Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon All..
    What a beautiful day.. across the fields walk again just makes a change.. the grass was growing tall but the farmer has cut it back today, much better now lots of ticks about.

    Played my boules tournament and I won the first two games so I am through to the semi final… the next players are much better than me so see how we go…

    Sitting outside for a bit but come in for a breather.. Charlie is getting ready for his walk but it’s a bit hot really… it’s only a short one as we walked a good way this morning.

    You are watching Eurovision tonight I might have a dabble too.. there’s not much on at a weekend.. Chloe’s getting better going up and down stairs, nice for her and you..

    Have a good weekend everyone
    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    What a beautiful day idyllic … Had a lovely walk with my neighbour across the fields. She wouldn’t go on her own as no dog and loves coming with us. .. but on nice days lol.

    Went to her garden this afternoon and got waylaid with white wine spitzer .. really lovely in the sunshine

    Just come in and cant be bothered to cook so its just crisp breads cheese and salad tonight. Make up for the cals in the wine lol.

    Sym .. you are doing so well in your bowls tournament it reminds me so much of when my first husband played .many moons ago
    In those days you had to take a tea down to the club house for the person he was playing.

    Good ole Marks and Spencer was my friend lol

    Take care everyone .. enjoy the lovely weather while it lasts

    (A person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know.- ❤️‍🔥 Xxxx
    . ..


    Where are you all? It’s been a lovely sunny day here today. Going to watch the Eurovision song contest now, don’t usually watch it but it’s something different. Booked a mini holiday later on in the year just 4 nights.

    Evening! I keep forgetting to post, duh!
    Have only managed 2 fds this week, have had leftovers, can’t waste it! Busy potting on seedlings but some are just not growing, not sure why! Courgettes, dwarf beans & runner beans all doing well though, will plant out in the next couple of days…Roger’s kept us busy this week, hope he hears soon about the care home, he’s coming out with some bizarre stuff- & wearing some strange clothes!
    Good that you’ve all been okay & doing well with the weight loss, better than me!

    One of our bowling team as got COVID, I was talking to him on Friday night, hope I don’t get it, it was outside so may be ok. Chloe’s got up come downstairs and fell asleep, such an energetic dog😂

    Morning All..
    Dull day a bit of drizzle about…a village walk met up with a few people here and there chatting along the way.. nice way to start the day…

    Wondering what to do, soon be getting ready for Katie coming, just a touch to early yet..

    Lamb joint for tonight looking forward to that.. clearing out the freezer 🤣

    Lovely to walk with people, sometimes nice for your own company .. hoping for the draw later in the week for my next playing partner.
    Looks like a bit of cleaning get the hoover out…??
    I did cricket teas with my ex most Saturdays..

    My tomato plants are growing again, I think I upset them repotting twice in two days… re watering they are keeping very moist, every other day just once at the moment.
    Poor Roger a good job he has good neighbours, the authorities don’t seem to care…

    Hope you keep clear of covid.. Eurovision..good we came second, best in years .. I couldn’t wait for the finish at midnight..

    Well must move and do something….

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone been absent without leave again a busy last few days and visitors on and off plus a meal out Saturday night. Managed a fast day yesterday and was pleased to see the scales reward me with a half pound loss this morning. Friends coming over this evening for a curry so think it’s going to be another fast day tomorrow 🙂
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana. Got wet playing bowls today so hopefully the rain will stay away for the Speedway tonight. Good fast day today all fine well.

    Hi all!
    Had an 800cal FD yesterday, & another today…did loads in the garden yesterday, veg beds dug over, some veg planted, seedlings potted on…took Xena for a longer walk this morning, pottered about & we’ll take Xena to the beach this afternoon, it’s lovely here.
    Have a good day all!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a really fab day .. only just came in for some lunch. lol

    I am doing well with my eating and drinking not worrying about rubbish at all just good tasty fresh food. All will change again when Kristy comes. lol

    HH .. well done with your 800days .. your are doing brilliantly.. not easy I am sure with all your wonderful cooking

    Its a lovely time for the garden .. my favourite with all the blossom. Neighbour giving me green bean plants and tomatoes so I am getting ready for them today.

    Need to get on with the garden as when K comes I want to paint my bedroom ceiling while she is here working on the fRiday.. I dont like being up a ladder these days when here alone. lol .

    Have a good day all just going to read my friends daily mail from USA then back out in the garden..

    Take care all Remember …. A lot of people just need someone to be kind to them Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone it’s a lovely day here and am sitting in our garden enjoying the sunshine.
    Having another fd today which is needed after last nights very enjoyable curry meal with our friends. Its going well so far as I’ve been keeping myself busy. Will have my favourite salmon meal later. Not meeting up with our friends tomorrow as I’m meeting up with my sister and another friend for lunch instead but it’ll still be in St Ives. Going to have a look around the shops beforehand as I won’t have my OH with me.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    We have had a beautiful day, not the blue skies but very warm.
    I have booked Charlie in with Fay my boules lady for September 2023 to go to Texas.. as she is booked up for the rest in this year.
    Hoping to go away somewhere else too…

    I have a flower on my tomato plant so pleased with that.

    I am playing Tom in the semi’s, Christine and Nick are the other two… I think I am now the under dog but pleased I have got this far.

    A lovely gardening day for you, a lot of work done…hope your beach day went well I must think of going again Charlie does love it..

    Painting again you must take care a good idea to do when Kirsty is with you…I have been sitting in the garden but must start getting ready for Katie coming..

    Nice to have a day to yourself don’t spend too much.. enjoy your ladies day 😁

    Looking dark here might have rain coming through..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone just got back from having lunch with my sister and our friend. A lovely natter and catch up. I had a jacket potato with prawns ( I love prawns) and a side salad but no alcohol as they weren’t drinking so had a soft drink instead. Have done my usual cycle ride as well so hopefully it’ll help my weight loss. Ely visit tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon everyone, fast day going well. Only had tea to drink, no food yet. Lamb casserole for tea so will have a few tiny roast potatoes with it. Been bowling again today sat in the sunshine.

    Evening All…
    A park walk then to park cafe, bacon butty for me, sausage for Charlie we sat outside as a lovely morning.

    Back home to window washing inside and out all sparkling, I miss my helper for these jobs…🥰

    A nice bike ride and catch-up with your sister a change for you..

    Enjoy your lamb casserole tonight.. my semi tomorrow going to be heavy rain over night won’t be my playing pitch.. I am the under dog I believe the other three are better than me.. but the pitch isn’t playing good so could be strange to all of us….

    Bed early and up early… not yet though..

    Jean x

    Jean- good luck today!
    Hemmy- sensible to not go up ladders on your own!
    Dave- hope your lamb was good, was there enough to share with Chloe?
    Nana- your lunch out sounded good, hopefully less alcohol will help with the loss…
    Bed & then food shopping yesterday, had a nonFD, having fish & chips tonight too, but will try not to eat beforehand. Seeing a friend for a catch up today & maybe last walk with Gwinnie later, Roger’s going for a 2 week trial with at the home tomorrow, hope he behaves!
    Have a good day!

    Afternoon All…
    An early walk this morning and I didn’t have a good nights sleep.

    Played my boules match we played three games, we won one each then Tom took the last game, we both played well.. so Tom plays Christine in the final on Tuesday.

    Very dull here but the sky is now clearing to blue…

    Enjoy your meetup with your friend today… fish and chips ummm nice…
    Charlie had enjoyed three meals of my lamb, it’s naughty as expensive to share….!!

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone a lovely sunny day here after a thunderstorm that woke us up just after midnight never seen such bright lightning flashes before heavy rain also.
    Lovely trip to Ely but very busy lots of tourists walking about with a street plan of Ely. Auntie still doing okay bless her she so looks forward to our visit.
    Saw some homemade cornish pasties in a butchers shop so have treated ourselves to one each fir our evening meal just hope they taste as good as they look. A lot of calories but we really fancied them.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana x

    I hope they were nice Nana.

    Got caught in the rain on our walk, speedway called off because of rain😩. Typically the sun as just appeared. Not doing a FD today but have done 2 this week. How are you all doing?

    Good afternoon everyone, mixed weather here today. Not rained yet but not far away. The buttercups are out early here so maybe a good summer 🤞. Next fast day Monday.

    Afternoon All…
    Just realised I forgot to weigh this week….

    A dull day a bit chilly on and off, fleece on and off.. a pain really..
    Played boules teaching a newcomer so lost two games, the second game was close… went to the pub, it is very expensive …

    I am going to re plant my troughs on the decking then Steve needs doing too..

    Hope the pasties were tasty and worth the calories..

    Shame on speedway being called off…counting down on my daughter coming two weeks today…😁

    Monday and Thursday my fast days for me…. Must cut down on biscuits beginning to be a habit again!!!!

    Have a good weekend all …

    Jean x

    Yes I’m hooked on biscuits again😡. Must break free of them.

    Dave- oh dear, could be hooked on biccies too, we have a tin of shortbread left from Christmas! Shame about the speedway…
    Jean- hope you got your planting done today, not too many treats? You’re in maintenance now, you can relax though, I’m sure you walk the biscuits off!
    Hemmy- have you had a day in the garden?
    Nana- glad your aunt is doing okay, not surprising that she looks forward to you visiting! Were the pasties good?
    Yesterday disappeared, Roger went into the care home, relieved but sad, it’s been quite a worry. Didn’t manage to fast, but have done one today. Cleaning done today, & have seen mum. My friend’s having a party tomorrow for her girks’ birthdays, so will be off to that, great social life 😂

    The sun is out and it’s warm. Having a hard time at the bowling, we have just played the top 2 teams forum last season then we played the present top team, now we play another top team tomorrow 🤪. It’s all good fun.Fast day tomorrow and Thursday.Got to be careful with Chloe, she is dangerous if woken up by accident, she snaps. Most greyhounds do. It’s called sleep startle.

    Afternoon All…
    A pleasant day, riverside walk a new one with Oreo and Charlie.. it was very nice.

    Just house cleaning day, tidying up.. nothing much really.

    Fasting tomorrow…

    Lovely to get Roger settled in the home much safer, you will miss him being about..and Gwinnie too.

    Enjoy bowls tomorrow hoping weathers good….

    Jean x

    Dave- Xena is like Chloe when she wakes up with a start, she growls…hope the sport is good on TV today…
    Jean- nice to have company for your walk today!
    Hope everyone else is okay ☺
    Had a nice day, although Xena was naughty on our walk- she chased off a couple of dogs who hadn’t done anything to her, the bully! Went to my friend’s daughters’ party, that was good…have done some baking, topped up my potatoes so now they just need to grow!
    FD for me as well tomorrow!

    Afternoon All…
    A miserable day but I have cleaned the inside of the car.. I shall take it to be cleaned outside with the men when I go shopping …

    Fasting is going well.. feeling hungry I shall have a cuppa…

    My weight has gone up a bit I forgot to weigh this week.. hope I get some off for Friday…

    Oreo has been to the vets .. he needs injection once a week for 8 months.. the vet will do the first 2 then Natalie will have do them at home ( or someone will have to she isn’t keen )
    It should clear his allergies for life so hoping so.

    We have a bully in the camp she was possibly protecting you.

    Have a good day everyone…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, lost at bowls but expected it, very difficult green and they are top of the league. Fast day going ok just 3 cuppa’s so far. Got a bit wet at bowling nowhere to shelter.I must eat less tomorrow, always have to much on Tuesday.

    Evening everyone, have just completed my second FD in a row and am hoping to manage another one tomorrow as OH and I are going with our daughter and son in law to see the new Top Gun film on Thursday and will be having a meal afterwards so wanted to get a few spare calories in particularly as the scales showed no loss for me this morning.
    Hedgehogs the pasty was lovely and will certainly be having them again.
    Dave shame about the bowls.
    Nana x

    Dave- shame about the bowling but not so bad if they were top of the league…hope you can be controlled tomorrow!
    Jean- poor Oreo, hope the treatment works for him…our Josie had allergies so she was on a new (then) drug called apoquel, but will be better for Oreo if he can be cured without drugs…
    Nana- Wednesday sounds like a goid day, we want to see the new Top Gun film too!
    Hemmy- hope you’re okay!
    Kept dry walking Xena but it rained the rest of the day…went summer clothes shopping, funny weather for it but bought 3 new tops. FD has been okay, 800cals, tried a new recipe for veggie samosa wraps which was lovely.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you.Xxxx

    Its a strange day between rain and warm sunshine.

    Just came back from a 2 hr fields walk with my neighbour. Grass really high now.

    Its so very pretty everywhere with the blue sky and so green after the rain.

    Neighbour just back from a week in Kefalonia she said the airport was no hassle at all now.

    Looking forward to Kristy on Thursday although she is very tired with work.

    I am interested in the Plant based way of eating .. just read about people that have improved their health with it.
    I have a bit of rheumatism in my leg and knee at times so going to read up on it.

    Sym.. soon time for your daughter to arrive .. you must be excited Xx

    Nana …You do so well with your FDs not easy I am sure with your social life.

    Brads… Don’t eat too much today .. break that Tuesday pattern.

    HH I can find lots of summer tops but nothing of interest for the bottoms. lolol

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    A local walk this morning… I got my washing dry before the rain arrived…
    Our boules final tonight and then pie and peas at the pub… looking wet at 5 pm hope Drax ( the power station) is kind and keeps the rain away!… we are in a micro climate…

    I have got a few jobs done for Katie’s visit.. starting to come together now… more shopping for her to take to the house.. 2 bags looking full… just basics..

    Fast day went well moved a bit of weight this morning, need another couple of pounds off… seem to have jumped up a lot…

    Oreo is having the jab each week for 8 months that’s a long time… at least it’s not daily..
    Good on the new tops always good to have in…

    Strange how different the greens can be.. the weather alters ours a lot…

    Hard doing three FDS hoping it can move some weight for you…enjoy your film outing…

    I am not playing boules pm didn’t want to leave him twice, a good couple of hours now then the final and pub tonight another 3 or 4 hours… might do 3 hours max tonight more than enough for me…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, still having too much food 🫣.800 calories today already. Hemmy try Bon Marché Denise said. Weather hit and miss here. But think it’s going to be a wet week.

    Hemmy- you will look interesting with nice tops & no bottoms 😂 I’m trying to go more towards vegan, I’d suggest doing it gradually. The boys & I like the Alpro almond no sugars milk, it doesn’t curdle like some do…It’ll be nice for you to have Kristy with you again!
    Jean- hope the final & your meal tonight are good ☺ Have you got much more to get ready for Katie?
    Dave- I’m sure the cals will still be under your TDEE!
    Nana- well done with your extra FD & hope you have a lovely day out tomorrow!
    Soggy walk with Xena- need to rewax my walking boots! It wasn’t raining, just wet plants flopped all over the paths! Then I walked the lurcher Enoch as I’m not walking Gwinnie any more- he is much nicer to walk, luckily had a good hold on him as a cat ran across the path in front of us, he was quite keen to give chase! We did a bit of shopping & had a cream cake each, so no FD! I bought some pumpernickel bread to try- that was lovely! Hopefully a FD tomorrow…

    Afternoon All…
    A good field walk before the rain started.. dry now but rain about..

    Three pairs of trousers shortened this morning, a pain but needed doing. New trousers from last year, a bit for me so kept falling down, so looked longer than ever.. only walking / about the house trousers.

    I have had my hair cut with my new hairdresser I am very pleased, wait till the wash and see if I can manage it…I have booked again.

    Final went well I was an umpire with Mick, Tom won, Christine did really well a close game… nice get together at the pub.
    Just Tesco food and baking for Katie coming, grass to cut… so all well..
    Louise and Steves sister coming Sunday for the day.. which will be nice..
    I think wet long grass/ plants make the boots leak hope you have sorted them out.. I always like a nice cake..
    Katie wants a vanilla slice.. must get it from a good bakery shop..

    Just having a cuppa before walking… PitPat has just given us a badge walking the full length of Africa… I should be a lat with all this walking… I wish 🤣

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone. Got wet bowling today so hope it’s dry tomorrow. I think I was the only loser so must try harder tomorrow.I suppose in at a bit of a disadvantage as it’s only my second year of bowling.Some have played over 40 years. Our captain was playing golf at 8am then bowls at 1:30 and is playing again tonight.

    Dave- I think you do really well with the bowling considering you’ve not played as long as the others! Hope you keep dry tomorrow…
    Jean- glad you had a good night last night…I hate sewing, have a pair of hubby’s to do, they’ve bern waiting a while 😂 Well done to you & Charlie for your long walk!!
    Mary & Hemmy- hope you both had a good day…
    A drier walk today, then washed & rewaxed my boots- it’s quite sandy on lots of our walks so I think that wears the wax off. Kept busy with a few jobs, tried making seitan tonight & it was lovely! Have stayed just under 800 cals. Cut eldest’s hair, the floor won’t get washed until tomorrow…Won’t manage to fast tomorrow though as youngest is having car trouble so will have to be up very early to take him to work- 4.30am 😱

    Got soaked at bowling 🌧️🌧️🌧️. After losing 21:9 yesterday I won 21:9 today.1500 calories today so not too bad.

    Dave- well done with the bowling Davr! 👍
    I’m terrible when I’m tired, crave sweet stuff all day, so haven’t done well today! Have been busy though- took Enoch for a walk after Xena, spent a few hours in the garden putting all my veggies in pots & the new raised beds, we had a shopping delivery too! Never did get the kitchen floor washed though 😞
    Hopefully a FD tomorrow…

    FD didn’t happen today, will try for one tomorrow.
    Not doing very well with fasting at the moment. At this rate I won’t be reporting any loss this month, maybe even a gain!!

    I’ve been approached by another person in the village to help with dog walking. They have 3 New Foundlands….that could be interesting!!

    1 cottage to clean tomorrow but the 2 bigger ones on Saturday, so that will be hard going!

    Not been bowling this week, it was too wet on Monday, but I would like to pop over at some point, just for a practice on my own, before next Monday. Still looking out for some 2nd hand bowls but at least I have some to borrow at the moment.

    Been busy in the garden but need some more sunshine to bring things on a bit.

    Not long until my mum comes to stay…a week on Monday. Started cleaning!!

    Just got weighed and have lost 3lbs. So that’s a grand total of 18.2lbs this year. Could be on course to keep my promise with Heidi.

    I met my friend from almost 60 years ago. Her plays bowls for the club I just joined. We had a good natter about the old days. He came on holiday with us once years ago and went fishing together.

    Afternoon everyone not checked in for a couple of days. Enjoyable Wednesday lunch as usual and yesterday was our cinema visit to see Top Gun Maverick which was very good followed by lunch at Bella Italia where I had ham hock carbonarra with a ni e chilled glass of white wine. It was so lovely to have spent the day with our daughter and son in law.
    Dave well done on losing three pounds and lovely to catch up with an old friend.
    Kay you’ll be so fit with all of the dog walking.
    Hedgehogs your busy as usual I feel worn out just reading it all
    Hemmy hope you’re enjoying Kristys visit.
    A lovely day here which means I’ve been able to get our washing up to date. Usual evening meet up with our friends and an Indian takeaway plus its OH’s turn to drive 😉
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and have a good weekend and will be back again Monday.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon everyone, the sun is out and it’s warm. I was frozen last night at the speedway. No fasting until Monday now. Just had a nice toasty made in the Ninja.

    Been bowling with my son, nice to get out just the 2 of us. And we had some good games.

    Evening All.,
    A busy few days.. played boules and won a new player playing on my side, she had a good eye for the boules.. then on to lunch at someone’s house we sat in the garden, we all took something to eat a sort of a ploughman’s theme.

    A week today Katie will be here it will be so lovely to see them all .. hopefully collect them from the station about 1.30 pm🤞🏻

    Everybody so busy too much to catch up on, missed a couple of days…
    Enjoy your weekend

    Jean x

    Dave- really well done with another 3lbs off, you’re doing very well! Nice to have a game just you & your son ☺
    Jean- not long now til Katie comes, that will be lovely. Will they all fit in your car, are they not hiring one? Glad you’ve had a nice sociable day…
    Kay- you are busy with the cottages & dog walking! 3 Newfoundlands will be interesting, walking them all together?! Plenty of large poo bags! You will be so fit ☺ Will be lovely to have your mum staying!
    Nana- sounds like you’ve had a good week, hope the takeaway was good!
    Hemmy- hope you’re okay…
    Still running son to & fro work between us, hope his car is done soon! Lots of cleaning done the last couple of days, a FD yesterday too. Walked Xena & then took Enoch out as it was his 6th birthday, he was very excited! Made cookies to take to mum’s- she’s been having a clear out as she doesn’t want us to be left with lots to do when she’s gone, but she keeps asking us to put things on freecycle, help her get rid of things etc so she might as well leave it! Waiting to hear when I’m a great-auntie, my nephew’s baby is due…

    The car will be a tight fit, 3 across the back the children are getting big now and only 2 suitcases hopefully..
    Johnny and Katie wrote a car off before they had the children she’s says our roads are too small. In Beverley she is on bus and train routes.Johnny is here on the 25th he will hire and drive the car.
    Hope your sons car soon gets repaired and you can have a lie in.
    Exciting waiting for the new baby hope all goes well..is he the chef?
    You, Kay and Mel are all into the extra dog walking.

    Well it’s a night from us…
    Jean x

    Morning All…
    A better morning than expected we walked across the fields then called in on Steve watered his plants..

    Louise and Sheila coming for noon so all ready, didn’t get sweet stuff so just made some scones… I have a trifle for lunch and ham salad with jersey royals… easy..

    Fasting tomorrow…

    Have a good day

    Jean x

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