Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • 60 calories so far today. Won at bowls and the team won 7:1.Lamb casserole for tea so should be a good fast day. It looked like rain but it kept away, will take Chloe out soon when all the kids are out of the way.

    Gardenlily- your break sounded lovely, & well done only putting on a pound! Great you have an allotment, none where we are, so am growing as much as I can in our small garden! Doing okay so far! I’m sure the chocolate labs are the maddest, don’t know why! We have a small yellow lab, she is very strange but wouldn’t be without her, we love our walks!
    Dave- really well done with your weight loss, Heidi would’ve been pleased šŸ˜
    Jean- you & Charlie cover some miles! Did you fast today? Hope your nephew & sister can get some help…it is so sad, when Mum gets confused I could cry…
    Nana- hope you’re having a good holiday, good weather!
    Had a busy weekend getting son’s stuff ready for him moving out, he needed a hair cut too…eldest wanted a bit of help with making a cake, I’m normally fine with cakes but this one wasn’t up to usual standard! Still tasted good! Walked Enoch today, changed all the beds, lots of hoovering…
    Did a FD on Saturday & another today- 800cal ones though. Didn’t get lunch out the other day, weather wasn’t good so might go tomorrow.

    Good afternoon, trying to get Denise to go out for a meal on Sunday, not worth doing a roast just for the two of us. Will do another FD tomorrow.

    Evening All..
    Meet up with Natalie and Oreo this morning lovely to catch up with them, I havenā€™t seen them since my covid.. seeing them again tomorrowā€¦ a good riverside walk.. shatters them!

    Won 2 1/2 games of boules.. good afternoonā€¦

    Washed a lot of bedding in the spare room all Katieā€™s and co, I did the under sheets and bottom frill, turned the mattresses too.. just the duvets to iron and put onā€¦ caravan bedding to iron and put away our small floor bed!!

    Good fast day yesterday.. next one Thursday..

    Hope Denise enjoyed her Spanish lessons and you your cricket.

    In three years we have completed nearly 7,000 miles, since his Fitbitā€¦ he has lots of badgesšŸ˜
    I felt a bit down with my sister itā€™s possibly hit me on her getting so bad with her memory..


    Hi all, yesterday’s 500FD went very well – kept busy and the time flew by. Had meant to have a FD today but schedule changed suddenly and did it Monday instead. Anyway, really pleased with myself for getting through the day successfully when I woke at 3 am this morning with such an empty, aching belly. Other half grunted ‘what the heck are you doing’ (or words to that effect!) – me, eating a ryvita crispbread – definitely NOT recommended in bed … However, that with half a glass of water did the trick and I was up and about with the lark at 6 am for my early start. I do find that FDs seem to give me far more energy – anyone else find that?

    Gardenlily- sometimes I notice more energy, if I do a few 800cal FDs sometimes I get a bit drained…I do wake early being hungry if I do a 500cal FD…
    Dave- a roast isn’t just for the two of you, it’s Chloe as well šŸ˜‚
    Jean- lovely that the dogs play together! Not surprising you’re upset about your sister, it’s really hard with her deteriorating, losing her like that…
    Xena had a longer walk than planned as we did an extra loop to avoid a dog! Got some jobs done, we went out for lunch & had a river walk, then walked the lovely Enoch, don’t count steps but must’ve been lots! Youner son popped home again for a couple of things (& a bacon sarnie!), lovely to see him! Helped him with his application for his fire service application- they’re really short staffed at the part time stations, so fingers crossed he can get in. We saw them go out on a call today, there were only 4 on the fire engine…

    Morning Allā€¦
    Rain over night.. much needed..

    Walking with Oreo and Natalie this morning moving onto another riverbank for a changeā€¦.

    A bit of bedding ironing to finish offā€¦ then trying to sort a taxi for my Manchester airport runā€¦ a bit expensive but I have been given another number to try .. I think I will bite the bullet and pay!.. I used to keep Steve awake by talking, window down, after a 9 hour flight and two hour drive home if he canā€™t keep awake I definitely wonā€™t be able too..

    My trough flowers on decking seem to have ā€˜ goneā€™ must get some replacements, cemetery seem to be still okā€¦.
    Is it a good idea if heat wave comingā€¦

    Any gardenersā€¦.ā€¦..Do my tomatoes need pinching to stop them growing?.. if I can find the topā€¦.

    Nice to have your son coming back he will miss you tooā€¦ and your cookingšŸ¤£.. bits of help and borrowing stuffā€¦
    Sounds like a lovely walk for you both, lots of calories burned taking two dogs outā€¦good luck on the fire station good job to be inā€¦

    Well done on your fasting dayā€¦you often donā€™t sleep well on the FD night although I think I am much better now.. still the Ryvita did the trick .. I could imagine the choice words šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
    I donā€™t know if I have extra energy but always try and keep busy with jobsā€¦

    Have a good dayā€¦
    Jean x

    Good afternoon, been bowling but only practice, is there no other way to get to the airport Jean. Fast day today only 30 calories today. So going well.

    Jean- I think I’d go with the taxi option if it was me, much less hassle, worth the extra money! No fun driving after a 9 hr flight- we had a very near miss driving back once as hubby was tired, shook us up!
    Dave- well done with another FD!
    Took.hubby’s car in this morning & went on to the coast, had a walk on the front & a cooked breakfast- a bit disappointing though! Such a shame Xena’s not good in the car or we’d have taken her too. Had a salad for dinner, needed it after the fry up! (but then had a chocolate dessert I’d bought reduced!)
    Might try a FD tomorrow but not sure of the cals in the dinner I’m doing for son & I…will have to work it out!

    Good morning everyone sick of hearing about Boris. Think he will go today. A good FD yesterday so can have a rest from a few days.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A lovely day for walking across the fields and pop by Steve..

    Taxi booked Ā£320 return!ā€¦ could go down if petrol does..

    I think covid is still effecting me.. so shattered yesterday, sleeping in the day then bed early sleeping for 10 hoursā€¦ not me at allā€¦

    I am fasting today hoping to get moving some cleaning to do and a bit of shoppingā€¦

    Coast sounded lovely.. I might go next week tide times are good and weather.. hope cars okā€¦

    Boris is going today!..

    Jean x

    Managed a FD today, even with our shopping delivery! Walked Xena & Enoch, did a pile of ironing & tried a new recipe tonight- green rice, I only had a taster but son enjoyed his. (Rice with coconut milk, spinach, chilli & spring onion, so it’s healthy!)
    Jean- hope you get your energy levels back soon!

    Afternoon all
    Another scorcher here today – just popped out to check greenhouse and saw temp up to 29C in shade of rose arbour (not a fancy thing – think trellis on top of 4 posts) and everything wilting. Picked another cucumber – great for dipping in the tomato salsa. On a FD today – going well, especially with the heat – just drinking loads of iced water. Too hot to harvest the soft fruits on the plot so will try this evening when I take dog out for late pee walk – will have to tether her to a post as she loves raspberries and will want to help harvest! Last night feasted on new potato & spinach curry – those tiny potatoes go so well with the ‘sauce’ made from spinach, spices and spring onion – substituted cream with fat-free low-cal yoghurt (Zero make a really thick one). Tonight, being a FD, will be salmon baked in oven with greens & cauliflower rice. Might add a dollop of Zero with herbs to the salmon … Anyway, off to write article for local rag – keep putting it off. Keep cool everyone!

    Not that hot here only 18Ā°C. My son’s away until Monday doing a Speedway tour of his own concoction. All up north. He just texted me to say he’s in Thirsk at the moment so should arrive in half an hour. Got weighed and still the same as last week. Don’t think the coconut cake helpedšŸ¤Ŗ. Bowling tonight, a league match.

    Evening All..
    Such a hot day, up early with Charlie he had a long walk, small one tonight close to the houses in the shade .

    Weight the same.. I struggle in this hot weather, I like my ice cream and wineā€¦ must try hard from Sunday.. I have Louise coming up tomorrow and sleeping over, so out for a meal ā€¦

    We have a yellow heat warning over the next few days.. so plenty of water needed..

    Energy seems to be back to normal, but it comes and goes.. plenty of washing and ironing done today.

    Your garden plot sounds very full of everything.. very green fingersā€¦ all lovely eating on a FD.

    My first year for two tomato plants!! Lots of flowers onā€¦šŸ˜

    Hope your son enjoys his self.. love coconut cakeā€¦šŸ˜‹

    Jean x

    Son enjoyed the speedway, gone to bed now and he’s off to Berwick tomorrow. Win easily at bowls, not really enjoyable when it’s one sided

    Very hot today just been out with Chloe. Won’t go out again until it cools down. Not a fast day today so going to have a toastiešŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹. Got the fan on cooling us all down. Might swap to the bedroom fan it’s much cooler.

    Hi all – Brads27 – are you Dave? Agree it’s too hot to think today – NFD so indulged at lunch with cold meat platter and salads. Might just end up with chilled wine and cheese for supper – my downfall, I fear! (the cheese, not the wine!!) Yesterday’s FD ended well, salmon was a hit. Will wait until it cools down later this evening to take out the dog for amble round to the plot – might do some watering – fun carrying cans of water with a lively labrador, especially as the rabbits will be out and about. @symba7 – the allotment is rather bare this year – too hot and dry to grow much altho’ raspberries and blackcurrants doing well. Salads in greenhouse doing well (loads of watering) – am trying out watercress that doesn’t need a stream, just damp soil. I love the taste and this might be a breakthrough …

    Afternoon All..
    So very hot.. Charlie needs to go out but even if I wait it will be a while before it cools. Finish my cuppa and see how it feels..

    I have Louise my step daughter visiting about 5pm (we have Louise time !) she is staying over so booked a table out for 7 pmā€¦

    Boules was so very hot we won two gamesā€¦ I wonā€™t be playing boules Tuesday itā€™s saying it will be 27 degrees..just too hot for meā€¦

    I have to visit my sister one day next week , trying for a bit of a cooler day.. I need to sit outside her house is depressing.. she was bad again last night and not picking her phone up todayā€¦ Joyce her friend is seeing her tomorrow she will ring me and update on how she is. We have got POA going through and I have been put on it, incase anything happens to Rich, so thatā€™s good.

    I have a fan but not using as yet.. hoping your son enjoys his tripā€¦. I donā€™t like the sound of your toastie!! Not me!

    Itā€™s nice to have a non fast day.. I usually have Friday off and pushing a Saturday too.. strict again Sunday.
    We have had no rain really through the winter and very dry now.. not many paws washed and driedā€¦this last year.
    Have you no tap at the allotment.. hard work carrying water.

    Well itā€™s walk time.. he meets all his furry friends now and me too nice to chat..

    Jean x

    Gardenlily yes brads27=Dave. It’s been warm today but only low 20s.Supposed to be hotter as the week goes on. My dad used to have a big allotment, he grew nearl everything you can eat plus flowers. Used to get between 100 and 150lbs of tomatoes each year. I looked taking the peas out of the podsšŸ˜‚.

    Hot today, but can’t complain. Going for a meal later over a 1000 calories without any beer or desert.But looking forward to it.Denise is watching the tennis,I can’t stand itšŸ„“. And it’s going right to the endšŸ¤Ŗ.

    Evening Allā€¦.
    What a hot day.. too hot for me. Sat outside but in the shade.
    Early walk 7.30 am for the boy then waited till 8 pm a bit late for him, he had eaten his dinner but expected it again so had a sulky face!

    Fast day tomorrow much needed reallyā€¦expecting 31 degrees.. oh dear!

    A nice night out for youā€¦ I donā€™t like tennis either!

    Jean x

    Hi all – gosh it’s hot out there even at this late hour. I was up at 5 am – couldn’t sleep and took dog out in the cool. Did a ‘water run’ with wheelbarrow and dustbin – we have a tap but it’s quite a way from the plot. Dave – I usually have loads of toms on my plot to make sauce but this year I will be lucky to get a bowlful from the lot.

    Vintage tractor rally today – local lad used his drone to take some lovely pix of the old and new machinery – made a change from the cyclist rally that whizzes through and much better than watching the tennis! The pix he put up on the allotment FB page show just how dry the site is – it’s all brown with a few thin green lines or squares.

    NFD today but too hot to each much altho did tuck into crisps and wine …. Tomorrow is FD – not really planned it out yet but plenty of salad stuff and there are always eggs for an omlette (no chips!!). Keep cool everyone

    Morning everyone thought I’d post this morning as I tend to forget in the afternoon. We had a lovely week away on holiday and when I weighed myself Saturday morning the scales confirmed this by showing a four and a half pounds gain.
    Back on basic 5:2 now but allowing 800 calories on fast days as it’s more manageable than 500 calories for me.
    Haven’t read any posts since I was last on here so hope everyone is well.
    Nana x

    Yes I do 800 I’m to hungry if I do 500. It’s scorching and I’m playing bowls at 1:30 so will probably melt on the green. Fast day today not sure what to have for my one meal.My dad did ring culture for his tomatoes if you know what that means.

    Hi all – melting hot here in the Fens. Took dog out first thing and it was already 27C when I got back. Stupidly went out and spent a hot hour filling water tank at the plot – had to have a lie down when I got back. Still, a good day for a FD – just too hot to eat much so well within the 500 limit. Need to be up early to walk the dog before it gets warm so may try for a 800FD tomorrow – if it is as hot as they forecast, it shouldn’t been that hard and then I will have done my 2 FDs for this week.

    Dave – hope the bowls went well. Yes, familiar with ring culture – we just grow them in the ground on the plot, usually get buckets full of Italians – they tend to be a bit unruly – but this year just some sorry looking stalks and, after this week, I suspect they will be brown stalks šŸ™ At least the 2 plants on the patio (cherry type) are doing OK.

    Keep cool everyone!

    Still very humid here, had the fan on all night, Chloe jumped on the bed and got right in front of it. Now she’s on the sofa getting cool from the Dyson fan. Kicked me offšŸ˜±. Glad I’m not bowling today but play Wednesday and Thursday.Speedway again Friday.

    Afternoon everyone not been quite as hot here today mostly full a little bit of sunshine and also surprisingly a few spots of rain.
    Sitting in the garden at the moment as we decided to have a BBQ homemade burger, no bun with some barbecued vegetables šŸ˜‹
    Out for our usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow and then a FD on Thursday.
    Hemmy where are you – miss your quotes at the end of your posts.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    Up early and out but cloudy all day a bit humid.. a few spits and spots of rain ā€¦ lovely for me..

    I decide on boules glad I wentā€¦ two games playing side by side.. nice and peaceful.. some were playing at 6 pm because of the weather ā€¦ we won 2 lost 1.. so we took the win.

    I may go and see sister tomorrow if itā€™s not too hot, I like to sit outside, her house is depressingā€¦

    Everybody seems busy, I find it strange when itā€™s hotā€¦.

    Have a good evening
    Jean x

    Good evening, still muggy here think the fan will be on again tonight. Chloe will be fighting me to get near it šŸ˜‚. Think I’ll try and do a FD tomorrow.

    Morning all!
    Bit cooler here today – slept on top of bed (again) but feeling a bit wrung out today. I think someone took out my batteries! Good NFD yesterday, very light lunch (too hot) and then spur of moment pasta and home-made veg sauce – could only manage a cupful and was full so portion size is self-moderating at the moment. Usually I can consume a plateful quite happily. Today is a quiet day, off to visit grand-daughter this afternoon. I think the continuing heat is wearing me down!
    @symba7 – hope your visit to your sister went OK – could you take her out for a walk somewhere for a change of scene?
    @brads27 – not got a fan here, the new windows/doors help keep the place cool. Had thought of getting one but quite a wide choice and reviews vary. Dog would LOVE one!
    Keep cool everyone

    Meaco MeacoFan 1056 Air Circulator Desk Fan + Included Remote Control – Award-Winning, Super-Quiet, Energy-Efficient Fan for Bedroom and General Home Use [Energy Class A] https://amzn.eu/d/iqsOAcZ this fan is the best I’ve ever had, it’s not cheap but it’s brilliant quiet enough for the bedroom and lovely and cool. It swivels from side to side and also up and down. It’s the only fan I will buy in the future. It’s warm again today and playing bowls so shorts on again.Fast day today so the bowling helps.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A cooler start but the heat is getting up nowā€¦
    A later walk with Charlie met up with someone on the way.. nice chatty walkā€¦

    Fan on for me at the start of the night, sleeping on top of bed.

    Enjoy your visit to your granddaughter this afternoon..
    I am seeing sister tomorrow, she is going for bloods at the doctors today.. she was very bad again last night.

    Fast day tomorrow for me..

    Jean x

    940 calories for me so will do another low day tomorrow. Won at bowls, ion a good run at the moment but play at a place I’ve never even come close to winning so watch this space.

    Much cooler today and had rain, so jeans back on. Going to be a low day again, I only had 300 calories on Monday and 1000 yesterday so will try for 1000 again,if I can’t do it I will do a FD tomorrow. That’s the beauty of the fast diet.

    Lost my post! That’s why this forum annoys me sometimes!

    Struggling to fast at the moment but giving it a go today!

    Finally bought some lawn bowls so going to pop over and give them a go for half an hour. Need to go and pick up a prescription and grab some bits from Lidl too.
    Then we are taking Tara to the secure field at 5pm. It’s much cooler today so will be ideal for her.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the cool before the heat šŸ˜Ž

    Afternoon everyone, not quite as warm today as yesterday. Nice and cool indoors yesterday for our lunch and I did enjoy my chilled white wine.
    Am fasting today and finding it a bit hard but will carry on with it and will then weigh myself tomorrow morning and hopefully some of my holiday weight gain will have gone šŸ¤ž
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    A good walk this morning canā€™t believe they are already harvesting..

    A hard day today.. fast day abandonedā€¦ seen my sister and took food with me, we sat outside, I think itā€™s time she went in a home or close.. what a hard visit.. she has a load of people in the house and a man with a knife who was trying to kill us, very agitated and unsettled.. I had to go in and tell them all to goā€¦.. she cried when I left she didnā€™t want all the people to come again tonight.

    I feel very upset and chewed about it.. l will try to fast tomorrow ..

    Still warm here so shorts still on.. a lovely temperature today..

    Enjoy the field tonight. Burn her energy upā€¦

    Well done on your fast dayā€¦

    Jean x

    Hi all! Sorry I keep forgetting to post, not managed a FD for a week, today was okay though!
    Gardenlily- how far is your allotment from home? I’d love one but the nearest are 5 miles away, so don’t fancy keep driving every day to do watering! We have some new raised beds & lots of pots of veg in the garden though. Sounds like you’re doing well with 5:2, unfortunately the heat doesn’t affect my appetite! How old is your grandaughter?
    Dave- you’ve been doing brilliantly with FDs & low days, you should’ve lost tgat 2 stone by now!
    Jean- so hard for you with your sister, good if you can get the POA…she’s gone downhill so quickly, it must be a shock šŸ˜¢ It does sound like she would be safer in a home…with Roger the social worker said he was going downhill so quickly there was only a small window where he’d settle in to the home & engage with the staff- he has got worse since being in & quite a handful I think!
    Nana- I’m sure the holiday weight will soon go, well done fasting today!
    Kay- hope the new bowls are good! Enjoy your evening at the field with Tara, & well done with your FD…
    Have been busy, picked Mum up from Aunt’s Monday in the heat, sorted youngest out with more bits Tuesday, eldest needed a hair cut & made muffins to try, have been walking Enoch after Xena, she had her 4th birthday on Weds, so spoiled her! Today we had to let the estate agent in to value Roger’s house, it’s such a state! (Gardenlily, Roger is a neighbour, he & his wife both have dementia & after a pretty stressful time they’re now both in a care home) Shopping today, but ignored the donuts!

    All my good fd’s have not paid off, I’ve gained 5lbsšŸ˜” it happens sometimes and othertimes I get a sudden loss when not expecting it.I will keep going.

    Quiet on here today, the sun is out but not too hot at the moment, think it’s tomorrow and Monday that’s going to be bad.

    Afternoon All..
    So very hot here I donā€™t know what the next few days will bring in this high heat.. sat under the shade but still hotā€¦

    Played boules lost the first round gave up too hot.. went to pub a couple of wines and some fries..

    Going to finish my book off only a few chapters left.. going inside nowā€¦ just too hotā€¦

    So sad on selling Rogers home all your special things just home!!!! Enjoy the muffins..

    Dave.. keep cool with your fans!!

    Jean x

    Fan on full blast downstairs, Chloe tried to kick me out of bed to get closer to the fan in the bedroom šŸ˜…šŸ˜. She last between me and the edge so she got the benefit of the fan first.

    Very warm here. I can’t even walk barefoot in the garden at the moment it’s too hot! Trying to keep Tara cool.
    I think we are going to be lucky in North Cornwall and not experience the high temperatures some areas will have.

    No work for a couple of days thankfully and my bowls match is cancelled tomorrow, thankfully.

    I weighed myself and I’m down again. Still 1 lb up from beginning of June, but I’ve only just started fasting again this week.
    Can’t see me fasting for a few days….depending on what we do…

    Keep cool everyone šŸ˜Ž

    Good afternoon. It’s 27Ā°C here but feels ok, I am on front of the fan thoughšŸ˜. Watching a program about Jethro Tull,I liked them in the 60s. Fast day tomorrow.

    Good morning everyone!
    FD here today, temp up to 27C by 9.30 am so quite easy to just drink lots of water. Plenty of jobs indoors to keep me occupied – took dog out at 6 am to woods, lovely and cool but, gosh, what a shock when we came out into the morning sunshine! Planning salad for lunch & will see how hot it gets before deciding on supper – may just be fruit and yoghurt.

    Good afternoon, had a quick bowls session but gave in to the heat. Took plenty of water so not too bad. Don’t feel like fasting today, 0 got the lap dog on my legs, she’s way to big but likes having a snuggle with me on the sofa.

    So hot today, I think up to 38Ā°c in Suffolk, did some jobs & walked Xena early, too hot to walk Enoch, he gets hot even on cooler days! Xena missed the park this afternoon though…Have done a 500cal FD so pleased with that! Keep cool everyone, off to water the garden now.

    Evening everyone it’s been a while since I’ve been on here but not much to report. Been a real scorcher of a day here and am now sitting in our garden enjoying a gentle breeze but the temperature is still 39ā–ŖļøŽ5Ā°C think we’ll be late going to bed this evening.
    Have managed a FD of 548 calories today and will be having another one tomorrow as we’re going to be visiting some friends on Thursday for a curry night. Stay safe in this extreme heat everyone and keep well hydrated.
    Nana xxx


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