitely not a FD, too hungry! Hopefully I can do one tomorrow…

    Good morning everyone. Nice day again here, perhaps summer as arrived.I have noticed that they are hardly any bees about, that’s not good. How they come back in numbers. I’m playing bowls again at 1-30 so nice to play in the sun. We are at home today on a green that we’ve never played on do not a help to us.

    Morning All…
    I abandoned my FD yesterday… I think I am doing too many. I felt as if I just wanted to eat.. and I did!

    I am fasting at the moment but not sure if I will finish today.. just thinking it through.

    A good walk across the field sometimes quite nice on your own.. Charlie keeps his eye on me as we are twisting and turning around hedges..

    Shame on the door bell..enjoy bowls today.

    Well done on the 2 lbs off… a long day doing your course yesterday..

    Struggling on the fasts I have done 4 each week for the last couple… it’s too much I shall go back to my usual two…

    You are always busy .. have a good third fast…

    Jean x

    Jean why don’t you try doing 800 for a couple of weeks. I think that could be the answer.I lost weight on the chocolate diet so you never know. Very close at bowling today we lost by 2 points.

    Good afternoon everyone,
    Beautiful day here in W.Yorks. Been to sewing group and then the garden centre for compost. A FD today which has seemed easy so far because of the lovely weather. How the sun can lift our spirits 🌞

    Hemmy, I’m doing okay thankyou. Not as good as first time around I did 5/2. It was lockdown and I could concentrate on it more. If I come in under 800 I am happy.

    Dave, no bees here yet but we have had 2 large wasp-type creatures inside our windows. Perhaps looking to nest somewhere.

    Nana, Yes we help our children with their children because parent have to work hard these days. Very few stay at home mums these days. I was able to stay at home when my boys were small and I feel fortunate to have done so.

    Jean, I don’t think I could do more than 2 FDs a week. My son does the 16/8 diet and it is now part of his day. He has lost 2st so far. He says he never thinks about it and just does it. He doesn’t eat until midday and never after 8. It wouldn’t suit me as I like my breakfast coffee and toast with a crossword on non-FDs.

    Hope this weather lasts into the weekend 🤞
    Regards Bronwyn

    Evening All..
    I have finished eating at about 650 cals.. I was very tempted to have a dinner but it passed.

    I got the grass cut. I painted my boules twice, they all look the same other wise. Cooked a pork joint which I had cold.

    What do you mean 2x 800 days….. it’s so hard close to goal it just won’t move maybe just keep plodding as I do. No more than two FDS a week.

    What are you making at your sewing group?.. it’s been sunny here but a cold wind… I do 18/6 most days, very rare I alter unless eating out with others… 10.30 breakfast and 4.30 dinner. I always take Charlie out then sit and relax with breakfast and cuppa.

    Jean x

    Yes two 800 days, it’s worth a try and who knows it might be the catalyst. You get weighed every day or so, so you would know if it was working. One not got on the scales for a few weeks

    Jean- hope the scales show some movement! Any plans for tomorrow?
    Dave- a bit early for bees still I think? Xena was stung by one the other morning…
    Kay- hope you get back into fasting! Have you got to do much bell ringing practice before the coronation?
    Nana- what veggies are you growing this year?
    Hemmy- enjoy your garden if the weather’s nice with you…
    Bronwyn- I was lucky to stay at home with my boys too, it was hard work but very happy days!
    Have we lost Lynn & Steve?
    Did a good FD today, quite busy so that helped, although we were all up early…walked Xena, Obi & Enoch. Had a chat with his owner, because he doesn’t get walked consistently, he gets so excited & really pulls, was bad today. Tried to explain that if she could just get into gear so I can walk him more it would be better, but don’t suppose it’ll make any difference! Had to do shopping, lovely out, got going with some potting on outside & then it got really cold, windy & heavy rain! Where’s spring?!

    Might give it a try 800.. I only get weighed after each fast day, twice a week..struggled last two days…

    I am out for lunch with my Park Ladies tomorrow..then a lazy day catch up with people on the phone…
    Hope you got all outside jobs done looks like all the good weather is in Scotland …

    Night to bed now x

    Good morning up early today. Took Chloe out in the summer still a cool wind but it’s better than rain. Playing bowls again this afternoon.Chloe went to bed early last night and when I went up there was no room for me to get in. I kept pushing her but she’s such a big lump it’s difficult to move her, I just about managed to get in. Then I got up early and she’s fast asleep on my sofa🤪. Jean the 800 does work I have lost stones doing it and your not as hungry as you are doing 600, should be a walk in the park for you.

    Morning everyone a rainy one here. Well I managed to do three fds this week due to having a curry evening with our Newmarket friends Tuesday and having weighed this morning I am still the same so pleased about that and am sure I would have gained if I’d not done the third.
    A beautiful day yesterday and it brought a lot more people out in Ely yesterday and the market had a few more stalls. My aunt continues to improve she’s going to be 90 next one and one of her daughter in laws wants to have a party for her but she doesn’t want one as she feels it’d be too much for and is quite happy for people to drop in on her at home on the day and have glass of wine and some cake.
    Hedgehogs OH has planted potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce,onions, chillies, beetroot peppers,garlic,carrots and has planted some melon seeds saved from a melon that we grew last year. We also have a blackberry bush and a gojiberry Bush.
    I also was lucky enough to be able to stay at home to raise our daughter .
    Jean enjoy your day. My fds are 800 and the weight loss is slower but I find it easier.
    Enjoy your day and weekend everyone whatever you’re doing.
    Nana x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Missed the rain this morning walk but its chilly again and very dark

    A good few days after last weekend s blip lol and this morning I had lost the 2lbs I had gained last weekend all but a few ounces . Pleased to say I am back on track.. treats will be the yogurt and stewed fruit.

    Did a big shop yesterday .. I had forgotten envelopes.. which I have just ordered in bulk from Amazon. TBH I am ordering more and more on line.. it doesnt seem worth wasting fuel going out for a few things.

    Kay.. you are always busy I expect it helps with FDs Xx

    Dave… lol Chloe has staked her claim on your bed. lol Bless her.

    Bronwyn.. I think lots of things were easier to concentrate in lockdown … in fact I quite enjoyed it.. My village suddenly became the place of old where people shared and were concerned for one another.. Children leaving books and toys outside for each other.. people shared . It quickly reverted back to a speed and greed world after lockdown ended. .

    Sym.. you have done well with your FDs this week hopefully a good end of week result for you.

    HH you are busy with your different dogs walking. You should maybe start a dog walking business lol … what a lovely neighbour you are.

    Steve.. Hope you are ok..

    Just having a cuppa .. then need to do a few more jobs inside before Pips afternoon play in the garden while I do a bit of weeding etc.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone…. You may not see sunshine everyday but on cloudy days you get to see the rainbow. Xxxx

    Nana .. Well done on staying the same weight with all your entertaining this past week..

    Have a lovely weekend xx

    Afternoon All..,
    Rain forecast since 11am you can feel it about… it’s waiting till 4 pm when we walk..

    My birthday today had a lovely lunch with my Park Ladies, my dog walking friends we catch up once a month..still I don’t really get that way now to walk…

    Lovely flowers and chocolates from my Aussie grandson, some money given, going to the theatre to see ‘King and I’ in a couple of weeks with my daughter… Texas daughter treating me in Majorca…step daughter sent me a gift card maybe towards some sandals… so all is good.. 11 cards at the last count….

    Very busy planting, nice to harvest in the summer…your aunts a good age, sounds perfect people visiting her for her birthday..

    Nothing lost this week.. I struggled the last two fasts… back to normal fasting maybe at 800 for a while see how I go it seems a bit high… I am old school on 500…

    Well done on loosing the 2 lb off.. it soon moves… I am like you I buy most things on line saves on the petrol .

    Jean x

    Quick post while hubby is off to get a takeaway…happy birthday Jean! Lots of nice pressies 🎂
    Very bad food-wise today, lots of cooking & picking 😰 Usual dog walking & managed to get out in the garden after the rain stopped. Eldest on his first late shift, he’ll be busy, I probably won’t sleep much tonight thinking about it! Youngest popped in again, sounds like he’s done well his 1st week, they’ve been doing ladder work, he’s done well with the heights, I couldn’t do it!
    Have a good evening all 😀

    Good evening, got leathered at bowls, he was just too good for me. I got 13 points so happy with that. Chloe sleeps on our bed every night,I said if I win the lottery she can have her own proper bed, although I still think she would get in with us, she’s always on my legs in the sofa.

    Good morning everyone. Weather ok. Alexa says it will rain later so probably it will be a nice day. FA Cup semi final today so will definitely be watching that. I’ll take Chloe out then make a steak toastie 😋😋😋.

    Afternoon everyone,
    I didn’t check in yesterday so missed your birthday Jean so a belated Many Happy Returns for yesterday. You received some nice thoughful gifts. I hope your birthday lunch went well.

    Jean I call it sewing club but it is anything crafty really. I am working on a cross-stitch birth sampler on linen for my new granddaughter. Others do quilting, patchwork, knitting etc

    Nana, what a great fruit and veg haul you will have this year. Reminds me of my dad growing lots when I was a child. Lovely memories of home grown food.

    Hemmy, lockdown was calming for me. No grandchild minding and no looking after my elderly mum who has Alzheimers. She had recently gone into fulltime care. I started 5/2 then and I lost 2st. Wish I had the same mindset now but I am working on it 🙂

    FD for me today. A ready meal curry for later. OH gone to the football so a lazy day by myself. Next FD will be Wednesday. Going away on a short break tomorrow to The Dales. Will try to stay within my TDEE. I prefer to stay at home really but will look forward to it once we set off. Weather forecast not good so probably umbrellas and two wet dogs 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend everyone, Regards Bronwyn

    Morning! Quick post before Church…
    Bronwyn- have a lovely few days away, a beautiful part of the country! Mum goes to a ‘craft club’- they’ve now abandoned any pretense of craft & it’s been renamed cake club 😂 Your sewing sounds good…
    Dave- I think Chloe would still sleep on your bed if she had her own, she obvs adores you & wants to be with you…shame about the bowling, hope the footie was good!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Tiptoeing around as son was on nights, that’s going to take some getting used to! Yesterday was busy with 3 dog walks, gardening & a headache with mum, hopefully lazier today but youngest is coming for a haircut later…FD yesterday but definitely not today, having carbonara tonight, one of my favourite meals!

    Morning All..
    A grotty day but dry walk.. very dark and dismal..
    A lazy weekend nothing much happening… going to have a bacon butty in a minute and sit and have a read…

    Been to the local town to take two throws back for the sofas, they are for Charlie to lay on I am really struggling to find what I want…

    All my life I have had to cope with shifts .. well up to Steve.. so for 50 odd years … my dad then my ex both shift workers..I worked shifts but not through the night… terrible when they are on nights and sleeping…best thing is to go out visiting or shopping!!

    I don’t think you will get her off the bed to sleep…Charlie slept with his previous owner, I did get him into his bed for 3 months but he was so unsettled in the night wandering about.. he joined us again when Steve was unwell, he never moves just snuggles into the pack!!!

    Enjoy your trip away, I love the Dales and the emptiness.. hard for me to go there on my own… I am off to Bridlington with Charlie on the 8th for 5 days, lots of beach walking …

    Jean x

    Football was good, made it to the final, could end up playing United in the final, not sure my heart would take that. Alarm will be going off soon so I’ve left my hearing aids out in case it is too loud. Roast chicken tonight for tea. I’ll love Chloe in the summer, would be to hot with her lay on me.

    Dave …
    Snap.. Charlie and I had chicken dinner too…

    Fast day see if I can do 800.. I am usually 550 to 700 so nearly there..

    Doctors on tv this morning saying the best thing ever to keep you young and very healthy is to fast for 14 hours eating window.. I do that most days, I have a 18 hour’s window.. I didn’t catch if you could have liquid I suppose that’s allowed.

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Yes I’ll try something different once I’m back from holiday. Jean I think 800 might be the answer your looking for, just do it for a week or two and see what happens.A lovely sunny day today so good for bowling. Just took Chloe out and there was people behind us, she was walking and her head turned round every 5 steps😁. Fast day today.

    Afternoon all

    It’s a typical April day here with some sun and heavy showers but I have no plans on going anywhere this afternoon.

    I haven’t had a fast day for a couple of weeks so it’s good to get back into it though the hunger is definitely real.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Afternoon All..
    A village walk, then we both went to see my sister. She seems fine but is still thinking she will go home. She was fussy to see us.

    I am fasting today, thinking of going up to 800 cals x 2 this week see if it jump starts me. I am not too bad at the moment just had a cuppa.

    Getting ready for my June holiday I have just bought the holiday travel insurance. Checking all my check lists, seem to need more money from the bank 😂🤣.. all is well, hard when doing it on your own no one to check you.

    I think a few of us struggling to get back on the straight and narrow… this cold weather doesn’t help, still if it was hot I like a G & T sat in the garden so you can’t win.. keep strong.

    Dave ..
    Enjoy your bowls, I have put my name down for tomorrow.

    Jean x

    We beat a very good team today, I lost again but keep getting matched up with good players, time my luck changed. Egg and bacon for tea tonight, my stomach as been off today so I was going to try a liquid fast but feel better now so will have solids.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    It was a good weekend .. no treats at all stayed on the straight and narrow this

    past week lolol.

    Not good weather here lots of rain today fields all wet and muddy again.. dirty Pip dog. lol

    MaryAnn has free tickets for horseracing a day at Warwick this Thursday did I want to go. I said I would give it a miss as weather doesnt look special.

    Usual crispbreads and cheese for lunch .. I think it will be eggs and bacon tomato’s for me too. Yogurt and apple .

    Sym.. you sound all organized for your holiday the 800 sounds a good idea to try.

    Dave.. Your luck will change soon and you will be on a winning streak.

    Steve .. All the rain doesnt help .. it make s it chilly and you want more food..

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day .. Take care ..The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are xxxx

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