Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening everyone it’s also been a lovely day here but a cold breeze. It’s so nice to have longer daylight hours.
    Had a nice quiet weekend but a very busy week ahead including a meal out on Thursday evening and a BBQ to go to on Saturday.
    Have managed a fd today and will try for another one tomorrow but I’m not fond of doing btb fds.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Not sure if it’s my phone or the site, having trouble posting tonight!
    Sunny here for a change! A nice walk with Xena then Obi, not for Enoch yet again šŸ˜Ÿ Had a cuppa with neighbour- she’s usually out alot so must be really hard to not be able to drive & be stuck in…lots of cleaning done to keep busy, been a hard FD! Went round to neighbour’s again- hubby was taking her to a doctor’s appt & she’d ordered a tesco delivery for the same time! Had extra cuddles with Obi though, his 8th birthday today!
    700 cals today…

    I played well at bowls this afternoon I won and the team did. Been to speedway tonight, very nippy there.Denise said Chloe moaned all night once I’d gone out to speedway. She’s up on the sofa with me now. Sleeps with her head on my legs on the bed, will kick hey off on the summer, to hot.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A beautiful bright day, playing boules later.
    Dare I say I see a bit of movement on the scales šŸ˜³

    I use to feel the same a big bar of chocolate more value but I do like the thin chocolate of an Easter Egg.

    A good day in the garden for you, your saw sounds good around the trees. I have two large bushes I have difficulty with.

    First bbq of the season hope it goes well.

    Busy getting ready for your visitor. Lots of dog walks keeping you busy.

    Well done winning and your team too.. a good start to the season.. see how I do today.. playing with the men, they play all weathers I will be rusty. You will be lucky to move Chloe off your bed in the summer šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£good luck.

    Jean x

    I’m the same Jean a bar of chocolate is lots more but I also like the thin chocolate you get with an egg.Trouble is I like it too muchšŸ˜.If I could do supermarket sweep I’d get all the eggs šŸ˜ˆ. Another lovely day here today. Taking Denise to Spanish lessons and Chloe to the park. Then off to TUI to sort out the holiday now they cancelled our hotel and gave us another.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a beautiful day .. just come back from a dental checkup in Bicester .. and did my shopping at Lidl while there.

    Teeth all good .. lovely lady dentist I have had for 20yrs
    Really busy the sunshine brought everyone out .. it was like they were already on the Easter break. lolol

    Walked past the chocolate .. I do have a small hollow egg Kristy left for me. ..

    At long last looking at all the amount of sugar goods I wasn’t at all tempted.. I kept thinking about that saying that went something like ” A moment on the lips and a lifetime on the hips”. lol

    I did have my usual small pizza from the bakery section to eat in the car after shopping. .. This evening hot garlic prawns with a big salad..

    Sym.. Enjoy your Boules .. well done on the scale movement .

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone ..Love and trust yourself completely. Be proud of you.ā¤ļø Xxxx

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A lovely walk another beautiful day.. no cows as yet!.. I have had a normal eating day, Wednesday and Thursday fasting again.
    Played boules 4 of us, Mick and I won two out of three so we took the win .. played well considering I think I have had three games in 4 months.. I had to push myself to play but I enjoyed it.

    Hope you got your holiday hotel is sorted and itā€™s nice.

    Like you I went looking around the bakery at Tesco nothing took my fancyā€¦ I have had a few pieces of chocolate to finish after my meal tonight with a cuppa .. fasting now.
    Good nothing to have done at the dentistā€¦
    I have had a prawn salad on a couple of slices of seeded bread tonight, delicious .. yours sounds good too..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, very wet here.I think the bowling may be in danger. It’s only practice today. I’ve not had a good week good wise so no chance of losing weight this week. Chloe got me up at 5am,I came downstairs and she immediately ran back upstairs and got in bed where I sleep. Little weasel.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A chilly dull day for us rain is about, spitting and spotting this morning but coming heavy later .. it will be a wet walk..

    Fasting today, feeling a bit peckish nowā€¦

    Ordered an E111 for my holidays itā€™s called something different now. Need to sort holiday insurance out too.

    Chloe is a monkey pinching your bed..did you manage bowls?

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Well a big change in the weather today lol .. quite chilly this afternoon after yesterdays gorgeous day .

    Tired today after yesterdays early walk and out .. It s the only draw back when there is only one to walk .. a good workout before you go out lol. Usually I come back and sit having lunch lol

    A good week with food so far and the scales behaving .. No bread for weeks now… quite enjoy the crisp breads but have gone back to dark Ryvita .. more crunchy I think .

    Hope everyone is having a good day This is your one precious life so live it in alignment with who you are and what you want. Xxxx

    Jean Yes managed a couple of hours before the rain Chloe’s trying to shove me off the sofa now.

    Good morning people.A fast day today, and it’s nice and sunny outside.Summer is coming.Got the odd egg or two,a ferrero rocher one is quite bigšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹. So not expecting to lose weight there next two weeks.

    Morning everyone have been bad at posting this week. Did manage half a pound loss this week which I’ve most probably gained after a meal out with my old workmates last night and a toasted hot cross bun with butter this morning.
    Hope everyone has a lovely Easter.
    Nana x

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Park walk this morning itā€™s ages since we have been, I feel naughty not going Charlie gets so excited.. we stopped and had coffee and a bacon bap, plus a sausage too.
    Came back and washed the car and vacuumed inside.

    Cuppa outside in the garden, still it was a bit chilly when I cooled down.

    After a hard 8 weeks I have moved 1 pound, it has been so hardā€¦. 1 more pound and then back to goal.

    I am walking on my own at the moment, I think I went four full days without speaking to anyone.. I do on the phone but itā€™s not the sameā€¦.not good really.
    Glad your scales are behavingā€¦.

    I have a big egg and a bag of small eggs, only once a year!! Enjoyā€¦. Like you holidays are looming like to loose a couple more pounds.

    Hope your meal went well and it was a good catch-up ..well done on your usual half a pound off šŸ˜Š

    Have a good Easter everyone..

    Jean x

    Hi F B Brits Happy Easter Xxxx

    What a glorious day no coat for walking and quite warm.

    Scales were kind this morning and 1 lb loss. No treats at all this past week and i gave my Easter egg away to my neighbours granddaughter..

    Nana .. Well done on your half a pound loss .. you do so well with your busy social life too.

    Sym well done on your pound loss .. you worked hard.X I am often glad of no company walking as i don’t always feel like chatting lolol.

    One walks with me as she has no dog and wouldn’t go over the fields alone..
    The trouble is I am not keen but what can you do. lolol.

    Enjoy the holiday everyone .. Every time you try,you learn.Even a missed goal is a lesson. Xxxx

    Well I gained a pound and no doubt will gain more this week, so will eat the eggs and then see what happens. It’s been a lovely day today, been at the speedway with no cost on, it was roasting.

    Very quiet on here. Another beautiful day today, sun is shining and it’s nice and warm, no coat needed for dog walking.Easter eggs too eatšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.

    Hello everyone
    I have been lax at posting these last few days. My food has been a bit off too. I am a cricket widow for a few days and I am not as good with my food choices when I am by myself.

    My DIL’s 40th was yesterday. The sun was very kind and it was nice for us all to sit outside. The children happy egg hunting. The buffet was lovely. I kept having a top up of fizz thinking it was less calorific than pulled pork in brioche buns, quiche etc. I did eat but tried to keep off bread, pastry, potato salad etc. The desserts were too good to miss though.

    Will enjoy tomorrow and then back to FD on Monday. Whatever the scales show I shall reboot and carry on from there. Back to Aquafit next week too so that should help.

    Good wishes to you all for Easter Day tomorrow.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A lovely walk but cows foot prints are about I think they are at the other end of the riverbank at the moment.. not happy ..

    Played boules and we won., onto the pub a bit of lunch not much as cooking half a keg of lamb a dinner tonight.

    Started trying to meditate, if practice but I slept we last night.

    Well done on the pound off.. a couple of days off for me.. you have to liveā€¦ I have one Easter egg to eat. Sat in the garden shorts on and not much more.. itā€™s lovely.. G&T in hand.. grass is cut.

    Beautiful here too.. it really does make a changeā€¦ wet next week again for us.

    The 40th birthday sounded lovely, a little bit of resistance puds are always in another league. Looks like at daughters on Monday so a strange week for me.. I will draw a line then move on again..

    Walk shortly have to find some clothes to put on šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits Happy Easter Saturday Xxxx

    Beautiful day again… 2 hour walk with our favourites Maryann and Wesley dog.

    Lots of chatter in the sunshine.. lol Came back had lunch then 2 hrs in the garden working then sitting reading. Wonderfully uplifting nothing like it.

    Not cooking as such this evening .. Garlic kIng Prawns with fresh Italian bread from the local bakery. A Danish pasty to follow. So carb overload this evening .. My form of Easter Chocolate lolol. First fresh bread for ages..

    Tomoz cooking a small roast beef joint .. will be two days meals..will plate one up for Monday I have missed my roasts only doing them when Kristy is here now. So silly .lol

    Missing Mum today again.. life goes on though. Xx

    Sym… sounds like you are enjoying the lovely day braving shorts.. Good for you gal. . Kristy meditates .. finds lots of peace and relaxation from it .. I do try but my mind wanders lolol.

    Have a good evening all whatever you are doing. If You have a good heart and pure intentions. Things will work out for you.-Xxxx

    Morning All..,
    Very dull start todayā€¦ thought it was going to be the better day. I am not sure where we are going to walk I have been told the cows are out, might risk it might not be up our end yetā€¦

    You will miss your mum especially at holiday time she always came to stay, I miss Steve every day.
    I have my cold lamb joint for today maybe with salad. I am not sure on my FDā€™s yet.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Jean x

    Good morning, another sunny day here.Definatly no cows about herešŸ˜šŸ¤£.Only their milk. Got 3 eggs too eat so no chance of losing this week, but every chance of gaining šŸ¤Ŗ. There are a few clouds today so it won’t be as nice as the last few days. Supposed to be rain the rest of the week. My son’s gone to Basingstoke to watch Leeds play the Bison, a lot of the old Manchester phoenix players now play for Leeds so they go and watch them, it’s apparently the last game played at Basingstoke ice arena, it’s falling into repair.

    Not sure I could have lamb salad, dosent appeal to me. Got to have mint sauce with lamb. Were having chicken so Chloe’s on red alertšŸ˜. She loves her Sunday roasts. She’s the most loving dog I have ever had. Spends a lot of time with her head on my belly. She likes it if I don’t. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜.

    Evening All..,
    What a very chilly bitter day, I was expecting to sit in the garden but definitely not..

    Walking across the fields this morning not a clue where I was going, I met another dog walker we back tracked along the river bank.. cows at the other endā€¦ phew!

    A clean up through, a bit of a read ā€¦hot lamb with chips.

    Going to see my daughter tomorrow for a few hours SIL at football.

    Lovely to have such a loving dog, Charlie is when he feels like it.. he loves snuggling on a nightā€¦dogs more independent.
    Three weeks to my trip to Bridlington hoping the weather improves 8th May. Just 4 nights.

    Quiet on hereā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, it’s gone very dull here. The speedway as been called off already because of the threatened rain. It will rain definitely so a good move. Sick of chocolate but one egg left to eat. Will be glad to do a fast day, probably tomorrow. It always makes me smile when you talk about cows Jean. I wish I had a river to walk down. There used to be a canal at the top of my street about 100 yards away. I can remember it when I was a kid, it’s been filled in now unfortunately.

    Evening everyone
    Typical April weather here, sunny and torrential rain in turns.

    After an indulgent week a FD for me today. Good so far. Will not get weighed until Friday so a few days to pull back any damage.

    Symba, how are you getting on with meditating? I have tried it but my mind jumps around too much. It’s good for health and wellbeing I’m told. I sometimes listen to rainstorms on YouTube to get me to sleep.

    Lamb is my favourite meat. I don’t buy it very often as it’s expensive but lovely with chips and gravy after a roast šŸ‘

    Not been a good sports weekend here. Yorkshire cricket and Leeds Utd both lost. Thankyou Leeds Rhinos for hanging on for a win.

    Good wishes to fellow fasters this week.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Evening Allā€¦
    A strange old walk this morning I canā€™t judge how far I am going as on new routes..
    Meeting Natalie in the morning going on a different river bank, not our favourite more dogs about..Oreo is reactive to dogs as he has been attacked twice.

    A good few hours at my daughtersā€¦ nice to have her on my own.. seeing her Wednesday we are going to ikea, needing 100 mugs and glasses for schoolā€¦ could be interestingā€¦

    I am hoping to fast for three days.. I am not sureā€¦

    We have canals too that might be an idea to do.. a bit nervous to go on my own Steve wouldnā€™t like it. We have 7 river banks to choose from but down now to two till October, with sheep or cows on. We have the nature reserve too. I love living in the country much better than Hull, being in the city.
    Chocolate all gone now.

    My meditation is going well.. I have decided to do it in the morning and before I go to sleep . Charlie jumps on me if I do it in the day and gets upset. Heā€™s still fast asleep when I do it.

    I do it to Tibetan bell/bowls music, I really like that it clears your head.. itā€™s on Utube.. I am up to 8 mins now breathing slowly.

    Hope your fast day went well..

    Jean x

    Bronwyn Leeds ice hockey team won at Basingstoke,my son went to watch them. The Leeds team is made up of a lot of the old Manchester phoenix team so lots of fans travel to Leeds too support them.I like cricket but don’t go very often,I prefer test match cricket not 20 or 40 overs.Although I have been to watch them. I would be your enemy supporting the Red Rose teamšŸ˜. Football I support Manchester City.I live not to far from the ground.

    Good morning everyone up early by my standards. Hardly a cloud in the sky and sunny, but we have a weather warning for wind,60 mph gust’s apparently. All the chocolate eaten so that will help with weight. Don’t think I’ll get weighed this week though.

    Morning everyone hope you all had a nice Easter. Lovely weather here until yesterday when it rained quite heavily until around 2pm when the sun shone through. BBQ that we went to on Saturday was really nice.
    OH and I enjoyed an Easter egg each so am now on a much needed fd today.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A different river bank this morning very nippy but it did improve.. a few more dogs about..raining now..

    Played boules we lost.. won one lost twoā€¦ but it was good.. a cuppa and no cake at the cafe..

    Finished about 650 cals quite a hard hungry day.. seeing daughter tomorrow see how I go, definitely FD Thursday.

    Jean x

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A different river bank this morning very nippy but it did improve.. a few more dogs about..raining now..

    Played boules we lost.. won one lost twoā€¦ but it was good.. a cuppa and no cake at the cafe..

    Finished about 650 cals quite a hard hungry day.. seeing daughter tomorrow see how I go, definitely FD Thursday.

    Jean x

    Hello all!
    Sorry, seem to have been busy over Easter- no Easter eggs here, had some chocolate left from Christmas though! Lost 2lbs again the week before Easter but that’ll have gone back on now, ate well…had a FD today, & hopefully again tomorrow.
    Son’s passing out parade went well, nice to meet his friend, had a takeaway to celebrate & it was his birthday thenext day…youngest has popped in a couple of times with his gf too, & got to see my great-nephew as my sister was looking after him. Had mum round for dinner on Easter Sunday. Bought new kitchen lights as our ceiling is finally done, now got to get an electrician in!
    Have a good evening!

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A big change in the weather here today .. raining mostly all day. Still on the up side I never had to clean my windows lolol.

    Sounds like everyone had a good weekend.. Lawns all done here so another regular job now. Outside now takes priority to inside lolol.

    Back to being mindful now.. spring is here.. we will be sheading the winter thick clothes.. so will need to up our game with 5-2

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. Allow lifeā€™s changes to make you better, not bitter. Xxxx

    Bowling looks doubtful, rain in the air and the satellite on my phone is showing lots of rain. It’s only practice today but Thursday and Friday are league game’s. Just got done small cream eggs left,I forgot about them. Makes a mess of fasting until they have all gone.

    Managed to play a couple of hours until the rain became too heavy. Just took Chloe out and it absolutely poured down She likes being rubbed down with her towel. Had her rain coat on so only rubbed her head. Denise as made a steak pie so no fasting today.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    Up and out earlyā€¦. My daughter was coming and we were going to Ikea.. a good job as my power was off for about 7 hoursā€¦ it went off while I was walking am and came back on after we had been out pmā€¦

    No fasting today but I will Thursday.

    A very chilly wet day again.

    Jean x

    Hello šŸ˜€
    Today was hard work- hungry when I woke up early, my own fault as I felt in the mood for baking, made flapjack for younger son when he comes for a haircut tomorrow! & eldest is off this week so spoilt him with a cooked breakfast, he needs to fill out a bit…walked Xena, then Obi & then Enoch again, feet & legs are aching tonight!
    Jean- we’re limited to walks to right now, everywhere is so muddy! Hope you got everything at Ikea, & no more power cuts…
    Dave- hope the weather improves for your league games! And hopefully the chocolate will be gone soon so you can get back to fasting…
    Hemmy- our window cleaner came, then it poured! Yes, lots to do outside now, want some dry days to get on now! Are you doing any fasting now or being mindful?
    Hope everyone else is okay…

    Evening everyone it’s been a horrible day weather-wise so we used the car instead of cycling today and I drove so no alcohol for me and I didn’t feel like having any when we got home so a few calories saved there.
    OH has an hospital appointment for a chest x-ray at Addenbrookes hospital Cambridge tomorrow so visit to Ely. Was planning on making it a fd but he’s now talking about having a meal in Cambridge after his x-ray šŸ¤”
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone the weather is dry at the moment but Alexa says rain at 1pm, we start bowling at 1-30 so šŸ¤ž. All the chocolate gone now so hopefully a fast day today. Feels cold outside so might need a jumper on.

    Afternoon All..
    Strange walking now as donā€™t know where to go, I walk much further than I used too. I walked on the cow bank for a way this morning then I arrived where they were sitting down so turned back.. so back tracked a few different ways not really happy about itā€¦ must think it through..

    A fast day today going ok at the moment..

    I have collected my new glasses very different for meā€¦ I think quite pleased.

    What a lot of walking three dogs.. you must be shattered. Flap Jack lovely.. I couldnā€™t make it on a FDā€¦nearly 7 hours my power was off.. all well today.

    Good idea changing the routine, still it could have been busy with the children off..

    Definitely a jumper on its bitter here..gale force winds tooā€¦

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits.. hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its not a bad day here .. a bit windy but sunny. . It looks like a warm spell again next week.

    Had a lovely walk with Mary-Ann and little Wesley.. isnt it strange how some dogs just gell together and others dont. lol I expect like humans really.

    Both are 11 so just want their peace on their walks to explore on their own..

    Just had lunch and a break from washing the paintwork and windows in my boot room..I had let it get quite grubby and dusty ..not had interest lately. So glad that seems to have come back.

    H H … You will be sooo fit with taking all these dogs walking lol. Xx I am not fasting as such at the moment .. at my lowest weight even after Easter … The past month .. I have completely cut out all choc ..savoury .. sweet treats.. Just had 3 meals. mainly consisting of.. Breakfast cup of milk coffee .. a few walnuts.. and satsuma. Lunch .. 4 crispbreads eggs or cheese or ham and pickle .Actavia yogurt ,,, evening meal .. meat or fish .. veg or salad. 1-2 small glasses of wine. Seems to be working as when I just eliminate all rubbish completely after a few weeks I don’t want it and see it for what it is. lol

    Sym… Today for the first time sheep in one field hopefully no more to follow.
    Hopefully you can find a nice new route. Xx

    Have a good day everyone in our little corner.. “People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.” Xxxx

    Good afternoon
    I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter.

    It should have been a FD for me today but I got the days mixed up and thought today was Wednesday šŸ˜• FD now Friday and weigh in Saturday.

    Dave, my son takes his two boys to watch Leeds Knights. They love it because it’s fast and exciting. Like you my DH likes the county games and the Tests.

    Jean, we have the River Calder next to the Canal close by but it’s not very picturesque and a bit lonely so I don’t walk it very often. Can cows be aggressive?

    Hemmy, I wish I had your resolve with your reduced meal plan. It sounds so simple but I seem programmed to want the wrong things. Mostly carbs.

    FD tomorrow and aquafit. Will see how I fare. Hope the weather warms up again soon, very chilly here.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Good afternoon been bowling, had to come off for a while, it was rain and hail stone. Got back on after, we won the game 5-3.I played a really nice bloke called Colin, were had a good natter while we were playing. Finding it very difficult at the moment to do fast days. My knees are so painful and Denise is worst than me.

    Good afternoon all

    It’s been a dry but pretty overcast day here so wouldn’t be surprised if it rains at some point.

    I didn’t realise it was Thursday today and supposed to be fasting so have been eating normally but on the positive side all the chocolate has now gone.

    Not sure if it’s worth weighing myself in the morning after over indulging in chocolate during Easter.

    Good luck to all those fasting today.

    Evening All..
    Finished at about 600 cals.. itā€™s not been too bad today.

    Faffing with a dress I bought, took it to pieces at the waist and re did it again.. much betterā€¦

    Well done on doing the boot room, always best when you are in the mood.. a good plan which is working for you.. as you say you cut out the naughties it does help.

    People can get killed by cows especially with calves about, we have a bull too..they go for the dog you are supposed to let them off the lead and get out of their way yourself, the dog can keep out of their way.
    A head teacher got killed last year and his wife is in a wheelchair somewhere Middlesbrough way..
    Charlie is only just sorted out with horsesā€¦

    Our river is the Aire and Calderā€¦a bit of yours šŸ˜‚

    Well done on your winā€¦.

    You got mixed up too with Bronwyn with the days ..a pair togetherā€¦

    Jean x

    I’ve had a moderately low day, just not got the will to fast at the moment.I think all the chocolate as not helped.Typical the sun as come out now. Still feels cold here. Got another game tomorrow, think this one will be more difficult. It’s a different league and we play a decent team so fingers crossed I can keep winning.

    Good morning everyone,a very wet day and got bowling at 1:30.I meet Chloe’s identical twin on our walk last night. Only one year old though, not 5 like Chloe. It was really friendly so I though I’ll let Chloe have a good look but she was to afraid to get close.

    Hello all!
    Dave- good luck with your bowling, hope it stays dry! Maybe you should get your name on the waiting list for new knees? Hope Denise doesn’t have to wait too long…
    Jean- sensible not going near the cows & calves, too risky…the ones on our field walk keep getting out, I turn round & head back if they’ve escaped!
    Hemmy- sounds like you’re doing well maintaining, & well done avoiding the treats! My downfall…
    Bronwyn & Steve- oopsie with your FDs getting confused, still, easy to swap about! I’m not weighing this week after Easter either…
    Nana- have you had your usual sociable week, & a takeaway planned for tonight?
    Just managed Tues & Weds FDs, yesterday we had fish & chips, so hopefully a FD today…Enoch’s owner back to not answering the phone today, he just gets into the swing of walking better & not so loopy, then I won’t get to walk him for a few days & he’ll be mad again! Some jobs done this morning & then seeing mum this afternoon…

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Typical April weather here .. got soaked this morning but within 15mins blue sky and sunshine.. quite chilly now.

    Weight staying stable now.. I definitely mustn’t go down that suger/savoury road again.

    Bronwyn.. Honestly once you can just stop all things we class as ” Treats ” completely it is so easy. I definitely reckon there is something put in this stuff to make it addictive. Years ago a treat was a cake your Mum had made .. but all good wholesome ingredients .. a slice was enough. All this stuff we buy today is basically chemicals and doesnt resemble proper eggs fat and sugar as we know it… and addictive. Xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day .. take care.. The one to please is the person looking back in the mirror.Xxxx

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