Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All…
    One wet walk and a bright dry one tonight….didn’t expect the rain….a bit of shopping and not much more, I managed to find a jar of mincemeat for my Christmas mince pies, I have been looking for over a month. I went to the garden centre for some pansies for Steve and my decking..tomorrow’s job..

    Roast beef dinner this evening and I ate it ..I usually throw half away, I over face myself….a glass of red which I enjoy with a meal….

    Daughters has gone to Costa del sol, 27 degrees today…just slow to start in the morning…
    Good to start exercise is it for your neck, my shoulder is sore it hurts in bed…
    You were brave to eat the chestnuts I wouldn’t know the difference between conkers 😂

    Hope your days gone well and under control…I am hoping for three fast days this week….if I can..

    Good luck on the Christmas loss, you usually do well…I am looking at about 4 lbs to loose but my body will possibly say no…

    I got your dates wrong with Kirsty, nice to have some different things to look forward too.. I will be glad when the washer is in, I get chewed up about it..usual as I am so laid back..
    I do like a glass of wine with a meal…

    Jean x

    It was drizzly this morning when we took Tara to the field for her Sunday run but it’s been nice since. Finally planted some Spring bulbs and pansies. Also got some stuff out of the garage to take photos of to put on FB marketplace to sell. Don’t need a lawnmower now 😁

    The holiday lets have been busy this week and we have plenty to do this coming week but then I guess it will quieten down.

    Well done Mel for diving straight in! I need to buck up and get focused!
    I need to do 3 FDs a week….it starts tomorrow!

    Hemmy, nice idea, but I’m with Mel, it’s not going to happen 🤣
    I do need to stop snacking and have a proper lunch if I’m going to eat in the day though. Ideally restrict my eating window so I get some proper fasting done.
    It will be nice to have Kristy back again especially if you get to go out and do stuff.

    Jean, I agree with buying local, even if it’s a little more. Hopefully all be sorted on Thursday. I wish our local bowling club was continuing to play, even though the season has finished, but they have switched to short mat bowls which I don’t want to try – it might make things harder when I get round to starting bowling next year!

    Dave, it’s good that Heidi is holding her own again and things have settled down.

    HH, roasted chestnuts, not for me…probably the only nut I don’t like!

    I’m up for a challenge for Christmas….a stone off!! Eek, its only about 7 weeks away!!

    Right…its F1 time!!

    F1 was very exciting. Just back from Heidi’s last walk of the day. Thinking about watching sidecar racing next Saturday.Heidi had a small accident in the bedroom but she did it on the puppy pads I put out, she sleeps on them so no big deal. I think she does it in her sleep. If she’s downstairs she always heads for the back door, such a good girl.

    Morning All…
    A lovely village walk caught up with a few people while about…

    I am fasting today….I slept well, better than the previous night with very broken sleep…

    I bought some pansies for my decking and Steve to put in planters, so that will be a my first job…

    Feels chilly in the house I have had the heating on but turned it off..it will be going on again 😂..the holidays let’s will be going through the year everyone seems to have holidays all year round it will keep you busy.
    Good luck at selling all your bits and pieces brings a bit of cash in and some nice space..

    Never heard of sidecar racing….good a plan in place to help Heidi…she is a good girl…

    Well to the pansies….!!!…then to cemetery …

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Just lost a long post .. what a nuisance. Its a decent Autumn day here had a lovely walk with a neighbour. She had to be careful though as its slippy and she has broken her wrist.

    Lolol Girls.. I would just love a bottle .. sorry I mean glass or two with my meal but that’s not going to happen. lolol
    Its definitely my trigger to overeat. .. I think if we can locate our problem /trigger that is the key.

    Busy day .. still a bit wet for mowing .. will see tomorrow

    Have a good day Fasters everyone else be mindful .. Take care The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone we’ve just got back from Cambridge as OH was booked to have his Covid booster we asked if it was possible for me to also have mine to save me going in again for mine next week and they said yes that’s fine. We went to Bella Italia for lunch afterwards and I had a Calzoni pizza which was lovely very filling so nothing else will be eaten today. A sort of lowish day calorie wise. Cambridge was very busy as it’s the first day of half term here plus its a lovely sunny autumnal day here so l guess everyone was taking advantage of the weather. My widowed friend is coming to have lunch with us tomorrow and then it’s the usual rest of the week for us. Had my FD’s Saturday and Sunday which was hard but the scales rewarded me with a half pound loss this morning so it was worth it.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Been bowling for 2 and a half hours so feeling stuff now. When I got there the captain of our Thursday team said I’m in his bag books, we played for over 3 hours last Monday and he said he couldn’t move the following day😂. Nice and sunny here, we stopped bowling and had a cuppa, fortunately it rained so perfect timing. Fasting today had 60 calories so far.

    Successful FD completed today. About 650 cals plus I narrowed down my eating window to 18:6 so that should help too.

    Well done Nana. Enjoy the rest of your week now that your FDs are out of the way.

    Dave, you were lucky to go bowling in the dry. We’ve had intermittent heavy showers here!

    Jean, hope you sorted your pansies out without getting wet.

    Hemmy, I have many triggers for eating…mostly just being awake 😆

    Definitely will be trying for an early night tonight, as we were awake at 2.30am trying to silence a beeping smoke alarm! In the end we had to turn the electric off, take the back up battery out and let it fully discharge. Put it back together and bingo it had stopped! No idea why but it worked.
    Couldn’t ignore it as Tara has started getting anxious around things beeping in the kitchen, like the microwave, which I think has been triggered from the occasional alarm beeping over the last few months. Wonder if it hurts her ears?

    NFD for me tomorrow but going to keep busy so that I don’t overeat!

    Hope all the other fasters did well today too.

    8 weeks takes us to 17th Dec for the Christmas challenge!


    Yesterday’s fast day went well and I went for a walk with a group of ladies from the village although I didn’t really want to. Paul bullied me into it – he was right I did quite enjoy it. So that is two fast days this week with two more planned. Dinner out on Thursday and I plan not to have desert. We shall see though. A lot of good fasts being done – have we all got our mojo working?

    Good morning everyone,a dull day today but 11°C so not too cold. Good fast day yesterday so will try for a low day today.Spannish lessons this afternoon then shopping so no chance of any cobs today. Heidi’s been good of late so can’t fault her.

    Easy day for me today, looking after my back.

    Very grey day here but mild at 15° at least its dry.

    Successful FD yesterday, although I did wake up in the night, which seems to happen when I’ve had a FD.
    Felt OK this morning, so I’m aiming for another FD today. Although getting hungry now, so might have to have another coffee and get up and do something 😀

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mild dull day today no sun as yet.

    Just back from Tesco .. So some naughty cakes and treats but I always treat these days with Kristy as a holiday.. I don’t go away as I just couldn’t leave my boy. I could take him with me I guess but it all seems too much hassle when I live in pretty countryside anyway.

    Kay.. Mel.. and Brads well done on your FDs great determination there I reckon. You can do your Xmas targets no problem… you have all done it before. Xx

    It is easier to control your food when its just you to consider. It is so easy to get tempted seeing others eating treats.

    I have found my saviour in nuts .. a small handful on a plate just chewing a few a time. It really helps.

    Nana .. enjoy your lunch with your friend.

    Sym.. did you get your plants out?

    HH .. Are you still doing 800 days?

    Have a good week everyone… I will be back next Tuesday.. Probably Fasting lolol

    Sometimes we lose ourselves for a while, and that’s okay. It’s all a part of learning. We Just have to make sure our comeback is stronger than our setback Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, a lovely catch up with our friend today. Have tried to keep it low as regards calories. Not much else to report except to say my arm has been aching quite a bit since my vaccination yesterday but otherwise all okay.
    Usual Wednesday lunch tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    Chilly morning and a better afternoon on Charlie’s walks..

    We had 12 turned up for Tuesday boules, 6 months ago they were struggling with 4 people…we have now 7 in our Saturday ladies group, and a Friday group just starting I think about 8 but it’s still settling in on who’s staying and who doesn’t want to continue…
    Today we played three teams with 4 people, a squash but it worked.

    A low day for me about 800 cals I would have liked lower but it will do…

    I planted out for Steve and taken to cemetery….I have the others to do for the decking…hope you got the grass cut and you are ready for Kirsty, enjoy your time and treats with her…

    Hope your stiffness is easing and you both enjoyed getting back into your Spanish lessons…

    Hoping your arm eases off, my flu usually is worse red, swollen and sore…enjoy your day tomorrow…

    How is your fasting going today?.is your back any easier, rest up….

    Good to get out with the ladies to walk, it does you good…enjoy your meal Thursday..

    Jean x

    Quick post, getting tired & forgot to come on earlier(& yesterday, oops!). FD good at 650 cals yesterday, a little more today, but still under 800 cals- saw Alfie’s ‘mum’ for a coffee & she’d maxe shortbread, rude not to! Shopping after that & bits to do this evening, taken my mind off food! Hoping for another FD tomorrow, if I don’t wake too early!

    Still no Minols, hope she’s ok. The sun is trying to come out so hope it does. Going bowling this afternoon and my mate plays a lady from our club in our winter league I am going to set up a game with her for tomorrow hopefully.Spanish lesson was good, our teacher Olwyn as split Denise and I up, out Denise at the opposite end of the table, so I am sat facing Sheila.She can’t remember how to say 4 in Spanish she says Cointreau 😁So I said to her think of Suzy Quatro. She’s got it now but keeps calling Olwyn Olga 🤣

    Been bowling so feeling tired now. Playing again tomorrow against a lady called Eileen. She’s quiet good so might get beat.They do quite a lot of activities at the bowling club,bowls, Spanish lessons, curling indoors,line dancing.Maybe I should suggest Boules. Get jean down as an instructor 🤣.

    Afternoon everyone, just got back from our lunchtime meet up. Am pleased with my eating and alcohol consumption today as I didn’t have breakfast as I wasn’t hungry , had a tuna sandwich for lunch together with two medium glasses of dry white wine. Am not feeling hungry now so most probably won’t have anything else to eat today. A hard bike ride one way to the bus stop as it was head wind but luckily it hadn’t changed direction when we came home so a lovely easy ride back home.
    Off to Ely tomorrow as usual.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Nana- that will be a very low day…don’t know how you eat at lunchtime & then no more, I can’t do that!
    Dave- does sound good, lots going on at your bowks club…were you & Denise chatting too much, being naughty?! Getting split up, I don’t know! I’d love to do line dancing, don’t know of any round here… Hope Minols will come back & let us know how the move went 😞
    Jean- hope your day has been okay, have you got a pile of washing ready for tomorrow?
    Hemmy- hope you got all the cleaning done & have a lovely time with Krisy ☺
    Another FD done, 700cals, not too hard today. Saw Mum, she’s off tomorrow…aunt trying to muddle arrangements again & got mum upset- I know the aunts are both wanting to help mum but they make things worse & cause so much stress! Will be nice to have a little break from them all for a bit! Did a good bit of cleaning although not managed to get the kitchen floor washed with people in & out & needing food!

    Morning All..
    A very blustery morning..all windows and doors open up and down give a good blow through 😂..nothing like a bit of fresh air…

    Early walk as I am having my new washer fitted sometime today…please please let it fit….

    A fast day for me..eggs for tonight…

    Shortcake is rather nice 😋….ate more than I wanted yesterday, bits and pieces, carbs, glass of wine..not really good. One of those days…
    Time for a break for you, nice when mum can go away with someone, give her different things to do if she’s ok about it (I don’t think my sister would)

    Enjoy your time in Ely today..

    Your little group sounds like ours, one thing leads to another…it’s good…I am playing tomorrow but the weather might stop play…just 4 I think.

    Quick clean up down here wash floor later after the washer men have been…soon going upstairs to clean…I have Tony coming up Saturday pm to stay over…all clean just dusty and Charlie glitter ( Charlie hair)..

    Cuppa first and call my sister…taking bets conversation on ..bus timetables, road works and eye appointment …I have had 3 days of it..I will let you know 😂 bless…

    Jean x

    Eileen just rang me from bowling to cancel our game today, she said she will do her line dancing then she’s got to go babysitting.So will have to reschedule it. It’s a FD today but feeling peckish already.My shoulder is still very sore, waiting for ultrasound scan but that could be a long way off.Denise as come in eating her breakfast so I am now starving 😱. Drooling over a piece of toast🤤.

    Morning all, another good FD800 yesterday with one planned for tomorrow. That will be four this week doing ADF. Don’t know whether to weigh on Saturday or leave it for another week. Will see on Saturday how I feel.

    Jean, I love fresh air in the house too. Hate air fresheners, plug ins and all that palaver. Nice that Tony is coming up, although I know you find it very emotional. 🤗

    Meal out tonight with step father. He is not very happy at the moment, had a knee replacement cancelled last week while he was in hospital due to have it. They said his heart wasn’t strong enough. He had had weeks of tests etc before going in, surely they could have decided before.

    Will try and not pig out tonight although it is a ‘fine dining’ type place, rather than chips with everything which always seems to put the weight on.


    Feeling peckish a bit to go yet for food…

    Washer is in and working…need a uni degree to work it!…back to the shop for some tuition …a nightmare to fit as I thought, not perfect but it’s in…and a wash on…

    Shame on your bowing today…my shoulder is sore too, it gets easier then it’s sore again….

    Well done on 4 x 800 that’s hard going..I have done 2 x 500 ..1 x 800 and a 1000 see what tomorrow brings.
    Hoping not to get too upset with Tony, it was him upset last time which started me off…I believe we had some deep conversations which I needed share and to talk to him about…..I have booked a meal out on the night, it’s my treat this time…awkward when on your own, I like to keep it fair.
    Enjoy your meal out tonight, what a shame Step Dad didn’t get his operation it’s quite upsetting…

    A hour to wait before our walk…

    Jean x

    Jean- glad the washer’s in, hopefully you’ll get the hang of it! Nice that Tony’s keeping in touch, good to keep that contact. Hope your phone call to sis isn’t as difficult!
    Mel- you’ve done well this week! Have a nice meal out tonight, hope SD doesn’t have one of his iffy conversations again! Shame about his op- crazy they didn’t pick up on that earlier, what a waste of everyone’s time!
    Dave- shame about the bowling today…hope you get the ultrasound soon for your poor shoulder 😞 Keep strong with your FD, not easy to keep the willpower up when you’re in pain…
    Kay- how are you doing with FDs?
    Hemmy- hope Kristie is there safely…
    4th FD for me today, going okay, bern busy so it’s going quickly! (My teeny tiny very houseproud friend is coming tomorrow so have done lots of cleaning!) Sis has taken Mum to aunt’s today- she was dreading the journey with mum talking all the way, but mum’d been up half the night worrying so fell asleep in the car apparently!!
    Keep strong everyone!

    Afternoon everyone it’s been a lovely sunny day here a bit breezy though. Ely was extremely busy due to the weather also it’s half term week here. The market is starting to get back to it’s pre-covid size. A nice surprise walking back home after getting off the bus we met the lady who hands out the village lottery prizes and was given an envelope with the £5 third prize. I was lucky enough to win £15 in the September draw 🤞 Ernie might give me a nice win in the next draw.
    Jean hope you soon manage to master your new washing machine and Tonys visit will be good for both of you.
    Mel you’ve really gotten back into 5:2 well done and enjoy your meal tonight. Annoying for your poor father in law hopefully they’ll be able to get around it. When my late mum had her knee replacement done they did it by epidural as she was unable to have general anaesthetic and she said it was fine.
    Hedgehogs hope Mum enjoys her time away will give you and your sister a bit of a rest from looking after her.
    Dave a shame about your shoulder. My sister in law and I tried line dancing once only trouble was we couldn’t keep up with the others and at the end of the dance we were like Corporal Jones from Dads Army finishing one step behind everyone else but it was fun.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I bet you enjoyed the line dancing. I wish Denise would do it, she likes dancing.She had an epidural when she had her knee replaced. Yes I am getting fed up of the pain just want something done but no doubt it won’t happen quickly.I think I need a plan of what food to eat and when.

    Morning All

    A very wet morning just having my cuppa in bed..

    So pleased this morning 2 lbs off it’s been a hard slog.. but some movement at last !!!!

    I have been looking on line on my washer there’s a 41 mins wash on a half load so that’s good.. I will get there 🤣
    Sisters birthday today her friends going to see her, I will catch her Sunday or Monday.
    Enjoy your teeny weeny friend today.. house all clean remember she is closer to the floor she may catch you out 🤣😂.

    A worry when shopping gets too busy and people on top of you..but nice to see we are getting back to normal. It’s balancing.. nice win !

    Hope you soon get your scan and something done. Waiting to see on boules today??

    Jean x

    Good afternoon done the shopping.weather mixed today sun and rain. Got soaked taking Heidi out then the sun came out😩.Every basket of rolls full except for my cobs, all gone😡.Bought some heat pads for my shoulder, will see if they do any good.

    Jean- good you’ve found a shorter programme! Hope you got to play boules! Nice your sister has friends round today. Really well done with the 2lbs off ☺
    Dave- shame about the cobs- I bet there’d always be some if it was a FD! Hope the heat pads work for you!
    Nana- congratulations on the win! Any thoughts what you’ll be spending it on?!
    Mel & Kay- hope you get good losses from your fasting efforts too!
    Had an early start- hubby met a chap we know to quote to repair the landscaping in mum’s front garden- they had retaining boards round a gravel slope but they’ve rotted & collapsing. Strange that Mum’s not bothered about that, it loks a mess though…had a lovely catch up with my friend, & the house looks really tidy 😂 Only downstairs though, hopefully can tackle upstairs tomorrow! Hubby took son out for another practice drive, son can give the car a good clean on his next day off! A nonFD for me, looking forward to risotto tonight. 1.5lbs off for me, not been a full week since I weighed, pleased with that!

    You have all done well, some good losses.Im still struggling but will keep trying. I need to do a menu for say two weeks.I must try and come up with something. Heidi met 3 dogs in the park so she’s happy.Turned into a nice day after a downpour.

    Afternoon everyone. Its been a horrible day hear weather-wise windy and raining on and off.
    Well done to all you lovers meant in the nicest possible way
    Hedgehogs not sure what to spend my fiver on 😀 maybe an ice cream on our short break we’re going on Sunday.Lots of walking planned but also drinking and meals out.
    Off out shortly for our usual Friday meet up with a Chinese takeaway planned.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe. Will be back here on Wednesday.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    A good dry game of boules, a drizzle shower just before we started. Just 5 of us so we played differently, Henri our french player was against us…played three and won 2….first one we were slaughtered… one tight game then we slaughtered them…very good banter between us, enjoyed their company. Then to the cafe.

    Charlie’s meals cooked need to bag them up waiting for them to go cold, veggies done too..

    Tony is coming up tomorrow and staying over, going out for a meal, he likes walking Charlie…hope no upsets…

    Hope the heat pad will work, I will be interested to know…shame on the cobs…

    Sister was fine with her friend coming over…too many people she would get chewed up making coffee and cutting a cake but doesn’t like you to do it..she gets in a flap…
    She is going out with her son tonight for a meal, strange I thought I might be asked, we used to take her all over, cafes and meals out…I have a very strange family…I am about giving up on them all…why did I bother to have any?
    Well done on moving some weight you worked hard for it…hope your son passes his test quite stressful, you can get chewing gum to relax you, William bought some when he passed.

    Your life revolves around food enjoy your meal tonight 😂…enjoy your break away and your ice cream…good idea…

    Jean x

    Jean the heart pads are a waste of time, had them on for two days. I moved my shoulder backwards and the pain was horrific, made me feel sick and almost pass out. I think I will start eating porridge as the weather gets colder. Going to watch speedway sidecar racing and also flat tracing races tomorrow night at 7pm, meeting up with our friends from Crewe. One of them has a farm, they are both retired now.

    Awake again….rain is heavy and I can’t get back to sleep.

    4th FD800 today so I’m hoping for a loss on the scales in the morning!

    Working again tomorrow and we are out for a Halloween 80s disco in the evening…the word disco makes me feel old..lol
    It’s about 20 mins drive so one of us won’t drink. It will probably be Neil 😁

    I am on the rota for doing the church flowers this weekend for the first time although I’m not sure how I got signed up! After being apprehensive I enjoyed making up the 2 arrangements and they look quite good! I do enjoy stuff like that. I need to finish off crocheting the poppies for Remberence.

    Nana, enjoy your break. Hope the weather is OK.

    Its not brilliant here at the moment but I don’t know if that’s local or widespread. Definitely a dip in the temperature this evening too, the wind has changed direction.

    HH, you can have a bit of a break now that your mum is away!

    Jean I’m glad the washing machine fitted in, sounds like a bit of a squeeze. What a shame you weren’t invited out with your sister – odd.
    Enjoy your catch up with Tony.

    Dave, no cobs again! You are going to have to get up earlier!
    Your Spanish teacher does a lot doesn’t she!
    I think its this weekend you are off to watch the speedway sidecar racing. Hope it goes ahead given the weather.

    Hemmy will be having a nice time with Kristy at home.

    Well done with those who lost pounds this week. Let’s keep the momentum going.

    Right need to try and get back to sleep, have a good weekend all.

    Kay x

    It’s raining here at the moment, not sure that the rain will be as bad for sidecar racing, seeing that they have three wheels.Kay if I have to go to a place 20 minutes drive and drink is involved I always get a taxi. Or I wouldn’t go.Well done on the weight loss ladies.

    Good morning everyone weather awful here. Looks like the rain will be here all bowling leagues finished until April, speedway the same😩.I wish my shoulder would get the scan soon so I know what treatment I need, it’s very painful now.Changed all the clocks apart from the landline, will do that now.

    Afternoon All.

    What an awful day it’s only just stopped the heavy rain….wet walk with Tony at the park, raining but before the later down pour…

    A bad nights sleep so a quiet day watching a film.

    Sorry the heat pads didn’t work…I do think it takes time for the shoulder, it’s a long job…

    Good luck on the scales tomorrow you have worked really hard … the church flowers is a nice thing to do they looked very nice hope the congregation appreciate them. You seem to have lots of things going on in the village to join in.

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

    Good morning, the weather is even worst than yesterday. No chance of bowling today but got to go because it’s the AGM for my other bowling club Reddish. We are having it at my usual bowling club because it’s closer and we are all members apart from one of both club’s. Had a miserable day yesterday, didn’t feel right and my shoulder is getting worst, it even hurts to have a cup of tea. We are having our covid boosters tomorrow so will have two bad arms after it.

    Evening All..
    A very lazy day, just a bit of ironing and put the bedroom back after Tony visiting. A bit of hoovering as I had dropped dry mud over the floor…Charlie’s times are all wrong since the clocks have gone back he’s quite confused.

    Fast day has gone well finished at about 600, a bit under I think. I am happy with that. I am doing Tuesday and Wednesday too as I am going to a pub quiz on Thursday so it will a Thursday weigh in this week.

    Sunny dry day tomorrow for boules, 10 people so far…

    Your poor shoulder could you pay private to get someone to look at it, then they put you back on NHS. Mine seems a bit easier but it’s not right. Hope you had a good meeting..

    Jean x

    No can’t afford it Jean, will have to suffer. Been raining all day here. Starving now, will eat at 6pm.

    Forgot to post over the weekend!
    Dave- your poor shoulder, you’re on strong pain killers already aren’t you? With worrying about Heidi too, you’ll be doing well if you can fast…I was told by someone on the forum I moderate that they’re stopping people having an initial consultation privately to jump the queue, & then going on the NHS, that you have to have all private treatment now, don’t know if that’s right…so might not have helped you anyway 😞
    Jean- nice to have Tony’s company, but must be hard as well…strange not getting invited for your sister’s birthday, yes, your family is odd, but then most are! Well done fasting today.
    Kay- flowers looked great, you’ll definitely be kept on the rota! How were the scales?
    Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good weekend!
    Nana- enjoy your break!
    My Saturday FD went well, but ate too much yesterday 😣 Another FD today, been busy so it’s gone quickly- both boys off, so cooking & haircuts! Doing a FD tomorrow- last week doing 4 days on the trot worked well but can’t do that this week as it’s our wedding anniversary 💟. Son is doing well with his driving, hubby is keeping him corrected!

    Oops sorry forgetting to post. Had a 4th FD800 for the week on Friday and weighed Saturday. Two pound down so pleased with myself. Another one on Sunday and Monday I did the walk with the ladies, only about four miles but better then nothing and it gets me out of my hibernation hole and talking to people. They are a lovely bunch. When I originally lost my two stone we had our dog and I was walking loads but don’t have the mojo to do it now unless we are on holiday. Off to Frampton with Paul for a spot of birdwatching. A nice day out together so today has been designated a FD800 with wine 😂

    Good morning everyone.A strange glowing thing in the sky and no rain. Spanish lessons today then shopping. I am trying to give up bread until Christmas, so no Cobs for me😩.Not a fast day today but will try and keep it lowish.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a beautiful day .. so very pretty after the early morning frost. It was my first walk since last Wednesday .. A nice break from routine but I did also miss it .. I feel stiff today.

    I had a lovely 5 days with Kristy.. we really made up for last time. Meals out and shopping .. Garden centres.. The result being a 3lbs gain this morning..

    I did succumb to some wine which I enjoyed .. lol So back to it today cutting those carbs and again the wine.

    Well done anyone that lost lbs this past week .. onwards and downwards the festive season is around the corner.

    Take care all have a good day whatever you are doing Remember this has been a challenging time for everyone, in varying degrees, so lets Be proud of ourselves for being here today.💚 Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone now back after a lovely time away. Had a long walk of 11 miles yesterday in lovely weather and my dodgy knee is letting me know it this morning. Have been mindful of my eating and alcohol consumption whilst away unheard of for me. Back to our usual routine for the rest of the week.
    Nana x

    Well I weighed in on Saturday and 2.4lbs off so that’s good, mind you that was 4 x 800 days!!

    Went out to a Halloween do on Saturday night, had lazy day on Sunday then a late night on a video chat with my mum!
    Yesterday I didn’t do much but today I worked 6 hours at Bovis homes….cleaning a house that is supposedly due to complete on Friday!! Ha…there’s no carpets down yet!

    I have Tara wearing her towelling robe at the moment, it’s the one I use for drying her after the field etc, but I needed to put something on her to stop her from licking constantly at a sore she has on her chest. It is healing so I don’t think it needs the vet. I’m keeping it clean with colloidal silver, so fingers crossed it doesn’t lead to an infection. She’s chewing away at a deer antler Neil brought back from where he works..lol

    Successful FD yesterday plus today should be OK as I’ve hardly eaten anything yet.
    Normal NFD tomorrow and then back to fasting on Thursday, although I am giving blood so I will need to eat beforehand.
    Will probably do a 4th FD on Friday if we haven’t got anything on, or maybe the Saturday. It would be best if I did Saturday, otherwise I have 2 NFDs together and there is the danger of undoing the hard work I manage in the week!

    Hemmy, sounds like you had a great time with Kristy. 3lbs is worth it! That will soon come off!

    Dave, you’re very strong, giving up bread again! You did well on it last time though!

    Jean, it’s great that the boules has continued for you. Is the pub quiz with the boules crowd?

    Mel, well done with getting out for the walk. There is a group that go out from the village, twice a month, and I think of joining in, but then don’t 😬
    Well done with the loss. I like your style for today..800 cals plus wine 😆 I could try that tomorrow perhaps…

    HH, how has the fasting gone? Has your son got a driving test booked, I can’t remember…

    I think the heavy rain and wind has moved on, its getting colder here but luckily drier! I had to drive through a fairly deep stretch of water on a flooded road on the way home, I went very carefully 😬

    I need to go and check the flowers in the church tomorrow. I should have gone today really…can’t remember how quickly oasis dries out!

    Still not decided whether to go away for Neils birthday later in the month. It could be a problem as he has taken over the deliveries on Tues and Weds and I’m not sure who else would be able to do it at the moment. Will have to see…I think the covid case numbers are finally dropping so I’m not as concerned about that being an issue now.

    Nana, just seen your update…11 miles..wow! Rest that knee! And mindful of eating and drinking, well that bit I don’t understand 😆 Not something I would entertain myself!!


    Nana- you’ve done well on holiday, being careful with the eating & drinking, & walking that far! Hope your knee is better tomorrow…
    Hemmy- sounds like a lovely time with Kristy, as you say it is your holiday, I’m sure you’ll soon lose the 3lbs!
    Dave- no bread again- it definitely works for you, hope you can do it!
    Jean- when are your meals out this week?
    Kay- well done getting through the flood! Sounds like you’re doing well with the FDs- splitting up nonFDs seems to work better for me too! Well done with the 2 lbs off ☺ Hope Tara heals okay, always something to worry about with the doggos, Xena had sore eyes again last week…would be nice if you could get away for Neil’s birthday but work sounds tricky…Son’s test is Friday- trying not to be too hopeful, some examiners are extra hard on them if they’ve lost a license before, but that’s understandable!
    Mel- you’ve definitely got back into the fasting, going well so far! Nice to have some company for a walk, your day out with Paul sounded lovely too!
    Today’s FD has been really hard, not sure why as I have been busy, so will be 800 cals. Easy dinners tonight, but eldest won’t be eating until 9pm so it’ll be spread out!

    Evening All..
    Lovely walk joining Oreo and Natalie on the river bank they do enjoy the running..Charlie was so excited he knew where we were going….

    Boules again I do enjoy it…won one lost one, I played with Henri our french man against another two, we were about the same level.

    I am having my flu and Covid jabs tomorrow at noon, hoping my arms are not too sore…

    Lovely to get out walking and chatting it lifts your spirits …well done on moving 2 lbs…

    Hope your Spanish lessons was good today…

    Sounds as if you have been busy and had a good time….3 lbs will soon move no worries on that..little wine won’t hurt…

    Glad to have you back…a long walk 11 miles no wonder your knees are upset!…well done…nice you had a good time away.

    Well done on your 2lbs off you have really worked at it…quite scary going through the floods I never like to do that. Hope Tara’s wound is healing, hard to keep them from licking it.
    Yes it’s the boules ladies doing the quiz different for me, I don’t really do just drinking in pubs.. ( my ex drunk too much in pubs taking me to taxi him!)
    Pub is only 4 mins away from me walking…

    Hope your son passes and they are not too hard on him…..my meals week starts on the 15th, 16th and 19th 😬
    Xena has sore eyes, hope they improve..

    Jean x

    Good morning, watching ice hockey on TV.My team Toronto are winning 4-0, so doing well 12 minutes to go plus the usual stoppages.Bowling at 1pm weather permitting. Will be bedtime soon so see you later.

    Morning All..
    A drizzle morning here till 9.. a slow start so we will miss the wet..

    I am fasting today with weigh in tomorrow as I am going to a quiz night at the pub tomorrow..

    Covid and flu jab for me at noon, so cleared all my plans of today … no problem..

    A good game last night.. I don’t know how you manage to stay up…

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

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