Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxx

    A chilly day but dry and sunny … we had a nice long morning walk.

    I had a lovely time with Kristy we did some shopping locally as diesel was iffy..so never ventured far.

    Some nice meals a relaxing easy time. Weight is good hardly changed .. no alcohol and careful with carbs for me makes such a big difference.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing. To make the most of life, you have to make the most of what you have. Xxxx

    Still raining here, miserable weather. Gloves are good Jean, I think the forecast is better for the rest of the week. Got the new Ninja out but not used it yet. Will read the instructions first.

    Evening everyone was pleased to see that I’d lost my 3Ibs that I gained due to holiday last week helped in part I think by being a bit under the weather yesterday.pleased to say that after a good nights sleep I felt much better this morning.
    Hemmy glad you had a good time with your daughter off to see ours tomorrow before a meet up with friends for our usual Wednesday lunch.
    Hope everyone is well and staying safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning,a bright sunny day today. Going bowling later just the 4 of us. Heidi got me up then after I help her down the stairs she gets in her bed and goes to sleep😁. Fast day today so the bowling will help take my mind off food.

    Afternoon All…
    A dry day lovely!…..a village walk with lots of catch-ups as we went..Charlie played with Shadow, a great big wolf hound type a bit like Scoobie Doo…lovely and soft.

    I was going to see my sister but she has caught the bus to Beverley, she said she would be in today…she made me laugh she was buying a birthday card for my granddaughter her birthday is January!!….so I stripped my bed and changed my duvet I have been a bit chilly on a night, so cold on your own…

    A bit of ironing to do and a quiet day I think, read my book.

    I shall be fasting Thursday….we seem to have lost Brenda and as Kay says Minols has disappeared..

    Lovely to have a week off work..you are always so busy..

    Enjoy your bowling today, different just the four of you…

    A lovely weekend with Kirsty, have to think a bit on using the fuel, ours seems to be ok at the moment…

    Well done on moving the 3 lbs, that was quick…enjoy your lunch out today…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What a glorious day so needed. Walked to the shop which takes 5 minutes and saw so many people to chat … took me one and a half hours lolol.

    Just had a very naughty lunch of a cheese pastry thick with butter and 2 choc eclairs

    I did enjoy them but I mustn’t start going back down that road again.. it would be so silly now.
    Sometimes maybe we just need to go with the flow of what we fancy .. It will be a carb day today as I have a pizza planned for dinner as Sym would say ” Draw a line under it”

    Brads .. Good luck bowling .

    Nana .. Glad you soon shifted your holiday gain .. sometimes an upset system is a blessing.
    Enjoy your lunch with friends .. What did you have.

    Kay… well done on losing your gain. Lovely to have you back.

    Sym… Oh bless your sister worrying about a card for January. My duvet is not warm enough a shame as its a new one .. I never thought about the tog just picked it up in Denholm on offer a while ago.
    I don’t like them too heavy preferred when it was blankets I think as I have lots of fleeces I will just put one on top if needed.

    HH How are you doing today… What goes into a full veggie breakfast lol.

    Just going to sit till 2.30 wait fro my friend s daily mail from Idaho .. then get out in that sunshine.

    Have a good day all Anyone other that Brads fasting today.
    Fix your eyes forward on what you can do, not back on what you cannot change. Xxxx

    Afternoon all, struggling to keep up with everything so will likely reply once a week or so. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. Working flat out taking courses and pushing for a pay rise, all go!
    Had a pants week last week but did a good F800D 😃 yesterday so hoping thats me on track. Weather is nice here today but fire 🔥 was on yesterday, so cold! Hoping to get out before dinner tonight but probably be a night on the bike for me again. Take care 🙂 B x

    Good afternoon. Had two hours of bowling so a bit stiff now. We are having a winter league, but it’s just between club members men and women. In my league they’re is one lady A bloke who plays in the B team and my teammate Chris who says I’m his protege. Just been playing with him. Fast going ok, going to try a baked potato dinner in the new Ninja with Beans.

    Brenda … lovely to see you are still here with us… It does help to keep on track.

    You could just post often how you are doing .. its hard I am sure to keep up with everyone .. when you are working. Easy for us retired bods lol.
    You will get on track it takes a while of sort of being a bit hit and miss but it settles down before long .. once you get into a pattern with fDs working out the best 2 days .. then you see the weight shifting and its encouragement to keep going.

    Personally I have always found it better to have less on a fast day of something I really enjoy than have things just for the cal content. IYKWIM.
    Take care and good luck this week.

    Brads… Oh I just had to look up what a Ninja was. lolol .. do they make the potato nice and crispy lolol. No good if they don’t..
    I think I will just stick to my cooker lol else there would be something else to go wrong lol.
    Glad you have a winter league as you sound like you are really enjoying the game.

    Just off to put my pizza in … Xxxx

    Evening everyone a nice lunch out and as we needed to use the car to visit our daughter beforehand I volunteered to drive so no alcohol just soda water. Hemmy I had a nice tuna sandwich and as I’m not hungry now will not be having anything else to eat. Totted up my calories for the day and they came to 890 as I’d had breakfast so am counting today as a fd.
    Hello Brenda just come on here when you can as it does help.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    What a lovely day..we went out for our walk a short one at evening time out 30 mins turned into 60 mins chatting to our usual dog walkers putting the world to right…I really could of fancied a wine at the pub but it was Charlie’s dinner time he would have been crying….I opened a bottle at home…

    Hoping my duvet is not too warm, a few good warm days ahead…I feel as if I am cold and not sleeping well…I shall see my sister tomorrow, she is loosing the plot it’s so sad…such a beautiful day did you get out in the garden….enjoy your pizza..

    Glad you are about..we thought we had lost you…it’s best to try and come on every day it keeps you on track….

    A good game..hope your jacket potato turns out crispy…

    A good day for you and a low day ..well done

    I am fasting tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Evening all!
    Jean- good you can see your sis tomorrow, she’ll probably lose the card if it’s that far ahead! Mum leaves everything til the last minute, puts it off, even something simple like psting a card, strange! Sounds like you had a lovely walk tonight!
    Dave- glad the speedway was good, we have the rain too. Love a jacket potato, must do them one night. Hope your FD goes okay the rest of the evening!
    Hemmy- good you had a lovely weekend, & well done not gaining any weight! Your carb day sounds good today though! Veggie breakfast is veggie bacon, sausages, eggs, hash browns, beans- they don’t like tomatoes & mushrooms with it though, so technically not full english!
    Nana- well done with your impromptu FD! Glad you had a good holiday ☺
    Kay- page has turned, you’ve got some time off?
    Brenda- glad we’ve not lost you! Just pop on when you can, just post what your up to, you don’t have to catch up with all of us 😉
    Yesterday was a nonFD, today an 800 cal day (ish, tried a new recipe so not sure how many cals, but not too much of it) Made my Christmas cakes! Has been very wet here, got drenched yesterday & soggy today, walking round the fields rather than going out in the car, petrol still iffy here! Mum is pleased with her new fire, she changed her mind about the hob thankfully- I think it was too much for her to cope with.
    Another 800 cal day tomorrow hopefully!

    Good afternoon,Hemmy the spud was nice and fluffy inside and very crispy on the outside, you could hear the crunch when the knife went in. It says I can cook a whole chicken in it and have the skin crispy.Its brilliant for cooking chips.I use Bartlett chips they are lovely and just air fry them so no oil needed. Doing another fast day today. Speedway tonight but it’s raining, got drenched taking Heidi out. She met Thomas the cat again and touched noses with him.

    FD going okay but very hungry 😬 Got our asda delivery okay, a few things we couldn’t get. Pasta fine though- supposed to be getting short of that too in some places! Dry here, very grey though…

    Afternoon All..
    We were back on the riverbank with Oreo this morning they were both good and kept out of the muddy ploughed field..we are meeting up at 8.30 in the morning as I am joining a boules group, some are new to it.

    I am fasting today starting to get a bit peckish egg, bacon and tomatoes for tonight’s meal…

    Popped to see my sister with Charlie the dogs are really getting on, playing really well, Coco sharing her toys…so we are both really pleased. She was very flirty with him, one slight hump then he stopped!!

    Your house must smell lovely with the Xmas cake..I have bought a few things for Xmas, a turkey crown, dates, marzipan just in case there isn’t any about..as I am not doing Xmas just a few bits as treats.
    Lots of things not in the shops the shelves are empty on some things…

    Glad the spud was good, I must start having them again I do enjoy them…enjoy speedway at least it will be dry…

    Speak to Katie now if she’s about then a short walk, he has done well over his time/(steps) today with playing with Coco…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its been a lovely day quite warm at 19deg .. hopefully dried up the grass a bit so may be able to mow tomorrow.

    Spent an enjoyable day with my happy walking friend MaryAnn .. We went to Bicester village designer outlet .. Had lunch ..Burgers and fries .. then wandered around in the beautiful stores ..

    I treated myself to a box of Penhaligons miniature perfumes so I will be able to try different ones. They smell divine. I haven’t treated myself for ages.

    Just had toast tonight so think the last couple of days will be ok with weigh in tomorrow. Hopefully get away with it as I have done lots of walking today and gardening yesterday. lol

    Brenda .. hope you have had a good day.

    Nana …Your lunch yesterday sounded tasty .. I think you will be ok this weeks weigh in.

    Brads ,, Glad that jacket spud was crispy .. It sounds like you are all geared up with your cooking.

    HH … Hope your fast day has continued to go well and you are not to hungry.

    Kay .. hope all is going well for you

    Sym…Its so good the dogs are getting on well … Nothing was mentioned re Xmas with Kristy so will see what happens.. I am just hoping for a quiet time and I am not going to worry what is short I will have something else if need be..

    I noticed today fuel around the local garages seemed fine no queues .

    Have a good evening all Live your life and forget your age. Xxxx

    Well I have lost 3lbs so happy with that. Think it was the giant bar of dairy milk I had last Friday. The chocolate diet 😂. Speedway was good we won the second leg of the sem of-final so we play the final over 2 legs. On Monday at home and Thursday in Peterborough. Going to both. Not a fast day today but waiting for a phone call from my GP so can’t go shopping or even take Heidi out until I’ve had it.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A dull day here so far .. lots of sunshine was forecast some of you must have it. lol

    Brads Well done on your 3lbs loss that’s absolutely brilliant you have done so well this week
    I hope you didn’t have to wait in to long for that call.

    Well its my own fault completely I have put on 2 lbs this week I obviously didn’t get away with all that overload of Carbs I had.. Pizzas chips.. pastries ..

    So back to it and just had .. some cheese nuts and fruit for lunch.. This evening will be a Lidl big melting fishcake … with some rice and peas tomatoes

    I hope everyone is having a good day take care

    Don’t compromise your life by settling for less than your worth. ❤️ Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, Hemmy it’s a dull day here also but mild for the time of year. Shame about the gain Tammy.
    Dave yay for the chocolate diet.
    Have decided to keep my FDs as Saturdays and Mondays so will weigh in on Tuesdays from now on.
    Kebab for us this evening and OH turn to drive so will share a nice bottle of chilled prosecco with my friend.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone and I’ll be back on Monday.
    Nana x

    Sorry should have been Hemmy not Tammy 😉

    Afternoon All…
    A good riverbank walk with Oreo this morning tires the boys out..

    Stayed the same to the ounce!…9 weeks in all except one week when I gained after eating out….

    I was asked to make the numbers up on a Friday boules day, a few new people playing…I really enjoyed their company most of them belonged to a Meet-up group mainly for singles, although this wasn’t a part of that…I have joined to see what it is all about…meals out, walks, holidays, 5k runs all different things..about 20 / 30 mins from my house….interesting.

    You will soon move the weight, I think it does you good to gain it soon comes off…the perfumes sound interesting…a lovely shopping day with your friend…not many of these lovely seats left…

    Well done on the chocolate diet…3lbs off…..it always works.

    Enjoy your evening…all my outings deal with food it’s hard going for the weight 😂

    Enjoy your weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    Think I got the sun. It’s been lovely all day here. 18°C now so warm. Took Heidi to the park, she almost collapsed twice but saved her with her band. Once she was sniffing and collapsed but just carried on sniffing 😂😂

    Hemmy- nice you treated yourself to perfume! A shame about your 2lbs but you did well the week with Kristy & I’m sure you’ll soon lose…
    Dave- very well done & a shame the chocolate diet doesn’t work for me 😂
    Good news on the speedway, fingers crossed for the speedway final!
    Jean- the new group sounds positive, good Coco & Charlie are getting on well. Hope your sis wasn’t too forgetful!
    Nana- you do so well fitting in the socialising & fasting. Enjoy your prosecco tonight ☺
    Brenda- hope you’re doing okay…
    Kay- enjoy your break…
    NonFD today, was too hungry to do any more. Extra long walk with Xena, in the fog, the sheep made us jump suddenly baaing near the fence & we couldn’t see them! Son on late shift, he managed to squeeze in cereals, a cooked breakfast & cooked lunch before he went to work! A few jobs done, mum sorted today so didn’t need me!
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Good afternoon a dry day but a little cooler. Not a FD today, never got any chocolate this week so hope i don’t gain weight😂.Nothing planned for today, will watch England tonight on the Telly. Heidi is sniffing her bum so that’s a bad sign, time to get the air freshener out😝.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a glorious day so warm like a summers day

    Had a wonderful walk in the sunshine .. found a few wild plums on the tree .. so sweet now the stones just fell out,

    I was happy to see i had lost a pound this morning after cutting back yesterday.

    I am doing the same today.. nipping it in the bud.lolol

    Brads .. all your talk of Chocolate .. and last night I really struggled to stop myself opening a tin of Christmas chocolates lolol.

    Nana .. Hope your FD goes well today and no distractions with eating out . lol

    HH…It must be soo hard for you cooking all those breakfasts and lunches. Do you have any H S families at the moment.

    Brenda .. how is it going for you..

    Kay .. hope you are enjoying the weekend.

    Sym.. Well done staying a stable weight ..Its just getting to know how much you can get away with treat wise.

    Your new group sounds a good idea .. its best to try these things. I am finding these days that if I don’t make a connection with someone naturally I don’t have the patience I had when younger to as my American friend woud say ” Play nice” lol

    Have a good day all .. Happiness lies within us.. and is in our hands Xxxx

    Did a couple of holiday let cleans this morning, then stopped off to watch a fun pedalo race on the canal between 2 pubs, raising money for the local food bank.
    Raced back home to watch the F1 only to find it was 1pm not 2pm so only just caught the end of it…doh!

    Going to do some more tidying up of the garden plants this afternoon.

    Our local pub has live music on tonight so we will go up and support!

    Oh and I lost a pound this week!


    Kay- well done with your pound off! Such a nice community spirit where you are, sounds like there’s lots on ☺ Enjoy the pub tonight!
    Hemmy- well done with your pound off too- you’re lucky that it comes off quickly! I have a new HS family, took a few weeks to get them organised…
    Dave- enjoy the footie, hope Heidi doesn’t have any more accidents!
    Jean- hope you can keep busy, or make time for memories, whatever you need, thinking of you, hugs xx
    Nana- enjoy your weekend!
    Had a lovely walk this morning, complimented on Xena’s behaviour as she sat beautifully with me while a jogger went by- after that she went barking at a chap walkibg in front of us 😱😂 walked Gwin too, then did an hour in the garden. Watched the womens’ cycle race, really enjoy all that, mum didn’t want to come & watch although she’s liked it before, so she had a day on her own, I feel guilty but that’s silly as she could’ve come with me…cut the grass when we got home, so had a productive day!
    Have a good evening everyone!

    Heidi did have an accident yesterday but did try to get to the back door. The only trouble is when she did go in the backyard she did some more and was going to eat it. I stopped her in time, poor thing is worried.I don’t shout at her if she has an accident I just wipe it up and stroke her. Brilliant sunshine today.Got a bowls match tomorrow in our club league, first game and I play a bloke who I call coach. He’s the one who as been giving me tips since I started. And as been playing a few years. So a difficult start.I was in the same class at school as his younger brother.

    Good morning.A dull day but the sun is trying to break through. Speedway tonight so don’t want any rain. Going bowling this afternoon, it’s a fast day so no breakfast or dinner. Just had a cuppa. Time for Heidi’s walk.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another lovely sunny day .. hopefully last a while yet.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend .. is anyone fasting today.

    Kay… well done with losing the pound .. Its such a good feeling..

    Nana .. are you visiting or lunching today or is it Fasting ,

    Brenda ,, hope all is going well with you.

    HH Your Mum is so very lucky having you and your sister near by.. Plus good you can share the caring.

    Sym… Hope all is well with you. Xx

    Brads.. enjoy the speedway .. isn’t it usually burger time. lol

    Just going out while its dry to retouch paint a few bits on the sheds I have half a tin of The Wild Thyme so may as well use it up.

    Have a good day all …. 💜
    (Change is uncomfortable but necessary.- Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone a nice weekend as usual. A FD was started this morning but then I got a phone call from the nurse who’d phoned me after my annual blood test last month to say about my raised cholesterol levels and was told I’d need another blood test in February. To cut a long story short she’d reviewed her notes made during our call and had noted that I’d said I was doing 5:2 she’s now requested me to stop doing 5:2 until next blood test as it can cause higher cholesterol levels.
    So won’t be posting on here as often as I’m not going to be fasting 😕
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Another dry day and quite pleasant.

    Worked for a few hours this morning. Done a bit of tidying up at home now sat down for a bit.

    Not sure if today will be a fast day or not, but have counted the cals just in case. All depends if I go along with Neil to the pub or not this evening – he’s a reserve for the darts team and might be needed.
    I fancy a chill and early night – I didn’t sleep very well last night – odd disturbing nightmares!

    Dave hope it stays dry for the speedway. And its great that you can still go bowling even though the season has finished.

    Nana, it’s interesting about the 5:2 and cholesterol. I think I would have to do my own research first…

    HH How’s the new homestart family?

    Brenda, How’s it going?

    Hemmy, it’s good to still have the good weather to potter around outside isn’t it?

    Jean, are you still bowling too?


    Had a busy day- walked Xena (sadly have to avoid the walk we do alot over autumn which I thought was safe, but have heard about a local dog which died from the seasonal illness, it’s horrible 😢) Walked Gwinnie too, & then Alfie while his owner is recovering from a hip replacement, he wasn’t keen to go too far. Had a coffee with his owner, she’s a lovely lady, very easy to talk to. Caught up with some jobs, made the FD go quicker…
    Youngest son has got a cold from work, he was off today but planning on going in tomorrow, said I’ll take him in so he doesn’t have to bike, he has to be in for 6am though 😬 So may not be aFD tomorrow!

    Evening All…
    Sorry been quiet for a few days. It’s a years anniversary of Steves passing.

    My daughter called by tonight and we had a few hours together, so no fast day…hoping to fit two in by Friday…

    Quite tired tonight, bed shortly…

    Jean x

    Nana come on here anyway your still dieting. Speedway was very close we won by 2 points, so It’s all decided on Thursday in Peterborough. I don’t generally have any food when we ride at home. But will be having fish and chips in Peterborough. They were lovely lady thing I went.

    Good morning everyone,we only got up at 10-30,a world record lie in for Denise. Normal for me. I hate being up early, don’t see the point. Sainsbury’s shopping soon think all the cobs will have gone today. See you later.

    Morning All…just..

    A park walk this morning and a few phone calls. I have a lot of flowers so I have changed all the waters and watered my inside plants too, it takes some time.

    Boules shortly and cafe…

    Good Speedway won and you enjoyed it, fish and chips too…a good lie in for you…much too late for me…my cuppa is at 6 in bed! Up and out about 8 am, a little later this morning.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A dull one here today.. Just back from town… will need to go again tomorrow as I went to collect the Flea and Worm tabs from the vets and we now have to phone it through collect in 24 hrs .. They have always just given it me from the reception desk.

    Popped to Tesco and bought more than i should have lolol ..

    I am having a late lunch Tesco ham and cheese sandwhich so low carb tonight.

    While we are talking getting up times .. mine is 7.30am 7 day s a week. lol

    Kay…Did you go to the pub or did you get an early night. GP is a bit more exciting these days don’t you think. lol

    Nanna .. Still come and see us .. I guess you are still having to watch your weight.

    Brads .. Was there any cobs with your name on them.

    HH .. Oh goodness another one for you to walk you will be so fit.. or fit to drop. Hope your boy loses that cold quickly .. Hot water ..honey.. lemon and cinnamon .

    Sym… Oh it is a very tough time for you … your memories will be rerunning in your head … I am thinking about you and sending you healing thoughts.
    I have always consoled myself over the years at these times that our years in the time we had held more happiness then lots experience in a lifetime. Xx

    Have a good day all what ever you are doing 💕

    (If you’re not in a good place today mentally, be easy on yourself. Be patient with your healing. Sometimes it’s slow, or even feels like you’ve gone backwards. That’s ok. Xxxx

    Hemmy no cobs🥺, all gone, they sell out everytime,plenty of all the others but mine all gone. Colder here today winter is coming. The leaves are falling, soon they will be very slippy. The fish and chips will be in Peterborough hopefully.I will do another fast day tomorrow.

    Jean- hugs to you, a difficult time, as Hemmy says, many happy memories & some never have that xx
    Dave- shame about your cobs- have to get up earlier on a Tuesday!! What did you have instead?
    Hemmy- our little local vets have closed since covid, we could walk round & they always encouraged you to pop in with dogs so they were comfortable there. Now it’s a trek to the next town, they collect the dogs in the car park & take them in without you! Another trip back for you tomorrow then…
    Kay- hope you’ve slept better…is it just Bow you’re walking now?
    Nana- hope you can work something out to keep doing this!
    Up early, son went into work but really shouldn’t have as he ended up with a really tight chest & coming home early, waiting for a phone call from the doctor…No FD for me, leftovers to eat too. Walked Xena, saw stags rutting which I’ve never seen before, got home & realised I’d forgotten to pick up eggs for Alfie’s owner, so we went out again 😂 Walked Alfie, he’ll put a little spurt on & then go very slowly, funny boy, he nearly falls over every time he cocks his leg too!
    Hopefully a FD tomorrow…

    Evening All..

    A good boules day, we won 1 and drew 1 as we finished the game early..

    Shame on having to go back to the vets, we ring in and usually ready for pm collection..
    You are right you rerun your memories and usually the not very nice ones, hospitals, end of life all not good..it’s been hard but not as bad as I thought…

    No sleeping in and you need to be up early for your cobs..

    I have to get get the happy memories more to the front maybe the time isn’t right yet…
    Hoping your son soon feels better bronchitis isn’t good to have.
    Lovely to see the deers rutting to be so close, amazing.

    Meeting Natalie at 8.30 to go on the Nature Reserve just had a text…

    Night All

    Jean x

    Morning All….

    Just having my cuppa in bed then meeting Natalie it will be a good hour plus walk.. we have to walk 15 mins from the car park before we get to the Reserve.

    I am fasting today as missed yesterday.. hoping to do three on the bounce 👍

    Have a good day.

    Jean x

    Good morning, bowling at 12-30.Fasting today but will be extremely difficult because Denise baked yesterday, my favourite two cakes. Lemon and coconut. It looks like rain is likely so if it pours down we will cancel the bowls. It’s only a game between three of us.

    Jean- nice to have a good walk with Natalie, hope that you can find some better memories, such a sad time for you xx Good luck with your FD!
    Dave- fingers crossed for a dry afternoon, will be a long FD otherwise with the buns tempting you!
    Hemmy- hope you get Pip’s tablets okay! Has he rolled in anything recently? Xena ate something grotty today, she’s not usually too bad for that!
    Nana- come back!!
    Looking at milk frothers on amazon- Jean, did you buy one, I think we’d talked about it before? I got used to cream in coffee doing keto, but can’t do that now I’m off it, had a frothy coffee with Alfie’s ‘mum’, it was lovely! FD for me, but was up very early to take son in- can’t pick up his prescription until this afternoon but he seemed a little better this morning…rang HS family- she is so nice! I have been mostly lucky with my families, only had 2 out of 12 I haven’t liked! Waiting for shopping delivery…

    Ooooh cakes on the go..hard to resist…enjoy your bowling if it keeps dry

    I am feeling much better now, just others who start me off!…much better place than last year obviously.
    Just booked a place with Meet-up Group at a fish and chip restaurant in Doncaster middle of November in the evening..I have been wanting to go for a long time..deep breath and go 😂
    Jacqui gave me a coffee machine a Nespresso with a frother….before that I had the same make frother which worked well. Just having one now it’s just like a Costa ..
    Nice to have another nice HS family…

    Well lounge to do and that’s it!!

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    A decent day with sunshine. Hopefully many more yet

    I got the tabs .. It was s a good start though as held up in traffic for 30mins .. After that it went quite well as nobody at all at the petrol pumps and no queue at the post office. Its so amazing how there was all that fuss the past few weeks for fuel now plenty so it seems. lol
    A look in the charity shops but rubbish really.

    I have a dripping kitchen tap thats really annoying I rang my plumber Monday and is busy till Fri afternoon.

    I am wondering in future if I should use companies as its ok going local tradesmen but they are usually one man bands.

    Sym… The bad memories will soon go and all the lovely ones will be there. You are doing brilliantly getting out there and doing things and I am sure not always easy.

    Brads ..Fasting with those cakes around will be no mean feat I reckon.

    HH Glad your son seemed better today.. Lovely the HS families have been nice ones.

    Have a good day all .. dinner not sorted yet as a late lunch lol

    People who make you smile through your bad days are important. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone – very quiet on here today. Thought I’d pop in. I’ve decided to spread my FD 800 calories into three small meals. Didn’t manage our usual Ely trip yesterday as we had our flu vaccinations in the morning so put in an extra FD. I did weigh myself earlier in the week though and had stayed the same. Indian takeaway tonight Hemmy and I’m driving.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe. I’ll be back again on Monday as I miss being on here.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A busy day, walking meeting and chatting around the village, then hair cut onto the cafe. The boules team played but I had my hairdresser appointment so joined them for coffee…

    A new Friday group may join them occasionally, the next couple of weeks I have other things booked.

    A lovely pm walk much warmer than this morning…

    I lost 1/2 pound today which I haven’t moved for quite a few weeks so quite happy with that…

    I am feeling much better at the moment…feel as if I am keeping quite busy but sometimes it’s nice to be at home….it’s getting the balance right.
    Our petrol seems fine but the shops have lots of empty shelves in places…

    Hoping your arms fine, my flu jab is always very sore and swollen for about 4 days…enjoy your Indian meal tonight.

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    Jean- the fish & chip restaurant sounds good, are you okay driving there at night? Hope you’re pleased with the haircut, are you still growing the colour out?
    Nana- glad that you’re still coming on here, hope you can manage to spread the cals over 3 meals, on the programme I watched they did that. Enjoy the Indian!
    Dave- shame about the speedway! & the cobs today…
    Hemmy- shame about the charity shops…petrol still disrupted here. Apparently very empty shelves at our nearest Tesco, best to keep stocked up everyone while you can….
    Kay- hope you have a good FD! Is the holiday let cleaning getting quieter yet? I guess maybe after half term?
    Brenda- are you still with us?
    I am full of cold but don’t feel too bad, so it’s not the realky bad one going about. Have told mum I’ll keep away for a few days though, don’t want her getting it. Not good timing, she’s not doing very well at the moment, but sis is alot better so she’ll see mum. Was okay to walk Alfie after I did Xena. Tried a new recipe tonight, (harissa chickpeas & whipped feta with flat bread)I liked it, eldest not so keen, he’s strange, it’s quite similar to tagine which he likes! So no FD today!
    Have a good evening ☺

    Well I managed to fast until 7pm but decided to have something to eat although I could have done a full one I think. Just had a piece of sourdough bread with feta cheese.

    The holiday lets are slowing down but there are lots of arrivals tomorrow so I assume it’s half term.

    We have started the digging up the turf, just need to borrow a wheelbarrow so can remove it. There is a tiny field behind us which belongs to the village but it is fit for nothing so a few people have said distribute it in there!

    HH, hopefully your cold doesn’t amount to anything much. Quite like the sound of the Harvest chickpeas…

    Shame about the speedway Dave and no cobs!

    Jean, well done with moving those scales! Mind you, you worked hard for it.

    Hemmy, the petrol seems OK here, although prices have shot up. Lots of gaps on the shelves but we aren’t missing anything as yet!

    Managed a good night’s sleep last night. Going to go to bed shortly so I get another good sleep hopefully and get up early to help Neil with the garden. Not read any of my book for a it, so that’s the plan.

    Have a good weekend all, Kay.

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