Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Minus 3°C so very nippy. Chloe is happy she’s got 2 layers to keep her warm plus her hat. Soon be Christmas, Christmas party today at bowling club.

    Dave- hope the bowling club party was good! I’m sure Chloe does like her coat & hat…Enoch has never had a coat apparently, he seems okay, but he’s not got very thick hair…
    Jean- shame about your meal the other night! Brave of you to refuse to pay!
    Has been really icy here, no snow but so slippery…couldn’t walk Enoch. Have still been on the diet, but finding it really hard, probably because it’s so cold! Made a start decorating the Christmas cakes, & have had youngest here for a haircut…

    The Christmas party was lovely,too much food.I won 3 prizes on the raffle so not a bad day. Just took Chloe out it’s minus 1 so very cold. Soon be Christmas now.

    Had my eyes tested, got to have new glasses. Not had any for 4 years so I expected it.Can’t believe the meal we had at the bowling club it was half a chicken,peas, carrots,2 slices of gamon, broccoli, cauliflower roast potatoes Yorkshire pudding and green beans,pigs in blankets and stuffing.prosecco to start and whiskey or brandy or Baileys to finish.Plus a huge selection of desserts.

    Good morning all it’s minus 4°C here, got to take Chloe out soon. Will put her clothing on to keep her warm. A bloke looked at her and said she’s better dressed than him for the cold weather.She had 2 coats on and a hat😆.

    A woman just stopped us in the street and said I should get a picture of Chloe wearing her hat and put it on a Christmas card, she said she looks so cute😆.

    Dave- The Christmas party sounded good, what a feast! Maybe you should get a photo of Chloe in her coat & hat, good idea to use it for a Christmas card! Enoch’s teeth were chattering a bit when we got back today, so maybe he does get cold?
    Lost a measly half pound last week, better than a gain but frustrating how hard I have to work for it 😬
    I think I’ve finshed the Christmas present shopping now, waiting for some bits to arrive tomorrow & can do all the wrapping…going to make a small Christmas pudding, my friend’s fruit & chocolate recipe pud so it doesn’t keep like a normal one. Trying to resist all the goodies about!
    Hope everyone else is okay 😍

    I am staying well away from the scales. I had a tin of Quality Street and I keep filling it up. It was minus 9 this morning so my teeth would have been chattering. It’s a nice sunny day but very cold here. I left Chloe’s new coat on her all night to keep her warm.

    Afternoon All..
    So cold roll on Spring… crisp walk this morning just hate getting all the gear on to go but lovely once out.

    Looks like not a fast day just had some toast.. awake at 4.30 made a cuppa at 5.30 although I did bob off for another hour. Too long day to fast and too cold..

    I have been sneezing a lot hoping a cold/flu isn’t about…I shall hit a few hot whisky’s this evening just incase..

    Might try for 2 hard fast days next week.. then yearly weigh in.

    I have been hitting a few chocolates shouldn’t put them in a dish under the tree too handy!!!

    You seem to be all organised, I have just the fresh stuff to buy next week and a few things to bake.. all done

    Jean x

    My tin is almost empty again. Going shopping later so will fill it up again.

    Morning All…
    So very cold outside and very white over with frost.. back to bed with a cuppa.. I think this is the worse morning.

    Weighed in the same this morning…. One more week for the end of year weigh in…

    Jean x

    It’s minus 2 here so cold again, think it’s warming up at weekend.Its getting closer to the anniversary of the worst day of my life. Almost in tears now writing this. I think Chloe can sense it, she was on my lap for over 2 hours yesterday.

    We had snow this morning but the rain washed it all away,I missed it all because I was in bed 🤣. The sky looks full of snow so I’ll take Chloe out before it starts.

    Not had snow but plenty of rain. I took Chloe out before and she was pulling to come home😁. Only dog I’ve ever had that dosent like going out for walkies. She jumps about when I go to the door but then I have to pull her round to take her watching the world cup only one more game after today.

    Dave- oh dear, eating all the chocolate Dave, tough time for you, sending you a hug & keep cuddling Chloe 😢
    Jean- you sound organised too! Haven’t decided exactly what we’ll be having Boxing Day, need to plan that better!
    Got all my Christmas cakes finished, still got puds to make & the presents to finish wrapping, have done some.
    Off the diet for a break yesterday, we had a Chinese, but have done well today. Lots of walking- Xena, Enoch & delivered local cards, saw mum this afternoon- she was all coldy but pretending she wasn’t! Hope I don’t get it & pass it to hubby as he suffers with his sinuses!
    Will have a lazier day tomorrow…

    Morning All.
    A awful nights sleep, I had an emotional evening I haven’t been like that for a while, it obviously went into my sleeping hours… then I was in a deep sleep at 5am when Charlie was vomiting sticks…

    I must move it’s late for me, shower and out… weather is suppose to be getting bad…. A quiet day I think.

    Monday fast, I am out Thursday I don’t know if I can get another in for my yearly weigh in… I shall think about it..

    A hard time sending you hugs 🤗

    All busy hope you and hubby doesn’t get the cold .. hope mum feels better. A few more jobs for you to do nearly there.
    I have a few chocolate things to make at the end of week.. deciding really what to do as it’s me who’s eating them!!!
    Eyes bigger than my belly🤣

    Jean x

    It’s Christmas Jean, enjoy the naughty food. It’s cold and pouring down here, going to get soaked taking Chloe out.Will have to take her coat off and just have the waterproof one on, it’s fur lined do she should be ok. Will risk the hat, can always dry it when we get back. HH I watched a TV show about dogs with extraordinary jobs, one was call Xena. It had been hit by a car and left to die by the roadside. A woman seen it on TV and took it in, the very didn’t have much hope it would survive but it did, hence the name Xena, the warrior.She has a son who as autism and dosent like his space being invaded,he wouldn’t touch food and they down thousands on him to help him. Xena jumped on his knee in the car and stayed there, he didn’t seem to mind and now they are best friends and he cuts up food for her. His life as totally changed.

    Afternoon All..
    Up and out very early this morning it was still dark… then travelled a hour to visit my sister she seemed much calmer so the tablets are starting to work.
    My daughter joined me then we went out to lunch so FD abandoned… Christmas may have started for me… but I may try for a couple of FDS if I can or low day… weigh in Friday for end of year.
    Fasting starts on the 2nd January

    A lovely story about Xena a happy ending….dry here and mild but mucky under foot… towel out when we get back.
    TV arriving tomorrow they are setting it up for me, to big for me to lift I just thought it was worth paying them but I have to do all the codes… I might shout out for help but I am confident I can manage.

    Jean x

    Let me know Jean if your unsure about it.Been bowling so I ache now. The rain was on and off but played 3 full games 21 up, won 2 lost 1. All Christmas toffees have gone so I’ll top up tomorrow in Sainsbury’s.

    I never put them open to pick at under the tree.. thought it looked nice… I am on my second bought lot!!!!


    My tin is overflowing now, nipped out to Sainsbury’s.

    Good morning,I ache from head to toe. Don’t know if it’s from the bowling yesterday. Had a shower and day on the sofa but Chloe decided to flop down on me so air drying now, can’t move.

    Aching again now after bowling. It was very cold today. Only 6 of us today.ive got my ultrasound scan next Wednesday so no bowling until the new year.

    Good morning everyone, up early today couldn’t sleep. Not used to it still being dark when I’m up. Chloe still in bed, lucky girl.Each day is a little longer starting today, roll on spring.

    Morning All..
    Fasting stopped for me till the 2nd Jan it will be the first fast day of the year ..
    I will weigh in this morning to log for end of year.

    Going out with my daughter for lunch.. I think Christmas afternoon tea but at lunch 😂…. We did it last year it was lovely and a good price too..

    A long day for you being up early.. enjoy your walk … tin full again don’t eat too much… have you got your stone off this year?

    Jean x

    I did have but I’m betting it’s all gone back on plus more😫Will definitely try harder next year, 2 holidays though, I usually gain a stone on holiday 🥴😲.I will get weighed on January 1st then next weigh in just before I go to Lanzarote.

    Shopping finished so that’s good, feet up now, roll on Christmas.Spent £40 on Chloe’s chews and treats. Good job it’s warmer or we would be deep in snow.🎅Merry Christmas everyone.

    Evening everyone a quick check in to say I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and a good New Year.
    Will be back on here in the New Year ready to shed my Christmas gain.
    Nana Fixit xxx

    Thanks Nana Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to everyone one. Not going to be a white Christmas here, nice and sunny. And 8°C no doubt it will get cooler tonight. Time to take Chloe out.

    Afternoon All..

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

    All done and relaxing now. A day to myself with my boy tomorrow, walk with Natalie and Oreo in the morning, watch a few films, munch and drink….

    Have a lovely Christmas with family and friends..

    Back to fasting in January

    Jean x

    Hello all & happy Christmas to you 🎅🎄
    Busy week- lots of present wrapping, shopping, cleaning, cooking…Have lost a stone now, not sure what I weighed at the start of the year but definitely half a stone less. Have aimed for low days this week, will try not to go too mad at Christmas! We have a day to ourselves tomorrow, then mum, both boys & their girlfriends on Boxing Day. Aunt & Uncle coming for dinner the day after, plus son’s gf’s mum coming to pick her up, so we’ll meet her- from what he’s said I don’t think we’ll have anythi g in common 😬
    Love to you all xx

    I hope your all having a great Christmas and eating and drinking far too much. I’ll be back to fasting come January so let’s hope it’s a good year next year.

    Good afternoon everyone your all quiet so must be up to no good🤣 hopefully. All the Christmas choccy as gone, I had a big toblerone left but it’s an orange twist one and I didn’t like it.

    Afternoon All..
    Hope you all had a good Christmas Day… a quiet Boxing Day eating and resting…
    Jacqui and Phil came today for 90 mins… I suppose Phil may come again next Boxing Day!

    Glad when getting back to normal days… Christmas isn’t for people on their own.

    A non fasting week, fasting starts 2nd January.. too many chocolates to eat it will last me till June!!!

    Weather is looking iffy could be a wet walk …. Yes the rain has just started…

    Jean x

    Very wet here just got drenched walking Chloe. Rain is forecast all week🥴. Not looking forward to this week, don’t think I’ll bother about new year. I go for an ultrasound tomorrow.

    Done the shopping still only 3 tills open but more self service options available. Still raining but at least it’s not snow. Will start fasting on Monday the 2nd of January.

    Good afternoon, I’ve had my ultrasound scan, they didn’t find anything wrong and said if I’m in pain with it again to tell my doctor and they will do a different type of scan.

    Good morning, watching warehouse 13, sci-fi program.A very wet day so hopefully it will be dry when I get up later.

    Well it’s stopped raining so took Chloe out without getting soaked for a change. Getting my days mixed up thought it was Friday today, had my coat on and said are we ready to go shopping, she said it’s only Thursday🥴😱.

    Evening All…
    Everybody busy very quiet on here… they will soon be back with their pounds to loose…
    Busy day changing my bed washing ironing and 6 of Charlie’s blankets washed … a productive day..

    A few pounds have gone on.. fasting on Monday…

    You are keeping the group going… they will all be back in January ..,

    Jean x

    It’s exactly a year since I lost Heidi 😭. Didn’t sleep much last night, kept thinking about the last ten minutes of her life.I can feel the tears coming so I better stop writing.

    Extremely quiet on here, will be in danger of losing it if we’re not careful. I used to get excited at new years eve from being a schoolboy to my older years, but at the moment it’s just another day. Fasting starts in earnest next week.

    Happy New Year to all fatbusters

    Good afternoon everyone,a disastrous year especially December. I’m 2.2 lbs heavier than this time last year. Waste of a year, I will do better this year.

    Happy New Year ..

    That time of the year to start thinking about our health and our weight, a change of eating habits or to get back on board with 5.2 with more thought.

    My first fast day of the year… Monday and Thursday unless I change with plans.

    We need some of the old gang back to make their commitments for the year…it’s easy falling by the way side but you can get back on here every day and let’s move some weight!!!….
    It would be nice to have some new people join us too.

    Dave …
    You have been keeping it going on here and with me too.. although you have been much better than me.

    Hoping the gang returns…

    Jean x

    Hello all!
    Has been a lovely Christmas, don’t really like New Year’s eve any more so we just had a nice evening ourselves…forgot to weigh today, don’t know the Christmas damage yet! Going back to the diet I did before Xmas, will be a shock for my stomach…Still some stuff left, hope hubby will eat it all up! Got the decorations down today & had a good clean, missing my youngest today as it’s his birthday, he’s seeing friends so won’t be seeing him 😢

    Hello all from a chilly Scotland which is quite unbelievable in the middle of winter 🤣🤣.

    Managed to gain some weight back in the last few months probably not helped by losing my dad in October so I’m now officially an orphan not so much Oliver Twist as around the twist.

    First fast day for me this year going quite well so far though my stomach from the rumbling I’ve heard all day would tell a completely different story.

    Great to have you back, I’ve had 32 calories so far so going well. Determined to lose a good chunk of weight this year, my only problem is when I go on holiday I put a lot back on

    Hello Everyone,
    Have had a lovely Christmas and New Year but need to get back into doing 5:2. Planning to make my Fds Monday & Thursday so am having my first fd today and it’s gone well and am getting ready to cook my preferred fd meal of salmon & Pasta.
    Welcome back Typhoo.
    Take care everyone.
    Nana x

    Hi Everyone hoping you are all well xxxx

    Its been a strange year for all.. Still missing Mum dreadfully she was a big part of my life.. I must get some sort of single life going this year. I don’t seem to be able to adjust not looking after some one.

    Still walking 2 hrs a day with my boy Pip. He was 11 yrs old Christmas week

    Weight pretty stable all year put a few pounds on this past few weeks as Kristy was here for a week .

    .. I am starting back healthy eating next week after eating up the remains lolol. Probably have load to lose then lolol

    Happy Healthy New Year to all.

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