Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All…
    A different walk this morning from the village…

    I started my Spring cleaning, all the downstairs and up to the landing finished, all paintwork washed, skirtings, marks off all the walls, radiators.. walls not as bad as I thought a few touch up jobs on the paint to do on the heavy marks but that’s for another day.
    Charlie’s pan of veg cooked…. Weeds sprayed with weed killer on my drive.

    I am fasting again today I wasn’t sure but it’s going well, prawn salad for tonight.

    Glad your holiday break went well. You are always busy with dog walking, the growlie collie doesn’t sound nice.
    Enjoy the beach walk pm sounds lovely.
    This is my second FD, hoping to do a few or maybe up to 800.. see if my work pays off!
    Just bought some more cress seeds and now water cress seeds for my windowsill .. basic but nice snipping and eating.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon.Lots of bowling this week. And with the season starting soon I’ll be playing 4 days a week. First speedway meeting of the season at Belle Vue so looking forward to it.

    Dave …
    You have really got into bowling.. 4 times a week you will soon be top player…

    New FD favourite, frozen cod cooked in the air fryer with steamed veg and a teaspoon of mayo. Low and delicious. Finishing off with a piece of fruit.

    Hope everyone else is doing well today. Lynne x

    Evening everyone, have had a busy day which included moving a one ton delivery of logs which OH and I moved to our woodstore leaving us both with aching backs.
    I had a good weekend which included a meal at our local pub with our daughter and son in law. Had a FD yesterday so didn’t have one today as I struggle with doing BTB but will be having another one tomorrow so hopefully adding a few waves🌊
    It’s been a lovely sunny day here but a bit chilly.
    Bronwyn I’m married to an identical twin but sadly we lost his twin 12 years ago they also had totally different personalities.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Evening everyone
    Today started as a FD and was going well but unfortunately it has been downhill since teatime. I am going to press the reset button and start again tomorrow. Had Aqua fitness first thing and lots of jobs pm. Head not in the right place I suppose – so moving swiftly on 🙂

    Beautiful sunny day here with lots of dog walkers on the golf course. I enjoy looking at the dogs.

    Nana, How sad for your husband losing his twin.
    I like Rubble as a dog’s name it made me smile. I love a good dog’s name. A friend of a friend had a Great Dane called Napoleon 🙂

    Dave, how much better we would do if chocolate didn’t exist?

    Jean, I couldn’t do without my heated throw as I suffer from cold feet and legs in the winter. My naughty little dog bit through the flex of my previous one and I had to replace it. They are reduced at the moment online at Lakeland. Different sizes and fabrics.

    Will try hard before the weigh in on Friday. Not been on the scales for over 2 weeks 😳 I need to do this and not slip backwards.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Bronwyn years ago I had a dog called boots and my mate at work had a cat called socks😁.I couldn’t feel my hands at speedway tonight, next week I’ll be like Scott of the Antarctic all the cold weather gear. Chloe’s drove Denise mad, she’s been whining all night while I was at Speedway.

    Good morning everyone. Not a fast day today. Had some Ryvita with butter, keeps me going until we’ve been shopping. Denise goes to Spanish lessons first so it will be gone 3pm before we get back from Sainsbury’s.Why does it always rain when we go shopping.

    Afternoon All…
    A good river bank walk with Oreo, a nice play date.
    We both went through to see Chris at the home, he was a very good boy taking a lot of pats as we came and left, we stayed in her room which was much better.

    2 B2B’s so today is a normal eating day then 2 B2B’s again. Hoping to kick start something!!!!

    A nice easy meal.

    Hope you are not achy today lots of logs moved.

    I was looking at Lakeland..how hot do they get? Do you have to have it on high all the time?
    I think the single would be enough for me, 3 years guarantee is very good… I even thought you can have chilly nights in the summer too…

    Dave …
    Good luck on your FD….

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its been a lovely long weekend with Kristy I am tired today A nice change of routine though.

    I haven’t weighed since last Thursday morning I really don’t know how I have contained myself lol But thought better of it just went with the flow of the days and enjoyed them.

    McDonalds before shopping Saturday then lots of wine and naughties.. in the evening ..
    A big roast chicken lunch on Sunday .. still seems strange with just us two… but enjoyable.. ( I really wish I could make the effort when alone. )

    Yesterday we finished our days going to Stratford upon Avon to our favorite restaurant.. I really enjoyed the busy days and relaxing time.

    Today back down to earth with me walking in the pouring rain. lolol

    Sooo today and tomorrow just finishing up bits and will then start again mindful eating. ( I still feel on holiday ) lolol

    I hope everyone is having a good day take care ….. Success is not only about achieving your goals but overcoming the obstacles that come along the way. Xxxx

    Not a fast day today and had to much to eat😲. Will try and do B2B Wednesday and Thursday. Been a wet day here all day, hope it’s better the rest of the week.

    Evening everyone, another fd completed today which was helped by being busy throughout the day which was luckily all indoors as it’s been a horrible cold on and off rainy one. So glad we had the log delivery yesterday which still had me feeling achy from moving them this morning but it’s worn off a little now.
    Glad you had a good time with Kristy Hemmy.
    Sounds like a good visit for both you and Charlie Jean.
    Bronwyn I thought Rubble was from the Flintsones but apparently its one of the characters from the childrens TV show Paw Patrol – he’s a rescue dog so they decided to keep it.
    Dave hope you didn’t get to wet shopping.
    Will have my final weigh in for March tomorrow morning
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    I think I only missed one day but lots of posts!
    Nana- you did well shifting all those logs! Definitely still need a wood burner, it’s been so cold! Hope your weigh in is good tomorrow…
    Jean- Charlie is a star being good at the home! Don’t think Xena would enjoy it…hope your sister was pleased to see him?
    Dave- wow, you’ll be busy with all the bowling- will you have time for fishing? Hope your 2 FDs go okay, keep strong…
    Bronwyn- at least with 5:2 you can swap days about…hope you get back on track!
    Hemmy- glad you had a good weekend with Kristy, sounded like a lovely ‘break’ for you! I’m sure you’ll soon shift anything that’s crept on with your treats…
    Kay- hope I can add to the waves this week!
    Lynne- don’t really fancy your cod I’m afraid, but good if you find it filling!
    Steve- hope you’re okay & not eating too many goodies!
    Yesterday was about 600cals, we went out to the beach for a walk although chilly…Today has been 700cals, pouring most of the day & got soaked walking Enoch! So some indoor jobs, & have been really cold, I snuggled up with my hot water bottle & giant hoodie! Tomorrow will weigh (then one week til son’s pass out parade), helping with an Easter fair at BT HQ for HomeStart, then shopping & a meal out with old school friends in the evening, so not a FD…

    Evening everyone
    Today’s FD has gone better than yesterday. I couldn’t keep to 500 cals, nearer 700. I know some people do 800, will see how I go.

    A wet miserable day here in W Yorks but a lovely lunchtime concert in the cathedral. Aqua fit in the morning and a non-FD. Looking forward to my breakfast 🙂

    Hemmy, I enjoyed reading about your long weekend. You packed such a lot of lovely things into it. Is Kristy your daughter?

    Nana, I wish I had a £ for every episode of Paw Patrol I have watched with my grandchildren over the years. Rubble looks like a little bulldog.

    Dave, I have added Boots to my mental list of dog names 🙂

    Jean, my heated throw has a 1 to 9 heat range and automatically switches itself off after a certain time. I think they all work in a similar way. I hope you are not disappointed if you buy one.

    Enjoy tomorrow everyone,
    Regards Bronwyn

    Evening All..
    A quick check in before bed…

    Hemmy ..
    Glad all went well and you had a lovely time with Kirsty catching up at your favourite places to eat.. it’s like a holiday have your treats the weight will soon come off it’s all worth it..

    I shall join you with 2 B2B days….

    We too have had a rainy chilly day.. although lucky to have a dry am walk. Good your aches are easing now.

    A week to go to get into your dress, you have worked hard how is the fit going ?
    Have a good Easter fair tomorrow make lots of money.

    I took the plunge an electric throw is on the way from Lakeland, I am looking forward to getting it.. everyone seems happy with them.
    The lunch time concert sounds really nice, different..

    Night everyone
    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a chilly damp day again a wet muddy walk..
    Such a shame as daffodils and forsythia looking Easter yellow pretty in the garden.. but all too very wet. Tub s brimming with water.

    The Croc pot smells lovely and warming .. all odd bits and bobs gone into a Stew / Soup .. no meat just veg..

    I thought tomorrow I will do a ” Just Soup day” then weigh Friday. lol
    Lolol This not weighing is Sooo hard for me lolol I nearly did this morning.

    HH .. How did your weigh go.. you have been doing so well .. what about the fit of the suit is that ok.

    Sym.. You are doing well with your spring cleaning. You will soon be finished. I started early as you know but have come to a stop ..

    Settled down for an afternoon of reading now.. I think I need a heated throw.

    Have a good day those fasting … be mindful everyone else.

    The person to please is the one looking back in the mirror.🤍 Xxxx

    Evening everyone have had a very nice lunch as usual with our friends as it was raining heavily when we were due to cycle to catch the bus we decided to take our car instead to the park and ride and catch the bus and I drove home so no alcohol and saved on calories.
    I managed to lose one pound making my loss for March three and a half pounds in total which I’m happy with. As OH has his birthday in February and mine is March it means we eat out more than usual.
    Off to Ely tomorrow to see Auntie.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Morning All..
    A very wet day and blowy too.. going to another village and river bank, play date with Oreo.
    Yesterday Charlie got bit in two places on his face a scrap over a ball, we know the 2 dogs, I shall be a bit wary now. He felt sorry for his self I think it must have been sore. One worse than the other bleeding.

    Going to get my toes painted ready for the better weather and eye brows sorted and tinted later.

    It’s my 4th FD of the week, hard going I don’t think much weight is moving.. I think I have settled were I am…??

    Your bits and piece soup sounds about right this cold weather. It’s ok doing Spring cleaning but I now have an iffy back. Your head wants you to do things but your body says no… a lazy day later.

    Well done on loosing a pound, 3 1/2 over the month is very good. Weathers awful again not good to be on your bike.

    Hope you enjoyed your meal at your reunion last night.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone,I got drenched last night walking Chloe and just got soaked again, it’s pouring down.Supposed to be bowling at 1pm but if it dosent stop raining I won’t bother going. Fast day today, didn’t manage it yesterday so 2 done this week. I don’t feel as if I have lost anything, possibly gained but my jeans are falling off.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a spring like day here.. quite warm at times.. a line full of washing out.

    A good walk in the sunshine but very muddy and slippy over the fields. We saw a herd of about 30 young deer .. so pretty and quite close. Pips doesnt bother about them now as he knows he cant catch them.

    Just having the homemade soup today .. hopefully tomorrows weigh will be on track.

    Sym… Poor Charlie.. its always a worry with other dogs and your own. Although our beloved pets they are animal’s and have that pack instinct .. Hopefully he is ok today.

    Enjoy your day everyone .. Moderation. Small Helpings. Sample A Little Bit Of Everything. These Are The Secrets Of Happiness And Good Health.” Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone it’s been a lovely sunny day here but quite breezy. I need to correct my March weight loss it’s two and a half pounds not three and a half 😉
    A good visit with Auntie who seems to be getting back to her old self slowly but didn’t get to meet up with my sister and brother in law as she’s got a nasty cough and cold 😕
    Chicken Kiev with some Jersey new potatoes that we picked up in Waitrose today a bit pricey but we do like them.We also treated ourselves to an Easter Egg each OH chose a crunchie one and I opted for a Celebrations one and they’ve both been hidden out of sight.
    Dave a shame about the weather but its good that your jeans are falling off.
    Jean poor Charlie hope he’s not to upset by it one of our rescue dogs that we had was attacked whilst on his lead by an off the lead Rottweiler and needed over sixty stitches as he wasn’t a very large dog needless to say the owner of the Rottweiler had a very expensive vets bill. Ever since the attack he was always on his guard and growling at other dogs.
    Hemmy and any others weighing tomorrow I hope the scales are kind.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    Charlie was much better on his afternoon walk, he’s been sluggish all day…

    My electric throw seems quite good I need some cold weather to test it out.. quite pleased up to now..

    I have had two fasts of 600 missed a day and two fasts of 700, it’s been a hard hungry week…taking bets of being the same weight tomorrow 😂🤣

    You need new jeans you will look like a bag of spuds!!
    Steve just kept tightening his belt he looked so funny..

    Thank you I washed my clothes this morning and still in washer I forgot about them.. you reminded me!!!
    A lovely flock of deer, we have seen quite a lot of hares about.

    Your poor dog 60 stitches, I am wary of new dogs, I knew these!… can’t trust them with balls I shall watch out in future.
    21/2 pounds is still good going. I love jerseys see if they are about up here.

    Jean x

    Chloe came the closest ever to another dog today She sniffed at Rashford’s bum😁. Rashford used to hug Heidi by standing up on his hind legs. He’s a lovely dog, very small. There’s hope for Chloe yet.

    Nana- well done with your weight loss 👏 Shame about the weather & no cycling…
    Jean- I hope the scales are nice to you, you’ve had a hard week! Poor Charlie, I hope he’s okay 😢
    Dave- nice to need new belt holes! Nice that Chloe is getting closer to another dog…
    Hemmy- I love to see deer, Xena is good with the fallow deer but will have a little run after the muntjacks. Not seen any hares here. Lots of mud as well! Hope your soup was good ☺
    Bronwyn- well done with your FD, the concert sounded nice…
    Hope everyone else is okay!
    I lost 3lbs last week so very chuffed 😀 I have several dresses I could wear & look not too bad but all summery & the weather’s not really nice enough for that. Might go shopping next week…had a good day yesterday, resisted all the goodies at the fair & had a lovely meal & catch up. Unfortunately a neighbour has had another fall, hubby took her to A&E, she needed stitches in her head & has broken her elbow…walked her dog today, he was fun to take out. Cut both boys’ hair today, made brownies as a friend’s coming tomorrow, the houseproud one so have done some cleaning too. Enoch’s owner has not been answering the phone again, although I didn’t mind today! Would’ve been a FD today except for trying a brownie- hopefully I can give most away!

    Evening everyone

    FD today gone well, but I’ll let the scales be the judge tomorrow.

    Dave, Chloe sounds like my last dog. She was a lurcher and was great with people but very nervous around other dogs, unless there was a non threatening who fancied a race. I used to joke that she thought she was a human and didn’t realise she was a dog. She used to sleep next to my daughter, under the duvet with her head on her pillow, or with my daughter using her as a pillow.

    Morning All….
    Raining at the moment.. play date with Oreo, Natalie back flying next week I shall miss her on our walks she is such a lovely girl.. we will catch up but not so much.

    4 fasts and I have lost 6 ounces!!!! not happy… I suppose I have moved!

    Hope Chloe gets more confidence with dogs it’s a slow process.

    Well done on your 3 lbs off you have worked really hard to move it.. I think the weather is good for another week not sure when your date is. You will be getting very proud and excited to watch the passing out parade.
    Shame on your neighbour and getting her to A&E hope she us ok.

    Good luck on the scales hope they are kinder than mine.

    Jean x

    Chloe’s nervous around everything, people, cats, dogs. Only one person’s managed to stroke her. Got a bowling match today at 12. I’ve stayed the same weight so better than a gain.

    Afternoon everyone
    Woke up with Great Expectations – not the book but my weigh-in result 😂

    Not been on the scales since 12th March because I was discouraged with the up and down results. I have since lost 2.5/8, slightly over 2.5 lbs. I am a bit disappointed.That’s 4.5 lbs total for March. My stone marker has not gone down either. Will see what April brings. 10 lbs so far this year. Onwards …

    Pouring down since first thing and it hasn’t stopped. Aqua fitness this morning and some sewing this afternoon. The garden looks fresh with plants and shrubs sprouting. Lots of small birds on the feeders.

    Hope you have nice things planned for the weekend. Dogs bathed tomorrow ready for clipping and watching young granddaughter playing hockey Sunday morning. Listening to a Morse audio book on Youtube.

    Next FD Monday
    Regards Bronwyn

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your part of world. Xxxx

    Its a very wet one here .. once again we got soaked. Very quiet on our walks this week lots of peeps are fair weather walkers .lol

    Weighed this morning and back to pre Kristy’s visit weight. I will go back to weighing every day though as I like to keep tabs on it. It work for me.

    Nana .. Well done on your March weight loss you do so well with all your outings too. I hope you are enjoying your visit with your friend .

    HH.. Well done on your fab loss this week That’s brilliant not easy I would imagine with all your lovely cooking going on.

    Bronwyn .. Well done on your March loss.. nice and steady.

    Sym… I would imagine you are at your goal weight its hard losing more.. I was going to go lower but think I will just maintain now if possible a few pounds each way.
    My soup was ok.. I am finding though to me everything seems to taste the same in these crockpots. whatever I put in. .lol

    Hope everyone is having a good day … “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” Xxxx

    Sorry .. Should have read .. Hedgehogs I hope you are enjoying your visit with your friend .xx

    Maybe it applies to Nanna as well today lol Xx

    You have done excellent loosing 10 lbs since the start of the year. Just keep doing what you are doing.
    We have had rain since this morning, two coats very wet.. going out again shortly.
    I am very pleased with my electric throw, it goes to 9 but seem to keep it at 5…

    I am beginning to think I am goal weight, I shall keep going and see what happens.
    I quite like rainy days, just me and Charlie the few hard liners out but lots of people stay in. A good day for the park, empty!!!
    Well done getting back to pre Kirsty visit….

    Have a good weekend everyone .

    Jean x

    Jean- very frustrating after all your hard work- I think you look great as you are! Shame Natalie won’t be around so much for dog walking…
    Bronwyn- you’ve done well losing! 👏 Have a good weekend & enjoy the hockey…
    Hemmy- well done to you as well! Can’t understand fair weather dog walkers, most dogs don’t mind the rain!
    Dave- were you weighing this week or leaving it a bit longer?
    Hope every one has a good day…
    Walked Xena & then the neighbours dog- they’re not going to do surgery, think her bones are too weak…she looks a poor thing, she’s so unsteady though I think she’ll have another fall before long 😱 My teeny tiny friend came, she had a brownie but I resisted 😇 Had a bit of a clear out this afternoon, some bits to go to the charity shop. Supposed to be helping with a HomeStart fund raiser tomorrow, not been confirmed though so I think I’ll go down & have a look…will have the village magazines to deliver too, although if it’s as wet as today it’ll have to wait!

    I put it on above HH,I stayed the same weight. Had a great game of bowls.I got beat but it was very close, eventually losing 21-19. The bloke I played was the 5th best player in all the league last year so in happy to have got so close.

    Good afternoon everyone.Another dull day here. Watching the football, Steve will be happy at the moment but hopefully he won’t be at the end of the game.I live 1.5 miles away from the ground. April already how time flies. I’ve spent a fortune on new fishing tackle so will make sure I go more this year.

    Sorry I managed to gain 1/2 lb since last weigh in.

    Well done to the rest of you!


    Jean 0, 0, 0, 0.5
    Steve 1, +1, 1, 0
    Dave +3, 2, 1
    HH 1.5, 2, 3
    Kay 1, 1, +0.5
    Hemmy 1
    Bronwyn 1.5, 2.5
    Nana, 1.5, 1

    So 21.5 lbs loss, but 4.5 lbs gain so 17 off overall and 34 waves on the beach!


    A break of checking in for April, but doesn’t mean we stopping fasting, weighing and checking in!

    Much happier now, sorry Steve. It have supported City since 1962 and we’ve to watch them every week until recently. It’s just too expensive these days.I had a season ticket for years and took both my children when I didn’t have a season ticket.Todays game would have cost me £68 for 90 minutes football.

    Afternoon All…
    A good dry walk this morning but expecting heavy rain later for pm walk.

    A bit of ironing done. Updated all my accounts in the office for the tax year, Steve used to take charge of the bills but I like to write things down to make sure I have enough to pay and how much left.

    Then I have put new fuzzy feet on my two settees, so they don’t scratch the floor. I had to take all the cushions off as they were too heavy to tip over. Faffy but done.

    Another job off my to do list!

    Sunday / Monday fasts and Wednesday / Thursday fasts…. If I can…..

    Hope you had a good day with your friend and the brownies went down well. Enjoy your fund raising today.

    Enjoy your footie on the tv..

    Thanks for doing the count up… 1 1/2 over two months not good for me!!!

    Have a good weekend all…

    Snuggled under my heated throw reading… umm nice

    Jean x

    Very happy with the footie. No fasting until Monday, was thinking of doing low calorie days so week instead of fasting, might get weighed in Monday then try a week going that just to shake things up.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxx

    Its been a much better day today after yesterday .. no rain at all but very muddy and slippy walking.

    We did a 2hr walk with Maryann and Wesley this morning .. back from a 2 week cruise so lots to chat about.
    After a late lunch did another 2 hrs in the garden ..

    Only scrambled eggs on toast tonight with yogurt and blackberries I picked last year/ 2 glasses of wine..

    Sym.. the heated throw sounds a good idea are they good on electricity use.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.. A beautiful body gets wrinkles but a beautiful heart never loses its charm. Xxxx

    Quick post before bed!
    Wet here again, soggy walk with Xena then helped out with the fundraiser- we were parked right next to a bakery stall, that was really hard to resist 😟
    Got some shopping for our neighbour, our builder came to.make a start on the kitchen ceiling- yay!- & mum came over for a game…have done a 550cal FD today.
    Have a good rest of weekend!

    Looks like we are all changing and shaking things up.. 🤞🏻it works.

    I am very pleased with the throw. When settled on a night I put it on and throw a fleece throw on the top to keep the heat in. I heat it on full then drop it to half..today I was reading so no tv on it seems to be running at about 5p a hour. First time I used it I fell asleep!! 😂

    I managed two dry walks… shame on your soggy one again!
    You did well on fasting around the bakery stall, I don’t think I could. Is your mum doing better these days?

    Night from us
    Jean x

    A nice sunny day here today.Bowling season starts tomorrow,our first league game. And we all have shirts with Debdale bowling club wrote on them.We also have matching fleece jackets. Very posh. Hopefully we won’t need the fleece.I think I’ll still do the fasts until I’ve scoffed my Easter eggs, then maybe change it around a bit.

    Happy Sunday FB Brits .. hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day .. line full of washing out.

    A lovely walk on our own .. all the blossom beautiful in the sunshine ..nature starting to wake up again .. Wonderful.

    Pleased today as Sunday is always dodgy with eating .. collecting the paper usually means some treats .. Not today .. just usual crispbreads cheese and baby beetroot for lunch .. satsuma.

    This evening a big Tesco haddock fish cake a small jacket potato and some salad leaves ..

    This afternoon finishing a brilliant book by Santa Montefiore . My second read of her books.

    Sym… I just have a hot water bottle on my lap over my throw at the moment .. will look into a heated blanket .. I couldnt have one on the bed though lol

    H H .. Well done resisting the bakery stall ( You did didn’t you) lolol) I bet you will be so thrilled to have that ceiling done and dusted.

    Enjoy the day everyone in our little corner 💚
    (Sometimes you just have to accept what you’re been holding on to just doesn’t exist anymore. 💚 Xxxx

    You ladies all seem to be cold, very rare I’m cold in the house. No heating on and still nice and warm. The dandelion s are out now and the daisies. They are late this year. Roll on the Buttercups appearing. Just put most of the bowling fixtures on my phone with the postcodes so I can find where we’re going😁.

    Dave- you will look smart with your bowling club shirts! Is Denise glad to get you out the house with all your bowling or does she miss you?!
    Jean- glad your heated throw is getting some use! I bet Charlie loves it? Mumis doing okay, thanks, but tomorrow would’ve been their wedding anniversary so will be hard for her…
    Hemmy- well done resisting goodies today! Yes I did resist the bakery, I might go back next Saturday for an Easter treat though!
    Walked Xena & then Obi- he’s not great with other dogs & had a bit of a go at one today- I did warn the owners but they let their’s come up to him! Delivered the village magazines after Church- poor Enoch, his owner’s curtains were still shut then, she’s having so many bad days…Have done another FD, 650cals, was quite hungry today!

    Evening All…
    A beautiful day here a lovely walk on our own this morning..

    My to do list.. touch up paint in 6 rooms and opening three tins of paint, faffy to do.. scuffs and knocks, I washed a lot off but these were heavy marks.a couple of hours. Looking much better.

    A read pm… a good fast day 600 cals another one tomorrow.

    Posh fleeces for bowling going up in the world..

    I did the hot water bottle and throw.. I am pleased, I bought from Lakeland they have 3 year guarantee, a Sherpa.
    Garden furniture will be going out soon even for having a cuppa I am quite sheltered.

    Good you resisted the bakery, treat next week. Uniform all sorted you will be so proud.

    Night from us
    Jean x

    Morning everyone,
    A FD today. I am not hopeful of a good week. School holidays so my grandaughter is with us for a full day on Wednesday. We are taking her out for lunch. Food choices sometimes difficult when you are out. Friday is my DIL’s 40th and it is a buffet. My other DIL has kindly invited us for lunch on Sunday. An unusual week to our normally quiet one. I shall be happy if I stay the same weight.

    Jean, I am happy you like your heated throw. I would have felt guilty if you had been disappointed. It will come into is own next winter.

    Dave, you are fortunate to have such an affectionate dog. My two are meant to be lap dogs but they aren’t. I pick them up and they stay very still and as soon as I let them go they jump down. They look at me as if to say “was that necessary?”

    Hedgehogs, I don’t mind walking in poor weather but again my dogs don’t like rain or snow. They can ‘hold’ themselves forever. I have to physically put them in the garden and they are soon back inside.

    Easter is a difficult time for chocolate lovers. I haven’t bought an easter egg yet. I am hoping the shops sell out before we go shopping 🙂

    Wishing you well if you are on a FD.

    Regards Bronwyn

    Morning All..
    A lovely walk, clothes are slowly peeling off, all thermals off now and one fleece layer instead of two at the moment.
    A beautiful day I think my two garden chairs and coffee table will be out of the garage later ( not to use yet)

    I am fasting today I am debating what to do, housework up to date… it could be a lazy day.

    It’s always all or nothing….take it as it is and enjoy, another week all will be different.
    I think the throw will be nice even in the summer lots of chilly nights especially after the hot days.
    Unfortunately I have already eaten two Easter eggs I have one left!!

    Have a good fast day everyone…

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    It’s a lovely spring day here and we’re actually in double figures as it’s 11c long may it continue.

    Fast day for me today ive not been as good as I should lately too much cake and chocolate though I have bought myself a big bar of dairy milk for Easter. The problem I find with Easter eggs is too much packaging and not enough chocolate.

    No calories as yet but will be having my one low cal meal later though undecided what that will look like right now.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you on this beautiful April day. xxxx

    Oh so very uplifting in the warm sunshine.. Just came in from reading my book on the garden bench.

    I sat chopping up some small logs I had found on the walk this morning with a small cutter I found on Amazon which is brilliant and easy for me to slice through branches.
    Anyway.. it was soo warm so went and got my book and read while throwing grass for Pips.. Talk about Multi tasking lolol. First sit this year Yay to many more now.

    Tomorrow Dental check .. so will do my weekend shop. Only me to cater for… so hopefully good weather

    HH … Yes get your Easter treat from the bakery .. Oh my heart always feels so sad that Enoch relys on his owner to have his walk with you. Soo sad indeed. Good that you take him when you can though .. I feel so sad for him bless him.

    Sym…Get that garden furniture out I reckon you will be needing it. It sounds like you are upto date with spring cleaning.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone one Take care and remember “Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” Xxxx.

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