Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,329 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 7 hours, 25 minutes ago.

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  • Morning All..
    A much quieter day here blue skies… a longer walk for Charlie he missed out a bit yesterday.

    No boules today.. Fay called for lunch out, she’s driving and it’s a mystery tour, pick up 11.30…. Interesting just 4 of us.

    Hoping you had a better night with Chloe..

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Still a struggle with Chloe at night. Been taking it in turns to stay with her. Will be me tonight😮. Pouring down here so was lucky with our walk.She dosent like going far. Does what she as to do then always does a U turn to come back home and get on her bed or sofa for a sleep

    Waiting for the builder to call round, Will try what you sent me Jean after he’s been.Steak tonight so not fasting. Bought a thin cut steak they seen to be nicer, but have bought a tenderiser so might get a thick one next time and give it a whack.

    Dave- a shame with Chloe being upset at night, she’s settled in so well otherwise. Hope you can get her upstairs soon…
    Jean- have you got anothet hairdresser in mind to try? You did well getting 2 walks done yesterday! Xena had one, did indoor scent work & a game, she seemed okay with that…
    Hope everyone’s having a good weekend ☺
    Didn’t do my FD, woke up with a headache! Couldn’t face it, we spent quite a while at Mum’s, hubby has managed to do a temporary repair to the fence, more gales forecast for tomorrow, so hope it holds! Mum had got herself into a state about it, so should feel better now, probably will have to get it all replaced though…Xena had a long walk in the woods, one big tree down, lots of branches everwhere but not as bad as I thought it’d be! Didn’t have time to walk Gwinnie though, was frozen by the time we got home from mum’s & couldn’t face going out again!
    Not sure if it’ll be a FD tomorrow either- planned another new recipe! Feb is not going very well so far!

    Glad the storm is over! Part of our fence broke but it is rotten though! Neil has put some straps round it for now.
    Our 2 plastic ‘greenhouses’ are now in the garage as they came off the wall. Will wait until all this windy weather calms down before putting them back out.

    So how’s the weight loss going? February seems to have slowed us down! Well it has for me 😄
    9 days left so still time to make a difference….
    Hemmy and Jean are still maintaining. Anyone got any updates? I have a FD tomorrow and will weigh in on Monday.


    Kay 1
    Nana 0.5
    Mel 1.5
    Julie 3

    And as a reminder of how well we did in January:

    Hemmy 4 ✅️

    Jean 1
    Kay 5
    HH 1.5
    Nana 6
    Mel 5.5
    Nicky 3

    I can’t believe we are both still testing positive! Our 10 days are up now so we can go back to normal and stop testing!
    We both feel fine now.

    Ringing the bells at church tomorrow morning – our first time! And we’ve had no practice for 2 weeks! I’m sure it will be fine.

    Dave, I hope you can tempt Chloe upstairs soon. Does she want to go out when she gets you up in the mornings? I wonder if she wakes up at other times in the night and just goes back to sleep?
    It’s still early days for her and a different way of life for her.

    Tara had a play with Mango earlier from next door. It’s lovely to see her with another dog and not be bothered!

    A glass of red wine is calling me but I’m off to have a shower first 😊

    Morning All…
    A very wet walk this morning, dried Charlie off in the garage and his clothes went in the spinner for his next walk….

    A cuppa now might have a lazy morning, a bit of a read…

    I have just had a scam on messenger, I don’t really use it only a couple of people Natalie and Sam for dog dates. It was so real someone I haven’t heard from for three years, a new request asking how I was, which is understandable with Steve passing….he was a solicitor and I knew he had given it up..so he started going into financial stuff, me thinking new job and was trying to help me. After about 4 texts it just felt wrong, he was hassling me to go onto a link, then short kids slang words…I blocked him and deleted…
    As I went back on my list of people… I realised he was on twice one real and the false one I deleted..it was a close call…I am always so careful.

    Hope the clip helps Chloe..and she starts to settle on a night….

    I have one more appointment then I am going to Lisa the other hairdresser, she trained mine so hope she’s ok…my hairdresser is brilliant the best I have ever had..so I will possibly have to try a few…there’s another two starting so I suppose I can do the rounds but I don’t like upsetting people..
    Good you sorted Mums fence I do understand how she feels it is hard on your own.
    Lots of branches down here and high river levels although a bit lower today…paddling through loads of water yesterday..

    I am up a pound and down a pound so maintaining, I still would like 3 pounds off just to be on the other side of maintenance..
    Your poor greenhouses good it’s pre seed time or have you lost any?…good luck with the bell ringing our church was dinging as I passed no peal here…

    Have a good Sunday….no Minols since she moved to her new church..if she’s peaking about time she was back….miss her..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Wow what a day again.. I think it was stronger wind this morning here than the weekend. I could hardly get along. Very tiring .. Hopefully some change tomorrow.

    Sym .. how very worrying getting that scam mail.. You have to be so very careful now as they look so real.

    People often sending videos etc on messenger I never trust and just delete. Glad you sorted it.

    Having a careful day no bread for nearly 3 weeks ..not missing it at all.

    I hope everyone is having a good day stay safe in the wind.

    The only way we can get results is to stay consistent .💜💛 Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    A wild night with howling winds and rain..threw the boy out at 6 am for his pee then he slept in….which was quite nice…the rain had finished for our walk but still windy…a quieter walk later calmed down a lot now.

    Fasting today getting a bit peckish….a lazy book read day, two days without speaking to no one, not nice. Snuggling with the boy.

    My weight up a bit, realising eaten more carbs, potatoes and bread of late….must think before I eat…egg, tomatoes and bacon tonight…keep to protein.
    The scam worried me a bit so very real and understandable, glad that the English wasn’t so good, as he was a solicitor who it was supposed to be from, just didn’t sound right.
    Hope your days ok and the weather is easing, ours is now.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone what a wet and wild last few days-only damage sustained was our neighbours fence starting to come down in our garden, luckily it’s their fence so not up to us to get it sorted. Weekly weigh in showed a 1lb loss so not to bad. Only one more weigh in for this month can’t believe how quickly the time is going. A fast day today and having my favourite salmon, pasta and philly light for my evening meal.
    Hope everyone is keeping well.
    Nana x

    I’m up a pound so that cancels out the one last. Will try harder now I’m back 5o normal and out and about.
    Well done Nana!


    Kay 0
    HH 0
    Nana 1.5
    Mel 1.5
    Nicky 0
    Julie 3

    And as a reminder of how well we did in January:

    Hemmy 4 ✅️

    Jean 1
    Kay 5
    HH 1.5
    Nana 6
    Mel 5.5
    Nicky 3

    Kay- glad you’re feeling better & over Covid! Thanks for keeping tabs on the weight for us all, my big push has turned into keeping the 2 holiday breaks’ weight off!
    Jean- lucky you realised it was a scam online…I guess nobody about when you were out with Charlie with this horrible weather, hopefully company tomorrow for you with your boules?
    Dave- hope that you can get more sleep, Chloe sounds wonderful other than at nights. I wonder if she was with other dogs in a kennel, maybe not used to being on her own?
    Mary- well done with your pound off!
    Hemmy- you’re doing well without the bread! Hopefully a couple of days of better weather but I think they’re forecasting more gales on Thursday…
    FD has gone well, quite busy with cleaning so took my mind off it…weather has been awful here too, nearly got blown off my feet when I was out with Gwinnie! She doesn’t like the wind either. Our arbour is stood back up now, hubby will go & get some wood tomorrow to brace it just in case. Mum’s fence still up, he did a good job there!

    Afternoon everyone it’s been another breezy day here with rain showers and sunny intervals. Looking at the forecast for tomorrow it’s pretty much the same so might mean walking instead of cycling again. It’s a six mile walk in total so a good calorie burner.
    Next door neighbours have temporarily fixed the fence between us but it’s still looking like it could fall down easily.
    A good FD yesterday and tonight we’re having a recipe called ” Workers Curry ” which is basically onions cooked with ginger, garlic and spices, tinned tomatoes and chick peas.
    Hope everyone else is keeping well and staying safe.
    Nana x

    Nana- your curry sounds nice! Might be more gales on Thursday, so the neighbours’ fence might blow down again!
    Seem to have been busy today- a muddy walk with Xena, have made tiffin & rice krispie cakes, we had a trip to our local timber yard for wood, hubby did the repairs before we had a downpour luckily. Had to do sewing, which I hate, popped to check on neighbour, had a long catch up phone call with my aunt, & then time to start on dinner! NonFD here, not very well controlled 😱 Another FD tomorrow…

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A better day with the weather but still very windy .. nice to see the sun though.

    Very muddy in the fields… roll on spring. lol.

    A nice afternoon looking around The antique Centre .lovely as they play all the old music. and lots of different small sections where people display their things
    Nice to get Ideas A lovely cup of hot chocolate .

    Nana the curry sounds wonderful hope you enjoyed it. Well done losing the pound.

    HH sounds like another busy day for you.. Glad your Mums fencing was ok.

    Sym.. hope you played Boules today and weather was better for you.

    Kay .. Its hard losing if you havnt felt well.. you wll soon get that pound off.

    Brads .. hope you are ok.

    Had an easy dinner .. cooked two chicken breasts yesterday in a leek sauce..small potatoes and broad beans .. Just ate the chicken and potatoes cold tonight with hot veg. Tasty.

    Have a lovely evening all.. When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself.” ❤️ Xxxx

    Good morning just about, I took Chloe out any tried her up stairs outside which she managed without any problems. Going bowling soon, typical is just started raining. Think it’s only a shower. It’s still very windy I expect we will have lots of twigs to pick up on the bowling green.I paid my bowling subs yesterday at the Spanish lessons so don’t have to go Friday morning. Not a fast day today but had to much bread yesterday. I got a lovely seeded loaf, must stop buying them.

    Afternoon All…
    A lazy day after our walk I bobbed of to sleep for 3 1/2 hours snuggled with my boy, a really bad nights sleep and Charlie got me up early to puke sticks up!
    Just felt shattered…

    I shall be fasting tomorrow..

    A poor show from all of us in February hoping March will be better…

    A much better day today although colder tomorrow for us all…shame for Roger very naughty workmen, hope his son sorts it out….glad your garden work got done..

    Workers curry sounded quite nice..hope you enjoy your day to Ely and weathers better…

    We lost our two games of boules but very close games so it didn’t matter. Your dinner sounded lovely, I quite like leeks…I am having a chicken pie in white wine sauce tonight, one of Fays pies ( village house baker)..working through the freezers again back full! 😂

    Enjoy your bowls…..good about Chloe climbing the stairs..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone the weather was nice to us today so we were able to cycle up to catch the bus for another enjoyable lunch a couple of pino grigots and a cheese and pickle sandwich.
    Going to Ely tomorrow and will be visiting Auntie- Uncle still in Addenbrookes hospital but is slowly improving so hopefully he’ll be well enough to come home soon.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Had 3 hours bowling, kept raining but we carried on apart from one heavy downpour.Fast day tomorrow. Funny how Chloe will go up stairs outside but not inside.

    Jean- fingers crossed no more sick Charlie, rotten to be woken up in the night with that! Glad you caught up with a nap & still did boules!
    Dave- was is Chloe like, climbing stairs outdoors but not inside, hope you can find something to help her…
    Nana- lovely news that your Uncle’s feeling better, hope he can come home soon. Good that the weather was better today ☺
    Hemmy- good planning cooking 2 days dinners in one day… The antiques centre sounds good, we like to look round them too!
    Poor Roger was left in even more of a muddle, heating not working, plaster splattered everywhere, so we cleaned up as best as we could- Margaret used to keep the place immaculate but it’s really grim now, could spend a week to do it properly 😱 Came home & it made me want to make sure ours was sparkly so did a good clean of the kitchen! Asda order done ready for tomorrow, the site I moderate has been busy, one of the top US doctors I thought was making a complaint, I had to email him but he just wanted his contact details changed, phew! Have managed an 800 cal FD today , hopefully another one tomorrow…

    Good morning everyone, the sun is out but it’s only 1°C so cold. Fast day today so having a cuppa for breakfast, same for dinner. Will take Chloe out when I’ve had my cuppa.

    Afternoon All…
    A chilly day on our walk. I was hoping to go my sisters but it’s snowing heavy where she is, I have a large hill to drive up to get to her village so I will leave it till next week. I haven’t any here but I am more at sea level…

    I have got a lot of housework done including mopping the floors ….keeping busy as it’s a fast day…

    Thinking of food for tonight..eggs of some description…

    Hoping Uncle is improving and gets home soon…

    Chloe will soon get upstairs, taking her time…

    Shame on Roger hoping things can get in place to help him…what would happen to Gwinnie if he goes in a home ?
    You are still doing Asda deliveries did you before Covid or is it just easier….I don’t buy enough for a delivery, I only shop about every 10 days except for milk, veg and bread, I can buy those in the village.

    I have a rumbling tum feeling peckish….

    Jean x

    Hi FBBS hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mixed bag here today.. freezing cold .. sunshine hail.. and windy. lol

    A very bracing walk as our usual one closed off on the bridle path for hedge and tree cutters /clearers. So over the fields on the over side of the village.. Hopefully all back to normal tomorrow.

    For some reason I keep thinking its Friday lol.

    Still no bread not even bothered with it at all. Stomach seems to shrink without it somehow.

    Cottage pie tonight with broccoli and stewing some apple s to have with Greek yogurt.

    Nana .. So glad your uncle is improving must be a great relief for your Aunt and cousin.

    Brads .. You sound like the fasting is going well today.

    HH What a shame about Roger he has probably gone down with his wife not around now. A worry with Gwinnie as well .

    Sym.. Hope your fast is going well ..I dont blame you not going in the snow. I dont venture far these days and thinking I should lol. I don’t like driving I never have as Andrew always did it. . Pam will drive anywhere in the country .. never daunts her if she loses her way just come back from a long weekend line dancing in Blackpool did all the driving. I am in envy. lol

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing. positive attitude leads to positive results Xxxx

    Fast day hunger got to me. I’ve had 1200 according to the app I can have over double this and still lose weight. Hemmy we have had identical weather to you. Minols where are you and Steve if your lurking come back on for a while.

    Evening everyone just realised I’ve not posted. Not much to say really. A very damp walk to catch the bus to Ely. Had a lovely bacon sandwich for my breakfast whilst OH, sister and brother in law had a traditional breakfast but I wasn’t feeling that hungry which is unheard of for me. Ely market had hardly any stalls which isn’t surprising considering the weather. Auntie was very pleased to see us but it was strange not seeing Uncle sitting in his usual chair. News on Uncle is that he had a good night and managed to eat his breakfast and they were going to assess him over the day to see how he gets on and possibly allow him home in the next couple of days.
    Yes Steve and Minols where are you ?
    Stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    You do very well without bread, I think you are stronger than me.. I have slipped a lot since Steve passed.. he used to keep me on the straight and narrow😂
    Steve always drove, I get lost very easy so like to keep local, I suppose a 30 mile radius.
    Buying some shin beef to cook for the freezer meals tomorrow, I bought some a couple of weeks ago I spoke to the butcher his choice it was delicious.

    You are doing really well keep going….

    Good uncle is picking up he’s a worry. Good visit to Ely breakfast sounded good.

    Bitterly cold here this afternoon forecast better tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,I was Chloe babysitter last night, so not much sleep, possibly 5 hours at best. Unlike a certain 4 legs who slept all night. Just had a shower so might get weighed.

    I’ve lost 3lbs in a fortnight so happy with that.

    Might give up bread for Lent. That would be a big help. Where I worked last some of the men gave up alcohol for Lent and it paid for their holiday😂. They did like the odd drop of beer 😁.

    Afternoon everyone a quick check in as we’re expecting visitors soon and then we’ll be going out for our usual Friday night visit to friends. Hemmy a Chicken Kebab wrap for me this evening and I’m driving so no alcohol for me.
    Dave well done on losing 3lbs sounds like you’re getting back into the swing of things.
    I’m fasting on Saturday and again Monday.
    With regards to giving up something for Lent I’ve decided to give up Chocolate 🍫.
    Was going to be alcohol but its my birthday next month so that wouldn’t happen.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe. Have a good weekend.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What beautiful day.. lovely change in the weather so pleased the winds died down at last ..

    Brads .. Well done on the 3lbs.. wow that’s brilliant ..Yes I think forgetting bread is a good move. Try Ryvita.

    Nana.. Lovely food this evening chicken kebab wrap.. I would enjoy that lol.

    Sym .. I am soo amazed just how much when you actually just stop old ways with food how very soon you are not even bothered any more. No one loved bread more than I thought I did .. now just not bothered at all now I have broken the habit . Just been to the local shop never even looked at the bakery dept.. plus stopping bread seems to have taken away the desire for cakes too. I cant believe it. Its like wine not bothered at all now. Sometimes glass of cider thats it.

    HH… Kay.. Mel… enjoy your weekend.

    Take care all When you make your well-being a number one priority, the rest will fall into place 💚 Xxxx

    Evening All..

    A bright but chilly day…I have been on the go most of the day…a long walk passing by the cemetery sorted Steve out, back to out shopping, cooking my shin beef, pan of veg for Charlie, two vases of flowers sorted.

    I had a jacket potato with my beef it was very nice, four portions put in the freezer.

    I have just got my new charges for my Bulb energy for April quite horrendous, they are leaving things how they are for three months then they will assess the charges. I am just a bit cheaper than the average charges from U Switch which I got on an E-mail this morning…

    Frightening really we will be sat in ski things next winter to keep warm!!..idea to get the thermals bought!

    Well done on the 3 lbs off good going…this sleep business is no good you must sort her out to go upstairs…

    Enjoy your meal tonight…giving up chocolate is a hard one…

    You do so well…I must start cooking and giving some thought on my food…batch cooked my beef it is so tasty…
    Two freezers now full again….I suppose I must give some thought or the freezers wouldn’t be full 🤣😂

    Enjoy the weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    Evening! Just realised I’ve not posted the last couole of days…
    Dave- well done with your 3lbs off 👍
    Jean- nice you’ve filled up your freezer! Our electric just keeps going up & up. I do have thermals already!
    Hemmy- you’ve reminded me about ryvita, I’ve been having that too…I think with driving it’s easy to get out the habit & lose confidence if you don’t do so much- I was like that when the boys were young & didn’t have my own car, took me a while to get back in the swing…
    Nana- enjoy your evening out! Hope uncle gets home soon, good he’s eating again ☺
    Yesterday’s FD didn’t hapoen- so cold & wet twice with Xena & then Gwinnie, while at Roger’s he wasn’t coping well, his son rang & had a long chat with him, feel so sorry for him as he’s doing as much as he can from a distance…all a bit stressed & cold so needed hot toast! Asda turned up early, ended up popping out for some bits we couldn’t get, it is easier for us still than going ourselves, it’s a 45 min drive there. Have done better today & done an 800cal day, tried a new recipe for vegan burgers but not very impressed! Had my hair coloured again, looks nice & not so much grey!

    Good afternoon steak tonight, I bought a tenderiser so will give it a good bashing😁. The sun is out so looks promising. Need some warmer days. I’ve been reading on Facebook and some greyhounds never go upstairs, do I hope I win the lottery tonight so I can buy a bungalow 😂.I will try and give up bread for Lent.

    Brads…. Thinking about Chloe and night time… Maybe best with her long slender legs doesn’t go upstairs.

    What about going back to basics like you would with a puppy. Leaving a garment of yours in her bed… Leaving a radio on turned low.. With my old dog we gave him a drop of whisky in milk when a puppy .. he went fast asleep I was then worried I had killed him lol

    All worth a try so you and Denise can get a good nights sleep. X

    Yes will give it a go. She does get up and down stairs easily outside. Just took her for a 2 mile walk, so she’s worn out now.

    Evening All…
    A lovely Spring like day, lovely to be outside walking.

    Boules today just one game and to cafe..we won but we were loosing we threw 5 at the Jack to pick up the points and took the game.
    I must stop eating at the cafe, under whelming and over priced..I shall just have a coffee in the future..

    Cooked Charlie’s beef dinner today, I got 21 meals, all in the freezer..not bad 35p a portion…lots of licky lips tonight 😋

    Definitely need to buy more thermals, I have two sets but one is a lot better than the other….more jumpers too….
    Hoping your sister keeps well and the others don’t pick it up, good job she hasn’t been around you or mum. Will she isolate a lot of people aren’t bothered now….
    Feel brighter with your hair coloured, I am quite happy with mine it’s not looking too bad….

    Enjoy your steak tonight..I have stopped doing the lottery..maybe should start again Steve always did it…maybe giving her the long walk is the answer shatter her…??

    Charlie has long slim legs he goes upstairs…I think Chloe will in time…
    Whiskey in milk…😂did you give it to Kirsty too 🤣

    Jean x

    She’s always sleeping so can’t be very tired. I got her half way up the stairs today with food and frog marching. She got back down but very slowly.

    Dave- that sounds like a bit of progress with Chloe…how did you get on with the lottery?!
    Jean- shame your cafe is not so good…sis I think will isolate, unless they put pressure on her to go back to work, a bit worried as she often gets bad with colds. Madness that you don’t have to now!
    Nana- hope you had a good night last night, & your FD goes okay…
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good day- did you get sun?
    FD went okay today, just over 800cals. Lovely & sunny here, had a walk with Xena then Gwin, & got mum out to see the snowdrops this afternoon- she really enjoyed getting out, strange that she rarely wants to!

    Good afternoon it’s a beautiful sunny day here. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for tea, fast day tomorrow.Denise took Chloe out at 8am and a Staffy tried to get Chloe Denise got in between but Chloe was very frightened and stood on her hind legs to escape.I think Chloe as been but by dogs before we got her. There is a mark on her nose and one on her back and legs. Do she will never be like Heidi who loved all dogs and if they went for her she just stood her ground and occasionally growled at them.

    Afternoon All…
    A very bright and sunny but a chilly day… a bit of washing done so up to date…then decided to wash my windows upstairs in and out…a job I really hate…..thought I would break it up so downstairs in the next few days….

    I shall be fasting Monday…

    Lovely to get your mum out walking the snowdrops are lovely…my snowdrops and daffs are coming up now at the cemetery, looking nice…

    It’s hard on rescue dogs you just don’t what they have gone through…I suppose she could have been attacked by the other dogs with no one to there help her…she will come around slowly it just takes time.

    Crackers and cheese for lunch, shall get another book started…everything is up to date…

    Jean x

    What a glorious day, so lovely to have a bright sunny day, not too cold either!

    Tara has had a good day, a visit to the enclosed field and lots of play with Mango from next door. It’s so nice to see her playing rather than being reactive and barking!

    It doesn’t look like there has been much movement for us in February and I for one have a few things happening in March 🙄, but no excuse for the days in between things!

    Fasting tomorrow and a weigh in on Tuesday morning, to see if I can hold on to January’s loss at least!
    Bell ringing at the church in the next village tomorrow night, that will be different.
    Might go over to the Cottages and finish the cleaning in the small cottage as there is a booking for the 11th
    Off to visit my mum for a few days from Wednesday, so it will be harder to keep a lid on things!

    Right…rugby time!!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another lovely day lots of sunshine. A nice walk with my neighbour who hadn’t walked for a while with the awful weather.

    HH… I think with things changing day to day one way and another these past few years
    It understandable your Mum probably feels safe and happy at home. Good she saw the snowdrops they are lovely sign of spring. I love it when the cowslips are out too.

    Brads.. You are doing well with Chloe.. I expect as you dont know her past and what she has had to endure its just learning day today.. Trial and error I expect what a lovely safe home you are giving her though.

    Sym…I hate window cleaning too… I am finding just doing a few things at a time breaking jobs up and not going hell for leather Like I used to lol makes a lot of difference.

    Kay… Enjoy the rugby .. lovey Tara enjoyed her play… its funny how they take to some dogs. A bit like us I suppose lol.

    Sarah doesnt seem to be losing on these shakes… she will say ” I had 3 shakes and a scone… not healthy and expensive.
    Not doing much this afternoon having a Pizza tonight from the freezer .. Easy food for Sunday.

    Take care all … .
    Do more things that make your heart smile 💙💙💙 Xxxx

    Enjoy your bell ringing a change in a different location… I think we have all done bad this month maybe the better weather will get us on track…
    A break away visiting will be nice too…

    Slowly slowly on the hateful jobs.. I will push on in the week..
    It’s a shame Sarah is spending the money and cheating it doesn’t work especially at the beginning.. I am working out of the freezer again I think I have three baby pizzas..

    Fast day tomorrow.,

    Jean x

    Builder round at 8:30am tomorrow, having a shower put in and the bath taken out. So up early for the next few days. Fast day tomorrow so it makes it harder when I’m up early.

    Good morning all, it’s chucking it down here, Chloe wasn’t keen on going out but did do. Unfortunately she didn’t do anything, so will have to go again soon. Builder is due now so fingers crossed her turns up.

    Weight way up this morning – far too many carbs this weekend!

    As we are away from Wednesday, I think Neil will want to go up to the pub tonight after we get back from bell ringing. But I was hoping for a FD. Yes I know I don’t have to drink if we go to the pub, but I do 😄

    Will see how it goes later. Definitely will have a low day of food anyway.

    Went over to walk Queenie the cockerpoo pup, quite a wet walk and the poor thing had had an accident before I arrived, so 3.5 hours is too long for her to wait. They don’t seem very clued up. I don’t think she gets a walk in the morning. They have an open garden so can’t let her outside but they have a small ‘pen’ that they put her in for her toilet, but it isn’t cleaned up…
    I’ll go back over about 1.30 for half an hour and then someone will be home at 4pm. I think next week I will go over earlier in the morning. With your own dog, you get to know when they are more likely to need to go out, but they don’t seem to have figured that out yet. Mind you Queenie is only 5 months old, so still a pup. I’ve not had a puppy before – how long before they are house trained and can be left for 4 hours?

    Tara isn’t overly bothered about going out much today with the yukky weather but luckily she had a lovely busy day yesterday and is content to sleep today!

    I’m thinking of making some soup for later….its that kind of day…

    Hope everyone’s Monday is going OK.

    Afternoon All…
    A rainy day…we have been on the riverbank with Oreo and Natalie this morning, the rain not too heavy.

    A fast day for me…not really in the mood for doing a lot, seems chilly…

    Hope you get the shower room sorted out and there’s not too much mess.

    Poor Queenie she wants a good walk before they leave her, not just a wee in the garden..she will then sleep. It’s not fair leaving it up to you…3 1/2 hours is too long for a puppy.
    I never know what to drink in a pub if I am not drinking alcohol, I don’t do fizzy or flat drinks…awkward really…enjoy the bell ringing if you get there…

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone a dull cold day compared to the weekend which was lovely and sunny enabling us a chance to get out into the garden and do some much needed tidying up.
    Was rewarded with a half pound loss on the scales this morning meaning no loss for February and six pounds lost so far this year. Am pretty sure having alcohol slows my weight loss down.
    A FD today for me it’s going well so far have had a Tesco online delivery this morning which I’ve packed away and caught up with some housework and ironing.
    Dave hope the new bathroom fitting is going well.
    Hope everyone else is keeping well. Enjoy the rest of your day and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Dave- hope the plumbers are good, & not too much mess…
    Jean- you are very disciplined with your housework, much more than I would be/ am! Hope your FD went well…
    Kay- sounds a bit frustrating with Queenie, would never have left Xena for that long without a long walk & game first- well, wouldn’t have left her that long at that age full stop! What will they do when you’re away? Hope the bell ringing went well & the pub!
    Nana- sounds like you’ve had a busy day too, helps the FD go quicker! How’s your uncle doing?
    Hemmy- hope the weather stayed nice for you again…I love the cowslips too ☺
    Out early this morning, our friend came to look at mum’s fence, he thinks it’ll be okay with extra posts in & can do it this week. Walked Xena & Gwinnie- found her collar which had fallen off yesterday- some shopping done & tidied the cupboard under the stairs. An odd dinner tonight using a couple of things which needed eating, but still an 700 cal FD.
    Pancakes all round tomorrow?

    Pancakes today😁I only have 🍋 squeezed on it, nothing else. Not doing the Spanish lessons today will be in with the builders. I’ve decided to give up bread for Lent so that means I’ll give up butter as well unless i have a baked potato. Next fast day Thursday.

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