Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good night everyone. I’ll go to bed in an hour or two.

    Morning All…
    I don’t like this November weather.. hoping December is better… dry now but rain is expected..

    A Charlie walk then a bit of shopping..

    Fast day tomorrow….

    Dave ..hope you are enjoying the football.. roll on January for me I don’t like Christmas these days…it’s not very nice when you are on your own….

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone what a miserable day, non stop rain. Getting heavy now. Been to one of the bowling clubs for a meeting, back home now watching the footie. Jean well done on sorting your plumbing out.

    Evening All..
    A miserable day again hoping December is better.

    A good fast day but I am holding fast with my weight..no movement for a month see what tomorrow brings.

    Grandson and girlfriend are coming to lunch tomorrow they are on there way to a concert..

    Jean x

    Good morning all,a lovely day here now after the rain. Soon be Christmas. It’s chilly today but sunny.Chloes teeth were chattering when we put her coat on. Looking at buying her a jumper to keep her warm.

    Morning All..
    A lovely dry walking morning, even my coat open as I got back home…

    A quick clean up and floor wash downstairs, all my doors open get the fresh air in..

    Grandson and girlfriend coming for lunch then they go on to a concert venue and a stay over…

    A month to Christmas, I have voice telling me not to be miserable, Steve loved Christmas I know he would want me too, it’s hard on your own with our memories..… maybe I might buy a small Christmas tree. I am feeling much better now.

    This week I have lost 1 lb…. I have been the same for three weeks.. I would like some more off before the Xmas season starts.

    Good idea on a jumper for Chloe, Charlie loves his….

    Jean x

    Jean can you buy a tree that’s already decorated. Dosent have to be gigantic. We used to have one that when you walked passed out it opened up and played a Christmas carol, but we’re got fed up of the dog starting it up every few minutes🤣. Holiday insurance booked and airport parking.

    Jean- well done sorting your hot water! Hope you had a good visit with your grandson, lovely he came round! Hugs to you, hard time at Christmas xx
    Dave- hope you can keep Chloe warm! Enoch’s teeth chatter sometimes, more when he’s nervous, he hasn’t seemed cold yet…
    Been busy this week, lots of dog walking, youngest son’s hair cut, went to a Christmas shopping event, made a birthday cake for son’s gf…(so had to eat some of the trimmings & try the buttercream!) Back on board today, but not sure if I’ll lose this week 😬 Have been doing some more Christmas shopping online too, but we have cut down on the number of presents this year…
    Have a good weekend ☺

    Evening All…
    A very good day mild… just starting raining now.. in bed now so that’s fine…

    Played boules, two new ladies so getting them into the game, they did quite well.. then to pub for coffee…

    All went well with grandson and girlfriend, had lunch then moved on to their concert venue…nice to see them.
    It will be hard month December with Xmas things happening, a quick year as we start again with fasting…

    A good bargain your holiday parking… and Yes I have bought my tree, it’s up but not decorated making sure the size is right…I feel Steve is telling me to get Xmas on a roll again..

    Night from us..
    Jean x

    Yes Jean Steve will be keeping an eye on you. Good that you have a tree. Lots of lights in Windows and outside of houses. Seems early for Christmas stuff but it’s only 4 weeks to go. We have bought some lights to put in our window but not put them up yet. A dry but dull day here. Still watching the world cup.

    Good evening, been bowling today nice sunny weather, played in short sleeves but it did get cool after an hour or so. Some good games 8n the world cup today, England v Wales tomorrow so should be good.

    Good afternoon everyone it’s very much like winter today cold and windy, good job Chloe’s hat as come, it will keep her ears warm on our walks Having too much chocolate 🐷🐷🐷.

    Afternoon All..
    We were playing boules but damp and cold.. so I cancelled.. staying warm and snuggled..

    My daughter gave me a surprise visit yesterday evening so fast day was abandoned… beef and Yorkshire pud dinner made for us both…..so trying another one today.

    Christmas Xmas tree up and dressed.. other things need to be put up around the room.. depending on how much I decide on…

    Good idea on the hat for Chloe, Charlie wouldn’t wear a hat.
    Snow is forecast early December on the N/E, Manchester mentioned too… I hope not… dropping temperatures too..

    Jean x

    Evening ☺
    Jean- good you’ve got your tree up, sounds like a lovely day yesterday seeing your daughter for lunch. Well done with your FD today!
    Dave- oh dear, started on the chocolates already? It is hard this time of year…hope Chloe likes her hat!
    Have lost another 1.5 pounds, so very chuffed! Had fish & chips tonight, back to it tomorrow.. We put our decorations up today while we had a free day, Christmas cakes made as well, making 4. Enoch’s owner not answering the phone so not walked him the last couple of days, have taken Xena out to a heath to avoid the horrible dog walker, but don’t want to do that every day, gets expensive with the petrol! The garages were running out here again last week too!

    Good morning, going bowling this afternoon it’s freezing only 4°C, Think I’ll put my thermal vest on. Will take Chloe out with her new hat on, that will get a few funny looks. She was ok with it on last night. Will leave the chocolate alone for a while🤞

    Back home from bowling, it was very cold while we were playing. I had an hand warmer in my pocket, good job I did, it was that cold. Quiet a lot playing today about 16 so a good turn out for the time of year. Going to do roast potatoes in the air fryer tonight will stream then first then fry them. Never done this before.

    Evening All…
    I have had a lazy day.. so cold and damp… I must move and do some Xmas jobs tomorrow..

    A fast day tomorrow too….

    My daughter had to put her cat to sleep last night, it looked like a stroke only 6 so quite young.. a lot of chasing about at midnight.. she thought it was unwell but couldn’t put a finger what was wrong, some weight loss.. she was just talking to take him to be checked over… sad.

    Well done on your weight loss..Christmas has started down our court lots of lights going up….

    Dave ..
    Brave playing bowls and a good turn out too…

    Jean x

    Good morning,very cool this morning,I would take Chloe out but she’s still in bed after kicking me out😲.I have to be up early today to take Denise line dancing but not this early. Winter today, roll on spring. Just had porridge so will make a cuppa now.

    Jean- shame about daughter’s cat, & she lost her dog not long ago too, very sad 😢
    Dave- not surprising Chloe gets funny looks with her hat on! Should’ve got her a Santa one…hope you can keep off the chocolates for a couple of weeks!
    Have done okay today except for a little pick of cake trimmings & marzipan when I started Mum’s cake. Have walked Enoch today, rung my HS family, cut youngest’s hair, more washing from him, & got lots of Christmas letters written, a couple of presents wrapped & ready to send…out tomorrow night volunteering for HS, following Father Christmas about, will be fun but lots of walking! Might need to treat myself to something nice to eat afterwards as no time for dinner! 😁

    Good afternoon a miserable day here. Going to Sainsbury’s when I have had a cuppa.chloe’s behind me on the sofa trying to get me off it, she keeps fidgeting.Difficult to leave the chocolate alone. Got the Christmas feeling but not a good feeling considering what happened last year.

    Not had any rain but chilly, Chloe seems to like her hat, it keeps her ears warm.She had it on yesterday when I picked Denise up from line dancing and the women were saying it’s a pity they didn’t have a camera to take her picture.

    Evening All..
    Weigh in this morning 1lb off…. I need 2lbs off for Xmas ..

    I am not enjoying these cold damp days.. roll on Spring.. the nights are getting dark for our pm walks, leaving home latest 3.30…

    A few pressies wrapped today, cards posted.. a few local to post by hand…

    Hoping the mental health team come to see my sister tomorrow they have cancelled three times.. I must go and see her next week.. very hard going now. Dementia is such an awful disease.

    Out for lunch Saturday with the boules ladies.. too cold to play..

    We all seem busy getting Xmas things done..shall you have both boys to lunch and his partner? What’s your mum doing?

    Chloe must be a picture with a hat on when she walks out…

    Jean x

    She gets lots of smiles off young and old. Not a bad thing at Christmas. I’m feeling very down this month, it’s the worst month of the year. Dreading the end of it. The sun as come out so things looking up, going to a Christmas buffet at the bowling club next week so that should be good.

    Evening 😁
    Dave- try to focus on Chloe & how much love she’s brought you, hugs xx
    Jean- hubby walks Xena in the afternoon, he goes the same time as you or it’s too dark to see the ball! Mum is going to sister’s Christmas Day & ours Boxing Day, the boys both seeing gf’s Christmas Day, to us Boxing Day, looking foward to a quiet lazy day with time to think about the meaning of Christmas! My aunt & uncle are coming the day after to see mum so will have them over for dinner.
    Nana- have a great trip!
    A busy evening helping with the Santa run- & there was running too, I was shattered! Just wanted to get home afterwards so didn’t stop for any food 😇 Been out into town today, so many food stalls, just had a hot chocolate!
    A lazy afternoon, much needed!
    Have a good weekend 👍

    Good afternoon, Chloe got a few comments on her hat today. She is funny her head bobs from side to side when she walks, I love it😁.I think she knows something, she keeps putting her head on my leg and even my shoulder.Dogs are so loving.

    Evening All..
    It’s another dreary wet day….

    I have been to my daughters for lunch about three hours.. when I got home it was raining then dark night was looming..wet through.

    Fasting tomorrow if anyone joining me…

    Looks like England is winning…

    Christmas all sorted for you. A quiet Xmas day…will be very different.

    Lucky to find such a loving dog she is a character..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, been bowling this afternoon but it was very cold. Doing it again Wednesday and maybe Thursday. Going to Christmas party at one of the bowling clubs next week. Roll on new year.We had rain while we were bowling but only a shower. Jean any boules this week?

    Dave- Chloe sounds such a lovely companion, she is looking after you xx
    Jean- nice to see your daughter again! Will you see them at Christmas? Hope your FD was good today…
    Have had a few good days on my diet, will weigh tomorrow- shouldn’t mention diet on here 😂 Yesterday was a quiet, lazy day, have read a whole book this weekend, sis gave it to me, it was good! Today walked Enoch in the rain again, did ironing, posted all my Christmas stuff, rang HS family & saw mum. Changed Xena’s bedding too so she is sulking!

    HH your a busy girl. Time to put Chloe’s hat and coat on.Only 4°C so not very warm. My son as been mithering me about music streaming so have bought Spotify duo, we can go halves. Lots to choose from and can play it through Alexa if I wasn’t too

    Evening All..
    I found a couple of pair of boots, one for everyday shopping etc.. my others were bought very naughty, walking boots..
    Nearly finished my food shopping except for fresh… wreaths ordered for tomorrow collection.
    Xmas cards in the street delivered confused Charlie completely going up and down paths🤣

    Good FD, just had some milk and a couple of biscuits, I felt the need.

    Dave …
    The men are playing boules not so nice in the cold… give a miss until the new year unless weather improves a bit..

    No I am not seeing anyone over Christmas just me and my boy.. Penny with the new puppy had invited me to call round on Xmas day evening, I shall go for a hour not leaving Charlie for long. Jacqui sometimes calls on Boxing Day but she’s not said as yet…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon just don’t the shopping at Sainsbury’s, it’s getting worst, always long queues just lately.I think they want everyone to use self service. Might try Morrisons or Tesco on Friday.

    Evening All..
    Much better day… been very busy, shopping, car vacuumed, wreaths collected one taken to cemetery one tomorrow.. house cleaned.

    Visiting my sister tomorrow could be interesting…

    Half price beef at Tesco with a points card, Baileys at £10

    Food shopping all finished for Xmas just fresh to buy…

    Jean x

    Jean- hugs to you, such a worry with your sister…what food have you bought for Christmas? Will you do a roast? Glad you have an invite for the evening…
    Dave- sounds good getting spotify, we don’t listen to music much. I think most of the supermarkets are going to more self service, the cashier was saying the tills are all going at Asda 😟
    Walked Xena today & Enoch, spent quite a while organsing photo mugs for presents, & looking for more inspiration! Youngest came over, he was very chatty (& hungry as usual!)
    Lost a pound again this week, hard work!

    Yes tills are disappearing but older folk don’t want to do self service.In Sainsbury’s the self service is only for baskets same at Tesco, Morrisons have shopping trolley self service checkout.

    Morning All…
    Meeting Natalie and her BF ( friend?) with the boys on the river bank.. hope I aren’t playing gooseberry 🤣

    My sister going into hospital today for her own safety, sectioned last night as she won’t take her tablets… thinking on the state of the NHS will they find a bed or would it be cancelled…!!

    I am heading to her village to take my wreath, I don’t know if she will be there or not, or if it’s a good idea to go..🤷‍♀️

    A sad affair about my sister but she needs help…. I have a Turkey crown for Xmas, a full dinner and pud I will share with Charlie.. he will have a small dinner in the morning then join me…
    I shall just have a hour with my friend.. not leaving Charlie to long we snuggle on an evening…
    The GF’s are difficult to buy for the mugs sound good..

    Yes lots of doing yourself now at the shops .. they really should keep staff on a few tills…
    Strangely I use the self service if they are there…

    Jean x

    Jean I always use the self service at Tesco but only a basket full, it’s different when you have a full trolley.But I suppose I could do it.Makes me laugh when you see an old person with 2 items queueing at a till.Ive worked it out now,I don’t use the bag,I just scan everything and then when I have paid I put them in the bag, seems to work better this way. Good that your sister is getting the help she obviously needs, a worry for you but it’s for the best. My mother had early signs of dementia just before she passed away, what a time I had there, she refused to eat so was took into hospital, my dad was already there in the same hospital.He was 10 years older than her. When she died I had to go and tell my dad and then take him round in a wheelchair to see her one last time.

    Back from Bowls, was glad to come off too cold. Chicken thighs for tea, not sure what’s the best way to cook them. Sat in front of the fire thawing out.

    I did them in the air fryer, was pleased with them. Nobody else fancied having them so won’t do them again. Seems strange no football after all the matches recently.

    Jean good your sister is being looked after and Rich can now get some sleep. Hope your ok.

    Morning All..,
    No fasting for me I have Louise coming to stay the night.. a very cold walk this morning nice one way bright and cheery

    Yes sister is in the right place it still upsets you as you realise she won’t get any better..a down hill run with dementia.
    Too cold for bowling… I am not doing any at the moment.

    Jean x

    I went to the other bowling club to pay my money and they were having cheese and wine, they couldn’t believe I don’t like cheese. I had some wine though🍷 and biscuit.

    Dave- that must’ve been really tough with your parents 😢 I’d have had your cheese! Lots of Christmas do’s for you..
    Jean- so sorry about your sister, very upsetting, I hope she improves with the medication…lovely to see Louise, have a good evening, take your mind off things a little…
    Nana- hope that you’ve had a great trip!
    Still struggling for inspiration for presents, son is having lots of parcels delivered here for his gf, like a warehouse in the kitchen! Had to wait for hubby’s watch to be sorted so had ahot chocolate & croissant at a cafe, naughty but lovely, so a cheat day today…really yummy schwarma & flatbread tonight, made brownies but am full so not had them! Taking some to my friend’s tomorrow ☺

    Good afternoon football is back😁. Arthritis is really playing up with this cold weather. It’s a Christmas party at main bowling club today but been shopping instead.Bought some classic beer from Tesco think we got 15%off might take it to the Christmas party on Monday.

    Evening All.,
    What a freezing day…. Looked like snow this morning but just thick ice….

    Going to boules Xmas meal tonight I decided to drive myself, someone asked for a lift then two hours ago another person asked for a lift, that’s a pain as I have all Charlie’s things at the back and it’s a faff to make room..
    It’s going to be -3 degrees tonight which I am not happy about… last two years it’s been freezing I shall give it a miss next year…

    A lovely evening with Louise it was nice to see her..

    It’s not normal to not like cheese 🤪
    Hope you get to your party on Monday…

    Pressies are so hard to buy when you don’t know them well… nice lunchtime treat…

    Jean x

    According to my mother I used to love cheese.My dad and grandad both loved it. I think it’s when my grandad used to melt it and pour it over bread, it looked revolting and now if I put a piece in my mouth I feel sick. If it was the last food on earth I still wouldn’t have it.

    Morning All…
    A freezing day and white over again.. a late start for our walk today maybe on the river bank it will be crispy and easier for walking.

    I bought some ski trousers when I was in Texas from a charity shop, brand new for £2.50 they are so toasty, I wear over my jeans… definitely be wearing today.

    My main meal last night was awful, I didn’t pay for it.. starter and pud were good, lovely company..

    Good job we are all different, I am very picky I won’t put up with bad cooked food.. I always take tin foil to bring a bit home for Charlie… last night it was so bad I wouldn’t even give it to him!!!

    Hard to do fasting in this cold weather see what Monday brings…

    Jean x

    Yes cold weather and fasting don’t go together. Feels very cold here today, had a sprinkling of snow but more to come I think. Will have to dig out my boots.

    Evening All..,
    It’s not as cold as last night not as icy….

    I have some fur lined wellington boots coming.. hope they fit well…

    Just made haddock and chips absolutely delicious.. can’t beat homemade stuff… glass of red to finish off.

    Found a film to watch see how it goes.
    Hoping England win but I will be bobbing in and out…not really watching it….

    Hope you don’t get too much snow we don’t want it coming to us!!!

    Jean x

    Fish and chips never taste the same when I do them. Saying that the best chippy round here and the only one that sold haddock as changed hands and is rubbish now. Not a good one too be found. Time for football.

    Good luck England…..

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