Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Denise favourite is egg and chips.I have always loved toast,my dad used to make it every night, sometimes using a toasting fork. The smell of it makes me hungry. Think I’ll have to have some tonight now😋

    Oh those egg and chips a few beans and mushrooms were lovely.. I haven’t felt hungry this evening for anything else. They seem satisfying .. It was a childhood favourite for me too. lol

    Tomoz .. I am going to make a crock pot chicken… bacon.. and veg chunky soup .. use up all my bits and pieces in the fridge.

    Sleep tight everyone…. In Scarlet Ohara’s words.. ” Tomorrow is another day”


    I have very happy memories of my family sitting around the fire as my dad toasted bread on a toasting fork. You can’t beat the taste of that especially with good butter.

    You could do that in the seventies when I was little probably wouldn’t be allowed now for health and safety reasons.

    You can’t go wrong with egg and chips and some baked beans too. I don’t know if anyone here has had fried egg sandwiches i used to go home from school as I only lived 5 minutes away and my mum would make some.

    My first evening of feeling anything like normal after six days of cold/flu/virus? Not sure what I have had but unpleasant. I have not weighed myself since last Monday when it started. Having another day recovering tomorrow and trying a FD on Monday. Will weigh myself next Friday for the monthly weigh in for February.

    Eaten a lot of toast and honey this week. Comfort food when I feel unwell. Used to feed it to my children when they were small and unwell and they still remember. DH handy with soup, sanwiches, pizza …

    Morning All…
    A calm morning just having my cuppa in bed.. walking out with Penny and her puppy Fudge, he is off lead and follows Charlie, give him some training…off over the fields.

    Remember toasting bread over the fire always the best, black and smoky, had to be careful…😂

    Crock pot on again, easy, thinking about making soup too, buy stuff when shopping again..nice to pass ideas on.

    My Steve would have a fried egg on top of bacon sarnie.. not for me… all these cheap and wonderful things we used to eat…happy memories.

    Hoping you soon feel better.. a long week for you. Take it steady of starting fasting too soon.
    Still it says fasting helps your body recover faster… see how you feel.

    Have a good day.
    Jean x

    Use the link fast bursting brits


    Feeling a little better today so must have needed that long sleep yesterday, I’m even feeling more hungry than I have in a few days so porridge will be eaten as usual.

    It’s a dry start to the day here not sure if it’s going to last into the afternoon but we can live in hope.

    Annascott what link, not that we want any on here. A beautiful day here today.Steve I like fried egg on toast sandwiches, not had one for a while though. I’ll settle for any loss this week, as naughty last night and had a pizza.

    I walked on our own, my friend slept in and didn’t text me.. hanging around a bit..annoying as I could of walked with others…

    I have visited another care home.. it’s much better and easy going, bright and cheery… hoping we can get her in there.. will know more tomorrow…

    Glad you are feeling much better and you are ready to eat again…. Lovely day here…

    I seem to be naughty can’t get my head into it.. thought I would have a low day today but it’s not happened… fast day tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Im fasting tomorrow Jean,Need to get back on track after being ill with covid.I will do a covid test when i get up tomorrow to make sure its gone so i can go bowling.Roast chicken for tea so Chloe will be on red alert.She loves her Sunday dinners.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a beautiful springlike day again.. so pretty over the fields… things starting to bud.
    Just been to Tesco .. in Bicester it was packed… I had forgotten last day of half term.
    I am thinking .. I need now to get to grips with cooking healthy meals all the time. I have lapsed the last year or too.. had lost interest just cooking for me. Its no good just doing it when Kristy’s here to cook for. You are what you eat..

    Sym… The new place you looked at sounds lovely hopefully your sister can go there.
    So sad .. a lady in the village lost her 5 month old Labrador yesterday.. it slipped away somehow and ran into the road. Life is B at times.

    Kay .. hope you enjoyed the pub last night and not to many cals consumed lolol. xx

    Hope everyone feeling under par ..feels better soon. Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.

    Every plan won’t work out your way. The ones that fail will teach you to explore new ways. Xxxx

    Roll on summer and holidays. Need some warm sun. Bowling will start soon in the leagues. I’m playing four days a week. Only weekday off is Tuesday and we go shopping then. I’ve ordered a new fishing rod so looking forward to trying it out.

    I got a reminder to pay for my Bridlington holiday beginning of March… I really must have a good food week.

    The home was nice.. they don’t lock them up through the night she was horrified when I asked. Beautiful room nicely furnished with a good size TV on the wall, small en-suite, the garden is very large with lots of nice furniture.
    So sad the loss of the lab, could happen to any of us.
    I really must think before I eat.. too naughty!!

    Jean x

    Evening everyone

    Busy day today, shopping, cemetery, cleaned through, and all the washing done and dried outside. So nice when the weather picks up and days start to get longer.

    Hemmy, I’m keeping off the bread this week as well, it’s started to creep back in and doesn’t help the weight loss.

    Jean, I’m having too many snacks, need to focus this week.

    Kay, I got promoted about 7 months ago having dodged redundancy for the 4th time and I’m now a Data Governance Manager with a finance company. I really enjoy it. It’s very stressful at the moment but I’m currently recruiting so hopefully will be better when I can share the load a bit.

    Glad everyone seems to be recovering from the various bugs and viruses.

    FD tomorrow, looking forward to the control.
    Lynne x

    It’s a very windy night and now a wet and windy morning not the nicest weather to venture out in but i needed milk and got some cornflakes while I was there.

    I’m not fasting today as I only ate a bowl of porridge yesterday and didn’t really enjoy that hence the decision to buy the cornflakes.

    Hopefully Thursday I can get back on track and have a FD and interesting to see how my weigh in will be affected Friday after these couple of days of not eating very much.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and stay strong.

    Morning everyone a beautiful sunny morning here sorry Steve.
    Have been busy continuing celebrating OH 75th birthday which has included a few meals out. February & March are busy months for us foodwise.
    A lovely weekend spent with friends and family Jean glad the second home was 🤞a place is available for your sister.
    Dave you sound very busy.
    Hemmy so sad about the dog. We lost our 7yr old labrador the same way- he was so well behaved but took it in his head to just suddenly take off after something.
    I’m fasting today so to my fellow fasters I hope it goes okay for you.
    Hope everyone is keeping alright and those that are poorly get well soon.
    Nana xxx

    I’m fasting today and bowling, done a COVID test and it’s clear. Hope the rain stays away. Going to do the beef in the ninja, don’t know when but it looks lovely. Takes a long time to do but worth it.

    Morning All..
    A bit windy and chilly today.. a good walk and then a surprise visit from grandson and girlfriend it’s killed the hunger for a bit… they didn’t want food.

    Good dodging the redundancy 4 times… I think we did that about 12 times but got us in the end, although by choice.
    Let’s hold tight together and keep off the naughties…

    Like you cornflakes with blueberries this morning.. not nice out here..

    Good you have had a good trip away…. Nothing said on care home as yet..
    I always worry on cats.. Charlie would be off like a shot.. I always have him on a lead when leaving the house, he sees them when I think it’s clear!

    All clear now… how is Denise doing?

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a sunny 13deg today here but feels very chilly for some reason. probably the wind.
    A line full of washing out.

    Finished lunch and my daily mail to my american friend then in the garden for me and Pip for an hour.

    Fast day tomorrow. Have a good day fasters and everyone else be mindful dont undo the good work.

    You cannot control the situations in your life but you can try not to let the situations control you Xxxx

    Fast day on pancake Tuesday, not good planning. I’ll be indulging in a pancake or two. Only time I have them.Fast day going well. The bowling helps,my knees ache now but can put up with that

    A good fast day so not sure if I’ll do Wednesday or Thursday or both. Will see how I feel. Definitely having pancake tomorrow.

    You do well going in the garden very chilly here pm…FD for me today it’s gone well good luck tomorrow..

    I might have a few pancakes I had forgotten..hope your knees soon ease off..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone

    Good FD today, love the feeling of control it gives.

    No pancakes for me tomorrow, I don’t like savoury and really trying to ditch the sugar and had a relapse on the weekend triggered by the dreaded toast and marmalade/jam – I did the job properly!

    Next FD I think will be Wednesday or Thursday, just looking forward to my porridge tomorrow now. Lynne x

    Hi Lynne..
    Well done on your fast day… I have had a good one too..
    Question over pancakes tomorrow?? Maybe..😂

    Thursday my next FD..
    Night x

    I’ve had a good fast day but definitely having pancakes,I make them.

    A FD for me today and glad to be back on track. Nearly back to my old self healthwise. Calorie total about 650 I think. Aqua fitness this morning and I ache a little tonight. It’s past midnight and I am in bed feeling hungry 😟
    Determined not to eat anything until breakfast 🙂 Thinking about Friday’s weigh in.

    I was hungry last night, but stayed definitely not a fast day today. Will go shopping later when Denise wakes up. Just having a cuppa then I’ll take Chloe out for her walk.

    Morning All…
    Just waiting to go on our walk, play date for 9am.

    Looks a lovely day, playing boules pm.

    Glad you are feeling much better.. enjoy aqua-fit this morning.

    Glad you are back to normal.. enjoy your pancakes later. Just had bother with my tv thought I would have to shout for help but sorted it 😀

    Jean x

    Your getting good Jean, well be coming to you for advice. Time to go shopping.No doubt Chloe will be up on the sofa and fall asleep.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a cloudy day here no sun at all today .

    I am on a FD but just had a cuppa with my neighbour and she gave me some Birthday cake her daughter had made her.

    Still that’s my lunch .. this evening some salmon and Veg so not too bad. Life is for living. lol.

    We can do this fasters .. we know we can. X

    Sym.. its so lovely when you solve a problem yourself. It gives you a feeling of power. I always say to myself ” I don’t need a man” lolol

    Enjoy your day everyone whether fasting or feasting.. Success is not how wealthy you are but how happy you are. Xxxx

    A pig ish day with 4 large pancakes I must blame Dave for that…. but I did enjoy them..

    Two thoughtful days ahead…

    Lost at boules but it was close, won one game each the third was close but lost. Then cafe just a latte.

    Just had Rivita, I did enjoy them cheese and tomatoes.. strange the last packet I bought they were in packs of sealed 4 biscuits.. this pack all loose buiscuits.
    Good FD for you….

    Shopping all done?

    Jean x

    No pancakes for me either I’m still trying to get my appetite back and don’t think my body would appreciate it too much.

    Will probably try something cooked though today nothing too heavy so thinking about spag bol you can’t really go wrong with that.

    I could easily eat through a whole packet of cream crackers on a good day with cheese and tomato or just a good butter.

    Sym.. I really enjoy the nutty taste of the dark rye best. I also used to enjoy seeded too.

    Only problem is not buying bread you cant have a sandwich .. but decided I would rather just buy a crusty roll now and again.. Probably Saturday ham or beef roll for lunch

    I don’t mind missing pancakes as not an absolute fan.. Can take or leave them . xxxx

    Evening everyone had some lovely pancakes for our evening meal and now full.
    Yesterday’s fast day went well and will have my next one on Saturday as I’m meeting up for a meal on Thursday evening with my old workmates. Then another one on Monday so will have my final weigh in for February on Tuesday.
    Glad to hear the poorly ones among us are starting to recover.
    Enjoy your evening everyone.
    Nana x

    Making pancakes for my son now, I think Chloe would like another one. A will have my Ready Brek tomorrow.

    Evening everyone

    Light day for me today, ryvitas, cheese and onion chutney for lunch and was just about to start cooking this evening when my daughter’s boyfriend messaged me and asked if I wanted to go to theirs for pancakes. It would have been rude to refuse, but did just have 2 with fruit and just a touch of chocolate spread.

    Sensible day again tomorrow and fast in Thursday this week.

    Glad to see everyone seems to be feeling better. Lynne x

    Glad Dave, Bronwyn & Steve all on.the mend! Just keep forgetting to post, so dozy! Had a very good 500cal FD yesterday, but a very indulgent pancake tea today, fruit, ice cream & melted chocolate on them! Must do better tomorrow…next FD Thursday.

    Hi all,

    Like some of you, I had a good FD yesterday, was supposed to have had another one today but succumbed to pancakes. Ended on just under 1000 in total so not too bad. Will keep it lowish tomorrow to compensate, although I am fasting Thursday, so will see how I go.
    Not sure if I will weigh in on Fri/Sat or wait til the end of the month and weigh in on Wednesday morning.

    Coloured my hair today after getting it trimmed yesterday, so it’s looking a lot better 😄

    Got a holiday let clean to do in the morning, plus 2 dog walks. No bell ringing tomorrow evening but we will go to the pub as usual later on for the ‘Meat draw!’

    Neils hospital appointment went well. They have agreed to do the operation on his right hand (trigger thumb) and gave him a steroid injection in his left hand but will do the left hand too eventually. It’s only a small op to cut the sheaf around the tendon to release it. Hopefully going forward there won’t be any further problems.

    Sounds like the poorly people are getting better. That’s good.

    Steve, hopefully you had something nice but light for tea.

    Bronwyn, well done for yesterday. It’s hard going to bed hungry.

    Jean, boules was good again today, well done.

    Dave, hope you enjoy your ready break tomorrow. Prefer ordinary porridge myself.

    Lynne, you ended up with pancakes after all…lol

    Nanna, good you are organised with your FDs around your outings. I’m exactly the same!

    Night all x

    P.S. I’m giving up bread, ryvitas and crackers for lent 🫣🫣🫣🫣

    Morning All..
    A drizzle / rainy start miserable…. Up early to walk the boy then going to visit my sister.

    A low day hopefully…

    Most of us stuffing ourselves with pancakes.. Hope there’s some pebbles for the beach ???😂 I am not expecting much very stuck again at the moment..

    Kay glad Hubby is getting sorted with his wrist it’s been a while…

    Must move…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone. It was raining earlier but has stopped now and the sun is coming out.
    Jean hope the visit with your sister goes as well as it can.
    Usual Wednesday lunch today.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Afternoon all

    It’s a very nice bright day here and quite pleasant for my little walk I had this morning.

    Feeling more like myself today though I think I might have eaten a bit more than usual to compensate for the last few days but the truth will be on the scales Friday.

    I can easily take or leave pancakes so I haven’t missed not having any this time but when I do it’s the traditional lemon juice and sugar.

    Not a FD today but trying to count my colories. FD tomorrow. I got tired of Ryvita and swopped to Warburton’s Brown Thins. You can split them to make a small thin sandwich but I usually toast them and use them like I would crispbread. I have one toasted with a thin spread of peanut butter and marmalade for breakfast. Sounds awful but it’s quite nice, honestly 🙂

    Jean I sympathise with you regarding your sister’s situation. I had the same with my mum. I chose a lovely home near to where I live so I could visit regularly and take her dog to see her. It was like being a parent called into school for a naughty child and I dreaded visiting. Sadly she had a fall and while she was in hospital the home told me they didn’t want her back. The hospital care worker found us a home quite a distance away. It didn’t look very nice but they were so good at dealing with my mum’s dementia. I read the CQC Inspection Report for the home and it was by far better than the previous home. I hope you don’t mind me mentioning this but the reports are very helpful when chosing somewhere. I hope you find somewhere soon that will meet your sister’s needs and give you peace of mind.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Back from bowling, feel sore,I think my knee will give up eventually but I’ll keep going until it does. Don’t know if it will be a FD today had my Ready Brek and 2 cups of tea so not much so far.

    My sisters visit went well.. a bit of one way conversation but she wasn’t talking to any of her ‘people’.. the meds seem to be about right at the moment, although they did say they can’t alter them any more apparently.. she had a good laugh singing and dancing with the other patients this morning to some music. So alls well at the moment.

    Any information is very welcome I don’t know much about dementia learning as I go. Are the CQC reports on line. I will look later.
    Join you fasting tomorrow it’s not been the best week for me.. I am having soup tonight ..

    Your knees sound very sore … do you need new ones?
    Good luck if you continue to fast ..

    Very cold out tonight looks like the weathers changing.

    Hope your lunch was nice today.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    LOL you all enjoyed your pancakes by the sound of it. The sweet one s don’t appeal at all thank goodness. lol

    It reminded me that years ago a friend made savoury pancakes that were so yummy ..

    She laid a slice of ham on the pancake .. rolled then topped with cheese and under the grill a few minutes they were a wonderful lunch… ohh just talked myself into making them lol

    Early out this morning in rain.. then to The Garden Centre for lunch .. it was packed. Scampi chips and peas and latte so a bit of a naughty day lol enjoyed it though and that’s the most important thing.

    Just Ryvita cheese and onion chutney … grapes this evening. Actually I really enjoy them lol

    Sym… It must be soo hard for you visiting your sister .. Its so good she enjoyed that singing and dancing .. the carers are wonderful.

    My friend Lorna goes far and beyond what she is paid to do she really cares .. there are some wonderful caring people around. Xx

    Better do a mindful eating day tomorrow lol

    Take care all .. tomorrow is another day. xxxx

    Jean- hope you do find somewhere for sis, so hard when you have to negotiate with social workers as well- at least with FIL he was paying so it was a matter of finding where he liked…good she was enjoying herself today 😀
    Bronwyn- we had the same talk with FIL’s home- he caused a big argument with another resident, it was like having to talk to our boys’ teachers when they were in trouble 😂 Dementia is so horrible, my mum has it too but can still live in her own home for now.
    Steve- hope your tummy was okay with the spag bol!
    Kay- good they can help Neil’s thumb, hope it’s not too long to wait! Good luck with the meat draw!
    Dave- hope your knees hold up for your bowling! No fun being in pain…is Denise all over covid now?
    Mary- hope your Weds lunch was nice!
    Lynne- your job sounds so stressful, hope you can recruit & ease some of the workload…you must miss your girls, nice you got to go for pancakes, even if you don’t like them 😂
    Hemmy- you’re brave getting out in the garden! Ours is so shaded, it feels too chilly & damp still! We did go out today & buy some seed potatoes to start chitting, & bird food…
    Made son’s favourite dinner tonight but he’d been messaged by a mutual friend about his ex, brought things up again, he hardly ate anything 😢 Spent a bit of time looking up some stuff he could do when he has a week off at Easter, they should’ve been going away together…
    FD for me tomorrow

    Good morning everyone, Jean I was told I need 2 new knees about five years ago, my GP said lose 3 stone and he will plug on the list for knee replacement.I started the 5:2 then and lost 3 stone but then my knees felt ok. I’ve since been back to hospital for x-rays and I have be severe arthritis in both knees. Trying for another fast day today, hope the pancakes didn’t do too much harm when I get weighed tomorrow.

    Morning All…
    A very chilly but dry walk.. the river had gone over this morning, strange same river as ours but we didn’t get a warning…

    I am fasting today…

    At home day so a few bitty jobs to do, washing Charlie’s blankets, some hand washing…..

    Hemmy ..
    I will stick with my naughty pancakes😂
    Always nice to have lunch out saves on evening cooking.

    Rich is off today and tomorrow hoping he sorts somethings out on the care home.. I have told him I am about if he wants me to help…
    Your poor son he’s taking it hard… I am glad I am not his age!!

    I am sure you have told me, you are doing well pushing it along. 3 stone is a great loss to loose you have done brilliantly.

    Have a good fast day everyone..

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    It’s a bright but chilly here in deepest darkest Scotland but next Wednesday is the first of March and only a few weeks now before the clocks go forward and the start of spring.

    My fast day has turned into a bit of a feast day not sure if I’m trying to compensate for the sick days I had or not but I do still intend to weigh myself tomorrow morning.


    When we were younger we described our knees as the left or right but now it’s the good and bad knees 😃.

    I’m getting within a few years of my 60th now and still waiting for the day I feel wiser and more grown up.

    Stay strong all those fasting today and let’s see if we can cause a landslide on that beach.

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