Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,329 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 1 hour, 46 minutes ago.

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  • Evening!
    Jean- glad the Charlie’s getting back to himself, he’ll love to see Oreo tomorrow! Hooe your FD hss been okay, first one for a couple of weeks is hard!
    Dave- are your stomach & shoulder still painful? That probably doesn’t help, & grey autumn days…don’t forget your promise to Heidi though, keep strong for her xx
    Nana- enjoy your holiday ☺
    Walked Xena & then Enoch, he had the squits again so had to come back a bit earlier than planned- got through 6 bags! Son started his new job, very disorganised but he got on well with the fitness. Another day on the diet, doing okay although not feeling at all energetic! Tomorrow we’re taking Mum to my brother’s so Xena’s off to doggy day care, having lunch there so won’t be sticking to the diet, but brother is tight with his money & his food so won’t be eating too much 😂

    I don’t think I’ll lose 2 stone this year😫.Still got pain but getting used to it, just as well no movement on the scan I’m supposed to be having. Shoulder still painful at times.Chloe kept going to the backdoor,I thought she was circling while I put her food out but it was too go to the toilet,I turned round and there was a big pile on the floor,good job it’s wood.

    Afternoon All…
    Walked with the Oreo and Charlie played and ran, they haven’t seen each other for a while.. seeing them in the morning again…

    Played boules good lines but ran fast as wet… lost a game then had a draw.. then to cafe…

    Ham and eggs this evening trying to keep a bit to protein mode..

    Looking very much like rain shouldn’t be till 5 pm.. hope we don’t get wet…

    Seeing my sister tomorrow may take her out for coffee again if she wants to go..one of her friends is joining us ..

    Poor Enoch hope he’s ok today…hope your brothers visit went well 🤞🏻

    I have bad shoulders and neck into my head pains.. I have had it for 3 months now… if doesn’t seem to improve..
    Hope your scan comes through soon… oh Chloe No on that one!!

    Jean x

    It’s definitely getting colder, I got in bed this morning and thought I could do with some PJ’s,I must be getting old. Not had the heat on yet, Denise as had it on for a while. Only had a biscuit and 2 cups of tea so far today. Not sure what I’m having for tea.

    Afternoon All..
    A good walk with the boys this morning both were doing zoomies across the farmers ploughed field… a big mucky to say the least…

    Took my sister out, she is getting too much to handle.. I am shattered …

    Very cold today full winter gear out tonight….

    My PJs been out a while and hot water bottle… it’s not nice this cold…

    Jean x

    Turned the fire on, getting to cold, it’s wet and windy outside.Football on tonight and tomorrow so that will keep us busy.

    Waiting for black Friday, lots of my things all need resetting so may as well wait until I get a new router.Had a little too much to eat today. Weather as been lovely all day.

    Good morning everyone another sunny day here. Having a cuppa then will take doggie out followed by shopping. What are you all up to? Winter is on our way.

    Evening All…
    A good walk again with Oreo and Charlie…. A cleaning day then a reading afternoon…. I was going to cut the grass but forgot 🤦‍♀️

    Looks like everyone deserted us… hope someone comes back soon…. A few on holiday…

    Jean x

    Yes they have left us Jean. Nevermind well keep it going. Got the fire on its to cold now. I went bowling this afternoon but was on my own so only did it for 45 minutes.

    Hi Dave & Jean ☺
    Had a busy week- a good visit with my brother, but a long & tiring day! Shopping & jobs on Weds, then our wedding anniversary yesterday- had a lovely lunch out, youngest came for a hair cut too, good to see him.
    I lost 5lbs last week with the detox diet thing! I’ll stick to it for longer although the 2 days eating out won’t help, hopefully it’ll kick start some will power, I’ll keep to some of the meals & then 800cal days after that.
    Have a good weekend all!

    Good afternoon raining here, my son’s home to the rugby world cup, he will be home for tea though. He had to get 4 buses because of the rail strike.Winter is in the way definitely getting colder. I lost 4lbs so happy with that.

    Well done Dave- that’s brilliant! So strange you’ve lost that by eating a bit more! Hope your son enjoys the world cup…don’t blame the rail strikers but is a pain…
    Had a lovely long walk with Xena- keep bumping into a chap who’s lab has had puppies, he keeps asking if I want one- Yes, yes, yes! But hubby says no 😂 Been good food-wise, didn’t even have a coffee when we were in town, got fed up waiting!
    Have a good weekend ☺

    Good evening,a miserable day here,Chloe makes me laugh, she won’t walk past the bookies. She always stops, perhaps she thinks she’ll have to run again😁.Roast beef and Yorkshire’s for tea.Bought a big tin of Quality Street for Christmas,I will add a few of my own choice to it. Caramel and liquorice probably. Will take the ones I don’t like out and give to Denise, she will have her own stuff.

    Evening All..
    Two very wet walks a cold day too… a lazy day I had a snooze I haven’t seen anyone all day…

    I will be fasting tomorrow…

    Well done on the 4 lbs off….Christmas sweets already!!
    I like liquorice too…

    Could you be tempted with a puppy…. I think one dog is enough!
    We are going on a photo shoot next Saturday proceeds to a dog charity, a 30 mins slot… coming to Fays house she’s doing coffee and cake with donations for that too… I laughted at the list all the local dogs 😂

    A bit bored think I may go upstairs and start getting ready to go to bed…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, been bowling so aching now. Only had 2 cuppas and Biscuit today. Lamb hotpot for tea. Still waiting for Black Friday deals to appear.

    Afternoon everyone, enjoyed a lovely few days away and the weather wasn’t that bad. Managed a walk of eleven miles one of the days. Back onto the fasting again today which is going well so far.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Nana x

    Morning All…
    A rainy night.. dry now..

    A good fast day yesterday must try and not go overboard on the in between days..

    Boules pm hoping it keeps dry…. A late night I will watch some of the USA elections it starts at 11 pm so a few hours…I find it interesting..

    Laid snuggly in bed with the boy fast asleep must move soon..

    Well done yesterday hope the hotpot was tasty..

    A good break for you.. 11 miles is a good walk hope your legs are ok…

    Jean x

    11 miles world finish me off. Looking at holiday insurance it cost a fortune. The lapdog is back on my legs, I’ve contacted the vet to see if I can take Chloe when they are closed because she is so afraid of everything. That said I can take her in so that’s good. Had too much today so will be careful tomorrow, I’m still under my tdee.

    Good afternoon everyone.Dull here but dry at the moment, going bowling at 1pm hopefully. Not had any food so hope I can reach the long bowling.Better get ready I’m driving.

    Afternoon everyone, just back from our usual Wednesday lunch a jacket potato with prawns and two medium glasses of white wine. We also booked our Christmas meal for 14th December decided to go for a lunchtime rather than evening.
    Fast day tomorrow and usual visit to Ely including a visit to my Aunt who is doing really well now. Because of her age the Drs sent out a nurse to give her the flu and Covid boosters at home last week and she was fine no after effects whatsoever.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Nana xxx

    Christmas meal I like it Nana, they are doing a Christmas do at the bowling club, send Denise is going for a meal with her Spanish class.

    Good morning everyone, another dull day but 13° so not cold.I think there is rain about. Didn’t eat to much yesterday so will see what today brings.

    Morning All…
    A lazy day ahead … I have been busy for a few days on the trot… usual village walk today …
    I am having bother with my fridge, playing with it, the temperature isn’t right.. might have to bite the bullet and buy another… awkward as built in…

    Fasting today….grass needs cutting still a bit wet.

    Xmas is looming I really can’t be bothered…Christmas meals out etc…

    Good you had a good holiday, a few more booked too… glad auntie is more sorted too, it’s so hard on your own.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, so annoying I have to log on every time to post on here lately despite ticking the box to say keep me logged in.
    A cool day here and was quite chilli walking around the market. Next week there will be a Christmas market situated by the Cathedral so that will be nice to look around. Auntie alright so that’s good.
    Fasting today and I’m really hungry 🤞 I can hold out.
    Usual Friday takeaway tomorrow and it’s going to be a Chinese.
    Have got a busy day planned for tomorrow so have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back Monday.
    Nana x

    Off to the vets in a couple of hours,hope Chloe will go in, not easy to take her where she doesn’t want to go. She’s so powerful. It is warm today don’t really need a coat on.

    Evening All…
    Lovely walk the cows have gone in .. so the river bank to ourselves…

    A beauty day… eyebrows then a hairdressers pm..

    Fridge broken so ordered one to come Tuesday and to be fitted into the units…

    I stayed the same this week.. I blew FD Thursday so quite pleased with that.

    Christmas is on its way the market will be nice to walk around. Enjoy your Chinese tonight.

    Hope the vets went ok … it’s been a warm day ..

    Jean x

    Was ok at the vets, Chloe didn’t want to go in but managed to in the end. She is easy to give worming tablets to, she just took them out of the hand. It’s still very warm for the time of year.

    Good afternoon the weather is much better today. Lovely blue sky.Soon be Christmas only 42 days to go. Denise said we’re not spending much on presents for each other, I said I’ll get what I want got her. Black Friday starts on Friday on Amazon. So will see if I can get the router that I want.

    Evening All..
    Very damp misty day it never improved but mild..

    Out for lunch with my daughter, hubby and her MIL.. quite nice, all very chatty and social…

    Sister has gone down hill again with her dementia it’s so sad.. looks like it’s getting near to a social home … nobody seems to want to help.

    Dave ..
    Glad you got Chloe into the vets….

    I shall be fasting tomorrow I really must get on board I need 3 lbs off before Xmas…

    Jean x

    She’s not scratching as much today so it must have started to work. She will be 5 on Saturday. She’s prowling now, can smell the lamb, she had a Sunday dinner last week🤣 think she’s after another today.

    Been really busy last week- our Dutch friends visiting & then Mum’s birthday, made her a cake & did dinner for her, sis & BIL, so had a couple of days off the diet, but been very controlled for me…felt quite rubbish though, I notice if I’ve cut back on carbs & then eat some again! Back to it today, but won’t have lost this week…

    Hi all!
    Lost another half pound this week, pleased with that! Had a bit of a lazier day after walking Xena & Enoch, did alot yesterday so a bit weary…rainy & yucky too 😞

    Afternoon All..
    Morning walk and play date with Oreo… a lovely morning weather was just getting colder as we got back to the car.

    Dentist and hygienist for me this lunchtime, all fine for three months.

    Going out for an Indian with Natalie and Sam tonight, hoping there’s something I can eat….

    I shall be fasting tomorrow, strange I have been the same weight to the ounce for three weeks no movement at all…

    Well done on loosing when you have had visitors and food about.

    Glad Chloe’s guests have decided to leave!

    Jean x

    Hope you have a lovely meal tonight Jean!
    A dry walk with Xena but then it poured before I could walk Enoch, torrential, some floods about…did our food shopping, & some mince pies bought! Have been very good food-wise today, made soup again for tonight 😋

    Good afternoon everyone,took Chloe out and it was pouring down. Think she was cold because her teeth were chattering, she sounded like a woodpecker 😁.She had a harness on and a waterproof fur lined coat. Very dark here winter is coming.

    Good morning one and all, dry at the moment for a change. Waiting for my son’s new phone to be delivered.Had strict instructions not to go out until it arrives.

    Afternoon All…
    A good fast day yesterday but I have weighed the same again for my third week…
    No worries just push on….

    A good walk this morning with three of us and dogs a really good walk.

    Thinking of haddock and chips later, quite fancy them.

    Making a batch of Yorkshire puds for the freezer..

    Hope the phone arrives for you and not too late…

    Mince pies.. thought you would make them 😂.. nice and easy to buy..

    Jean x

    The phone came just as my son got home from work, they handed him the parcel.Plenty of rain today but not as bad as Scotland.

    Good afternoon,sunny day today,about time we had some sun. Is Chloe’s birthday today she’s 5 years old. And as usual asleep.Still hoping to get a good deal on a router but nothing so far😒. Chicken breast and baked potato for tea.

    Morning all!
    Dave- hope Chloe enjoyed her birthday tea!
    Jean- such a shame about your sister, hoping things get sorted, such a worry…I rarely make mince pies, my pastry’s not good so not worth the effort!
    Nana-hope you’re okay, are you going to look for another star wars Christmas tree topper this year?!
    Had a day off Friday, back into the diet yesterday, very hungry today though! Rain, rain & more rain here, struggling to get the dog towels, coats, hats, gloves etc dry! A quiet day today, doing a roast tonight as eldest is home…

    Chloe’s having a roast beef dinner tonight including Yorkshire pudding. It was Star Trek wasn’t it Nana. Watching the world cup, plenty of football up to Christmas.

    Evening All…
    A slow get up and walk today.. I had a bad Saturday with my sister then a good evening I was at a retirement party so lifted my spirit up.

    I have had a lovely beef dinner this evening in a minute a cuppa and pud then my fasting with start.

    So fed up on this rain, trying to get everything dry.. I left some boots outside to dry then the rain started again!.. very cold too..

    Anyone fasting Monday?

    Jean x

    Morning everyone. Been absent for a week but nothing new has happened since my last post apart from not losing any weight but at least I didn’t gain any either.
    Hedgehogs it was a Star Trek tree topper as Dave said – but no I don’t think I’ll be trying to get one this year.
    Jean sorry you’re still having problems with your sister but good you were able to put it to one side and enjoy yourself and yes I’m having a fast day today.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay.
    Nana x

    Watching the football, England doing very well. Wales next so fingers crossed they do as well. Chloe enjoyed her beef dinner yesterday and finished the beef off today, she had more than us. It soon goes dark winter is almost here.

    Nana- of course it was Star Trek- silly me! Shame no weight off, hopefully this week will be better for you…not long until you’re away again!
    Dave- lucky Chloe! Hope you enjoyed the footie!
    Jean- hope you’ve had a good FD? So much rain here too…
    Not a good start today- washing machine has packed up so we had to go & look at new ones…my coffee machine is dying so might have to look for another one! Stuck to the diet today, tried a Chinese cabbage dish with stir fried veggies & tofu, very nice!

    HH it’s the best time of the year to buy things. On my third football match,4 tomorrow 🤣. Jean won’t be pleased.Waiting for my router to be delivered then I can start putting things in proper order.

    Morning All…
    A wet start again.. wellies on going on the river bank, a different one meeting up with Oreo…

    Boules today not sure if I will go.. a few girls are fair weather girls…

    Three football matches and fed up all ready.. I don’t mind odd ones but not for a month!!

    I had a good fast day yesterday..

    Jean x

    Watching the football now, 4 games today, Chloe is under a blanket with me on the sofa 🤣. She jumped off to get toast off Denise them came back when it had all gone.

    On the third game, France v Australia tonight. Going bowling tomorrow weather permitting so will miss a game.Egg and bacon for tea.

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