Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…
    Bright and chilly day, a good riverbank walk from the village. I have boules later I think 6 of us at the moment a few away on holiday.

    My fast day Thursday…hopefully a couple of low days…

    My 1lb off which I then put on again..so I maintained and no loss for February ..try harder for March!

    The weather seems to be improving lovely to get back into the garden, my grass needs a cut, my windows too.

    Different cleaning your house for one instead of four…I do try and keep on top of it….my new rule of thought is everything gets put away..things only get moved once….
    Good the fence is all organised. How is your sister and family?

    Thinking on Lesley my boules lady, her puppy is 10 months…she leaves him for 2 hours, she plays boules goes home let’s him out and comes back to join us at the cafe.
    I really only leave Charlie for 4 hours max I prefer nearer 3 hours, he would be ok for longer but it’s not fair..I did leave him once for 5 hours when we were stuck at the hospital but I wasn’t happy at all..

    Hope the builders soon finish the shower room, it always looks nice clean finished..
    Chloe looks as if she could do to have some social training to stop of her getting frightened, it’s such a shame.

    Have you got into your garden yet..soon be pot painting time 😀

    Few bits to do before boules …

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its seems very cold today for some reason.. Probably a sharp wind.

    I still haven’t bothered with bread I cant remember the last time I had it. I do love my butter though.. plenty of that on veg etc. lol

    Hunters chicken tonight 2 in a pack all prepared but cook yourself. So again will do the 2 and have one cold tomorrow.

    It too wet in the garden .. I did divide some snow drops.. its best todo it while in flower just replant.

    Brads… enjoy your pancakes

    Sym… Hope the Boules go well for you.. I like to only leave Mr Pip ..for 4 hours at the most … longest I left him was 7hrs 2 yrs ago when I went to see Gladys Knight at Blenheim Palace . He was ok though .. but I wasn’t happy with it.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing.

    You won’t be able to please everyone, but don’t let it stop you from being you. Xxxx

    Evening everyone a quick check in- haven’t done much today been really lazy which won’t help with the weight loss. Usual Wednesday planned for tomorrow. Am feeling absolutely full as we’ve just eaten some pancakes made by myself so will need to pedal extra fast tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A wonderful mild walk this afternoon our sharp wind had dropped..we have gas engineers at the side of our riverbank for two months digging up the small lane, I thought this morning causing havoc but so nice no traffic this evening…. I could get used to it….

    Boules was a good afternoon very close games…played three and Tom and I won the three..😀

    Seeing my sister tomorrow and Oreo on the morning walk……..may do quiz night on Thursday so could be fasting tomorrow…still thinking about it….

    It was very chilly this morning…good tip for the snow drops, I would like more for the cemetery but will buy bulbs in September unless I see a clump to buy…

    No pancakes here I may do them next week…does that mean Lent has started?

    Snuggled down for the night…not much on the tv…dogs behaving badly I do like that….not much else..

    Jean x

    Busy day here, got lots done, pancakes cooked at different times, haircut for eldest, floor washed, other cleaning done…youngest is now off for a week, he’d forgotten! Not a very good nonFD though, back to fasting tomorrow!

    Sorry not in the habit of posting again. Have had another holiday last week of February which undid most of the meagre steps forward I had achieved in the month. One pound off, so six and a half pounds for the year so far. I had a lot of fast days with no wine and didn’t go mad on holiday so would have liked a better result. Admit didn’t walk so much as usual on holiday.

    So – March. Not expecting to achieve much, friends up and then we are off to The Scilly Isles for three weeks, covering hubby’s birthday and our 40th wedding anniversary. Treated ourselves to some nice places to stay on the Isles and on the journey up and back. Not going to worry about it, just enjoy!

    Evening All…
    A good walk with Oreo this morning, a bit of a wet walk.

    We both visited my sister, I am glad Charlie and Coco get on well now, stayed 3 hours or so. My sister although a hairdresser in the past has been chopping her hair as it’s sticking up….goodness what a mess..it’s like a 5 year old has got hold of some scissors!!

    No fast day today and maybe not tomorrow if I am going to the quiz …not sure yet….

    I might do some pancakes next week…you are busy as usual…

    What a lovely holiday you are going on, May is another month….just enjoy yourselves life is too short….

    Jean x

    Evening everyone a very wet cold cycle ride both ways for us today. A most enjoyable lunch though as usual, two medium glasses of pinot grigo and a lovely ham salad sandwich.
    Ely tomorrow and visit to Auntie- latest on Uncle is he should be going home on Friday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Mel- your holiday in the Scily Isles should be amazing! You’ve still done well with your loss, better than me!
    Nana- lovely if uncle can get home on Friday…you did well cycling in this weather!
    Jean- oh dear, your sister! You enjoy the quiz tomorrow & don’t worry about fasting…
    Dave- quiet today, busy tidying after the workmen?
    Hemmy- hope you’re okay…
    Have done a FD, 710 cals, but it’s been hard as I’ve been really hungry…very wet & muddy walk, the new coat & boots are brilliant though! Had fiddly jobs to catch up on, & fell asleep when I sat after lunch! Have planned the week’s meals & done our asda order, not easy on a FD!

    Good morning, just about to test the shower,Denise recons it will be like a tsunami when I’m in it😁.I expected a cube for the shower but it’s a walk-in so will see what happens. Fast day today, I really missed the bread yesterday but will stick to giving it up for Lent.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A better day today so far .. very muddy walking though. Mr Pips been filthy this week lol

    Pam and I had a lovely afternoon in Aylesbury yesterday charity shopped then had a cream tea. .. very enjoyable. Its nice to be out again and restrictions lifted.

    Having a mindful day today as carb overload yesterday but still had no bread and have no inclination. thank goodness.

    Brads .. Hope you enjoyed that new shower. lol.

    Have a good day all

    If it makes you happy no one else’s opinion matters. 💜💙❤ Xxxx


    Afternoon everyone a much nicer day here than yesterday. A good trip to Ely and my Aunt had gone to the trouble of buying me a early birthday cake from Waitrose to have with our usual cup of tea. Luckily it wasn’t a chocolate one as I’ve given it up for Lent. Ely was a lot busier than last week and there were a lot more stalls on the market.
    We’re having a cornish pasty for our tea tonight 569 calories but we both really fancied one and haven’t had one in ages.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe .
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone,a dull day here. Not a fast day today but day 3 without bread. And butter.Bathroom will need painting, so bought a heat gun. Will make a proper job of it. Not much painting to do now in the bathroom, just the skirting boards and door. Not sure what to have for tea. Denise is talking about putting vinyl tiles down on the floor, not sure I can get down to do that so might be a job for Peter.Better take Chloe out she’s not been out since 10pm.

    Afternoon All…
    A nature reserve walk this morning…the boys were filthy…

    A lazy day..new book my favourite author……raining not very nice at all….snuggled with the boy.

    1 lb off today so back to goal…beef dinner tonight so I will be up again 😂

    Your day out with Pam sounded lovely…how’s her diet going…cream teas?. Tasty….

    A thoughtful birthday cake…hoping Uncle gets home soon….

    Just the finishing bits to do for the bathroom all new and fresh..…hope you had a shower without water everywhere….

    Sister is on war talk now, it’s as if I don’t know it’s happening…no quiz..I have been watching a programme on 4 nights on the trot last one tonight….prefer to watch that.
    New coat and boots you kept that quiet, what have you bought?

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Hopefully now its going to be dry the next week… fed up with the mud lol.

    I am pleased with the scales this week.. weight staying very stable now but my eating and drinking have changed sooo much… I feel so much better for it… more energy.

    Sym… Its not Pam who diets its Sarah lol.. Pam tiny a line dancer very active loves dressing up lol. With Sarah its hard as younger with 3 healthy farmers to feed .

    I love reading too my next favourite thing next to the garden. lol

    Have a lovely weekend all…
    Even if you made the tiniest of progress this week .. It matters .💜💙 Xxxx

    I read all yesterday’s posts but forgot to write mine 😂
    Jean- the coat & boots I bought just before Christmas, so still feel new! Well done losing your pound! Who’s your favourite author?
    Dave- hope the decorating goes well, could you have the floor tiled? Very pleased with ours, it’s practical!
    Hemmy- great that not only the scales are good for you but you feel more energetic too! I’m fed up with muddy walks too, & Xena’s definitely fed up with being washed down!
    Yesterday’s FD was okay, day off today. Had a nice long walk with Xena, met lots of people & she was really good & friendly with everyone…a pile of ironing done, beds changed, & saw mum this afternoon. Her fence is done & she’s happy…Roger has had a better week too with carers coming more often, so a better week for me!

    Afternoon All..
    A very lovely day with a sharpe wind.. next week is supposed to be dry and 12 degrees.. jobs can get done.. my windows and grass!

    One game at boules we sneaked in and won.. a coffee and vanilla slice at cafe…

    Sorry swapped your friends around.. age !… looking forward to getting some outside jobs done.. burnt grass patches from Charlie to sort out, waiting for the grass to start growing I have some dog patch grass seed to do…

    My favourite author is Val Wood she writes about my area 1900c.. a bit Cathrine Cookson ish.. nice to hear about what you know…
    You make me so tired you are so busy… I used to be I don’t know why I am not… I suppose always pleasing Steve with baking and cooking??… one person is much tidier…

    Nearly time for next walk another hour… a cuppa now .

    Jean x

    Jean- forecast I’ve seen said we might get wintry showers next week, hope yours is right & mine’s wrong! Well done with your boules, cake at the cafe sounds good!
    Dave- have you got anywhere with deciding about flooring?
    Hemmy- another wet muddy walk for us, was the weather any better for you?
    Nana- was your takeaway good last night?
    Everyone seems busy today!
    Got damp walking Xena & Gwinnie, then lots of cleaning done, never ending here! Ironing as well, kept me busy, have done an 800cal FD here. Made vegan mozzarella for son’s pizza, interesting, & very nice!

    Good evening everyone, we’ve decided to sand the floorboards and either wax or oil it.Managed to coax Chloe to the top of the stairs with chews but then she didn’t want to come down them. So have her dinner to get her down with me holding on to her chest and bum.

    Evening All…
    Bright but chilly day….a good village walk this morning…

    I am having a B2B fast days, another tomorrow…All went well today…

    MM has a programme on Wednesday night, “ why are we all fat”..more on the governments way of controlling it, might be an interesting watch…

    A busy day, finished my window cleaning, garage door, doors, soaked my indoor plants and changed the water to my vases of flowers…hoovered up too…

    Always busy…re looked at the weather good from Tuesday then getting better…well done on fasting…

    Chloe doesn’t seem to be getting any better…hard when you have had an easy dog, then the training has to start again, Kay is possibly feeling the same at the beginning although I thinks she’s winning now.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a lovely change in the weather today … so very uplifting to see blue sky and sunshine again. Looks like double figures for the rest of the week.

    A good weekend .. I still haven’t had any bread for weeks now… not purposely now just havnt bothered to get any. Eating these dark Ryvia buy the pkt love them.

    For lunch I love having a couple with marmite for savoury then some with banana on top. A couple of satsumas and a nice healthy filling lunch.

    This evening I am cooking the 2 pack Hunters chicken.. a few little potatoes will do extra for tomorrow. brocholi and some peas. Will have the other one cold tomorrow mix the potatoes with some garlic mayo a bit of salad.. job done and two easy meals.

    I expect it is easier when only catering for one. A big difference when two or more appetites to cater for.

    Mind you it is far nicer eating with someone else … Thats what I enjoy more when Kristy is here or eating with friends.

    Hooray… garden calls this afternoon… will be lovely to spend an hour out there ..

    Sym…Well done on doing B2B good luck today.

    Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing.. Remember the only person you ever need to prove yourself to is you.💙 Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    A second fd today..B2B are hard….a good walk this morning still very chilly and bright, frost early morning.

    Busy day, changed and washed bedding, hoovered through, made my granola again and chai jam a change for breakfast, made Charlie’s sausage treats to top him up….kept going really…a bit of a read.

    A very chilly walk tonight…

    I have done your meals, water crackers, tomatoes, childs apple, grapes with two chopped up eggs in salad cream. Nearly finished these crackers will look at the rivita next time…quite like the assortment of different things…easy…when not fasting a nice bit of cheese.

    Hope you got in your garden today, still a bit chilly. My grass is ready for a cut again…Hunters chicken is a good idea…😀

    Have a good evening …..hope all the fasters have had a good day…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone it’s been a lovely day here today but a chilly wind as I discovered when I went outside to do some gardening. Scales showed no loss this morning but at least it wasn’t a gain. Like Jean I’ve had a b2b yesterday and today not easy but had to be done as we’re going away on Thursday for a few days to celebrate my birthday.
    Hedgehogs we had a lovely Chinese takeaway last Friday 😋
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Jean- well done doing B2B, sounds like you’ve been busy…our grass is getting really long, will need a cut if it stays dry!
    Dave- hope Chloe can go up & down the stairs soon, not nice sleeping downstairs!
    Hemmy- I’m sure eating on your own must be hard, I know mum feels that. You’ve got me hooked on ryvita again too ☺ Nice you could get out in the garden!
    Nana- well done with your b2b FFs as well. Where are you going for your birthday? Shame no loss this week, I didn’t lose either!
    Spent a while cooking yesterday- made some veggie vietnamese bao buns & spring rolls, took a while! Cooked something different for hubby, walked Xena & Gwinnie, not quite a lazy Sunday I’d like! Have a worry with mum- 2 of her friends have just tested positive for covid & mum had been with them the day they started feeling ill,just hope she doesn’t get it as being ill on her own will be hard for her to cope with… Have walked miles today- did Xena & Gwinnie, then went out with a couple of friends & one’s dogs (couldn’t take Xena as one isn’t friendly), we did a 2 hour walk. Fasting today, it’s been okay, 800cals. Another one tomorrow!

    Good afternoon, Spanish lesson then Sainsbury’s. Not a cloud in the sky. Beautiful sunny day. Good fast day yesterday and only 1 cuppa so far today.

    Fasting today, the first of 3 FDs this week.

    Had a nice few days with my mum. Away again at the end of the month for my birthday, and a few things happening through the month but no excuse not to be good in between!

    It’s been cold these last couple of days but I think we are due some warmer wetter weather….yuk!

    I’ve lost track of people’s weight losses, so we need a round up. I’m just tracking those of still trying to lose, you maintainers are doing great. And Dave isn’t weighing in til August.
    Nana and HH, you need to let me know what your cumulative loss is. I can’t see anything on the chats above and I can’t go back.

    JAN & FEB

    Kay 5
    HH 1.5
    Nana 6.5
    Mel 6.5

    Off to finish off the deep clean at the cottage, as people are booked in for Friday.

    100 cals so far, not planned anything for tea yet.


    Dave- lovely day here too!
    Kay- sadly only managed the 1.5lb loss overall- 2 trips away have put the muckers on it! Hope the cleaning goes okay…
    Another FD today, tried a skinny version of hummus I’d seen online- chickpeas, avocado, tahini & spinach, I left out the oil so it mashed rather than blended but still tasted nice. A lentil curry tonight, no rice. Had a long walk with Xena- had to do a longer diversion to avoid a very intimidating rhodesian ridgeback whose owner couldn’t control him! Which made us later so we kept meeting people & had to keep stopping on the narrow bits! Did cleaning for the rest of the morning, not much done this afternoon! Keeping clear of mum, will ring her in a minute…

    Kay I got weighed, have lost 6.5 lbs. Will get weighed next at the end of the month. Done a week without bread but at price. No toilet for 5 days🤪🤪😮😲

    Evening everyone it’s been another lovely sunny day here which made our daily constitutional walk much more enjoyable.
    Kay my total you have for Jan & Feb is correct at 6.5 no loss this week.
    Looking forward to our usual Weds lunch tomorrow and then off for my birthday getaway on Thursday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana xxx

    Evening All…
    A good walk with Oreo this morning they love their play date…

    Boules today and cafe, everyone on diet so helps me…coffee only…won one, lost one…straight out for pm walk….

    Still chilly to be doing gardening, too cold here…how many nights are you away, sorry where too?

    Hope mum is still negative, are you seeing her?..a day off for me food wise today…

    Still maintaining and at goal…still need to move 3 lbs….

    What have you been up to today? Did you get in the garden a bit chilly here…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, on Chloe watch so not much sleep💤💤💤. She sleeps like a baby. I joined a group on Facebook where they do a family tree of your greyhound.Chloe comes from good racing stock.Her grandad won the English Derby two years on the run which I think is the top prize in Britain for greyhounds. She’s one of 9 puppies from the litter.And there is a video of Chloe’s big brother on Facebook 😁.A low day yesterday so see what today brings.

    Chloe suddenly decided to go up the stairs on her own and get on our bed. Hope she does it tonight.

    Evening All…
    A very long walk on our riverbank, a beautiful morning although the wind was getting up as we got back.
    A bit of ironing and washing jumpers not much at all, popped to the shops for some bits, pan of veg for Charlie…..a bit of reading….

    Glad Chloe decided to go upstairs, I would leave the door open tonight and all leave her she might follow you up.

    Jean x

    Hope so otherwise she will howl. She’s got paint on her head now🙄. I’ve put a need upstairs for her, might need a blanket. Have ordered her a big caterpillar all the greyhounds seem to like them, she can snuggle up to it. She keeps nicking the fur from around my son’s coat 🤪.Fast day tomorrow, so today is a day off.No counting calories.

    Evening everyone a lovely sunny day again. A lovely lunch of Jacket Potato with prawns and I allowed myself an extra glass of wine. Off to Norwich tomorrow for a few days away to celebrate my birthday so won’t be checking in again until Monday.
    Dave 🤞 Chloe will sleep upstairs from now on.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Nana xxx

    Nana- hope you have a lovely time away & a great birthday!
    Dave- hope that Chloe manages to get up the stairs tonight then, she’s funny sneaking up on her own!
    Jean- nice for Charlie to have a friend on his walk! A busy day for you then…
    Kay & Hemmy- hope you’re both okay…
    Went to Dunelm today- was very focussed & only looked at what we needed, did not look at throws, cushions etc! Thought we might as well get shopping done rather than a delivery, stayed very strong as am doing another 800cal FD. Dropped shopping off with mum, she’s been testing negative but kept the back door open in case…she’s feeling a bit sorry for herself as today’s club was cancelled, but has things on the next couple of days.
    Hoping for another 800 cal FD tomorrow…

    Morning All…
    A lovely morning today ..walking local, caught up with a few people.

    Saw Beth our village beauty girl, she’s back working after having a baby ..so I booked in to have her sort my eyebrows out, so hard to do them when wearing glasses…and paint my toes…

    I am fasting today…

    Good Chloe is making her way upstairs now, it’s just getting her confidence to come down….

    Enjoy your birthday trip away…

    I don’t mind a shopping trip to Dunelm they have lovely bits and pieces…hope you got what you wanted. It’s good Mum is negative hope her club opens soon. How old is she much more than me ?

    Weight was really good at the beginning of the week, then eating potatoes and bread…bumped it up high, proves a point!

    Jean x

    I good afternoon,I took chloe to meet Denise at the line dancing. This time she just jumped into the boot of the car, last time I had to lift her in. She must feel safe and knows we’re are not taking her back where we got her from. She was on the bed where I lay last night when I went to bed so had to drag her off.I got in bed and she jumped back up and slept at the bottom of the bed between Denise and I.I would prefer her to sleep on her own bed because she’s a big lump. Fast day today and it’s going well, Denise is having a sandwich in front of me🤬.9th day without bread but really missing it. Only another 31 days to go.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another beautiful day .. feels so much warmer at 13 deg than of late.

    I am loving being back out in the garden.. still wet for much but doing some pruning’s and other bits.

    Tomorrow hygienist then .. 2 following appointments starting next Wednesday to have my 2 front teeth crowned.

    One is chipped and so I thought as the other one a bit discoloured with age I may as well get both done ..
    I usually do NHS but decided I would let her do them privately.. As she does both it will be interesting to see how the treatment differs if at all. Not looking forward to it but it will be lovely to have a gleaming smile. lol

    Weight is holding well it barely moves up or down.. best weight I have been for many a year. .. I am soooo very thrilled with myself.

    Its true what they say once you start eating healthy .. you dont want rubbish anymore.

    Have a good day all .. It only takes once to change your mindset, the strength you build up lasts a lifetime.💜💜 Xxxx

    Dave- great that Chloe made in upstairs & nobody had to sleep in the lounge, hopefully she’ll get more confident…well done resisting the bread still, a way to go yet. It always helps with weight loss for you though, so a good incentive 👍
    Jean- glad you had a nice walk, hope your FD went okay. Mum’s 75, she was a really ‘young’ person until she turned 70 & started getting dementia…her cake club is only paused for one week as several had caught covid & that was at a Church evening…
    Hemmy- hope your teeth get done okay! Lovely to be getting outside, ours is shady so not so appealing yet, although if it stays dry then the grass might get cut! You have done fantastically well maintaining, so pleased for you 👏
    Nana- have a lovely trip!
    Have managed another FD although have been quite hungry & not had much energy, day off tomorrow! Walked with Xena & Gwinnie, shame I can’t walk them together but Xena’s fast & Gwin is slow- she stood & watched every blackbird today! Made flapjack but resisted it, popped round to drop off a dinner for mum, sis is taking her out for lunch tomorrow so she didn’t need flapjack, she always moans about her weight!

    Good evening, hope Chloe goes up again, I just took her for s walk and she didn’t want to go. So we all stood in the kitchen and her being nosey came in so I grabbed her and put her coat and lead on😁.

    Morning All..
    A lovely morning walked on our riverbank. It’s our park ladies lunch today, I must confirm it, they are all walking their dogs…

    I am 1 lb up today I seem to go up and down by 1 lb..so I suppose I am still maintaining sort of…

    Before Chloe gets too comfy I would take her bed upstairs and put her in that of a night…once she’s settled on your bed you will have no chance….it can be a quite hot in summer….

    Nice to get your teeth done they will look nice…I wouldn’t think there will be much different, only when mine was private it was completed in a day, my friend who was nhs had to go back the week later to complete it.
    Your weight is very good, you have got in a rhythm with your food. I think I am more naughty, although I have been about the same 3 years now I go up and down by a pound.

    I thought your mum was a bit older, I am 73 in April, I suppose I manage not so bad really but I do worry about it…….
    I have had Charlie was doing zoomies on the riverbank goodness know why!…crackers!
    Flapjack lovely 😋

    Happy Birthday and have a lovely day, lunch and wine I would think….Enjoy your break away…

    I will try the ladies again see if I can catch one of them…

    Jean x

    Good morning,I pushed Chloe up the stairs last night and she slept on her own bed until 4:30 am. Then she jumped up on our bed so Denise got up because there is not enough room. I then had to help her down the stairs slowly. Got to be careful I don’t fall down them 🫣. Good fast day yesterday so going for a low day today.

    Good news on the bed….you are getting there 😀

    Evening All..
    A day off from fasting…
    Enjoyed lunch out with my Park Ladies, our monthly meet…lovely meal some braised steak and chips too much, left enough for Charlie for two meals..lucky boy….

    Raining hard so a wet pm walk…settling down for the night…

    Tony was coming over next week but he has received a hospital appointment so cancelled me for another time..shame

    Jean x

    Day off from fasting for me today and tomorrow and the 3rd FD of the week on Sunday. I’m still trying to lose the weight gain from being at my mums last week 😁

    Done a few more hours of holiday let cleans yesterday and today, but it still feels quiet at the moment.

    Tomorrow is a bell ringing guild meet up and we are going out to ring out at 3 different churches – that will be interesting! Then there is a service, a short meeting and then tea and cake! I want to leave quite quickly though as the rugby is on and I will have missed one game but want to see the England game!

    Jean, a nice lunch out and a bonus for Charlie! Shame about Tony having to cancel.

    Dave, progress with Chloe it seems 😀

    Hemmy, I’ve loved being able to potter around in my tiny garden, but it’s been too wet and windy again recently.

    HH, you are being strong at the moment with your fasting, well done. And resisting the flapjack. Hopefully your mum will be back with her friends soon.

    The covid figures are rising again! 120k new cases on Thursday but at least its been less yesterday and today. There doesnt seem to be much evidence of many 2nd vaccinations/boosters recently….there must be some becoming eligible.

    Have a good weekend all!

    Quick post- lost 1.5lbs this week! Had a nonFD & had some flapjack, hubby opened a box of chocs tonight too so it’s probably gone back on 😱

    Well done HH. IT’S A lovely day today, 8°C at the moment and sunny. Last night I knocked a box onto Chloe’s dinner bowls it made such a noise, she jumped up about 2feet in the air and sped off back into the living room. She’s very scared of loud noises. She loves the caterpillar I bought her and keeps biting it so it squeaks. She cuddles up with it. Denise as just made a butty, and I’m drooling.10 days without bread and butter 😛. It’s 23 years since Denise’s dad and my mum died. Only seems like yesterday.

    Dave- poor Chloe, she is nervy…nice she loves her new toy ☺ You’re doing well with the bread, you’ll see a good result at the end! 23 years since your parents died, a long time 😞
    Had another nonFD, eldest was out last night & tonight so his dinner would’ve been wasted, I’ll do a FD tomorrow…youngest came home & went straight to bed after being stuck at work last night til 2.30am, & then working the early shift today. Walked Xena & Gwinnie, some more cleaning, saw mum this afternoon for a game- she tested negative & it’s been a week now so hopefully she’ll be okay.
    Hope everyone’s okay & having a good weekend ☺

    Good afternoon, doing the bathroom floor, just done all the floorboards with white spirit, so next is the first coat of varnish, got to do 3 coats so will have a bad back tonight. Bowling tomorrow so definitely have a bad back and knees.Chloe spent the night upstairs on Heidi’s old bed, I had to push her upstairs and then help her down😁

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