Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon everyone x Am having a much needed fd after a very enjoyable time away to celebrate my birthday. Welcome Essy we are a friendly group and will always try to help if you have any questions or need advice.
    A very blowy day here but no rain as yet 🤞
    Dave we have a dual ninja that we use all the time and hardly ever use our oven now.
    Jean hope your sisters move goes alright.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Getting hungry now not sure what I’m having possibly poached egg bacon and beans. It’s been pouring down all day here, some would say typical Manchester weather, but we are only the 9th city in terms of rainfall

    Evening all

    It’s been raining here too it’s getting so bad I’m thinking about building a good boat just in case the floods come. Much prefer the rain to the snow and ice though.


    It was a very good last episode of Endeavour and tied up a few things too.

    Luckily for me if I provide the jelly babies for the naughty step I can’t eat them being a vegetarian as they contain gelatin which comes from animal bones.

    A very good fast day so far and looking forward to my one meal in an hour or so.

    Good luck to all those fasting today.

    Essie- hi & welcome, hope your 1st FD goes well! Carbs make a big difference for me, I’m better with less!
    Dave- perhaps you need to build a boat like Steve?! Hope you don’t get wet again with Chloe, shame about bowling today…
    Steve- it’s a shame about jelly babies & gelatine, they do some good vegan sweets now though. I think wine gums are veggie? I laughed at 6 down & 2 across 😂
    Jean- sending you a hug, a worrying day with sister, hope she settles…
    Hemmy- Sunday will be hard, I do roasts now but it’s not the same just without youngest here, you must miss doing them alot…I’d like to do more craft stuff, it’s not so much the time as having everything spread out on the table, would be lovely to have a craft room!
    Lynne- hope you get back into the swing of work & FDs again!
    Nana- sounds like you had a nice break, hopefully not too much cake left!
    Kay- any bell ringing events coming up?
    Not sure if I mentioned I lost 1.5lbs last week, although yesterday was not good food wise so it’s probably gone back on again!
    Just had a shorter walk with Xena this morning- hadn’t realised how windy it was until we got in the woods, it was quite scary! No Enoch again 😡 Got some shopping for mum- she is obvs forgetful & puts jobs off too, so hadn’t got herself any…youngest came for his haircut & a catch up, before he realised the time- rushed off as he had to fit in going to the gym, letting friend’s dogs out, dinner & fire service training in a couple of hours!
    FD today okay but I am hungry😟

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you..Xxxx

    A rainy day here .. managed a dry walk though.. thank goodness.

    Its the first time for a long time I have come out of the weekend at the same weight I went into it

    Feeling good today.. into my second week with hopefully no rubbish. Fingers crossed The sweet craving has gone again like it did before Christmas.lol

    Jacket potato tonight with cheese and beans .. Icecream and sliced apple microwaved with a bit of honey .

    Sym .. I hope all went well with your sister and it wasnt too stressful for you today Xx

    H H.. What a really lovely Mum you are Xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day

    We must feed our body .. not our emotions Xxxx

    Just trying to round up all the updates from weigh ins…

    Jean 0
    Steve 1, +1
    Dave +3, 2
    HH 1.5
    Kay 1
    Hemmy 1
    Bronwyn 1.5

    Is this right?

    If so 8 lbs loss, but 4 lbs gain so 4lbs off overall and the waves on the beach have started!


    Come on peeps dig in!

    453 calories so far today so going well. No idea what I’ll have tomorrow. Been cleaning the oven today cleaner the top one then took the bottom oven door off to make it easier. Then I had to work out how to get the inner glass off because it was mucky in between the glasses. Did it in the end. I broke the oven light I thought it was a screw in bulb but it was a push in one🥴😫. Not sure I’ll be able to remove it now. But don’t really need it.

    Evening all,

    Hope everyone who is fasting has done OK!

    Enjoyed watching the rugby over the weekend plus we had a Bell ringing regional AGM held at our church, and made a loaf of sandwiches towards the ‘tea.’
    Luckily I did because pasties were the main event and they had forgot to order a non meat one! I did have a large slice of lemon drizzle cake though. 😄

    Nothing much happening this week. I seem to be down to just 1 dog to walk at the moment, the grumpy collie who doesn’t like me 😆

    I do have 2 holiday let cleans on Friday, thank goodness as its been so quiet!

    Weekend is rugby super Saturday and F1! Next week we are away from Tues – Fri so plenty of FDs booked in this week.

    I do like Ryvitas, and cream crackers and other crackers, but I’m not buying them at the moment as they are too easy to snack on. Also cut back on the bread, but I was naughty over the weekend, and enjoyed a fair bit of a lovely seeded sourdough loaf! Off the menu again.

    Right, need to count up tonight’s tea calories and eat!


    Evening All..
    Quite a stressful day, sister quite upset then angry with us, she looked very frightened and confused. We sorted her room out. Her son and I stayed a few hours. We got settled in to an activity session with a cuppa with some other ladies, chatting. Hoping she’s ok tonight.

    FD has gone well but I did have a few biscuits with Chris.

    I feel quite shattered tonight it’s strange..

    Thanks for all your concerns.

    Jean x

    569 calories my final total for yesterday, so very happy with that.

    Good morning everyone, going to try marmite today for the very first time. Chloe shows great interest in it.I don’t eat half as much when I cut out bread, but do miss it.

    Afternoon everyone been busy this morning giving our home a much needed clean and tidy up.
    Pleased to say that my fd went well yesterday and I had my favourite fd meal of salmon with pasta and low fat soft cheese. Hope everyone else who had a fd yesterday went well.
    Nice and sunny here at the moment after those strong winds which blew down a large tree across the road coming into our village but luckily there are no houses near to where it fell.
    Jean I hope your sister is a little more settled today.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Didn’t like it🤪🥴, but at least I tried it, had a big chunk of Ryvita with it spread on, I ate it all but not for me. Had it been cheese I would have spit it out. So it’s better than cheese. Not sure what to have later too eat, difficult not having bread, I tend to not have anything until tea time. I did have Ready Brek today.

    It was snowing when we went to Sainsbury’s but stopped now. Always seems to be bad weather when we go shopping.923 calories today plus a few more for drinks tonight. So a good low day.

    Evening All…
    A walk with Natalie this morning before she flies to see her dad in Spain the boys had a good run ..

    I have new glasses they needed adjustment.. a bit of shopping picked up 6 books from a charity shop.

    Sister still very upset today she didn’t sleep well last night, she wants to go home, Rich popped by with a few things.. she was in her own world today.

    I am struggling with food this week..

    Very cold here today.. good the tree didn’t hit anything.

    I still haven’t tried marmite..

    Jean x

    Jean your not missing anything, it’s not nice, too strong a taste. Had snow and thunder today. The thunder was extremely loud. Chloe just put her. head up and then went back to sleep😁.A good low day today, missing the bread but will carry on regardless.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A decent day today with blue sky and sunshine but raining hard this evening.

    Lovely to get outside in the garden this afternoon to wet to do much but started emptying the composite bin. Pip enjoyed it too with lots of grass throwing for him lol.

    Just had Bacon egg mushrooms and tomatoes .. Still no rubbish so pleased with my self and now not missing it lost my sweet tooth again. Yay

    Sym.. I would imagine you are feeling a bit low at the moment. I wouldn’t worry to much about weight loss this week .. too much on your mind I am sure.
    Its not as if you have much to lose now.

    I would write of this week and just keep well. xx

    Dave.. With the marmite that I love ..hopefully you only spread a scraping the tiniest smear on that Ryvita as very strong. lol

    Have a lovely evening everyone … You cannot control the situations in your life
    but you can try not to let the situations control you. xxxx

    Evening everyone
    Good FD for me, needed after a few days of overindulgence.

    Jean, such a difficult time. Hopefully your sister will feel more settled soon, just remind yourself you’re doing what’s right for you.

    Dave, I’m with you regarding marmite. I’ve tried it a few times thinking my tastes might change, but same result each time.

    A day in the office tomorrow. Tempted to do back to backs but I’ve never found the result as good as if I split my FD. I may not bother packing lunch and settle for a low/controlled day.

    Lynne x

    Evening FBB, Hope you are all keeping well.

    My fast day yesterday was fine calorie wise but it was a bit of a struggle. I am finding it hard going second time around. I lost momentum when I broke my shoulder. I am keeping at it but am thinking about what different foods I can eat. I am not vegetarian but don’t each much meat. I eat chicken and fish but rely on eggs and cheese and too much carbohydrate. I am going to try and eat more protein and maybe that will help with the hunger 🤞

    Dave, I couldn’t eat Marmite on Ryvita it would be too strong for me. It’s better on buttered toast but that’s not helpful if you have given up bread. I like Vegemite better, it’s similar to Marmite but much milder with a nicer taste.

    Jean, I sympathise with the situation regarding your sister. As a couple we have had to do this four times. Every time it has been stressful. I hope your sister settles soon.

    Regards Bronwyn

    Morning everyone and it was a bright frosty morning earlier but the sun has now melted it away but I’ll still need to be careful of the ice on my bike ride in the shady patches shortly.
    I’m a lover of marmite preferably on toast with butter and sometimes allow myself it for breakfast on the weekend 😋
    Jean hope your sister is a little bit better today.
    I do find fds easier if I’m kept busy and sometimes wonder if it be the case if I was still working in an office.
    Lunch as usual today and then visit Auntie tomorrow in Ely.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Jean- I hope your sister settles soon, easier said than done but try not to worry, she couldn’t stay at home how she was…Take care of yourself & don’t worry about the fasting…I misunderstood, I thought you’d tried marmite before! Not sure if I’ve got any little jars left like I gave Dave…
    Dave- keep strong without the bread, hopefully you’ll get a good result with the scales…
    Hemmy- doing well without the junk! Hope you have some more dry days to enjoy the garden!
    Nana- enjoy your lunch out & hope your aunt is doing oka. Stay safe on your bike x
    Lynne- well done with your FD, hope you do okay with keeping low today…
    Bronwyn- tough having to do the care home settling 4 times…have you tried quorn instead for protein for a change? It’s quite low cal.
    Kay- well done keeping track of everone! Why have you not got so many dogs to walk, have the owners changed their working hours? Shame it’s just the grumpy dog left 😂 Holiday season will start soon & there’ll be more cottages to do…
    Did a FD yesterday again, it was hard work though! Day off today, we went to an antiques centre, bought some new doggy mugs, they weren’t antiques though! Found a sort of biscuit tin shaped like a policeman, so got that & will fill it with chocolates for son’s birthday, which is the day after his passing out parade! Had a cream tea as well 😀
    Fasting tomorrow…

    Afternoon All..
    Walking early as heavy rain is on the way..

    I haven’t spoke to the home today I just can’t get through..hoping she is settling…

    We had an upset.. she said she was attacked and pushed to the floor, a cut on the face, 111 was called…. Thinking about it I think she’s fallen and made it up. She told us someone pushed her at the hospital unit, a big bruise on her face/hairline.. a bit of a coincidence two attacks in three days!

    Hope you got in the garden.. soon be plant pot paining again.

    Like you I never find b to b work for me.. split the days are better.

    That hard 4 people to settle its so hard going.. I was shattered I think just mentally…

    Very icy to be on your bike be very careful.

    The policeman tin sounds really nice.. unusual..

    I will try it one day.. Mel might find some marmite at a hotel for me to try…

    Looking iffy out.. walk now and miss the rain ..

    Jean x

    Back from bowling, were managed 3 harness and got home just before the school run started. I played with Ron Evo is the oldest of the 4 of us, he’s 81. And he’s been bowling since he was 17. We won 2-1. Only practice though only had 2 cups of tea today so should be a fast day. Did under 600 calories on Mon and under 1000 yesterday. Not had bread so doing well but it’s hard.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    A miserable old day here with drizzle for most.. We did get a dry walk with a lovely old black lab and a gorgeous honey coloured puppy 6 month old. So lovely tail never stopped wagging lol

    Then shopping in Bicester .. Lidl .. Wilko and charity shops. .. Found a lovely tweed bag in beiges like new for £5 ..

    Hedgehogs … Nope to junk.. not missing it now at all. Its like before Xmas I just walk past things I would have had to have .. There must be something in this stuff that is addictive. Once stopped you dont want it lolol
    I did get lots of mixed nuts.. they are so good for you. . Lidl good value of lovely whole nuts at £1.75 in a resealable bag
    Your son will love the tin with policemen on .. a lovely thoughtful gift.

    Sym…I expect it will take a while for your sister to settle all new for her .. So very hard for you and her son though.
    These things are so very upsetting when they affect families..

    Take care of yourself. xx

    I think with Marmite its you either love it or hate it. lolol Kristy and I love it..

    This evening Salmon steak a few small potatoes and some long stemmed broccoli mayo with a bit of parsley and garlic mixed in.

    I hope every one ie enjoying their day ..If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles.- xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone. I’ve had 3 good days this week and it’s a fast day today. I think the secret of the fast diet is not to go mad on non fast days. Checked the scales and they seem to be ok, so I don’t have to buy new ones It’s usually a mass fast today so keep strong all the fasters and don’t go mad if you’re not fasting.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mild here… blossom starting to come out now. Spring around the corner.

    Dave .. I think you are right .. its no good fasting one day then eating loads the next day lolol .. I think we all have been guilty of that ..

    Just had lunch and had Lidl own make seeded and brown rye crackers. Not only do I prefer them to Ryvita .. tastier I thought .. and only 1 calorie difference.. 37- 38 cals per slice I love that at 75p a pkt its I get 2 pkts compared to Ryvitas £1.50 at my shop.

    Have a good day everyone .. You already have everything you need within you to succeed and be happy.💛 Xxxx

    Hemmy it all depends what you put on them.I like just butter. Fast day going ok, I had 2 wheetabix earlier and a lamb casserole ready meal from Sainsbury’s. Will add a few mini roast potatoes, that will be under 800 calories so with drinks of tea will come in just under 800.

    Afternoon All…
    A really long walk this morning so only short tonight..
    Collected my readers altered my varies again, very painful, seem much better now.

    I have managed a good fast day around 500 cals… the rest of the week a bit iffy with Chris going into the home.

    Your scales are quite new should be ok… glad bowling went well, I like playing the oldies give you some tips.

    It’s like loosing your sister, it’s hard knowing she’s totally locked in and can’t go out….she will only get worse.. I shall see her next week.
    Rich is finding it very hard, very upset and with anxiety.

    You have just got us all eating Ryvita now you are changing us 😂🤣.. I shall give them a try..

    Jean x

    Dave- you’re dping so well this week, very strong!
    Jean- well done today, been a tough week for you, hugs xx
    Hemmy- you are such a thrifty shopper, it’s brilliant! Nice company on your walk, was Mr Pips okay with the puppy? Xena is so odd, sometimes she ignores pups, but is really taken with a yellow lab boy, hubby says she runs to see him at the park, plays & drops her ball for him!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Had a very good FD, under 500cals, feel quite motivated today! Got to walk Enoch although his mum was not right & emotional again…rang my lovely HomeStart family & she’s decided to move out the blue to Belfast, so one more call & that’s it, I might keep in touch as we’ve got on well…A few indoor jobs has kept me busy, too cold to be outside!

    Evening FBBs
    A good FD for me today – 577 calories. That is including the Lidl Cookies & Cream Protein Bar I have just eaten. I thought it was delicious, but there again everything tastes good on FDs. I am trying to up my protein so will see if it satisfies me through the night.

    Nanafix, I agree about trying to keep busy on FDs. I am certainly more active in the summer. Nearly there for the clocks going forward. No aqua fitness today but a vet booster visit for Poppy and sewing group this afternoon. I was sat next to the exit fire door and I am still frozen. Will get there earlier next time to get a better seat 🙂

    Hedgehogs, thankyou – yes I do cook with Quorn sometimes. Mostly their mince for bolognaise sauce or shepherds pie. I like the taste but not so much the spongy texture. I must try their sausages and other lines.

    Wishing everyone a good Friday especially people on a FD.

    Regards Bronwyn

    I’ve tried protein foods and I always say if it’s protein there’s no flavour. So I give it a wide berth. Normal protein is fine, just not the bars.A good fast day, not sure about tomorrow having chicken casserole done in the ninja. Best thing since sliced bread these Ninjas.

    Afternoon everyone a miserable rainy day here atthe moment.
    Decided not to weigh myself this week after the amount of eating and drinking that I’ve had over the last week.
    A good visit to Ely yesterday but the market was very disappointing again – one fruit & veg stall, handmade soaps stall & loads of food and coffee stalls. Auntie getting back to her old self now – won’t be able to see her next week as we’re dog sitting for our neighbours as they have a family funeral that day.
    Hope those of you that have weighed have had a good result.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone-its a Thai takeaway for us this evening but I’m driving.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, I’ve ended up with a bar of chocolate that only I like, it was bought by mistake so I’ll have to be brave and scoff it😈. Having a day off today so back to it on Monday.

    Hemmy I got some Ryvita seeded but much prefer the ryvita seeded thins. Bought goats butter but it’s too hard to use do I’ve left it out of the fridge.

    Bronwyn- If we pass a Lidl I’ll have a look for the protein bars, I need to up mine too. I like the quorn fillets & the roast, low cal with a pile of veggies…
    Dave- what a shame you have some chocolate to eat 😂
    Nana- enjoy your takeaway tonight!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Half a pound off this week, it’s taken 3 x 800cal FDs, & a 500cal day 😬 I’m managing just to have one meal today so it’ll be another 500cal day- tried on some outfits to see if anything’s suitable for wearing to son’s passing out parade, a couple don’t look too bad, would be nice if I could lose a few pounds…did our shopping today- hubby treated himself to croissants, I bought myself some tulips, much better for the waistline 😇
    Have a good evening & weekend!

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    Friday again.. the weeks just whiz by.. or is it that I am slower now lolol.

    I have stayed on maintenance this week .. so I am pleased with that. No rubbish sweets cakes bread now for 3 weeks.. and dont miss it..
    Funny as my trips to my local shop have been nil this week just a big shop at Lidl on Wednesday.
    Lol I was probably only going to my local to get fresh breads and cakes.

    Dave.. With the Ryvita I put butter and marmite lol or banana on my mine.
    I haven’t tried the thins..
    I really dont like Goats ..milk.. cheese etc at all it makes me feel sick. I know lots love it.

    Sym.. I can see how very hard it must be for you and your sisters son.. and my heart goes out to you both . xx
    We all just going along merrily and suddenly something personal comes and gives us a big smack.
    Make sure you look after yourself health wise as you are at a low ebb. Hopefully she will settle soon and things will be smoother with the visits. xx.

    H H ..Yes Mr Pip was good with the puppy .. he isnt really interested in other dogs at all he will stand his corner though and tell them. lol

    Peeps that dont know us think he is soo good and attentive to me when I stop and talk he just sits and keeps looking up at me lol but he is just wanting me to throw. grass. lolol

    Well done on your loss this week. xx

    Bronwyn .. Hoping you are having a good Friday too.

    Nana .. enjoy your Takeaway this evening.. Drive carefully

    Steve Kay and Lynne .. hope you are having a good day.

    Enjoy your weekend every one.. Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end Xxxx

    Well I’ll have to sacrifice myself and eat the chocolate later. Chloe just threw up on the sofa, fortunately out was on a throw so that’s in the washing machine.Ribeye for tea tomorrow and I’m cooking roast chicken and veg on Sunday so that will be low.

    Evening All..
    A river bank walk such a lovely morning…
    Then to the garden centre I wanted some herbs for my windowsill but too early another month..so I bought seeds.. then cafe a bacon butty, a cake and pot of tea..
    Onto the hairdressers .. I felt a bit of me time today.

    Considering a difficult week I have still held my own not an ounce gained or lost!

    Well done on your fast day.. I don’t do protein bars but cakes I shouldn’t have..
    It’s my day off today, I have had a better controlled day.. just a piece of cake!

    Glad auntie is getting back to herself hard as you get older. Enjoy your takeaway ..

    Enjoy your bar of chocolate.. I have two Easter eggs upstairs 😱.. I have to be good! I am not sure on the goats butter I think it will be bland.

    Well done on your half pound off you worked hard at moving that…good you have sorted an outfit out a bit longer to get some more weight off..

    My weeks whizz pass, I can’t believe how fast they go…maintained is good as long as you don’t stop like me… I am being extra good no biscuits today…
    Hoping to see Chris in the next few days not decided which day yet…
    When is Kirsty’s next visit?

    Jean x

    Evening all

    It’s not been a great day weather wise but it’s only the middle of March and spring is so much closer and longer days.

    I weighed myself earlier and somehow I’ve lost 1lb this week without really fasting as I normally have though some days I haven’t been eating as much as usual.

    Happy St Patrick’s day all.

    I will get weighed in 2 weeks time. Hopefully I will have lost some weight. Soon be summer, I’m looking forward to going fishing this year, bought lots of new tackle so itching to try out out. Speedway starts on Monday and bowling in the beginning of April.I only went fishing once last year and it costs£50 to join the club for a year.

    Morning All..
    A damp morning but it is warmer than of late..

    Nothing happening today, I think I will leave my sister a bit longer to settle, her son is there tomorrow for Mothering Sunday.

    I can’t seem to get back into boules…

    Well done on moving a pound always a surprise when not really bothering…

    Lots of things planned… you men always seem to get organised to do things… good luck with your weigh in, a lot off in another couple of weeks…

    Have a good weekend

    Jean x

    Just gave Chloe six toys, she’s like a dog with 2 heads, dosent know which one to play with first, had a go at all of them, worn out now. Ribeye for tea tonight😋😋😋. Lovely and sunny when I took Chloe out but it’s gone dull now. Giving Denise a rest tomorrow, I’m making Sunday dinner. She’s got blackforest gateux but I’m not keen on that so I’m having sticky toffee flavoured rice pudding 🤣


    Jean 0, 0
    Steve 1, +1, 1
    Dave +3, 2
    HH 1.5
    Kay 1, 1
    Hemmy 1
    Bronwyn 1.5
    HH, 0.5

    So 10.5 lbs loss, but 4 lbs gain so 6.5lbs off overall and 13 waves on the beach!


    Not looking as good as last month, come on everyone!

    I’m trying Kay. Will get weighed on the 31st.

    Hi FB Brits Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its been a lovely day lots of sunshine and feeling like spring. Hopefully no more snow now. We haven’t missed a walk this winter. Fingers crossed.

    Well done Steve on your lb off… try to stay away from Easter eggs now lol.

    Trying to have mindful weekend .. Kristy coming Thurs till Monday .. working from home Friday but gives us a good weekend. as taking Monday off.
    Today I received a basket of beautiful flowers for tomorrow ..feeling spoilt .

    Have a lovely evening all..❤️ As long as you’re trying to do better, better is going to come.

    Lovely to have toys to play with Chloe won’t know which one first !! Enjoy your ribeye one of my favourites..

    This month isn’t going well !!!!

    Lovely flowers a nice surprise… something to look forward to on Thursday a few days together..

    Jean x

    Happy Mothers Day to you all,
    I will be thinking about my mum today when she was at her best. Sadly she is no longer with us but she was a good mum. She had five children in the 1950s, it must have been very hard work.

    A lovely sunny day here in W Yorks. We are having a family party and buffet later today. Happily not at our house for a change. It is for our twin sons 38th birthday. I am going to be strong and not over indulge. We are all contributing and I have been asked to take quiches and pork pies!! Oh dear ☹️

    Dave, I am going to do the same as you with getting weighed on the 31st. I am sure I am losing weight but I get up and down reading when I weigh myself too much. It encourages and then discourages.

    FD tomorrow to repair any damage 🙂
    Regards Bronwyn

    Exactly Bronwyn, sometimes I only get on the scales once a month. Whereas some mentioning no names get on every day.My thinking is if you get on every day then they’re is no challenge but once a week or longer you have to try harder to make sure you lose. Chloe shoved me out of bed and now she’s trying to get me off the sofa.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    It s a very mild day but very dull.. no rain though.

    Thinking of Mum today … she loved her Sunday roast .. missing her so much. 3 yrs ago seems like yesterday.

    Trying to have a mindful weekend ..as I know it will be hard with Kristy here.lol

    Dave.. Thats me weighing every day I have done it twice at times morning and night lolol
    I am the same with everything in life I like to know where I am.. probably lost too many loved ones out of the blue to wait for a surprise. lol

    Sym… Yes .. I am looking forward to a long weekend With Kristy . They have been very busy working on the house so a nice break for her to come and be spoilt .. Phil is busy with his work.

    Salmon for dinner .. hope everyone is enjoying their day Take care all.

    Be comfortable in your own skin and Know who you are. 💚 Xxxx

    Minols, Dragonfly call in and say hello. Your missed on here. Chicken is cooking,I might try honey roast carrots in the Ninja, never done them. Made a batter mix for Yorkshire pudding so will have to have gravy.I don’t usually bother when I have chicken.

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