Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning everyone
    Does anything taste better than breakfast the day after a FD. Porridge hit the spot this morning. Think my next FD will be Thursday in the middle of my few days off.

    Hemmy, hubby passed Nov 2017. I first joined this group, Jan 2017 and remember the support I got from all here both when he was ill and when he passed.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Lynne x

    Morning everyone a dull drizzly one here and very cold.
    A lovely weekend as always. Yesterday was very busy starting off with a mammogram which I had to go to in Ely even though there’s a mobile one just 4 miles away. Afterwards we went to visit my Aunt as I won’t be seeing her on Thursday, then on to visit a friend of ours for lunch which was lovely as she also served champagne and a birthday cake for me.
    Was trying to keep yesterday as a low day but didn’t quite succeed so am having a fd today.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone,I had a good fast day yesterday,I will try for another one today, and maybe another Wednesday or Thursday. Got to lose this week. It’s a lovely sunny day here but only 2°C. Might have a salad for tea, don’t usually have them when it’s cold outside.

    Afternoon everyone

    It’s been a chilly start here too and I don’t think it’s going to get much better as the temperature was 2c when I woke up.

    Still no snow so hopefully it will miss me completely as I believe it has hit some areas of the country.

    I always find my breakfast tastes better after a fast and usually enjoy it that much more.

    Afternoon everyone
    A beautiful day here in west yorkshire too. Even though it’s cold the brightness lifts the spirits.

    My FD yesterday was a good one. Under 600 calories, although my ready meal was awful. I would have been better with poached eggs on toast or even Readybrek.

    Lynne, I certainly agree about breakfast after a FD tasting delicious. Filter coffee and my slice of toast tasted so good this morning.

    Jean, I agree – it’s a small world 🙂 It’s lovely in your neck of the woods.

    Hedgehogs, I have two Shih Tzus. Poppy 11 and Sadie 8. Poppy is mine and Sadie belonged to my mum who died in 2020. We call Sadie The Lodger although she is anything but. My first dogs and they have brought me so much joy.

    Been shopping today and bought plums to try Hemmy’s dessert also some small bottles of wine to treat myself on non-FDs. Next FD is Thursday.

    Afternoon all,

    No sign of snow down here in Cornwall, the forecast keeps changing although there is still a yellow warning in place. I think the worst thing is over night it’s going to feel like -9!! Neil won’t be happy getting up for work at 6am!

    I had to go back to the Dentist yesterday. The tooth they spent ages building up had a piece break off, but he’s sorted it out, so let’s see how it goes.

    Been busy cleaning today, but called it a day now. Might have a read of my book or my gardeners world magazine 🙂

    Over indulged over the weekend and paying for it now! FD yesterday was about 500 cals, today will be under 800 cals. Careful day tomorrow and then FD again on Thursday, probably Friday too!

    The plums sound nice, although I’m not a big lover of honey, but I think that it would be nice with plums.
    I have some kiwi fruit to eat up. Depending on the calories for tea, I may have one for pudding.

    I don’t think I’ve missed any more weigh ins for last week, so we are still at:

    No 🌊 yet!!

    Jean 0
    Steve 1
    Dave -3

    Keep strong fasters and keep warm everyone.


    Done the shopping it will be b2b fast days for me. Salad for tea so will be under 800 again. Might even try a third in a row tomorrow.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Well a nice surprise as its been sunny and no wind here to day and no snow as was forecast. Although my friend from Banbury nearby .. just mailed and they had snow.

    I am having a ” Mindful!” day as we say lol.. no fasting this week if I can stay being sensible all well and good..

    Lynne… Yes .. nothing hits the spot like breakfast after a fast lolol

    Nanna .. What a lovely Bday lunch your friend served up.. plus the bubbles .

    Dave.. Salads sounds very brave this weather .. go careful.

    Steve.. I hope you miss the snow. It always leaves such a mess and awkward for walking.

    Bronwyn… Love the wine.. I did stop it for a long time last year .. but funny enough I feel so much better having a glass or two in the evenings. It relaxes me.

    Kay .. its so very strange as a couple of my friends keep having trouble with their teeth fillings .. Build ups. Yeara ago they lasted for ever Lolol OMG I sound like my Mum did lol

    Sym. and HH . how are you doing today xx

    Take care everyone.. Tomorrow is another day Xxxx

    Evening All..,
    A very chilly warm sun sort of day… sleet for us I think Thursday…the day I am travelling for a car service.

    A very busy housework day been busy most of the day…

    Time has passed although not for you, 6 years.. I can’t believe Steve has passed 2 1/2 years, I miss him so much.. but life goes on.

    It sounds a lovely birthday for your friend.. glad auntie is coming around.

    Steve ..
    We are -6 tonight… a bit chilly..

    We both copy off Hemmy enjoy the plums… I had my squashy banana again on Ryvita so tasty..I have been so busy I have had a couple if wines tonight. I needed it.

    Hope your tooth holds…two of us been busy today..

    Well done on B2B it’s hard going..

    We are having another play date tomorrow then we are going for lunch with the doggies.. hope they are good, I usually only go on my own.. a good walk to quieten them down.
    I do like a glass of wine with dinner, not every day..

    Jean x

    Dave- well done with your B2B FDs…
    Kay- poor you with your tooth, I hope it lasts…enjoy your reading!
    Jean, Hemmy & Lynne- hugs to all of you, very hard for you xx
    Nana- sounds a lovely lunch, stretch out the birthday as long as you can!
    Steve- good if the snow missed you, I think they’ve changed the forecast so many times I’ve given up!
    Bronwyn- enjoy the plums & well done with your FDs! Your dogs sound lovely, my neighbour has always had Shih Tzus. We have a small lab, but she’s nutty!
    Sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone…
    Have done an 800cal Fd again, really enjoyed avocado & poached egg on ryvita- you’ve got me hooked on them again Hemmy 😂 We have had snow, but ploppy & it didn’t lay on the roads. Got so cold, wet & muddy walking Xena I couldn’t face walking Enoch. Have done some cleaning, Tesco shop online for tomorrow, & then it was so nice this afternoon we took Xena to the forest- hubby usually goes to the park but I decided a change would be good for him, he’s starting to get a bit tetchy, side effects of the steroids! Hopefully another 800cal day tomorrow…

    It’s been difficult today doing another fast, salad never hits the spot, as soon as I’ve had it I’m hungry again 🥴😫.I bought some Ryvita thins, you should be on comission Hemmy.I got seeded ones and had it dry not even butter. Going for another fast day tomorrow, it could end up a lot day around 1000, depends how I go. My new SIM card as come from Three, not put it in yet.I need my old number just in case for the delivery of my fishing chair.

    Morning everyone a nice morning here 3°C here at the moment with just a few snow flurries.
    Fd went well yesterday and my next one won’t be until next week as we’re going to Norwich tomorrow for a couple of days to celebrate my birthday and then a meal out with our daughter and son in law on Saturday. We always do a lot of walking whilst away so hopefully I won’t gain to much.
    Off to St Ives for our usual Wednesday lunch later on.
    Will be back on here Monday.
    Nana x

    Good morning, not doing a fast day today, too hungry after doing back to back FD’s. Nice and sunny here so we’re going bowling. Will take my hand warmer.I will try and do a lowish day, see how it goes.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well in your world. Xxxx

    Well what a strange day with the weather.
    We have been having snow warnings for the past few days .. nothing until this morning then a coating .

    So I quickly got Mr Pip out at 9am rather than usual 10.30 .. well within minutes it was completely snow free lolol Hoping we can get by passed tomorrow as no more showing and temps rising.

    How is it where you are?

    Just had lunch ..Potato and leek Cup of soup .. 3 Ryvita spread with a bit of marmite small cubes of cheese .. Tasty and not bad on Cals.

    I have in the croc pot some chopped bacon.. chopped chicken breast .. onion.. a couple of small leeks from my neighbours garden carrots a few small potatoes with a bit of water and wine… stock cube. lots of herbs and garlic .. Its smelling lovely and will be healthy.

    I am sort of making a project out of not only staying this weight but working on eating healthy all the time.

    Looking back I have been here since 2015 .. been up and down .. I dont want todo that anymore.. I just want to maintain at this weight or maybe a bit less.

    Its soo very strange as this happened to me when I stopped sweets.. ready meals etc.. I just didnt want them anymore…cutting out bread is my best action.

    I can remember walking through the shops not even looking at what I had come to think being “Rubbish”..
    I started looking at the dates some of these things and thinking blimey .. a freshly baked cake at home would soon go stale without all those additives .

    Then Christmas came and back on the sweets bread and rubbish cycle .. so starting once again. lol

    Well my thoughts today for what they are worth lolol xx

    Nana .. have a lovely time with your family celebrating.

    Dave,.. enjoy your bowling .. best giving another fast a miss today as so cold. You would just want to eat everything in sight after doing the back to back. Hope you win.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing. Be true to yourself, of course without harming others, and wish people well who misunderstand you.🌿 xxxx

    Afternoon all

    It’s another bright but chilly day here but luckily no snow though it has been very cold the last few nights with it being -4 here overnight.

    I go through phases where I won’t eat bread for weeks or even months and the same for some junk foods but it’s not always easy.

    I would take cream crackers over ryvita everytime I’ll eat them with cheese and tomato, just butter or even plain.

    It was -5°C here last night. We called it a day with the bowling it was snowing, not heavy but getting in your eyes. Not a fast day today but will do one tomorrow.My fishing chair as arrived, so will have a look at it maybe tomorrow.Denise is moaning that it’s in the way, nowhere to put it😁.

    Afternoon All..
    Sleeting been off and on all day a bit of snow.. nothing laying..
    A lovely walk with Natalie and Oreo this morning, came home got changed then we all went out for lunch, the boys were very good.

    I don’t mind walking when well wrapped up.. it’s all the getting ready I don’t like and undressing when back..
    Hope hubby soon feels better.

    Ryvitas usual for you to like them… I have quite taken with them, I like the ones with seeds. Shame snow stopped play.

    Have a lovely birthday and your trip away .

    I have been on here like you 2015.. holding pretty good the last three years.. but a couple of pounds need moving..

    I like crackers too, I swap about..

    Jean x

    Just waiting for dinner to cook- the sheet pan fried rice thing I do in the oven, loads of veg in soy sauce, ginger & garlic, & some tofu, no rice for me…another 800cal day, will have a day off tomorrow, having a takeaway in case hubby’s taste goes again!
    Very cold here again, sleet & snow showers, I did brave walking Enoch today. Not sure if I messed up our Tesco order or if there was a computer glitch, but it didn’t register the updated order so had my smaller just stick a few regular things in the basket order 😱
    Have a good evening!

    Jean I have the seeded Ryvita,I like Jacobs crackers smothered in butter, my grandma used to give me them when I went round to see her on Sundays.I lines getting on a bus on my own and visiting her, sometimes my step grandad would take us out for a drive. He had a Mini van so me and her collie used to go in the back, no seat belt in them days. I will sort my chair out tomorrow and dig out some other tackle.

    It’s warmer tonight zero degrees now. Watching old sci-fi movies from the 50s and early 60s😁😁😁. Tonight I’m watching the first spaceship to Venus👽👽👽.

    Morning All..
    A snowy topping on cars overnight…

    I am fasting today..

    Car for service and MOT this morning..about 40 mins away so I hope the weather behaves.. I am going to Scunthorpe.

    I shall be up early taking Charlie, emptying the boot, have breakfast..sorting sat nav out…

    Have a good day fasters

    Jean x

    Morning everyone
    Woke up to a blanket of snow yesterday which hung around all day. Definitely no FD but ended only slightly up from last FD.

    No FD today either, need to go shopping and do some jobs around the the house and I’m just feeling too cold. Wanted to tidy up the garden in my few days off, but will leave it a couple of days and see if the weather improves.

    Youngest is driving home from uni tonight after placement, then off with friends for the weekend, leaving me no doubt with plenty of washing to keep me busy.

    Keep strong all tasters. Lynne x

    Fast day for me today my third this week Yesterday I had a fair bit but still 1000 below my TDEE, So I can go a bit easier today if I have to. Just took Chloe out in the snow, it’s not settling on the ground. She gets some looks from Drivers going past us because she’s wearing her hat with a bobble 😁😁.Keeps her ears warm.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A Dark soggy day here .. The mornings snow soon got washed away thank goodness.. but a very wet walk and muddy boy.

    Did a biggish shop at Tesco this morning … very quiet the weather keeping peeps in I reckon.

    I bought lots of fresh fruit and veg.. not a ready meal in sight lolol .

    Salmon fishcakes small potatoes and broccoli for dinner. I do notice a difference in my weight when I dont have bread.

    More Icecream and Plums bought lolol, plums were only 59p a punnet. Trying seeded Ryvita ..see what I think.
    Its good to share ideas here .. I need to get more adventurous I think… sticking to the same things that seem to work but can get boring.

    Sym .. I couldnt believe it was 8 yrs I first came on here .. the time has flown, Ginette was here and she was very knowledgeable.

    Take care all whether fasting or feasting.. Trust yourself completely. ❤️
    (Do what’s right for you. Start putting yourself and your own happiness first. Xxxx

    Hemmy- I think a feasting day here 😂 I hope you enjoy the seeded ryvita, good you got lots of fruit & veg- no shortages your way then? Been wet & muddy here too…
    Jean- glad you got your car done okay, I used to live in Scunthorpe when I was little 😀
    Lynne- enjoy having your daughter home, if not the washing! Shame about the weather on your days off…
    Dave- love Chloe & her hat! Not surprised she gets people looking 💟 Well done with your FDs & low days this week!
    Steve- I’m a bit the same with spells of bread & then none…hope you’ve been strong with the doughnuts & hot cross buns!
    Kay- did you do a FD today?
    Mary- have a lovely few days away…
    Bronwyn- any snow for you?
    Rain all day today, feel bad but didn’t walk Enoch, he hasn’t got a coat & his teeth were chattering yesterday…tried a new recipe for chocolate & oat cakes, very nice, glad I only did half the recipe, they’re too tempting! Had a takeaway tonight, eldest is away, hubby got to taste it. Had someone round to look at repairing the kitchen ceiling, yay, he can do it! It’s taken a while to find anyone was thinking we’d never get it done!
    Back to 800cal days tomorrow…

    Good evening, it’s gone to a lowish day but I’m happy with that. If I lose this week I’ll have a bar of chocolate to celebrate if I don’t I won’t. Like Jean says Friday is her day off so I will take a leaf out of her book.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its snowing her at the moment after completely clearing last night .. hopefully this is the end of it .. At least so far touch wood most importantly no disruption with our walks .. lolol

    Just weighed and ! pound lost this week .. its definitely helped by ditching the bread completely .. There are some perks on living alone apart from my lovely best four legged friend lol.

    H H… Nope ,,, I bought pumpkin and oat Ryvita yesterday .. just had 2 for breakfast .. 1 marmite and 1 marmalade .. they dont hit the spot though like the brown rye.. just my taste though.
    I don’t care for the sweet fruit ones either ..will try the sesame seed again.. in fact go through them all lolol . There doesnt seem to be any shortage at all here with Fruit and veg.. More expensive though of late… like everything else . Have a good day.. xx

    Dave .. will you be having your bar of celebration choc today lolol

    Take care all whatever you are doing.
    Be the things you loved most about the people that are gone.💙💚❤

    Morning FBBs
    Lots of snow here this morning. Dave, have the Pennines done their job and shielded Manchester from the snow? M62 traffic blocked last night over the tops.

    It started as a FD yesterday for me but I forgot I was going to the theatre last night in Leeds. Everything went to pot – shared a large bag of Jelly Babies and Peanut Treats with DH and had wine in the interval. Sometimes the control goes and you have to roll with it I suppose. I couldn’t face a FD today so eating sensibly and doing a FD tomorrow 😟

    I am a bit tired of seeded Ryvita. The last packet is part eaten in it’s tin. I have not heard of Ryvita Thins so will try them. Again, thank you Forum members for these tips.

    Jean anf Hemmy, I have not had any wine since Christmas. Unlike food I can take it or leave it but if I bought a full bottle I would go back for a refill. With the small bottles I just have the one glass and that suits me.

    Enjoy your Friday FBBs. Regards Bronwyn

    Afternoon all

    We had a light covering of snow late yesterday evening but it’s now quite a bright but chilly day and hopefully no more snow to come.

    Weighed in earlier and I’ve managed to gain a pound I knew I shouldn’t have had that mini egg chocolate but too late for worrying and back to the drawing board next week.

    Well done Hemmy on your weight loss a pound is a very good steady loss for the week.


    You can join me this week on the naughty step lol . It’s nothing to beat yourself up about we just need to press the reset button and start again for next week.

    The scales are all over the place, different weights each time, will have to look into them. I thought I had lost 2lbs but now I’m not sure. I did buy chocolate though. The Pennines did a good job, we had snow not very little and it’s all gone now. My mate in Edale got battered with snow. It was 7 inches by midnight and is still falling. He’s locked his cat inside, the snow is to deep. Just fine a first aid course at the bowling club, very interesting.

    Hemmy- well done with your pound off! Good you know leaving bread does the trick…
    Dave- call it 2lbs & enjoy the chocolate 😂
    Steve- oops! Restart next week…
    Bronwyn- a night at the theatre sounds lovely, got to enjoy it! At least you can change FDs around…
    Hope everyone else is okay 😀
    Back to another 800cal day for me…grotty weather here, cold & sleet for my walk with Xena, then heavy snow but it didn’t lay for long. Did some spring cleaning, then walked Enoch when it stopped. Luckily my Homestart family cancelled their phone call, so didn’t have to rush back, his owner was in a state so spent some time with her- it won’t do any good though, she won’t help herself, have been through it all before with her. She lost her husband 5 years ago, sits indoors drinking most days & crying as she’s lonely. Lots of people have tried to help her, she won’t go out…Frustrating!
    Will try & keep strong the rest of today!

    Hi FB Brits.. hope all is well with you xxxx

    Well a welcome change in the weather here … Sunny this afternoon and blue sky although cold.

    A lovely 2 hr walk this morning with Mary-Ann .. she is off on a cruise tomorrow for 2 weeks so excited I will miss her and Wes her King Charles.

    My lovely chicken and bacon croc pot this evening… its got a bit of everything but the kitchen sink in it. lolol

    Bronwyn .. How lovely going to the theatre it s my most favourite outing .. New Theatre in Oxfords in easy reach.
    Thats the beauty of 5-2 you can adjust it to suit you. Ohhh Jelly babies love them so Moorish though lolol Glad you enjoyed it. xx

    Steve.. Life is for living and a bit of chocolate doesnt harm you.. Just back on the horse lol

    Hedgehogs … I think when peeps are that depressed .. its hard helping them. ..I think it needs to come from within them. My heart goes out to her and to you for trying to help. Keep trying X
    When I lost my first hubby at 38 with cancer I could have gone down that road ,, but I had a business to run . Then met my lovely Andrew and happy for the next 26 yrs
    Life is a B at times. Hopefully the woman will face the world again.. the answers are not in a bottle unfortunately xx

    Dave.. I would count this mornings weigh as 2 lbs …Have your choc

    Sym .. Lynne how are you doing today .

    Confidence is knowing you are enough exactly as you are. xxx

    Evening All..
    I seem to have missed coming on..

    A bad start this morning but improved as the day moved on… unfortunately I cancelled my walk with Natalie but by 9 am I could have gone… I fell a couple of years ago it makes me quite nervous when slippy.

    Charlie has been strange today, he was up very late this morning, very dreamy all day..stirring at nothing.

    Well done on the losers.. sorry too many posts to go back on,..

    Have a good weekend everyone…nothing doing here.

    Jean x

    Kay I’ll call it a 2lb loss this week Will check out the scales and if I’m not happy I’ll buy new ones. It’s a nice sunny day here today. I could do with giving up bread for a while it really helps with losing weight. The first aid course was very good yesterday. The instructor was good, he was funny but good at getting his message over. He demonstrated doing CPR for two minutes, it seemed an eternity.He said when he was in the SAS he had to give CPR to his mate who had been shot for 40 minutes while the helicopter arrived during this time he had been shot as well but kept on doing it. He said he couldn’t feel his arms after 20 minutes. His mate survived, this read in Afghanistan.

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A much better day today .. sunshine and a bit milder .

    Sym.. How is Charlie today.. I think they are such creatures of habit we notice anything different about them. Mind you Pip does strange things at times. and it then worries me. xx

    Dave.. I have to say its made such a difference not having bread ..its just a filler really.
    Your first aid course sounded interesting.

    I have decided to make a change around with meals today.. Just had my main meal at lunch time.. and will have the usual crisp bread lunch for my dinner this evening.
    It will be interesting.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing. If you tried your best,celebrate it. You don’t have to be first to feel successful. Xxxx

    I am going to try and stop the bread again, last time I did it I lost a stone. Mainly because when I stopped it I didn’t have any dinner(lunch) so that saved me lots of calories. Might start from Monday if I can.

    Jean- has Charlie been better today? Might be worth a check up as he’s had that funny turn recently?
    Dave- good to do a 1st aid course, the SAS are tough boys! I think if you can give up bread it would be good, you do lose lots then…
    Hemmy- I’m not good having amain meal at lunch time, I can’t get going in the afternoon & still get hungry in the evening 😂 You are so strong, you’ve been through so much xx
    No answer from Enoch’s mum, not surprisingly, so no walk for him…did some jobs instead, spent ages looking for a recipe for tomorrow as eldest reminded me he’d told me didn’t like the meal I’d planned, I don’t think he did 😂 Have been to mum’s for a game- she won! Son has been for a tattoo today, I don’t like them but it looks good…
    FD here but I have been so hungry!

    Evening everyone
    Very over indulgent few days, FD now planned for Tuesday. I know boredom is a big factor for me, need to devise some strategies. Cold and miserable again here today, but at least yesterday I was able to get best part of 3 loads of washing out on the line and dry.

    I also ditched the bread a few weeks ago, too often an excuse to eat too much butter/jam/marmalade.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Lynne x

    Hi new to this, I’m planning on starting my first fast day on Monday, I’m the heaviest I have ever been and feeling rubbish, going to try and cut down on my carbs,

    Morning All..
    What an awful nights sleep no idea why…
    It seems a better day..

    A good loss.. you have new scales do they want a new battery?
    CPR is hard going I did it for 20/25 mins with Steve, I knew it was to late but they told me to keep going..I was about stopping when they said the ambulance was in the village, I kept going…

    I don’t like tattoos but it’s quite tidy…it’s just a shame on Eunuch..
    No funny turns for Charlie??

    We do swap about a bit…I think it does you good. Bedding day for me looks sunny later.

    Welcome and keep popping by, .. a few of us fast Monday.. good luck..

    Charlie was strange/ sleepy all day but got up the next day and back to normal.. just an off day ??
    Interesting swapping food about.. see how you go.

    Have a good day

    Jean x

    Good Morning FBBs
    It’s not a FD for me until tomorrow but I decided to weigh myself this morning and I have lost 2lbs. I am surprised as I have had an up and down week but it has motivated me.

    Typhoo, naughty step and pressing the reset button. That made me laugh. I shall remember that for future slip-ups 🙂

    Jean, I understand about feeling nervous in icy/snowy conditions. I feel the same after my bad fall in 2021. I sometimes feel pain in my upper arm and shoulder even now.

    Hedgehog, feeling hungry – know how you feel.

    Hemmy, I found your idea about swapping your meals around interesting. Back in the 70s I had a job where I got luncheon vouchers. I lived alone and only had myself to feed. I had a proper lunch every day, a bit like a school dinner. I was never very hungry at teatime like I am now and I didn’t have weight issues.

    Essy, welcome to the forum. I have found it very helpful and supportive and I have picked up so many helpful tips from the group. I am 71 and need to lose weight too.

    Happy Sunday everyone,

    Hi FB Brits hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Well its 12 deg today here .. higher temp than of late but still chilly with the wind.

    Had a walk with a (not) favourite local person today but what can you do lol. Just thought of it as its the dogs time lolol.

    Not sure on dinner tonight as I have only just had lunch … lol Maybe bacon and eggs.
    Wish I was cooking a roast for Mum and Kristy it was a bind every Sunday little did I know how much I would miss it.

    Essy.. welcome and good luck with your mission to improve your health. X Lots of support with others here to help and give tips.

    Dave.. Yes ditch that bread.. it makes a difference.

    H H .. What a shame Enoch is dependant on that call to go for a walk. So sad ..Well done to you for trying. Xx

    Lynne.. I have been trying to think of an hobby I can do in winter .. I just said to my writer/ artist friend I really am in envy of her interests. I hope you are having a good week-end.

    Sym… Glad Charlie is back to his usual self they are a worry though .. I expect they are like their humans … have their moods. lol

    Bronwyn.. 2 lbs .. that’s brilliant well done you…keep going. X I was the same weight this morning so changing my timing yesterday on my main meal never made a difference. lol

    Just off out to play in the garden with Pip for half an hour it will be getting cold.

    Allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen.🧡 Xxxx

    Good evening everyone.Welcomb Essy keep coming on regulary and you will lose weight. It started off at 24 stone I’m now down to 20 stone, it’s so helpful being in a forum. I gave up smoking by joining a forum and got unbelievable help in it. I used to simple smoke 40 B&H a day sometimes more but quit over 10 years ago.I am stopping bread for a while and see how I go Not changed the scales but I will not get weighed again until the last day of this month. Been busy cleaning the carpet and vacuuming the stairs. We meet a Lurcher mostly white with a few black patches. I didn’t realise how big they are. It was much bigger than Chloe and she’s big. Beef cooking in the Ninja so first time Denise as done it this way. So hope it’s ok Chloe likes her Sunday dinner so I better go and make the Yorkshire pudding, will do extra because Chloe like it.

    Afternoon all

    It’s been a very wet day here but at least any snow that was refusing to go has now melted but the forecast appears to be for more to come.


    The naughty step isn’t too bad as long as long as its not raining or freezing cold and I’ll provide the jelly babies lol.

    I find being in this forum really helps me to keep going even though I’m struggling at the moment with Mothers day next weekend and it would have been my dad’s 87th birthday a few days later our first without him.


    Have you thought about maybe taking up an instrument like the ukulele they are relatively cheap and can learn songs within a day or so.

    My sister is going into the Home tomorrow, I am meeting my nephew there.. see how she is quiet or kicking off.. not looking forward to it..

    I hurt my coxyix, gave me problems for two years, very bad two months difficult when I had to walk Charlie.
    Well done in 2 lbs off 😁

    I know what you mean I grumble no one visits then when they do.. I can’t be bothered.. I am too much on my own now.
    Egg and bacon tomorrow for my fast day…

    Enjoy the beef, are you roasting it in the ninja?

    I will be with you for jelly babies..
    Having a Baileys and choc peanuts , feeling off with myself at the moment..

    Jean x

    Sym. I bet you are out of sorts because of tomorrow.. its very hard for you I am sure at the moment re your sister. Is it just you two?

    Life seems to have changed so very drastically for everyone the past few years .

    Things were so different here even.. you were doing things with Steve etc. Me with Mum.
    Mum used to say ” Carol .. “life goes on and you have to adjust to it” Often easier said than done though.
    Chin up girly .. your sister will be in good hands. Enjoy the Bailys and peanuts. xx

    Dave.. Stopping smoking was a massive thing to achieve.. well done you. We often met a lurcher on our walk a few years ago.. It was a lovely dog and very gentle. Like Chloe I would imagine.

    Steve.. I nearly spluttered my wine .. with a picture of me with a ukulele lol nice thought though. Still at the drawing board re a hobby. lol
    Its so very hard with anniversaries of our loved ones especially the first one. I feel for you.

    Take care all…We Live .. we love .. we lose. Xxxx

    I’m watching the last ever episode of Endeavour and as the pathologist stated in response to a crossword question all end up 6 down and 2 across.

    It is much harder to find something to keep your mind occupied during these winter months when the days are long and the nights seem longer still. It’s only a couple of weeks before the clocks go forward and we anticipate the good weather ahead.

    The kitchen is now closed for food until tomorrow evening and my only meal of the day.

    Yes I only have one sister, I am not close to my nephew he is very much a loner…I have my daughter and her family but I don’t see her much they are so busy.

    I would say I am alone but not lonely…but I feel am struggling a bit at the moment…Natalie has been on two trips the last two weeks and she is visiting her father in Spain next week.. I do miss her.

    Things have changed so much for me, you and Steve.. it’s so hard at times..

    The weather will start changing soon and as you say the clocks go back.. it will lift our spirits..a bad coming week for you 🤗

    Jean x

    Hemmy get a ukulele 😁Turned out nice again🤣I loved George Formby. The bread stops now. Will see what difference it makes.It works I think because I end up only having one meal per day.

    Good afternoon,Essy come on down, keep coming on here it will help if you do. No Bowling today rain stop play. It’s a fast day today so only had a cuppa so far Steve it’s sad out the last Endeavour I really enjoy that program,I watched last week’s lasts night so one left to watch. Jean hope your sister is happy when she moves. Just got drenched taking Chloe out, The fuse tripped out yesterday in the kitchen and it’s so awkward to get to the fusebox. I have to move the TV and soundbar and unplug lots of things to get to it. Got it going again now the microwave isn’t working and the fan oven is not getting hot.Good job I have 1 Ninja’s.Rare I ever use the oven or microwave.

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