Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All..
    A lovely mild day a lovely walk.. all my thermals off, a fleece is off, a change of coat!
    I went through to see my daughter, her MIL was there she made Afternoon Tea at lunchtime, all bits and pieces all very nice.
    Card, chocolates and money treat…

    Rich had been to see Chris she seemed quite good…

    Thinking of my mum to her birthday would have been yesterday, I had a good chat with her….she would be 105 now !.. she was a lovely kind mum 🥰
    A good idea to weigh at the end of the month, I possibly weigh twice a week.. log once.
    Enjoy your buffet..

    I think the ones which have passed stay close with you, I still feel Steve close to me I chat all the time to him.
    A good weekend ahead for you.

    Your carrots will be tasty, I roast parsnips with honey on.( not for me😂)
    We have lost a few people I wish they would return…

    Jean x

    Afternoon All..
    A village walk this morning as it was tipping down both got very wet…

    A fast day for me and having a snuggle lazy day with the boy.. a bit of reading …

    A holiday dress had arrived quite pleased with it, as I always tend to go for blue I am trying other colours feel strange.. this one a bit of red, a touch of tan, black, white..it will be fine… there is another one on it’s way…

    Have a good fast day….

    Jean x

    It looks good Jean, Speedway called off tonight because of weather report. I’ve been bowling this afternoon and no rain at all.I hope it does rain now that they have called it off. Fast day going well only 2 cups of tea so far and not hungry yet.

    Afternoon everyone it’s been a dull day here with some rain showers thrown in.
    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and Mothers day if you took part in it. Our daughter gave me a lovely card and a bunch of daffodils as she was being was treated out by our two grandsons so OH cooked me a nice meal.
    Having a much needed fd today and am feeling really hungry so thought I’d come on here to take my mind off it.
    Jean that dress sounds lovely- nice to have a holiday to look forward to.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Afternoon all! Page has turned so can’t remember everyone’s posts…
    Mixed happy/ sad days for some of you yesterday- had lovely flowers & chocolate from eldest yesterday, youngest was working so he came today with a very extravagant bag of bits- chocs, candle, bubbly (bath & drink!) foot soak…Mum went to my sister’s, saw her Saturday & today instead, she’s in a good mood at the moment 😊
    Did a FD Saturday, a low day yesterday & then a FD today.
    Dave- If I think I’ve lost I like to weigh more often, it can be an encouragement…but if you don’t lose it can be discouraging!
    Keep strong if you’re fasting today 👏

    Afternoon All..

    A good fast day came in under 600 cals

    Good you played bowls… shame on the speedway..

    A lovely day for you yesterday.. hope the meal was nice.

    Some nice pressies for you…Texas daughter does US Mother’s Day but I said don’t bother as some treats ahead on holiday….

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A grey old day here with rain this afternoon… thank goodness it was a dry walk, lol

    So pleased to have come out of the weekend with no gain.. Especially as I ate a load of chocolates i had given me. lol First for weeks. Mustnt go down that road again lol

    Must be careful this week .. Garden Centre for lunch Wed then Kristy Thursday- Monday . I dont want to go back to Christmas weight no point in yo yo dieting.

    Sym …Your dress sounds lovely you always sound such a well put together lady.

    H H .. How lovely that your son put that wonderful gift together for you.. he obviously knows Mums taste..
    Good too that you and your sister share keeping an eye on your Mum.

    Jacket Potato ..with prawns tonight and some broccoli I love it and it sooo good for you.

    Enjoy your evening everyone… The person to please never mind the others is the one looking back in the mirror. 💖 xxxx

    439 calories so far today. Been a good day and not felt hungry either so that’s a bonus. Had a good few games of bowls and the rain stayed away. It’s started raining when I took Chloe out so probably right to call off the speedway.

    Evening everyone

    A good FD today following a lovely meal cooked by my daughter and her boyfriend yesterday.

    Looking forward to the spring when hoping I’ll feel more inclined to get out walking. During the winter months I pretty much hibernate.

    Hope everyone’s had a good day. Lynne x

    Evening all

    I too was thinking about my mum yesterday who we lost almost 18 years ago to cancer. She would be in her early eighties today and it’s hard to imagine her being that age.

    I’m happy in the knowledge that I will be staying clear of the naughty step this week and hopefully the scales will be kind again to me on Friday.

    The clocks go forward this coming Sunday morning so spring is just around the corner and the lighter warmer days.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Morning All..
    A dry start play date on the riverbank at 9am.. making the most of it the cows will be out at the end of the month 😩.. then back to our small selection of summer walks..

    I had a good fast day yesterday..

    Going to see my sister at 1 pm.

    Nice to be able to have a few things planned. You will be getting ready for Kirsty coming and getting out and about shopping and lunch out.
    It was 7 weeks since I saw Jacqui, I felt a downer for a couple of weeks. Hoping to see her a bit more each month. They are all so busy but 7 weeks is pushing it a bit.

    Glad you managed the bowls.. raining here pm no boules for me.

    Clocks go forward next week a nice sign of better weather. Dogs make you go out but won’t need our layers which is nicer.

    Good you are having a good week.. mine has gone better I think, kept off the biscuits and cakes..

    Jean x

    Yes it’s getting warmer, I played bowls with only my polo shirt on top so that was nice, much easier to play without waring a coat. Had a very good fast day yesterday. I usually do Thursday as well but got to take the car in on Thursday, the middle of the night 8-30 am😱. So might do Wednesday instead.

    Afternoon everyone
    A FD for me today. I have just had some fat free Greek yoghurt with a topping of high protein granola. I have bought an Aldi Thai ready meal for this evening. It is in a cardboard carton with veg and looks very nice. It was in the veg/salad section. I have fallen out with M&S meals they are expensive for what they are.

    Enjoyed Sunday with my birthday sons. Over indulged a little with the buffet but not as much as in the past. I am trying to be mindful of my choices these days. Counting calories where I can most days and still trying to up my protein too.

    Looking forward to the weekend when the clocks change and to more days in the garden. It’s bright and sunny today but very windy. Going to read now to keep my mind off food.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a lovely spring day here … Roll on seeing all the blossom out.

    Yes cows will soon be in the fields and more limited walking area I do love seeing them though.

    Sym…. I know what you mean about the weeks flying by its been a bit longer seeing Kristy this time ..she tries to do every month but i think she was making sure she was here for the Fri Mums anniversary.

    My friend I am meeting I met last month for the first time in many years.. I was her bridesmaid it seems a lifetime away lolol We are trying to meet once a month now.. She lives in village near Aylesbury Lost her hubby around the time I lost Mum then Covid .
    Hopefully with summer months you will see Jacqui more .. its hard for them when they have their own families to tend as well.

    Steve… I am sure it never gets easier losing your Mum however much time goes by… We do hold the memories for ever though.

    Just had a cheese and onion toastie .. for lunch .. Maybe omelette for dinner and baked beans. Having alight day and using up bits.

    Have a good day all.. If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles. 💖 Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone. Had a very low fast day yesterday and only 360 calories so far today, it may turn into another fast day. I like cows except for the one that stood on my toe in a field when I went fishing. Looking forward to warmer weather, I used to like winter when I was young but now I like the warmth. Just fine the shopping at Sainsbury’s only 2 tills open, they are all the same trying to get us all to use the self service ones. I don’t mind using them but Denise dosent like them.

    Afternoon everyone another mixed day of sunshine and showers again today but it didn’t stop me from going outside to do some work in the garden but I’m paying for it now as my back is really aching.
    A good fd yesterday in the end and will be having another one on Thursday as we’re not going to be visiting Ely.
    Dave I won’t use self service tills as I think that they’re taking a job away from a person.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    The only problem with not using them is there was a queue halfway around the store in Tesco for self-service and nobody on tills at all. Done B2B fast days, will try a low day tomorrow. Going bowling so that will help.

    Evening everyone!
    Jean- that’s sad not seeing much of your daughter…still, she’s better than my brother, he’s only seen Mum once in a year, & that was because we took her to his! At this rate you’ll see your US daughter more often than your daughter nearby! Nice to have a holiday to look forward too…
    Dave- your weather is obviously better than ours for a change- we’ve had so much rain here, dog walks are so muddy!
    Nana- I’m with you on the self service tills if we can avoid them! I think it’ll definitely lead to layoffs. Next it’ll be shops not taking any cash, I think it’s important to still keep using it…
    Hemmy- nice you’ll be seeing Kristy this weekend…sounds like you’re doing well maintaining so far! Enjoy meeting up with your old friend…(I think son’s gf had a fair bit to do with choosing the pressies, although son has always liked doing goodie ‘hampers’!)
    Steve- looking forward to the clocks changing too, & hopefully warmer weather. Some sun would be lovely!
    Lynne- glad you were spoilt on Mother’s Day…
    Bronwyn- nice to see your boys & to celebrate their birthday too- I’m a twin, I love it, we live next door but one to my sister. Are your boys identical? Well doe being restrained with the buffet & with your FD…
    Kay- have a lovely break!
    I did a FD yesterday, made butternut squash soup with cannellini beans blitzed in for protein so it was pretty filling. Another one today, a different soup tonight which was lovely again. Finally got to walk Enoch today, poor dog was so hyper as it’s been nearly a week! His owner keeps moaning that he’s been difficult at home, it’s not surprising! Did try & tell her he needs walking more…not sure if she even remembers the days she won’t answer the phone! Did a big pile of ironing & finally got round to altering hubby’s new trousers, he’s been waiting about 6 months! I hate sewing…
    Well done fasters!

    Morning all

    It’s a dry but very windy start to the day here so the weather people got their predictions right this time.

    I very often use the self check out at my local Tesco it’s easy and convenient plus I’m an unsociable person at times so I can do the shopping and not have to talk to anyone.

    Managing to stay away from the Easter eggs though those hot cross buns and Cadbury creme eggs do somehow jump into my basket when no one is looking.

    Morning All.,
    A very windy walk with Charlie and Oreo ..Natalie is starting her flying again so won’t catch up so much, she works for TUI…

    Cars left out on the road some outside jobs to be done, spraying the drive to kill the moss, depends on the wind, garage tidy, grass cut, some herbs to plant… see how I go..

    You must be warmer than here down to your tee shirt.. if you get in a corner out of the wind and in the sun could be warm.
    I use the self service I don’t mind..

    Enjoy your day out and bike ride…

    You are right if I add the days up I see Katie much more. I have seen Jacqui 4 times this year, I blame SIL but he can’t take all the blame… I got quite low the last two weeks not seeing them, I feel much better after Sunday. I know they are busy but once or twice a month isn’t asking a lot, she does ring me but it’s not the same.
    Poor Enoch does his owner have dementia?
    Soup sounds good.

    Easter eggs yes.. Easter bun a big no too sweet for me I enjoy a toasted tea cakes

    Jean x

    Steve there is now Cadburys hot cross bun chocolate bar😱😱😱. That will leap into your basket. Just took Chloe out and it’s very windy. Will be cold bowling later. It’s a lovely sunny day just nippy in the wind. I was hungry so caved in this morning and had toast.

    Evening All…
    All my outside jobs got finished so very pleased.. a bit of sewing done, ironing done , a quiche cooking… it could have been a FD but I had 4 biscuits the need when I finished my jobs.. still I have had no lunch.

    The wind was nippy but it got better..

    Fast day Thursday

    Jean x

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its been a lovely springlike day here and very enjoyable.

    Met up with my friend for lunch our second meeting after 7yrs.. again we couldnt stop chatting sat for 3 hr lunch lol Hunters chicken beautifully cooked .. no wonder it was packed with local farmers at the Garden Centre Buckingham.

    Meeting up again next month they also do a book exchange so that went down well with us as we love our reading lol.

    I did leave potatoes and just had the chicken and veg.. this evening crispbreads and marmite.
    Feeling happy as my Kristy tomorrow till Monday. Yay.

    Hope the fasters are having a good day .. Take care all… In Scarlet Ohara’s words Tomorrow is another day Xxxx

    I’m going to get weighed on Friday I think. I have a proper bowls game on Friday, we’ve arranged a friendly against a local team. So hope it doesn’t Chuck it down. Speedway on Thursday but it’s at Sheffield and the weather forecast is not good. Chloe my greyhound used to run there at Owlerton.

    Walked Xena early in the forest, didn’t see a soul! Took Enoch out afterwards, funny boy headed to the vets, so we went in to say hi & then he got worried 😂 Did our shopping & spent a while cooking this afternoon, just dinners, no baking 😇 Have done a 600cal day.
    Keep strong 💪

    Evening everyone

    Low day today, just some cod and veg for supper and deciding whether to have a FD tomorrow or Friday, still not sure.

    Hemmy enjoy Kristy’s visit. My eldest lives locally and we text quite a bit but I don’t speak with her or see her very often. I try and have a call per week with my youngest in uni, and she comes home every month or so, but I must have a revolving door, she’s out with friends as soon as she arrives and I only see her for the odd hour. I love that they’re both so independent, but a double edged sword.

    Day off Friday and looking forward to a long weekend, but a busy day to get through tomorrow, so maybe a good day for a FD.

    Lynne x

    Morning All..
    A lovely morning. A quieter day for me did a bit too much yesterday, it’s a shame your head says one thing and your body says another. 😂

    Walking on our own today.. yearly MOT at the vets pm, check over and jabs.

    Fasting today.. I have been eating more and then fasting so not expecting much.. just shaking food up…

    Meeting up with your friend looks as if it’s all going well, could be difficult when not seeing each other for a while but it seems all well..
    Enjoy Kirsty today and over the next few days, hoping you do a few shopping trips .

    Enjoy bowls and speedway back to your busy time. Hope all goes well for your doctors MOT this morning.

    Well done on your fast day, you are trying hard to move your weight. Hoping you get into your dress for the passing out parade.

    You are similar to me with your visits, it’s worse when people around you see their family a lot more. I am usually ok but just felt it the last couple of weeks. Hope works not too busy for you.. weekend approaching again ..

    Jean x

    I rarely see my daughter much, and son lives with us. Took the car for it’s MOT so hopefully it will pass. Denise is having a lie in so I locked Chloe in the living room, she dosent seem to be bothered. Knocks everything flying when I came back, her tail goes from side to side then it really starts to move like an helicopter 🤣.

    Morning everyone
    A FD for me today too. My Tuesday FD came in at around 600 calories. Today I haven’t eaten anything yet.

    I am cooking some vegetarian bolognaise sauce for my DIL and family to take as a gift at Easter for their freezer. It sounds a silly thing to give but she has a busy job and she loves it. I should have made it on a non-FD as the house smells lovely and it is making me hungry.

    Jean, I wish I was as motivated as yourself for doing jobs. You seem to be so good at tackling things. I am very good at ‘doing that tomorrow’ 🙂

    It’s sunny but cold here today. We back onto a golf course are most of the golfers are well wrapped up but there are a few in shorts and short sleeves. Nothing surprises me with golfers, some play in thick fog and even snow with coloured balls 😄
    Regards Bronwyn

    Roll on summer, I thought about going to Sheffield tonight for the Speedway but they’re is a lot of rain moving up the country. It’s just reaching Birmingham and Leicester so it may well reach Sheffield in a couple of hours.Steve will you be sampling the hot cross bun chocolate make by Cadburys?

    Evening, forgot to post earlier & a busy day…Weighed this morning- 2lbs off this week, 6 FDs & one low day 😬 Have done another one today, hard work as we were in town seeing lots of people with their lunches! Enoch’s owner didn’t answer- might be paranoid but it seems she answrs the phone on miserable days but not on dry ones! Youngest son has been for a haircut, had a Homestart phone ball & did extra cooking for the freezer (same as Bronwyn, that’s a lovely idea!)
    Day off tomorrow as we’re having a takeaway…

    Morning all

    Weighed myself this morning and disappointed to see no change this week but at least I haven’t gained either so I reset and move on.


    I’ll have to try the cadbury hot cross bun chocolate though I have had some of Mr Kipling’s hot cross pies which look like mince pies but the filling tastes like you’re eating a hot cross bun.

    I’ve lost one pound, very disappointed. But it could be worst. Bowling this afternoon a friendly match.

    Morning All..
    A very blowy morning but very nice.. village river bank walk a couple of more weeks the cows will be out then I will avoid going..
    It leaves one where I go with Natalie but lots of dogs can be there..

    It’s 7 weeks I have at been at the exactly the same weight.. so no loss this week.. still 2 lbs away from goal.

    Lunch out with my Park Ladies, usually once a month.

    Don’t let me kid you I keep leaving jobs till tomorrow.. I have a good long list of to do jobs… I have that moment and clear a few😂.. as the list grows.
    Lovely doing cooking for your DIL I bet she appreciates it.

    Enjoy your bowls…. Shame on the rain..well done on your pound off.

    Well done on your loss… you cooking for the freezer too.. I am eating out of mine trying to save some money and get it emptied a bit.

    We are both the same not loosing… better than up… push on for next week.

    Jean x

    Morning everyone and its a nice sunny but blowy one here.
    Weighed myself this morning since the 9th March and have managed to lose one and a half pounds not too bad considering the amount of food that I’ve eaten whilst on our break away for my birthday.
    Hedgehogs and Dave well done for losing and also well done to Steve and Jean for staying the same and not gaining.
    Hemmy hope you’re enjoying your time with Kristy. Our daughter lives five miles away so we get to see her quite a lot.
    We looked after our neighbours dog called Rubble yesterday as it was her mother’s funeral and he was such a good dog and didn’t seem that worried about being left with us.
    Hope everyone else is keeping alright and has a nice weekend.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon we kept coming on and off the bowling green, rain. We lost the game 5-3 but against a good team. Out team is a new one I only know half of them.I won my game 21:19 so an enjoyable game.

    Evening everyone,
    A cold, windy and wet day here in West Yorkshire. A planned run out cancelled because of the weather.

    Jean, I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight. You have done so well to reach your target. It gives me inspiration to know this way of eating works long term.

    FD yesterday was about 630 calories. I can’t seem to get it down to 500 when I did 5/2 the first time around.

    Aqua fitness first thing then DH announced he fancied Toby Carvery. I didn’t argue. No Y.Pudd and only one roast potato then lots of veg. It was lovely! Small pud and coffee to finish. I am still full so will try to last until bedtime without eating again 😊

    Weigh in for me next Friday along with Dave I think?

    Nothing planned for the weekend. If the weather is kind – gardening. Sunday watching the Boat Race on tv.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Evening All..
    A lovely day chilly in the wind, the garden felt warm, a couple of weeks and get the garden chairs out.

    Pleased with Charlie at the vets for yearly checkup he’s been on reduced food for 14 months another pound to loose and it will be 4 kilos lost … just slowly done.

    A lovely lunch out, Guinness, and two courses, no meal tonight, I have one glass of red wine left from last week to have later.
    I am doing three fasts this week not sure which days yet, hoping for one meal like Jo, then low days. June holidays are looming.. I have to be thoughtful.

    Well done on the 1 1/2 pounds lost very good when you go out a lot.

    Well done on winning your game if bowls.

    I have been going 5.2 for 8 years..lost 2 1/2 stone.. hovering around goal a bit up and a bit down for three years.. really hard on loosing these 2 lbs.. I am trying to pull my socks up too many biscuits, a couple of days no biscuit!
    I do like to feel hungry than over eating of fullness of food now.
    I have come on here nearly every day I do think it helps.

    Have a good weekend everyone…. Nothing exciting for me..

    Jean x

    Evening All..
    A lovely day chilly in the wind, the garden felt warm, a couple of weeks and get the garden chairs out.

    Pleased with Charlie at the vets for yearly checkup he’s been on reduced food for 14 months another pound to loose and it will be 4 kilos lost … just slowly done.

    A lovely lunch out, Guinness, and two courses, no meal tonight, I have one glass of red wine left from last week to have later.
    I am doing three fasts this week not sure which days yet, hoping for one meal like Jo, then low days. June holidays are looming.. I have to be thoughtful.

    Well done on the 1 1/2 pounds lost very good when you go out a lot.

    Well done on winning your game if bowls.

    Hope you are having Kirsty home and having break from walking Mr Pips.. lots of shopping ?? Have fun .

    I have been doing 5.2 for 8 years..lost 2 1/2 stone.. hovering around goal a bit up and a bit down for three years.. really hard on loosing these 2 lbs.. I am trying to pull my socks up too many biscuits, a couple of days now no biscuits!
    I do like to feel hungry than over eating of fullness of food now.
    I have come on here nearly every day I do think it helps.

    Have a good weekend everyone…. Nothing exciting for me..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, Not a bad day here today. Just had a toastie done in the airfryer.I could eat them until they come out of my ears.About 390 calories.First speedway meeting of the year I will be attending. The war of the rose’s.Sheffield won the first leg by 6 points so will see if we can win by 7 at home. Usually rains a lot at the start of the season, should start a month later.I do get frustrated sometimes when I don’t loose a lot after doing very well with the fast days. I have had to put 3 extra holes in my belt this year.

    A nice day yesterday, we went to another antiques centre, avoided the cafe 😇 Got out in the garden for a bit while it was dry- tomatoes seeds sown & inside to sprout. We had a takeaway in the evening as eldest is away again, that was my only meal of the day though.
    Had a ‘thank you do’ today for everyone who helps with the village magazine, I was so good & kept away from the cakes 😇😇 Saw mum this afternoon & will have salad for dinner tonight so a FD today.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone 😀

    Afternoon everyone
    Not a FD for me today but trying to be mindful of my food choices.

    I have been to watch my son play hockey and I am very cold. I thought it would be warmer with the sun shining but a cold wind. I am getting warm under my heated throw (my best friend) 🙂 A mini bottle of wine chilling in the fridge for later.

    Hedgehogs, yes, my twin sons are identical although they are so different in personality. They are close but no more than with their older brother who is only 18 months older. They are their own gang. You are fortunate to live so close to yours. Are you identical?

    Planning on egg and bacon for tea. Just one slice of toast and no butter. Hope there is something good to watch tonight – evenings are my worst time for being strong.

    Jean, I am trying to post daily like you have done as you said it had helped you on your journey – although a lot of my days are uneventful 🙂
    Regards Bronwyn

    Bronwyn my son plays ball hockey, he is a goaltender. It’s like ice hockey only no ice or puck. He wares loads of protective gear. Fed up so bought a small bar of chocolate. I’ll settle for losing an ounce this week.

    Evening All…
    A lovely lunch out with my daughter unexpected at a garden centre bought some daff plants to go to cemetery.
    Two good walks and not a lot more done…

    A lot of sport a good day for you..chocolate diet again !

    Another two good good days..you are really good.. mine starts tomorrow sun, tues and thurs.. hopefully. Try and move some weight one meal a day!!.. if I can .

    Twins must have been hard with a 18 month as well.. are the heated throws really good, I have a couple of throws and a hot water bottle quite cosy really and a lump of a dog too..

    Don’t forget the clocks!!

    Have a good Sunday..

    Jean x

    Good morning all

    It’s very quiet at the moment did you all forget to change the clocks?

    It’s a nice dry and bright morning here as I’ve just been out to Tesco’s to get some toastie bread and cheese so that’s my lunch sorted out.

    Will be watching the England game later this afternoon against Ukraine our second Euro 2024 qualifier so hopefully we’ll get another positive result.

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely long walk but very bitter wind..glad I put my over trousers on…only passed one person everybody lying in!

    I am fasting today… then Tuesday and Thursday see if I can move something!.. well that’s the plan!

    Started working off my to do list..2 ovens cleaned, just having a break..

    My clocks were done last night.. no change in Charlie ready to walk at the usual time.. so chilly out.
    Enjoy your footy later..

    Jean x

    Jean- you are always so busy, you deserve to burn the pounds off with all your cleaning! Hope you shift some this week…I do miss the extra hour today!
    Dave- shame about just one pound for you, I know how that feels!
    Hemmy- hope you’re having a good weekend with Kristy ☺
    Kay- hope you had a good holiday ☺
    Steve- enjoy to bread & cheese (drooling here!), & the footie!
    Bronwyn- hard work having twins & an 18 month old 😬 My mum was on valium having us & my 2 yr old brother…Sis & I are identical, we were always confusing people when we were younger but don’t look alike now. Very cold to watch hockey! Hope your FD goes okay…
    Got really drenched walking Xena this morning, & so muddy…dried up at last so hubby won’t be wet on the afternoon walk. AnotherFD, although very hungry! Pasta for hubby & I’ll have the sauce with veg instead.
    Keep strong 💪

    Good afternoon everyone,I too changed my clocks last night, it was 3am when I went to bed. Some change on their own other I changed before I went to bed. Fast day the usual Monday and Thursday. But will try maybe Tuesday or Wednesday as well. Got to stop having cereal at midnight.

    Morning all,

    Caught up with all the posts and the weigh ins. I will do a separate post with the update.

    Had a good few days away. A fair bit of walking but also a fair bit of eating and drinking! So now the race is on to drop the gain before Fridays weigh in 😄

    Walking a new dog Hugo today, just for 3 days. Meeting up with owner of the growly collie later on as I’m not sure about carrying on with walking him as he looks like he might bite me at some point!
    I think my usual brown lab is back to be walked this week too.
    Plus I’m working on Friday and Saturday on the holiday cottages, so plenty going on.

    It’s my birthday on Saturday and was hoping to go to a tapas restaurant in Bude but Neil hasn’t been very organised and has left it too late to get a table 🙄
    We are going somewhere else, which is equally nice, so all OK!

    Lovely to see some sunshine again today. We might have a walk on the beach later after a garden centre visit 😄 It’s that lovely time of year where the garden is coming to life and I need to get some more veg started.

    I’m fasting today, along with others no doubt. Doing 800cal days this week, apart from Wednesday, although trying for a 500 cal day today to kick start the week.

    Good luck with fasting everyone and enjoy your day.



    Jean 0, 0, 0
    Steve 1, +1, 1, 0
    Dave +3, 2, 1
    HH 1.5, 2 (Have I got this right?)
    Kay 1, 1
    Hemmy 1
    Bronwyn 1.5
    Nana, 1.5

    So 14.5 lbs loss, but 4 lbs gain so 10.5 off overall and 21 waves on the beach!


    Big push for the final week of March!

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