Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good to see you back Hemmy, I’ve had 648 calories today so pleased with that. Minols Dragonfly how about you 2 coming back as well.

    Hello old friends and new
    Thank you to Symba for giving us the nudge to post on here. Totally unfocused last year — too many nice things to make and bake. Hoping this year and my new Ninja inspire more healthy recipes.
    Back to work tomorrow after a lovely few days off, sometimes that helps, especially when it’s really busy, other times not so much as I work from home mostly so too easy to snack.

    Evening All…
    A good fast day finished about 600 cals

    Lovely to see a few people back… it got a bit sparse I think with holidays and Christmas people getting busy…

    A few still missing….page turned catch you tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Hi all, welcome back Hemmy and Typh00!

    I’ve been AWOL too, so time to get back on track.

    Well done to those who have fasted today, great start!

    My turn tomorrow! And Thursday.

    We are away up to my mums on Saturday for a few days so things will go on hold until we are back!

    Let’s get January going Fasters!

    Hello Cakey great to see familiar faces back today. I have 2 ninja’s, best thing I ever bought.

    Morning All..
    A frosty morning had returned.
    I had a good FD yesterday my first of the year.. I must keep Xmas treats to the minimum or non at all, see if I can move some Xmas weight.

    Charlie has a small seizure yesterday I was very concerned, he went blank, drooling, stiff neck and all his legs stiff, he couldn’t walk…only for a couple of mins..he slept for 4 hours then he had a late dinner but no late walk…he seems ok this morning… we will have a quiet week.

    Speak later
    Jean x

    Morning all Xxxx Its a damp one here but in my new positive tone lolol of 2023 Its 11 deg so very mild for Jan..

    Starting a new year with hopefully new beginning’s Last year seemed to me one of the bleakest for many years.

    Lovely to see lots of old friends here .. time to move those pounds again for spring.

    Sym…. Oh what a worry for you yesterday with Charlie .. hopefully he is back to his usual self today. xx

    Going to start gently with 1 fast day this week on Thursday .. Have a good day all Xx

    OK I am back! Last year was a weird one as I was diagnosed with heart failure. (I complain to all doctors etc about the wording – sounds so final). Anyway it isn’t. Controlled by medication. Only problem is lack of energy and I can’t walk as far as I want. Anything uphill, very slow.

    I stopped drinking practically completely (the odd glass of fizzy stuff!). Now want to lose some weight, get the 19lb I put on after I lost my Jodie (poodle). That should help with the walking. A big incentive is Monty, our new standard poodle. Six months old and he came home with us yesterday. A big cuddle bunny. I owe it to him and Paul to be as fit and well as I can be. Luckily Paul is very fit (in both senses of the word 🥰)

    We have walked for 45 mins, a smaller walk, he’s very perky and cocky … he has already gone back to sleep.. see how we go.

    Very chilly here a bit of ironing to do and clean to do upstairs. Hoping for a thoughtful day food wise…

    Lovely to have you back. Sorry to hear your last year was bleak hoping for a better one for you. It’s hard on your own making your own decisions as I know too well. I find it very different on my own, everyone too busy to include you, I have people but hard to say friends as it takes a long time to call them that. I only have a 2 or 3 at the most.
    How is Kirsty doing, still got her partner ?

    Lovely to have you back so exciting Monty has arrived. Hoping you can start walking more and helping your weight loss too…..you will be both out walking this morning showing off to everybody 😊

    Cakey and Steve glad to have back too…more the merrier keep everybody on their toes!!!!

    Jean x

    My first fd went well yesterday I was initially going to go the whole fasting period without any food but was feeling the cold in the evening so had a good bowl of porridge to keep me ticking over.


    Looking blank eyed and drooling first thing in the morning sounds very much like myself. Having a restful week for Charlie is probably the best idea.

    Love my Ninja for making tasty smoothies during the summer months with a mixture of fresh and frozen fruit.

    Second time I’ve written this so hopefully this time it will work.

    Good afternoon everyone, it’s pouring down here but not cold. Going to Sainsbury’s now to do the shop. I had a good fast day yesterday, today is usually my worst day so will try and take it easy.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    It was a very wet walk got soaked lol .. Pip doesnt care though lol .

    Just had Pate on toast and finished up some chocolates .. that’s it now all put away.

    My first fast for ages on Thursday. Think I will make a soup lots of veg .

    Sym… So glad Charlie was good this morning .. maybe just a blip yesterday best just to keep an eye on him as I know you will.

    Kristy is doing well .. yes same partner works hard and good for her… he helped me cook Christmas lunch . lol.

    Mel .. so happy for you having Monty .. lovely times ahead for you he will keep you fit lol ..

    Have a good day fasters .. we can do this. Xxxx

    Just popped to the shops to get some food for Tara to make up some more meals and some more cold/flu stuff for Neil.

    Poor Neil is still rough from Christmas whereas I managed to get rid of it fairly quickly. He has been in work though rather than resting so that’s probably why it’s lingering.

    Steve, I think you might have a different Ninja to us,ours are airfryers 🤔

    Had 120 cals so far and a low tea planned, so aiming for approx 500 cals today to give me a good kick start to start shifting the Christmas pounds!

    Hemmy I’ll be with you fasting on Thursday. Soup is definitely a good idea!

    We can’t get Tara to go outside – silly thing! And the rain is worse now! I will have to put her coat on her and physically push her out of the door!

    It’s gone so dark here!

    Hope everyone is staying dry!


    Afternoon everyone, it’s been a miserable cold rainy day here, although OH and I did manage to get a short walk in between the rain showers.
    Have been making ( hopefully) sensible food choices today as we’re resuming our Wednesday lunchtimes with our friends tomorrow so need to have some calories in hand for it.
    Nice to see some old forum friends have returned.
    We’ve got this everyone 2023 is the year we reach our own goals.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, just took Chloe out for a walk, it started raining so drying her coat. Heidi didn’t have a coat but Chloe as got two.And a wooly hat. She gets some looks in the street. A greyhound with a hat on😆😀.

    Not been fantastic weather wise here either but it’s early January so not expecting Florida type of heat but on the positive side at least it’s not snowing.

    Definitely got our wires crossed on the subject of the Ninjas I didn’t realise they made air fryers too.

    Typhoo- lovely to have you back, very sorry to hear about your dad x Sounds like you did well with your FD yesterday 👍
    Hemmy- so sad for you without your mum, I hope that this year is better for you x
    Jean- poor Charlie, fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again…
    Dave- does Chloe’s teeth chatter when she gets cold? Keep strong today…
    Kay- hope Neil gets better soon, especially as you’re going to see your mum. Keep strong for your FD!
    Mel- wonderful news about Monty, enjoy your walks- & fit Paul 😉
    Cakey- not too much baking for a bit then!
    Braved the scales & 4lbs on over Christmas, okay with that. But had bad cramp in my feet & calves yesterday so have had banana, dried fruit & nuts to boost the potassium, will go shopping tomorrow so can plan some lower cal option, lots of spinach & beans!
    Well done fasters!

    Finished on approx 500 cals so well pleased with today!

    Day off tomorrow and another FD on Wednesday!

    Morning All..
    A lovely long walk but nearly was blown over so windy. Debating what to do today a bit of shopping is needed.

    Sorry on your loss. Ninja smoothies sound tasty

    Hope your walk was dry… just finished my open chocolates a few slices of Xmas cake then I am finished.. ( won’t mention the shelf of chocolates in the back bedroom)

    Tara’s a silly sausage not liking the rain or she’s maybe clever…Charlie never bothers we are out all weathers…

    Enjoy your catch-up with your friends today..

    Chloe must be a picture in her hat and coat .. I carried Charlie’s this morning it was very warm.

    It’s not bad 4 lbs on it will soon move..hope your cramp is better today it’s very painful..

    Have a good FD ….I am doing it Thursday

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    Another wet day here in deepest darkest Scotland but at least spring isn’t too far away now so can look forward to more rainy days 🤣😂.

    My dad was 86 and hadn’t been in the greatest health for 18 months so in that way it’s a blessing as at least he’s out of pain now.

    Fortunately for me I’ve got all my Christmas goodies out of the way in which I mean in my stomach. Probably just as well as I would only be tempted and likely to give in.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    Its a very mild January day here.. a line full of washing blowing away.

    A good walk with my neighbour .. always drawn out longer with chatting lol.

    Just having an egg bacon and tomato lunch .. then going to make up some chunky veggie soup in the Croc Pot for tomorrow. All odds and ends I have left plus a pack of mushrooms.

    Looking at the NHS weight chart.. I am 5ft 4ins ..and at 10st 7lbs I am at the highest level .. I think I am going to try to aim for 9st 7lbs s my weight in my 30s lolol .. I can but try .. lolol

    Who else is Fasting tomorrow? We can do it we know we can . Xxxx

    I’m fasting tomorrow although I have only had 48 calories so far today,it helps when I go bowling.Who knows I might change days and do it today.

    I’ve looked at a fasting app i use and I have put all the weight back on since last April so to lose it again that is going to be my resolution for 2023.

    At 6ft 2 and 14 stone I’m definitely bordering on the overweight category so would be very happy if I can get down to 12 and a half stone that is my goal weight anyway.

    It’s all Mr Kipling’s fault for making exceedingly good cakes that is my story and I’m sticking with it.

    I used to be 6ft 2 and 14 stone probably when I was at school. I’ve since shrunk to 6 foot and gained too many stones.All the lake full of beer I used to drink didn’t help, now I hardly bother.

    A very good FD today, pleased with it, I won’t get weighed until Friday the 13th😱 just noticed it’s 13th. Not superstitious do it won’t matter😁.

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    Its another very mild January day here at 12deg.. will be good for walking although its very muddy over the fields.

    Today my first fast for a good while .. I had forgotten how a fast day had a certain excitement to it.. a challenge lol. ” Can I do this ”

    Just had a milky coffee .. and will have the soup for lunch and dinner not sure on the cals .. its veggie soup so should be ok.

    It will be super hard when shopping today .. Its usually a Lidl fresh little pizza to eat in the car for lunch ..lol

    Have a good day all .. whatever you are doing .. Onwards and downwards. Xxxx

    Sounds like everyone’s doing well so far- I had a blip yesterday making rocky road for son, so back to it today! Lots of walking, Xena & then Enoch the last 3 days, thankfully cramp has gone, energy levels better too, interesting! Might have to look closer at what I eat…youngest son coming for a hair cut this afternoon & ringing Homestart family, getting a 2nd family soon…
    Have a good day all & keep strong!

    A good FD on Tuesday, careful day yesterday and today I’m fasting again.

    This flipping cold/throat lurgy is still lingering but on the plus side I don’t feel hungry!
    Neil is still struggling. I’ve never known a virus take so long to go!!

    Just waiting for UPS to collect an Amazon return so I can take Tara for a walk around the village. Poor girl is really itchy at the moment and her fur has darkened in places where she is licking. Nothing has really changed – food the same, nothing changed in the environment. Will give her a wash/wipe down later, that’s the nearest she will get to a bath 😃

    Who else is fasting today, apart from me and Hemmy? Be strong when you go shopping Hemmy!

    HH, you are going to have to get your son to make his own cakes or buy some!! Lol

    We have sunshine today, with makes a change. A dry day forecast I think.

    Keep going everyone!

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk with Charlie and his friend Oreo on the river bank. Quite mild and they were playing in the water too.

    I am fasting for the second time this week.. bacon, egg and tomatoes for tonight.

    No visiting Chris, they have a lockdown as they have Covid on the unit.. at least till Tuesday.

    I have loads of chocolate left but out the way in the back bedroom as long as they are not opened I am ok.. maybe a treat on my day off Friday 😁

    You do well not drinking, hard when you have in the past… it should help with weight loss…

    Enjoy your shopping day without temptation… I find it strange when eating out with my boules ladies at the cafe… they eat so much then say they are out to eat on the night.. I just can’t eat like they do… still they are larger ladies.

    Hope today is better for you and the rocky road has left the house!! Hope the new HS family is nice for you.

    I am fasting today… my weigh in Friday….strange with Tara’s itching, it’s hard finding the culprit..poor Neil there’s lots about..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a dark rainy afternoon here right now but I have no plans for going anywhere so let it rain.

    Fasting day here for me too and then I have to face those dreaded scales tomorrow morning. Not sure what I will be eating but very strong possibility it will be some kind of pasta dish.

    I did have a small shop yesterday and the only extra items I bought were frozen strawberries for my porridge. I’m currently experimenting with different ideas to replace sugar to sweeten it.

    Good luck to all fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Sugar yuk,I can’t bare it now in tea or on cereal. Steve if you have to have a sweetner use honey.Not a FD today but will end up low. Doing well since I started doing the 5-2 again after Christmas.My father in law put salt in his porridge.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    Hope the fast for some and non fast day for other s is going well.

    I think the soup fast idea is a good one to start .. feeling motivated today.

    I changed plan and shopped at Tesco so no fresh pizza temptation. lol

    How is everyone else doing that is fasting .. what are you having?

    Funny though when I started this plan must be a few years ago now.. I would have bacon sandwiches on Fast day lol

    I think it was 800 cals then though not 500 I think that option came later with a new book. Maybe I am wrong.

    Keep going Fasters we can do this. Xxxx

    Evening everyone, sorry forgot to post yesterday. A nice catch up with our friends yesterday and a few glasses of wine was had by me. As it was such a blustery day we decided not to cycle to the guided busway but drove there instead and I planned on driving home afterwards but OH said he wanted to.
    A fast day today and will weigh myself tomorrow.
    A few fast days completed this week by everyone on here so let’s hope we all have a good result on the scales when we weigh.
    Take care everyone x

    Jean hope you get to sleep, there is hockey on now so will be a late night.

    Hi all. Hectic with Monty so not winning at fasting. It’s not doing it so much as being prepared, having the right stuff, feeding Paul. Am cutting down though so that’s a start. My last Lindors went last night so that’s out of the way. No more chocolate at night.
    Hemmy I am 5ft 4in and 11 st 4lb. No way I could get down to 9 and a half again. Last time I got down to 10. 5 and felt ok but would like to be a round 10, or not such a round 10!
    Walking every day now but not long walks as he’s still a baby.

    Morning all

    I got on the scales this morning and haven’t lost anything so far but on the positive side I haven’t gained either so it’s not all bad.

    I’m going out for a little walk later and to do a small shop so hopefully that will help with the weight loss next week.

    Morning All..
    A good dry walk on the river bank…

    Good fast day yesterday but took ages to get off to sleep.

    Scales were kind 2 lbs off…so I have another 1 lb of Xmas weight to loose.. pleased with that…

    A change of holiday plans 10 days in Majorca with my Texas family in June…lots of juggling with flights….

    Might be haddock and chips debating as treat day!!

    I am back on my porridge, it really keeps you full.. I need sugar on it….😬.. staying the same isn’t bad.. keep going… if I remember you can move a lot in one go when you get going..

    I am working through my freezer again, we used to do it before … money saving plan…nice steak for the weekend I have spotted….

    The weather was blustery nearly blew me over when walking Charlie….

    It wasn’t a good night, it proves I haven’t properly fasted for a while!!!

    Jean x

    I know how you feel Jean. I’ve struggled all week sleeping. My fasting is going very well at the moment,I think if I can keep it up I’ll lose 2 stone this year. The only problem is when I go on holiday I usually gain a stone because I won’t do any dieting while I’m away.

    Well done Jean with your 2lbs off, Steve I hope the scales are kinder to you! Sounds like everyone’s doing really well! Jean, enjoy your fish & chips 😋 I don’t sleep well if I do a 500 cal FD either.
    Have done okay the last couple of days, lots of walking as I’ve been able to walk Enoch 4 days, we went into town afterwards today & resisted any hot chocolate, despite being frozen!

    Good afternoon done the shopping at Sainsbury’s had 2 meals already today so might have a salad. It’s nice to have 3 meals, rare I do though.MelFish I hope Monty is behaving you must be in your element with him

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    Its been a good day so far today.. I had lost 1 pound this morning after yesterdays liquid day.. I felt good with it too it cleared the system IYKWIM lolol.Probably the pound loss.

    I think I will do one 800 day Tuesday and then the 500 soup on Thursday .

    Sym…Well done you girly on your 2 lbs loss. Absolutely brilliant Xx

    Mel.. I bet you are loving your new friend .. nothing like it.Xx I think realistically 10st is a good weight for me but I am thinking a bit under if possible so a bit of leeway at holidays. We shall see how it goes.

    Hope everyone is having a good day .. Together we are unstoppable. Xxxx

    Well I’ve managed to pick up another virus! Ended up in bed at 5.30pm yesterday and stayed there until this afternoon! Sore throat, shivers, high temp. I’m really fed up with it all now, the novelty has worn off! Although I do feel better today.

    On the plus side, I hardly ate anything yesterday!
    Managed to lose 4lbs this week, so just 1lb to go to get back to where I was before Christmas, then I’m back on for losing the stone to get me back to 10stone.

    Steve, I don’t really think it matters what you put on porridge. Honey is the same cals as sugar. I always have half teaspoon sugar on the original oats sachets.

    Dave, you are doing very well. And Jean, well done with your 2lbs, hopefully your body will adjust to fasting again and you will sleep better.

    I have bought a smart watch, and I’m just waiting for it to charge up so I can set it all up. I want to walk more, so hopefully this will help a bit!

    Not sure when I’m fasting again as it will depend on when we go up to my mums. It was supposed to be Sunday, but depends on how I am.

    Keep that focus everyone!

    Well done to Jean and kay on your weight loss this week hopefully there will be a few more of us joining you on the next weigh in.

    I’ve gone completely rogue and have some golden syrup for my porridge but not too bad as I make mine with water and maybe a splash of milk on top.

    Good luck to all those who may be fasting today.

    Try it with salt, that’s what they do in Scotland isn’t it. I can’t bare sugar on anything. Just doing a salad for tea.

    Traditionally porridge is made with water and salt here that is definitely a good option if I feel I need to make some changes to my diet.

    Tried strawberries but not something I would do again doesn’t seem quite right putting fruit in my hot breakfast. I haven’t had sugar in tea or coffee for many years.

    Typhoo …. I always use Honey when I need sweet .. I don’t take any in tea but have a tiny bit of honey in my milky coffees. Some honey would be good I reckon on porridge.

    Evening All…
    I am having a very lazy week I feel like I really can’t be bothered with anything… is it the weather or Xmas over not sure…

    No fish and chips I couldn’t be bothered… didn’t sleep well had a nap….

    Hemmy …
    Well done on the pound off.. soups a good idea always tasty…

    You are in the wars hoping you soon feel better. Nice to have the watch to play with..

    When in India.. they used to slice a banana in a dish putting the porridge on the top that might help with sweetness.. I never fancied it but my Steve liked it.

    I couldn’t do porridge with water and salt 🤢 well done on a salad for tea…

    Jean x

    Good evening just about, and move had a decent non fast day. Might eat a bit more over weekend, Denise’s birthday on Sunday so we’re going out for a meal, think I’ll drive so will drink non alcoholic beer. But have a giant dessert.🐖🐖🐖

    Morning All..
    A very dismal dark wet day… I had my neighbours dog consistently barking last night, it’s so annoying when you are trying to sleep. I eventually went off. I go to bed at 10 pm….

    Late walk for the boy but he’s still sleeping maybe he felt it too 😂

    Enjoy Denise’s birthday meal out and you extra large pud.

    I shall be fasting Sunday as daughter is coming up after school on Monday and I will cook a meal.

    Jean x

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    Its wet here although still mild at 11deg set in for the day by the looks of it.

    Just had a milky coffee and a satsuma.. lunch not yet decided.. an M&S Cod Morney count on us range 300 cals. this evening. Nice and easy. Yesterday I bought 3 days meals easy to just heat up as need to start having a sort out rearranging things .. spring clean. lolol

    Sym.. Nothing worse than being disturbed with sleep. Wonder why the dog was barking.

    Brads ..Happy Birthday to Denise hope you have got her a lovely pressie. Enjoy the meal.

    Better get my skates on and get out in the rain with my boy. Will be a damp one today .

    Together we are awesome.

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