Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good afternoon.Done the shopping, its very warm today got the fan on and the curtains closed. Cob day today so not fasting. Will take Heidi out when it gets cooler.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another glorious day .. hope we get many more yet. Will make winter shorter.

    A good walk .. met two new dogs and Mr Pip was brilliant .. a boisterous golden lab and a Jack Russel and Pip usually barks like hell at them but was on best behaviour lol.

    I think the lady was a professional dog walker so she’s probably got the knack. lol

    These fur babies are so very unpredictable though.

    Lots of watering my neighbour has a fair plot of land and stuff quite scattered. 2 Big greenhouses to water and that is hot work. lol

    I havnt even watered mine yet lolol just wanted my lunch after doing theirs.

    Nana .. Did you enjoy the Thai lunch yesterday .. I don’t blame you enjoying your wine with friends … thats what lifes about.
    It just triggers me off to keep eating and usually rubbish… sweet things.

    Brads .. You are doing so well with the bowling .. some have probably been bowling since youngsters.
    Enjoy the cobs.

    H H The car boot started early but we got there at 9.30 some people still setting up then though.. some nearly ready for leaving.
    Pam and I have done a few ourselves shared a carload. .. but people were wanting stuff for nothing and we thought we would rather give it to charity .
    Are you doing a 800 day today.

    Sym.. Yes it was nice to have a change on Sat being the day I always picked Mum up.

    I am thinking this Sat I am going to do a roast dinner for myself. I only do them now when Kristy is here. I realised today that poor Mr Pip misses out on his. So that will be my Sat unless a better offer lolol.

    Nice to have some time with your sister and find walking trousers as well.

    Have a good day everyone. ❤️

    Some people will only love you as long as you fit in their box. Don’t be afraid to disappoint. Xxxx

    Hemmy over half my bowling team have been playing over 40 years. It so difficult because every green we play on is totally different from ours.

    Evening everyone – have had a lovely Thai lunch with OH and our Friday night friends followed by sitting in their garden just chatting. Only had 2 glasses of wine though. Won’t be eating anything else today though as am really full.
    It’s been and still is a very hot day and looks like the same is forecast for tomorrow.
    Hemmy we’re looking after our next doors garden for them this week – as you say it’s hot work doing theirs and our own watering.
    Usual Weds tomorrow cycling up to guided busway to catch bus to visit daughter and son in law then on to St Ives for our lunchtime meet up.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A good long fast riverside walk with Natalie and Oreo this morning..sweating buckets 😂

    A quiet sit getting ready for boules pm….two good matches, possibly my best.. I won both..

    My trips I have to justify the spend, quite expensive for one and Charlie care..then would I like being on my own or with people I don’t know??…thinking about it but next year..
    We were always a couple, we did nothing really apart from each other…like you.

    I rarely do dinners, I cook them, eat half and throw away..I would rather eat a joint cold for a few days. Sounds like a lot of watering to do…

    Nice you get around a lot on the bowling seeing different greens…

    Good lunch for you and another visit tomorrow..enjoy..

    Thinking of going to bridlington tomorrow..give Charlie a good run on the beach….see how I feel when I get up..it will be cooler at 20 degrees, 29 degree here…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another wonderful day .. may be breaking tomorrow with thunderstorms,

    Neighbours back tomorrow .. I will be glad as hard going in this heat with the watering

    Just going to sit and read this afternoon in the garden no work.

    Sym did you go to the beach .. how lovely living near the sea.

    Brads .. I expect over their many years of bowling these bowlers have experienced most greens. You are doing so very well.

    H H …Is it a 800 day today .. How’s Mum… any new projects for you. lol

    Nana ..I hope you enjoyed your lunch in St Ives.. What did you have?

    I just had some egg ham and tomatoes tasty.

    Have agood day all whether fasting or just being mindful .

    Everyone has a different clock, wait for your time Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    Just lost a long post 😫

    A short toilet walk this morning before we headed for the beach. I find I get nervous to drive a distance. The 1 hour drive plus 20 mins of slow traffic. I was lucky to get a free park right on the beach front, nice as you can go back to the car for things if needed.
    A good two hours walk on the beach, tide very low so lots of pools and rivers, I found my beach sandals which were great for paddling instead of my wellies. Charlie was chasing seagulls which were swimming miss judged and got his self totally wet he normally does 6”, quite funny. So strange on my own but I enjoyed it.
    Charlie still looks for Steve, he used to sit while I beach walked, as we came back about 500 mtr away Charlie used leave me and run off and find him, I have to put him on his lead now as we get back, he has run off twice to find him, fortunately he comes back to my whistle only when he can’t find him…I can see him thinking and looking..it’s sad but can he see something what I can’t 🤷‍♀️

    So lovely on the beach..I should go in the winter and get wrapped up to walk, at the end of this month all the beaches are dog friendly for the winter, some of the cafes are still open lots of locals about.
    Enjoy your read in the garden too hot for me here, I am inside resting up the boys fast asleep..not looking for his walk time yet…

    Jean x

    Hello everyone roasting again here. Lost again at bowls,4 other lost as well so not on my own. Confidence is in tatters but I still sleep well. Next 2 games are against the top 2🙄.I was dropped for today’s game but then put back in, mores the pity.

    Evening everyone end of another beautiful but warm day was absolutely dripping by the time I’d cycled home as it was quite a strong head wind.
    Hemmy lovely lunch a cheese and pickle wholegrain sandwich with a side salad and a couple of glasses of wine and a coffee.
    Brads don’t take it to heart.
    Jean a lovely day out for you and pleased you’re feeling a bit more able to visit places that you used to go to with Steve 🥰
    Just finished watering our own and next doors garden might not have to do so tomorrow as thunderstorms forecast for the afternoon.
    Usual Ely trip tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Sym … Oh the beach in winter is wonderful I think I have mentioned that Andrew and I had a time share at a hotel in Exmouth for 25 yrs . It was out of season always week 8 in February ..I think we enjoyed it and looked forward to it more than going abroad. lol

    It is lovely you can still go and walk the memories you shared with Steve… Charlie too.
    Funny you saying about does Charlie see something you cant. I am still driving Andrews car.. Pip loves that car and lays on the back seat for hours. Mum always said he knew it was Andrews car.

    Brads … Don’t be despondent .. taking part is wonderful in its self winning or losing just be proud you have got out there on the green and done your best.

    Nana ..Lunch sounded lovely .. hope you are having a wine for me. lol Hopefully some rain tonight to help with the watering.
    Mine back tomorrow how much longer are you on watering duty. Enjoy you Ely trip.

    H H hope you are having a good day

    Sleep well everyone. Xxxx

    Good afternoon people.Its still warm here, a very sticky night but managed to sleep ok.I turned the new fan on, Heidi was panting all night so I changed the fan to rotate and also go up and down at the same time. It worked because she stopped panting. No rain here yet but sure it will come. A fast day today.

    Hi all! Sorry, have been busy & forgetting to post …
    Dave- shame about the bowling but as you say the othets have bowled for years, plus I guess maybe they’ve got to know the other greens?
    Jean- good you braved the traffic & went to Brid, hard for both of you, hugs xx
    Nana- well done with the cycling, you really notice the wind on a bike! Hope you cycled off the lunch, although it sounded like healthy choice! Think you had rain overnight, so a day off watering for you!
    Hemmy- good the watering’s done! Sounded like your neighbours had alot for you to do! I can’t get my head around a roast on a Saturday- has to be Sunday! I think Jean does a Saturday roast too?
    Had a good 500cal FD on Tuesday, yesterday was a trip to Aldeburgh for fish & chips & a sit on the beach, very warm here. Walked Gwinnie today- other neighbour keeps getting a muddle over which days she’s doing, so need to try & get her to do the same days each week. Fasting today, hoping to do a few 800 days. Youngest is off after today & have promised to take him out for fish & chips one day though…
    Keep strong fasting!

    Afternoon All…
    A wood walk/ nature reserve this morning my least favourite, although the trees kept us dry as a bit of drizzle about, not so bad when you are chatting …

    A bad nights sleep so not done much had a sleep with the boy…then felt the need to do something so defrosted the freezer …😂..you feel guilty but there’s no need when there’s just me 😂

    A fasting day a bit peckish just having a coffee to tie me over…not sure what I am eating may be salmon sandwiches ..easy and low….

    It’s tough when you play in a league and they are all good players, just go with the flow you enjoy going… Very hot sticky night I just couldn’t sleep…my fan was in the garage..

    I don’t like travelling far in the car but I know the route and where to park so not so bad…it was nice when I was there it’s a change.
    You were at the beach too it’s a place we used to go ..fish and chips hope you enjoyed them…it’s hard on your neighbour with dog walking, could you ask her to put on it a Calendar as you keep getting mixed up, you could both write it down together…

    You do well to cycle in that heat yesterday, too hot…nice lunch cheese and wine, my sort of thing.

    The animals are strange at times…Charlie lays in the back bedroom, Steve used to sit and shave with his electric razor in there, Charlie never went in there before…I often find him there now…Pip must think of Andrew in the car, maybe his smell is still there…Charlie still has flashbacks at times, motorbikes are one, people in motor bike gear…
    Rain is on the way could do with some for the garden..freshen it up

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone back home from our Ely visit still a few tourists around. Market stalls are starting to reappear but not our favourite spices one as yet.
    A fair bit of rain here overnight so it was very humid first thing this morning.
    Am having a single portion of chicken pasta bake that I’d put in the freezer a while back for having that with a salad of our own homegrown lettuce , tomatoes , cucumber and will see if there are any carrots to be had also. OH having a burger 🍔 as that’s what he fancies having.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    3lbs up so not very happy at the moment.Must try and do better next week. The weather as changed but it was still very hot lady night. Had the new fan on again.Its a great fan it really cooles the whole room down. Heidi loves it because she’s not panting all night when it’s on. It wasn’t cheap but worth every penny.It moves from side to side and up and down at the same time. It’s very quiet so doesn’t keep you awake.

    Dave- what are you up to, a hot lady night?! 😂😂 The fan sounds good, can’t bear the noise usually, not that I get that hot! Shame about the weight, I need to get back on track too, all this baking!
    Jean- animals are sensitive, sad he sits where Steve did…hope your lunch today is good! With the neighbour, I always go over again what days we’re doing, I think best to try & stick to the same days each week, I’ll try it!
    Nana- enjoy your freezer meal, I have lots in mine but always forget to get them out! Sounds like you’ve done well with all the veg in the garden! Did the melons grow?
    Henmy- hope you’re having a good day, is it nice enough to be in the garden?
    Still muggy here so quite hot for Xena on our walk, but we did some scent work in the garden later. Have gone for some extra bits from Tesco, needing lots of food this week as youngest is off! He got tiger rolls, I had one & it was lovely, made me hungrier though, nearly half my 800cals gone 😞 Can’t get motivated to do too much today!

    Heidi met a 13 year olds golden lab and a Scotty in the park.As usual she got on well with them both. She loves meeting with other dogs. Still clammy here for the fan on downstairs. Denise turned the fan on up stairs. The Dyson fan would be good for you HH. It’s hot or cold and very quiet.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A wet day here .. at least no watering lol. So very glad all that’s finished.

    Its been a busy week in all. Had a lovely day yesterday went to Banbury with a friend I walk with. A good look around Home Bargains .. got some nice bits and bobs at good prices. then to M&S .. and a massive coffee in Costa Coffee.. which amused me as the cup was like a big soup tureen with two handles . lol

    Weight maintaining I am happy with it.

    Brads .. no cobs next week for you lol

    I hope everyone is having a good day

    Starting again is not about repeating what you did before but doing something you did not do before. Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Lovely morning walk what would we be without our doggies..

    I went out for a pub lunch..with The Park Ladies Lunch Club..our new name just the 4 of us, decided to do it monthly…I only know them by saying morning in the park but we are all on our own, one lady has not been out since her hubby passed 4 years ago, it’s quite sad. I feel as if I am doing quite well, nearly.

    Just having a sit before walking again we are getting dark here, hope we don’t get wet..

    I have stayed the same but still 2 lbs away from goal, I am watching it closely.

    We all get the mindset of not feeling like it, even I am a bit at the moment…soon get back on track…

    Hope you get your neighbour sorted, my sister has been buying bras for a month, buys one and takes it back the next day..three or four bras a week then she wonders why the assistants don’t help..I think they run away!…I told her what to buy she forgot the list what she wrote down, no one seems to be measuring at the moment and she won’t pay much for them….
    Looks like you will be cooking a lot if your sons on holiday, a stressful week for your menus.

    We have rumbling in the air….rain will be coming…nice shopping with your friend and buying things too..
    I was out with spray to kill the grass in my borders were the bird seed falls, blown in the air and caught all my lawn!! Stupid girl I am, I think it will grow back over the winter…

    I am quite full after my lunch..gammon, chips, egg and pineapple and ice cream sundae…coffee..
    Nothing to eat tonight..

    Weekend yet again…..enjoy..

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone decided to get on the scales this morning and am 3lbs up since I last weighed in August but I’m not surprised as I’ve only managed one FD and I had the wedding and the Thai lunch extra this week.
    Chinese takeaway this evening and it’s my turn to drive so no alcohol.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and have a good weekend and I’ll be back again on Monday.

    Nana x

    Your doing ok Nana.Ww both gained 3lbs so we will have to lose next week hopefully.

    Good morning everyone, it’s gone cooler now so should sleep better tonight. What are you all up to today? Will take Heidi to the park now and hope she meets some of her friends.

    Morning (just!)
    FD yesterday was okay, 800 cals, but too hungry to face another one today, bbq tonight for us.
    Walked Xena & then Gwinnie- talked through the days several times with neighbour so hopefully she’ll remember! Gwinnie was keen to go further today so we had a little play in a fenced off park- she came back really well! & watched boys football match & had a meet up with several other spectators’ dogs. Feet are aching now though! Hubby & son went to a car boot, hubby’s really pleased as he collects police memorabilia & he found a bargain- a truncheon from the 1840’s for £15- the chap didn’t realise how old it was! Seeing Mum this afternoon.
    Have a good day everyone ☺

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful day ..I am wondering if its dry enough to mow.

    Decided to forgo a roast today as I cant be bothered. lolol Feeling tired its been a busy week all round.
    I have some wonderful cheeses and honey brought back by my neighbours for watering duty . I will enjoy them.

    Nana .. you will soon ditch the 3lbs .. make the most of going out to eat as winter will be here before we know it. Enjoy the good days.

    Brads .. I hope Heidi met some friends .. have a good day.

    H H .. Wow what a good find for hubby at Car boot a treasure . Bet he was pleased. Hopefully your neighbour remembers the dog walking rota. You are both good neighbours.

    Sym… Its amazing how with grass comes back good again quickly. Mine near the stone wall that came down was left quite sparse in places after the rebuilding but soon grew again.

    Have a good day everyone

    If you can’t say something encouraging and kind, stay silent. 💚
    Judge a little less and be a lot more kind. Xxxx

    Turned into a nice sunny day here. Took Heidi out again but no dogs about. We have a visitor,a mouse and it’s chewed the cable of our pressure cooker.So I will chuck it out.Going to replace it with a Ninja 9 in one cooker.Denise will be on red alert now, terrified of mice.

    Evening All..
    A village walk which is what I do at the weekend to too many people at the park. I came back had a cuppa got settled watching James Martin, telling Charlie I shall have to do the bedrooms…then realised I was at boules had to make a dash for it completely forgot..😂

    A new lady joined us so she played with me, we got to 12 the others beat us by one point..it’s the first to 13…she played very well for the first game.

    We went to pub for lunch as cafes shut, fresh haddock fish finger sandwich with tar tar sauce, salad with chips delicious..I left a lot too much but I ate the sarnie and a few chips, glass of red….

    Just had a cuppa with Fay, a dog groomer had just cleaned Ruby’s teeth so I was chatting to her about her services. She fitted Charlie in to have his nails clipped and she is coming back to me to have his teeth cleaned..she said they are not too bad but need maintenance before getting worse.

    Oh dear mice..I wouldn’t want them in the house but I don’t mind them…it’s the huge spiders I am petrified of!…I have just bought some plug ins to keep bugs/ spiders at bay and mice too…might be an idea..

    A good find for hubby, it would have made his day…hope the rota works for your neighbour and she remembers it..lots of walking for you…enjoy your bbq..

    I got my grass cut it was getting quite long…my windows are jumping up my list I must get them done its not my favourite job…lovely treats for you honey and cheeses, fit them into your meals..hope you got your grass done.

    Still full up from lunch..I have a plum crumble might just have that with custard but not yet…it’s only small.

    Have a good weekend…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, watching the F1, took Heidi out and it was raining just a little.Not seen any mice but they’re is definitely one about somewhere.

    Dave- hope you find it before Denise sees it! Have you got a humane trap to put down?
    Been dry & humid here again…a long walk with Xena as it was a different route & I went further than I thought! She had a run in with a young, boisterous spaniel, I told them both off, although thinking it through really she was just telling him to back off & he didn’t get the message! Then she got surprised at the lake as 2 swans were there which she’d not seen before, she really barked at them but luckily she ignored them! Took Gwinnie out & she saw a cat then refused to budge, had to carry her well away! Saw my neighbour who’s walking her too with her little dog; she looks so unsteady & frail walking, a worry her doing 2 walks, but she’d offered to help…she’s the same age as Margaret.
    Had quite a lazy day, Church online, playing games on my phone! Just done youngest’s hair, eldest wants his doing as he’s going away with his gf tomorrow- funny relationship, they don’t seem too bothered about seeing each other! He makes more effort than her, but she seems quite clingy & anxious…each to their own!
    Have a good day all!

    Forgot to say, I’m fasting, 800 cal day ☺

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you.

    A warm cloudy day just managed to get the lawns done. Glad that’s out of the way.

    OMG Brads I am like Denise and have always been terrified of mice for some reason. Spiders not at all however big. You better get it caught lol.

    HH hope your 800 cal day goes to plan.

    I have had a few treats and extra carbs this weekend so better start shaping up again tomorrow. lol

    I seem to be ok now without alcohol I think doing the 3 months has made me realise I don’t need it

    Take care everyone .. There is no limit to what we can achieve the limit is only set by us. Xxxx

    It makes me laugh when adults are scared of mice. Not easy to catch and not seen it about.Cant put poison down because of Heidi.

    Afternoon All..
    A good walk this morning calling at the cemetery and watering Steves plants..

    Went for lunch at Jacqui’s, just one grandson there and hubby, his mum called in too…

    Got back home a quiet sit and then took Charlie out….

    Nothing much on the TV tonight so possibly continuing to read my book…

    Good luck on the mouse..

    Sounds like a stressful morning, swans can be quite nasty good they left you alone…hope your fasting is going well…

    I still like an odd glass of wine but I don’t drink much…working through some out of date Easter eggs, not very good for the diet !…three months is a long time to be off the drink..a big well done.
    Big spiders freak me out, September is the month they come inside, I am washing floors with strong lemon disinfectant/ white vinegar and I have bought some bug plug ins too…mice I don’t mind but wouldn’t want them in the house…

    Jean x

    Good morning cooler today, bowling soon, of there are enough there I will ask not too play. My shoulder is very sore. I need to get an appointment with my GP, easier said than done.Cant see a telephone consultation would be of any use. Fasting today, 4 of us at least doing it today.

    Morning All..
    A park walk this morning a circus has come to town, here all week…Charlie was naughty he wouldn’t come back when called kept running away from me, it’s a while since I have had this…a bum snack and told off and went on his lead for a bit….then barking at someone passing the house when we got home, I told him off again, he took his self off to his bed …

    Cleaned down stairs and mopped the floors…Jans hubby, my boules friend, is a plumber calling to sort my loo handle out after his lunch.

    I am fasting today….very wobbly days ahead not feeling good at all….

    Hoping you get to play at the bowling your season will soon be finishing…we have rain most of tomorrow unless it’s better than we think..ours might be off…Jan and I will coffee at cafe either way.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Strange weather day dark one minute then brightens.

    Well I didnt need to worry about the etc carbs I had as it seems like my body couldnt wait to rid of them .. lol

    I am just going to make up a nice chicken veg soup/stew use up lots of veg I have been given…Will be this evenings dinner.

    I cannot seem to get motivation for much today .. After finishing the lounge painting I cant seem to get interested in doing much other than usual jobs. .

    Brads.. I hope you get to see a Dr good luck with that one.

    Any more signs of the mouse. lol. Every time Mr Pip barks in doors I am thinking its a mouse.

    Sym.. Its so strange how these dogs have their barky days then others they are very quiet .. like us humans I guess lol.

    Have a good day all

    Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone a nice quiet weekend for us and I even managed a FD on Saturday and am having another one today but starting to feel quite hungry now. We’re not meeting up for our usual Wednesday lunch this week so might try another FD then.
    Dave hope you get a Drs appointment soon for your shoulder. I managed to twist my back getting out of the car when we got home on Friday and it was quite painful to move on Saturday so that made the FD even harder as I like to keep busy on a FD but I got quite a lot of the baby cardigan that I’m knitting for our great baby grandson who’s due to arrive the beginning of next month. Managed a slow walk yesterday and also today as its easing up.
    Hemmy love your final words of wisdom.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I tried ringing the doctor. It rings 3 times then cuts out.Got beat at bowls 21-16 so not too bad. It hurt when I bowled it long so suffered there. We play the same team again on Wednesday.

    Dave- hope that you can get an appt for your shoulder- if it is a rotator cuff injury they can take a while to heal, keep doing the exercises gently…not good if bowling’s hurting it now though…
    Jean- sending you a hug, keep yourself busy, good you have some new friends to see some of the time xx
    Mary- hope your back settles soon…well done fasting on a Saturday! Hope today goes okay too…
    Hemmy- glad the carbs didn’t jump on your hips!! If you’re still doing usual jobs & your house is reasonably hygienic I wouldn’t worry, be contented if that’s what you feel like!
    I had a motivated day- did a longer walk with Xena as I let her choose our route! Window cleaner came so trained her, she would still bark at him but will say hello now. Walked stubborn little Gwinnie, brought her back for a play & gave her a bath, her coat was grim! Did lots of cleaning at home, some baking for son & then went to see a friend & her new puppy, acocker spaniel. Adorable, but his head is so narrow, don’t like this overbreeding…
    Fd a little over accidentally!

    Nice to have finished your painting…that time of the year when you can’t get moving, I have a few jobs on my list waiting.…hope your meal was tasty tonight..

    A new baby arriving how exciting…hoping you get the knitting finished…looks like bad weather for boules tomorrow just the cafe for a chat…

    Doctors are a nightmare you must try again tomorrow…bowling was better for you…

    Very brave bathing Gwinnie you don’t know how they like it…puppy was adorable I don’t like over breeding either…my toilet is repaired a good job done.

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    A grotty day here but a dry walk before it all started…no boules but going to the cafe with Jan for a couple of hours…

    Washer on, chasing some thing’s I have ordered up…all on the way apparently….surprised at the supermarket shelves they are so empty every time you go…anyone doing Xmas things need to be bought when seen..

    Have a good day..

    Jean x

    Damp here give up trying to get an appointment with the GP.Will see how it goes. I bought a freezing spray to try and see how it goes. Bowling tomorrow but if they’re are 9 there I will ask to drop out. Heidi is very quiet today hope she’s ok.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    It poured here this morning so waited another hour to walk and we managed a dry one.

    I was pleased with Pip as we saw to very young deer .. they kept coming close then running away like they were playing .. Pip never bothered with them at all .. not even a bark. As we say on here they are strange. lol

    Such a shame I had forgotten my camera.

    The soup turned out lovely very tasty just had it again for lunch .. will add some bacon and more veg.. I even added radish lol. I am trying to do what my Granny did keep a continual stock pot going. You just have to be sure to bring it to the boil when reheating . You can taste the goodness.

    Cleaned all outside windows yesterday so will do inside this afternoon.

    Nana .. I love all the sayings my Mum had a saying for everyone and every occasion. lol

    Brads .. Hope your shoulder improves soon . Have you tried the heat pads. Hope Heidi is ok and just having a quiet day. She could also have picked up on your pain. They are very sensitive to us and our feelings.

    HH .. I bet Gwinnie is thriving on all the attention she is getting bless her.

    Sym…Enjoy your time at the café with Jan.. I haven’t noticed bare shelves as yet here but better start stocking up again. I expect besides the lack of drivers .. Lockdowns are not ruled out for winter.. Better get those loo rolls in again. lolol

    Have a good day all
    When you see something, that is not right, unjust, or disrespectful, use your voice, speak up, and speak out.Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Raining since 10 not too heavy but steady…a nice lunch out as no boules, just Jan and I, nice to have a one to one for a change.
    We both had quiche and jacket, flap jack was awful…I think the pub is better but closed on a Tuesday.

    Decided on a search in the garage to find a suitcase full of larger hand bags, thought they might have been thrown away but they have not..I have brought 4 in see if I use them..I use small shoulder type bags just my phone and purse easier if I have Charlie …they can always go back away if I don’t use them.

    I think Charlie thinks deer are big dogs they don’t bother him…we have horse riders in the village he used to be very frightened but we sit and watch now and he’s fine…a very small pony has started to come by he is quite unsure on that..is it a horse or a dog?..😂
    Good idea on the stockpot, saves money and always on the go..as you say just needs to be brought to boiling point..as soon as the rain stops in the next few days my windows must get done…
    My freezers are very good now..Fay my Thursday baker, her tray bakes can be frozen, I shall freeze some individual portions for a later date ..I have some of her meat pies frozen, an easy meal.

    Shame you can’t get your arm looked at but I doubt if they would do much from my past experience, they may offer an injection into the joint…hope the weathers better for bowling tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Heidi just had a good wash, she did it herself. Not got off her bed all day apart from our walk. Will take her again soon. Had very little rain here. Bought a deep freeze cold spray.Will give that a go.

    Afternoon everyone not much to report today as its been raining since 7:30 this morning so been indoors all day. Managed to catch up on the ironing and a bit of cleaning but my back started hurting again so decided to rest it and carry on with my knitting. Non FD today so we’re having beef stew and homemade herby dumplings 😋
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hemmy- enjoy your stockpot…hope you got the windows cleaned, I hate that job! Pip was very good! Xena will run after the little muntjacks, not so much the bigger deer…
    Dave- hope that you can get through to the doctors, think they’ll probably only say physio though 😞
    Jean- nice that you still got to go out today! Good you found the handbags! I don’t use one since covid, just a shoulder bag with a few bits in, too many compartments in my handbags to get hand gel out quickly! Rucksack when out with Xena, so much stuff- water for both of us, ball, poo bags, K9 spray…
    Nana- right weather for stew! Hope your back soon gets better…nice to have a new addition to the family to knit for ☺
    Today has not been good foodwise- tried to keep busy but picked to much! Made a new recipe for youngest which I had a bit of too…did get some jobs done that I’ve been putting off though!
    FD tomorrow, hopefully another couple of 800 cal days.
    Sleep well everyone!

    Morning All…
    A dry dark morning here..going to meet up with Natalie and Oreo on the riverbank ..so a good long walk.

    Trying a fast day today an add on tomorrow’s too….

    Charlie always has a good wash he’s like a cat..wet through at times..😂..clean boy..

    Hope you enjoyed your stew…lots of nothingness at the moment…

    I have a large handbag which is my Charlie walking bag with all his bits and water in..although when my winter police coat comes out so many pockets I don’t need the bag…during COVID I took out my phone and credit card only, at a push if walking around in one small shoulder handbag.
    As doing more things like boules I possibly need a larger bag..I will see..
    Keep strong today I am fasting with you…

    Must be out by 8.15..

    Jean x

    It’s nice bowling in the sun. Lovely day here. Only had 100 calories and it’s not a fast day. Heidi up to her old tricks🙄 could do with a dry shampoo.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a beautiful day.

    We had a good walk then I went into town for a shop and wander around the charity shops.

    Shelves in Sainsbury here were quite bare in places. Got a few easy meals in the Taste the difference range I quite like them. .. Cottage pie and curry .. doubles so will save cooking for 4 days lol. Just some veg. I like some green veg even with curry lol.
    Found some good books at the charity shops 3 for a pound. Making sure I am well stocked in case of a lockdown again. lol

    My friend Pam has started up a local group of women on line to go out for meals etc.as her hubby works lots of hours. She has joined me in and TBH its not for me all they talk about is Netflix and Bingo lolol.. I will have to leave the group as it keeps coming up on messenger I have a message every time someone posts lolol
    I enjoy my one to one friends best lol.

    Sym… hope you enjoyed your walk..

    Ham egg and chips this evening .. will enjoy that.

    Have a good day all
    When people show you who they are believe them. 🌼
    Sometimes their behavior is your answer Xxxx

    Evening everyone have had a nice day which included a visit to daughter and son in law as usual on a Wednesday morning but then back home instead of going on to meet our friends for our usual lunch which wasn’t happening today. Decided to take advantage and have an extra FD instead. Ely tomorrow as usual and will be looking extra forward to my breakfast and coffee.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

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