Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All…
    A lovely fresh day very pleasant…
    A long riverbank walk the cows are in the next village, all the water dried up at my end so keeping away from our bit, which is nice.

    Played boules our pitch has had new grit on, it’s awful to play on.. mucky and like the beach, still it’s the same for everyone.. won 1 lost 1… another tournament has started, pairs this time, I have not had a good draw possibly out first round!!… it’s s bit faffy getting the 2 pairs to play to suit everyone.

    Cuppa time then walking…. It’s like a full time job this walking it comes around quick… it’s a good job I like it… I would be much larger without it..

    I must try and do 2 fasts next week, I haven’t been on the scales so difficult in hot weather and with Katie here.. she is about half way through…

    Hemmy has disappeared hope she is still with us maybe busy with Kirsty..,

    Jean x

    Hadca FD today, 750cals…was quite busy so it’s been okay. Cooler today, although it was still hot when I walked Xena, it clouded over by the time I walked Enoch. Got to meet Great nephew Archie, had a lovely cuddle! Saw Mum this afternoon, she was all over the place, keot wandering off talking to herself looking for things she wanted to show me! We had a laugh again though, at least she’s not too anxious at the moment!
    Have a good weekend!

    Good afternoon everyone.A bit dull but much fresher, was still warm last night but got some sleep. Just been out with Chloe for our first walk. Walking her is helping me with weight I’m sure. Not really done any fasts last week so must do at least 2 this week.

    Not much sleep here- lots of storms! Had quite a lazy day, boys not about so that makes a difference! Not been very good foodwise, hopefully a FD tomorrow…

    Fast day today, the team won 8 nil at bowling and in beautiful weather. Only had 60 calories so far today.Turned down a biccy at bowls😇😇

    Dave- well done with the FD & the bowks!
    Managed a 600cal FD here too- been busy in the garden & doing piles of ironing, so it’s not been too bad!
    Hope everyone’s okay x

    Good afternoon everyone, another lovely day today.Proper summer day. Hemmy where are you? Come back. Bowling tomorrow and fishing on Thursday.

    Grr did a post and it’s disappeared. Won’t type it out again incase it appears

    Evening All…
    A lovely very hot day… too hot for me.. walk with Charlie and Oreo nice running play date ..

    Played boules lost two games ..just too hot…

    Took flowers to Steve from Louise, I have had them for a couple of days and shared them.. as she told me to do.. the others are with his photo here.

    A day to myself tomorrow, seeing Katie Thursday…

    I can’t seem to fast while she’s about just busy must pull my socks up after she leaves.. I haven’t been on the scales !!! Frightening to go on .

    Have a good evening

    Jean x

    Dave- should be nice for your bowling, maybe storms Thursday I was told!
    Jean- plenty of time for fasting later, enjoy your time with Katie! I am keeping away from the scales too 😬
    Nana- shame about your post, hope you’ve had a good day!
    Hemmy- yes, where are you, we miss your sayings!
    Busy day, walked Xena & the Enoch, was given rhubarb by his owner, so made a crumble. Made quiche as well, & a big cooked breakfast for son, ironing done…youngest looking at cheaper cars so that’s something, I’ll miss him when he moves out!

    Scorchio here I think I may melt when I play bowls at 1:30 this afternoon. Got my fishing bait ready to go tomorrow, not sure what time I’m going, will see how I feel tomorrow.Fast day today instead of tomorrow.

    Afternoon All..
    A beautiful day sat outside under my brolly.. a good riverside walk this morning…
    I am not fasting this month, Katie is here another two weeks once she leaves I shall be back on board.
    I have been fasting for 7 years non stop… I did 2 years then a break… goodness 9 years….

    My sister very unwell with dementia getting worse .. takes a bit of a toll..

    Storms are expected down south I think more towards London / Glastonbury.. hope they miss you..

    Dave …
    Enjoy your bowls and fishing ..

    Love rhubarb so sharp…. Good luck on the car hunt…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone it’s been a lovely sunny day and made our cycle ride much more enjoyable. A lovely lunch and two glasses of chilled wine hit the spot. Usual Ely visit tomorrow but its not forecast to be as warm and a warning of thunder storms later in the day.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay cool.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon,off to the hospital this afternoon at the ENT department. Going on the bus much easier. Trying for a third FD this week, will see if I can stick to it. I’ve lost 20lbs this year so far so must keep going

    All done got to wait for hearing test now.

    Morning All..
    Covid test positive as of yesterday feeling very rough today, very shattered, slept 11 hours last night and most of today.

    I managed to walk Charlie

    Jean x

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely warm day but windy…

    I didn’t sleep well because my neighbours dog was barking till midnight, then I was awake nearly all the night.. I had lots of aches and pains due to covid, nerve ends very odd.
    I wasn’t good when I got up but a bit better than yesterday .. as the days worn on, I have done a full house clean so I must be feeling much better…

    Walking Charlie shortly… I really must get back into fasting I seem to have lost it while Katie had been here.. hoping to catch up with her in the next couple of days… I bet half a stone may have gone one 😱

    The car needs a wipe over .. the Sahara dust seems to have settled on it, I only had it cleaned the other day…

    Jean x

    Yes mine is covered in dust but think it’s from speedway track. Hope you’re feeling better Jean.

    Good afternoon lost a close game at bowling but happy. Fast day today going well.

    Evening everyone a quick check in. It’s been quite a busy day which is good as I was on a fd. Pleased to see a loss of two pounds when I weighed myself this morning.
    Hope everyone is well.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana.

    Evening All..
    My first fast day in a while finished about 600 cals.. must do another one, three would be better..

    I have been shattered today sleeping a lot through the day.. covid day 5 of a strong positive.. looks like I won’t see Katie as she doesn’t want me passing it on to them all. They are hoping to get away somewhere for a holiday before going back to the States. Which is a pain in the bum!

    We have had our couple of walks and that’s it.. no boules tomorrow feeling a big fed up now…

    Jean x

    Doing a lot of sneezing hope I’ve not caught it. Could not sleep so up early, got an appointment at a clinic at 7:30am. Think it’s about my shoulder. Not a FD today.

    Afternoon All…
    Lazy day again.. still a strong positive..
    Very tired and a bit dizzy…

    I had a good fast day yesterday I shall do Thursday my next one.. I was going to do another but I am not too form so stay with two…

    My awful nightmare neighbour has sold his house so hoping they will be gone in a couple of months… I just want a quiet friendly new one…

    Where has everyone gone too many holidays I think!!

    Jean x

    Hi everbody
    New to this diet and site. I live in Cornwall and this is my second week of trying this diet! Not brave enough to get on the scales yet! Thought I’d try the diet out first.
    Any pearls of wisdom would be appreciated. Might get the cookbook though to help with meal planning.

    Welcome Teabird…
    It’s worth buying 5.2 book first to give you the background how the diet works and what it does for you health wise.
    I have been fasting 7 years it works, just needs a bit of effort in the first few months. It is a way of life and easy.

    Jean x

    Hello everyone! I am on my 3rd week of the diet and live in the Fens (East Anglia). The first FD went well, the 2nd was absolute hell. I have now got a routine that seems to work for me – no breakfast, light salad lunch and then larger supper – loads of green leaf veggies (easy at this time of year). Best trick I have is having a project or fun job to do when the munchies hit (usually late afternoon/evening) – I am a keen quilter so going off to plan a new quilt design, sorting fabrics or settling down with some hand quilting and an audio book for a half hour treat seems to do the trick – by the time I rejoin the family at least half an hour (or more) has passed along with the cravings. How do the rest of you cope with those evil urges?

    Welcome gardenlily

    Keep at it sounds as if your plans working, it does get easier I think the first couple of months are the hardest.
    A good plan it will be different to each person.. I like brunch about 10.30 and dinner 5 ish.. I often now do it most days having more food on NFD’s. Keeping busy is the trick.

    Your quilting sounds very interesting, you must be clever.

    Keep going it works!

    Jean x

    Good evening ladies,I only have one meal on fast days usually at 5pm.look up what you’re TDEE is I try to stay well under it on non fast days.TDEE Calculator

    Welcome gardenlily and teabird!

    The good thing about 5:2 is that you can tweak and adapt it so it works for you.

    Sometimes, like Jean, I will have 2 meals a day by either waiting as long as I can for lunch thus extending my overnight fast or by having breakfast and then nothing til teatime so having 2 fasts.

    Also, I do what Dave does and just have the one meal and that gives the longest fast. Plus you tend to eat less calories so its a lower fast.

    I flick between the 2 depending on how I feel.

    Like many on here I’ve been following it for a while and it definitely does work. Although you do need to see it as a change to your way of eating for life.
    When it doesn’t work, it’s usually because I’ve not been fasting and/or I’ve been eating too much on the NFDs – so no surprises there. Approach your NFDs by eating normally rather than finding yourself overeating as you feel you’ve missed out on the FDs – progress will be much better.

    Jean, glad you are starting to feel better but best not to push it.
    Fingers crossed for the house sale to go through quickly and you to gain some nice quiet neighbours!

    I’ve not fasted up to now this month with lots going on and being away, so the scales have crept back up a bit. I’ve managed 2 back to back days this week and I’m back on track so now I need to carry on.
    2 more days left of June. I would like to end the month lower than I started!

    So I’m going to keep it lowish today and then a FD tomorrow – which shouldn’t be too bad as I’m working.

    Off to do my next dog walk in a bit.
    Wondering if I can fit in a quick visit to the bowls club for a solo practice for half hour afterwards. Need to be back by 4.30 as I’m helping in the shop for an hour an then it’s bell ringing practice night!

    Busy busy but it will keep me out of the kitchen 😉

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Afternoon All…
    A rainy start but lovely now, quite windy.
    Village walk this morning, feeling a bit fed up.. daughter and family leaves tomorrow and I can’t see her .. so close but so far… she is going to Crete for a week, she will fly back into Manchester and out again 8 hours later .. hoping no late return.
    It’s been lovely seeing them but I feel my ex nuzzled in a bit too much..annoyed this last week how could I have picked up covid !!
    Hopefully I will get to see her in Texas in October with no hitches.

    Charlie has lost 1 kilo over the last three months, he decided to take it slowly🤣.. 2 kilos lost this year…… maybe another kilo??? Not sure…. Stopped all his training treats when out walking ( just a few) but he has to work for them.

    Have a good day at bowls today.. I might play Friday.. it will be 11 days then and I am fine now.. no more test kits..

    Like you I have not fasted this month, only this week.. I will be interested what the scales say… my tum seems a bit bigger!!
    Your extra dog walking must help a bit.. goodness I would be much bigger without Charlie….

    Few people down on here it must be holidays and busy…
    Hemmy where have you disappeared too.. busy with Kirsty..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone and welcome to our new members Teabird and Garden Lily. We’re a friendly bunch on here and try to help with any queries. Garden Lily I’m also a Fen girl and live seven miles north of Cambridge.
    Have had my usual Wednesday lunch with friends which was very nice as always.
    No visit to Ely tomorrow as Auntie has been taken into hospital suffering from severe dehydration 🤞 she’s back home soon. Will have a fast day tomorrow now.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon everyone,I lost at bowls to a lady called Irene. The team won by one point so we’re 3rd from the top, might have a chance of going into the top league, not sure how I would feel about that.

    Only 40 calories so far today. My giant lapdog is on my knees again, greyhounds are to big to be lapdogs but she dosent think so.

    762 calories after eating, so room for a cuppa later.

    Hello all! Keep forgetting to post on here…
    Welcome to Teabird & Gardenlily! I hope the 5:2 works for you both!
    Jean- such a shame you’ve had covid while Katie was here, good job you saw them lots at the start of their trip…hope you get back on form soon!
    Dave- you’re doing well with your FDs!
    Nana- hope poor Auntie can get home soon!
    Kay- wow, you are busy! You’ve got back into the swing of fasting well!
    Have not managed a FD this week- Monday we tried fish & chips from the van which comes to the village, yesterday was dropping mum off with aunt & uncle for her holiday, we meet at an M&S cafe off the M25…& today was a lovely meet up with Cakeywakey from this group so had to make shortbread- sorry all of you who are doing well with your FDs…tomorrow we’re going out for lunch to use some vouchers!

    Evening everyone a successful fast day until other half suggested going to our local pu for a drink to pre start our holiday tomorrow so ended up having a 1000 calories. Auntie will be hospital for a few days having investigations done.
    Last post for me until 11th July as on holiday until then.
    Stay safe everyone as it seems Covid is on the rise again.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone,a dull day today.No bowling tonight so a rest day but will go for a practice this afternoon.Trying for a low day today, done 2 fast days this week.

    Had a very good fortnight lost over 6lbs, do it does work the 5-2 way of life.

    Afternoon All…
    A sunny morning for our walk then raining pm… all my towels and tea towels on the line got wet…!!!

    Played boules first in a while… played with Simon a new guy to me, we slaughtered them, very on form both of us..

    With the girls playing again tomorrow ..

    Weighed in this morning 2 lbs up…no fasting for a month so very surprised I thought I would be higher … so must move it this month…

    Dave ..
    Well done 6 lbs off in two weeks .. brilliant!!

    Enjoy your time away .. safe journey

    Hope you had a lovely time with Cakey.. nice to meet up and have shortcake biscuits…
    Hope your mum has a nice time away….enjoy your lunch out..

    Jean x

    Well done on the boules Jean. Got soaked at bowling so day in the hut and Rose made us all tea and toast😁. Pouring down now so will get wet on our last walk of the day.

    Good afternoon everyone. The sun keeps coming out so not a bad day. Next FD is on Monday so must not have too much tomorrow.Chloe decided she was sleeping on our bed last night and is so hard to move🤪.

    Afternoon All…
    A funny sort of day rain showers and very hot sun then cloudy..
    Played boules 3 people played singles.. came down to the final throw, I lost by 1 point, the other lady I think was 6 points behind.. but a long good game….

    Cleaned through up and down thought I better show willing.. walking shortly looking rainy again…

    Hoping to visit my sister tomorrow, she is not answering her phone I think it’s been turned off for a few days.

    Nice to have kitchen facilities tea and toast sounds just right… we have nothing not even a loo…. You have to make sure you are ok before you get there.

    Jean x

    Hi all
    Just back from a short break at the coast – lots of walking, through sand, so I felt justified in tucking into my dinner each night. I tried to be careful with food choices but fell down badly at the beach cafe brunch … Jumped on the scales this morning and found I had put on a pound since last Friday but I felt the much needed break was worth it!

    Anyway, back home now (glum face) and back to dog walks each morning and evening and tending the plot. Picked a load of raspberries today – freezing in small batches with black and red currants as ‘breakfast berries’ – brilliant straight from the freezer with oats and fat-free plain yoghurt for a FD lunch. Wanted to do a FD straight away to get back on track but really busy with family next couple of days so next FD scheduled for Tuesday. The 5:2 does work and I like how it is flexible, you can choose the FD to suit your schedules.

    Sounds like you have had a good time, I love beach walks .. I am 30 miles from the beach so don’t go often.

    A lovely idea with your berries.. I have them each morning.

    What dog do you have?… I have Charlie a Dalmatian he’s 6 years old, lots of walking here too.

    I have had a month off fasting as my daughter has been over from Texas, new month and I must get back on track.
    My next fast day will be Monday..

    Glad you are still with us, keep with it..

    Jean x

    Hi gardenlily, yes what dog do you have? I lost my 15 year old dog Heidi in December so now I have a 4 year old greyhound called Chloe. She’s on YouTube winning a race in Ireland. She was fast but now sleeps most of the time and is a pain when she jumps on me in bed.Very loving but too big for a lap dog but she still gets in the sofa with me and rests her head on my legs. Fast day tomorrow. I’ve lost almost 2 stone since January so the 5-2 does work and is very flexible.

    Afternoon All…
    Pleasant day a bit damp on this mornings walk…
    Just sat out having a cuppa…

    My sister isn’t picking up the phone again these last few days so I popped down to see her…
    Oh it’s so sad so vacant and paranoid, I asked her son if he wanted me to contact the doctor and he said he would do it.
    I feel as if I have lost her, talking a load of rubbish for 90 mins, getting her dead and alive people mixed up. Dementia is so sad.

    Just popped a few of Charlie’s blankets in to wash, just sat thinking…,,

    Fast day tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Hi All!
    I have a totally mad chocky labrador called Amy. She is a rescue dog and we’ve had her since she was 13 months old, she’s 5 in October. Wouldn’t be without her now and such a good companion – has us both totally trained. Spent most of today so far picking and sorting soft fruit from the allotment – managed to only nibble a few raspberries along the way. Dug a root of beautiful new potatoes to go with the lamb for dinner tonight – will allow myself a couple (no butter) as I have been good all day. Tomorrow is a FD and I have the bowl of salad, hard boiled egg and some tuna all lined up ready.
    So sad to hear your news @symba7 – went down that road with my step-mother. She is still alive but totally ‘absent’ – in a very good care home.
    Keep active, think positive and remember to smile – it can make all the difference.

    Chloe in action, she’s called Burgess Central.

    Morning All…
    A funny morning clammy and windy, feels like rain but back dry…

    My sister is on the way to the doctors to get checked over if her son can get her there…
    She was very bad again today and with a mix up of appointments he did speak to a doctor .. so he’s on his way there…

    Start of our mixed doubles boules tournament today, a few have started it’s a knock out round.. we are playing against a good player so may get knocked out…. Starts at 2.30

    My sister and her son have Coco a choc lab, she is lovely but barks a lot!!!
    Busy in your allotment, I have two bushes of tomatoes growing under my kitchen window getting high now and unruly.. never done it before… a few green tomatoes are showing now.
    All organised for your fast day Tuesday.. mine today.. chicken salad I think unless I change my mind..

    Jean x

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