Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its very dull windy and cold today but still only February .. hopefully no snow now.

    Its a fast day today.. So far milky coffee.. and Batchelors cup of soup.
    This evening.. a salmon fillet and broccoli.

    H H .. I try to do half to an hour in the garden every day unless raining. I play throwing with Pip while doing it. At the moment its just raking up dead stuff .. troweling around the bulbs. This years display of snowdrops are wonderful really pretty.
    Oh it must be so hard seeing your son heartbroken… and nothing you can do. Xx

    Sym .. Yes I prefer lunch time out rather than evening these days .. just means an earlier morning walk.

    Have a good day all..

    Our bodies are like bank accounts .. Good choices … good investments. Xxxx

    Roll on summer, warm weather is much better for arthritis.Steve you have so this to look forward to 🥴. The lapdog is back, such a big thing I can’t move when she’s on my legs. There was A great Dane in the park when we were bowling yesterday it was massive,I could have point a saddle on it.

    If our bodies are like bank accounts mine has very little interest and has too many pounds in the bank.

    Lolol Typho Mine too. lol X

    Lovely to get out in the garden.. all the spring bulbs coming up so pretty .. beautiful here but just been to the garage freezer, it’s so cold!!
    Made some veggie soup for tonight and the next few days unless I freeze it…

    Love your message… 🤣🤣

    Roll on the good weather

    Jean x

    Haha Steve, I think my body is the same!
    FD has been abandoned here- clever Xena woke us up at 5am as we had a leak & water dripping through the kitchen ceiling! Has bern a struggle getting someone out, & then took them a while to find it, just done & clearing up now…I clearly am an emotional eater and can’t fast when a bit stressed! That said I’ve not had too much as I couldn’t get in the kitchen all afternoon!
    Well done Jean & anyone else fasting today….

    A fairly good FD today I think. Oats so Simple early afternoon before going to my crafting class. Two poached eggs on a toasted thin for tea with a satsuma to follow. My downfall was at class by having a chocolate digestive with my cup of tea. My friend says a cup of tea is too wet without a biscuit – so I am blaming her 🙂

    Kay, is the last weigh in tomorrow morning or have we got until next Tuesday?

    Jean, the Care Quality Commission is found online and they publish their reports online (cqc.org.uk). The Care Home section will have an Inspection Report for a particular home or on any other homes in a particular area. I hope it is useful to you.

    Hemmy, I’m going to follow your lead and try to go in the garden for half an hour each dry day. I need to get it tidy as new things are starting to grow. It will help keep my mind off food.

    Looking forward to my breakfast and then off to aqua fit.

    Morning everyone

    It’s been a good week with only 0.4lb back on since last FD. Avoiding both sugar and bread has helped.

    FD today for me, planning to stick to coffee and water until this evening when I’ll have a small portion of one of the freezer batch cooks. I’m not very good at drinking water, but seem much better at remembering on a FD, perhaps as a distraction from eating.

    Have a good day all. Lynne x

    Good morning

    It’s a very nice and dry morning here so far but not sure what it’s actually like outside as I haven’t been anywhere yet.

    I have had my weigh in this morning and there was no change so not too bad I guess as nothing gained or lost.


    I don’t think one chocolate digestive will harm you unless it was one packet then I might change my mind as you didn’t offer to share with the group lol.

    I’m the same Steve no loss but no gain. Not lost as much as January but still lost so can’t complain. Going to AGM at bowling club now, see you all later.

    Back from bowling club AGM,I asked why the defib was locked inside the club, I said it’s as much use as a chocolate ashtray. There was a long silence then they said it would cost £1000 to have it connected up on the outside. So I said I’d that all I’m worth. They are going to put a key outside with a code to get the key.

    Hi FBBS hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a dull ole day here.. but mild.

    I am happy to say I have lost a pound this week.. that brings me back to pre Christmas weight Yay.
    Its definitely keeping off bread that helps me.

    Steve and Dave.. well done staying the same this week its hard when you have not been well.

    Lynn .. try a slice of lemon in your water .. you can drink it hot or cold that way.

    Bronwyn… I do about half to an hour everyday .. I only take Pip once a day for a walk .. for about one and a half to 2 hrs . So in the afternoon ..tidy weed etc while throwing for him. Two jobs done. lol Come Spring its all ready for planting.

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday .. Stop thinking what food you need to cut out… Start thinking what food you can add in. Xxxxx

    Afternoon All…
    A good walk but a lazy day a few bits done and a bit of food shopping bought…
    Weather pretty good, some washing dry and another Charlie blanket washed… three more to do at the weekend then that’s done.

    Nothing lost today so 1 lb off for the month = 2 pebbles.
    Hope for a better March.!!

    Sounds a nightmare your kitchen hope it’s all sorted and not too much mess….

    Thanks for the CQC I have found it very useful. My nephew seems to be on a mission today he has rung a few places up to visit left messages for them to call him back … glad he’s trying to sort something instead of ignoring the situation. I have offered my help but he seems to be doing it his self.. I shall go and look when it’s narrowed down.

    Good luck on fasting today, hard to get back into it…

    Same is good sometimes… next week better..

    We are all the same…. Better next week… hope the AGM was ok.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone. A mixed day weather wise sunshine and rain showers together with a chilly NNW wind.
    A good visit to Ely but not much of a market which was disappointing. Auntie seems to be recovering slowly from her last hospital stay.
    Meal out was lovely I had Lasagne which came with garlic bread and two small glasses of wine.
    Have been to St Ives again today as husband had a follow-up appointment regarding his new hearing aids, we then stopped off at our daughters on the way home. Takeaway curry this evening and my turn to drive.
    A much needed FD tomorrow and again on Monday.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back on here Monday.
    Nana x

    Evening everyone

    Good FD today, just having my last coffee of the day. It seems a bit colder here today, can’t wait for the warmer weather.

    Looking forward to a relaxing weekend, nothing planned but nice to have a couple of days away from the laptop.

    Nana, I’ve just got nearing aids, still NHS but now Bluetooth enabled and I’ve bought a device so my phone/laptop and music will stream directly. Heating problem is just another issue caused by an under active thyroid. Arthritic knees as well. I’m 57 and falling apart.

    Porridge in the morning and a sensible weekend with another FD on Monday, when I’m in the office.

    Hope you’ve all had a good day. Lynne x

    Lynne I’ve recently got NHS hearing aids,Ambio I think and I’ve bought a few things to go with them, a mini mic and a TV streamer.I use the BeMore app, they are brilliant and free so very happy with them. I recently asked online for new tubes and some batteries. They posted them too me so saved a trip to the hospital.

    Dave, the ones I’ve just got are Ambio. I was a bit annoyed as went into the hospital audiology dept and asked about an ‘upgrade to Bluetooth’ and was told mine already were. Left feeling a bit of a fool and tried to link to the BeMore app, without success. Called the department and they confirmed mine weren’t compatible. However they did send out a new pair with tubes and domes and already adjusted to my prescription. Took a bit of getting used to- a bit ‘tinny’ so adjusted the treble. Just ordered a Phone Clip+ and hoping I can do away with having to wear a headset to take calls as it’s not really comfortable over my hearing aids. I’ll see how I get on any May be asking you for recommendations for other bits.

    Mine work great on the phone but you still have to talk into your phone. I bought the mini mic first but couldn’t connect it to the telly. It still works ok when I put it next to the sound bar. Of you last it flat it picks up sound from all around. If you have out vertical it just picks up one voice. The TV streamer is much better for listening to TV.The mini mic I put on my wife’s blouse and I could hear her over 40 meters away, so very powerful.

    Hope all those with hearing aids are better at wearing them than Mum is- if she puts them on she makes so much fuss about how loud it is, how uncomfortable they are, keep telling her to persevere & it’ll get better but she won’t 😬
    Well done Hemmy losing & for those who stayed the same…
    FD today, getting very hungry now! Have had more hassle as now our drains are playing up, neighbours had trouble a week ago, apparently limescale is building up & causing issues, so it’s down to the water board to sort it, don’t know how long we’ll have to wait! Got some jobs done & my village magazines delivered- they left thank you cards for all the deliverers & an invite to a thank you ‘do’! Enoch’s mum is obvs having a bad spell & not answering again so.the poor dog’s not getting walked again- I try to feel sypathetic to her but it’s really rough on him!
    Keep strong as well Nana!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you xxxx

    Its been a very chilly day over the fields.. . We did lots of work with the composite bin this afternoon while throwing for Pip .

    Had my favourite dinner of Salmon steak in parsley and butter jacket potato and broccoli .. Just thinking on ice-cream and some blue berries.

    HH… The trouble with drains someone gets a problem thats cleared but it goes to someone else. Hopefully it will soon be sorted re The limescale. .

    Have a lovely evening all

    When you feel like quitting, think about why you started xxxx

    Evening All…
    A very chilly day.. feels like sleet in the air the last couple of days.
    Just had one game of boules.. which I won, about time been slipping a bit lately. Then out to a garden centre for a nice lunch.
    Lazy day got into a new book, so tv off and reading…military wives film on now see how we go..

    Sorry all your problems you are having hope they are soon sorted…

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Good evening, watching the cricket. We’re doing well. My son’s in Southampton for music he listened to online, he knows the DJ so goes now and again to see her and meets up with people from all over even Germany.

    Good morning

    From a dry but chilly Scotland will be very lucky if the temperature goes into double figures but it could always be much worse.

    A great win in the six nations rugby yesterday as England beat the Welsh in Cardiff and one more game of the weekend to go this afternoon as France play Scotland.

    Good morning everyone, I’m doing Sunday dinner today, were having dehydrated beef, Yorkshire pudding, carrots, cabbage Roast potatoes and gravy. It takes 6 hours to cook the beef then another 10 minutes airfrying it then it has to rest for an hour. I’ve never done this before so fingers crossed it turns out ok. All being done in the Ninja.So definitely not a fast day.

    Morning All…
    A lazy start .. walking on our own this morning which was quite nice for a change…
    Back for breakfast then made some croissants with marzipan and chocolate inside.. made 8 ate 2 …froze the others uncooked.. OMG so delicious…

    Boy asleep might snuggle up to him and have a read.

    Steve ..
    Glad the sport was good.. I don’t follow it but I don’t mind rugby…

    Very brave cooking your meat.. I have only cooked a chicken up to now…let us know how it is….

    Jean x

    I will tell you Jean when it’s done.Hopefully it will be good, only downside is if it’s good Denise might want me to do it all the time.Chloe will help out eating it, she as a full Sunday dinner, it’s worst when we have chicken she’s on red alert all day 😆.

    Just catching up with the weekend posts whilst catching up with the rugby matches from yesterday! I’ve done so well avoiding news and FB then I noticed something on Steve’s post 😱😱 so I’ve stopped reading!

    Was it 1lb off for Hemmy and no loss for Jean and Dave?

    I’m not weighing in till Wed morning. Fasting on Monday and Tuesday.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


    Hi FBBs Hope you are all having a good day. Xxxx

    Very cold here but sunny .. so it was a good dry walk.

    Dave..your roast sounds good. A lovely dinner for Chloe too bless her .

    Steve .. enjoy the game this afternoon.

    Sym… Those croissants sounded lovely… .I would imagine you are a wonderful cook and baker.. X

    Kay… enjoy the sport today …. yes 1 lb off for me… thank you.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing… Be nice to people. We’re all just trying our best. Xxxx

    Yes no loss for me this week Kay. I’m looking forward to my tea still a while to go. Think I’ll airfry it for 15 minutes instead of 10. Hope it won’t be pink or at worst not too pink.Chloe must be able to smell it now, she keeps disappearing into the kitchen 😆.

    Meat is looking good, well done on the outside but the juices are running 😋😋. I’ll put the vegibles on in a bit then the Yorkshires after that, very hungry now.

    Sunday 26th Feb beach update. 2 days left of February!!

    44 pebbles! 22 lbs!


    Jean 1; 0; 0; 0
    Hemmy 1; 1; 2; 1
    Kay 1; 0; 1.5
    Nana 0.5; 1; 0
    Bronwyn 2; 2;
    Steve 1; -2; 3;
    Dave 2; 4; 0

    We’re doing ok with the pebbles. See what can be done in march. My beef turned out ok, tasted like a carvery from a restaurant. Chloe soon put it away but left some carrots.

    Good morning everyone a cold day here. Also a fast day. Going bowling so I’d better wrap up well. Will take Chloe out first.

    Morning FBBs
    FD for me today. Aqua fitness soon. Will try to go as long as I can without eating.

    Jean, croissants with marzipan and chocolate sound fabulous. You must be a good baker.

    Kay, I shall weigh in Wednesday morning for February. I had two good FDs last week but I have not had a great weekend. Too many visitors and treats. Took my GD to McDs and had a meal with her and a McFlurry. Goodness knows the calories in that meal alone.

    End to end sport here – rugby, cricket, football. My DH even watches overseas cricket teams. He is a couch potato at the moment. He doesn’t have to watch his weight so is very fortunate. I need to keep moving 🙂

    Have a food day fellow fasters.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Morning All..
    A lovely wet mucky walk …

    A fast day for me, egg, tomatoes and bacon tonight.

    Just 1lb off for the month… better than nothing.

    Hemmy and Bronwyn..
    My croissants were made with puff pastry from Lidl, so just a build up and cook.. the air fryer made them like a French cafe very light..and naughty..
    I usually do my own pastry but not puff too faffy.

    Dave ..
    Your beef sounded very tasty I may have a go..

    Thinking what to do, weather iffy, may take Charlie to the pet shop and get him a few bits later.. just outside of the village but a car drive.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon

    It’s been a very chilly start to the day here I woke up this morning and it was -2 but we are almost into March and spring is just around the corner.

    Fast day for me as usual and looking forward to my one meal of the day later but for some reason I am craving chocolate digestives so need to stay away from Tesco’s today.

    Was a very good weekend of six nations rugby with some very entertaining games but was hoping Newcastle would win in the league final yesterday because they haven’t won anything for many years and because they were playing Man United.

    Stay safe and strong everyone fasting today and remember tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Newcastle must hate playing teams from Manchester, United beat them in the FA cup final,City beat them in the league cup final and United again yesterday. Fast day going well only 32 calories so far. It was cool at the bowling had my hand warmer on today. Good job it wasn’t a league game we were all rubbish today.

    Evening All…

    Finished the day with about 600 cals, a good day not too hungry…

    Hope you managed the day and kept off the chocolate biscuits…

    A cold day for bowls.. Pétanque tomorrow for me but weathers rainy see what tomorrow brings..

    Keep strong everyone
    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope you are all having a good day.

    Day out for me .. lunch and charity shopping with Pam in Banbury . Lovely day.

    Very cold at the moment and going out for lunch means early out across the windy fields. Brr lol

    Keep going fasters .. you know you can do it.. My turn tomorrow.

    Enjoy your evening all ..“Stay on track, don’t look back. Xxxx

    Sounds like we’ve all had a good fast day. Tuesday is the day I eat the most. So will try and do a fast day and a low day Wednesday and Thursday. Was really cold at bowls today❄️❄️❄️

    Not much sleep here- a bit worried about son as he’d bumped into his ex over the weekend, he doesn’t seem to be getting the chance of a clean break…had out neighbour’s funeral today, it was a lovely service & a very fitting send off but hard seeing her husband so upset. Sounds as if he’s been okay in the care home though, he would normally sit with her all day…we had more drain issues again today 😬 they’re unblocked for now, will come back & sort it properly Friday. Managed a 550cal FD though!

    Good morning all

    Yesterday was a very successful fast day with about 570 calories eaten in my one meal of delicious spaghetti bolognese and now looking forward to my breakfast later.


    I didn’t go anywhere near Tesco’s or other supermarkets so was able to stay safe and away from the chocolate biscuits. I can fully understand why it’s recommended not to go shopping on an empty stomach as you are very open to temptation.

    Morning everyone, realised late last night that I’d forgotten to post.
    A lot of us including myself had a good fd yesterday and I was pleased to see a 1.5 pounds lost on the scales this morning. My total for February is 3.5 pounds which I’m happy with as February has been a busy month of meals out to celebrate OH’s birthday. March will also be the same as it’s my birthday.
    Hedgehogs hope the drain situation is sorted out.
    A very chily morning here which started at 7:30 with a delivery of coal which I helped OH move into storage. That’s my exercise for the day done.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon everyone, been to the park with Chloe, she’s very nervous when there are other dogs about. I don’t think she will ever change. She’s been very loving today. She came upstairs and jumped on the bed, walked up to me and put her paws across my arm then out her head on my shoulder. When I got up she jumped up on the sofa and did the same again♥️. Definitely not a fast day today, feeling very hungry but only had 2 cups of tea. Might have a breakaway biscuit to keep going.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. xxxx

    Its been a very cold wind here making the temp feel lower than it was.

    Its been a good day with calories around 700 .. hoping just to stay level this week may try for a lower weight in warmer days .

    I hope everyone is having a good day whether fasting or feasting. .

    If it does not challenge you .. it does not change you. xxxx

    Evening All…
    Boules cancelled I went to look at another dementia home.. my nephew had been and liked it so I went up to have look.
    It’s very nice a bright airy sunny room with a toilet. Lots of activities, friendly a nice feel… the manager will visit my sister on Thursday to assess/chat to her see if she will fit in.
    So the balls rolling 🤞🏻

    Feeling quite shattered about it…

    A day with my boy tomorrow might go to a cafe…

    Night everyone
    Jean x

    Nana- well done with the 1.5lbs off! Are you going to Norwich for your birthday?
    Steve- well done resisting the biccies! When youngest was at home he could eat a whole packet at a time, so we just bought really cheap ones, they didn’t tempt me too much!
    Dave- nice that Chloe’s so loving, shame about other dogs though…
    Jean- did you go to boules? Hope you find the right care home for your sister xx
    Kay- well done with your FDs, hope the weigh in goes well tomorrow!
    Hemmy- well done with your FD, good idea to wait until better weather for a bigger push, but you don’t need to lose much do you?
    Lynne- hope you’re okay & work’s not too stressful?
    Bronwyn- are you completely over your bug? I did use to really enjoy aquafit, it’s a bit of a trek to the nearest pool now though, sounds like you go alot?
    Had a less eventful day, thankfully! Walked Xena & then Enoch, had a phone catch up with my friend who moved to Gloucestershire, I miss her 😟 Got round to updating info on the site I moderate, probably should do some more of that! My potatoes I’ve got chitting are sprouting well 😀
    Hopefully a FD tomorrow!

    Evening FBBs
    A FD yesterday which was good after a not so good weekend. I had a weigh in this morning and have lost 1 1/2 pounds since my last weigh in. That’s 5 1/2 for February (sorry, don’t know how to type fractions). I was hoping for more – it has seemed such a hard slog, although I had that nasty virus mid-month. Will see how I fair in March.

    A busy and quite nice day today. Had a hair appointment first thing, that always cheers me up, then off to the Cathedral to the free lunchtime concert. Students from Leeds Conservatoire, they were very good. Took flowers to the Crematorium for Mum’s birthday, she passed in 2020. I threw out all the old dead flowers and complained about the mess and tidied the place up – then realised it was what my mum always did on her visits for my dad. It made me laugh – I’m carrying on the tradition 🙂

    My next FD is Thursday so will enjoy tomorrow and try to have more control on non FDs. Need to lose more weight before the nice weather comes.

    Apologies hedgehogs, didn’t answer your questions. Yes, I am over my virus thankyou. Took some shaking off. Yes, I love my aquafitness. Try to go Mon/Wed/Fri and the gym is nearby. A lovely group of ladies, all shapes and sizes. Mostly oldies as it’s daytime. I do aqua as it’s easy on the joints but doesn’t help with my weight ☹️

    Morning All..
    Nothing doing today so it will be a Charlie and Mummy day, I keep promising him a cafe, we may go this morning.

    Oreo is away on holiday so no play dates till next week.

    A very damp start looks grotty..

    Well done on 1 1/2 pounds off this week 5 1/2 brilliant for the month.. slow and steady is the best.
    I was removing flowers yesterday too having a good chat. Snowdrops and dwarf daffs are slow coming up, I am wondering if I have lost them..

    Shame on your friend moving good you caught up on the phone. No boules yesterday I went to look at the care home.

    Jean x

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