Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All…
    Catching up on a few jobs today, made my sweets…everything all done. Tomorrow just getting the food prepared and table set for Christmas Day.

    Going out to quiz night at the pub, I am not too bothered but I feel if I don’t go I won’t be asked again, it’s closed spaces and virus….the only thing I am doing for Christmas so I will push myself to go.

    You seem to have got a lot of jobs done yesterday…with being ill I have missed getting Charlie any presents, getting too busy to go now…

    Take it what Heidi can do, she does really well…I can understand missing it for yourself…I really enjoy going out to walk…

    I hope Kirsty is with you…enjoy your catchup time…

    Christmas is declared here, I am 1 lb up on goal….there will be much more to loose in January….

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, just a quick check in to say that I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and New Year.
    See you in the New Year everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x🎄🎁🎅

    Lots to do in the new year, plenty of weight to lose. So let’s all stick together and help each other. Taking my son to watch the para ice hockey team train in Widnes. Hope the motorway is ok and no ice.

    Jean- hope the quiz is good, I agree a worry now mixing too much. Have to admit I didn’t buy anything special for Xena- wrapped up a chew I’d already got, & her favourite toy is a plastic bottle tied up in a sock, it’s very battered now so just made her another one! I’m sure Charlie won’t notice!
    Dave- enjoy the ice skating, is your son still playing for his team? Is it going to be egg & chips for you Christmas day then?
    Nana- hope you have a lovely Christmas too xx
    Hemmy- same to you xx
    Had a bad night, very little sleep & got up at 3.30am. Got my ironing done! Did lots of cleaning today-not got anyone staying but still like it all cleaned! My sister & BIL popped in, they gave me fowers as a thank you for the cake I’d made 😁 A nonFD, Christmas now declared here too. Cooking & veg prep etc tomorrow but that’s fun!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Year to everyone..

    Keep as a group and move any weight in January

    Jean x

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year 🥰🥰🥰

    Good afternoon everyone hope you are all having a good time.

    Good morning everyone murky day here today, couldn’t stop sneezing yesterday and my nose was running all day. My daughter who as got COVID said it’s just as she was when it started. I did a test but was negative but she said the first 3 or 4 tests she did were negative. So hope I’ve not caught it.I had an horrible Christmas Day worrying about Heidi. Her back legs are getting worst. Hope you all have a good time over the holidays.

    Afternoon All..
    A very wet walk this morning..we both were wet through…

    Jacqui called round with SIL this morning, just to have a coffee stayed for 90 mins and moved onto his mothers..he never comes so it was a surprise.

    Sat having a lazy afternoon reading for another hour before we head into the rain again..

    The TV is appalling as usual at Christmas they all need sacking…

    Hope you haven’t got covid..it all sounds very similar at the moment…

    Jean x

    Nephew as got COVID now, and sister in law, same symptoms that I have😮. Will do another test tomorrow. Told my mate I won’t be out tomorrow. Roll on next year.

    Evening All..
    A very lazy day reading….a quick hoover up as I dropped mud off my walking boots..

    I did pop out as my kitchen mixer tap is leaking it started on Christmas Eve and getting worse..plumber popped round and said I need a new one…he’s coming in the morning to replace it, not as easy as he thought a couple of hours.

    Fed up on eating glad when it’s all gone….

    Hope you and your family soon improve from colds and covid…

    All quiet on here everyone busy with families and eating…

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone,I did another covid test and still negative, so hope it stays that way. Heidi can only manage about 50 yards walks now, It’s such a shame but she’s eating well and drinking plenty. And still likes a cuddle.

    Good morning, up early couldn’t sleep. Still dark outside, so don’t know what the weather is like. Didn’t go to bed until 1-45am either so will be tired later. I feel much better today so that’s a good sign.

    Just been shopping at Sainsbury’s, all the tissues have gone, not a good sign. There is a lady at the door handing out masks if you’re not wearing one. That’s good. Heidi is struggling to walk now, manages to go into the kitchen for good and drink but I have started bringing it in for her occasionally.If I go in the kitchen she still follows me there.

    14 years ago today we got Heidi.

    Good morning everyone are you all busy. Wet here and miserable.Not a lot happening,I don’t like the period between Christmas and New year.Heidi getting worst on her legs.

    Evening All..
    Very quiet on here everybody waiting for the new year before getting back to fasting..

    Visited my daughter over lunch time nice catching up while she’s off school..she is back at school Tuesday hope to catch her again before the term starts.

    Hoping Heidi can hold on its not a nice thought for next year, she’s is struggling…🤗 to all of you.

    I will be glad when it’s all over and get back into my routine…I have missed boules and friends..

    We are having a game tomorrow some husbands are joining us, they have never played before than we have booked a table at the pub for lunch… 8 or 9 of us.

    Jean x

    Absolute nightmare today Heidi is bad and my son as got COVID, so probably only a matter of time before we catch it. Run out of test kits so waiting for new batch.

    Morning All..
    A beautiful mild day for our walk, coat left unfastened and no hat….so much better..

    We have boules with the ladies it seems the men have dropped out because Dave has tested positive..some are joining us for lunch…

    I have only put 1 lb on over Christmas, which is good…so at this moment in time 2lbs up on goal…….a bit of Xmas cake and a few of my homemade sweets to eat…everything else put away to have through the year…my Bailey’s didn’t get opened maybe at new year…

    Hope all your family are ok and getting better and Heidi too she’s struggling…

    Hope everyone else is ok and getting the mindset ready for January…

    Jean x

    Been missing yesterday but I had to have Heidi put down and my son as got Covid and he lives with us. The worst day of my life.

    My tear ducts are working well. Only a day but I miss her so much, this as started me off again.

    Brads.. So so very sorry to hear this very sad news. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Heidi was indeed a little wonder .. a star.. and knew she was loved oh so very much by you all… that’s why she could go on so long .

    Thinking of you all and sending you healing thoughts Xx

    Good morning everyone happy new year.Thunderstorms predicted here but I think they have got it wrong again. I’ve applied to foster a dog at the dogs trust. Don’t know if they will accept me or if I will be to old. Can Only try. Fingers crossed.All my phone and tablets and Alexa’s have a picture of Heidi on them when turned on so been a bit weepy but will leave them on. I miss her so much.

    Good afternoon everyone.My dad passed away on this day a few years ago, I miss him and my mam. Lets hope this year is a good year for us all and we all get to be a happy weight.

    Afternoon All..
    Time passes I haven’t been on for a few days…
    A lovely mild morning a touch of rain about this afternoon….

    I have visited my daughter and her family for lunch, instead of tomorrow so I can now have a Monday fast..

    I was up one pound at the end of the year and I have to add one more pound on…that’s not bad so 2lb to loose and then another 3 lbs wriggle room.

    Very quiet on here over the holiday hoping everyone will be back tomorrow.

    I am so sorry you have lost the lovely Heidi, she was struggling a lot and her time had come. My thoughts are with you, as they say ‘You can’t have Love without Grief’, they go hand in hand. There was so much love there will be a lot of grieving to do..lots of hugs to you and your family.

    Hope your Christmas and New Year went well and you enjoyed having Kirsty and her partner.
    My Christmas went ok and quiet, not as bad as I thought. I met Natalie and Oreo Christmas morning having a lovely long walk on the river bank.

    Back on board tomorrow….

    Jean x

    Holidays end either tonight or tomorrow night then I’m back to fasting so will try to keep up posting!

    Dave, one step at a time. We know exactly how you are feeling, horrible time for you all. As Jean has said, so much love means a lot of grief and heartache.
    She reached a great age and it was her time but that doesn’t make it any easier.

    Jean, glad you have been OK too, not easy time for you.

    All our Christmas stuff is down and will be put away tomorrow, I’m always keen to see the back of christmas!

    Hemmy, hope you had a nice time with Kristy. I bet you have been sensible over Christmas! Unlike some of us!

    I think I’ve put on between 3 and 5lbs but that will soon be off, then I can get cracking properly again.

    Here’s hoping 2022 is kind to us all x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Happy healthy New Year everyone.

    Its been a lovely Christmas.. just making today my last of the holiday..

    No Kay I have not been good lolol I have over eaten and that resulting in this morning I was up 4lbs on pre Christmas weight. lol

    The only saving grace is I never hardly drank much alcohol Never went down the wine route at all other than Bucks Fizz on Xmas day. Just had a few weak G&Ts

    Stayed good although then when Kristy and Phil left on the 28th I have been eating up all left over bits which is silly..

    Sym .. Glad you had a good christmas and some time with your daughter and saw Natalie and Oreo . Back to being good now.lol

    Brads .. Hope you are ok Xx

    HH Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your family.

    So many with illness… Pam came down with Covid Boxing day which messed up all her family plans. Such a shame.
    Back at it tomorrow .. get those 4 lbs gone. lol

    Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”

    Take care all Xxxx

    Good evening, my son is still feeling bad with COVID, it makes it worst because he lives with us. My daughter is just recovering from COVID so hopefully we won’t get it. Impossible to get hold of the test kits.

    Just a quick post to say Happy New Year to Fat Busting Brits. Ended the year pretty disastrously eating wise so back on it now. Plus lots of walking as I didn’t do much after Jodie died last January. OK on holiday, lots of walking, but very hard to get the impetus at home. Want to walk every day, even if not very far sometimes. Have booked lots of holidays so must do a lot of fast days in between.

    A hard end to the year for you Dave, you know how much we all feel for you. What a super dog she was

    Afternoon All…
    A good river bank walk with Natalie and Oreo….Oreo wouldn’t leave Charlie alone licking his face, Charlie nipped him twice just like a mum….he was getting cross…

    A lovely windy drying day.. a double and 6 single Charlie blankets washed…so hard to get dry the winter months all smelling sweeter…last three to dry get on the line before our walk.

    Boules tomorrow get back to normal, I have really missed the catch-ups over Xmas and while I was ill ..Fay and hubby still have covid till Sunday…

    Fast day has gone well…egg, bacon and tomatoes this evening….easy to make no thinking….

    Last of the Xmas things to put away…hope your fasting day has gone well…you have not a lot to loose…

    Glad your Xmas went well. A shame about Pam and her plans…..lots of it about hope she’s not too bad.
    You have not a lot of weight to loose, we will all getting it moving quick.

    Your son must take it steady it really does knock you out especially when you start getting up and about.

    Lots of holidays booked lovely to look forward too and a commitment to loose weight to get into holiday clothes..

    How are you doing…MM has a new fasting Keto book out, he was on the tv this morning …did you see it…

    A few people missing…..Minols especially, you have been settling into your new job and home..time to have you back here…Steve too are you about?

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone.Happy New Yearto you all and hope that you had a good Christmas. Hope everyone is well and ready to start back onto doing 5:2 and make this the year we achieve our goals.
    Dave so sorry about Heidi.
    Went for an extra long walk this morning the wind was cold though.
    One of our Friday night friends tested positive for Covid on the 28th December and we visited them Christmas Eve so OH and I have done home tests just be safe and luckily they’ve been negative. Fortunately they’re not too poorly just a heavy cold.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening! Sorry, busy time, got out the habit of posting…
    Dave- sending you hugs, such a difficult time, Heidi sounded a particularly special girl…hope your son feels better soon x
    Jean- sounds like you coped well over Christmas, very hard time when usual stuff finishes, good you’ve been able to see your daughter before school goes back…you’ve done well with the weight too!
    Hemmy- hope Kristy enjoyed her birthday as well as Christmas! Shame about your friend, so many people have Covid right now…hope your 4lbs come off quickly!
    Mary- hope your walk was good, stay strong with your dry January! Fingers crossed that your tests are staying negative!
    Kay- do you have any cleaning jobs at the moment? I’m always sad when the Christmas decorations come down…
    Mel- hope you can get into the swing of fasting again, & keep up with the walking! Lovely to have some nice holidays to look forward to- when’s the next one?
    I managed one FD last week, have put on 3.5lbs over Christmas. FD gone okay today. Don’t feel strong enough to do several days on the trot, so will do some alternate days. Youngest son turned 21 yesterday, he has a week off work but is bored already! Eldest goes back tomorrow- a friend he gave a lift to on NYE has tested positive but no symptoms, can’t get a PCR for days to confirm it, son only has 2 more LFTs left to keep checking himself, can’t get hold of more! I worry about seeing Mum, she’s been away & we pick her up Thursday…I guess as long as none of us have symptoms & eldest keeps away it’ll be okay! My aunt has covid, only mildly thankfully, but feel for her as she’s on her own, so tough having to isolate…not a good start to 2022 for so many!

    First fast day for a while, it’s gone well. Got an email from the dogs trust with a form to fill out so I can foster a dog. Have up with it in the end and asked my son to print med a form so I can fill it in. Got to inform my cat insurance and get a reference before I can foster a dog.

    Good morning everyone it’s bright and sunny but 0°C so very nippy. Going shopping soon better wrap up warm.Coldest it’s been for a while. Will have to scrape the windscreen before I go shopping.

    Morning all. Nice day here so a walk pm. Fast day went ok yesterday, trying ADF with you HH.
    Holidays booked are mostly self catering, walking and eating in so no different clothing, just the usual bag lady look! Booked end of this month in Yorkshire, Pately Bridge. Have not been there before. Hopefully the walking will counteract the lack of fast days.

    Brad you confused me, talking about your cat insurance. Got it now! Hope the fostering comes off. In my opinion it shouldn’t be a problem but these places are not always logical in their decisions.

    Right, must have a mindful food day, that was my problem last year, too lax on non fast days.
    The new regime of weighing every day feels good at the moment, keeping me focused. Been very anti that in the past. See you it goes.

    Morning all!

    Bright and sunny here but only 5° although not as cold as at yours Dave.

    The officially weigh in this morning has me at 3.4lbs higher than I was on Christmas eve, so not too bad.
    My turn to fast today, everyone did well yesterday.

    Might do ADF with you HH and Mel….definitely 3 fasts a week and back to a 5 hour eating window.

    20lbs to lose this year – more than doable if I put my mind to it, but I know that I easily lose focus and motivation, so big push this time.

    First goal is to lose what I can by the end of March. I’m hoping to be going away for a few days for my birthday at the beginning of April so that is my first aiming point.

    Shall we have a weekly tally, for those weighing in weekly?
    A bit of accountability to help us? Dave, I know you are not weighing in till August.

    Dave, never heard of having to inform your car insurance that you are having a dog in the car? It’s not a question they ask when you get a quote.

    I’m going to have to see if I can find something for Tara’s skin. It seems quite red and irritated at the moment and she is moulting a bit…Well if you can call it moulting, as its not exactly ‘fur!’

    Right time to do some jobs I think.

    Have a good day all.

    Kay it’s not my car insurance that are asking for it but the dogs trust. To prove to them that I am insured and they want proof . Taking about car insurance I start looking mine is due next month.

    Dave, yes I realise that it’s the dog trust that are asking, it’s just a new one on me, as Insurance companies don’t deem it necessary from their point of view.
    A reference from your postie sounds like a good choice.

    Just used a bit of shampoo and warm water on a flannel on Tara’s legs…she wasn’t overly impressed as I also cleaned her eyes and ears!
    Will take her out in a bit, when she is completely dry as it’s quite cold out there still and the sun has gone in.

    Finished cleaning the living room, so that’s probably enough housework for today 😅
    Still trying to order LF tests online but none available. They seem to release a few and you have to be lucky when you are trying.
    Neil is back to work tomorrow, we think, and we only have a few left, so will need some more by the end of the week.

    I’ve been approached by someone in the village who needs help walking their 2 terriers. I walk past where they live regularly and they are always in the window barking!!

    Zero cals so far today.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Much colder today at 6deg here.. It does feel more normal though. I am just so sick of the mud… and towels. lol

    It was nice to have that break from walking while Kristy was here but I do think its what keeps me so fit. I often wonder would I do it everyday without a dog.
    One of my neighbours often walks with me no dog she said she wouldn’t feel safe across the fields alone. Of course with Pips loud bark I never gave it a thought lol.

    Mel.. I have to weigh every day to keep control .. Its a good guide as you realise what makes that weight fluctuate. Mind you I am like that in all walks of life want to know the bottom line of what I am up against . lolol

    Sym.. Nice for you to get back to normal with the Boules something to enjoy.

    Brads .. Fostering will be lovely for you.

    H H ..You did well with your Xmas weight well done. Hope Mum comes back happy and well.

    Nana .. Lovely to see you back.

    Kay.. A good idea to do a target month.

    Well its 4lbs here to lose .. just starting today with 2 meals and fruit low on the carbs.

    Have a good day all The more you eat, the less flavour; the less you eat, the more flavour.” –Chinese Proverb Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone a strange day weather-wise raining this morning then stopping by mid day but temperature is only 2°C at the moment.
    It’s going to be a chilly cycle ride tomorrow morning for our usual Wednesday but two of our lunchtime friends who are also our Friday night friends will be missing due to Covid.
    Had a good FD yesterday which was a bit hard going after Christmas and New Year. I did weigh myself between Christmas and New Year and had gained 5lbs so will weigh in again next Monday. I’m aiming to at least loose those 5lbs this month.
    Dave hope you get accepted for dog fostering.
    Hedgehogs tricky with your mum and visiting. Sounds like a lot of you have been busy tidying up after Christmas.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A long walk with Oreo and Natalie again..she is going to Saudi to work for 10 days so we will miss them..she goes Thursday…

    Played boules so very cold 1 degree, only played one game took a hour… lost by one point..three against each other..we decided to call it a day…no cafe or pub all still closed..

    Enjoy your day tomorrow hope it’s not too cold…

    I do far more with Charlie than I would on my own..I just feel safer…on the river bank I sometimes hold his collar saying good boy if men come by on their own, as if he’s going to jump at them 😂..I think he would protect me..I hope …

    You seem to be the general village dog walker, is it too much when walking Tara?
    A plan in place, you could move a bit by April….

    I went on Go compare for my car…..Churchill was the best for me…

    Keep focussed and a plan in place…move some before your next holiday…your walking helps too…

    This virus and test kits are a nightmare..hope your sons friend is ok…good your aunt is improving.
    You have not put a lot on over Xmas ..you will soon move it…

    Jean x

    Dave- fingers crossed for you & the fostering- I’m sure age isn’t a problem, I’ll bet they need lots of fosterers…well done with your FD yesterday.
    Jean- who’s looking after Oreo, Natalie’s Mum? I do feel safe with Xena too, she does bark at men if I don’t hold her, & I have my K9 spray too! Hope your cafe soon opens…
    Kay- well done, you didn’t put on much! It helps to be accountable! Will be nice to walk more dogs. I wonder if Tara’s skin is stress related as you said she’s been acting strange? Although if you don’t know why she’s behaving strangely it doesn’t really help! Josie used to come up in bumps…
    Mel- will be interesting to see if weighing daily helps, should be a good deterrent to control nonFDs, I should do it too!
    Hemmy- I’m fed up with the mud too, by my new wellies make walking in it more comfy…I’m sure you’ll soon get those pounds off, you usually do!
    Nana- hope you enjoy your lunch tomorrow, & that it’s not too cold. Cars are all frozen here tonight.
    Was bad today & ate too much, not much left over now thankfully! Will fast tomorrow. My new coat arrived today- gone back to a wax cotton one, my current coat is getting holes in it! Managed to scrounge some LFTs from my sis for son- he missed his kickboxing tonight as he didn’t want to risk it, didn’t think to ask sis earlier! Hope I sleep better than last night, was hungry!

    Morning All…
    What a chilly morning, river bank walk very high tide a bit of flooding…managed to creep around the flood on the path, the tide was still coming in.
    I had a heated gilet bought for Christmas from Louise, from a battery unit?..really warms you up..well tested the last few days.

    Oreo goes to a house sitter, he goes regularly so he’s quite happy, the sitter has two of her own dogs and she also has others too…I think up to 6 including hers, some just day boarders…I think he is on his own with her dogs for first week as she is quiet at the moment…
    I have my spray which I would use on anybody too not just dogs…
    Hope your wellies have dried out, not keen wearing them on slippy days..
    I always think wax jackets are very cold, I would have thought not for you??..I suppose you have lots of layers under…

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone as expected it was a very cold cycle ride this morning even though it was sunny and there was also a cold wind but am glad I did it. A nice pub lunch of a sandwich and and alcohol free copperburg fruit cider. It was nice to be out and about again getting back to normal. Our usual visit to Ely tomorrow has been cancelled as my Aunt messaged me to say that she’s got a nasty head cold so thought it best to stay away from her. She’s 88 and Uncle is 91 so hopefully it’s not covid but they did have a lot of family visit them over Christmas and the New Year. We’re now going to John Lewis in Cambridge instead to look at a new TV.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good evening everyone. Been bowling for over 3 hours so feeling stiff. Will be worst tomorrow. Not a fast day today but not going mad, decided to not have bread in January and will see how I go. It’s Denise’s birthday on Saturday so we are going out for a family meal and it’s my birthday this month too.Posted my application to foster a dog off so waiting for a reply.

    Jean- the wax jacket’s padded so warm enough, tested in the frost this morning! The heated gilet sounds great though! Still thinking about that onesie 😂
    Dave- fingers crossed for the fostering…hope you don’t ache too much tomorrow! You did well being out that long in the cold…
    Nana- Well done with the pub lunch & no alcohol- I like the Koppaberg cider ☺hope your aunt’s okay & it’s not Covid…good luck finding the right TV tomorrow!
    Hemmy, Mel, Kay- hope you’re all okay?
    Cooked macaroni cheese ready for tomorrow (we’re picking mum up, meeting aunt & uncle half way again)- not easy as mum & hubby like tuna in theirs, I like mine as it should be, son likes Doritos in his (?!), youngest likes bacon, so 5 separate dishes! Took mum’s round & turned up her heating- noticed the overflow from the loft tank going, so we had to get a plumber to sort that. Ours was like that once & a pipe burst so glad to get it done quickly! FD today- haven’t eaten at all healthily though, I need to eat better!

    Morning everyone, just back from a 4 1/2 mile yomp at a good pace. Think my day off walking yesterday was a good idea. Another FD yesterday. The daily weigh in is going well for me at the moment.

    Met Rudi on our walk – a dog from the other end of the village who we don’t see much. He is such a darling I could just kidnap him! He is a springer spaniel/border terrier cross apparently, a rescue dog.

    Good afternoon, I’m waiting to see if I get a foster dog. Heidi was a rescue dog. Non stop rain here today, good job we went bowling yesterday. No bread January is still going strong, but I do drool when Denise as her butty at dinner time.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a cold day .. Pip and I were out a good 2 hours today.. Did our walk then met up with Wesley the King Charles and then did the walk again with them lol

    It was a bit much I expect but tomorrow a shorter walk as it s Dentists in town for 11am plus market day for parking.

    I am pleased that the scales this morning has shown 2 lbs down so 2 lbs to go now.

    Does anyone have a MUD Daddy .. they look really good and I think it could be a useful tool if you have a muddy dog.
    Hope everyone is having a good day take care 💛

    While others talk… do. While others fear… believe. While others wait… work. While others despair… hope. Xxxx

    Quick post to Hemmy – yes we had a Mud Daddy for Jodie. Not cheap. Definitely we would recommend. We have kept it for next dog (next year)!

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