I should have been born on valentine’s Day, thankfully I wasn’t because my mam was going to call me Valentine if I was. Will start fasting next week, still can’t taste my food but I am hungry. Roll on summer.
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Well done fasters today!
Have managed my first 500cal FD in a while, very pleased! Couldn’t be bothered to make soup just for me when I might not even taste it, so just had beans on toast!
Has been a lovely spring day, took mum to see the snowdrops in the woods, she managed the walk, she’s not been walking much now…
Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!
Morning all
Jean, I remember you getting Charlie from Scotland and so sorry to hear about Steve. I’m sure this fab group were as supportive as when I lost Phil. I may not have been around, but haven’t forgotten my 5:2 friends and I’ve been thinking of all the adventures you both had on the bike and in the caravan. My fondest memory though was you telling us how Steve would still often put some chocolate in the basket when shopping, and how you didn’t stop him but as you rarely actually ate it there was an ever growing stash in a cupboard.
Beef casserole prepped for the slow cooker, thankfully working from home today so will pop it in at lunch. FD underway.
Catch you all later.
Lynne x
Morning everyone. Welcome back Lynne. Such a busy day yesterday so never got around to posting. No fd yesterday as we went to visit our Newmarket friends for a curry night which was very enjoyable, however, the drive home wasn’t much fun as it was patchy freezing fog and . Not fasting today either as our Wednesday lunch has been moved to today so will be having a much needed fd tomorrow. A lovely time away to celebrate OHs 75th birthday to the coast where the weather was kind and we ended up walking eighteen miles over two days.
Dave and hedgehogs hope you feel better soon.
Have a good day everyone.
Nana x
Good morning, just done another COVID test and it’s still positive 😫.I can’t taste or smell anything still so it’s frustrating.HH i was reading on my phone somebody did beans on toast. They did the toast then cut it up into tiny pieces and mixed it up with the beans.I quiet fancy doing this. Might do that for tea tonight. No point having something more expensive when I can’t taste it.
Afternoon FBBs
FD yesterday was only okay. Over 750 calories. Woke up yesterday with a sore throat which developed into a head cold. Took paracetamol but still felt unwell. I wanted to take Ibuprofen too but not on an empty stomach so had a hot drink and a slice of toast before bed. Not my best FD.
Dave, hope you feel better soon, Denise too. I did a Covid test last night and it was negative so have to be thankful for that.
Lynne, I am a Yorkshire girl born and bred. Bronwyn is my middle name. My dad liked it and he wasn’t Welsh either 🙂 Surprisingly, there were three Bronwyns in my juniors class at school 65 years ago.
Steve, I love your defence for eating 5 doughnuts – ‘they were tasty though’. I like your style.
No aqua tomorrow. FD Thursday, hopefully a better one.
Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx
Its a lovely day springlike at 13deg .. a pretty walk .. saw a hare and lots of deer.
FD going well .. just a milky coffee and some croc pot chicken soup so far .. my mind is thinking of the garden now… and outside painting bits.. lol
H H … Well done on your FD yesterday it takes some getting back into when you cant taste things. Hope Mum is doing ok.. Winter not a good time roll on spring.
Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing. “Once you realise your limitless potential, you become fearless.” Xxxx
Evening all
Another wet and wonderful day here in Scotland but it could always be much worse.
They were very tasty and full of delicious strawberry jam not too bad for Tesco’s own. It’s the best defence I can possibly imagine for eating something especially if like me you can’t stop at one.😃
Trying to decide what to have for dinner but not a clue so far will need to check my freezer.
Evening everyone
So far so good with my first FD years. Too busy today to get much time away from desk. Beef casserole and fresh broccoli with enough calories for another coffee and an apple and spoon of peanut butter. I’ll have that in an hour then clean my teeth so not tempted by anything else.
Hope everyone else is doing well. Lynne x
Hello friends
Good fast day yesterday, we’ll 554 calories according to my guesstimates. NFD today, made goulash in the slow cooker with new potatoes which was rather good.
Just trying to book summer holidays – cottages in Wales/Cornwall, prices have gone up so much but think I’m sorted.
Can’t concentrate due to dogs squeaky toys.
Evening All..
What a lot of posts….
Can’t quite see you as Valentine..
Well done a good day…
A very easy tea… still not got your taste back..
You made me laugh about Steves stash of chocolate.. I think we had 20 bars at one time and still buying..🤣😂 bless him.
He did have a sweet tooth.
Well done on your first fast day.
Glad to have you back… hope it was a lovely break and hubby’s birthday..
Hope you feel better today…still a good fast day…
We saw some hares the other day running like mad…spring in the air..
Enjoy your chicken crockpot… a good idea.
We are all dry down here… you do get the iffy weather.
Cakey Wakey…
Good a holiday booked something to look forward too.. slow cooker out everyone busy cooking.
Jean x
Good afternoon FBBs Xxxx
What a beautiful spring like day .. so warm over the fields.
We had a lovely walk with my neighbour .. nice to chat as we go along.
It was a good fast day yesterday .. today.. Just milky coffee breakfast .. and just had 4 Ryvita’s a bit of cheeses and some onion chutney.. Just the remains this evening of yesterdays chicken soup ..
Just bought a big container of ice cream.. I always find a few scoops after my evening meals just satisfies the sweet tooth.
Sym .. hope all went well at the Hygienist .. Hopefully you can find a nice place for your sister which is not to far away to visit. These things are always such a worry then a relief once settled. Xx
Hope everyone is having a good day whatever you are doing.
Consistency brings results because when you see yourself-progressing every day, you stay motivated to achieve your goals. Xxxx
Afternoon all.
Yesterday was glorious. Sunny and quite warm. A walk on the beach and finished off tidying up the garden at the front. Just need to sort out the side bit, where we have the veg growing but no rush as it’s a bit early yet!
Didn’t get my 2nd FD yesterday as Neil wanted to make us a nice meal and have a couple of drinks for Valentines Day 😉
No fasting today as its Wednesday which is pub night after bell ringing practice.
Really need to find a hairdresser and get my hair sorted! That’s my mission for this week.
Want to go to the garden centre too but might leave that a week or so.
Jean, I hope you like the Home you are going to see. It’s often good to go and see another one, even if you’re not sure about it. It helps you see how ‘good’ the original one is if you know what I mean.
Hemmy, whereabouts do you live? I can’t remember. We’ve had the opposite weather to you it seems. Spring like yesterday but definitely not so today.
Lynne, well done on your FD. It gets easier once you’re back into it.
CW, definitely nice to get some holidays booked. It seems slow down here in bookings at the moment, I haven’t got many dates on my calendar to clean the cottages. Maybe the prices have gone up as you’ve said.
Steve, how did your FD go with eating the 1 meal? I’m going to change my routine to trying not to do back to back fasts, as I tend to overeat on the 3rd day. I’m also going to try eating once a day on a FD, try and extend the hours I fast for.
Dave, hope you feel better soon. I’ve never lost my sense of taste. Mores the pity!
Bronwyn, hope you have an easier FD tomorrow and you haven’t gone down with the lurgy.
Fish for tea, small baked spud and veg, but 2 drinks in the pub…
Fast day – my preference was always a Monday and a Wednesday and I did well on it until I let it slide. I’ve hung on but it’s been a struggle today. Just had 2 coffees this morning and a cup of bovril, so looking forward to my tea in a little while.
Work has been like wading through treacle today which alway makes the fasting harder.
Hoping to get my name on the pebble board this week Kay.
Evening everyone another busy day and just realised that I’ve not posted. A successful fd today so pleased about that. Its been a lovely sunny day here and nice to see some daffodils and snowdrops in people’s gardens whilst out for our daily constitutional walk.
Finally able to get back to Ely tomorrow and it’ll be lovely to visit and catch up with Auntie.
Have a good evening everyone.
Nana x
Evening everyone
It’s not been a bad day here not too chilly and dry about all you can expect in the middle of February.
My fast day was very good and it does make a difference having that one meal even if only a few hundred calories to help with any cravings.
Kitchen is now closed until tomorrow evening for food and thinking about having beans on toast as I saw it mentioned here a few days ago.
Evening All..
Hygienist was fine a bit jumping here and there but quick..
I went to visit the home, it’s the only space left as all full at the moment. I didn’t know what to expect 30 dementia patients is a lot to take on board. The decor isn’t great but it friendly and caring, lots of wooden panels on the walls making it a bit dark…a big Victorian building.. the room needs Chris’s own furniture, duvet cover, pictures, to give a homely feel.
Don’t start me off on ice cream.. I like a meringue nest with whizzy cream only about 60 cals, they settled me.
Well done on your fast day.
Hope you find a hairdresser, I panic without mine. Lots of gardening done you get organised.
I know what you mean by checking other homes but they are desperate get her out the unit. Everywhere is full at the moment.
I am with BT hope mine doesn’t go up to much..
You are always so busy.. well done on the fasting..
Enjoy Ely and visiting Auntie hope she’s ok.
Steve ..
Well done on your fast day.. I came in at just under 700 cals today, another one tomorrow ..
Have a nice evening..
Jean x
Evening everyone
Really enjoyed my protrudes this morning after yesterday’s FD. Overate a bit this evening, but of a funny day in work. Hopefully I haven’t done too much damage.
Thinking I’ll have a FD Friday and then decide on some regular days going forward. May look at my busier days in work as they barely leave me time to grab a coffee, never mind raid the fridge.
Catch you all tomorrow. Lynne x
Morning! Keep forgetting to post, & lots of us on here now so will try to remember everyone!
Jean- the home sounds good- caring staff is so important, sounds like your nephew will have to visit it soon & make a decision…
Dave- hope you get your taste back soon!
Mary- how’s your aunt? Have a nice visit & glad you had a good break 😀
Kay- you do a good job keeping track of pebbles! Lovely you can get in the garden, let me know if you start tomatoes off, I did mine too late last year!
Cakey- well done with getting back in the swing…lovely to get some holidays booked, Wadds is so good in the car when you go a long way!
Lynne- and same to you, sounds a good idea to do FDs when you’re busy at work! Are your girls still at home or have they flown the nest?
Hemmy- can’t decide whether to go back to ryvita or to go really low carb! They seem to work for you, I do like them!
Steve- hope the doughnuts don’t do too much damage on the scales, & hope you get some better weather soon!
Bronwyn- hope you feel better today…
My nonFDs haven’t been great- made rocky road (& had to try it!)to take round to my nephew as he’s on his own for a couple of days, sis is away & he’ll really be missing Arnie the dog- he’s not been out since they lost Arnie 😟 Back in the swing of walking Enoch, youngest hopefully coming for a haircut this afternoon, eldest wants to bake a carrot cake for a friend tonight, I’ll have to try & keep out the way! At least it won’t be for us, I would struggle to resist that!
Hopefully a good FD here, keep strong fasters!
Morning all
It’s a fast day for me again today and could be a liquid fast as I seem to have eaten something yesterday that hasn’t agreed with me.
but on the positive side it could be a good thing with tomorrow mornings weigh in I might lose an extra few ounces.
Stay strong all those fasting today and we can fill the beach with pebbles.
Just keeping in touch. I had a FD on Monday which was not my best but whatever I have come down with I don’t feel up to food watching yet. Have done another Covid test but still negative so am thankful for that. As you say Kay ‘lurgy’. Had to cancel my aqua fitness. Staying in and keeping away from people. Will get back on track again soon 🙂
I’m feeling better but still can’t taste anything 😫. Trying to cancel virgin by text, they keep putting up rhubarb on the screen to say how good they are but not very quick at getting to the point, been waiting over an hour but I have all day so not unduly bothered.I like their broadband but the rest is just to expensive.I would happily keep the broadband.
Hi FBBs hope you are all having a good day.
Cloudy today but not too bad at 13deg.
Kay .. I live in a village within 30 -40 miles from Banbury ..Bicester ..Oxford .. Aylesbury Buckingham.. Northampton. On the edge of 4 counties. Silverstone race track near by. ( Kristy worked there for Force India) when she lived at home.
I can remember you starting the Bell ringing do you enjoy it Do you go to the pub after lol ?
H H .. I love the Dark Ryvita .. I am basically when at home for lunch having 4 of them with cheese and Tesco red onion chutney .. I enjoy that with a Satsuma .
Sym … I remember you saying about that cream lolol .. something nice with few cals.
Hope everyone else is doing well . 800 cal day for me a Tesco spinach pasta meal this evening.
Our path is different because our pace is not the same. Xxxx
Feeling a little better than I was earlier but still not ready to face any food hope i haven’t got that virus that is going through Scotland at the moment.
It might be the best day for me not eating though as we all face the scales tomorrow I’m hopeful that I will at least have lost something.
Stay strong and stay away from the doughnuts.
Evening everybody
Only had a light meal this evening, too busy chatting to the girls in the phone, so just a small portion of beef casserole from the freezer.
HH, my eldest bought a flat nearly 2 years ago. It’s about 15 minutes drive from mine and she now lives there with her boyfriend. My youngest is in her 2nd year of uni in Bournemouth, so I’m ‘home alone’ most of the time.
Trying to decide between a FD tomorrow or Saturday. May just have to see how I feel in the morning.
I waited hours for virgin to get in touch with me, that never did. Different when you want to buy something.I think I’ll just get broadband from BT.And watch normal TV.I can watch others stuff using apps like UKTV or YouTube. Will cost about £30 so a saving of over £100 per month, I can also get rid of O2 another,£25 per month although I will get a phone contract some give YouTube premium free with the contract
Good morning,
Kay and FBBs – is there a specific day of the week when you weigh yourselves? I have been weighing myself first thing Monday mornings. For the monthly challenge I would like to do the same as others. Not that I hope for much this week still got ‘lurgy’ – 5th day! Hopefully next FD will be Monday.
Good afternoon
Woke up this morning with an aching body so not going much further than the kitchen for a drink. Hopefully it’s not covid related just a winter illness.
I have managed to weigh myself this morning and have lost 3lbs which surprised me but probably due in part to not eating for 24hrs.
Well done Dave on your 4lbs weight loss this week that beach is looking much better today.
Good afternoon FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx
It was a beautiful walk this morning saw lost of different wild life over the fields.
Well Done Steve and Dave on your weight loss this week. Hopefully you will soon both feel better..
I have lost 2 lb this week .. Good ole Ryvita and the croc pot and getting in the garden again lol
Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing
Appreciate yourself….It will increase your self worth. Xxxx
Afternoon All..
What a lot of posts.. I have read them just quick comments..
A very windy day really bad for our walk…
This mornings weigh in is the same, 2 oz lost… my body is holding fast to my weight, third week on the trot. Still trying to move 2lbs… 3 fasts a week doesn’t help me in the bit.
Made two meat pies this morning just need the pasty popping on the top, poor Steve would be jealous it was his favourite..🥰
I have been to shops to top up on the boys frozen veg and I have started having frozen berries too.. fruit is quite high in price on what you get. Still a couple of boxes of fresh blueberries on offer in Lidl to top my cornflakes..
I always have a Friday weigh in and a day off today for a few treats, eg my meat pie and chips tonight, glass of red wine too.
Hemmy .,
Well done on 2 lbs off…
Hope you soon feel better..
4 lbs off that’s very good.. still being ill wasn’t good.
It’s not nice on your own on the cooking front.. I am trying hard now to eat better.. I found it really hard the first two years.x
Always baking it’s so hard when others want it..
I think the home will be fine, must really sort her room out and make it nice.
Have a good weekend everyone…
Jean x
Beach update…
39 pebbles at the moment! Woohoo! 19.5lbs
Jean 1; 0; 0;
Hemmy 1; 1; 2;
Kay 1; 0;
Nana 1/2; 1; 0
Bronwyn 2; 2;
Steve 1; -2; 3;
Dave 2; 4;
Well done Hemmy, and Steve and Dave, although not good to be ill.
Steve, hope you haven’t got Norovirus!
Bronwyn it doesn’t matter when you weigh in, do what works for you. Hope you feel better soon too.
Lynne, I do the same, coincide my FDs with being busy where I can.
Jean, is Rich happy with the home too? I wouldn’t worry about the look of the home, it sounds like it’s just an old building. It sounds like the care is going to be OK.
Dave, hope you get your tv and broadband sorted.
HH, I love ryvita too, but I end up eating too many!
Hemmy, yes I still enjoy the bellringing and we do go to the pub afterwards!
I’ve done some holiday let cleaning today, first time since New year! My back is feeling it a bit now. A good enough FD today, just over 700 cals. No calorie counting tomorrow!
Have a nice weekend all!
Morning all
No FD yesterday, planning now for Monday. Really tough week in work last week, far too stressful. Catching up today and hoping for a break from it tomorrow before another tough week next week. A good couple of hours of planning done and a few urgent pieces to get done after lunch.
Purposely going shopping tomorrow so I’m not tempted to buy anything to fuel comfort eating today. Biggest challenge now on my own is not resorting to eating my emotions.
Looming forward to Monday’s FD and the control it brings.
Hope everyone’s having a good weekend. Lynne x
Afternoon All..
A very wonderful Spring like day..
Boules went well then onto lunch.. won 1 and lost 1..
A steady walk to cemetery to top flowers up with water then across the fields.. the corn already growing …
A read this afternoon going for our second walk shortly, just having a cuppa first.
Well done on keeping up with all the pebbles…
Looking at a second care home they are getting back to us on Monday..they have taken details maybe they have to ring the unit and assess her.
Dave .,
Well done on Donna a broadband deal..
Hard having a tough week, hope your weekends better.
I struggle with eating naughty things.
Jean x
Evening all
I woke up an hour ago and managed to eat some toast so far and thinking it could be fish finger sandwiches for dinner maybe not the most exciting but it’s what I’m craving for now.
If I do have the Norovirus it’s not the full thing as I haven’t been vomiting which is something I hate doing anyway.
Another wet day here from the sound of things outside but I’m definitely not going anywhere so don’t care lol.
All quiet on here today…
Another grey drizzly day here today, seems like the brighter weather is further north.
Jean, it’s good you are still playing boules. I can’t wait to start our lawn bowls season. I’ll have to learn how to play again with only 1 season under my belt!
Lynne, sounds like work is hard going for you at the moment. What is it you do? I can’t remember. Here’s hoping it calms down soon.
I decided to give the kitchen hob a good clean and have a general clean around downstairs but my floor steamer has broken I think. The green light doesn’t come on and there is no steam. Will have another look at it but looks like I need a new one. At least I’ve got an ordinary spray mop to use.
I’ve just finished potting up some cosmos seedlings 🌱 still waiting for other flowers to start so I can move them on and start on the veg seeds!
We are going to the pub tonight. There will be the usual crowd there and some darts and pool, music on. I’m no good at either but it’s a laugh.
I’ve lost 1.5lbs this week, so 3 more pebbles for the beach! Will have to plan my FDs next week as Neil isn’t working as much next week – depends if we do anything. On Monday he has an appointment at the hospital for the surgeon to look at his ‘trigger thumbs’ and hand problems. The hospital is over an hour away so we might combine it with a stop off somewhere – a walk perhaps. See how the weather is.
Hope everyone is doing OK, whether fasting or not. I might Fast tomorrow instead of Monday, we’ll see…
Hi FBBs Xxxx
We must be lucky here as its been lovely again all day … Lots of sunshine.
Just having a glass of wine .. debating dinner.. I think homemade Chips fried eggs and beans wins lol.
Decided now to stop buying bread completely never had any this past week and it showed in weight loss.
I really like Ryvita dark .. 4 are about the same cals as 1 slice I would cut from a loaf. Will be interesting as I think I did it before and lost a steady amount.
Lolol Into it again now Yay.
Dave.. I have BT .. home phone .. broad band and my bill is £140 per 3 months.
Lynne .. It sounds like your work is very stressful .. be careful Xx
Sym… You always sound busy … I remember you starting the Boules so glad you enjoy it.
Steve… Its amazing that when we are under par we always manage toast. Hope you feel A1 soon.
Kay .. Well done with this weeks loss xx Your social life sounds lovely ..with the pub and bell ringing enjoy your evening .
Enjoy your evening everyone .. Appreciate the simple moments in life.. Xxxx
I used to have toast when I was little as it’s always easy to eat and a comfort food so it must be something we remember from our childhood and makes us feel better.
I’m with BT for my phone and broadband and have a sky stream puck for the tv which is £24 a month without any add ons such as movies or sport works on my internet so don’t have to worry about a sky dish.
Sorry you are still feeling under the weather. Take it steady..
What a busy bee you are.. enjoy the pub tonight.
Well done on your loss.. beach is filling up nicely.
Egg and chips my favourite… my dad used to cook it for me, when I came home from school at lunch, mum was working, only thing he could cook.
So mild today…
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8:38 pm
13 Feb 23