Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning everyone, happy St David’s Day.

    No Welsh cakes for me today, going to have a FD as planning to go out to eat with eldest and her boyfriend tomorrow. She got offered a new job in a different health board in November and start date finally agreed for later this month.

    A couple of bunches of daffs in the house and added some as a top up at the cemetery at the weekend. Lots planted along the roadsides and on grass roundabout, always feels like better weather is in its way.

    HH, I’ve had many problems with drains over the years. The water board shocked and found a small issue under next doors garage and also confirmed there’s not enough of a gradient. They now come out every six months and flush them out and the problems have stopped.

    Hope you all have a good day. Lynne x

    Well done Nana and Bronwyn on your weigh ins. I stayed the same.

    50 pebbles! 25 lbs! Well done all.


    Jean 1; 0; 0; 0 = 1
    Hemmy 1; 1; 2; 1 = 5
    Kay 1; 0; 1.5; 0 = 2.5
    Nana 0.5; 1; 0; 1.5 = 3
    Bronwyn 2; 2; 1.5 = 5.5
    Steve 1; -2; 3; = 2
    Dave 2; 4; 0 = 6

    Onwards to March and we are collecting waves for the beach 🌊 Need at least 50 to match the ⛱️
    Some of us (me, Jean, Steve) need to do better…lol

    House sitting for the owner of 1 of the dogs I walk – awaiting BT. Then walking the dog at lunch time.

    Going to attack the shower later. I think it needs re-grouting to be fair, but I don’t think we have any, so will just have a go at cleaning it.

    Will take Tara out later but will walk a different route as she’s very excited at the amount of sheep and lambs in every field at the moment!

    Happy St David’s Day everyone. Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus!


    We have walked three rounds of the park, Charlie was so fussy and excited to be back.. I am mean I should go more loads of running and sniffing..
    I went to the cafe, 10/10 for the sausage.. 1/10 for my toasted cheese and ham sandwich.. what a disappointment made with white cheese which didn’t melt looked like cottage cheese.. I left most of it, it made me feel ill.. I came home and had plain cornflakes and milk it took the awful taste away.. very disappointed new owners!

    I have some daffs in the kitchen..congratulations on the new job for your daughter, enjoy your meal out.
    It’s is Spring like out.. love to see the Spring flowers everything waking up…

    So close to goal for me I am very slow on the last few pounds.. 1 lb off in March I will be happy 2lbs would be great..thinking of holidays too.
    Good luck in the shower.. must do my sealant in shower and kitchen behind the taps.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is ell with you Xxxx

    Its a sharp cold March 1st here today..and for some reason.. I am feeling tired too.

    Its time for some.. warmer weather .. spring flowers in the sunshine and days in the garden. lolol

    Well done everyone for all the pebbles. Xx

    Just going out for a play in the garden with Pip then snuggle up with a new book..

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing.

    The first person you need to be loyal to is yourself. Xxxx

    Good afternoon , been bowling. We had the odd shower but didn’t stop us for long. Not a fast day but only had about 140 calories so far.Deffinatly need the practice, a bit better than Monday but a long way to go.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a sharp cold March 1st here today..and for some reason.. I am feeling tired and bored today.. Probably as its into Mums anniversary month and still missing her terribly.

    Its time for some.. warmer weather .. spring flowers in the sunshine and days in the garden. lolol

    Well done everyone for all the pebbles. Xx

    Just going out for a play in the garden with Pip then snuggle up with a new book..

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing.

    The first person you need to be loyal to is yourself. Xxxx

    Well done with the pebbles all of you!
    Lynne- glad they’ve found a solution to your drain problems! Ours is limescale, we had more problems today!
    Kay- a busy day for you, hope the collie wasn’t too grumpy!
    Dave- when does the bowling season start? Did you do a FD?
    Jean- shame about your lunch out…why don’t you go to the park very often?
    Hemmy- yes, I wish it would warm up so the garden jobs were more appealing! Car needs a good clean too…
    Page has turned, so can’t catch up with everyone else…
    Have done a 500cal FD, so a nonFD tomorrow.

    Morning All…
    A fast day for me today… who’s joining me?

    Having my eyes tested at noon could be expensive…

    I have been snuggling up with my book and Charlie, too much but he does love it as I do 😂

    Lucky with the bowling ..

    I don’t go to the park now, I have to keep Charlie under control all the time, away from people and dogs, I have to check him before he thinks..it’s on lead off lead all the time.. new rules!.. good when it’s raining as yesterday all dogs and people at home!
    That’s why Natalie and I go to the river bank, they can just run free, not a lot of people about. Just clip on as needed.

    Have a strong day fasters..

    Jean x

    HH the bowling season starts in April so I hope improve by then. I’m fasting today, I’ve found a new app for counting the calories didn’t want to pay over 30 quid to renew my old app. The only problem with the news one is you have to work out the calories and enter them manually. But once you’ve done it out remembers them.

    Afternoon everyone. Its a lovely sunny day here but there’s still a chilly breeze.
    A lovely lunch as always yesterday with our friends and I had a jacket potato with cheese and beans.
    Went to Ely this morning to visit Auntie who is still improving albeit slowly and not wanting to eat much.
    Meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow and then a takeaway Kebab in the evening- it’s makes it hard to lose weight but at least with 5:2 you can swap days around 🤗
    We’re going to Norwich on Thursday for a couple of days and going to our local pub for a meal with our daughter and son in law to celebrate my birthday on the Saturday we come back.
    Think I’ll have my fds on Sunday and Tuesday this week as we’re going to be visiting our widowed friend for lunch on Monday.
    Kay thanks for doing the pebble count and well done to everyone on here.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    I love seeing people motivated to get healthy and active. Go Fat Busting Brits!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. xxxx

    What a glorious day a bit chilly but lovely blue sky and promise of spring with everything shooting.

    I got my first bag of compost today when I went to Lidl.. nice to see the garden stuff in again.

    Just doing the one fast this week .. I haven’t had any rubbish to eat though lol

    Sym .. its lovely to snuggle up with them..and a good book. My friend has just lent me. ” War In The Countryside ” 1939- 1945, an annual type book and illustrated . It looks so interesting So that me for the weekend lol..

    Keep going fasters “When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.” Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Very cold here for pm walk..
    Opticians proved to be expensive £470 ..a mid blue frame.. cataracts growing nicely in one eye 😬.. although on the bright side they were better than he expected.
    I need readers no idea why I didn’t buy while there?? Need to go back.

    Boiler man has just contacted me he is coming to do the service tomorrow..so that’s good.

    Finished at about 650 cals so a good fast day.

    I am counting cals a bit again to keep right

    You are always so busy meeting friends snd eating out it must be really hard to loose weight.. still you don’t know how long we are going to be able to do things.. make the most of it…. Makes me think more with my sister’s dementia!

    Your book seems a bit heavy..mine are more easy rubbish 😂
    Good on the compost always nice to have in.

    Keep strong..
    Jean x

    Lynne- I forgot to say congratulations to.your daughter, hope you have a nice meal 😀
    Jean- well done with your FD, hopefully another pebble or 2 tomorrow…it does sound a pain at the park I can understand not going if you can’t let Charlie off! Hubby takes Xena every day but often has to come home early if she’s a bit too interested in playing with someone else’s ball! Expensive glasses, hope the cataract’s not too bad!
    Dave- a few more weeks of practice with the bowling then…
    Hemmy- hope the book is good, nice to get your compost, spring is definitely on the way 😀
    Kay- have you done much in your garden?
    Steve & Bronwyn- hope you’re both okay…
    No answer from Enoch’s mum again so couldn’t walk him, decided to make the most of not too bad weather & make a start on the annual prune of the tortured willow- we managed to get as much as we could reach done in one go so that was good. Managed to lose my hat over the fence in the people behind us’ garden, so had to go round & ask if I could have it back- quite embarassing 😱
    Youngest came for a hair cut, he’s had a brilliant month, sold 44 cars & beat all the sales team, so he was chuffed. Not a FD here today, nor tomorrow…

    Evening everyone
    I hope the Thursday fasters have had a good day. It was a FD for me too and I have only had my evening meal. It wasn’t possible to count the calories but it was probably fairly low – Ikea meatballs, small portion of ready mash and broccoli. Not very exciting food choice but I don’t like cooking on a FD. I prefer a ready meal with the calories on the cover.

    Hemmy, thank you – didn’t know Lidl sold compost. It’s nearer to us than a garden centre so good to know.

    Going to try making a crustless quiche tomorrow. I saw a video on Youtube and it looks easy. I like quiche but often avoid it because of the pastry. Will see how I go.

    Bed now, not too hungry so my tummy is starting to get used to being empty. Looking forward to my breakfast though 🙂

    Good morning everyone, early for me, usually in bed at this time. Got to go to bowling club to pay membership. We watched Thunderbirds last night, the original ones and enjoyed it 😁😁. We was looking out for the wires on their heads🤣😂. Not got weighed yet but think I’ve gained for the first time this year.

    3lbs gain😫😫😫. Denise is to blame baking coconut buns, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

    Good morning all

    It’s a chilly but dry start to the day so settling down with a good cup of coffee and watching The Godfather 2 that was on last night it’s one of those films I have watched many times.

    I weighed myself this morning and pleased to say I’ve lost a pound this week so a good start to the month.


    I would stick with that excuse too except it’s Tesco’s fault for selling such good doughnuts in my case but I’m doing my best to stay away from that part of the supermarket.

    Good luck to all those weighing in today

    Morning All…
    A lovely long walk across the fields. Weather not too bad today.

    Waiting for boiler man to service my boiler.

    Weigh in exactly the same to the ounce!!! Just won’t move!!
    Still 2 lbs off goal….no pebbles for me.

    I can let him off at the park but he needs to be totally under control.. so I can’t walk and talk he needs my full attention.
    Hope you get some garden jobs done it’s not too cold at the moment.

    I enjoy a good quiche .. I make with and without pastry. Hope you got to sleep… I used to have sleepless night but seems much better now.

    Naughty Denise and coconut buns… 3 lbs on.. line drawn move on….

    Well done a pound off… enjoy your film …

    My day off just eaten two small marzipan and chocolate croissants.. very tasty…. Just brunch ..No lunch..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs xxxx

    Its been a chilly dull day here but it is March I suppose lolol.

    I have stayed the same this week .. wondering whether to go lower.. Maybe just keep in Maintenance till warmer weather… see then whether to go lower.

    Sym… Not easy knocking the last couple of pounds off especially when is so cold.

    Enjoy your weekend every one.. Our health depends on what we put into our body. xxxx

    I have been under goal.. a few pounds crept on before Christmas.. it won’t budge.
    Still I am ok it will move when it feels it wants too, just push on.

    Like you say it’s hard when chilly.. better weather and different clothes start making you try harder..


    It is easier when it’s warm. So till on summer. I like it when the first test match begins,I know it’s good weather then hopefully.

    Hi everyone

    OK FD yesterday but didn’t manage Thursday. Weekend off and back to it on Monday

    Dave, I can’t believe you need bowling practice!! You’ve been playing all winter. I’m almost scared of playing in April when our season starts…not played since September!

    Had a lovely day pottering in the garden on Thursday in the sunshine, but it’s going really cold again now, so too soon to add much into the garden.
    I have so some seeds started and it will be soon time to start the chilli and tomatoes.

    F1 starts today…woohoo, although I do hope it’s not dominated by a single team – it’s never very exciting then. Too predictable.

    We are bell ringing this afternoon as we are being visited by the 2 Bishops of Truro! Possibly connected with St Pirans Day tomorrow. Which reminds me, I need to decide what to bake! I’m going to make some pastry later for pasties, but need something sweet…..

    2 weeks to go, then a week off for Neil, and a few days away for us as an early birthday break for me.

    Let’s knuckle down for March! I’m not weighing in till next week, as I weighed in on Wednesday this week.

    No 🌊 yet!!

    Jean 0
    Steve 1
    Dave -3

    Good afternoon FBB
    Trying hard not to overeat this weekend. I do so well on my two fast days but let myself down on the other days. I am waiting for my stone marker to do down then I can treat myself to something new to wear. My new rules – getting tough with myself.

    Slice of toast and coffee for b’fast and just had a small slice of leftover quiche from yesterday. Saving myself for a takeaway Chinese tonight. My crustless quiche was a success. Easy and delicious. How has this passed me by? It’s now going to be family favourite especially in the summer with salad.

    Cold and overcast here. Hope it’s better where you live?

    It’s cold here and dull. Not a fast day, having lemon chicken for tea with new potatoes. Will see if the prediction about snow comes true, they have been saying it will snow all winter.

    Dave, we live on the edge of the Pennines, not far from Emley Moor television mast and we have not had snow this winter either.

    Afternoon All….
    It’s not a bad day not too cold…played boules a good game playing singles, 3 people… a new lady so not a fair match, so lots of discussion about rules.. I did win.

    Then to cafe which the overflow into a pub, so 2 halves of Guinness and jacket with cheese and salad. Really nice..

    A good play with Charlie going out shortly.. a cuppa first..

    Thinking of Steve he loved F1 another season without him…
    Enjoy your bell ringing…

    Have you tried onion and tuna quiche, fry the onions off slightly, add the drained tuna and your egg topping..sprinkle of herbs… a change from the usual.
    Hope your stone changeover happens soon…
    I live in a village 4 miles from Goole.

    We had snow on my forecast all week.. just looked all gone again!!.. they haven’t a clue…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs .. hope all is well with you xxxx

    Its a dark chilly day here .. we had a long walk with the neighbour.

    Snow forecast locally next Wed till Fri at the moment hopefully it will disappear off the forecast in the next few days.

    Lovely smells going on here.. my last piece of Christmas beef in the Croc Pot with bits and pieces I am using up… Today and tomorrows dinner .. Some to freeze.

    Weight good this morning so mustn’t go silly this weekend. lolol

    Sym.. your lunch time sounded my idea of enjoyment ..

    Take care all whatever you are doing.. Every time you try your best,you find yourself a step ahead. Xxxx

    Good evening, the Pennines do a good job keeping the snow away from Manchester. We don’t get much snow ever. Just enjoyed a lovely tray bake lemon chicken and New potatoes and some Mediterranean veg.

    Good Morning FBBs Xxxx

    A dull chilly 5deg here .. a snuggled in day today I think.

    Dinner taken care of with the rest of yesterdays beef Croc pot absolutely delicious.
    So far a good weekend no bread just ryvita .. It makes such a difference.

    I have a smelly Mr Pips this morning.. He rolled yesterday over the fields I thought I had cleaned it all but obviously not Out with the baby wipes again lolol

    Dave that lemon chicken sounded good was it? Good idea all on one tray .. is it the Mary Berry recipe or your own..

    Enjoy your day everyone. Every dream has the potential to come true, but if we never give it a go, we’ll never know.xxxx

    Hemmy it’s a John Torode recipe.It was beautiful.I could eat it every day😋😋😋.The sun is trying to come out, it’s only 4°C at the moment so very nippy. I’ll take Chloe out now, she will need her thick coat today and even her hat. She looks good in her hat and gets plenty of attention when she as it on.

    Afternoon all

    It’s only 5c here but dry so can’t really complain about that but there is snow forecast in Scotland for tomorrow but it doesn’t look like it’s going to reach me.

    Had a little walk this morning so was very hungry for my porridge which has now been eaten and enjoyed.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.

    I had ready brek for my breakfast,I enjoyed that too.Busy buying fishing equipment for the summer. Looking forward to going, going for bigger fish this time, I normally just go for silver fish and if a carp comes then so be it. Now I want to catch carp,tench and bigger bream. Bought a nice new chair for comfort but it’s also very practical, not cheap over £200. Waiting for it to come, they are sold out all over.

    Dave,, it looks a lovely recipe.. I will try it next weekend.

    It s funny you saying about fishing stuff .. I think I have said my neighbours love fishing .. husband and wife. Its taken very seriously twice a week .. they spend a fortune on the best tackle etc .. oh but they wont spend an extra pound on anything else lolol makes me chuckle.

    FD yesterday & another today, going to try & do a few more 800cal ones- I have just under 4 weeks now til son’s police passing out parade, want to fit in something for it 😱😂 That’s if he passes- too much going on for him right now with the ‘ex’gf, she’s in a mess & keeps getting in touch with him, worrying him…& me! So have felt a bit stressed & sick over the weekend, it’s helped the FDs I suppose!
    Take care & enjoy the rest of Sunday all xx

    Hedgehogs …. well done with your FDs not easy on a weekend too. xx

    Try not to get to worried and get to stressed about your boy I know easier said than done..
    Thing is they are young and I remember with Kristy all can change so very quickly. You don’t want to get ill xx

    Just going to have the rest of my beef stew it smells lovely .. oh and a glass of wine or two… plus my latest favourite sort of healthy pudding of 2 plums halved in a spoon of honey Microwaved for 2 mins and some ice cream .. wonderful.

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone .. tomorrow its back to being mindful. When the times get tough .. the tough get going xxxx

    Thankyou Liverpool FC that scoreline has made my weekend even better. YNWA.

    That is the kitchen closed now for food until my one meal during my FD tomorrow just need to think of what to have now but I’m pretty sure we all know it will be pasta based.

    Enjoy your Sunday and eating normally and tomorrow we fast and eat mindfully.

    Morning Everyine

    A bit of over indulgence on Saturday, but back in control yesterday and this morning back at post FD weight.

    A FD today, back to back meetings most of the day so not much time for snacking. Always busy when trying to cram a week’s work into a couple of days. A few days off at the end of the week to use up annual leave,

    Cold here but no snow. Eldest not happy, her flat is in a converted pub built in 1905 and it gets very cold. Looking forward to not needing multiple layers to keep warm.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Lynne x

    Hemmy I’m the same as your neighbours for buying good fishing tackle, just bought a chair that was over £200.But I don’t scrimp on other stuff, I prefer quality it usually works out cheaper in the long run. So Steve are you a Liverpool fan then or just don’t like United. I’m going to try and do a few fast days this week.

    Morning All…
    Walked out not as cold as expected.. but it’s on its way..

    I am fasting today…

    Still eating out the freezer your beef sounded tasty .. homemade veggie soup for me tonight with Ryvitas and cheese.
    Working through my freezer again ..

    Hope bowls isn’t too wet for you today.. get wrapped up.

    I am enjoying my porridge too.. no snow for you yet?

    It’s naughty GF keep ringing your son.. is she having seconds thoughts… it’s not good for either of them.

    Hope your few days are not too hectic.. have a good FD.
    I think we all have too many layers on I am hoping to go down a few sizes for the summer 😂🤣

    Jean x

    Good afternoon

    Chilly but dry day again here so fortunately no snow not sure if we will get any but hopefully not.


    I am a Liverpool fan and have been for about 50 years now I didn’t think we would reach the great heights of the seventies and eighties again but then came the arrival of Klopp.

    I’m hoping to get down to under 13 stone in the next few months though that could be derailed slightly by the arrival of Easter next month.

    I’ve already had some hot cross buns this year I’m pretty sure they never used to be available throughout the year.

    Stay strong fasters and tomorrow we can all eat normally.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its not a bad day here so far only showing snow now a short while tomorrow. Hopefully we will miss it..Often being in the Thames valley we do..

    I was pleased with the scales this morning after the weekend weight was good.. I have usually had some rubbish and put a bit on.

    I realise its best to have a good meal then you feel satisfied… if not you are always looking for something else. lolol ..

    Tonight I am having a funny combination lolol .. I need to use up Brussel sprouts . lovely small ones.. having them with a Jacket potato with cheese lolol

    Dave… I wish I had a hobby other than my garden..mY friends have said come fishing
    but no way could i catch one. lol My Kristy would kill me. lolol .

    Lynne.. I remember you talking about your hubby .. how long is it since he has passed over. xx

    Steve.. Did you watch F1 or are you not into it. We have Mercedes factory near by in Brackley . Losing out to Red bull now though.

    Sym.. I am still trying to use from the freezer but keep also topping it up with sell offs from local Coop. lolol I cant walk away from a bargain. lol

    I really enjoyed the 2 days with the beef hot pot .. but I think that will do me with red meat now for a while.

    I eat a lot of chicken now.. Andrew loved his red meat lol .. Still miss him so very much after this is the 11th year..

    HH .. how are you today. Xx

    Kay..and Bronwyn how are you… are you fasting today.

    Take care all Never delay to begin not every chance will wait for you.…Xxxx

    I took Denise fishing before we were married.Big mistake, she wouldn’t put a maggot on the hook, and she wouldn’t take the fish off the hook. And to top it all she caught the biggest fish off the day. I’m very hungry now think I’ll have to make tea.

    You are nearly at a stone change I always think it’s nice.. not a lover of hot cross buns too sweet…

    I am like you eat a bit top up a bit…I do have a bit of space it’s not packed!!

    Small Homemade soup then Ryvitas with squashed banana on.. no butter.. really tasty..

    I have only fished in Lafayette but they were thrown back.. the guys did all the awful bits…

    Finished today at about 600 cals

    Jean x

    Evening everyone
    FD for me today. Only had a Cup a Soup and a few grapes so far. M&S small sausage and mash meal tonight. Will eat later to get me through the evening.

    When I first started 5/2 it was the summer of 2020 in the first lockdown when the weather was beautiful. It was much easier to do than now in the cold weather stuck indoors. I am hoping when the weather improves it will be easier 🤞

    Hemmy, your microwave plums with honey with ice cream sounds lovely. Shopping day tomorrow, plums on the list. This forum is so helpful with food ideas.

    Dave, I need to look up the lemon chicken traybake recipe too. I make one with parsley and garlic butter with small potatoes and courgettes.

    Jean, thank you for the tuna idea for the quiche. I have made a list of fillings to add in future versions.
    We once had a boating holiday on the canals of East Yorkshire and sailed as far as Goole and then went as far as Hessle to look at the Humber. That was 50 years ago – memories 🙂. I also have relatives in Snaith and Rawcliffe.

    Hope you fellow fasters are staying strong today. Good tv tonight – Only Connect and Unforgotten – it helps if there is something good to watch.


    Formula one isn’t really my thing I have tried over the years but never really got my excitement in the same way as rugby,football or even Athletics.

    I used to go with my older brother when we were kids catching frogs, toads fish and newts. We even caught slow worms which are more like snakes in length and size.

    An interesting documentary on channel four tonight about George Michael so something will have to be watched later on catch up.

    The way formula one is going I might stop watching it. It’s so boring when the same driver wins all the time. I think I’m getting my fishing chair tomorrow, I’ll be like a kid at Christmas 🤣😂.

    Hi all! Will try to remember everyone!
    Jean- a bit complicated with son & gf- she is in a bit of a crisis, pretty much has had a breakdown- he doesn’t want to cut her off like that, he’s really good & has helped her sort some stuff & found a counsellor for her, she needs professional help. But it’s been really hard for him as he’s hurting himself…
    Dave- I like the idea of sitting by a lake in the nice weather, but not the fishing bit 😂 Hope we get some good weather in the summer & you can make good use of the chair!
    Mary- yes, you do so well fitting fasting in with your meals out, & losing steadily!
    Hemmy- strange dinner indeed! I steam sprouts the squash them, roast them with a bit of onion & garlic powder so they go all crispy, lovely! The plums sound lovely though 😊 Hope Mr Pips hasn’t rolled in anything else?! Enoch was eyeing up cow pat today, luckily he was on the lead!
    Steve-glad the footie result was good for you…I managed to resist the hot cross buns in our local shop, not sure how long for though…
    Lynne- a nice weekend, good it didn’t do too much damage! Hope work is not too stressful this week…
    Bronwyn- have you got a dog yourself? The quiche sounded good…hope you can go clothes shopping soon! It was lovely weather in lockdown, the only consolation!
    Finally walked Enoch today, rang my HS family, got some jobs done, have had a good FD…

    I live in Rawcliffe it’s a small world…I went sailing on the Humber in an old sailing barge, the sails managed to get up it was lovely… my grandfather did it around 1900.. a birthday present from Steve.

    It’s a shame with the gf she seems in a bad way, there’s not the money in mental health to get the help. Hard on both of them. Good he’s found someone private to help.

    Jean x

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