Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…
    I have been locked out for two days!!! .. lost a long post.

    I was out at 6am walking today, really lovely.
    Back had breakfast will be a long day..
    A good fast day yesterday I was going to do another today but up too early…

    I can sit outside this morning then I loose the shade so will move inside .. it is feeling humid as I finished my walk so maybe in all day…?

    Keep safe everyone .. looking forward to cooler day tomorrow.,

    Jean x

    Going to talk Chloe out before it’s too hot, going to be 37 this afternoon 🥵🥵🥵. Fast day was going great then I just got to hot so ice cream took over and the FD went down the drain.

    Afternoon All…
    A very lazy day. Cloudy and warm sat outside reading.
    Then managed to cut to 2 large bushes back they looked so untidy..

    I shall be fasting tomorrow hopefully as I shall be visiting my sister…

    A couple of days of very early walks it makes the day so long when you are on your own… weather more normal tomorrow so get back in the usual swing…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone hospital appointment in the morning then going to walk-in to see doctor about my arm, it’s gone a funny colour and can get an appointment at GP until next month.

    Quiet on here I was at hospital close on 10 hours yesterday, nightmare. Hearing test took an hour then I had blood tests and blood pressure checks done because I have a big bruise on my though arm and don’t know why, when I got there another bruise appeared on my other arm. So I went to the walk-in at the hospital and it took forever and they are still not sure what it is.

    Afternoon All…
    Riverside walk with Charlie , Natalie and Oreo joined us..

    While Katie was with me I put on 2lbs and another 2lbs seems to have tagged on too… that’s over 8 weeks..
    I really am struggling to loose the 4 lbs… not eating properly and snacking too..

    I am out for a meal tonight with the girls so I will have to pull my socks up.

    The Mental Health team have been in touch with Rich, he answered a lot of questions on the phone this morning… they are ringing back pm for another chat.. hoping they can sort or help with my sister…

    What a nightmare for you yesterday.. hope it soon improves.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone not posted much as have had a busy week and meals out. Last night was a curry evening with some friends which ended up being quite late by the time we got home luckily I drove so no alcohol consumed 😇
    A meal out tomorrow evening at our local pub tomorrow evening with our daughter and son in law so alcohol will be consumed then 😏
    Not having our usual Friday meet up this evening as one of our friends is unwell.
    Dave a long day for you yesterday.
    Jean hope something is sorted for your sister soon.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back again on Monday.
    Hope everyone is well.
    Nana x

    Hi all!
    Dave- hope no more bruises appear & they can work out what it is, good you can go to a walk in clinic as your GP’s sounds crazy, ridiculous wait!
    Jean- I’m sure you’ll soon get back in the swing & lose those few pounds…enjoy your meal tonight!
    Nana- nice to have the meals out, enjoy!
    Had a surprise visit from son’s gf last night, it’s lovely that she makes the effort & seems as keen as he is 😍 Had planned a FD tomorrow but we have the weekend to ourselves (apart from seeing Mum tomorrow) so will make the most of it. Couldn’t walk Enoch today- his owner didn’t answer the phone, must’ve been feeling rough, feel for him though, missed a few days as it was too hot earlier in the week…
    Hope our newbies are okay?!

    Good afternoon one and all. A dull day here so much cooler. Bruise as got slightly larger on my left arm but the right arm is the bigger one. Walk-in is ok but such a long day of having blood done.

    Been hot here, when the sun’s out, which happens every time I take poor Enoch out! Cleaned lots of windows, washed the net curtains, ironed & back up now, plus saw Mum this afternoon…not a FD, had a nice meal together in peace & quiet, eldest is away…more raspberry ripple ice cream was made, this is the 3rd lot, love it!
    Have a good weekend all!

    Good afternoon, it’s raining again just for a change. The last 4 walks with Chloe have all been wet and I have to take her out now in the rain again. Going for a meal tonight for our wedding anniversary.

    Afternoon everyone,
    Hope everyone is keeping okay. Had a lovely weekend which involved taking our daughter and son in law to our local pub for a meal. Having a much needed fast day. The weather is still pretty warm and no rain as yet so everyones lawn is a lovely shade of brown around here.
    Another holiday is coming up so really need to knuckle down and lose some weight before then.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nsna x

    Managed a 500cal FD today, couldn’t walk Enoch as his owner didn’t answer the phone today- a bit frustrating when I have time to walk him. Caught up with jobs instead, & saw neighbours in the care home, he was on good form which was lovely to see! Warm here again, had a shower tonight so a night off from watering!
    Take care all x

    Another dull day here. It’s our wedding anniversary today so going out for lunch (dinner).So definitely not a fast day.

    Morning All..
    Lots of heavy drizzle/rain we got quite wet, stood chatting for 30 mins which didn’t help.

    Just done my insurance for my trip away in October, quite confusing as Steve usually did it…

    I had a good FD yesterday at last I see some movement !! I really must start thinking before eating….

    Happy Anniversary to you both, enjoy your meal out this lunch time…hoping your stiffness soon eases.

    Watch the ice cream and calories… one of my habits of the moment…

    Lovely to catch up with family… Jacqui’s away so I feel abandoned especially with sister not being well, I miss chatting to her…

    Boules but not sure with the weather, I think it’s looking brighter…

    Jean x

    Happy anniversary Dave, hope that lunch was good…
    Jean- well done sorting your insurance, I think October will come round quickly! How long is Jacqui away for?
    Nana- have you been out today?
    A nonFD for me but it’s been not too uncontrolled at least today! Been busy, had a dentist appt, youngest came home for lunch & a haircut, did the others’ too. Have done some cleaning & washed my car- it was covered in cobwebs!
    Hoping for a FD tomorrow, out early to take my car in for a service…

    Good morning, bowling later this afternoon. It’s a nice sunny day now so will put my sun glasses on, Polaroid ones so will bowl into the sun😁.no fast day today and holidays soon will have to be strict when I eventually get back from them.

    Afternoon everyone, weather is much nicer now that the high temperatures have gone. Walked to the next village and took the long way round so it ended up being five and a half miles long. Have had our usual Wednesday lunch and I had a lovely chicken salad and my two usual glasses of Pinot Grigo. Off to Ely tomorrow and will get to visit Aunt who’s now back home after a stay in hospital.
    A good fast day on Monday and another one planned for tomorrow. I’ll just have a cup of coffee whilst the other half has his usual full english breakfast tomorrow in Ely.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good evening, played very well at bowls today. Had a curry for tea, first curry for years. Soon be on holiday, looking forward to it. No fast days then.

    Walked Xena with my sister & their dog, then walked Enoch. Been out for lunch at a riverside pub, had a starter & then a dessert. Came home to a pile of ironing!
    Not sure when my next FD will be…

    Good morning everyone. Not usually up this early but had to take my son to the railway station. It’s raining here so got wet taking Chloe out for her walk. No fast day today. Will try on Monday.

    Morning All..
    Just started drizzling but already walked…

    Charlie going to stay with his holiday family for a reminder..10am till about 7pm/ 8pm ish.. if I can leave him that long..
    Going to lunch with my friend I haven’t seen her since Steve passed in Hull, a few jobs to do, food shopping, plants for Steve, they give up in the hot weather.
    I may pass by Chris but I haven’t told her in case I don’t get there..

    I did a long post the other day and forgot to post it, I think I had a phone call🤦‍♀️

    I lost 2lbs this week I have another 2lbs to loose to get back to goal… it may be struggle this week as Tony may come up to stay for a few days….still I am on the case!!!!!

    Jean x

    Complete newbie … Any tips on to getting going and keeping momentum greatly appreciated

    Hi @babakelly
    Welcome to the group! Some tips to help you along the way –
    1) there is no such thing as failure on this diet – if your FD goes pearshaped, you can do one the next day instead. Be kind to yourself.
    2)Plan your fast Day (FD) meal(s) ahead so they are ready to eat/cook.
    3) Keep yourself busy on a FD – personally, being retired now, I choose a job that keeps being put off, like blitzing the bathroom or tidying the shed – that keeps me concentrating rather than fretting about food.
    Lastly, you shouldn’t actually feel hungry, not real hunger, so don’t be afraid of not eating much for one day, just make sure you drink loads of water.
    I’ve only been doing this Way of Life (WOF) for 7 weeks now but have easily lost 8lb and eat well but sensibly on Non-Fast Days (NFD).
    Keep reading the posts, add your own comments – this is a wonderful place to share your experiences.
    Good luck!

    Welcome Babakelly it’s a way of life, not a first as such. This forum is a friendly place to drop in and talk about anything as well as fasting. Most of us have dogs do that is a big taking point. I have lost 4 stone doing the 5-2 so it definitely works. Most seen to do fast days on Monday and Thursday but the beauty of it is you can change to whatever suits you on any week.

    Morning All..
    Definitely a change in weather raining off and on for 5 days..
    A bit of a wet walk this morning…no bath for Charlie the shampoos been out for 5 days it’s away now so the weather might improve!!

    No boules today because of weather off out to lunch with the girls…

    Hi babakelly.. I have been doing this way of life ( I don’t call it a diet) for 7 years now, lost 2 1/2 stone and kept it off for three years. I watch it closely I am up 2 lbs at the moment so I have to get it off, it’s holidays and living which get in the way.
    I would buy the book as it tells you what to do and what health benefits it gives you.. best weight loss way of doing things… I have been on every diet going through last 50 years .

    We are a friendly bunch just shout and ask or just be friendly and chat.. it helps coming on here every day… keeps you positive.. we chat about anything as a lot of every day problems can make you eat..

    Jean x

    Hi all!
    Babakelly, nice to have you here! I find it easiest to keep FD meals really simple, soup or salad, I have tried some 5:2 recipes but it makes me think about food too much to cook something fancy, so don’t very often now…if you measure yourself before you start it can be good as sometimes inches seem to go before anything shows on the scales, so it’s more motivation!
    Been busy in the garden last few days, lots of veggies coming now! Getting lots of bites when I water in the evening though 😬 Only managed 2 FDs this week, getting into holiday mode- we’re not going away but have the house to ourselves for a few days as eldest is away!
    Have a good weekend!

    A nice quiet day today, damp weather, so happy to be lazy after the walk this morning, picky bits for dinner so not even cooking to do!
    Dave, have a good holiday!

    Evening All..
    A lazy day for me… cooked a lovely lamb dinner, ice cream and wine… I really enjoyed it… I often cook one and throw it away… hard doing for one!

    Thinking of a ride to the coast tomorrow .. depending on weather raining till 10.. tide is good… no fasting if I go..

    A nice lazy day for you…

    Enjoy your holiday have a good time..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone and welcome to babakelly.
    Haven’t posted for a while must remember to do so.
    Visit to Ely on Thursday went well and got to see my dear Auntie now she’s out of hospital and considering what she’s been through she looked remarkably well.
    Weather has been 26°C today so quite warm but we did have some very welcome rain yesterday sadly not enough to do any good.
    Have managed to have a FD today and next one will be Thursday.
    Hope you have a good holiday Dave.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Had a FD today, 600cals, kept busy so it’s gone quickly…youngest came for a haircut & had a catch up with him, we went to a nearby beach to suss out whether it’s worth taking Xena to- & it’s a no, all shingle & no path at all so hard work to walk on, a little lagoon lovely for swimming in but she’s not big on that, we’d have to pass one of her favourite walks to so she’d be very over excited!
    Hope everyone’s okay x

    Afternoon everyone just got in from our usual Wednesday lunch. Very warm here 27°C so the cycle ride back was nice and cool made even better by a young muntjac deer running across one of the recent fields that’s just been harvested so lucky to live where we do. Lunch was a very nice Halloumi and roasted pepper toastie with a side salad plus three glasses of pinot grigo instead if the usual two.
    Ely visit tomorrow which is also a fast day.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Evening All..
    A very hot day quite a hot wind blowing..sat outside a bit reading… a bit too hot, I came in..

    600 FD yesterday
    700 FD today
    Hopefully another one tomorrow.
    I have been naughty of late so trying to pull it together.

    Hygienist this morning a bit of an ouch..but soon over. A couple of unplanned days ahead.. some cleaning. A visit to my sister maybe..

    Jean x

    Jean- well done with your 2 FDs! I hadcan ouch with my hygienist last week too…Hope your sister’s okay if you see her tomorrow.
    Nana- nice to see a deer, lucky here too. Your lunch sounds lovely!
    Finally got to walk Enoch today, a bit hot though…we went to a pub by the river & had a lovely lunch. Court case I’m a witness for is next week, got the other statements, will be interesting but am very nervous, hope I can work the tech side of it 😂 Helped mum out with her fuse box as her power was off, it’s strange & does seem to play up, but it was her washing machine this time…doesn’t take alot to upset her but at least her power’s sorted!
    Not sure when my next FD is!

    Afternoon All..
    A hot day again nice walk this morning..
    My third fast day on the trot, j must have eaten a lot over Sunday/ Monday as my weight hasn’t moved..
    Back to twice a week next week but I may have visitors and Jacqui is coming up Monday so a tricky week. Best I can.

    Busy all day today so just thinking now feeling peckish.. a hours sit then off walking..

    I would be nervous about your court case I hope you can help the lady out..
    Good you know what the problem is with the fusing and you sorted mum out .

    Jean x

    Jean- well done with your 3FDs, shame about the scales, hopefully a whoosh next week!
    Dave- hope your holiday has been good!
    Nana- good luck with the scales!
    Gardenlily- how are your FDs going?
    Had an early start to get Xena walked & then had a hair dressers appt, Mum’s washing machine got fixed, hubby went round to make sure she was okay but she still got herself all worked up & then didn’t want to do anything this afternoon, so we took Xena to the beach. Had a takeaway tonight so no FD!

    Morning All..
    These days come around fast….Saturday again!
    Ladies boules and on to a lovely cafe…

    I played with Mick yesterday at boules, we had a cracking game.. we won and ruffled a few feathers, lots of banter..😂 on to cafe…

    I managed to get the grass cut and a wipe over of the car
    ( trying to keep on top of it and not use too much water)

    Grandson thought he was having a informal chat yesterday with Perth, Aussie, yesterday but turned out more like an interview two top people in the company on a conference call….they offered him the job..his contract is on its way…. Depending on the visa they would like him to start asap.. a couple of months?
    Jacqui will be so upset she was getting back off her holidays yesterday…. A year’s opportunity for him he can come back to his original job here after a year or stay..

    Hope your mum has settled after the upset of the washer. Chris rang me yesterday she was quite perky..a surprise.. hope to see her Sunday.

    Hope you had a good holiday and a safe journey home.

    Jean x

    Good Afternoon everyone, back from holidays, a bit sunburnt after our last day which was very sunny. Torquay and Paignton are nice places but very quiet. Don’t think I’ll be going back to either. Hopefully the airport’s will be sorted out for next year and we can go back to Lanzarote.Much more going on there and weather guaranteed.

    Good morning everyone just about🥱. Been watching the commonwealth games. Now the football season as started something else to watch. It’s a nice sunny day so may have to get the shorts out. Last day of stuffing my face then a big drive to lose weight before the end of the year.

    Afternoon All…
    Out walking then I have been to see my sister.
    She has stopped talking to dead people but still very confused, you can get a bit of a visit and chat out of her. My ‘baby’ which I have, I have told her I can’t have one at my age and does she mean Charlotte my grand daughter which I know she doesn’t mean.. but she was wanting to buy baby clothes for me, her son Rich told her I was too old to have one.

    Quick shop when I got back, making food for Jacqui’s visit tomorrow … she will be upset as grandson is going to Perth waiting for his work contract to come..1 year initially..

    Enjoy the footy.. I have had my shorts on for ages now.

    Jean x

    So you distract the men when you play boules with your long legs🤪. Not been that hot here, just nice. Fast day tomorrow. Watched City and United so athletics now until 9pm.

    I will be fasting Tuesday ..


    Fast day today, first for a week or so. Playing bowls this afternoon. Just took Chloe out and she always stops at a crossroads to have a poo.Holding up traffic, they all laugh at her😁.

    Afternoon everyone
    The warm weather has returned again and our poor lawn is brown.
    Have a busy week of social activities this week so had a fd on Saturday and am having another one today as it’s not possible to do one on Thursday.
    My Aunt continues to recover albeit slowly from her recent illness.
    Enjoyed a good weekend despite fasting one day.
    Am making chocolate cupcakes tomorrow morning to take over to our daughter and son in laws tomorrow morning as it’s his birthday and rumour has it our three step great grandsons are going to visit.
    Dave hope your fd is going well.
    Jean good to hear your sister is slightly better. Imagine your daughter is a bit upset about your grandsons work opportunity to Australia but we have to let them live their own lives don’t we.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Was quiet warm at the bowling, got beat easy so not a good day. Speedway tonight against the top of the league so should be good. Fast day going well under 90 calories so far.

    685 calories, just a cuppa later to have.

    Good morning, another sunny day, shopping to do soon need lots of chews for Chloe. Got the fan on to keep cool. Not a fast day today. Thursday the next one.

    Afternoon All…
    A very hot day here we got out for an early walk ..
    I was debating whether to play boules but decided too, good game and we won, different technique seems to be working.

    Just a coffee at cafe as fasting 🤞🏻 I can manage to keep strong I do struggle on hot days.

    Jean x

    Will be a struggle the rest of this week then Jean. Going to be very hot. Chloe makes the most of the cool mat, every inch of her is on it😁

    Quiet on here today, maybe tomorrow.

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