Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All…
    A lovely riverbank walk out our village so beautiful this morning…

    I have been out with my Park Luncheon Ladies, just three this time, June had her jabs and she felt off colour…nice chatty gentle lunch, booked again for next month…

    Charlie is sulking an early walk he wants his dinner early… I am making him wait …he’s not happy!

    Well done on sorting mums garden out making it safe again…your pots done in your own garden too…

    Doggie bathing sounds fun, hope you don’t make too much mess!…I feel Charlie’s clock is still out of time…

    I am having pork pie, cheese and biscuits and a glass of red tonight…reasonably full from lunch time.
    Well done on getting back to happy weight…hoping I am there next week….

    Enjoy your Chinese and your wine tonight…birds are naughty pinching your berries…

    Have a nice weekend…

    Jean x

    Afternoon All..
    A good walk out this morning before boules, a cool wind was getting up…it’s slowly got colder through the day. Winter coat out now my other put away..I really need some winter trousers not sure which yet.

    Played boules a couple of games we won one each then onto a new cafe in the next town..very nice, pork sandwich with stuffing, apple and gravy small portion of chips..nothing else to eat this evening…

    Quiet night in, strictly I suppose nothing much on tonight…

    Jean x

    A good FD today, kept busy so it helped! Just went to the park with Xena, wears her out in less time than a forest walk, she loves her ball! Then the boys & I went to the forest to watch husky racing, enjoyed that, although they were down one of the tracks with no sign posting so it took us a while to find them, an extra walk! Round to mum’s for a game this afternoon, then some jobs before dinner. Both boys out tonight so a peaceful house…we’re watching re-runs of Heartbeat, gone off Strictly!
    Have a good evening all ☺

    Good morning all. Cold day today but lovely and sunny.Not a cloud in the sky. Had a nice meal with most off our family yesterday to celebrate 3 birthdays, one 50 then a 30 and last but not least 21. It was quiet posh the restaurant and only is lot in but it was 2pm.I had Fillet steak and apple crumble but the amount they give you it could be almost classed as a fast day😃.Keeping my eye on black Friday deals, in the market for a new laptop and router.

    Afternoon All…
    Walked our riverbank again, very chilly but better once walking, hat on and heavy coat..car was all very icy at 6am this morning..

    Jobs about the house, looking for some caravan stuff in the garage which I will give to Fay she has just bought a caravan…no good for me now.

    I was fasting but just so hungry now, I didn’t eat a lot yesterday…I had lunch….so it will be a low day….fasting day tomorrow …

    Glad your birthday family meal all went well…all good for posh but they don’t give you much….

    Walking again about 3 pm then snuggle down for the night….

    Jean x

    Dave- glad you had a nice meal out with the family, shame you were still hungry!
    Jean- good you can do walks without needing the car…hard to fast if you had a low day yesterday, there’s always tomorrow! Did you find the stuff for Faye?
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    Had a bit of an eating day today, too much stuff about for the boys! But a quiet couple of weeks coming up so hopefully I can do quite a few 800cal days! Had a good long walk with Xena & then was accosted by a lovely, gentle staffie who wanted biscuits out my pocket- had to give her owner some to get her to go with him 😂
    Have a good evening….

    Good morning Heidi all clean now after her bath, what a struggle. She lay there in the water looking at me with sad eyes. But she smells nice now,a big fluff ball😁😂😁. Will give her a good brush later, should be a fast day today but after getting up so early I doubt it will be.

    Good morning all,
    I’m fasting today, water only, and it’s much needed after a lovely meal out on Thursday at a pub up on Exmoor. The food was delicious and it was followed by birthday cake later that afternoon. Friday was more cake together with probably more than I’d usually eat. Saturday I managed to squeeze a bike ride into the day before we finished off the birthday cake and yesterday was another meal out at a fab restaurant down here that just does a tasting menu. Each course is small but there are eight of them!! A delight for the taste buds but not the waist line! So you can see why I’d welcome water only today! This time next week is my husband’s 65th birthday so we’ll be doing much the same again I should think, minus the tasting menu meal as the restaurant is booked solidly from now to April!

    The gritters were out last night as we came home from Bideford, it was our first cold night of the winter but still not enough for a frost. It’s definitely ‘wool’ weather though, I knit socks both by hand for me and the family and on a vintage circular sock machine. I call her Florence and she’s 100 years old this year, so can be a tad temperamental! I also have a modern reproduction machine which came from the USA, he’s bright red and is known as The Magic Roundabout, and is generally much more obliging. I can generally whizz up a pair of socks inside an hour on him though they still need to be finished off by hand, closing the toes with Kitchener stitch, washing & pressing etc. I’m usually busy with orders from friends at this time of year so that’s mostly what I’ll be doing today to take my mind off eating.

    Mabel needs a groom too, she’s a show type English Springer Spaniel and I did used to show (Crufts etc) though these days since the pandemic we’re happy to stay home or stay on the local beaches, trails etc. Because she’s a show type she has a longer thick coat which needs the dead hair stripping out every week as well as her feet trimmed. She’s well used to it, as well as being bathed and I think looks forward to her spa day! I always know when she’s overdue a good groom by the appearance of the occasional dog hair in the sock wool! 😂

    The only other news is I had my booster yesterday for which I’m very grateful. The Covid rate has gone through the roof here, they said on the local news this morning that the rise is due to the younger age groups not getting vaccinated and no longer wearing masks or socially distancing. We have so few hospitals down here and North Devon District is now full, so cases are being transferred to both Exeter and Plymouth. We’ve been lucky down here up to now but the rates in one district next to mine are now over double the national average. Scary times.

    Sorry for the rant but at this rate I can see Devon (or our part of it) ending up in special measures. My two daughters both live away, one in Worcestershire on her own and the other in Switzerland and they are both hoping to come to us for Christmas. The younger one will be on her own otherwise and we haven’t seen our daughter and son-in-law who are just outside Geneva for about 18 months now. Fingers are now firmly crossed the transmission rates will start to fall here soon.

    That’s it, off to run round with the hoover now! Stay safe everyone.

    Morning All..
    A beautiful very cold day here, frost on the houses but cars not icy as yesterday..

    Fast day didn’t happen yesterday possibly about 1000 cals…so usual one today.

    A few on line jobs done..I had my car insurance mileage at 6000, I think I am about ok but upped it to 8000 to be sure, I don’t do as many as when Steve was here.

    Thinking I will pop out to shops the list is growing…had to go to the village shop my milk had gone sour again so a late breakfast!

    Yes Fay was pleased, an outside folding table and a box with lots of electrical things, water waste and water pipe if she wants to go on a service pitch, nose weight few more things….
    From the house I only have to walk about 30 yards from the river bank and Charlie can go off lead straight away, lovely the cows have gone I can go left or right walking for ever 😂 so a good hours walk easily …

    Bath times a nightmare here, two years since his bath!!…he gets his feet washed through the winter not quite there yet….

    What a long post….I knitted a pair of socks when I was about 10 in primary school, on 4 needles..you made me laugh…you sound as if you have a sock industry going…nice to be your friend…love you have given your machines names they sound lovely..I used to be more crafty but not so much now..
    Well done on your water fasts I must keep strong today…
    I have a daughter in Texas with the 3 grandchildren it’s nearly three years since I have seen them..hopefully next year for me….…hope you can get yours here for Christmas…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Brr lovely day but winter cold now. Sheep in 2 of our fields at the moment so a different route… more bridle path. Hopefully they will soon be gone ..

    A good weekend ..keeping low carbs which seems to be the answer. I am trying to keep weight stable now till Christmas events start. Then just go with the flow of what I fancy.. till after new year. lol

    HH .. I think 800 days are so much more doable than than the 500. Sounds like you have a friend with that Staffie lol

    Brads ..Heidi sounds adorable I bet she feels good after her bath.

    Nicky.. Well done on your water fasts that’s brilliant.

    Sym…Your riverbank walk sounds wonderful.. lots of lovely sights I bet each season.

    Talking about trousers for walking .. I do jeans in summer and Cords in winter. I always get quite warm walking. Never wear a hat only hood up if raining. Hardly ever wear gloves.

    Nana .. Mel and Kay .. hope all is well with you.

    Have a good day all… We may be disappointed if we fail, but we are doomed if we don’t try. ❤️ Xxxx

    Hi All…
    A good fast day coming at about 500 to 600 calories I am not too bothered…

    I have sent for two pairs of cords from M & S, the sizing was strange, I am usually a 12 in jeans but these I decided on a 14, I am sort of in between…I can take them back, they are coming Saturday…navy and grey.
    I do enjoy the change of seasons, I play kicking the leaves at the moment I do love the crunching, a little girl at heart. The river bank is so peaceful away from the road. Lots of geese flying over I don’t know if they are coming or going in the V shape, look amazing…
    Shorts in the summer although I have bought two pairs of 3/4 trousers for next year, I have Craghopper walking trousers a quick posh through no ironing, easy when the dogs jump up but getting a bit cold now so in jeans. I wear over-trousers too to save on the washing and warmth. Hats already on still my hair goes curly in the damp, I like it straight.

    Like you I would like a touch off ( meals out last week)and keep steady this month then have a week off fasting and have some treats….

    Have a nice evening..

    Jean x

    Evening everyone a lovely cold but sunny day here. My second fd also today having had one yesterday instead of Saturday as I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do one Saturday.
    Managed to keep myself busy and spent some time looking around our local Garden Centre as we hadn’t been for a while. Lot’s of Christmas stuff on display.
    Nicky well done on your water fasts have never tried doing one.
    Lot’s of things being written on our Calendar in the lead up to Christmas Day which involves food and drink so really need to be extra vigilant on days that we’re not socialising.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Well fast day went up in smoke, I had fish and chips from chippy. I was aching that much after bowling I just wanted something quick to eat. Heidi smells lovely now and she’s stopped chewing her leg.I wish her bum smelt as nice💩. Just bought a laptop and router so plenty to do when they arrive next month.

    Nana- well done with your B2B FDs! Did you buy anything for Christmas at the garden centre?
    Dave- shame about your FD, but there’s always another day…hope the bath helps Heidi’s leg!
    Jean- nice that you can walk along the river. Don’t you get hot with over trousers? I do get warm when I walk! Well done with your FD!
    Hemmy- you’ve done well to get back to your target weight, hopefully it’ll stay that way for a bit!
    Nicky- belated happy birthday! The meals sound very nice ☺ wow, you’re busy with the sock machine, I didn’t realise there were such things! I hope you get to see your daughters this Christmas…hope your FD is good!
    Mel- did you fast today? I’m sure you’d have enjoyed the taster meal that Nicky had, your sort of thing!
    Kay- enjoy your break ☺
    Have done an 800 cal FD, been busy so it was okay…walked Xena & Gwinnie, made pancakes for the boys, saw mum again- sis is poorly again so couldn’t see her.
    Another FD tomorrow…

    Morning all, sorry where do the days go?
    Fast day today. Not a good week, big meal out on Saturday. Very rich and we both felt yuck the next day. As usual my initial enthusiasm wanes…. Oh well onwards and upwards. Hemmy’s last words very appropriate for me!
    Nicky loved your long chatty post! As HH says, I would love your taster menu. We are such foodies, nothing much we don’t like as long as it’s good. We are out for a Thai meal with friends on Thursday. First Asian meal we will have gone out for since before lockdown. It’s a family place, more like a cafe really but the food is wonderful.
    Jean I love the the geese going over too. My favourite birdy thing – blue skies and skeins of geese. You hear them first and look round for them – there they are! Wonderful.

    Had a nice walk with my new friend from opposite (Jasper’s mum) yesterday. Did me good.

    Right everyone have a good day, fasting or not.

    Good morning trying to fast today so fingers crossed. I will report back later, that might give me encouragement not to fill my face. Will have a cuppa then take Heidi out. Going to Spanish lessons this afternoon. It’s warmer than yesterday but still only 5°C.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    We had a lovely start to the day and sunny walk but its turned to cloud. Brads warmer here at 9 C.

    Sym .. I think the M&S sizes are not the same anymore. Can you remember a few years ago when my friend Pam and I went to London before Xmas for a meal at one of the posh hotels we did C/o Groupon coupon .. I went into Marks while there and got some size 12 black trousers just bought them put them on before going to dinner lolol I wouldn’t trust their sizes now though without a try on.lol

    Nana .. The Garden centres are lovely at this time of year .. the food is good too at our local one for lunch.

    HH.. Well done on yesterdays 800 and hope todays FD goes well. You did well resisting those pancakes. Hope Sis is better soon… its good to share keeping Mum happy and well. Missing mine at the moment very much..

    A good walk does you good .. blows the cobwebs away.. It has been my saving grace over the years.

    Nicky .. hope you can see your family over Christmas.

    Take care and have a good day all whatever you are doing …. It all begins and ends in our mind. Xxxx

    Evening everyone, was pleased to see I’d lost a pound on the scales this morning. Not done much today apart from a bit of housework and catching up with the ironing.
    Usual Wednesday lunch and daughter visit tomorrow. Hope its going to be a bit warmer than the last few days.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A village walk I got well wrapped up..I bought some waterproof warm trousers about three years ago I didn’t like the fit, tried them on as getting desperate they fit lovely, might have lost a bit more weight…lots of trousers are in containers stuck in places…

    Waiting for a few deliveries on clothes…must buy dog food…

    Garden centres are nice at this time of the year…our cafes are nice too…well done on the 1lb off, enjoy your day out tomorrow..

    I must visit our local chippy, have to time the visit right, it’s tight on parking….fun doing your IT stuff. Hope the Spanish lesson went well..

    I like to be warm, all dogs jump up and dirty your trousers, keeps your general ones clean…the ones I use are 15 years old proper trousers but now go over my jeans because I have lost my weight, brilliant waterproof but starting to disintegrate to replace £150 now, I will keep pushing on for this season…
    Hope sis soon improves…well done on the fasting..

    Are the geese coming or leaving? Any idea…it’s good you have a walking partner it passes time and burns the calories…

    Hoping the trousers will fit I will take them back if not…free delivery and returns, saves driving to the store it’s about 30 mins away.
    Snow forecast Saturday or sleet! 🌨

    Jean x

    como puede ver, las lecciones de español salieron bien. Solo un buen FD. 798 calories

    Brads .. Yes you are right , the Spanish lessons went well. good FD. 798 calories

    Well done on both accounts

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Very cold today and turned very dark now but at least dry.

    Just come back from town.. lots of stores with quite empty shelves..
    From a local shop I managed to get a lovely door wreath a good size with just greenery cones and cinnamon sticks. Plus a big bow of red ribbon.. I love it. lol

    Keeping low carb… tonight chicken fillets with just veg…

    Nana hope you are enjoying your visit with daughter and lunch.

    Sym..Hopefully no snow at the weekend. I am not a fan at all.lol I drive to the fields to take Pip… it not far just down the road but he is not good on the lead really pulls. Never been used to it. There is a steep hill which can get very icy so would have to walk him.

    Enjoy your day everyone… You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you💙💚 Xxxx

    Evening everyone,
    Hemmy a lovely visit with daughter and son in law and grand dog Poppy was pleased to see us as always. A nice lunch with friends and a cold dark cycle ride home which I don’t enjoy but it’s only for a few weeks before it’s starting to get dark later. St Ives was very pretty though as the Christmas 🎄 and lights were on.
    Ely visit as usual tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good evening,I feel stiff as a board after bowling for almost 3 hours. Bad weather predicted for the weekend. Were lucky here don’t get much snow the Pennines keep it off us, Jean gets ours. Will try another fast day tomorrow.

    Sorry, missed yesterday, time went! Had a good FD, busy getting on with the Christmas cakes, the one I’ve done for myself looks pretty bad, the rest coming on okay! Another 800 cal day today, again a busy day- haircuts again! Hubby has booked 2 nights away, only local but dog friendly, a hot tub & woodburner, fenced in field for dogs. Hoping to fast tomorrow but getting the holiday feeling!

    Good afternoon people. Was busy setting up my laptop last night, looked at the clock and it was almost two thirty am😱. Going to try and do a fast day today but feeling very hungry already so not a good sign. I ache from yesterday, think 3 hours bowling is to much, we normally have a break and a cuppa but didn’t yesterday. Back to the laptop is all new with it being Windows 11. Then the new router is coming today so that needs setting up. Hopefully it will take my mind off food. Less than a month until Christmas.

    Evening All…
    A busy couple of days in the house, only boring cleaning, cooking for the freezer for Charlie and cleaning the couple of ovens.

    My M&S trousers arrived very nice but much too long, I alway buy L but I needed reg length, popped to Scunthorpe and changed them, I had to get wine instead of grey but I suppose a change, the other is navy..lacking in stock.

    Good you found a wreath the sort you want I sounds lovely, do you put up a tree too?..
    Snow/sleet still on for Saturday…our village Xmas festival is on Sunday running at 4 degrees but dry..first one at this time of the year.

    Hope your trip to Ely went well today…lots of Xmas about….I have two houses already in our Court with lights outside and trees up, a bit early.

    Hope you are all up and running on the IT stuff….

    Your break away sounds good, will it before Xmas…?..
    Hair cut time again, I go tomorrow…well done on the Xmas cakes…..

    Fast days gone ok, I was running at 300 cals then had a sausage roll…why?…Charlie had some of the outside…I suppose about 800 day…no quiz tonight so settling in with the boy.

    Jean x

    Good morning, it was a nightmare yesterday setting up the router. Never done it before so it took ages to do, still not sure it’s 100%.But I got 900 Mbps. So not bad for WiFi, got to work on wired broadband next and connect all my gadgets again😱. It’s a miserable wet day here. Busy head again as Jean would say so up early. I had to wake Heidi up to get her up. Typical when I want her to get up she won’t.I had to shake her tho wake her up😮😂.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a dark day looking like a storm.. we had to mainly stick to the bridle paths this mornings walk as sheep in 3 of the fields on our usual route
    Maybe fattening up for market. Never seen so many… farmer must be renting his fields out. lol.

    I have gained a pound this week .. mince pie testing I think. Mr Kipling deep filled are gorgeous.. Voted best by Good housekeeping institute. Will have to be careful this week.

    Sym… Yes I always have a tree .. love decorating it .. Starting Dec 1st or this weekend if I feel inclined lol.
    I love the sound of your wine cords a nice change ..I will have to have a look.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing Much of the difference we make tomorrow will start with what we do today. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Very cold here and the wind is starting up..hair cut and blow, still short as growing colour out…still a long way to go…
    Just on our own today not done much at all, time flies after the two walks and the dark afternoons..
    No boules tomorrow we have cancelled because of the weather, having a day off no one going to cafe, settling in all of us.

    It’s not like you to be up with the early shift..hope your head calms down…

    I like the wine trousers but not sure what colours to put with them, I have black jumper must play about with what I have…
    I have no tree now it got thrown away when we cleared the garage just before Steve passed, my heart isn’t still into Xmas, I may change when everybody gets theirs up. It’s so hard. I won’t have anyone coming, Jacqui for a couple of hours at some stage…it doesn’t seem to be worth the hassle…
    I lost 2 lbs after my three meals out so still 1 lb up..I am ok about it, yours will soon come off.
    Watch the length of the trousers if you take the plunge, all different lengths when they should be the same!
    Lots of banging about with the wind now…

    Keep safe everyone and have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Good evening, Jean I don’t intend to join the early shift, prefer to stay in bed. I lost just over 4.5 lbs this week so a good week. Probably put it back on next week. Not stormy here yet, but it may reach us.Ordered a new bed for Heidi, so she will be straight on it, likes her bed, must take after me😂

    Well done on 4 1/2 lbs off its a large amount 😀…a good chunk to your stone for Xmas….

    Good afternoon, cold outside just above freezing.Took Heidi out and didn’t put her lead on just her band to stop her falling.Big mistake she stopped sniffing every few yards and I couldn’t move her on, she just went round in circles😂.No snow here but got the fire on full and Denise is still cold, I’m roasting.Had snow on the M62 so that’s not very far away. My mates got plenty of snow in Edale and the trains have been stopped.

    Evening All…
    Very cold with sleet here and very windy…I have had a power cut at 10.50 for over 5 hours, the house was at 10 degrees, Charlie and I were both wrapped in blankets snuggled on the settee….
    The temperature is now rising not a very good day..

    I lit the candles and got my walking light out but it came back on about 4.15…

    Missed my cuppa’s…

    Looks bad on the M62, lorries crashed at junction 21 last night..looks a lot of snow about.
    Poor Heidi weather not good when she’s walking slow…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its very cold but we have had lots of sun this morning. Lovely walk with a neighbour.

    Mr Pips a bit stiff after his walk .. I think I will cut it down a bit while its so cold .. His poor old bones must be feeling it like mine. lol

    I am having a mindful weekend with eating getting rid of that pound gain.

    Started my Christmas decorating .. and bringing the tree in this afternoon. Get it up then decorate tomorrow.
    People seem earlier this year. Maybe wanting some joy in these strange times.

    Sym.. How awful being without power for 5 hours .. hopefully that has settled back normal now. Xx

    Well done.. Nana losing the pound.. Sym… 2 lbs and Brads 4 1/2 brilliant news..

    Hope everyone is doing okay .. enjoy your afternoon. We only fail when we stop trying. Xxxx

    Good afternoon, plenty of snow here, not used to seeing it. No doubt traffic will come to a standstill if we get much more. Always makes me laugh a couple of inches of snow and it’s chaos.In Canada 10 get off snow and no problems. Took Heidi out just as it started to snow so won’t go far on the next walks.

    Evening All

    What a couple of days..my 5 hours without power, it came on about 4.15 and went off again at 8.45..it has been off another 17 1/2 hours, gypsies had broken into a sub station took loads of wires and damaged things..we came back on about 3.15 just as I was going out walking…

    The freezer seems fine, one half of a bread loaf needs throwing away I got away with it. It’s been so cold, sitting with blankets over us snuggling together, bed early…Fay made me a bacon butty and a cuppa this morning, and a hot flask for through the day, she was on a different grid. She didn’t know it had gone off again.

    We have had a Xmas festival with 40 stalls very nice, a band playing Xmas music, face painting and bending of balloons for the children. Lots of people attended..I had three glasses of mulled wine that warmed me up in the pub…the pub organised it all, new this year.

    Poor Mr Pips getting stiff and with aches, the weathers not good in that direction.
    Well done on getting your tree sorted and then finish it tomorrow…I have my eye on some branches of a Xmas tree near our boules pitch, when my flowers die in another week I shall go and clip some and put it in my large flower vases, a couple and dress with baubles…that will be my effort…

    Charlie was doing zoomies in the snow this morning, not like him to be running about mad….I have bought a polo neck sweater, he was watching me put it on knowing it was different…as my head went slowly though I went boo at him..he ran away 😂 I made him jump!

    Getting a bit warmer now…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone. It’s minus one here and an inch of frozen snow on the ground. It’s a white Knuckle ride just taking Heidi for a walk. And I imagine it will be worst today. Got Heidi a new bed and it took her all of one second to try it out, she looks really comfortable on it. I wouldn’t mind joining her but would never get back up😂.

    Hi all,
    Not been on for a bit as very busy fulfilling my sock orders, still have quite a few pairs to make both on my machine and hand knit ones which I do in the evenings in front of the tv.

    Lovely sunny day here today in North Devon after the storm on Friday and Saturday. Lots of trees down locally but we seem to have got away without any damage. The temperature has gone up here too, below freezing on Friday and Saturday, then back up again to nearly double figures yesterday and today!

    Two water fasts done last week, weight is dropping about one lb a week which is fine. No fasting today as it’s my husband’s birthday, so chocolate cake this afternoon and I’ll be cooking him steak and all the trimmings for our evening meal as it’s his favourite.

    Hope everyone’s keeping well.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    We had a coating of snow this morning to greet us. .. Most gone now though with the sunshine. It was so very pretty .. Christmas had arrived early. lol

    Just had eggs and tomatoes on toast.. 2 satsumas.. Pip just loves them .. we share I have half a segment he eats the rest. lol

    I m back on track and lost the pound I had gained. There will not be a mince pie in sight this week.

    Brads… Lucky Heidi with her new bed.. What type did you get.

    Sym.. Thats a lovely idea re the evergreen in pots then decorate . I am just going to finish my tree… and put up 3 stockings on the fire place… then its done Its nice when you do make the effort although not easy at this time I can imagine.

    I think once you can start doing a few bits you sort of get the bug.

    Nicky.. Well done with your pound a week a good way to lose.
    Enjoy today with hubby on his B Day .

    HH Mel… Kay .. Hope all is well with you.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Our day will come. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone a few days since I’ve posted being due to having a sudden nasty stomach bug on Thursday. All better now though.
    Nicky and Hemmy well done on your weight loss I’ve had a fast day today so will weigh in tomorrow morning.Also happy birthday to your husband Nicky.
    We went to village green Christmas 🌲 lights switch on last night which was lovely but so cold 🥶 They were selling hot dogs and mulled wine which warmed me up slightly. It’s also made me feel Christmasy so have put up our Christmas 🎄 today.
    Hello to everyone else.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A pleasant day here a well wrap up walking sort of day…going into double figures tomorrow…

    Boules tomorrow should be nice, just four of us in the morning..

    Fasting day for me, not the best finished at 800… another 800 day tomorrow……a Xmas meal out on Wednesday a funny week for food..

    Take care in the icy weather don’t want you falling…interesting what you think of your shoe chains..

    Lots of socks being made…is it a job for you or the love of it?
    Well done on your water fasts again..hard going…good moving your pound..
    Happy Birthday to your hubby, enjoy your steak meal and cake tonight….

    I have seen a Xmas tree which I shall take some branches, it’s very big so I won’t spoil it..crowded between other trees….I usually find large twigs and spray them silver then dress them…it might get me in the spirit…yours sounds about right…
    Well done on getting the pound off…

    Glad you are feeling much better…I forgot to take photos of our Xmas festival yesterday it went really well, like you but I had more, three glasses of mulled wine..warmed me up…

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone. I will let you know about the snow chains if We get anymore snow.Hemmy Heidi loves fruit, apples, oranges, she has a full apple to herself, I take the core out and give slices one at a time. Been having to many nuts this week and grapes so could be a bad weigh-in.

    Dave- well done on the loss last week- hope it hasn’t gone back on…snow chains were a good idea, can you post a link? Last year was treacherous here, so scary when I was walking Xena as she can pull! Is all the tech stuff sorted now?
    Jean- well done with your loss too, don’t blame you doing an 800 day, hard to do b2b 500 cals. Your power cut was awful, glad the freezer was okay. Good that the Christmas fayre went well for your village!
    Hemmy- I think taste testing mince pies is a very good idea- I had to try the ones I’d bought as some were recalled for not being cooked, luckily mine were okay 😉 Poor Mr Pipps being stiff after his walk, hope he won’t need anything from the vets- our last dog had youmove tablets which helped for a while.
    Nana- glad you’re over the bug! Nice to be feeling Christmassy, lots round here up early too. We’ll do ours next weekend.
    Nicky- well done with your fasts & pound off! Happy birthday to hubby, enjoy your cake & meal 🎁
    Had a lovely weekend away, the place was lovely & cosy, great being in the hot tub on a chilly evening! Xena was a pickle though & not good at night, so didn’t get much sleep- it was really well thought out for dogs though, lots of extras! Back to fasting today, have done 500cals. Been busy- walked Xena & Gwinnie, poor Roger was very confused today. Then took Mum to Tesco for a new phone- they got it mostly set up for her, so did a bit more when we got home, & gave her some lessons! She’s texted me since I’ve been home so at least she can do that- she’s lost alot of photos though which she was a bit upset about…
    Hope everyone else is okay x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A much warmer day at 11deg it feels quite like summer after the intense cold. lol

    A busy couple of days .. all decorating done.. so going to have a lot around the shops tomorrow. Go to the bakery and have a coffee and sandwich.

    Food choice and keeping away from too many carbs. is going well No alcohol helps a lot.

    Will have a wine when Pam and I go out for our pre Christmas lunch.

    Mums Birthday today would have been 96 … I miss her wisdom.. But life goes on and I still carry her words in my mind.

    Nana .. Glad you are better now. seems lots of stomach bugs around.

    Sym.. You have your Christmas meal to look forward to tomorrow. Is it just casual or do they dress up.
    My bestie Pam dresses over the top where ever she goes .. just loves it…More smart casual for me. lol We are a strange combination but it works. lolol

    Brads.. I will have to try Pip with the apples if Heidi loves them.

    HH.. Glad you had a lovely break away sounds idyllic.

    Have a good evening all … whether fasting or being mindful. The amount of effort we put in is the amount of results we end up with. Xxxx

    Evening everyone, just had to log in so annoying when that happens.
    Was pleased to see a one pound loss on the scales when I weighed this morning I think it was helped a little by the stomach bug but not a nice way to lose it though.
    Haven’t done a lot today just a bit of ironing and tidying up. Had to wait in for a delivery today so looking forward to getting out for our usual Wednesday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Nana- well done with your pound off, like you say, not a nice way to lose it…hope you enjoy your day out tomorrow!
    Hemmy- hugs to you, remembering your Mum xx Well done with your no alcohol!
    Jean- hope boules was good today, have you done another FD today?
    Dave- hope you don’t need the snow chains, I’ll have a look for some…
    Hope everyone else is okay!
    Had a very busy day, both boys at home, lots of cooking, washing & ironing, hair cuts, I spoil the boys but like them being here, they’ll move out one day & I’ll miss them! Eaten lots today, will do a 500 cal day tomorrow- hubby wants a Chinese on Thursday, so can’t do a run of 800cal days…A quieter day tomorrow hopefully!


    1st Dec tomorrow, how’s S.O.F.A. going?? I’m sure everyone is doing better than me..lol
    But I did have a nice few days away last week!

    2nd consecutive FD and had finished on 557cals but then Neil made some popcorn in a pan!! Now I feel annoyed!! I guess it’s low compared to other things, and he said he only used a drizzle of oil in the pan…tis done now 😆

    Going up to my mums next Thursday and staying til the Monday, so another spanner in the works!

    I’m hoping to get my booster vacc on Friday but it’s a walk in session so I’m expecting a free for all!

    Taste testing mince pies…now there’s a thought! Which reminds me I need to make a dozen for the Parish Hall Christmas Bingo/draw on Friday…

    Nicky, good to see you are losing steadily. Where in North Devon are you? I’m in North Cornwall.
    Jean, you were without power for a long time. Feel for those is Scotland who are on day 5…can’t understand why something isn’t been done.
    Nana, well done on your loss, you are still losing.
    HH, glad your mum’s phone is set up. The photos will still be on the old phone and probably can be taken off there.
    Dave, hope you don’t have to use the snow chains.
    Hemmy, enjoy your look around the shops tomorrow.

    Tomorrow I am hopefully going to collect the bike I ordered ages ago, if its OK. Not that it’s the weather for cycling at the moment! Need to drop in and get some veg and stuff from Morrisons on route home.
    I need to decide whether to go to bell ringing practice tomorrow night…we were away last week and the week before I couldn’t do any of it right and ended up getting upset and then was embarrassed about getting upset and left!

    It’s the weekly meat draw at the pub in aid of the air ambulance, so we will probably go up.

    I think the weather is about to switch back to being nasty, so stay safe everyone.

    Kay x

    Good morning everyone, the sun is out so I think bowling may be on the agenda. It’s 5°C and we had a downpour not long ago. Here is the link for the snow chains.
    Unigear Ice Traction Cleats Ice Snow Grips Crampons with 18 Shoe Spikes for Walking, Jogging, Climbing and Hiking https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07CWN3MDJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6Q8TERM3RRS9YQZE5B3N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1.

    Afternoon All..
    Weathers still holding quite a pleasant walk..

    Our boules Xmas meal tonight, I have been getting my outfit together , shoes out etc.

    I am meeting up with Natalie for a long riverbank walk at 2.45…a bit early but it gets dark quick , there’s no lights….give the boys a good walk as we are both out tonight, Natalie on a new date….

    Nice to get away before everything gets busy, lovely to get into a hot tub sounds romantic..
    I have only done one fast day, I shall again Thursday…I have a few things this month hoping I don’t put on too much weight.. a bit push in the new year 😂

    Nice to have memories of your Mum, you always miss them…both mum and dad both died near Xmas it always brings memories back even after all these years, 40 years or so.
    I am wearing a black dress I have bought a black scarf with silver leaves just to give it a sparkle.

    Glad you are better now and well done on your pound off…

    Hope the bell ringing goes well, you will do mistakes while learning, I wouldn’t put worry about it…lovely to see your mum even for a few days…I have nearly given up this month I seem to be riding backwards…

    Have a good bowls game…ours went well yesterday..won a game each…

    Jean x

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