Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,332 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 2 hours, 14 minutes ago.

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  • Evening All…
    What a very cold day..a riverside walk from the village a bit slippy in parts better on the hard grass..river still very high no floods today.

    Watching the diet programmes last night on ch 5…it made me think on how much I am not eating healthy, miss mash of food. Steve wouldn’t be impressed at all…I have batch cooked 5 beef dinners for the freezer, for breakfast I made some almond and seed granola, chai jam, apple purée. I feel like a good day and achieved a lot.

    Tonight I have had salmon, it’s new to me, it was fine a bit of tweaking needed. The baby tomatoes which I cooked with the salmon did give it a bit of a sauce which it needed. I have another piece in the freezer.

    A good fast day finished about 600 cals..

    Poor Natalie all her LFTs negative this week…her travel PCR was positive, she paid for a second one that was positive so her Saudi trip is off she was devastated…

    Well done on the cold bike ride and no alcohol with your lunch…I don’t drink a lot but I do like a drink.
    Hope your aunt and uncle are ok and it’s not covid…did you find a TV…?

    Hoping there’s a dog for you and they soon get in touch..
    Cold day for bowling ..

    I didn’t realise the wax jacket is padded that’s more like you…I am pleased with the gilet, I have had it on most of the day, on charge ready for tomorrow…
    All those different foods….they keep you on your toes..

    Well done on your 4 1/2 mile walk and meeting the lovely little dog..won’t be long till yours arrives 😀

    My step daughter has a mud daddy she likes it very much…a two hour walk is a very long walk when it’s this cold..we had a bit of snow floating about, it didn’t stay.
    Good luck at the dentist tomorrow and you get a car park spot. Good on the 2lbs off 😀

    Keep strong fasters…

    Jean x

    That’s my 2nd fast day done and dusted…everyone seems to be doing well at the moment…let’s keep it going!

    When are people’s weekly weigh in days?

    We managed to get a box of test kits so we can at least check before we go anywhere near people!

    Spent the day cleaning the kitchen and tidying cupboards, so that’s kept me busy!

    Well done for the walking Mel and Hemmy. I need to start doing some proper exercise….when the weather improves!!

    Hope you hear back from the dogs trust soon Dave.

    Neil tried phoning our dentist today as he’s lost a temporary filling and has a sharp tooth but it continually goes to answer phone. We’ve not been since pre covid – hope we are still registered with them as its impossible to get an NHS dentist here.

    Can’t believe it’s Friday tomorrow, where did that go!
    Anyway got any plans for the weekend?

    Good morning everyone very miserable weather here. Still waiting to hear from dogs trust.At least I got cat insurance done yesterday and it’s cheaper than last year. Also I am covered for volunteering so I can show that too the dogs trust when they come round. Sainsbury’s shopping soon, I still keep looking where Heidi used to sleep😭.

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely walk chatting to different people as walking, came home had breakfast settled with a cuppa..a panic hairdressers in 25 mins I totally forgot…all done and tidy again.. ..she’s pregnant so I have appointments up to May then will have to change, which I won’t like. She is hoping to find someone to keep her shop going she says she particular and new hairdresser will have to be the right one…

    I have lost 1 lb this week…so pleased on that….

    A lazy day now I am not doing a lot…..rain and then blue skies here still very cold…

    My weigh in is always Friday…I can see why people want Monday keep you in check for the weekend. I always weigh after my second fast of the week….I like my day off and no guilt.
    Well done on all the cupboard cleaning..it’s just getting in the mood to do it….
    I can’t understand all these dentists not working…I go every three months and right through covid, ok I am private I can’t get NHS dentist around me..if the private is working everybody else should be..my sister is the same as you not been for over two years.

    No plans, no boules, Fay is still isolating and it’s forecast heavy rain…cafes closed till next week…I think it will be a miss week…

    Hope the dog trust soon gets in touch…do they come to the house to be vetted?
    Hope it’s a big dog for you possibly suit you better..

    Beef pie, chips and gravy tonight…I was thinking of haddock and chips but too cold to go and get them.

    Jean x

    Yes they come round to the House Jean. Put my German shepherd calendar up finally. It’s from the dogs trust so hope they like it when they come round. Got a dogs with hats calendar in the kitchen.

    Afternoon everyone my it’s cold outside today but we managed a walk of about a mile and a half.
    Trip into Cambridge yesterday resulted in a new television being purchased and will be delivered next Thursday. We went in fairly early before it got to busy.
    Dave 🤞 you get approved for a dog.
    Jean not good that you need to find a new hairdresser.
    Kay I’m going to weigh on a Monday as that’s when I had my first weigh in for 2022 plus it’ll make me mindful of what I’m eating over the weekend if I know I’m getting on the scales Monday morning.
    Our Friday night friend still tested positive on his last test so we won’t be able to meet up again so have decided to order an Indian takeaway to be delivered. Dry January is going well but OH is finding it a bit difficult.
    Have spoken to Aunt today and she’s feeling a bit better which is good.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay safe. Will be back again Monday.
    Nana x

    Well done Jean!
    Hope we keep up with you!

    Horrid weather today.

    Nana, you are very strong! I couldn’t do a dry month. I’m with Mel having a slightly damp one 😆

    Dave, hope you hear soon. I don’t see any reason why you won’t although sometimes the rescues/charities aren’t always logical!
    That’s you sorted with your cat insurance 😁

    NFD today. I had porridge earlier, tried it with some almond butter and honey for a boost. Really nice and kept me full all day.

    I’ve been trawling the Fast 800 groups for some different recipes to keep my motivation going. A few things to try to increase the protein and reduce the carbs.

    Have a good weekend all x
    JANUARY (Pounds lost)
    Jean 1
    Hemmy 2

    Hi all!
    Quick post- gone for a last minute weekend away, same place as last month, eldest off this weekend so he’ll look after Xena- quite glad as the weather is awful here! Very cosy indoors, & we have a hot tub under cover…so big January push on hold for now!
    Hapoy birthday to Denise Dave, hope your meal out tonight is good! 🎂

    Good afternoon, it’s pouring down here, will get taxi tonight then I can have a drink. Meeting daughter and grandson there. An hot tub is something I never fancy at all. Don’t see the point of them but they do seem very popular. Hope you have a great weekend HH.

    Evening All…
    A wet cold walk this morning much better this afternoon..
    A busy day cleaning and dusting up and down, then a very lazy day reading.

    Hope the rescue gets a move on and they can find a dog to suit you. Enjoy Denise’s birthday meal out with the family tonight and a beer or two.

    So we are both trawling and re vamping our menus…..I have had a couple of days off so a low good day tomorrow.

    Enjoy your weekend away and getting into the hot tub too…sounds romantic…

    Glad the TV is bought and sorted, the men do enjoy the tellies…shame on your friend positive results

    Weather seems to be improving from now, a bit milder it will be welcome…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone, we had a lovely meal last night, good job I wasn’t counting calories. So I will have to take it easy today to make up. Raining here again but at least we’ve not had snow. We think about going on holiday abroad but keep putting it off to see what happens next with the virus. Been watching Lanzarote on YouTube and feeling very envious.

    Are you all busy today then😁. It’s been a cold miserable day today. I did manage to order some LFT test kits though. They are getting like gold so won’t use them until I have to, Hopefully never.

    Evening All..
    Two walks and a very lazy day. A good riverbank walk this morning 1 1/4 hours very nice and muddy !

    Reading most of the day finished my book. This evening took flowers to our boules friend, 4 of us went, 40th wedding anniversary, got on the wine and sherry, a bit squiffy on returning home.

    I shall be fasting Monday get back in the swing.

    Glad your meal went well no good counting calories on a birthday meal just enjoy…
    Thinking of holidays.. I don’t know whether I want to go or not.. must think about it .. still a bit messy with tests but getting better..

    Jean x

    Shame our weekend’s over, Xena survived being looked after by eldest! Will be back to 800cal days tomorrow, need to get on board again, my birthday at the end of the month so no excuses before then ☺

    Hi all, glad you had a good break HH. I love getting away!

    A good fast day yesterday and a two hour walk. That is five fast days so far this year, which equates to 2 1/2 bottles of wine not drunk. So good all round.

    2 1/2 lbs down, put me on the list Kay!

    Good fast day to HH and Jean.

    Afternoon all

    Another FD done yesterday so that’s 3 in the bag last week and a loss of 2.5lbs. Snap Mel!

    HH and Jean, over to you today.

    Another awful day weather wise. It has stopped raining but it is very misty.

    I need to work out what I want to do working this year. I don’t think I want to continue with the holiday lets all season, particularly as its paying the same as it did a few years ago when I first started.
    Neil and I would love to come up with an idea for something local we could do but it’s finding out where the gaps are in the market, if there are any.

    Will walk Tara in a bit. Need to walk around dropping my Avon brochures off too. Ideally I would do them together….practically not worth it 😁

    Right better get some chores done before Neil comes home from work!

    JANUARY (Pounds lost)
    Jean 1
    Kay 2.5
    Hemmy 2
    Mel 2.5

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a decent winter day here 9 deg and dry. No sun after that beautiful day yesterday.

    Today is the start of my New year all round. lol Had a long holiday from 22nd till today.

    Just been doing basic hoover downstairs .. so need to start spring cleaning.

    Started to day back on my healthy way of life that kept my weight in check. Back to my breakfast cup of all milk coffee. .. Lunch I am eating a plate of .. cubed stilton and cheddar with salad leaves walnuts .. 2 satsumas segments . At long last I really think I have conquered wine. lol

    Tonights dinner bacon .. eggs .. toms .. mushrooms.

    My friend Sarah in her late 40s Starting today with 1 to 1 a clinic diet of shakes soups a meal .. its £45 for the week free delivery .. So we are doing daily mails to compare.
    She puts weight on so quickly .. nearly a stone over Xmas and finds it hard to take off.
    She is amazed how quickly I get get mine off .. I told her to weigh every day to see how she is going its the only way. It shame as she does lots of exercise walks her cocker spaniel twice a day plus runs her own cleaning company so no lack of exercise.

    It will all be interesting and I am feeling quite excited .

    Thank you Kay for doing the challenge Xx Its lovely having you and Mel back. Xx

    Have a good day all . Remember … Age is merely the number of years the world has been enjoying you. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A milder day so weathers improving…a village / riverbank walk with Charlie calling at the cemetery.

    It’s a can’t be bothered day 😬…pots washed and some hand washing done …might go up stairs and have look at my clothes I do feel tatty in my dog walking gear..which I seem to live in…I really must tidy myself up…there’s no excuses really…

    Hoping for boules tomorrow although if not we are meeting up for lunch..

    Might see sister Wednesday with Charlie coming with me, might be a call into Beverley Town depending what I find or not in my wardrobe!…possibly need new every day jeans…

    Fasting day for me, just had a coffee…must think what I am eating tonight….

    Lovely a quick break away and Xena faired well with your son..have a good fast day…

    Well done on your weight loss it’s a good amount…lots of walking too..

    Our weather seems better than your for a change…how are you for cooking and baking,
    Fay seems to be doing a good job from home..she does mains which are meat pies, fish pies, lasagna then after are her different tray bakes, single crumbles and fruit pies…chutneys too…8 week rota…she prepares and buys one day, cooks and delivers the next..she collects £300/£350, half of that is hers…a thought.

    Nice to see the movement in the weight, makes you think…

    Good you have Sarah sharing her plan, if she walks and a busy job it must be what she eats!..ours is so easy just a WOL now…it seems a bit pricey at £45 😬
    Spring cleaning not even thought about it 😂

    Enjoy your bowling today…

    Have a good day
    Jean x

    Evening everyone am pleased to say that I saw a loss of two and a half pounds on the scales this morning so am keeping up with Mel and Kay this week at least 😊
    Well done both of you.
    I had a planned 800 calories day today but have come in at 810 calories to allow for a choc options drink later on.
    Hemmy will be interesting to see how your friend Sarah gets on. It’s so unfair when someone does everything right healthwise and still struggles to lose weight.
    Jean your can’t be bothered day still sounds busy.
    Hedgehogs glad you had a nice time away.
    Dry January is going well at the moment 🤞 However I did add a bottle of Tanquery alcohol free gin to my Tesco online delivery which came this morning.
    Spoke to my Aunt a little while ago and she is feeling a lot better and also my Friday night friend is now covid free which is good news for both of them.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Sym and Nana .. Just had an update from Sarah. She has had 2 shakes today and nuts and crackers .. Drinking lots of water but got a bad head ache.. a chicken meal tonight .. I think £45 seems a lot but I expect you are paying for the one to one .. Its weighing and talk plus they are at the end of the phone. Not my cup of tea but I am giving her encouragement as anything is good if you can be healthier.
    Like HH she is still cooking a big meal for her farmer hubby and son. So not easy.

    Well done Mel .. Kay and Nana on your weight loss. Hopefully it will be a good week for us all.

    I am doing 800 cals tomorrow anyone else fasting. Just made a lovely soup.. Xxxx

    Soup 🤢🤢🤢, good evening everyone. Not aching after bowling so must be getting used to it. Soon be spring.I saw two German Shepherds in the park while I was bowling, I’ve spoken to the owners in the past and would have loved to give them a hug and a stroke, they are both over 10 years old.

    Hi everyone, I hope you don’t mind me barging in? I’m a yorkshire girl and just starting the fast 800 this morning, it’s my first time doing this plan as I’ve always been a slimming world dieter, this time last year I was in peak fitness and weight and then somehow gained 3st over the last year, I’m ready for a change of mindset so ready to give this a go

    Morning All..
    A very excited boy at park walking this morning .. cafe now unfortunately for him he’s already eaten!!

    Pétanque later weather quite mild and dry..

    Welcome come and join us… I am a Yorkshire girl from a small village 4 miles from Goole.
    I have been doing 5.2 since 2015 it’s a way of life and so easy. I did WW, SW and everything else between it’s the only way to loose and keep it off…

    Well done a good lost to start the year off.. glad all the covid of family and friends is nearly finishing and they are well.

    Good to give Sarah encouragement it’s hard on any way to loose weight shame she can’t join us here…

    Too early for stroking GS take it steady…hope you hear from the trust soon..

    Have a good day everyone keep strong..

    Jean x

    Hello RunnerRach and welcome to our group, keep popping in here especially when you feel hungry 😁. The sun is trying to come out but only 4°C at the moment. Spanish lessons later then shopping at Sainsbury’s. Jean if I get within range of those two dogs I will grab them and give them a cuddle 😁. In only sorry Heidi never got to meet them.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mild damp day after last nights rain.. It was a mucky day and dog for the mornings walk.

    Just had my soup and will have a cheese omelette and salad this evening. So should
    be a good day hopefully.

    I am missing sugar though .. not in as cravings like alcohol withdrawal but more like energy slumps . Plus not sleeping well.

    Feeling sooo very annoyed with myself for eating all that Xmas chocolate. lol Never mind I guess I was lucky to get away with 4 lbs plus quickly dropped 2 lbs.

    Funny but its not so much gaining the weight but more annoying to go down that oh so silly path of unhealthy eating again.

    Never mind.. onwards and downwards for us all. It Seems 5 minutes since we were here last year at this time talking about T Shirts and spring clothes .. Easter eggs etc lolol .

    Brads ..lol Don’t you like soup then..

    RunnerRach .. Welcome to this way of life .. it is a good one. Like the rest of us here I have tried all the other ways and this is the best. Good luck. Xx

    Sym… Hopefully Charlie got a wiff of something at the cafe.. lol Bless him. Enjoy your Boules.
    Yes its a shame Sarah doesn’t join us .. but a few of her friends have lost a fair bit doing that plan …. thing is its quick loss and that’s the appeal but you cant just live on shakes forever.

    Have good day everyone.. Good luck Fasters. Just off to do my most dreaded job.. brass cleaning .. without Mum someone needs todo it lolol

    Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone and welcome RunnerRach as others have said 5:2 is a manageable way of losing weight and a way of life not a diet.
    Have had one of Jeans can’t be bothered days today just doing a few bits here and there.
    Another miserable dull day here and fog is forecast for this evening and tomorrow morning with a temperature of 1°C so looks like it’s going to be another chilly bike ride although I might burn off a few wxtra calories trying to keep warm 😉
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good evening everyone, been shopping and fine the Spanish lesson. She picked on me today because we didn’t go last week but we couldn’t because my son had COVID so didn’t want to pass it on to them. So she made read out loud in Spanish and the rest of the class had to translate it.

    Hi RunnerRach yes please barge in and join us. 🤗 Like a few of the others I was a SW devotee (the money I must have given them over the years!!). Did lose weight but not necessarily in a healthy way (all my syns went on wine!). A few years ago I lost two stone on this so easily and maintained for about a year then lost my precious dog Jodie. Stone and a half back on last year through comfort eating and basically not caring any more. Back to rights now more or less and tackling it again.

    Shopping day for me which ran over lunchtime. Didn’t have breakfast so actually doing an OMAD for the first time ever. Dinner about 7pm to look forward to. Strange I am not actually that hungry – just cold!

    RunnerRach- hi & welcome to you! How many days are you wanting to do the 800cals for? I’ve managed 2 weeks once, at the moment I’m aiming for 4 days, one off…so frustrating when weight goes back on, hope this works for you ☺
    Dave- rotten of the Spanish teacher to pick on you! Good you don’t ache after bowling! Hard seeing the dogs about, you’re doing well 😞
    Jean- hope your sister’s okay when you see her…was boules good today?
    Nana- hope the bike ride wasn’t too chilly? Intetesting to see if the gin’s good!
    Hemmy- you do lose quickly, I’m envious too! I tried slimfast years ago, I didn’t lose much with that even doing 3 shakes a day, so I’m worried your friend might not lose with 2 shakes, a meal, & a snack… It was a standing joke & the boys called it Slimslow!
    Mel- well done with your walking & FDs, hopefully you’ll be well on track before your next holiday!
    Kay- I hope you can think of something to do workwise- are there any professional dog walkers in your area? There are lots around here, there seems to be plenty of work for them…
    FD today has been easier- had a dental hygienist appt so my teeth have been sore! Lots of ironing done- I’d done it all before we went away as well! Too many work shirts to do…youngest has just come home from work with reduced price chocolates & croissants 😱 Can I keep strong?!

    Evening All…
    Pétanque went well, lost one and won one, so close but scraped with a win..cafe for coffee…

    Someone was talking of fleas on dogs on line…made me thing about Charlie’s tablets deciding whether I had got them or not in December..I rang the vets and I have missed them so a visit to collect them…two weeks late so not too bad.

    I am on a bumpy patch at the moment, a few wobbles…going over things like a worm in my head..told everyone I didn’t want phone calls it’s been a nice quiet night. Hard the last 8 weeks hope it soon improves..

    It’s good you have moved Xmas 2lbs quick, only once a year!….yes, it’s not long since talking about our summer clothes, it’s just around the corner…saying on weather this morning we have two months of very good weather coming, winter might be missed..🤞

    Cold again tonight, get wrapped up for tomorrow…enjoy…seeing my sister tomorrow I am not at my best to see her…

    Fancy being picked on …it’s not fair 😂

    OMAD ?…..enjoy your meal tonight…a good shopping day….did you buy anything?

    Hope your teeth are feeling better, they do have a good poke around…you are always busy…I had lovely cuddles tonight he must know I needed it…

    Might do a fd tomorrow …..I might push myself to go to quiz night on Thursday…not sure yet…

    Well to bed I think…night from us…

    Jean x

    No fast day today, but thanks to you lot we enjoyed the chocolate. Still waiting for news on the dogs trust. Fingers crossed will get news soon.

    Eat and enjoy then a line can be drawn….

    Naughty but nice 🤗 x

    Jean sorry you are having a rough patch – hard to think it but it will pass as you know. Be sociable/unsociable just as you want. Shopping was ok, just walking boots for Paul. Little walk up and down Steep Hill in Lincoln, nice little shops and galleries. It does live up to its name, one of the steepest shopping bits in England I believe. There is a lovely little tearoom that does nice lunches but resisted as it was a fast day. Then Waitrose. Don’t get the chance to go often as 20 miles from us. OMAD is used on the forum – one meal a day. Wouldn’t suit me, yesterday was a one off. Woke up in the night starving. I always find it hard to sleep after a fast day but this was bad.

    Dinner out tonight with step dad. Will try and eat mindfully. They start with homemade bread and truffle butter which is amazing.

    Good luck all fasters today.

    Good morning,omad is fine by me, I can cope with that, but not every day. Going bowling at 12-30. No news from dogs trust yet but I will check again when I get back from bowling.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you

    What a glorious day today .. really fab. So glad to see this morning only one field of sheep left now. Yay We were missing those fields. English lamb for Easter maybe. lol

    A good fast day yesterday .. Like Mel .. having a mindful day today. I had my coffee .. then just had the homemade soup nuts and fruit for lunch.. A Coop Pasta Bake and some Rocket tonight.. quite high in Cals at just over 500 .. So I reckon on about 1200 today then fast at 500 tomorrow. .. Should see those 2bs off hopefully says she.
    My TDEE is 1700 cals which seems a lot to me.

    Sarah still had a bad head last night ,, had her shakes and Quorn sausages and veg for dinner .. only weighing once a week though with this 1-1 lady.

    I know we have had this discussion before but I cant stop weighing every morning.. I don’t think I would feel in control if I didn’t. I need to know how I am going daily whether I need to increase food or decrease. What makes the scales fluctuate. I expect we are all different lol.,

    You just have to-do what suits you I guess the beauty of this way of life. ..

    Sym… Pecker up Girly. Xx you have and are doing brilliantly… Not easy.. one of the very worst things to cope with in life .. Just look after you and Charlie Boy first then go with your flow .. No-one else’s. Xx

    Mel… Enjoy your meal with your S Dad. That starter sounds very yummy Xx

    Have a good day all .. Lazy afternoon for me .. Found a new Danelle Cole Book “The Family” . I just love her ..

    Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones.❤️

    Evening! (Or afternoon?)
    Jean- sending you a hug, normal to have wobbly spells, you do usually like the quiz nights, hope you feel up to going. Hope the day’s not been too bad with your sister as well!
    Dave- hopefully there wasn’t too much chocolate to spoil your weight loss! Hugs to you as well xx
    Mel- enjoy your meal out tonight, hope SD behaves 😂 I used to do OMAD fairly easily when I was on keto but not now!
    Hemmy- my TDEE is about 1400 I think. You’re eating very mindfully, well done! Sheep & cows in one field here, rams in the other, we walk between the fields though, Xena likes to watch them…if weighing every day works for you fair enough, I’m bad & weigh more if I’m losing, & don’t when I know I’m putting it on!
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good lunch out…
    RunnerRach- stick with us, the support helps!
    Another 800cal day for me but today’s been a real struggle, cleaning took my mind of it this afternoon a bit…It was lovely & bright here, so would’ve liked to potter outside but just damp & shaded in the back, it didn’t appeal in the end!

    Evening everyone, it’s been a lovely sunny but cold day hear. My bicycle ride was interesting first thing as it was – 1°C when we left home so a bit dodgy as the roads we use are untreated but I managed without mishap. A lovely lunch out I chose a sausage roll with salad and homemade chutney from the small plate menu and drank alcohol free gin and tonic.
    Jean sorry you’ve been feeling a bit down but you do so well and can’t be expected to be on top form all of the time.
    Hemmy when we get off the bus and walk to visit our daughter we pass a field with sheep in but this morning they’d all gone I’m liking to think they’ve been moved elsewhere to graze and aren’t destined for the dinner table. You’re friend is very disciplined not weighing every day hope the
    headaches soon ease up.
    Mel enjoy your meal out this evening.
    Dave hope you hear from the Dogs Trust soon.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    Thanks for all your kind words, I will push on and keep busy, pub quiz tomorrow and pétanque on Friday.

    I have visited my sister and we had a good chat, Charlie and Coco are getting on really well, I think she was flirting with him today.

    I brought my fast day early so weigh-in, in the morning….

    I enjoy Lincoln, that main street takes some walking quite steep, lots of lovely cafes..river with the swans on so pretty.
    Enjoy your meal with your step dad..

    The dogs trust are a bit slow on getting back to you..is there any others you could contact…

    I weigh about three times a week just keeping my eye on it. Your TDEE seems high mine is about 1350..I suppose everyone is different….sister has given me 4 reading books she reads loads, on my full book shelf…
    Shame on Sarah’s bad heads, it will settle down, is she upping her water intake…

    I have told them I shall go to the quiz. I usually snuggle with Charlie on an evening…I do feel guilty when I leave him…I shouldn’t but I do.
    We have the cows which have now gone and horses…no sheep!
    Your son is putting in a lot of hours he will knock his self up!

    Well done on the bike ride in the slippy weather, very icy here this morning. Your gin sounds interesting…enjoyable lunch too.

    Jean x

    My daughter sent another option but they are all old dogs, so think I need a younger one at the moment. I could see the two German Shepherds while I was bowling, they are very friendly because I have met them both before while Heidi was still alive. Couldn’t get to them today because of the railings, their owners waved to me.I well give it another week and then get in touch with the dogs trust again.

    I am sure sure if I am doing this correctly lol This is my chart .. based on Moderate exercise

    Your BMI is: 25.1
    Your BMR is: 4758 kJ / 1137 calories
    Your TDEE is: 7375 kJ / 1763 calories

    If I put in Light exercise .. it goes down to 1500 I thought doing a hour and a half to 2 hours walking every day .. plus gardening .. etc It would would be classed as moderate not light exercise.

    What do you think FBBs Xxxx

    I would say you do a lot of exercise, definitely compared to me. I got a phone call from the vets saying Heidi’s ashes are read to pick up, so feeling very dodgy now. Got to go and get them later😭.Nice sunny day here today. Was going to be a fast day today but don’t feel like it now, will see how I go.

    Dave- sending you a hug & thinking of you…it’s only a guess but I think the fostering system is often for older dogs, or problem dogs who need lots of input, just from what I’ve read on different rescue sites, it might not be right for you…there is a site called golden oldies which has dogs 7+ years, not all really old, might be worth a look? Would you be able to do alot of walking with a younger dog? Not having a garden means you have to go out more…
    Jean- you’re so strong, hope your wobble doesn’t last long. Don’t worry about Charlie, he’s very well treated & the odd evening won’t hurt him! Good it went well with your sister yesterday & hope the quiz goes well…
    Hemmy- I’d think all the exercise you do would count as moderate…did you get the brass cleaned? I really hate that job, had to do it when we were kids…
    Nana- well done not falling off your bike! Are you fasting today?
    Mel- Lincoln is a beautiful city, Minols would be raving about it with you if she was still on! Only been once but did like it. Hope the meal out was good & keep strong fasting today…
    Well, I managed to persuade myself to do another 800cal FD today, strangely not been as hungry as yesterday, funny! Beautiful frosty morning here, walked Xena then Gwinnie, got a book I started last weekend I’d like to finish, might be lazy this afternoon!

    Hi FBBs What a glorious day.. Deep blue sky and full sunshine. Perfect

    A lovely walk .. not too muddy today thank goodness.

    Having a 800 day .. not sure what to eat tonight.. feeling like something a bit spicy lol.

    Its been a good week .. no hiccups re food so far. Weigh in tomorrow.

    I am going to ignore that chart completely and try never to go over 1200 -1500 on non fast days. everyone burns at a different rate I think. lol

    Sarah feeling better today .. I am hoping she gets a good result as trying so hard.

    Brads .. Its soo very early days for you and you are hurting hard. Make sure you choose the right new friend for you and for them. Young dogs need a lot of work with them and can be very tiring .. 6-7 a nice age . Take care and I hope soon you will find your new friend. They will be very fortunate indeed.

    Mel .. hope you had a lovely meal last night.

    Kay.. How are things with you.

    Nana .. your lunch sounded lovely.. a cold bike ride so well deserved. Yes the farmers here move the sheep around for good grazing.

    H H .. Have a relaxing easy afternoon.. read your book you work so hard.

    Sym..I am glad you are getting on well with your sister .. and the dogs enjoying it too. Families can be hard work at times. lol

    Have a good day all… good luck fasters.
    “Bliss is the results of a conversation between me and my dog” Xxxx

    According to the dogs trust you can pick what age dogs you have and which dogs you would and wouldn’t have. I think it’s a lot less painful handing back a dog that’s alive and hopefully will meet lots of new dogs.I said to Denise if we got a St Bernard I could sit on its knee.😂😂😂

    Evening everyone it’s been another lovely sunny day with a sharp frost first thing and as we we’re having our new television delivered this afternoon we decided to walk and collect our repeat prescriptions from the next village at 9:00am which is a 4:5mile trip there and back. A lot of people out jogging along the path must be getting rid of their Christmas excess. When we got back we visited our neighbour whose had an ankle replacement for a chat. Television now arrived and OH is setting it up.
    Having a FD800 today so it’s nice to have kept myself busy but as always on a FD am feeling so cold.
    Hugs Dave and hope you hear soon.
    Hedgehogs hope you got to relax with your new book.
    Hemmy glad your friend is feeling better today.
    Jean glad visit to your sisters went well and Charlie and coco are getting on a bit better.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    A couple of walks and went through to a small town Selby. I needed a Superdrug and that was the closest. I decided to go to our favourite fish restaurant, a bad move I think it has changed hands not very good at all, so disappointing…ate the fish which was over cooked, managed 1/4 of the chips, left the tea..on the bright side saved a lot of calories…

    My one day early weigh in, has me with 1 lb off…so back to goal… another 3lb off for wriggle room needed…

    Off to quiz night and a couple of games of bingo…

    I always do it at no exercise, I am about 1350…I think then it’s a bonus for any extra eaten…still you are at goal so it must suit you.
    My sister was fine it’s just she gets mixed up and I know she’s wrong really..she was speaking when her hubby died which was about 25 years ago, she still has flash backs now but not so many…going that far back she could remember.
    Love you’re quote…that’s totally me!,

    Hope you keep strong while going to the vets, lots of hugs to you all…I think as the others about a 6 year old might be nice depends on the breed.

    I think I am feeling a bit better two good nights without the awful memories..nice one last night me and Steve in our pre marriage outings.. Charlie does get a face on when I leave him, sulks, it makes me feel guilty…..I suppose he’s had a month without me going out over Christmas, he has to get used to it again.
    Hope you had chance to finish the book a change for you.

    Jean x

    My Chart…interesting I am totally wrong….I put down light exercise

    Weight …161 lbs
    BMR ……1541
    TDEE ……1998 cals

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone I can’t sleep, can’t get Heidi out of my mind after picking up her ashes yesterday.Time is a great healer so can i fast forward 6 months. Having a cuppa then will try and go back to bed, but doubt i will sleep much.

    Morning All..
    A very nice cold morning walk, a few chats as I walked around. Boules at 11 with a few different people from Doncaster…
    Quiz night was nice …well below average 😂…doing a bit too much this week, must think before I say yes next week..

    We are all behind you at this sad time, lots of hugs …

    Jean x

    Hi everybody 🤗
    Good walk yesterday and today and a good fast day yesterday so all good. Pleased to have wine tonight though! Trying not to eat too much today but have realised what we are eating is very carby. Trying to compensate by not eating anything sweet.

    Hard picking up the ashes Dave. I remember when we collected Jodie’s from Derby the girl handed me the bag the casket was in, gave me a wide smile and said “have a lovely day”. What!! Training perhaps needed but surely it is just empathy and common sense.

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