Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A lovely start then rain set in around 2pm.. its upto 13 deg tomorrow so its Summer lol.

    Sym .. I hope you feel better very soon. Its not easy when alone .. I hope someone is keeping an eye out for you
    Take care Xx

    Brads .. my heart goes out to you worrying about Heidi ..willing her to feel better soon xx Winter is not the best of time for our senior dogs.

    HH.. I don’t know how any extra pound could land on you. Being so busy I cant imagine you stay still long enough. lol
    Its not an easy time now to watch Cals.. I think once December starts that’s about it till after new year.

    Oh what a shame for your son re his car .. how very dangerous .. how could anyone do that.
    Well I seem to have been going all day but not achieved much ..By the time I do general morning work .. walk for about an hour and a half its lunch time.. Funny as I seemed to do so much in the garden during summer Lololol

    Take care all …. Whatever you decide to do. Make sure it makes you happy. Xxxx

    Good afternoon all exciting F1 race. I think it will be much better next year. Heidi managed a walk to the park without tumbling.She went a bit quicker when she saw two dogs in front of heršŸ˜. She’s definitely not off her food and will be after our chicken later. No rain today but miserable.My shoulder is still very sore so hopefully something will happen after my scan. I was told it was inflammation causing the pain and I may be given injections or physio.

    Dave- good that Heidi still wants to go for walks & to eat, she’s a grand old lady. Josie kept taking herself off under the stairs away from everyone, we knew she wasn’t happy, although she still ate! Hope you hear soon what treatment they’ll try for your shoulder first & there’s not a wait! Enjoyed the F1 today šŸ˜€
    Jean- take care of yourself & hope you’re better soon xx
    Hemmy- mornings disappear here too! Very mild this morning for our walk…have a lovely lunch tomorrow! Hope Pam’s impressed with your outfit šŸ˜€
    Walked Gwinnie yesterday & today, a nonFD yesterday but have done an 800 cal one today- 830 actually as I couldn’t resist a little roast potato- they were rather good even if I say so myself! Youngest got his car sorted & all seems to be okay with it thankfully! He did another overtime shift at a different Co-op in Ipswich last night- he checked his car over really well before he came home! He’d bern to pick up extra stock from another Ipswich store on Thursday & the staff told him to watch out because the alley was used for drug deals- & that’s in not too bad an area! We are quite sheltered where we are…
    I’m guessing not a mass fast Monday if Jean’s poorly, Hemmy’s out for lunch, Nana’s nursing her tummy- anyone else with me tomorrow?

    Good morning, Heidi was a good girl through the night and got me up to go outside. I get rough last night but seem to be ok today.Lots of covid about. Think it will be a bad few weeks leading up to the new year. Stay safe everyone.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    I thought I was improving but I feel shattered againā€¦walking Charlie felt awful coming home so another day lazing about on the sofa..
    Cancelled boules for tomorrow and my fish restaurant meal on Thursdayā€¦keeping Friday lunch meal open at the momentā€¦.

    It is hard on your own, no one to make the cuppa and give you sympathy ā€¦I was in bed and couldnā€™t be bothered to make a cuppa, I suppose better on the sofa easier to get up..
    You must have more time now than in summer and garden timeā€¦enjoy your lunch outā€¦

    Terrible on sons car so dangerous, good he is ok..I love a roast potato usually on every cooked meal, and a Yorkshire pud šŸ˜‚
    No fasting for me..could be January nowā€¦.

    Good girl Heidiā€¦yes itā€™s keep safe time again and extra carefulā€¦.quite a few going to our fish restaurant, I am not well enough to go but the numbers were high I think 18.. best notā€¦

    Short and sweetā€¦buzzy head
    Jean x

    Could be dangerous going out for a meal now with Omicron. It doubles every day. If it carries on like it is I think another lockdown is possible. Roll on summer, it might be better then. Anyone got any good news.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    The weather wasn’t up to much with drizzle but at least very mild.

    Sym.. Lovely to see you here today .. You will be using enough energy at the moment walking Charlie .. The fresh air is good though.
    Don’t worry about anything else at all apart from getting yourself well again. Xx

    Lol I really don’t know what I am doing with the time i am not in the garden now. lolol definitely not achieving much in the way of house cleaning etc lol.

    Brads .. I honestly believe for our mental health we just have to be careful and carry on doing what we do. So Glad Heidi is eating well and had a good night.

    H H.. It seems like nowhere is safe these days from vandals. I think a lot is connected to drugs.

    You have done so well with your fasting days you deserve a roast potato .. I am begining to get the holiday feeling already.lol

    Pam and I had a lovely time today .. We got to the restaurant for 1.pm and never left till 4.30 Chatting.

    Both had the Christmas lunch main course .. Turkey .. I dId ask if it was all white meat which it was.. We both had a mini chocolate tart pudding which included a coffee.
    All really lovely very hot plates which I love .. Wore my skirt lol felt very ladylike lol Will look for more maybe a dress. GO MAD.

    Pam was amazed as she went to order me a merlot and I refused. Oh your not driving you can have large one she said.

    I had a small white wine spritzer and only realized really today I think I am over wine at long last as I hadn’t even been thinking about it at all or counting days .

    Anyway a lovely time out with my bestie.. Feeling happy .
    Have a lovely evening all. Make yourself a priority once in a while. Itā€™s not selfish, itā€™s necessary. Xxxx

    Good morning everyone,a very grey day here but dry at the moment. It usually rains when we go to Sainsbury’s. My shoulder is very sore after holding Heidi on the stairs, she would have fell down if I didn’t hold her so it didn’t help my shoulder at all. I hopefully will find out what treatment I will get for my shoulder soon. Hemmy you will be on the catwalk soon.

    Back after a few days visiting my mum which ended up with me cooking etc as she wasn’t well. Never mind I think it was good for her to have company.

    Tara has been acting quite strongly this past week. A lot of the time she is walking around with her head and tail down, standing behind our legs if she can, as though she’s anxious. She started doing it before we journeyed up to Mums so it’s not necessarily that. Very strange.

    Well I’m 4lbs up from Dec 3rd, so I have this week to get it back off now I’m home, although it’s difficult with stuff happening!

    I’m waiting for a pcr test to be delivered as I was pinged via the NHS app at the weekend…can only have been as Asda…just shows you! I feel fine though and LF test was negative yesterday.

    Need to get up in the loft and get the Christmas tree up. I was going to change the colour scheme this year but I need to see what I have and what’s left in the shops!

    Jean, I really hope you see the back of the flu you’ve had. You’ve been poorly for a bit now x

    Hemmy, sounds like a nice meal out with your friend. Amazing to hear you are ‘over’ the wine!! Wish I was…well actually I still enjoy it! šŸ˜„

    HH, that was disgusting about your sons car…glad it’s sorted now

    Dave, its hard worrying about poor Heidi, at least she is still up for food and walks.

    Neil has gone to work, I’ve not had any message about any work this week and I’m not in any rush to ask!

    Think the weather is about to turn colder again, not that I mind that, I would like to see some blue sky again!

    Stay safe everyone x

    At Sainsbury’s they have a sign saying masks must be worn and a member of staff is at the front handing out masks if they are not wearing one. That’s good. No rain today and 8Ā°C so feels warm. Heidi had her first walk,a little wonky just as we got home. Only shorter walls to do later so she should be ok.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mild day at 12 but very dark.

    Lots of sheep around the fields here .. never seen so many railed off with electric fencing .. so having to be careful. ( maybe more English lamb now)

    Kay .. I would imagine that it was enjoyable for your Mum having you around.

    I always enjoy my meals more with Kristy here. Just be a bit careful this next week .. I think it s getting too late now to cope with fasting till New Year.

    Brads .. Glad Heidi is still managing a little walk and eating. Less worry for you.. You just need rid of the pain now from your shoulder.

    Sym.. hope you are on the mend today

    HH How is your day going.

    Nana Mel Nicky Hope all is okay with you.

    Well after all the excitement of the skirt .. I looked at yesterdays pics and thought it made me look fat . It is only a size 12 though .. Back to trousers
    I reckon. lolol

    Better get on with some more wrapping .. Take care all.

    Be so very proud of how far we have all come. . Xxxx

    Jean- hope you’re over this soon, frustrating when you want to get things done & feel to feeble, but you need to rest, as Hemmy says, walking Charlie is enough…
    Hemmy- glad you had a nice meal out, shame about the skirt, I’m sure you looked lovely in it! Well done with the winešŸ˜€ It’s been so long since I drank I can’t bear the smell of it now!
    Dave- you be careful with Heidi on the stairs, don’t want you slipping on.the stairs! Hope you hear soon… I had some good news on- got on the scales today & lost 1.5lbs!
    Kay- poor Tara, she does have some funny spells…wish they could talk! Not much of a holiday for you at your Mum’s so hope you don’t get called to work!
    Yesterday disappeared, faffed about waiting on Roger before I could walk Gwinnie, lots of ironing done, made wreaths with Mum- she’d forgotten I’d said I’d come over & had arranged to go out with a friend, so it was a bit of a rush, she’s happy now though. Got lots done today, looked on the Golden Oldies site to sponsor a dog for a friend’s present- they had a little Shitzu with eye problems- she loves them & has the same eye problem so thought that was a good match! Just one more small present to get…A long walk with Xena- cows one side of the path, sheep on the other so we said hello to all of them. Delivered our Christmas cards round the village, lots of cooking done…FD was good yesterday, a nonFD today & probably a FD again tomorrow.

    Good morning everyone,a beautiful sunny day today, were going bowling soon, will be nice to play in dry conditions. Took keeps out, I have to be careful when she gets down for a wee that she dosent collapse. She almost went on the second one but saved her with her band. There’s no stopping her when it comes to food, she eats it straight away and guess looking for more later, should have called her Olivia šŸ˜. Will ware my prescription sunglasses for bowling and bowl into the sunšŸ˜±

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    I think I am turning the cornerā€¦feeling bright up to now, still coughing and chesty, nose blowing but itā€™s calming downā€¦at least I am up today and doing some cleaning, I do feel ready to do some.

    Looking at my table decoration and itā€™s annoying me, taking my clippers out for some tree branches but they have to be the right sortā€¦must be feeling better šŸ˜‚..starting it again!

    I have decided Charlie and I will do Christmas Day together, no beach walkā€¦.I shall make the dinner for both of us maybe a park walk in the morning, a crash out in front of TV, I have a book which I am saving for over the holidayā€¦.
    A few people have dropped off from going to the beach, leaving just me, Fay and hubby, he is now working so Fay thought she might have to cancel as he will have to sleep in the day for night work, sheā€™s maybe pleased I have changed my mind, in a nice way.

    Your lunch out with Pam sounded nice, your skirt a change. I have bought a few dresses which I have started wearing to go out, few a bit summery but a few I can wear now. I wear them with a long cardigans into winter. I shall look for a few more usually in the sale.
    As like you I am always in trousers!

    Glad your trip to mums went well calling in on Neilā€™s Dad on your way back. It strange how Tara is, could be something to do in her past lifeā€¦I have just got my Xmas case in and I can see fear in Charlieā€™s eyes, I have told him itā€™s OK, itā€™s Ok, heā€™s settling nowā€¦he was passed from pillow to post in his past life, he just remembers.

    Good you got your wreathes finished and you caught your mum in in the end šŸ˜‚ā€¦I have just had two half an hour conversations with my sister one this morning and now, both exactly the same, I wonder if she canā€™t remember this mornings chatā€¦šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø..all about tablets, nurse and a doctor!
    Charlieā€™s not good with sheep and cows..Xena is goodā€¦

    Itā€™s good Heidi has a good appetite sheā€™s just wobbly..enjoy your bowlsā€¦

    Page has turned so sorry if I have missed anyoneā€¦I can get up to speed againā€¦.

    Jean x

    Jean- glad that you’re feeling a bit better šŸ˜€ Shame about the beach walk at Christmas, sounds like you’ve got things planned. What does Tony do for Christmas, didn’t he come to you one year?
    Dave- good Heidi’s got her appetite still…hope the bowls was good today!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    FD going okay, a 2 hr walk with Xena, HomeStart family poorly so didn’t want a call, went shopping for the last present, got some birthday cards for January in case things get worse…
    Have a good evening all x

    Good evening,I feel stiff and sore from the bowling but had 2 hours playing. My mate who as Cancer played, he said it’s 6 weeks since his last chemo so he wasn’t feeling to bad. The older one Ron who is 80 wasn’t there today he’s had a problem with his heart and told to rest.My heart rate is low only 48 and blood oxygen is 93 which is below average so I have put a post on the British heart Foundation. Will see if I get any advice.

    Good afternoon everyone I asked in the pharmacy about my low heart rate and was told to see my GP so šŸ¤ž I can get an appointment soon. Heidi at it againšŸ™„. Will take her for a walk now and see how she goes.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another very mild day but again very dark.

    Having an easy day as spent most of yesterday shopping… It was very quiet in town again I am not complaining though lol .

    Holding my weight well I am happy to say. Having the odd mince pie etc but no real cravings. . Two good satisfying meals seem to be doing the trick,

    Think I am finished with the presents now .. just a couple more bits.. just in case of unexpected gifts.

    Sym glad you are feeling better take it easy though you don’t want a relapse. Christmas day just doing what you want at what time with your fur baby. Sounds absolutely perfect.

    Hope everyone is doing ok .. Take care

    Be the things you loved most about the people that are gone.šŸ’™šŸ’šā¤

    Afternoon everyone a while since I’ve been on here but šŸ¤ž my tummy troubles are behind me but I’m still being careful about what I eat and drink. Having said that though we’re out for a Christmas meal on Saturday night so I might let up a bit and enjoy it.
    Jean glad you’re starting to feel better.
    Hedgehogs you’re being very mindful with your eating and you seem so busy.
    Dave a worry with your heart rate and oxygen levels not helped by worrying about Heidi.
    Hello to everyone else and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Dave- poor Heidi, is she having the squits when she has her accidents? Hope that you can get in tough with your GP, your surgery seems particularly bad!
    Jean- hope you’re still improving x
    Nana- glad your tummy seems sorted, didn’t know pumpkin seeds could upset you…enjoy getting back into your social life while we still can!
    Hemmy- unusual your town being quiet! That’s good though…well done being controlled with your eating šŸ˜€ You getting presents in case is a good one- reminds me of a neighbour where we used to live- she started buying presents , but then forgot one year, & came round with a very nice tub of icecream after we’d dropped theirs off šŸ˜‚
    Had a busy day so the FD has gone easily- had a longer walk with Xena as it was so nice out, then walked Gwinnie- kept her out longer too, felt a bit sorry for her as Roger’s son was there, he’s quite impatient & got cross with her when she tried to run out the door šŸ˜ž So lovely here I washed my car- it got filthy when we were away a couple of weeks ago, hadn’t had time to clean it before…Asda order delivered, had got youngest’s dinner ready early as he’d done the early shift, luckily as he got called back for overtime! It’s Keema Madras, which I’ll have some of too, 300 cals.
    Have a good evening!

    Evening Allā€¦
    A lazy start so a late walk, very nice day and mild, left Charlieā€™s coat off today.
    No fasting until I feel better, I am improving and not so tiredā€¦still coughing, chesty and nose blowing more like a cold nowā€¦..getting a few jobs done.

    I have been snipping branches on the riverbank for a vase display, I did some greenery but the water was starting to smell..so back to what I normally do.

    I think Tony is staying at home, if he comes for a few days like the other year he takes charge of the tv, likes sport and its on full blast as he is deaf..I donā€™t mind an odd couple of days it can be hard for longerā€¦
    Shame on your HS family hope they are better for Christmasā€¦enjoy your curry tonightā€¦

    Hope you can get a doctors appointment tomorrow or at least to speak to someoneā€¦

    I am glad my Christmas Day is planned..just doing what I wantā€¦
    You are very good at maintaining, I am up slightlyā€¦January I really must get serious again, Charlie too šŸ˜‚

    Its good your tummyā€™s settled downā€¦I remember when Jacqui was about two, I panicked she was peeing pink, off I went to the doctorsā€¦. ā€˜has she been eating beetrootā€™ā€¦šŸ˜‚..new mumsā€¦.

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, not good news on any front, just cleaned up after Heidi then checked my phone and Claire as got COVID and Sean is ill at school so he probably as it too which could be extremely serious for him because he’s got asthma very bad. Can’t concentrate on anything at the moment. Claire as immune problems so it can be very bad for her toošŸ˜­.

    Morning All..

    A lovely slippy walk..not!ā€¦very nervousā€¦back in one piece.

    Weighed in I am 1 lb up on goal I would really like it off for next weekā€¦finish the year off nice.
    I will have to push a couple of fasts inā€¦

    Going out with my ā€˜Park Ladies Luncheonā€™..my monthly date going to my favourite restaurant, so should be lovely I always want to change my choice but it will be braised steak itā€™s so deliciousā€¦tin foil in my bag save some for the boy šŸ˜€

    Such a worry, you have had your share at the momentā€¦hope their jab helps them and they have light doseā€¦.šŸ¤—

    Jean x

    Jean- glad you’re in the mend & hope your lunch out is good!
    Dave- not good with Heidi having to get up to that every morning šŸ˜ž Prayers for Claire & Sean, very worrying. Sending you a hug x
    Hope everyone else is okay šŸ˜€
    Easier day today, a nonFD, & not my turn to walk Gwinnie! Nice cooking- made rocky road šŸ˜ hair cuts & washed the floor, some ironing but did fall asleep on the sofa! Had a nice walk round the estate this evening with Xena to look at the Christmas lights, wore her out! She doesn’t like the inflatable things…
    Will do another FD tomorrow. Night x

    Same again with HeidišŸ™„, she waits until Denise is upšŸ˜®.Covid is rising around here, a couple of thousand everyday. I just have to hope and pray that Claire and Sean come through it ok. I don’t know what vaccine Sean as had, Claire had had all 3 with working in a hospital. Heidi is looking at me with big sad eyes. She knows she’s in the wrong but can’t help it poor thing. I think this time COVID is the worst it’s every been, I think you may well of had it Jean, of it was I would get the antibody test, I would need to know and if you have had it out may make you safe in the future.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A bit dark and cloudy but at least a mild dry walk.

    We had a lovely walk with my South African friend and her gorgeous little King Charles. Other than my darling boy he is my very favourite. Wesley and Mr Pip get on soo well in as much that they just completely ignore each other lol
    Its funny how you gel more with some people more than others .. I walk with 3 different ones but she and her dog are my favourites.

    Looks like another lockdown coming.

    Sym .. glad you are feeling better and can manage the Park ladies lunch .. You are doing well with your weight especially now at this festive time.

    Brads .. Yes lots not well.. those that need routine check ups cant get them.. Worrying times for many. I do hope your family are well soon.

    HH.. Well done on your fasts this week… and loss.. That is so brilliant .. I don’t know how you manage it with all that lovely food you cook and bake.

    Hope everyone else is okay..
    No matter how long. you have travelled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.

    Managed another FD, 700 cals, won’t do tomorrow though. I’ll be making my Christmas pud, it’s a different recipe, lovely but doesn’t keep as long as a normal pud…Soggy walks with Xena & Gwinnie today, had a lazier day after that, a bit of wrapping up done. The boys have a tiny pile of presents, we give them money & just a few bits to open, miss the days of bulging stockings! Youngest working still, waiting for him to come home soon, thick fog tonight…

    Morning Allā€¦
    A very damp walk in the mizzle/drizzle, itā€™s chilly tooā€¦.

    Getting a few jobs done sorting the back bedroom out from having Louise and changed the bedding of mine.
    Going out food shopping hoping to finish it today before the virus kicks in againā€¦hoping to find cream with a good dateā€¦

    Looks like a lockdown looming, talking to a nurse this morning and she said the covid wards are full again, lost a 40 year old very fit army man, thought he had pulled through then died in two days.

    Seeing Jacqui tomorrow lunch, I think we are eating out at a garden centre, I would have preferred here, see what happens..I suppose she doesnā€™t do it much were I now do it too often šŸ˜‚

    Hope Claire and family are ok and not too Iā€™llā€¦

    Your chocolate pud sounds good, I will be making mine on Christmas Eveā€¦.shame as they grow up, money isnā€™t the same but all mine like it instead of presents.

    A lovely walk with your friend, itā€™s nice having a few different onesā€¦different chatsā€¦have you got everything finished yet? When will Kirsty arrive?

    Well to shopsā€¦

    Jean x

    Good afternoon managed to get Heidi to sleep downstairs, she really struggled to get up the stairs, in fact she’s finding it difficult to walk very far these daysšŸ˜­.A beautiful sunny day here only 5Ā°C but no wind or rain.

    Afternoon Allā€¦

    Thatā€™s it I have finishedā€¦I didnā€™t want a lot from Tesco but took me two hours it was like a bun fightā€¦so busyā€¦is everyone trying to beat the virus?

    Hoping I havenā€™t forgot that one thing šŸ˜‚ā€¦

    A quick blast with the hoover Charlieā€™s new blankets are still leaving a fluffy mess about..and they have been washed.

    Jacqui is taking me out for afternoon tea tomorrow thatā€™s a nice surprise maybe a part of my Xmas presentā€¦sort of more lunch time..šŸ˜‚

    A good idea to get Heidi to settle downstairs if she will it will save your shoulderā€¦

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxx

    Its been a misty day today .. although started with sunshine.

    Its was really cold around lunch time but stayed out to watch the tractor run for charity..

    Non cooking day today with cold roast beef sandwiches later.lol

    I am finished really now other than getting some fresh stuff fruit Veg bread.

    Kristy coming Wed 22nd so we will do that Thursday ..

    Brads.. It would be so much better if Heidi can sleep downstairs .. less traumatic for both of you.

    H H.. Well done doing yesterdays Fast not easy now. Always lots going on with you and your family.

    Sym… Well done on getting all your shopping .. I think people are worried all will suddenly change so they are getting stocked up.
    It will be lovely going out to tea tomorrow.. Glad you are feeling better.

    Have a lovely evening all.

    Try to make one person smile today .. that’s a wonderful achievement. Xxxx

    I will try Heidi downstairs again tonight. Would be nice if she gets used to it, I feel guilty when she’s scratching the door but she didn’t do it for long. Roast beef for tea tonight. Been a lovely day today but only 3Ā°C. Not heard the news today but I imagine it won’t be good news. Going bowling tomorrow but we are going in our own cars because of covid.

    Jean- sounds like you have your energy back to normal?! You’ve done well to finish your shopping already…
    Dave- much better if Heidi would settle downstairs, sounds difficult for you getting her up & down…hoping the family are okay & have Covid only mildly. Enjoy your bowling tomorrow.
    Hemmy- the tractor run sounds intriguing? Hope it’s not too hectic with the fresh stuff shopping later in the week…
    Horrible weather here again- was thinking how lucky I am to have Xena to walk, wouldn’t ever go for a walk in this weather otherwise, but always enjoy being out when I go. On the heath today. Chlly walking Gwinnie though- she stops to sniff so much, stares at birds for ages, cats even longer! Made my pud, watched our Church services online & that’s been it. Youngest worked 7am- 5pm at his store & has now gone to Ipswich again for overtime until 10pm- the same store where his bolts were stolen, so hope his car’s okay tonight!
    Will do another FD tomorrow while I’m in the swing of it!

    Heidi slept downstairs again last night, she is getting used to it, didn’t scratch at the door. She’s bad at walking now though, if I didn’t have her band she would struggle. Only take her 100 yards at the most, she stops 2 times for a wee then turns round to come home. It’s so upsetting watching her struggling even she used to chase her ball and always get it by the third bounce. She’s still eating well and drinks lots of water, but she always did like her water. She’s fifteen and a half so she’s doing well.Going bowling at 12-30 so will be aching later.

    Dave- while she’s eating & wants to go out she’s happy. Horrible watching them struggle though…Son’s gf’s older husky is off her food- she used to be fed separately from the others or she’d fight them for it, she’s 14. She’s fostered so the charity will pay any vet bills for her. Enjoy your bowling!
    FD going okay, been busy- walked Xena & Gwinnie. Roger’s getting worse, he wasn’t up to going for his prescription, he hasn’t been getting dressed in the mornings…picked up his tablets, have made a quiche but no picking! Seeing Mum this afternoon. Son got home safely yesterday, went in for 6am again today on his day off- the deliveries have been messed up & late so needed putting out. Now he’s got to do his Christmas shopping, he’s left it late!
    Hope everyone’s okay…

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A dark old day at least dry… A very muddy walk though.

    Just got back from Tesco .. not to bad at all .. so I decided on getting my veg today all except brussels .. I wanted to get some on the stalk.

    I was quite enthusiastic at the beginning of the month getting presents and things organised quite early.. now I seem to have sort of lost interest just going through the motions. Its not like me I will have to find my enthusiasm cap.

    I think the daily news doesn’t help always bad news. Maybe spending to much time on the laptop. Roll on spring in the garden. lol

    Brads .. Heidi will get used to being downstairs. I love mine very much but he’s never ever been upstairs.. Good sign she is eating and drinking.

    H H.. Your boy works hard I hope his car stays safe .. Hope your Mum is keeping well

    Sym…Hope you enjoy your afternoon tea with your daughter.

    Have a good day all. You only fail when you stop trying šŸ’šā¤šŸ’™ Xxxx

    Evening All..
    What a damp dismal day, cold to your bonesā€¦hate this sort of weatherā€¦

    My afternoon tea was delicious, we were there nearly 2 1/2 hours lots of chatting..daughter is fine I think all the problems are SIL..he is nearly suicidal over another lockdown..he thinks the world will stop if he doesnā€™t work, everything is about himā€¦she will visit Boxing Day but he might not it depends on Boris and Christmas..she said it possibly better without him heā€™s so depressing!

    Nothing to eat tonight I am full up!

    Itā€™s good Heidi is settling downstairs, much better for youā€¦

    I donā€™t have a lot of shopping for one..the veg comes in the week before as they donā€™t get replacements I was once toldā€¦.put in cardboard box in garage and cover with newspaper..
    Glad your son was ok, heā€™s working a lot of hours. Rogers a worry hard when heā€™s on his own, you are a good neighbourā€¦

    Roll on better weather a few months to go yetā€¦a kitchen day for me tomorrow the boys meat and veggies to cook and some sweets for me. Dates with marzipan in the centre covered with plain chocolate lovely with a cuppaā€¦

    Boris on at 5pm what will he tell us!

    Jean x

    Good evening I was bowling for 3 hours so will be as stiff as a board tomorrow. I’m not too worried about a lockdown, it’s not much different than any time.I wouldn’t be able to bowl but it’s getting very cold so might be a good thing.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A lovely river walk with Oreo and Natalie, just over a hour the boys run and run and are muddy šŸ˜‚..Steve would say as long as they have fun does it matterā€¦..

    I think boules has finished for me till January, a bit busy today..some men are playingā€¦still not totally right too cold for hanging about.

    Kitchen day, cooking Charlieā€™s veg, thatā€™s done, mince and chicken are now cooking needing to be bagged up later.
    Still needing a few things from the shops I thought I had finished about 5 thingsā€¦milk and more veg as I have used it todayā€¦

    Just having a cuppaā€¦.

    Jean x.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A dark day but dry for the shortest day. A very muddy walk .. so a quick soapy wash down for Pips. Feeling silky now. Good brush later he likes that lol

    I am soo pleased as I have done a couple of low cal days and weight is really good going into Christmas. I hope I can keep it up as feeling very determined this year not to be silly

    My old grans words are on my shoulder ” There is always another day” so going to really try and remember that. lol

    Feeling so much healthier and happy being this weight now I don’t want to change it especially now with so much illness around.

    Brads.. How did Heidi do last night .. did she settle ok down stairs again. I would imagine it is cold standing about in this weather with bowling.
    Is it only Greens bowling is there no indoor winter league.

    HH Have you weighed yet you are doing so well.. I tend to just stick to a few tried and tested meals on the fast days .. simple stuff but tasty seems to work for me. Like I always say an egg sandwich and satsumas are my friend lolol

    Sym..Sounds a wonderful walk good company and happy dogs. Those dates sound gorgeous but don’t eat too many. lol

    Nana .. miss hearing about your trips and meals. Hope you are feeling better. Xx

    I need to glam myself up a bit later … hair colour etc lolol Gets harder these days lol

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing Beautiful things happen when we distance ourselves from negativity.šŸ’™ā¤ Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone a quick check in.
    Hemmy am much better now thanks and our social life is getting back to normal. We enjoyed a nice Christmas meal on Saturday night with our Weds lunchtime friends but have decided not to meet up with them tomorrow as it’s usually quite busy in St Ives just before Christmas.
    Went to donate blood this afternoon but my my haemoglobin level was 0.5 under the acceptable level to donate. Went and got the last bits of food items required and then did some present exchanges with some of our family. Will be visiting daughter soon son in law tomorrow as usual as we were given some presents for them.
    Have decided to wait until the new year before starting 5:2 up again also OH and I have decided to have a dry January.
    Keep safe everyone.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    I did pop out and get last few thingsā€¦so done or I will do without ..

    Finished Charlieā€™s meat and packsĀ£ away, so a good job done will take him into January..and his veg which is every three days..

    My chocolate dates will be done another day a bit early I might start eating themā€¦.
    I love my river bank walks, I pick them up at different points which make them all a bit different, I drive to some like this morningā€¦very few dogs and people.
    Glad your weight is were you want itā€¦I have 1 lb to loose to goalā€¦I shall weigh tomorrow and Thursday morningā€¦.if I get the pound off that will be counted!! šŸ˜‚ then thatā€™s it to January ā€¦

    Shame on your blood donation..mine is rare tooā€¦Group A Rh (D) negative..my two children were blue babies ( as they were both positive), I had to get jabbed after each oneā€¦
    Good idea a dry Januaryā€¦.

    Jean x

    Jean- hopefully all done with your shopping…the tea out must’ve been lovely, will probably be nicer to see Jacqui without SIL on Boxing Day! He’ll still work through the lockdown though won’t he? Hope you’re back to goal, & enjoy making the dates- I was going to make some for me but decided I didn’t need them, enough other goodies!
    Dave- would definitely be too cold for me to bowl! Hope we don’t get any slippery days for you to take Heidi out, a worry when you hold her up too…
    Hemmy- you’ve done really well maintaining, hope you still enjoy your Christmas food! Good Pip doesn’t mind a wash & brush up, Xena’s not keen! I got started early with presents, but didn’t finish so have had some last minute ones to get!
    Nana- such a shame about the blood donor session…& after all those pumpkin seeds! Hope the dry January isn’t too hard for you!
    Busy day- dropped off a present for freind’s girls, but didn’t go in, don’t want to pick up anything now! Then have hopefully got the last of the presents & paper, Asda coming tomorrow so will see if we get it all! Spent all afternoon wrapping presents & then the evening helping the boys do theirs. FD has been good, a 700cal one. Oven cleaning tomorrow- yuk!

    Good evening Heidi was happy again last night so she will sleep downstairs all the time now. There is an indoor bowling place but never tried it, it’s only small and I would need different bowls. Longest night tonight. I go for an ECG tomorrow morning, my heart rate as been low.

    Good morning,off for an ECG in 40 minutes time at my GP. Dry but cold today, might be going bowling at 12-30 if it stays dry. Heidi is about 12 inches from the fire. I think it must be the cat in her. She likes her creature comforts.Soon be Christmas.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its cold today .. think that’s the coldest this year I have felt walking .. Left my boots in the back of the car and they were frozen. lol

    Lots of friends have colds or not well in some way.. such a shame at this time of year.

    Kristy is coming about 4pm so I will sign off on holiday till after the 28th ..

    Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.. take care and look after yourselves and families. .

    Merry Christmas. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely few hours with my sister and Jacqui, she seemed a lot better today and the house was clean and tidy. Jacqui thought she was just getting old and forgetful ā€¦typical it wasnā€™t a bad day but see how she goes.

    Very cold here an early afternoon walk and now getting settled.

    I think I am calling it a day on fasting, last weigh in tomorrow morning then it will be January as normal.

    I think Philip is back to work on the Tuesday after Christmasā€¦it would be nicer just Jacquiā€¦
    You sound more or less finished, such a busy time dropping pressies off..

    Hope all is well at the doctorsā€¦hope Heidi doesnā€™t burn her nose šŸ˜‚

    Merry Christmas to you and enjoy your visitors. Keep safe away from the coldsā€¦

    Jean x

    Merry Christmas everyone

    Dave- good that you’re on the radar with the doctors, hope they can lower your meds…nice Heidi can keep warm by the fire, I’d like to sit by the fire all day šŸ˜‚
    Jean- nice that your sister was having a good day, shame though that Jacqui didn’t get the proper picture. Although at least she’s not living on her own, there are meds for dementia, but not always helpful, I don’t think they made much difference with FIL…
    Hemmy- have a great time with Kristy & merry Christmas to you šŸŽ„šŸŽ…
    Nana- hope you’ve had a good day with your daughter…
    Managed another 800cal FD, kept busy again, long walk with Xena as it was a beautiful frosty start, cleaned oven & kitchen, had our asda order- got it all & good dates too! Took shopping round to mum’s, she’s seen lots of her friends, mum does keep out of it but all sounds like kids at school, getting upset at who sits where, some don’t like one lady, won’t come if she does…Forgot about Xena’s presents so wrapped them today!
    3 sleeps to go!!

    Good afternoon, I miss the long walks with Heidi, she can only manage about 100 yards nowšŸ˜­. But still wants to go and still sniffing every few yards. Denise is changing like the wind, one minute were going shopping today then tomorrow. So I will wait and see. Merry Christmas Minols if your lurking and Steve.

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