Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All…
    Lovely riverside walk, nice chat with Natalie…nearly 1 1/2 hours

    My fast day was about 800 cal, fasting again tomorrow…just throwing an extra one in….

    A lazy day for me, a bit of ironing and book reading…

    Well done on winning your bowls a good day for you…..

    I am like you a one to one not big groups, I did go out with 3 ladies but that’s large enough.All set up with your food nice and easy week…

    I am out early tomorrow, Charlie walking, then collecting my sister to go to Beverley a small market town…changing some trousers for a longer length and hoping to look about for fleeces…I would usually prefer to go on my own but she invited herself!

    Jean x

    Evening all!
    Dave- poor Heidi, & you, lots of cleaning…good bowling today!
    Jean- well done doing an extra FD, & a long walk too! Hope you have a good day with your sis tomorrow- I’m sure she’ll enjoy it even if you don’t!
    Hemmy- sounds like you had a good time shopping! A few bare shelves in our Tesco, mainly water, quite a few things we couldn’t get from Asda…the Co-op where son works has had problems getting deliveries for quite a while now. Shame your friend’s group is not for you, don’t think it’d appeal to.me either!
    Nana- hope your breakfast out is good tomorrow! Well done making the most of it with an extra FD!
    My FD has gone okay, kept busy tidying, cleaning windows, getting ready for my ‘immaculate house’ friend who’s coming on Friday…well needed!

    Good morning, Heidi got me up but was ok. She’s a nice clean dog now. Bowling again today.Only 7 games left over 3 leagues.Fasting today so no biscuit with my cuppa at bowls.The sun is out and it’s 100 days until Christmas.

    Morning all!
    Fasting okay so far, have a curry ready meal for tonight. Waiting for Asda order, have walked Xena & Gwinnie. Might go out later with youngest if it stays nice…
    Have a good day everyone, keep strong those who are fasting!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another lovely day .. long walk with my favourite dog walking friend and her little King Charles. The two dogs get on so very well.

    Our village tearoom is closed as they are isolating .. such a shame.

    Brads .. good luck with your game. How is your shoulder. Did the freeze spray work.

    H H.. You are getting plenty of exercise with the two walks. lol Enjoy your curry.

    Nana .. Hope you have some sunshine in Ely today . Well done on your extra FD.

    Sym… Enjoy your shopping .. hope you found a fleece.

    Have a good day everyone.

    We have no control over what others do or say, but we have 100% control over how we will respond. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A funny old morning my milk was sour so no cuppa, met up with a lot of dog walkers as we walked back I asked if one would hold Charlie outside the shop so I could get some milk…I trimmed quite a lot of brambles back as we walked…taking clippers out while we walk down the old road to tidy it up…..

    Fast day for me..

    Ride through to Beverley collected sister on my way…a nice time with my sister, a latte out at cafe must do a non fast day another time and have lunch out…I bought a fleece jacket but smarter, Capri trousers and a tee shirt..trousers which I were collecting was the wrong colour so they have been reordered and coming to the house. So a bit of a spend 😀…all walkie sort of stuff quick drying..

    I enjoyed today, I think you have to be in the right frame of mind…you cleaning windows too..I am going to do mine over the next few days, I hate doing them…enjoy your curry tonight.

    Enjoy bowls, 😇 no biscuits….good girl Heidi….I am not doing Christmas so I will not talk about it !

    Shame on your cafe closed…ours was closed last week due to holidays, we missed it…strangely I find the pub better value it’s just the wine which is expensive…I will have to have tea! 😬 hard one for me when eating out…😂

    Keep strong everyone…

    Jean x

    Back from bowling very close game for me but I lost 21-20.I had a bowl very close to the Jack which would have made it 20-20 and I had one bowl to go but decided to play safe and not try to win the game.Didnt work out. Nice and sunny here. Fast going ok 132 calories so far.

    Hello everyone yes Hemmy it was a lovely sunny visit to Ely today. Aunt and Uncle are doing well bless them.
    Wasn’t as hungry as I thought I’d be this morning strange how that happens especially as I went to bed really hungry last night. Have had a nice ham salad for tea followed by low fat yoghurt and honey. So hopefully a nice low day. Next FD will be on Saturday.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Just hoped on the scales and have lost 4lbs, so very pleased. The sun is out so time to buy cobs😂.No bowling until Monday so can rest my shoulder. Will take Heidi out then go to Sainsbury’s.

    Afternoon everyone the weeks seem to fly by lately and here it is Friday again and halfway through September already.
    Indian takeaway on the cards for this evening and OH is driving so will have a drink.
    Managed to lose two pounds this week must have been the extra FD on Wednesday.
    Well done to those of you who’ve also managed to lose weight this week.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back here again Monday.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    There seems to be a chilly feel in the air mornings and evenings Autumn is upon us.

    Been busy in the garden never came in till 6pm.. Lots of chopping and pruning back now.. Although garden still colourful with baskets and roses.
    I am so thrilled as the rose I bought for Mum a spray rose has loads of buds. I thought I had lost it in the early days as we had late frosts.

    Well done Brads and Nana Brilliant loses. Yay.

    Happy with my weight I seem to be staying within 1-2 lbs.. so all good. It will be harder in winter not so much exercise in the garden.

    Have a good evening all

    Old keys will never open new doors. Xxxx

    Evening All…
    A long riverbank walk with Natalie this morning the boys were running fast and enjoying each other..

    Cleaned top to bottom then cleaned all my windows up and down stairs, in and outside….just back downstairs to do as too sunny..really cream crackered..

    Just had a bob in the chair ….shower in a minute and bed early but not yet….

    I lost 1 lb this week….still 1 lb needed to goal…

    Well done on 4 lbs off a good amount…

    Enjoy your Indian tonight..well done on 2 lbs off..

    Good news on mums rose, good it’s still with you..a lot of work in the garden you will be tired like me….nice to keep in maintenance…

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Dave- well done losing 4lbs, that’s brilliant! Hope you got some cobs?! Will be good to rest your shoulder for a few days…
    Mary- very well done for you as well! Enjoy the takeaway tonight 😊, & have a good weekend!
    Jean- you do work hard! Good of you to clear the paths too, I forget to take my secateurs with me…Well done with your pound off as well!
    Hemmy- well done maintaining! It is getting very autumnal, lots of leaves coming down in the woods…good Mum’s rose is doing well- I’ve lost a few plants with the snow late, but others have been their best ever! A shame about your tea shop.
    We tried to get a cuppa out yesterday but the cafe (called The Tea Hut) closed at 3pm, how ridiculous is that?! Helped the FD though! We went out again today- youngest came, nice that he wanted to. We went to Kessingland to see the beach & the site we had a static caravan on, bittersweet, lots of happy memories, shame the site fees are higher now so not right for us now. Couldn’t take Xena, a bit too far for her in the car. Picked blacberries for a crumble- yum! A quick walk in Lowestoft too for an ice cream, oops! Back to a FD tomorrow.
    Have a good evening!

    Good morning, another lovely sunny day here.I know autumn is on the way so will make the most of the sun. Forgot to buy a steak so will have something else. Time to take Heidi out.If I don’t put her band on people stop me and say is she better now😂.I say she’s just old so won’t get better. Lots of people say hello Heidi when they see her.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What a glorious day really warm.

    Had a long walk all quiet in the village shop empty… people have gone out today lol.

    I have just had a very naughty carb lunch .. Chunky crusty wholemeal bread with roast beef and horseradish sandwiches. Plus a custard tart another one for later.

    Sainsbury cottage pie this evening with some broccoli Mr Pips favourite veg.

    14 weeks no alcohol so pleased with that.

    Just going out to mow the lawns .. in between washing 2 lots of armchair covers .. so a productive day.

    Sym.. Window cleaning is very tiring that and oven cleaning my worst jobs. lol Nice when they are done though.

    HH.. So lovely your boy likes to go out with you I know some don’t when they get a certain age. lol
    Keeping a caravan on site now is expensive .. we had a canal boat years ago we moored in Warwick at a marina the fees would be very high now.

    Brads .. Heidi is a star at her age I bet she is loved by the locals. How is the shoulder any improvement.

    Nana.. Hope you are enjoying your weekend whatever you are doing.

    Take care all There Are So Many Beautiful Reasons To Be Happy Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A village walk this morning…
    I played boules with Jan we won the two games, it was a slow start but we came through, onto the cafe for lunch just toasted tea cake and a chocolate creamy thing tasty and latte.

    Just been to the canal with Fay and Jan with the dogs, Bonny was in season Charlie was a bit too interested and Bonny was flirty so it didn’t help..I walked off on our own while the other dogs swam..giving a bit of space between them.

    Nice to go back to where the caravan was, sometimes it’s just nice..I suppose I have that feeling at Bridlington….crumble time for you….I have 2 plum crumbles in the freezer..
    Sunny again can’t finish my windows off at the moment…

    Yes it has the autumn feel..a damp start but knowing it would be hot later…

    Sandwich sounded delicious nothing like crusty bread….umm custard tarts..
    My grass could do with another cut but it won’t be today…hope you get yours done…

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    A restless sleep last night so a bit later up…a usual village walk at the weekend.

    I am hoping for a fast day but my friend may come over, we may eat…so see how I go….I will be fasting tomorrow ….

    A lazy day for me, a book read ..I feel as if I have been very busy…I finished my window cleaning last night….looks like the cold weather is coming on Thursday the start of autumnal feel….maybe a sort out of winter clothes see if I need any replacements and throw aways ..

    Have a lovely day…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon. Yes autumn is here although it’s been very warm here. Had to have the fan on last night in the bedroom Heidi was panting all night until I put it on. Took her out still no coat needed yet do me, she hasn’t got a coat, but doesn’t need one with all her fur.A raincoat works be the only coat I would ever use but not got one of them either anymore. Roast chicken for tea so Heidi will be happy.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A beautiful day again we have to make the most of it now.

    After a lovely walk went to my friends for a couple of hours .. chat and coffee. So nice as hubby was fishing and so some lovely women talk. lol.

    So pleased with my weight staying well within my goal weight .. keeping the carbs low in the week and a treat day on a Saturday.

    The rest of the cottage pie this evening with some green beans.. Micro plums with honey for 2 mins and ice-cream

    Brads .. Heidi will enjoy that chicken ..I am still not bothering to do a roast enjoy your meal.

    Sym.. Did you have an FD or did your friend arrive. Funny as I had a restless nights sleep. Think I was on line too late .

    HH Hope your day is going well. How is Mum .

    Nana hope you are enjoying your day.

    Have a lovely evening all .. Trust and accept yourself completely, use your voice, and never lose yourself.
    You are special and always worthy. 💖 Xxxx

    My friend came for a couple of hours, just a coffee so had a good fast day until I had a handful of liquorice tonight..why do you do it 😂..I still I think would be under 900 cals…fast day tomorrow..
    Lovely catch up for you too, it passes the time nicely. You are holding your weight very good too, I am a pound over at the moment.

    Very hot here today..very slow starts…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, Heidi got me up and left a couple of nuggets💩 Fortunately it was solid so easy to pick up. She doesn’t know when she’s doing it poor thing.Bowling today Tuesday and Wednesday.The Tuesday game is in a Covid hot spot.So will be glad when it’s over.

    Minols come back to us, not heard from you for ages, hope your settled in now.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A decent day with sun then cloud…. Getting cooler now.

    A good walk and found some plums .. Victoria I think .. ripe so needed picking I haven’t notice them before. Lovely to eat fresh

    Busy out in the garden today I keep hearing of a weather change from Thursday.

    Some quiche for dinner not sure what to have with it as yet.

    Have a good day all. Be Someone’s Sunshine When Their Skies Are Grey Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone hope you’re all keeping well and had a good weekend. We were fortunate enough to not have the heavy rain and thunderstorms that had been forecast.
    Managed to forget that it’s a FD today and had my usual breakfast of Weetabix so having to think of something really low calorie wise for my evening meal 😉
    Have had a Tesco online delivery this morning and was pleased that everything I ordered came.
    Hemmy well done on maintaining.
    Dave poor Heidi it’s her age bless her.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Afternoon everyone it’s a beautiful warm day here. OH and I walked to the next village this morning to collect our repeat prescriptions a round trip of 5 miles so a nice bit of exercise. Decided on a Jacket potato with baked beans for my evening meal last night so was able to have my FD after all. Am also having a FD today as it’s the last chance to have one before we go away for a weeks holiday on Friday.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hello all, sorry I have missed acouple of days! Sunday I did lots of cooking (& eating!), the half pound I lost last week probably went straight back on! Yesterday was a good FD, under 500 cals, hair cuts done, some cleaning & saw Mum. Today had to go into town, got some bits for Christmas while I saw them!
    Hope everyone is okay xx

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a glorious day so very warm .

    Just come back from town .. got some nice charity shop buys so a happy bunny here lol.

    Everyone is busy making the most of the days before the weather changes .

    Sym .. hope you are ok Xx

    Chicken and chips tonight .. stewed plums and Greek yogurt .

    Take care all …. Trust that some of your best days, biggest smiles, and loudest laughs are yet to come. ❤️ Xxxx

    Lovely weather again here, just back from bowling.I was getting slaughtered but turned out round to win so very happy. Bowling again tomorrow, see if I can make it three wins in a row.

    Good morning everyone,dry at the moment, hopefully the sun will come out again. The season is coming to an end only a few games left. We are having winter bowling between ourselves just for practice. They’re is indoor bowling but I have never done that. Not had breakfast or dinner this week so hopefully I will lose weight. I looked at the cobs yesterday and was drooling but didn’t get any.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another lovely day … having a busy one only just stopped for eggs on toast.

    Well done Brads for leaving the cobs .. it should be a good week for you again.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing …

    You are not for everyone, and they are not always for you . Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    I seem to have missed a few days too…no idea why??

    Saturday I did boules and cafe…my partner and I won the two games..all very close…

    Today I decided I would go through to Bridlington beach, we had a good couple of hours and then haddock and chips, sausage for the boy…no coffee cafes were full so just having my cuppa now…make most of the weather before it changes…

    Nice to pick up some charity things..good buys…

    Will the indoors play like outside or is it a different game altogether…

    I have picked up a few food bits for Christmas, make sure I have them…not really doing Christmas..

    Make the most of the weather everyone…I will be fasting tomorrow…

    Jean x

    I think it’s totally different bowling indoors. The bowls are bigger and you bowl on a carpet.Plus it’s totally flat, no crown.I lost today 21-16.Was behind again but couldn’t pull it back this time.

    Morning all!
    Dave- how’s your shoulder, is it improving at all? Good you can still practice through the winter even if there’s no league…hope no accidents from Heidi!
    Jean- will you still play boules through the winter? Glad you had anice day yesterday, was it any easier going there? Thinking of you, difficult time of year xx
    Nana- you do so well with your long walks! Hope this lovely weather holds for your holiday, I think the weekend will still be good ☺
    Hemmy- missed your post about having a canal boat- that must’ve been lovely! Did you have dogs then, were they okay with the water? Has your veg finished yet, mine are just about…our youngest doesn’t often want to spend time with us, but he was pretty bored last week!
    Yesterday’s 800 cal day was okay, very hungry, but after getting quite a bit done first thing I couldn’t get motivated! Another 800 day today, have our asda order coming lunch time & then maybe we’ll take Xena to the beach…eldest is going to be off for a few days, he was supposed to be going to gf’s but that’s not happening, not sure what’s going on there! Youngest is back to work.

    I would love a canal boat/barge. Wouldn’t like the locks though. Fast day today.The weather seems to have changed, it’s windy and cooler. Bowling finishing next week and speedway coming to an end😩. Going to Ice Hockey on Sunday with my son. Going to watch Altrincham Aces, they play in the lowest league of 8ce hockey so don’t get many fans go to watch them.

    Heidi met up with the cat again in our street. It just walked straight up to her and rubbed noses. I love it when it happens.

    Morning All…
    I went out with Charlie at 8 am took my heavy fleece it was so warm…I went out to meet ivy at 11am and I took a lower weight fleece and it was quite chilly.

    Struggling talking to her I can talk to anyone but there’s long silences..Tony her cousin who joins us mumbles and I can’t hear him…is it an age thing…all fun!..seeing them again in four weeks…

    I have trimmed back the bramble bushes on my river walk and trimmed the trees which hit your head, taken a few weeks just doing a bit here and there as I walk…John another dog walker took his leaf blower and blew all the mud and moss to the side. It’s an old road and it’s slowly getting narrower…it will see me out but it will disappear eventually…

    A good fd up to now, the others had a cooked lunch I just had coffee….I have cooked a ham joint for tonight, have cold with chutney.

    The indoor bowls sounds very different…see how you go….lots of sport for you..

    Our boules go through the year, just not when raining as they slip out of your hands..apparently they played on Boxing Day last year…the guys just get wrapped up well….
    These three weeks are going to be hard, 17th was when we were told the bad news that was a hard day, this week not as bad as I thought, two to go…I do enjoy Bridlington, just thoughts a few tears but fine…
    Just sitting with the boy before walking can’t be bothered to do anything…

    Unheard of sat with a fleece on, trying to be good and not put on CH…Steve would be cross, ‘ don’t ever not put the heating on if you need too’ 😱..I can hear him saying…..🥰

    Jean x

    Not had heating on since April, not cold enough yet so will go longer until it’s cold. Fast day going ok, I did crack and have a biscuit with my cuppa, so on 150 calories now.

    Afternoon everyone a quick check in. Lovely weather again today but a cool breeze first thing. Aunt and Uncle both okay gave us a bag of assorted toffees to take with us on our holiday tomorrow.
    Have started doing some of our packing.
    Am starting to feel in the holiday mood.
    Will be back on here a week Monday no doubt a few pounds up but do intend to do a fair bit of walking.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a glorious day again.. Only just come in.

    I am thinking of you Sym its not easy so early days for you

    You are so very brave to visit those places holding wonderful memories .

    Keep doing what you are doing as it is brilliant the right way to go. Xx

    HH we had a canal boat for 8 years and loved it a wonderful escape . Our old springer Beau was so happy .. he would jump off and stay with me while I worked the locks. Equally nice in winter with the wood burner ..all the wild life at your door so to speak.
    Wonderful times… a different world and people on those boats. Plus you never lose money on sale.

    I was so pleased with myself yesterday I haven’t been cooking much as such lots of instant meals. I got some mince out and decided to make some Bolognese sauce ..started chopping onions and felt quite fed up lolol why did I start it.

    Anyway got into it and ended up with a fab sauce simmered for ages .. I could smell the garlicy aroma in the garden lol.
    Nothing like home cooked really .

    Have a good evening all a jacket potato for me with my meat sauce on.

    Let go of expectations. Let things just be

    Hi folks, loving your chat. I’m up in Fife, working and living, got a dodgy knee that needs replaced but too young they say. We’ll see about that once I’ve lost enough weight for it.Into my 3rd week of the fasting life and so far I like it. Its working for me. Hunger isn’t a biggie and I’ve lost 3kg.
    I started wild swimming as we’re lucky enough to live by the water. Feels amazing, once you get over the freezing cold lol. Not sure if I’ll be able to keep it up over the winter but will keep going and see.
    Got myself an exercise bike too as surgeon said cycling best, started that this week. Will build that up after my weekend at Haggerston with Mum, Bro and Sis in law. Looking forward to it, if not the drive down. Fingers crossed the bypass is not too sticky!
    NFD today, FD yesterday and Monday so think I’ll miss breakfast and drink lots of water til lunchtime. PBE is my mantra, play it by ear 👂
    Keep the faith anyhow, still snuggled in with OH and wee puss Flora.Have a good day whatever you’re doing x Brenda

    Hi Brenda you have come to the right place, a friendly bunch on here. I have 2 dodgy knees that need replacing but not in too much pain at the moment with them. My wife was in horrible pain for ten years with her knee before they replaced it. I lost a pound this week so happy with that.

    Afternoon All…

    A village walk with Charlie this morning very warm again…

    I stayed the same this week my body is holding tight to the 1 lb which I need to loose…

    McMillan coffee morning at the pub I went with the ladies, we made £1000 which was very good, it wasn’t that busy…a couple of hours…

    Sitting with the boy I did lots of housework this morning just the lounge to do, maybe tomorrow…

    Did you get your cobs this morning? I love them dark brown too…well done on your pound off..any sport this weekend, Petanque for me tomorrow looks like a pub lunch…

    Have a great holiday ….have some crab for me…safe travels speak in a week….

    A canal boat sounds lovely, I suppose a bit like our caravan but nicer…just back to nature whatever the weather it’s always nice….I try and put a brave face on it sometimes doesn’t work..I crumbled a bit this morning when someone was going overboard about Xmas…
    I must go out and buy some potatoes I might take Charlie and walk to the farm shop…or I won’t have anything to have with Fays steak pie tonight…

    Welcome to our little corner..you seem to be doing very well 3 kg is a really good start…love your mantra PBE..Flora is a lovely name for a puss, Charlie is my Dalmatian, a rescue from Glasgow, he keeps me sane.
    It’s hard going when your knees are giving up on you, my hubby had two partial knees done together, one was better than the other..he always said, the surgeon did one and apprentice did the other.
    I have been doing this way of life for 6 years now it just becomes normal…I am 1 lb above goal, ( I have lost 28 lbs) I hover around maintenance but I watch closely…I would like another 3 or 4 pounds off for wriggle room.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone…

    Jean x

    Thanks Brads27, surgeon says lose weight and cycle. So FD’s and exercise bike it is 🙂
    Lovely welcome, thank you

    Ps well done a pound is a pound eh!
    Jean, love a dalmatian called Charlie! 😃 Flora is a wee sook in the morning and a bit of a gooseberry lol, she loves a cuddle. Sounds like you have done brilliantly with the fasting life, thanks for the welcome,

    It does work Brenda I was 24 stone once, down to 21 now, my first target is 19 stone.I have a 15 year old German shepherd called Heidi.When my wife had to have a new knee the doctor said lose 3 Stone then you can have it done, so she did. Think he gave her tablets to start with to lose weight. He said she was too young and had to wait 10 years in pain all three time too.

    Wow great job there Brads21! Hope I don’t have to wait too long but pain has lessened so can’t complain, managing on paracetamol and ibuprofen gel now. The cold water made a huge difference. One of the reasons it draws me back in 😃.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another fabulous day we are soo lucky.. Chillier evening and morning but these 200yr old walls are pretty cosy in winter and cool in summer.

    Welcome to our little corner Brenda Xx You are doing so well this is the very best way to lose weight and maintain it. Best wishes and good luck continuing.

    Well done Brads with your pound off .. cobs are calling now lol.

    Sym… Don’t worry about crumbling a bit its only natural .. TBH I think with the food shortage and now fuel Xmas for many will be just more hassle.
    So many restrictions with religion now such a shame lots of traditions gone.
    Kristy is coming for a long week end beginning Oct I am again going to try to persuade her to have it at home. Just the two of them ..

    HH Hope you are having a good day. Is Mum well.. any new projects for you to sort.

    I lost a pound this week still no alcohol Kristy is concerned whether I will be making the usual sloe gin lol.

    Take care all You can disagree with someone and still be kind.- Xxxx

    Would you prefer to be on your own or would you have a friend over at Xmas..unless Kirsty says she’s coming.
    A good day there again still rather warm..tomorrow is going to be humid, Pétanque and then to the pub for lunch..maybe a wine 🍷..5 of us tomorrow we have our new lady again…
    Nice to look forward for a few days with her on the 1st ..that’s next Friday….Charlie is going to the hygienist! 😂

    Have a nice weekend
    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxx

    Its been a dull morning but very humid sun just breaking through.

    Sym .. I would rather it just be me and Pip for Christmas .Its sort of awkward for Kristy I expect as its my Birthday Xmas eve and hers boxing day.

    I wouldn’t want to invite a friend as I tend to go over the top with things buy far too much an d also tire myself out.

    I am not really wanting big meals now my taste now left to my own devices is quite simple but tasty.
    I am also the older I get finding lots of these occasion have got quite tacky lost their original meanings and traditions gone .

    Have a lovely day all whatever you are doing … We can’t control what happens in the external world, but we can decide how we wish to show up every day.
    If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too. Xxxx

    Good afternoon,dull wet day here.Soon be winter. I don’t mind winter but don’t like the snow. Or at least walking in it when it’s turned to slush then frozen again.Saying that the sun as come out.

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