Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Very stiff now, we got on the bowling green and the heavens opened,hail stone so we dashed of quickly but it passed after a couple of minutes so we had a couple of hours bowling.My mate was bowling them corner to corner about 50 yards, I couldn’t reach and Ron who was playing with us couldn’t either. They are both older than me, Chris is 71 and Ron is 80. There must be a way I can bowl them longer, I must do some research.Ron can’t bend down anymore after having an hip replacement but bowls them further than me.Heidi as christened her bed💩.Poor thing dosent know that she’s doing it. We don’t shout at her just clean out up and give her a stroke.

    Evening- page has turned so sorry if I forget someone!
    Jean- hope you have a lovely evening! Did your glittery scarf that you made turn out okay?
    Dave- poor Heidi, hope that the bed is easily cleaned…
    Kay- there’s so much going on in your village, it’s a great community! Nice to be involved, but where we used to live it was always the same few people organising everything, I don’t think I ever went to anything & just enjoyed it, was always helping…will be lovely for you to see your mum! Our weekend away has messed up my weight loss too! Unfortunately can’t get the photos off mum’s phone- it’s frozen, son looked at it & it’s done something weird, apparently google has set itself up as the administrator & can’t be resolved?!
    Hemmy- when are you going out with your friend? Sounds like you’re doing well keeping on track weight wise!
    Nana- hope you had a good day out ☺
    Nicky- hope the socks are going well!
    Had a good 500cal FD, not as busy as yesterday, but have been okay. Hubby wants a Chinese again tomorrow so a nonFD- will let him as he can taste a bit now- he might have surgery on his sinuses soon, he’s not sure as it sounds a tough recovery, but won’t be able to enjoy food after that for a bit…
    Have a good evening ☺

    Good morning a lovely sunny day here but cold. Don’t know if we will get any snow this week but at least I am prepared for it now. A busy day next Thursday, my mate from bowling asked if I could take him to Christie’s hospital, he’s got cancer. It cleared up but as come back so he’s on chemo again then at night time I have to go for a scan on my shoulder.I can’t wait for that, mm y only concern is that the scan dosent show anything because it’s so painful. I have finished off a large bag of nuts so will have gained a lot of weight this week unfortunately.I wish Heidi would sleep downstairs because it’s a struggle getting her up and down them. But she didn’t like being left alone at night, no problem during the day and

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely night out, the starter and pud were both very nice, the middle course ok just general Xmas food, service was a bit muddled…everyone seemed to enjoy it…someone did a easy quiz our foursome won it everyone right, some got a lot less..I suppose it’s easy if you know it…all about Xmas and cakes!

    Blue skies here but very cold….I am fasting here two cuppa so far, I don’t count cuppas.. so Zero points.

    Is there a knack at throwing look online for some tips. Hope your stiffness improves….poor Heidi she is struggling. Good your scan is soon, nice you can help your friend out…

    I bought a scarf black with silver feathers/ leaves, it worked well, not so keen what I made…hope you enjoyed your Chinese …hubby will have to think the op through depends how much it effects him.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a beautiful morning.. a perfect winters day. Just been out to play with Pip and it back to intensely cold again.

    Lots of empty shelves I noticed yesterday so just picking up extra when I see things.

    Had an omelette for lunch as I had ran out of bread so a blessing really . lol I have some mini chicken fillets mash potato and brussels this evening.

    Brads So sorry about your friend .. its good you can help with the appointment.

    Glad you have your scan very soon .. then hopefully some treatment ASAP .

    HH… Pam and I haven’t set our date as yet for our meal as she has had a chest infection ..on antibiotics.

    TBH I wouldn’t mind carrying it into the new year when things are quieter But if she is ok she will want to go. lol

    Re hubby yes best to really go into any op to see if the pain is worth the gain.

    Sym… Your evening sounded lovely with the quiz too. I am thinking this year that service hasn’t been so good in many places. Its like lots don’t seem to know their jobs now. Your outfit sounded perfect.

    Have a good evening all No matter how long we have travelled in the wrong direction we can always turn around. Xxxx

    Good evening everyone,I ended up going bowling this afternoon my mate sent me a text saying we could play our league game so that the league is over until next year. I won so I will still be in the top division next year. Our Virgin TV as been off most of the day, think it’s widespread. Can watch Amazon prime for the football tonight. Is been a beautiful day all day here but very cold.

    A lot of snow around our area but it’s not got as far as us..it’s been very bitter too cold for snow!

    Hope you get a date to meet up with Pam..it would be much quieter next month..so busy with Xmas meals now…
    I shall go into town tomorrow just a few bits to get, need a Xmas card for my sister and some present tags..pop into Tesco too…

    Well done top of the league..you have played well..

    Chilly here sat with a blanket on my knee..might go to bed to watch master chef and snuggle down…

    Jean x

    Jean it always make me laugh, its too cold for snow. I say the same but it’s minus 37 at the north pole with lots of snow. 😂😂😂.Virgin TV back on now. Heidi’s reading like a horse but looks a little thinner, she’s always a worry these days.

    Dave, how do you read like a horse? 😀

    you can check this latest video about fat busting don’t forget to comment i love you all click on the link https://youtu.be/cz38iyFcx24

    Another successful FD done.
    NFD tomorrow but busy day so hopefully won’t be too bad.

    Going to try and get our Covid boosters tomorrow but if its anything like today, there could well be a long queue so it depends on the weather!

    I need to make some mince pies ready for the Parish Hall Christmas Bingo/Grand draw tomorrow night – going to be busy as I think I’m in charge of the mulled wine early on and then helping in the bar later.

    It’s gone really cold here again but no sign of any snow!
    Have a feeling that we are in for a bad winter this year – just hope it’s not as wet as last year!


    Kay did you never watch Mr Ed😂😁😂😂😁

    Good morning everyone, I’m quiet often the first one on here. Not like other places you may know. It’s warmer today 7°C and sunny. Going to Sainsbury’s later, no cobs anymore, they seem to have stopped making them😭😭😭.Alexa said no snow in Manchester the next 7 days.So hope she’s right.

    I know Mr Ed was intelligent but can’t remember him reading a book 😄

    It’s 10 degrees here but just started to rain. Just summoning enough the enthusiasm to go out. Need to pick up my prescription and then try and get our boosters although not keen on queuing if it’s raining. Maybe the weather will put people off!

    Our neighbours are moving today. They already had a huge removal truck yesterday and today there is a smaller one but with a trailer so in total bigger than yesterday! There is only 2 of them!!
    Totally blocked in but luckily my car is parked over in the square. I’m not sure anyone in this end of the close can get out at the moment. I guess when they have filled the trailer and then unhook it they will reverse further in.

    I’ve lost the few pounds I gained from holiday so back to 3lbs down in my bid for SOFA. It’s going to be impossible to reach the stone but I’m going to persevere and aim for half a stone. No alcohol at home apart from the add glass of mulled wine or when watching the Grand Prix, just when we go to the pub, that will help with the calories. However we are away next Thursday, visiting my mum, so that might have to be an exception!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend and if you are still fasting, keep strong! I’m on a NFD today.


    Kay- you’re doing well, think you’re bearly on your own! Hope it’s not too busy doing the bar…will any of your family see your mum at Christmas? At least you can visit for now, not like last year’s lock downs…
    Jean- glad you enjoyed your night out, I think service is always a bit iffy when big groups go for Christmas meals…hope your FD has been okay, & the shopping trip was successful!
    Dave- well done winning your match & staying in the top team! Sad about your friend, hearing so many people who have cancer right now…hope your ultrasound does show what’s up, I guess it’ll be another week before you hear though 😞
    Hemmy- good idea picking up extras while you can, a few things we’ve not been able to get. Hope Pam gets better soon…liked yesterday’s saying, reminds me of trips with the satnav ‘when possible please do a U turn’!
    Nana- hope you’re feeling better…
    Nicky- did hubby enjoy his steak?
    Very cold here- snow yesterday although it didn’t hang about long. Lots of tidying done, & cooking, tried a new recipe for vegan choc chip cookies which unfortunately wete very nice 😂 as was our takeway…a wet & chilly walk this morning, saw mum, helping her with her new phone, had a friend round for a cuppa this afternoon ( which is why I did cleaning yesterday!). Unfortunately not managing to do very well on nonFDs, but can hopefully do more 800cal days now…
    Have a good evening!

    Evening All…
    My walk this morning took me to near our Petanque court where I have seen some large Xmas trees…I have collected a good few branches carefully cut to not spoil the tree now in two vases awaiting their baubles… I can hear Steve telling me not to be miserable and make an effort for Xmas..

    My mum always used to say.. too cold for snow ..she had lots of sayings…

    Hope you managed to get your covid boosters..mulled wine and mince pies all sounds yummy….I am getting called at my three mugs of mulled wine at the pub on festival day..😂..all very warming..

    My fast day went well but I think I could do better, too many meals out this month ..
    I have Louise coming on Thursday staying overnight so another fd will have to be moved..I don’t like moving them…
    Your cookies sounded tasty…shopping trip went well…wreaths bought, cards and tags..as I said my Xmas tree branches ready to trim…cemetery tomorrow for Steve, might try and go to Jacqui’s and drop her cards and things off on Sunday…sisters on Monday and cemetery for mum and dad …
    I am trying to be xmassy!!

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A much milder day although quite muddy .. we are not doing to bad though so far.

    Had a good week weight holding up well .. I am determined I am not going to lapse after all these months.

    Ohh so funny I have been mailing back and forth with my walking friend and neighbour as I had told her this morning I had bought Kristy a lovely red tartan shirt .. I have now decided its my new Christmas top. lolol Its gorgeous.
    A bit naughty I know.. but going back to those old sayings ” What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve for” It does look lovely fits a treat I don’t often find things I love these days. lol
    I will get something extra lovely I have got lots of other things for her too. lolol

    Kay .. you are doing so well .enjoy your nfd today sounds like you are a lovely community helper.

    Brads .. No cobs… that is bad news but maybe not lol

    Nana.. hope you are feeling better today. Is it a take away.

    Nicky.. hope the knitting is going to plan and hubby enjoyed that steak

    HH My Friend is making a veggie wellington for her son and girlfriend on Christmas day she is a good cook but has bought the pastry usually cooks from scratch Its extra work with cooking the turkey as well for the rest of them. Australian so the Turkey is in a special brine for a while.
    Will Mum be coming to you or your sister.

    Sym.. It is once you can get going you enjoy the decorating ..Just do it for you and Charlie. Steve would prove I am sure. Xx This afternoon I have tied red ribbon in bows down the stair rail .. It looks lovely and cosy.

    Mel.. Hope all is well with you.

    Have a good evening all Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can! Xxxx


    The shirt sounds lovely. She will never know! Very nice for Christmas Day.
    A bit more decoration going up the staircase. I thought you was doing a little bit 😂

    Steve would have approved, I hear his voice telling me not to bloody miserable it’s Christmas..
    He never did much Christmas before me I got him into it… December 1st it started Christmas tree and lights outside, chocolates and everything we just kept replacing what we ate … very naughty..

    I have the baubles to do tomorrow…

    In bed now so Night Night from us..

    Jean x

    Christmas decorations start on the 10th of December, my son’s birthday.i would do it earlier but Denise sticks to the date.Im first on here again😁

    Hemmy..love the sound of the shirt and haha we can’t tell Kristy about it so your secret is safe with us!

    Jean, you just need to do what you feel comfortable doing. You got Steve into the Christmas scene (like I have with Neil!) so I reckon he would want you to have something. You will know what feels right for you.

    Dave, my mums birthday is on 11th Dec and we used to wait until after that.

    Since I’ve left home, I would go for 1st weekend in Dec to put a tree up but as time has gone by and I’ve had a fair amount of rubbish Christmases I’ve been less inclined to do much at all!
    Now I’m happy to do the tree/decs stuff but Neil isn’t really interested so I’m less inclined again!

    We are heading up to my mums on Thursday and not back until the following Monday, so definitely won’t be putting our tree up until after that!

    Best try for sleep x

    When I worked at Royal Mail Christmas was a nightmare, Millions of Christmas cards and parcels, you couldn’t move. They would bring in temporary staff to help out but it caused a lot of misplaced mail that would have to be done again. It’s absolutely pouring down here, got soaked taking Heidi out, she can’t wait fast so we both get soaked😬.I like Christmas a lot more now.

    Very quiet on here today. 😩

    Morning All…
    Rainy morning hope it stops before our walk… lazy start cuppa in bed as usual..

    I went to a ‘ Kitchen Party’ last night ( don’t ask) a new kitchen!.. good food and drink..

    It’s a bad month for fasting I have 5 days before another meal out so I have to make the most of it…

    Going to daughters for lunch taking Xmas things up, time is ticking by, she’s busy at school.. so trying to get organised.

    I have put a few Xmas bits up. My two vases of Xmas tree branches, only put a few baubles as the branches won’t hold heavy toys, I need some florist wire to hang some fir cones on if I can, I have some small ones.

    Dave ..
    A few more days and you can start your Xmas decorating. I think everyone is busy at the moment trying to fast. A big push to get on track in January.. it’s keeping the damage low.

    Jean x

    Yes January for the big push. I aim to lose 2 stone by August 2022. Not sure if we will be going on any holidays in between. That’s the problem holidays you can say add a stone. There’s no point going on holiday if you want to lose weight while away. It’s a nice sunny day today. Just been to the park with Heidi.

    Evening All…
    A nice few hours with my daughter…with interesting overtones with younger grandson. I think he is causing great trouble within the family. He spoke twice to me…lots of testosterone!!

    A nice dry walk with Charlie this evening…the river is running very high, we were paddling through it this morning along the path, it has gone down a bit this evening.

    Walking with Natalie in the morning on the river bank..looks like a muddy one!…then on to sisters and onto cemetery where mum and dad are.

    Have a good evening all…
    Jean x

    F1 wow.

    Bowling cancelled today it’s pouring down. Horrible weather and the storm to come tomorrow 😱.Soon be Christmas, just ordered a bottle of Kendall mint cake liqueur after seeing it on TV yesterday. It looks lovely.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A cold damp day here .. we got very muddy and wet this morning.

    Having a mindful Monday as extra carbs yesterday .. I did no cooking and just had French bread and cold beef for lunch and dinner yesterday With some fresh cream eclairs thrown in too. lol.

    My Christmas food will need to be extended.. as I thought Kristy was coming 22nd till her Birthday 26th .. now its changed to partner coming here
    on 26th till they both both go to Dorset on the 29th for New Year.

    It will be lovely need to organise a cake now although lots more eating and drinking than I anticipated.. Will have to be careful.

    Sym.. Did you have a muddy walk by the riverbank.

    Brads .. Wow yes F1 was brilliant.. Max has really shaken it up the past few weeks.

    Cant wait for the last race.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying your day.
    Don’t be afraid to fail .. Be afraid not to try. Xxxx

    Evening everyone not been around much due to having a recurrence of the nasty bug from a couple of weeks ago have spoken to a Dr and investigations are starting so 🤞 it’s going to be sorted out soon. Dr also advised to follow a bland diet and have no alcohol. Not doing 5:2 at the moment until I’m sorted out but aiming to keep an eye on the calories. Will check in here from time to time.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    Hit the ground running today, Charlie walk, to cemetery to put Steves wreath on for Xmas and a wash down, on to pick my sister up in another village, to the church yard to put mum and dads wreath and another wash down and dig and tidy up…back to my sisters house, back home another Charlie walk!

    I have been fasting and all is good….I have a cough and sore throat..I usually have a hot toddy to make me feel better see if I can manage without tonight…feeling a bit rough…

    It’s freezing today I don’t blame you calling bowls off…I think ours is off tomorrow maybe a cafe stop, if I feel better…

    Lovely to have them both up for Xmas, a bit longer to celebrate…I was going to the beach Xmas day but after todays freezing temperatures it’s putting me off. It was planned in October when I was a bit low and it was warmer…stay on our own I think, I am feeling much better now.
    Good walk on the river bank, they both went running in over flow water, so cold for that, I had to take his coat off he was drenched and dripping.

    Hoping you soon pick up soon and they can sort you out at the doctors…take care…

    Jean x

    Evening! Don’t know where the weekend went, busy with putting Christmas decs up…
    Jean- hope that you feel better soon & it is just a cough. Do you need to do a test? You’ve been busy the last few days, you must be shattered! Good for you doing some decorating 🎄🎅
    Dave- shame about the bowling, hope the weather’s not too awful tomorrow!
    Hemmy- nice that Kristy will be staying longer, you’ll soon lose weight, enjoy the food for a few days! Naughty you with the shirt- you’ll feel awful if Kristy says how nice it is 😂😂
    Kay- hope you can still go to your mum’s…How long have you had Tara, did you have her last Christmas? I can’t remember?
    Nana- hope the bug soon goes, once you’ve done your sample maybe some actimel or kefir might help get the balance back in your tummy? It’s helped me before…Not the best time of year for a bland diet & no alcohol?
    Mel- where have you disappeared to?!
    Nicky- hope you’re okay…
    Did an 800cal FD yesterday & another today, have been really hungry though- & making more biscuits hasn’t helped, son still needs to eat plenty! Made a start on the Christmas cards, walked Xena through the mud, walked Gwinnie, have done hair cuts & cleared up from that. Will have to see how I feel tomorrow whether it’s another FD…

    We feel very embarrass when our fat cause unhealthy and harm our confidence. So We take a proper plane to overcome from this condition.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a dark ole day here. Again we got soaked and muddy this morning.

    I was going out this afternoon meet up with a friend then shopping. There are weather warning out and didn’t want to be a drown rat again .lol

    Had a good day yesterday just 2 meals .. same today so should keep weight good this week.

    Still not heard from Pam about our Christmas meal.. she is a chef working hard so maybe leave till later .. I would be happier in the new year.
    Kristy had 2 meals out at the weekend both expensive and very average.

    Brads .. That Kendall mint liquor sounds good.

    Nana .. Hope you get sorted soon. Its not a good time to be on a bland diet and not enjoy all the Christmas treats. Hopefully you will feel better soon and able to enjoy your socialising again.
    Keep us in the loop of how things are going for you. Xx

    Sym.. Do be careful with your cough and throat. Its not a good time to go down with a cold.
    Lots of body rest is what you need .. bodies are like torches run the battery down and it doesn’t shine so bright.
    You are using up lots of energy with the walking in this cold wet muddy weather we use more.
    After early days of losing Andrew I never stopped .. Just kept going .. Kristy would say .. You said you were coming to sit down an hour ago you don’t stop. . It came out on me much later though and I just felt exhausted mind and body

    Lemon Honey and cinnamon . Or whisky hot water and sugar Honestly though I think rest is the answer.

    H H …Well done on the fasts .. will you do one today or giving it a break. You remind me so much of my friend Sarah. Always doing things for her family and others. Just gets on with it never complains.

    Hope everyone else is well. Have a good day all enjoy your day

    Accept what is, let go of what was, and have have faith in what will be Xxxx

    Good afternoon, just done Spanish lessons then shopping at Sainsbury’s, told them off for not making cobs 😁. The last who teaches us Spanish bought me a bar of chocolate for Christmas 😱. She said she was going to get a tie but didn’t have time. I said just as well because I don’t ware ties. So the chocolate will go down well.

    Evening All..
    I did have my hot toddy and bed just after 9… I had a good fd up to the toddy…

    Feeling rough today..Louise my step daughter coming Thursday so pushed on with cleaning and shopping, about 4 pm it started to hit me again…negative on test.

    The weather very bad, power down for a few minutes then back on and a text from northern power to say expect power cuts 😱..matches out in case…

    Naughty Charlie went through a gate which had blown open he was on the road and verge eating around the bin, running away from me..in the end I walked back on the river bank and he followed…he was in big trouble!..he was in bed when we got home…

    You are always busy you never stop…biscuits, hair cuts, walking…weathers awful..

    Well done on two good days eating…save your meal for the new year more peaceful. Pam seems busy.
    I do like hot toddies great believer in them…my hairdresser commented on all my new hair growing, said it’s after a year of been stressed. I suppose you don’t realise it.

    We all cancelled boules today..I wouldn’t have played anyway…any reason why no cobs ?

    I shall have another early night…I cancelled walking with Natalie tomorrow, she is so busy up to Xmas, I wouldn’t like to pass anything on and I am a bit slow in the morning to get going….

    Jean x

    They’ve just stopped making the cobs, don’t know why because they always sold out first. I listened to you Jean about the butter, only problem is I’m eating more bread because it’s so nice.

    Jean- hope you feel better tomorrow, lots to do won’t help! How is Lou’s leg now? Fingers crossed no more power cuts…Naughty Charlie, he must’ve given you a scare!
    Dave- shame about your cobs, strange they’ve stopped making them. We used to love M&S bakery chocolate chip shortbread for a treat 😋, they’ve stopped making them too! The chocolate sounds a much better present than a tie 😂
    Hemmy- I’m sure Pam will be glad of a meal out after Christmas, such a busy time of year for chefs…we’re having muddy walks too!
    Nana- poor you, hope it all clears up soon…
    Well I did argue with myself & managed another FD, despite being cold & hungry in the night so didn’t sleep well! It’s been a 500 cal one too so chuffed. Quieter day so caught up with the Christmas cards, it’s letters to go in them for distant rellies which takes ages…Mum’s not getting on very well with her new phone, had today’s Google pizza celebration pic sent today on WhatsApp from her, then she asked me why I’d sent it to her 😂 Gotta laugh I guess!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A better day although still very damp.. So another muddy day of walking.

    A good week so far I have really gone easy on the carbs. So hopefully that continues a while yet.

    Funny as like most of you I am sure I have lots of Christmas treats in the house and not at all been tempted A glass or 3 or wine would soon change that lolol

    Been to Tesco this afternoon .. nice and quiet so did a big shop .. I have had to rethink with Phil coming on Boxing Day as he likes his meat.. ( Kristy just chicken) So got a lovely beef joint and some gammon .. I can serve them cold ..Will do a nice buffet on her Birthday a few of her local friends around too. .

    Brads .. Not a sign of a roll or cob in Tesco today .. nor our local Coop wonder what is going on.

    Nanna .. hope you are okay. Xx

    Kay Mel and Nicky how are things going for you .

    HH .. I expect that new phone goes over your Mums head I just dread when I have to replace my 15 year old one lol.. No one rings me on it as they know I don’t bother with it just the landline. Only used while walking really. lol

    You are doing so well on your fasts will you weigh this week or wait till later.

    Sym… How are you feeling today .. there seems lots of colds about at the moment.
    I don’t expect losing power never helped. It has been too cold for that.
    I do hope all those that have had power cuts for a substantial time will get compensation.
    Did you manage to walk today.

    Have a good evening all .. just be happy for all the things you have achieved so far ❤💙💚 xxxx

    Evening All..
    A busy day getting ready for Louise coming, she is hoping to be here about 9 am…maybe for Charlie’s walk…he will go absolutely barmy when she arrives..his favourite person…💕

    I think I am feeling better although the coughing has started again so sucking lozenges…

    Butter is much more better for you, all natural..shame on the cobs…

    Louise is back at work I think her legs not too bad…I will chat about it tomorrow…laughted about your Mum, I had the same with my sister it told her it needed updating so she didn’t touch it again until her son sorted it out in the evening….they are had work at times.lol….
    Well done on another 500 day…

    Muddy walks and rubbing down of wet feet..so nice every day…
    I like cold meats, it’s a good idea..lovely for her to catch up with her friends on her birthday.
    I have to walk he wouldn’t be happy not going..I think the fresh air does you good, I am not one for laying about if I can help it..I had a good cooked dinner tonight, I think I needed it….I won’t be fasting this week…( I did Monday up to the toddy)
    You do so well on keeping off the carbs..I really must get back serious from January, each week there’s something going on…

    Jean x

    January is Denise’s birthday and mine so not helpful. Its been pouring down all day here, horrible. Got soaked twice with Heidi, going for the hat trick later.I went to bed at 2-42 am and was up before 8am so will be tired later. I go for my ultrasound scan tomorrow, dreading the phone ringing in case they cancelled it.

    Jean- hope you have a good visit with Louise, & you can both remember the happy times,thinking of you x
    Dave- so sad with Heidi keep having mishaps one end or the other, lots of work clearing up…you’ll be off to bed early tonight! Hope the ultrasound goes ahead. 2 members on the group I moderate were having surgery at Addenbrooks today, very surprised they were going ahead, they’ve waited for ages.
    Hemmy- that will be lovely for Kristy to have friends to you for her birthday, do you like doing the catering? You’re doing well with the carbs…you asked about Mum & Christmas; we have invited her as sis was having in-laws round but they’re not coming now, so she’s invited Mum- I think it will be nice for her to go as all my sister’s 4 kids will be there & Mum’s not seen them all for ages…will be strange here without her!
    Had a nice nonFD, busy again, a longer trip than planned to find stamps as our post office hasn’t got any! Christmas cards posted now, finished decorating the last Christmas cake, glad that’s done 🎅

    Good morning everyone, Heidi at it again, poor thing. Alexa gave us a flood alert, never had that before, better build an ark.Cant concentrate on fasting at the moment, so worried about Heidi. I know she’s not got long now but could cry all day thinking about it. She’s the best dog I have ever had. Why do I get so attached to dogs. Will have to get the carpet cleaner out today🙄.I have my ultrasound scan this evening at 6pm.I dread the phone going in case they have cancelled it.

    Had my scan they asked me to go in early. It’s not ripped but lots of inflammation so it’s either injections and or as well as physio. She said both will be painful but I don’t care so long as it clears it up.

    Dave- good you’ve had the scan & no tears, at least you won’t need surgery…all these things take a long while to heal though. Poor Heidi, not nice seeing them go down hill, we all get attached to our dogs, they’re part of your family, so sad, sending you a hug x
    Jean- hope Lou’s visit goes okay x
    Hemmy- more mudfy paws to clean today? I can’t get through all our washing let alone keep up with dog towells…
    Kay- hope your visit goes well with your mum…
    Gwinnie was naughty today- there’s a new cat in our road & she will not come away from watching it, had to pick her up & carry her home! Good job she’s only small but getting fatter, Roger’s over feeding her again!
    Have had a 550cal FD, have planned our meals but then had our asda delivery today & some of the things have short dates, so it might mess up my FD meals!
    Take care all x

    Good morning. Up early again but all is ok today. Sainsbury’s shopping shortly then might go to the German markets in town.My son’s birthday today 36😱.Heidi was struggling to walk but just had a delivery and she was at the door quick enough.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a gorgeous day again.. so beautiful for this time of year.

    A good week kept the carbs low weight is good. So I am happy with that

    I haven’t eaten out lately my first Christmas Meal on Monday with Pam ..the menu looks lovely. So I guess after that my body will think its in Christmas mode. lol

    Its lunch time so I am thinking of wearing my new red and green shirt lolol and the long green skirt I bought ages ago. Will be my first skirt for about 25 yrs lolol . Will try on later. If I can pull this off with long boots Pam will be sooo shocked lolol … I am usually in trousers or jeans She is a real fashion plate . Good fun. .lol

    Brads ..so very pleased you have had the scan and have the full picture of what is needed now.
    Heidi is sure a little trooper. Bless her.

    HH.. You have done so well this week .. have you attempted the scales. It will be lovely for Mum to go to your sisters see the children. Also nice you can enjoy your day knowing she is being taken care of.

    Sym… How are you feeling today.. Did you and Charlie have a nice visit with Louise .

    The wet muddy dog towels .. oh one of my pet hates lol . Do you have many more Boules games between now and New Year..

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing.. Enjoy today. It is one of the “good old days” you will miss in the future Xxxx

    Good evening everyone.Heidi is getting unstable walking but just managed a little walk. I’m getting worried about her now. She keeps going through stages and coming back so hope she can do it again. Getting tearful thinking about it.

    Evening All..
    I am feeling awful I have been in bed all day, sore throat, coughing and nose continually running, thick head…speak in a few days…..

    Jean x

    Jean- sending you a hug & hope you’re on the mend tomorrow xx
    Dave- happy birthday to your son! Enjoy some cake 🎂 poor Heidi, hopefully she’ll pick up again. Saw my sister’s Shepherd cross tonight, she’s looking a bit of a poor old thing, shhe slips all the time 😞
    Hemmy- your outfit sounds lovely, hopefully a lovely meal on Monday!
    I did weigh in today, unfortunately still the same! And that’s before Christmas treats 😱 Did another FD, 700 cals today. Another busy one, hair cut, seeing mum, dropped in to see sis & dropped off nephew’s birthday presents, BIL’s Christmas cake. Poor son’s had a couple of bolts stolen from his car while he was at work, it was making a noise going to work, that’s how he found it, awful to think that the wheel could’ve come off while he was driving! Hubby will have to pick him up & he’ll sort it tomorrow…

    Just took Heidi out, she made it to the park but struggled to get home. I had to lift her band to help her walk better. She’s ok for 100 yards then struggling after that. Will have to go shirt walks, she is still keen to go out for her walks. I just worry so much about her.

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