Good afternoon, wet here.A good fast day yesterday. Non fast day today. Bowling tomorrow and Thursday.In a couple of weeks Friday night as well.
This topic contains 36,329 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 7 hours, 23 minutes ago.
Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx
Typical April weather today here .. I see from tomorrow it really warms up and at the weekend we will be hotter than Greece. Lol Bring it on.
Doing well with maintaining my weight…. lol H H I love those Ryvita.. my neighbour got me a pkt of Lidl seeded .. half the price.. yes they are nice but I still like my dark rye Ryvita at twice the price. I do love butter and I have found I cant tell the difference between the brand name and Lidls own .. and that is half the price lol Good luck this week with your 800 days well done on your loss last week.
Kay ..Well done losing your holiday weight .. careful with the Easter chocolate lol.
Nana … Its good you stayed the same weight… you will still be feeling tired and need your Cals.
Brads .. Well done you are doing great with your fast days.
Sym… You have been busy baking… Nice for you to have company.
I am just going to have a lazy weekend as Kristy not coming untill the 27th for a week.
So I am only buying in 6 small truffle Lindt eggs .. they will be my Easter treats no buns etc..
Will start my baskets I think ..
Have a good day all …..Go easy on yourself. Not everything you do has to be perfect. Good enough will do. Xxxx
Afternoon everyone my Fd is going well so far plus we managed to walk to our next village and back after dropping off Birthday and Easter gifts for our great nephew a total of four and a half miles. Lovely day hear which is why we walked and when we got back we sat in our garden to enjoy our lunch.Looking forward to getting back on my bicycle tomorrow for our usual Wednesday.
Hemmy we’ve treated ourselves to a small Easter Egg each.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening All…
All my plans cancelled today after all the getting ready for visitors, Louise has covid about in her office and she has sore throat and very bad headaches, tested negative but cancelled…..I was not happy but she can’t help it.
I text Natalie and we walked this morning…took a birthday gift to Sam and had a coffee and catchup for a couple of hours which was nice….
I have stuffed my face this evenings meal…😱
I am visiting my sister tomorrow taking Charlie with me…
It will take time to get your fitness back take it steady….hope you enjoy your cycle day tomorrow..
Well done getting back to 800 days…good you have lost a bit….
Well in the swing with your bowls…hope you soon get your repaired ones back..
I like Lidl and Aldi chocolate..Lidl wine…very fair prices…I have no Easter eggs as yet…this year I have stopped buying eggs for everyone, they are all far too old now….I shall buy one for me….
I shall have a lazy Easter not seeing anyone…
Have a good evening.
Jean x
Jean- what a shame about your visitors, but better safe than sorry, you don’t need covid…
Dave- well done with your FD yesterday! Enjoy your bowling tomorrow…
Nana- good you could do a longer walk today, & see your family ☺
Hemmy- looking forward to warmer weather too! It’s been beautiful here today…sounds like you’ve been very disciplined with your Easter treats!
Kay- you’ve been so busy, have you got a few quieter days now?
Page has turned, sorry if I’ve missed anything…
Didn’t do another FD today, woke up with a painful neck again & headache, just not in the right frame of mind! It went off though so had a busy day- we’ve ordered some raised bed kits to grow more veggies in the garden, started off some seeds today (tomatoes, peppers, courgettes & dwarf beans), potatoes planted, we went out for more compost, cleaned out my fridge, made Easter rocky road, cut eldest’s hair when he came back from work…so burnt off a few calories hopefully!
Afternoon everyone pleased to report that we managed our cycle ride today, however, we didn’t have our usual Wednesday lunch as no one else was able to make it so decided against going on our own and came home after visiting our daughter. So have saved a few calories.
Jean a shame about your visitors but the best decision really.
Julie hope you’re neck pain and headache are staying away. Lots of healthy vegetables being planted.
Hope everyone else is keeping well.
Nana x
Evening All…
A busy walk meeting lots of people chatting and making me late…🤣
We went to see my sister trying times I feel as if I have to excuse her when meeting people we don’t know..she can be a bit rude, direct and to the point and then she gets chatting long stories to people we sit near, we were having a coffee in a pub….it’s difficult to know how to deal with it.
Her son told her she was confused and rambling and getting stories wrong…she was quite upset..difficult….must to be hard having her all the time getting mixed up….
Meeting Oreo in the morning then hairdressers pm….
Hoping your neck is feeling better today…you want one of those hot water bottles…I shall buy one next time I am in dunelm..maybe I will ask for one as a pressy ..lots of work done in the garden well done…maybe you should be resting.
What a lovely day for a cycle’s been lovely today, even better tomorrow …
I shall be fasting Thursday…
Jean x
Morning All..
What a beautiful day… nature reserve walk this morning with Oreo… only one person about… not a place to walk on your own, Natalie does I tell her off..
Hairdressers shortly hoping for an inch off, she had covid so I have gone 2 months a late appointment…
Thinking on my fasting I am going to up it to 800 cals on FDS… I am missing a lot of my lunches out generally so only having two meals a day.. I have breakfast at about 10.30 then dinner at 5pm….only time I have extra is if having lunch out then I don’t have much of a meal at night… see how I go…
That’s a cracking win a good start to the season….sat having a cuppa in the garden, Charlie has the sun but not me…lots of washing done, my bedding, Charlie’s blankets off our bed too… drying lovely….
How many are fasting today?
Jean x
Afternoon everyone a very enjoyable trip to Ely today which was very busy with lots of people and lots of stalls on the market square. Visited Auntie who is coping well since my Uncle died and has now been able to organise his funeral after a delay in getting his death certificate.
Jean nothing like having a nice haircut to make you feel better also talking of better I hope your back pain is easing now.
Dave well done on the bowls win and also a nice low calorie day yesterday.
Hemmy Indian takeaway planned for tomorrow evening.
Hope everyone has a lovely Easter time am so looking forward to having my Easter egg.
Will be back posting again on Tuesday.
Nana- have you managed all of Lent with no chocolate? 😱 😇 Well done you! Enjoy your Indian takeaway…
Jean- hope you’re pleased with your hair cut? Most of the places I walk are really quiet, sometimes don’t see anyone! 800cal FDs are more manageable & you’re maintaining now…
Dave- lovely weather for your bowling! Don’t forget the sunscreen…has Chloe eaten anything else?!
Hemmy- page has turned, can’t remember if you were seeing Kristie over Easter?
Kay- hope you’re not too busy with holiday let cleaning over Easter…
Have done another 2 days of 800cals, looking forward to a hot cross bun tomorrow! We’ve bought a couple of raised beds/ planters so have been putting them together & filling them up, after a trip to buy more compost. Indoors has been neglected, need to clean before Sunday, having son’s gf & Mum over for lunch.
Good morning everyone. I’ve lost 4lbs so over a stone gone, are you watching Heidi? Chloe keeps taking my son’s shoes and socks and nicking Denise’s toast.If I try to put my shoes on late at night she tries to stop me unless she wants to go out. She’s just got me up then climbed on the sofa and gone to sleep. So I will take her out now I’ve had a cuppa.
Afternoon All….
After our walk I got called to make a boules team up one person dropped out..
Good playing terrains for me won two games I hammered them…. I haven’t been playing so well so I am pleased hopefully turned a corner…
Sitting in the garden with a wine and my boy really hot here…
Looking back at my weight record, I have been the same for three years, around the 3 lbs mark of goal up and down… this way of life really does work… I am loosely doing it now but watching closely…
A lovely visit to Ely… I am glad your Aunts holding her own possibly not so good in an evening… so sad…
I have to buy an Easter egg yet….
Up and down at bowls.. it’s the taking part what counts… still I like to win 😂… a stone gone well done..😁
I am pleased with the haircut I have to change hairdresser next time.
You are busy gardening again it’s comes around quick..
Enjoy your garden.. Kirsty coming this coming week I think..
Jean x
Afternoon all,
A couple of holiday lets this morning and a couple more tomorrow, then nothing until Tuesday.
Neil starts his new job as Postman on Tuesday, although he will be at home doing some online stuff and actually in the sorting office on Wednesday.
Only managed 1 FD this week so weight is a bit up. I don’t reckon I will get another one in over the weekend…too many hot cross buns etc to eat 😆
I’ve done some more in the garden this week including potting up my tomato seedlings. As usual seem to have loads!
Got other things sown, so more of the waiting game to see what happens!
I’ve emailed the secretary of the local bowls club as I can’t find any other contact details. I want to arrange a 1-1 so I can have a go and see if I like it!
Grazing tea for me, smoked salmon, prawns, freshly baked bread, humour and salad…yum…and some Friday Fizz 😉
Have a good weekend everyone!
Dave- really well done with the weight! You have done well since Christmas…
Jean- nice to be needed for the boules team, & sounds like you played really well! Glad you were pleased with your hair cut, hope you can find another good one…
Kay- hope Neil enjoys his new job! Will he try bowls out too? Enjoy your nibbles for tea! You are well ahead of me with your seedlings ☺
Nana, Hemmy- hope you’ve both enjoyed the weather…
Lost another half a pound, will probably go back on over Easter! NonFD today, enjoyed hot cross buns, will do a FD tomorrow. Family for lunch on Sunday, & a friend coming for lunch on Monday, so won’t be able do a Fd then…Have done some cooking today & saw Mum, no time for gardening!
Good morning,a lovely day here, nice to go out without a coat. Lots of chocolate to be consumed so don’t think I will be climbing on the scales next week😲.Chloe got me up today, she was waiting for at the bottom of the stairs. She almost talks to me, her mouth opens and closes and a funny noise comes out😁.
Evening Everyone…
A most beautiful day… lovely walk then off to boules then to lunch..
Sat in the garden for a bit of reading…shorts on all day..
Walk in a wood in the morning with the boules ladies… could be difficult as Bonny golden Lab Charlie likes to hump her and a retriever a full male, could have issues.. he might have to be on a lead..
Hope you enjoy the bowls, our two new ladies enjoyed it today. Busy day doing your seeds….
Hope the FD has gone well and all your preparations for family and friends coming… lovely to see them after the covid, 2 years is a long time…
Dave .,
I haven’t managed to get an Easter egg.. first time ever not having one…Charlie talks and grumps a lot, they are funny.
Have a good weekend…
Jean x
Evening everyone it’s very quiet on here.
Hope everyone had a nice Easter very nice weather for a change. I really enjoyed my Easter egg and lots of other treats but managed not to gain any weight according to my weigh in yesterday morning. Have managed a FD today coming in at 790 calories. Usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Jean- well done with the boules! How did the walk go, was Charlie good?
Dave- hope Chloe’s okay after being sick? I hated in when we were in a flat with no garden, would have to sit in the park…
Mary- I bet that chocolate over Easter was good! Well done not putting on any weight!
Hemmy- hope that you had a good Easter…
Kay- hope all your seedlings are doing well- might need some advice on the tomato ones I’m growing, they’re very spindly, are they usually like that?
We had a good Easter, a nice meal with family, & it was lovely to catch up with my friends yesterday, her little girls are cuties! Lots of seeds sown today & potatoes planted. Youngest had a job interview, he did look smart 😁 Managed an 800cal FD today but we still have foid to eat up so can’t do tomorrow!
Morning All…
Up early, showered, hair wash and walked.. my boiler is needing a service, boiler man arrived at 9.30 a touch late….
I am having a week off fasting.. birthday week and I have a lot of meals out.. too many!!!
Dave …
Hoping Chloe is feeling better….enjoy the bowls..
Have a lovely day out today…. Only eggs on offer for me was the Cadbury cream eggs, 10 for £2…
Boules went well won 1 lost 1…
The walk.. umm.. they was running pack like, I don’t like it then all wasn’t listening.. he tried to hump 6 times over 2 hours which I didn’t think bad, the ladies sat twice on the way around which I find strange.. thought we were walking!!
I won’t be going again with so many dogs (5)… I like him under control.
Glad all went well with your friends lovely to catch up with all the news… a family day too…
A day to myself today.. cleaning I think and grass cut.
Jean x
Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx
What a lovely Easter weekend hope everyone enjoyed it The weather was so glorious and the gardens starting to shape up. lol
I am pleased to say after all I never had any chocolate .. or hot cross buns. I did treat myself to a smallish coffee cake for my weekend treat.
I think it was my very first bank holiday on my own and i must confess I did enjoy not having loads of shopping to buy and cooking meals. lol
I just did simple food I like and spent lots of time in the garden. Planted up some baskets already and a display for the garden table. A bit early but just popping them undercover at night.
Weight is good .. I will have a lean week as Kristy here 27th ..for 6 days.
Brads.. Good luck with your game.
Sym.. I am not a lover of too many dogs together it makes me nervous and hard to have a conversation .. they are all lovely but you just never know with them and need to be in control.
Have a good day all whatever you are doing
Its not how much we have its how much we enjoy ❤that brings us happiness.❤
Afternoon everyone have just got back from our usual lunchtime meet up with our friends and we’re now sitting in our garden enjoying the sunshine. A lovely day for cycling.
Grandog Poppy was too lazy to get out of her bed to hello to us this morning but she wagged her tail when we went over to her to say hello.
Hemmy the pub we go to has a new lunchtime menu so I had a lovely Halloumi and roasted pepper toastie with a side salad and my usual two glasses of pinot grigo.
Weather forecast for tomorrow here is pretty much the same as today so our Ely trip will be nice.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening All…
What a beautiful day..lots of housework done then moved to cutting the grass and a few outside jobs…
Popped over to a neighbour her hubby is in hospital and is not very well…his heart has stopped 4 times over a few days, moved hospitals to Sheffield a good cardiac centre…hearts running at 180 and can’t get it lower, difficulty in breathing too…
It is nice to have your own company sometimes..glad your garden is getting ship shape…quite pleased with mine now, it’s nothing like yours but tidy….
Enjoyed taking Charlie out on my own today, will meet up with Oreo in the morning but they are very alike and very good.
You can only get better…you have good and bad days….it’s the playing what counts..
A beautiful day for your bike ride, I was sat outside a bit too….naughty me has been having gin and a top up of dry pink wine…very nice 😂…all gone now…
Jean x
Jean- nice to sit in the garden with a drink! Does sound like quite alot of dogs all together…sometimes we’ve been with more than that at the park & they all know each other, but you do need to watch them! What’s planned for tomorrow?
Dave- ouch, that was a big loss at bowls! Hopefully better tomorrow as you say!
Nana- lunch sounded really lovely! Funny Poppy not getting up, can’t imagine Xena ever being that tired!
Hemmy- glad the weather was good enough to spend the weekend in the garden, you were very disciplined!
Had time for a longer walk with Xena this morning, then cooked son.a quick breakfast- he nipped home after his interview to change, was a bit too nervous to eat breakfast before it! Had a trip into town but couldn’t find anything summery I liked…spent the afternoon cleaning my car, it was grim! We’re going away for a couple of nights this weekend, taking Xena to the barns again- fasting tomorrow but that will be it for the week!
Tomorrow…Afternoon tea…. at lunchtime with Jacqui, we have been before it’s very nice. Meeting her at the big village/ town ? look around a few shops then go to the cafe.
She’s not too good she has vertigo at the moment controlled by tablets…
Meeting Natalie at the nature reserve at 8.45 in the morning.
So quite a busy day….
Enjoy your trip away again nice break… just found a lovely cottage at Sewerby near Bridlington.. my friend has just booked it now on my list at sometime to go…
Afternoon everyone yet another beautiful sunny day and as expected Ely market was quite busy.
Just hope the weather will ne as nice next Thursday as its Uncles funeral.
Making today low calorie if I can had scrambled egg on toast for breakfast in Ely and have just eaten an apple – OH has decided to cook our evening meal not sure what it’s going to be but is careful to make it as low calorie as possible.
Dave lovely weather indeed for Bowls. How is your shoulder now after the injection?
Jean hope you are having a lovely birthday so far.
Hedgehogs enjoy your break away and hope the weather stays nice.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening All…
Nature reserve walk this morning, Charlie trying to get a drink out of the lake he nearly fell in…could have been interesting although not deep, a couple of feet he wouldn’t have liked it….
My birthday today so I went for afternoon tea with my daughter which was very nice then onto a garden centre..I bought two tomato plants..Jacqui bought tomato and strawberry plants….see how we go..
Sunny day but very chilly…
Hope the bowling went well..nice Chloe can go and meet Denise..glad your shoulders a bit improved..
Seems a while to wait for uncle’s funeral let’s hope the days kind…
Jean x
Evening All…
A lovely day a bit of a chill in the air…a corner in my garden was nice for a hour…a couple of G and Ts..
A park walk this morning….out for lunch with my “Park Ladies” our monthly outing, booked again…lovely food at my favourite restaurant….I am out there again tomorrow evening with my boules ladies….
I will be glad when back to normal again…too much eating this week….
Fasting again on Monday…….
Enjoy your week off from fasting as I am…enjoy bowls this evening….
Jean x
Evening everyone just remembered I’d not posted today. Its been a worrying day as my son in law who has a shoulder problem rang us at lunchtime to say that his ongoing shoulder
problem had happened again and his works first aider had put his arm in a sling which meant he was unable to drive himself home so OH and I drove to pick him up and OH drove his car to his home and I followed in ours. Then after we’d been home a little while from doing this my sister messaged me to say that she had woke up to find one side of her face had dropped and her eye was closing up and a searing pain behind her ear and after a call from her Dr was at A&E for over six hours and it turned out to be that she’s got Bells Palsy, she was given a thorough range of tests and was advised no heart problems and given Steroids to take. Said she hadn’t said anything before to save me worrying.
Hemmy my turn to drive tonight so no alcohol although I felt I needed it and then a nice Chinese takeaway.
Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back Monday.
Nana x
Afternoon All…
A pleasant but very chilly day, back to long sleeved wintery clothes…
I have been to boules and cafe……won the one game…this evening 7 boules ladies going out for my birthday, an early meal….
I will be glad to be back fasting far too much food and socialising this week, feeling porky….and some quiet days with myself and Charlie…
Hope your sister and SIL are feeling much better today. Enjoy your weekend…
Hope you are enjoying Kirsty’s company and you are getting out and about….
A chilly night for you…hope you have warmed up…chilly for us too today….
Enjoy your few days away…glad Xena is being a good girl….
Have a good weekend…
Jean x
Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx
Its a chilly day here today with a very cold wind.
Out early to the big weekly car boot sale .. Its held on an old airfield so really blowy .
Lots out though and Sarah and I got some nice finds .. lovely healthy looking plants. lol
A bit of a naughty lunch of a cheese burger and hot chocolate but weight is good and steady so all is good. It was a change for Sarah from her shake. lol
H H .. have a lovely time away. You have been doing so well with your 8oo days.
Nana… Sending healing thoughts to your family… it never rains but it pours. Your food out this week sounded lovely other than the Chinese lol.
Brads .. You are so busy with your Bowling. Good you are enjoying it.
Sym… Its this Wednesday Kristy comes 27th till 3rd it will be lovely that she is here as its Andrews 10th Anniversary since he passed May 1st .. and we go to Stratford upon Avon for lunch it was one of his favourite places.
I hope you have a lovely Birthday meal with the ladies enjoy your evening ,
Have a lovely afternoon everyone ….Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in. Xxxx
Afternoon everyone,weather has certainly got cooler of late – quite a chilly wind here today.
Was very pleased to see a loss of 2lbs when I weighed myself this morning – l think it’s perhaps due to being able to get my longer walking distance back and also I’ve not had any alcohol since last Wednesday. My son in laws shoulder has responded to him resting it and taking painkillers really well and he was able to go back to work today but only allowed to do light duties.
My sister is also doing well and she’s hoping to be able to make it to our Uncles funeral on Thursday 🤞
Hope everyone is well on here.
Nana xxx
Evening All…
A lovely play date at the nature reserve.. thinking I could go on my own…
Very chilly here all day continues all week…
Fast day for me finished at about 600 calories… not a good idea for a salad… I enjoyed it….
Started some Spring cleaning, I really haven’t felt to do these jobs for a while … down stairs loo and under stairs cupboard both done well…. My Dyson fell off the wall last night, I tried to fix it but I think I will wait for Tony to do it or leave it on the floor, it’s in the under stairs cupboard so not too much a problem.
These special dates come around fast, nice to have Kirsty about with you.. car boot sounded good any plants bought…. I have bought a couple of tomato plants they are inside my utility room at the moment…weathers changed it’s not very nice.
Well done on your 2lbs off, half a stone since Xmas brilliant.
Hope your sister and SIL soon improve, and she can make uncle’s funeral..
Good your bowls are ready to collect.. hope they get lucky for you…
Hope your practice bowls went well and it’s your sort of thing..
Jean x
Evening everyone, it’s been a lovely day here today much warmer than yesterday so took advantage and walked to visit some relatives who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary later this week and extended our walk so that by the time we got back home we’d managed to clock up six & a half miles so well pleased that we’d managed it without feeling to worn out. Not much else to report today.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana xxx
Evening All…
A lovely park walk this morning and then to the cafe… Charlie was a very good boy 100% perfect… makes a change…
A pleasant day played boules against two good players.. a league player a while ago and French Henri…won 2 lost 1
Jill and I played really well..
Doing a tournament over the next month, it isn’t really me but I am playing Chris ( man) on Monday first match.
No cafe as closed…
Good girl Chloe nice you can leave her a bit. Bowls sound very nicely done …
Good you are feeling better to do more walking, it’s been a nice day…
Jean x
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx
A lovely sunny day but goes chilly in the late afternoon.
Its so nice to be back in the garden every day..I think I am quite ahead of myself this year as have managed with the early good weather to get it tidied sooner.
Brads .. I hope those Bowls do their best for you.
Nana .. Lovely that your back to out and about again .. walking and cycling.
Sym That’s brilliant Charlie was so good today .. At the moment Mr Pips very barky demanding .. I tell him he is like a typical old man. lol He seems to go like this now and again.. I wonder is its to do with a bitch near by makes him restless.
Weight is good .. hopefully keep it that way … Kristy here tomorrow till Tues so be back next Wednesday..
Take care all have a good week… When you make your well-being a number one priority, the rest will fall into place 💚 Xxxx
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2:30 pm
12 Apr 22