Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All..
    A nice cuppa in bed, a wet day ahead… it’s feeling cold.
    No boules today may go to a cafe but only two of us and Lesley isn’t too good so that might be cancelled.

    Looking what you are doing I only need to cancel breakfast.. I wonder if I can 🤔
    I have breakfast at 10.30 then dinner 4.30/5pm so like you only two meals.. so a 18 hour window….. most days unless a cafe outing.

    Have a good weekend everybody
    Jean x

    Jean try it for a couple of non fast days. Or have a light lunch and put back the time you have dinner, but you would have to miss out breakfast. Raining again here just put the telly on and it’s raining at old Trafford which is about 5 miles away.

    Good afternoon

    Started off as a very nice bright morning but it’s now quite dark and pouring with rain but not too bothered as I have no plans on going anywhere.

    I do the 18/6 method on my non fast days too so just two meals in those six hours and always finished eating by 6pm.

    It’s not as difficult as you might think once you get used to the idea of not eating the traditional three meals a day.

    Yes very rare I have breakfast, usually in bed. I don’t go to bed until 1 or 2 am so I don’t get up early. I let my wife catch up with her soaps. Better to be in bed than watch Corrie.Definitely not a fast day today, steak and chips for tea.A bad day football wise I’m in mourning 😫🥴.

    Weather not brilliant, so not motivated to go outside to do anything!

    A few jobs done inside, now just chilling out. Out to the pub later so not fasting!

    I agree Steve and Dave, reducing that eating window does help a lot, although I don’t do it as much as I should!

    Hi everyone.. xxxx

    What an awful day after such a beauty yesterday.. Rain for most of the day here but hopefully now a respite until Fri although turning cold but seasonable weather.

    I too have always just really had 2 meals a day whether fasting or normal days.since starting this way of life.

    I have dinner at 6pm with Pip .. then Its just a milky coffee at 7.30 am .. then lunch at 1-2pm It always seems to have worked well.

    I am being naughty today but hey ho lol .. French bread and cold roast beef for lunch with an eclair .. then a ready meal this evening from Coop mark down lol Hotpot ….

    I must get this croc pot going tomorrow as I have some braising steak in the fridge which was meant to be done yesterday with all the odds and ends.. Now I am thinking a glass of Malbec lolol I must stop the wine again… I didnt miss it at all those months before Christmas ..

    Tomorrow is another day lol Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone, just took Chloe out and got soaked🌧️. It’s 6°C here but feels cold, at least the wind as dropped. It’s supposed to snow this week but I think tomorrow is ok so we will go bowling.Cant decide wether to have food now or wait until tea time.Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding 😋😋😋.

    Happy Sunday everyone Xxxx

    A lovely dry day sunshine and blue sky very wet underfoot though.

    A good start with Ryvitas and cheese for lunch no more crusty bread now lol.

    Dave .. enjoy your roast beef and Yorkshires .. are you having roast potatoes too. lol .

    I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.. We always call it Granny’s day .. as she had a bit of a rest after a roast Lunch. Xxxx

    Usually have mash potatoes Hemmy.I make the Yorkshire puddings.Jean said they look good so that will do me. Took Chloe out again, dry this time. I will try my new peeler out on the spuds, unless Denise as already done them.

    Hello all 😀
    Very well done on the weight loss Dave, Steve & Hemmy!
    Jean, hope that Charlie is okay…
    Kay, hope you can get back into the swing of things now you’re better & back from your mum’s!
    Have had a relaxed weekend as son’s away, & now we’ve got a last minute deal on one of the barns where we’ve been before, so we’re away Monday- Thursday, so getting back to diet/ fasting is put off again! I’ve been feeling really weak & shaky quite a bit recently so not sure what that’s about, I don’t feel ill! Maybe blood sugar levels, who knows! Looking forward to a change of scenery & a few lazy days…

    Evening All..
    A late call… a very lazy day pulled my back this morning.. it’s fine.. it’s what I call iffy… could go either way so taking it easy.

    Finished my book and two walks.. it happened after my first walk .. a slow small pm walk.

    Dave/ Steve …
    I am already in my 18.6 window most days.. wondering if I could do one meal on a fast day..🤔🤔

    Enjoy the pub tonight…

    I cooked a dinner tonight, cooked steak in gravy out the freezer, Yorkshire Pud, roasties and peas… coconut cake to finish.
    Very good dry day here not to cold… temperature dropping now.

    Charlie seems back to normal now 🤞🏻
    Enjoy your few days away nice to get booked.. nice relaxing time .

    Fasting day for me Monday

    Jean x

    Evening all

    Had a very lazy day today but as it’s Sunday that’s what you’re supposed to do that is my excuse and there’s no changing my mind.


    I find having the one meal for my Thursday fast easier as dividing the calories up and eating twice would just make me want to eat more.

    The kitchen closed in regards to food at six this evening until Tuesday lunchtime.

    Happy fasting for those joining me and remember it’s only for one day and then we can eat normally.

    Afternoon All…
    A slow walk this morning my back is a bit sore but I did walk back quicker.. I kept stopping and doing stretching exercises glad no one about..

    I have cleaned up and mopped the floor it was bad and I have Jacqui coming this evening for dinner.

    Back seems to be worse sat a bit different from usual..

    I am fasting last food 5 pm last night… egg, tomatoes and bacon tonight.. Jacqui is on a diet so it makes it easy..

    You seem to do well on long fasts… I am giving it a go… I don’t think I could miss 5pm dinner as I wouldn’t sleep..
    See how I go…

    Enjoy your bowls today… brave in the cold…

    Enjoy your break away…

    Anyone else fasting today?

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    We had a light dusting of snow overnight so very cold and not great for walking too far as it’s a little slippery in places.


    I like to start the week with a long liquid fast though feeling the cold a little more today and then the next fd will be just one meal but it seems to be working so far for me.

    I was looking forward to this fast more after the positive results last week and know it will get easier the more I do it.

    Hi everyone.. Xxxx

    Its turned really cold .. no snow forecast yet though thank goodness.

    We had a windy cold walk .. then went to Tesco as ran out of Bonios and we cant do that lol.

    HH enjoy your break away .. a good time to go this month.

    Sym.. So glad Charlie is back to normal Xx Be careful re your back. I always find a hot water bottle is good or an heat pad.

    Brads .. You said mashed potatoes with your roast .. what about roasties.. they are the best part…

    Steve.. I don’t think I could do a complete liquid fast.. only with some chunky soup lol .. I dont think that counts though lol .. What do you have ..

    When times get tough .. the tough get going. Xxxx

    I like roast potatoes too, just easier to do mash. Been bowling today, very cold, glad to get home for a nice warm cuppa. Fast day going well only had 2 cups of tea. Lamb casserole for tea.

    Definitely a cold spell underway. Snow forecast in places. Bet we don’t get any here!

    FD done. Finished on 700 cals. Another FD planned tomorrow.

    How has everyone else done?

    Are we all going to declare our monthly loss at the end of January?

    Evening everyone, have had a fast day today coming in at 690 calories.
    Have been bad at posting of late and I’ve not caught up on the posts until this evening.
    Hope everyone is keeping alright.
    Will be back tomorrow morning as I’ve decided to post in the morning from now on.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    I had a good fast day one meal 500 cals ish.. I missed breakfast out strangely I haven’t been hungry..

    Backs still sore more after I have been sitting, hoping I sleep better tonight.

    You do very well and usually good results.

    I agree roasties every time I never really have mash… I am going careful with my back, my hot water bottle was on it last night. Charlie would quite agree Bonios top of the list !!
    He’s just had one.

    Too cold for bowls.. lamb casserole is just the ticket.

    I will declare I hope I loose what I have a gained over Xmas.
    TV on -5 tonight for us 🥶

    Nice to have you back…😁

    Night everyone
    Jean x

    Finished on 682 calories. So a good fast day. Just took Chloe out, it’s -2,brr. Having a cuppa to warm up.

    Morning everyone, well I’ve remembered to posting have really enjoyed a bowl of porridge for my breakfast after my fast day yesterday. I plan on having my second fast day on Thursday. Sadly Auntie that I visit on Thursdays is currently in hospital as she has had this nasty cough and cold that’s doing the rounds here and ended up with bad breathing problems but I think I’ll still go to Ely as I’ve not been this year so far.
    Hemmy I agree it has to be roasties 😋
    Steve I’ve never tried a liquid only fast don’t think I’d manage it.
    Jean hope your backs a bit easier this morning.
    Kay I think I’ll post my loss for January in the hope it keeps me motivated.
    A lovely sunny but cold morning hear its just on 0 degrees now after being -4•5 earlier.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon

    It’s a chilly day again but at least it has now warmed up a little from when I got up from -2 to 0 now where did I put those shorts 😃

    Have had my porridge too so hopefully my rumbling stomach will be a little quieter this afternoon.

    Probably had 4 calories yesterday with the tiny amount of milk I had in my coffee lol but I know a liquid fast isn’t for everyone.

    Thursday’s fast I will be having my 600 calories as I don’t think I could do two fasts with so few calories.

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    What a lovely day after such a cold freezing start. Its showing 2 deg at the moment here… but glorious sunshine and no wind which makes it feel warmer.

    Its an 800 cal day here today.. Milky coffee this morning .. just had 3 Ryvita a small piece of cheese and a pickled onion. ! satsuma

    This evening some braised beef cubes and veg i did in the croc pot .. I think that should be ok re 800. ..

    Rather than rush it I am going for slow loss .. because if I cut everything down to the bone I will get bored and eat everything in sight lol.

    My friend Sarah who is on a diet of ready meals and a counsellor .. eats hardly anything for a few days then eats everything in sight bless her.

    Dave .. you sound like it is going well for you.. I expect the bowling and dog walking is good for you plus cutting down on the food..

    Kay.. Dont talk about snow lolol .. end of the month re results sounds like a good plan.

    Nana Sounds like you are doing well. Hopefully Auntie will soon be back home where she belongs.

    Sym .. Yes you have to be careful with your back be kind to it.. I have always like Mum before me sworn by “Deep Heat” ointment .. a good old standby . Its so difficult though when you have to walk everyday and cant just rest it.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.. Together we can stronger. Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone. Done the shopping, walked the dog, had lunch, eating today. Poached egg and bacon tonight with a small thin of beans. No snow yet but it looks likely.

    2nd FD going OK, will be around 700 cals again today. Next FD is Thursday.

    Very cold here again. We are going over to another church tower for a bell ringing practice this evening.

    Tara didn’t eat anything yesterday but eventually ate something this afternoon. Think she has a bit of an upset tummy, but she seems OK, apart from still being itchy and red!

    Dentist tomorrow and I start a new dog walk. 17 week old choc lab called Tamar.

    Keep strong all!

    Evening All..
    A lovely walk this morning very cold but strangely I was warm as well..

    Went to cafe with boules girls a catch up it’s a while since we have been together.

    Charlie is in bad books he wouldn’t come to be clipped on his lead .. just wanting to play.. I got someone to catch him… I was cross with him he is usually good.

    Hoping auntie soon gets better it’s not good to be in hospital. I am enjoying my porridge too..

    Very cold.. I like my shorts too still I might be getting too old to wear shorts…

    I agree with you to slowly loose your weight then you don’t get bored… lovely beef dinner… roasties??…
    Poor Sarah she is trying hard…my back is a lot better the hot water bottle maybe.

    Well done you are doing very well..

    Enjoy your bell ringing.. will it be very different at another church… wrap up warm.

    Jean x

    Jean never too old for shorts.i should end up around 1400 calories today so not too bad for a non fast day. Next FD is Thursday.Bowling tomorrow weather permitting, do that’s a good help if I play.B2b are difficult Kay I eat too much on the next non fast day.

    Morning everyone, just finished a large pile of ironing after managing to get my washing up to date yesterday because of the lovely weather which we also have so far today. Will have to be careful cycling to catch the bus to St Ives for our lunch today as we had another frosty night. Will be the first time I’ve been on my bicycle since before Christmas.
    Auntie continues to be improving slightly which is a good sign.
    Well done those of you with your fast days my next one is tomorrow. By the look of it we will be reporting good losses between us.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, we went bowling but the first green was white so we went to another club and managed an hour bowling although it was more like curling. Lots of ice on the bowls, so needed a few cloths to try and dry the bowls. It was a loving battle though so we called it a day early. Not a fast day today but only had 170 calories so still a chance it could turn int one, if not a good low day.

    Hi everyone Xxxx

    Ohh a cold day here .. it was lovely sunshine for our walk but clouded over now and going very cold again.

    I had planned to sort through my wardrobe.this afternoon … but I went for coffee with my neighbour as she walked with us this morning… so a late lunch again and now I dont feel like moving much lol.

    Kay..Hope Tara was ok today and it was just a blip yesterday..Hopefully all was good at the dentist.

    Having coop cauliflower cheese for dinner.. then another fast tomorrow.

    Take care all .. Spring is just around the corner Xxxx

    Afternoon All….
    A very cold day again the wind didn’t arrive as forecast. After being naughty yesterday Charlie was a good boy today.

    Snuggled down today and a bit of Charlie food shopping.

    Hope you got to go to St Ives today and had a nice lunch.. and auntie is doing well.

    The boules today sounded a nightmare still you gave it a go..

    A nice cuppa with your neighbour.. I have been invited for coffee tomorrow ..yes definitely want better weather..

    Fast day tomorrow

    Jean x

    Roll on spring, I’m getting like HH really feel cold. Not the best weather for arthritis. Not going to be a fast day today but a good low day. FD tomorrow then weigh in Friday.I think we all will have done well for January.

    Dave.. Try Cider apple vinegar with “Mother” is very good for arthritis .. But must be “With Mother” Holland and Barrett do it .. or off Amazon. x

    Morning everyone, another cold bright frosty morning here. Lunch yesterday was nice as always. I had a jacket potato with beans and cheese and two glasses of wine and for my tea I had a bowl of carrot and coriander soup with a slice of bread and butter. Cycle ride was okay but very cold and a face wind going so a bit if extra effort so burnt off a few extra calories hopefully. Off to Ely shortly. Will report my result on the scales tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Hemmy are the gummies ok,I might try them. Reading about them it’s more for losing weight because it stops you feeling hungry.No mention of arthritis.

    Afternoon all

    A rather chilly one but it’s looking quite bright outside and at least it isn’t snowing.

    No food for me yet but looking forward to my dinner later which is probably going to be tuna pasta and then the kitchen will be closed again for food until tomorrow’s porridge.

    Dave, ….Arthritis pain is partially caused by metabolic waste that is stored in connective tissues. The pectin, acetic acid, and mallic acid in apple cider vinegar help absorb toxins and flush them out of the body. When consumed, apple cider vinegar reduces the pain and stiffness of arthritis by dissolving the acid crystals that build up in the joints.

    Hi everyone Xxxx

    Its a very cold day again..not so much sunshine today which makes a difference.

    I am hoping for an 800 cal day today .. So far had a milky coffee .. and soup plus crispbreads and a piece of cheese. Satsuma

    I am not sure yet what to have for dinner maybe eggs .. mushroom omelette

    Hope your day is going well what ever you are doing Xxxx

    I was very hungry so my fast day will be 1000 calories. Will see what effect it as tomorrow on the scales. The airport was closed today for a few hours. Snow on the runways, it’s open again now.Hemmy I don’t think I could drink the vinegar so I will get the gummies and give them a try.

    Afternoon All….
    I have felt very cold all day.. two good walks a cuppa with my neighbour and a snooze 😂

    I have finished at 700 ish a bit more than I would like but fine..

    Hemmy ..
    Interesting about you cider vinegar .. how much do you have and how do you take it?
    Hope your fast day goes well…

    You do well to ride in this weather what you do to get your glass of wine 🤣

    Dave ..
    A funny day roll on the better weather… hope you can find something to help.

    Finished here kitchen closed too..

    Jean x

    Sym… I have taken a tablespoon of Raw unfiltered Bragg Organic Cider Vinegar With MOTHER for years .. I take it each morning in my glass of orange Berocca you hardly taste it.

    I have had no Jabs ever in my life Mum never agreed with them or Granny .. Both lived well in their nineties.

    In fact .. not tempting fate but I cannot even remember the last year I ever had a cold or illness. Xx

    I’ve ordered some gummies Hemmy, will see how it goes. Worth a try.My grandad used to take caster oil every day 😱 and drink boiling water.

    Finished at 573 calories today so will see if I have managed a similar loss to last week though any loss is good.

    The first thing I have every morning is a pint of water just to rehydrate my body after the night sleep though I will sometimes add a squeeze of lemon juice which is supposed to be good for you.

    Finished FD on 588 cals. That’s my 3rd FD this week although I think I might fast on Sunday, not sure yet.

    Well done fellow fasters. We all seem to be doing OK so far this month, let’s keep it going!

    Do any of you use myfitnesspal for counting calories? I use it but I’m getting fed up with the amount of adverts – definitely not going to pay for it though!

    Tara is still poorly with an upset stomach. She is fed a raw diet and I do wonder if we have slipped up with something 😱 although nothing is any different. She does seem a bit better today.

    Morning All…
    Up at 4.45 and 5.45 Charlie vomiting sticks up….!!!

    Out for lunch today and as now just waking up must weigh in before I drink my cuppa..

    Hemmy ..
    What is orange berocca that’s new to me too..no jabs too I had every jab going….

    Hope the gummies work.

    Well done on your FD…. We all have our quirks 😂

    Well done on three fasts… I use my MFP only if some new food or going back to basics again to remind me.
    Hope Tara soon feels better has she eaten some iffy raw food?

    Jean x

    Weighed in at at exactly the same…

    Morning all

    It’s a bright day with blue skies here but that probably won’t last through out the day.

    Weighed in this morning and I have lost 4lb this week not going to complain about that though probably just put some back on with my pint of water.

    Good luck to all those weighing in today and every loss is a positive and one step closer to your goal weight.

    Morning everyone, another bright chilly morning here. Scales showed I’ve stayed the same with no loss that’s two weeks in a row. It’s a pity I’m not at my target weight because I seem to have got the hang of maintenance 😊 Well done to the lovers on here meant in the nicest way.
    Thai takeaway planned for this evening and its my turn to drive so will save a few calories by not having a couple of glasses of wine in the pub with our friends before collecting the food.
    Out to lunch with my old workmates tomorrow which will be nice.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back on here Monday morning.
    Nana x

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