Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Jean the hockey is an hour early at the moment, the clocks go back on Sunday in Canada, so that will make it an hour later over herešŸ˜©. Took Heidi out and she met “her cat”Thomas.It was like Romeo and Juliet, the cat was sat on a garden wall so I stopped to stroke him. Heidi was stretching up and Thomas was bending down but they couldn’t quiet meet,about 6 inches short.People were looking on in amazement.Lovely and sunny today and we are bowling at 1pm.According to Alexa it will start raining then so will wait and see.

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    I have had both jabs, so thatā€™s good..I reversed the arms she had a long list all the same except me. I have reactions to the flu so needed it in the left so my right arms is ok for Charlie..

    Bought some new fluffy blankets for Charlie for bed time and to cover down stairs setteesā€¦he always wants to be on mine at bed time so he has his own now!..his are smaller so easier to washā€¦

    Fast day is going ok, feel fine at the momentā€¦finish the bacon off tonight with egg and tomatoes..all easy.

    My daughters clocks have not moved yet, it makes it harder to catch her I think another week and we will be the same againā€¦.hope your weather stays dry for bowlsā€¦lovely for Heidi and Thomas, strange but nice.

    Happy Anniversary have a lovely dayā€¦..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Very dark here looks like a storm brewing.

    Not a good day yesterday as still eating up treat bits and pieces.. plus finishing up wine lol.

    Tonight I have a Higgidy Mushroom and Kale pie my neighbour loves them so giving it a try for a change. Anyone else tried them?

    Well done with the good weight loses last week sounds like it was a brilliant week.

    Sym .. hope you feel ok after your 2 jabs.

    H H… Happy Anniversary enjoy your special day.

    I am painting my kitchen walls .. It may be too dark though to go back to it today. Just using up a big tin of Calico colour that was used for the landing. Freshen it up.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing .. The only person you ever need to prove yourself to is you. Xxxx

    Evening everyone a quick check-in. My it was a chilly cycle ride this morning to catch the bus. Usual visit to daughter and son in law then on to St Ives for meet up for lunch with our friends. A cheese and pickle granary sandwich and two glasses of pinot grigo Hemmy.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Dave- I would be fast asleep before the hockey started! So sweet, your Heidi & the cat! Day 2 no bread, has it gone okay?
    Jean- hope your arms are okay tomorrow & you’re not poorly…nice to have evenings out coming up ā˜ŗ Daren’t get any comfy blankets for Xena, she just gets too possessive over them, it’s sad. Her eyes seem to be fine now, I get human brolene drops for her, they work well & cheaper than the vets šŸ˜‰
    Hemmy- calico sounds a lovely colour, I’m sure we’ve used that here…enjoy the leftovers! I’ve not had that flavour higgidy pie, but have had other ones, they’re yummy! Hope you like it ā˜ŗ
    We’ve had a lovely day, went out for lunch by the river, used the vouchers I’ve been given, a lovely meal. Hubby couldn’t manage a pud so I had to be polite & not have one either šŸ˜‚ We’ve got some chocolates for tonight though…FD tomorrow!

    Dave can just visualise the Romeo and Juliet scene – Heidi really is a beautiful soul.
    Hemmy I havenā€™t had a Higgidy pie but love their quiches – they do a cauliflower cheese one which is lush.
    Following my FD800 with wine I had a bad non fast day so must watch what I am doing. Another FD800
    today (without wine!). Plan is to do FDs until Saturday week then have a weigh in.

    Have just read what I posted. I meant AFDs!

    Good afternoon played out game in bowling against my mate in your club league, he beat me 21-16.I couldn’t bowl them far enough after being 11-6 up. Once he got the Jack I struggled with the long bowls. It was very slippy holding the bowlsšŸ˜Ÿquiet a few slipped out of my hand. It was the same for both of us though. 40 calories so far today. So on track, not sure what to have for tea though.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Quite a cold dark day here now …we had some nice sunshine on our walk.

    Nana .. I love your lunch choices they are often my choice too.

    HH Glad you enjoyed your anniversary meal .. hope you enjoyed the chocolate later.

    Mel… OMG I have just realised that pie was over 600 cals lolol it was nice though.
    You sound like you have your FD s well planned this week.

    Brads.. it must be hard going playing with that bad shoulder .. you need to take care and rest it up.

    Back to painting .. quite enjoying it.. Take care all….
    Expect little from people. Expect a lot from yourself. That’s the secret of a happy life.- Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone. Not such a cold day as yesterday but that wind was cold around Ely market today.Auntie and Uncle doung okay but Uncle getting a bit more confused lately.
    Enjoyed my breakfast at half ten as I hadn’t eaten since yesterday lunchtime.
    Haven’t decided yet what to have for tea but most probably a couple of eggs scrambled.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hemmy the doctor in the hospital said keep the shoulder moving, don’t rest it. I will be glad when I can find out what’s up with it. Still undecided about what to have for tea. I don’t seen to have dinner when I stop having bread, so not a bad thing. Will have poridge tomorrow.

    Dave- good that you can still bowl with your shoulder being painful…well done without the bread!
    Mel- I can just see you doing another 9 FDs šŸ˜‚ Are you away again after that, or just planning when to weigh, if that makes sense?!
    Hemmy- keep up the good work with the painting! Good you enjoyed the pie, best not to look at the calories!
    Nana- not surprising your uncle’s a bit confused, they’re doing well for their age, I think the lockdowns affected lots of elderly people with their memory šŸ˜¢
    Jean- hope the arms are not too sore & you could walk Charlie okay…
    Walked Xena & Gwinnie in the dry, but it was chilly- okay with Xena as we march along to keep warm, not so good with Gwin as she likes to stop & sniff! Had our Asda order today, the poor chap forgot some of it so he had to come back, we hadn’t noticed šŸ˜‚ Quite hungry today, just doing a 500 cal day today & then a nonFD tomorrow. Eating lentil koftas & salad with the boys, I’ll resist their flat bread!
    Have a good evening all ā˜ŗ

    Evening Allā€¦
    A strange day not fasting..I weighed in a few ounces up, back to goal.

    A very chilly day, I got all Charlie blankets dry on the line so that was good. A quiz night for me, I shall be there but I am no good at a pub quizā€¦.3 ladies and me from boules going.

    Too chilly for riding a bikeā€¦.nice sandwich, I love granary bread I am not eating much of late of any bread.

    Nice pie but high in caloriesā€¦hope your kitchen is looking clean and tidy and you are pleased with itā€¦

    I have been tired today I didnā€™t sleep well but my arm although sore is not too bad nowā€¦my flu jab arm is better than normalā€¦a mess about with your Asda order hope you have it allā€¦.your day out by the river looked very nice.

    The bowls are tricky when damp we have the same problem ..I am like you I am not eating lunch just a cuppa and a bit of cake.. I am not too bothered..I think boules two or three times a week across the eating time, I have just coffee out, maybe a scone.

    I have to think what to put on jeans I suppose, only two or three minutes walk awayā€¦.get Charlie settled put tv on in the bedroom in case of fireworksā€¦

    Jean x

    Jean you should have took Denise with you, she did a pub quiz on holiday and won it. She’s non stop doing crosswords and other quizzes, says it’s brain training. Eileen from our bowls club rang me up before, we are playing our game in Monday, whoever wins gets promotion to the top league and the loser gets relegated to the 3rd division.

    Good afternoon wet here. Done the shopping looked at the cobs and drooled, but didn’t get anyšŸ˜‡.Only 20 calories so far today but not a FD. Might have poridge for dinner, no idea what to have for tea.Took Heidi to the park before while it was dry. Will go again before the school come out then leave it until 10pm.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A frosty morning but pretty with the sun and blue sky… clouded over now.

    Well not a good result for Friday. lol I am still holding on to those gained 3lbs.

    I am so annoyed as I have had wine every night this week again.. and with that comes the snacks and picking. .
    It was nearly 4 months without wine and I never bothered about food after my 2 meals. My weight stayed brilliantly stable for weeks.

    Last night after a good meal I even ate a bag of chocolate buttons I keep for my friend s grandchild. They had been in the cupboard for weeks without a thought.

    So that’s it ,, lolol as Sym would say “line drawn under.” lol I started wine Zero on a Friday before .. will start this evening.

    Nana… It must be so hard on the other partner when one gets confused..
    Is it take away this evening oh and wine lolol

    Brads… I do hope you get seen soon.. its no picnic being in pain. Well done with the cobs. You will be losing lbs.

    HH .. how did that 500 day go yesterday .. that’s less that that pie I had lol.

    Sym… Yes, pleased with my kitchen… Its all mainly cream… but I am introducing some pale yellow bits and pieces for a change. Just finishing up today. Its a long job as Pip doesnt like me up a ladder so have to choose my time for that. lol

    Have a good day all …. A negative mind finds fault in everything, but a positive mind finds opportunity in everything. Xxxx

    Just got a text message from GP, so I called the number and the outcome is I am now officially on the ultrasound list and must wait until they write to me. Hope it’s soon.

    Jean- well done going to the pub quiz, I am rubbish…good your arm’s not too bad. Cake for lunch?! I could do that šŸ˜‚
    Dave- a bit frustrating that you’re only just on the list after waiting a few weeks already! Hopefully not too long, I know round here they have quite a few clinics for ultrasounds in all the towns so cuts the wait…Monday’s bowls sounds a bit tense, fighting for promotion or relegation!! well done resisting the cobs!
    Hemmy- wonder why dogs don’t like us up ladders? Josie never did- I thought it was sometimes checking the smoke alarms, but Xena’s the same too…Hope you can get that line drawn & back to no wine, you had been very good!
    Nana- enjoy your meal tonight, I guess meeting with friends again?
    Kay & Mel- hope your FDs have gone okay…
    My 500cal FD was fine yesterday, had an eating day today & another 500 day tomorrow. Son passed his driving test today, so he’s car hunting now, quite a relief- an early start for us all, it was at 7.15! Spent a while taking down the runner beans- left them up with some beans on this year to harvest some to plant next year. Had my hair dyed & cut this afternoon, was nice to sit down!
    Have a good evening all ā˜ŗ

    I’ve had two scans in the last few years, one was in a very posh place, as you walked in they offered you a nice coffee, the other was in the back of a van in a car park. Hope I don’t have to wait long but I won’t hold my breath. I got a new contract with Virgin because my contract had run out. I’ve changed my phone SIM from Virgin to O2 so hopefully it will be better. I now get my sky cinema and entertainment in 4K and my broadband speed will be 1 gig. I also get Starzplay which is the latest Hollywood films and entertainment thrown in, all for an increase of 49 pence. The Starzplay is worth Ā£5 per month, don’t know if it will be any good.

    Good morning, first on. Unbelievable! Will it be another WW3 tonight like last night? I took Heidi out at 10pm and it was very noisy and lots of flashing but Heidi just walked down the street as if nothing was going on, the benefits of being deaf for her,a couple of years ago she wouldn’t even put a leg outside.A bad day for eating yesterday, fish and chips from the chippy and mushy peas. Not doing too well lately, can’t see me losing a stone by ChristmasšŸ˜©.

    Morning all. HH didnā€™t answer your question re holidays. Nothing booked although we will probably go to Kent to visit friends before Christmas. I am really trying now to lose the gained weight before Scilly Isles in March. Weighed this morning and have lost one pound so that is three in the two weeks we have been home. I know the FD800 with wine didnā€™t help! And a few chocolate treats on NFDs. Will try to cut those out and maybe get 2lb this week. Will be happy with another one though.

    Exercise is my problem at the moment. Did go out for a walk with two girlfriends yesterday which was nice. Went back to Julieā€™s house for a cuppa and she produced a little M&S treat, chocolate and salted caramel job, luckily only small!

    Hemmy back on the wine again!

    Have a good day, fasting or not, HH joining me I believe.

    Afternoon everyone – forgot to post yesterday.
    Weighed myself yesterday and I’d gained a pound so don’t think I’ll be able to lose a stone by Christmas either Dave. Well done Mel I always find a holiday or a special occasion to be a good motivation for losing weight.
    Hedgehogs congratulations to your son on passing his test. Nice to be able to sit and relax for a while.
    Hemmy yes a nice Indian takeaway last night plus a few white wines.
    Not having a fd today but am aiming for a low day.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe. Will be back again on Monday.
    Nana x

    Evening Allā€¦
    A good dry dayā€¦ played boules and then to the pubā€¦played 2 and won bothā€¦.

    A busy day doing nothing!!

    Well done on your son passing his test, my younger grandson is in the process of buying his first car, a Corsa I thinkā€¦.

    You will soon loose the 3 lbs, you reminded me I had buttons in, eaten them nowā€¦šŸ˜‚

    Hope the scan comes through quickā€¦.at least you have moved to a listā€¦no fireworks tonight hereā€¦

    Your holiday does sound nice something to look forward tooā€¦

    Soon loose the pound, itā€™s a balancing actā€¦

    Enjoy the weekendā€¦

    Jean x

    Evening! Was getting ready for bed but have woken right up now šŸ˜‚
    Fd went well, not too hungry- found a tin of veggie chilli going out of date so had that for dinner- 260 cals, plus 30.for low carb rice! Will have to get some more…
    Took son in as he’s worked lots extra & was looking weary this morning, took Xena & her ball to the park next to where he works- they have a fair & setting up for fireworks at ours. Been a bit lazy in between walks, we went to the woods this afternoon, have worn Xena out! Was going to watch the fireworks but it rained so watched from indoors šŸ˜‚ Luckily Xena’s not bothered.

    Morning Allā€¦
    A beautiful but windy morning, a lovely pleasant walkā€¦just had a late breakfast and then mended Charlieā€™s coat a few holes appearing, for the price it shouldnā€™t be happeningā€¦.

    I was going to visit my sister but sheā€™s not picking her phone up, getting late now to go and get back for pm walkā€¦

    Nothing really planned I may try on a few clothes and she what I have, I forget what I have in my winter collection šŸ˜‚ā€¦.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow ā€¦next thing is boules on Tuesday ā€¦.

    A good low calorie find for your dinnerā€¦I am feeling lazy too. ..Charlie wasnā€™t too bothered with the fireworks he slept through some last night.
    Must pop to pub to get a menu for boules Xmas dinner they have it ready for me, itā€™s a lot of faffing, it fell on me although Fay and Christine are going to help me, itā€™s a bit too muchā€¦from 6 to 8 people itā€™s now running at 19, we have to find our what everyone wants and a Ā£10 deposit, everyone is too scattered aboutā€¦

    Have a good day everyoneā€¦

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,a dry day here and 10Ā°C so not too bad. I had a pizza with my son last nightšŸ¤ÆI have on average about 2 a year. Heidi is eating everything in sight, and I could do too.Must be careful, I’ve given up on losing a stone by Christmas but hopefully will try and lose half a stone.My new virgin hub comes tomorrow and waiting for new SIM card to arrive.

    Afternoon All..
    Sorted my wardrobe of clothes out the good thing they all fit.. summer clothes away in a box under the bed..winter all hanging upā€¦
    Sorted a dress out for our Boules Xmas meal get together 1st Dec, washing a coat to freshen it upā€¦

    I popped out to the restaurant for our Xmas menu and a la carte to get on-line so people can choose..

    A lazy hour before walk time, I feel the temperature is dropping, a lovely bright blue sky day..

    Haddock tonight, smell the house out šŸ˜‚ but it needs eatingā€¦.possibly wonā€™t buy it again, back to the chippy..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A pretty day but I have felt cold the last couple of days. Must have a sort of my winter clothes.

    Well I still haven’t drawn that line.. I am now 4lbs up on my goal weight. That was accumulated in the last 11days.. How scary is that. lol Only 3lb to half a stone. Just shows how easy it is to lose grip

    Yesterday was bad I couldn’t stop eating… not so bad today… I have had cream cakes with a friend this afternoon .. so I am planning on A melting middle fish cake homemade chips and peas. For dinner .. then to go back to my natural yogurt and honey end of.

    Still been having wine… so silly. I must put on my good determination hat …

    HH Glad your son got his licence… I bet there was a smiley face.
    No Fireworks in the village local farmers had put posters up on Facebook village chat about animals being terrified .. especially the horses.. I don’t think anyone dared. lol

    Brads… GP tonight … I am hoping Max does well for Red Bull .. A friend is on the team.

    Sym… You have a busy time ahead with social meetups You will need to get your outfits sorted. I haven’t bought any winter stuff yet.. I have seen a nice Cotton Traders sweater in a sort of patch work coral colours .. be nice for Xmas day.

    Enjoy your evening everyone.

    Stay strong. One day you can look back and say I made it. Xxxx

    I’m unsure who to stick up for, I like Max, his dad was good to but would like Lewis to win another world title. Next season is easy I will be shouting for George Russell.Denise is taking up Line dancing this week at the club where I go bowling. It will do her good to get out. Jean it will be nice going out for a Christmas meal with all the others. Booked our Covid booster for Friday.I was teaching online and the original jabs don’t protect for very long.

    Hello, Iā€™m a longtime lurker whoā€™s fallen by the wayside! Iā€™ve followed you all for some time trying to get myself back in the 5:2 mindset. I used 5:2 back in 2012 when the documentary first aired and it worked. I felt better than I had for years. It became a way of life and I stayed on track for just over 5 years. Then the relentless pressure from the naysayers got to me along with my husband retiring and suddenly being around 24/7 (Iā€™d taken early retirement by then) With his retirement came new opportunities to travel, see friends more etc and that meant regular meals outā€¦you know where this is going!!
    So, my head is finally back in the right place and Iā€™m once again fasting twice a week. I always found it worked best for me if I ate nothing on fast days so thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing again. I have about two stone to lose and todayā€™s the first day. I think joining you all (if I may!) will see me through the times when a ā€œwell meaningā€ family member or friend tells what Iā€™m doing is wrong or harmful when they realise Iā€™m back to fasting two days a week.

    Welcome nickysf, your story is so similar to mine as my husband and I are retired and enjoy a busy social life. I to need to lose at least two stone after losing really well the first time around.
    Coming on here daily helps as you’ve read we’re a friendly bunch and post about other things besides fasting. Helps if you have a cat or a dog as you’ve probably guessed – we don’t but have a grand dog a black labrador called Poppy.
    Try to make my FD’s Saturday and Monday as we’re out and about Wednesday onwards meeting up with friends and eating out.
    I eat up to 800 calories on my FD’s but spread them out over the day as I was advised by a consultation over the phone with a nurse following a yearly blood test showing my cholesterol levels had risen despite being on medication for it. Makes it a bit slower to lose the weight I think but I’ll give it a go and see what happens with the next blood test.
    Nana x

    Hi and welcome Nicky.I took early retirement and I’m under my wife’s feet, so I took up crown green bowls. Now at the bowling club we both go for Spanish lessons and wife Denise is going to do line dancing on Thursday at the club. I lost 3 stone when I first started the 5-2 but have put most of our back on, so trying again. I had an heart attack so when I told them in hospital I was doing the 5-2 again they said it is good for blood sugar and not a bad thing. So if anyone tells you different just quote mešŸ˜. Good luck and come on here regularly.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Welcome Nicky … Wishing you well in this way of life. Xx It does sooo help coming on here when you can .. it just makes you accountable I think to your self to actually write down how good or bad your day has been..
    Lots of tips on here to pick up to help you on your way.. plus knowing there are others experiencing the same as you. I am at my goal but can go off the rails at times where wine is concerned lolol

    I had a good day yesterday … just had my dinner and no wine.. So day 2 no alcohol

    This morning I had already lost a pound. so the 3 to lose. Just had some mushrooms tomatoes was going to be an omelette but decided to just top them in the pan with two eggs fried… I really enjoyed it more than an omelette I think a jacket potato an bit of cheese for dinner …

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing… The only person you ever need to prove yourself to is you Don’t let other people’s opinion affect your commitment to yourself. Xxxx


    Have just lost my post, so starting again šŸ˜ž
    Nicky- hi & welcome, nice to have you here…good you know it works, ignore those who criticise, I’m sure it’s just because they haven’t the will power themselves!
    Dave- hope you can keep on track, not easy when you’re really hungry! What do you have on pizza as you hate cheese?! Hope Denise enjoys the line dancing ā˜ŗ
    Hemmy- well done 1lb off, hopefully you can stay off the wine, you know it works! My winter woolies have been out a couple of weeks!
    Jean- did you ever get hold of your sister? I guess as she lives with your nephew at least you don’t need to worry…alot of work sorting the Christmas meal, hate doing that sort of thing, you always have to chase people…someone’s got to do it though! Hope your FD goes well!
    Nana- you do well fasting at the weekend, but not alot of choice given how much you’re out in the week! Is spreading the cals out helpful, or making you more hungry?
    Mel & Kay- keep strong today!
    Fasting’s going okay today, but then I probably ate enough yesterday to keep me going for a bit! Had a busy day so far- walked Xena & Gwinnie, tidying the garden, digging up the last of the potatoes, ironing…
    It will be a difficult week with mum- she’ll be down coming back to being on her own, & the anniversary of Dad passing so not sure how many FDs I’ll do this week! My motivation for our big push to December seems to have fizzled away a bit!

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A bright cold walk this morningā€¦sorting the Xmas dinner out calling at a few houses who donā€™t do whatsApp..then on to see my sister for a few hoursā€¦

    Fast day going well been too busy to thinkā€¦.

    Ooh 4 lbs if can soon go upā€¦I feel Charlie is putting weight on itā€™s my naughty titbits, I should be stopping eating them tooā€¦
    Just noticed 1 lb off phewā€¦line drawn as we sayā€¦.

    Line dancing for Denise I donā€™t think I would remember the stepsā€¦a few meals out next week for me, a bad week for fastingā€¦

    Welcome Nicky….I have been there lost 34 lbs and put them all back onā€¦lost them again I am at goal but I like to come on here, I do go up and downā€¦I have been with the group for 6 years everybody are like friends nowā€¦
    I usually do Mondays and Thursdays loosely 500/600 ishā€¦

    I have Christine helping now with the meal, she was a secretary and younger than me, doing spreadsheets etc, both collecting the deposits, a week on Tuesday then itā€™s closed..so you are going or not no chasing!
    Sister is forgetting all sorts, I just let it goā€¦she forgets the last sentence we spoke about, itā€™s just reminding her with odd words it helpsā€¦
    Hope you are all ok on your dadā€™s anniversary and mum tooā€¦I feel I am worse the lead up to things a week or two beforeā€¦dreading Xmas but I know it will pass quicklyā€¦

    Hoping your fast day is going well..

    Jean x

    Hi Nicky and welcome. Quick resume – 64 and retired. I lost two stone on this a couple of years ago and kept it off until my beloved dog became ill in November last year. We lost her 10th January and everything just fell apart. Most of the weight went on and itā€™s only now I feel able to tackle it seriously. We have lots of holidays but I just enjoy them and get back on track when we get home. Lost three pounds in the last two weeks (I tend to do ADF 800) which halves my wine intake. I am sure the others will agree I do like my wine! Currently have 22lb to lose.

    Anyway today is supposed to be a FD800 but looks more like being 900 calories. At least I havenā€™t blown it out of the water!

    Decided I am going to try and do 3 days around 800/1000 then 3 low days plus one day when I can go mad. Been bowling this afternoon so aching now.

    Welcome nicky….we’ve all been there unfortunately šŸ˜€
    You’ve obviously done it before so can do it again!

    Well done to everyone who lost weight last week! I lost half a pound, so that’s 3lb in total…..11lbs to go if I’m to lose 1 stone for Christmas!

    Today has been a good FD….572 cals, another FD tomorrow, then a normal day on Wednesday.

    Keep strong all!

    Good morning everyone, Heidi got me up this morning and left a little parcelšŸ˜¬. I’m waiting for the new Virgin hub to be delivered and my new O2 SIM card to come as well. Both are due today. Spanish lessons at 1pm them Sainsbury’s shopping after that. I have a new mobile number so will have to get out changed back to the old number as it’s the only number I have ever remembered.

    Thank you all for the welcome and your messages yesterday. Hope everyoneā€™s well this morning. It felt good to back to fasting again, my first fasting day for ages went very well, lots of water drunk and no food and a pretty good nightā€™s sleep. Woke this morning feeling like I used to feel after a fast day. Iā€™m not going anywhere near the scales for at least a fortnight as I find they can be misleading where loss is concerned (but sadly more accurate concerning gains! šŸ˜‚)
    We have a dog so walking is always a daily activity. I used to run every day and have run half and full marathons but had to stop completely about 15 years ago after an injury which put a stop to all running. Of course, going from running 5 miles minimum daily to nothing meant the weight piled on and discovering 5:2 was life-changing for the better. Since then Iā€™ve developed arthritis in one knee particularly badly and losing my extra two stone will benefit that hugely. I also have other arthritis plus asthma and fasting twice weekly helps those conditions enormouslyā€¦why did I ever stop?? I cycle a lot now which helps keep my knees strong, since moving to North Devon weā€™ve invested in electric bikes, great fun and brilliant for hills but you still have to pedal so not a complete cop out! Yesterday we did 10 milesā€¦my rule is the first 5 without power and then I can use power for the return trip especially for the hills.
    Sorry for rambling on but thought you might like a bit of background info!

    Morning Allā€¦
    A lovely river bank walkā€¦COWS have gone in for the winter, loads more walks to doā€¦šŸ˜€..back there tomorrow another play date with Oreoā€¦.

    Very good fast day yesterdayā€¦ boules later pm good dry day for itā€¦.

    What sort of dog do you haveā€¦I have Charlie a nearly 6 year old Dalmatian, we got him when he was three, he keeps me on the goā€¦.
    You will soon get back in the swingā€¦

    Kay, Dave and Mel..
    All doing very well ..lots of plans in placeā€¦

    Going upstairs hoovering, Charlieā€™s new blankets leaving fluffy bits all over the house šŸ˜³..looks awful..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, nicky I also have osteoarthritis in my left knee which I’m sure will be less painful not carrying the extra weight. I also cycle but only once a week on a Wednesday between six and ten miles not electric though as living in the Fens there’s not many hills, plus OH and I always have a daily constitutional walk of between one and three miles.
    Hedgehogs I find splitting the 800 calories over the day more difficult than eating just eating the one meal on a FD, however, having said that I was rewarded with a pound loss in the scales this morning.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Just lost a long post. lol

    Beautiful day… long walk in the sunshine lots of deer around .

    Some Christmas shopping this afternoon not much more todo just food then.

    I am pleased to say I had lost another pound this morning .. Day 3 No alcohol .

    2 lbs to get back to goal now. Feeling more energetic without having the rubbish… Just 2 meals Bought a nice variety of nuts today they are a god send .

    Have a lovely evening all. Even if you are on the right track, youā€™ll get run over if you just sit there. Xxxx

    Nicky my dog is call Heidi and if she makes it to July she will be 16.I need 2 new knees but have resisted so far even though the doctor said he will put on the list for surgery.I like Devon, went there on holiday this year, south Devon though, Paignton.My Wife was born in Devon, Plymouth but wasn’t there very long. My dog is a German shepherd. The virgin hub came and my SIM card also. Will have a read about the hub before I set it up.

    Evening Allā€¦
    Enjoyed my boules, quick and fast, 4 games, draw 2 all.. then to cafe just a latte ā€¦

    Walk before it got dark only just.

    Fast day Wednesday as going to quiz night on Thursday, so weigh in Thursday morning..
    Thinking on next week I have three meals out.. might do Friday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday.. donā€™t know if I can.. just to undo the damage..I will be stuffed so shouldnā€™t be too hard!!!šŸ˜‚

    Well done on your 1 lb off.. you do a lot of exercise considering you donā€™t have a dogā€¦

    Well done on loosing 2lbs, soon off you do wellā€¦topping up your nuts, I have almonds in but try not to have too many.
    I have my close family Xmas cards not sure if I am sending any others out, canā€™t face not writing Steves name on the rest.
    Just money for the family. Soon itā€™s over the better. Most food in too.

    Hope your hub is easy and change over of phone number..

    Jean x

    I think the phone number will take a day or two to change. New hub plugged in, waiting for it to update it’s software. It’s a very bright light so I think I will have to login to the hub and try to dim the light.

    Got the hub working but the speed was very slow, only 300Meg download speed. Will check later this see if it’s speed as improved.A dull day but dry at the moment. Got my new SIM card in the phone. Got to register and try to get my old number back. Going bowling at 1pm just practice, in our league at the club in now in the top division.Only 4 of us but all men now. So can bowl long or short.

    Does not much better and struggling to try and get my old phone number back, I call into the O2 shop in Ashton tomorrow. And get in touch with Virgin about the speed issue. Going bowling at 1pm

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A damp and dull day here after yesterdays sunshine.

    Having a sorting out day today getting clothes and shoes ready for the charity shop. It so silly just letting things hang there taking up space. I just need to sort out dog walking clothes .. casual and smart for shopping and lunch times.

    Day 4.. No alcohol settled back to my 2 meals .. hoping by the end of the week to be back to goal or near.

    Sym .. a good idea with the money for Christmas pressies… I used to hate giving vouchers as it looked like I hadn’t bothered. Now though I realise its so much better than giving something people may not want or use.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing
    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone just got back from our Wednesday lunch time meet up. Change of venue today which involved a bit more cycling than usual. Enjoyed a bacon & brie baguette plus my usual two glasses of white wine.Its been a cold and grey drizzly day here. Now getting warmed up looking at our log burner.
    Usual Ely visit tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nans x

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