Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All..
    Very mixed weather today but managed two dry walks…..Boules was dry too won one and lost one, we all are all playing very close, back to the cafe for lunch.

    Louise after 6 hours of surgery, 5 fractures, a bone chip, also a twisted metal plate and loose screws from her knee surgery of two months ago …a metal rod was put in from knee to ankle, metal plate and screws were removed. Physio today and hopefully on crutches tomorrow. She is in a lot of pain.

    Hedgehog ..
    My homemade meat pie was made by Fay my Thursday cook, no cakes this week it was very tasty.
    Lovely your sis is giving you a break before she goes away, Mum seems to need a lot of support, I don’t think I would get it she is very lucky to have you both. Enjoy a bit of your own time today, before your son keeps around the house..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon just got soaked taking Heidi out.Not much happening today.Typical the sun is out now🙃.

    Watching the cycling now, I recorded it overnight. Still a miserable day here.Roast chicken for tea so Heidi will be pleased.

    Morning All..
    A park walk not a good idea as there had been a football knockout over the weekend….the rubbish was all over..lovely for the boy to eat!!!…he was in big trouble!!

    Fasting today…boules to paint as it’s scraped off, they are all the same so we put our own colours on…

    Cooked fresh haddock last night it was delicious..haddock and chips!…definitely buy again..

    Hope your dinner was nice Yorkshire’s was a good size….

    Have a good fast day…

    Jean x

    Jean have you thought of engraving your boules?. Going bowling soon hope it stays dry, thunderstorms predicted 😫.Just took Heidi out so stayed dry for that. Fast day today.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    An early walk with a neighbour . a much brighter day today so wondering if I can mow the lawns. Get them done..
    Having lunch out with a friend this week who is on holiday… the day not decided as yet. So I will do a 800 day tomorrow.

    HH… how are your neighbours coping with things. Did the caramel set on the shortbread.. that does sound yummy.

    Brads … good luck with Bowls.. Glad it stayed dry for Heidi’s walk.

    Sym… The rubbish at events seems to get worse but there again so do good old fashioned manners.
    Hope your fasting goes well.. and you get your Boules painted.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing..

    We don’t find happiness at the end of the road,
    We find it along the way. Xxxx

    Afternoon all!
    Dave- hope that it stays dry for your bowling! Still haven’t caught up with the cycling results…
    Jean- did you see any good pitches yesterday when you were out? Naughty Charlie, bet he had a feast! Hope Louise is able to get on her feet, sounds awful…
    Hemmy- glad you have good weather, 3 days of rain here! The caramel on the millionaires shortbread half set, it oozes a bit, but still tasty! I have bought a sugar thermometer for another time!
    Quite worried about neighbours (& their dog!) so have had a couple of chats with their son, he’s agreed & thinks it’s time for his Mum to go into a home, so he’ll be talking to the doctor & social worker this week…
    Spoke to my HS family today which went well, & also to my old family I keep in touch with, so my brain feels a bit fried now, some poor families have such a struggle 😞 Fasting today so it’s taken my mind off it!

    Afternoon All
    Keeping strong…just finished a coffee…seems like I am feeling lazy today…

    Boules all painted but will do a second coat later….kettles of boiling water put on my weeds/grass were my bird feeders are..changed my water in my three vases of flowers trimmed the flowers…iffy bitty jobs..

    Some people engrave them but having 12 boules altogether seeing whose is closest I prefer the colours. It does get scratched off I think mine has managed 6 weeks, just brightened them up again.

    Enjoy your lunch out, I shall catch up with my daughter on Friday for lunch…she is on school holidays catch her before the the busy September kicks in again…
    Hope you get the garden mowed, I think tomorrow is better weather for me for mowing..

    We saw two lovely pitches took a handful of gravel from each 😱…one similar to ours the other bigger gravel…our dinosaurs of the group need rockets behind them it will be a long job!…hoping Louise may get home today, she counted 7 fractures, she is in a lot of pain..they air lifted in one of the basket stretchers as they couldn’t land, I wouldn’t of liked that!
    I missed out on my favourite millionaires shortbread, I didn’t see you had made it, yummy..
    So shame on your neighbours it’s hard when you get so ill and the help is difficult to find and sort out things.

    Jean x

    Back from bowling it turned out a lovely sunny day. The team won and I won so a good day, only 20 calories so far today.Not bad for almost 4pm.Speedway tonight so hope the weather holds.

    Afternoon everyone have not been on lately but have had a few busy days especially today getting ready for a long delayed family BBQ tomorrow to celebrate various events that we were unable to celebrate due to the Covid.
    Didn’t manage a fd over the weekend but am having one today as one is better than none😉
    Hemmy it was a kebab on Friday.
    Sounds like everyone else has been busy also.
    Won’t check in tomorrow but will be back on Wednesday.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, had my cobs😋😋😋.So not a FD today. The sun is out and they’re is no bowling tomorrow so may go fishing tomorrow.Took Heidi out, she sleeps virtually all day apart from eating and walkies.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another lovely day… I managed to get the lawns done yesterday and we had rain last night so all looking lovely and green today.

    Having a 800 cals day today and will go careful tomorrow as I am going to lunch at the Boat Inn at Thrupp on Thursday . It will be interesting as i haven’t been there for about 30yrs . It was featured quite a few times in the Inspector Morse series. Looking forward to it.

    Brads .. glad you got your cobs … hopefully good weather for fishing tomorrow a change from Bowls. Heidi does so well bless her.

    Nana .. I hope you are having nice weather for your family BBQ catch up… The year is going so quickly I am finding.

    HH… Hopefully not rain for you again today .. It must get to you at times being in close contact with people going through sad times. Life can be very cruel at times.
    Did yesterdays fast go well.

    Sym.. Is your SD home now .. that pain must have been dreadful poor girl.
    Have you managed to get your mowing done.

    Have a good day everyone.
    The day we stop judging our self, including our appearance, we will stop judging others too .Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A lovely day getting on the hot side for me..a good walk in the village caught up with a few people, little Bertie a cocker spaniel is eating all the blackberries he picks the black ones leaves the others, a few growls when Charlie gets close, we have to pick them for Charlie he’s lazy..he hasn’t a clue!

    Played boules won 2 lost 1…looks like they are taking on board everything about the gravel, hoping we can buy some soon we definitely need more on our pitch…then to the cafe good chat..

    Going to see my sister tomorrow taking Charlie so I hope he still gets on with Coco the lab.

    Hoping the fishing goes well tomorrow..first of the season…

    Hope the bbq is going well a lovely family gathering..weather great for the outside too….

    No the mowing here it’s still waiting to be done….SD is home and in a lot of pain, changing pain tablets every two hours to keep on top of it, she had a pain injection before she left the hospital.
    As she said..”Her leg isn’t happy”
    Enjoy your trip out to your meal on Thursday, I am going to a garden centre on Friday with daughter, where we were going now closed due to COVID.

    Jean x

    Noticed a few blackberries today,Heidi dosen’t bother with them. She gives me the look at this time, she knows we go out around 10pm for the last walk.Used to let her out in the back but she struggles with the steps so I take her for a short walk.

    Morning all!
    Dave- have a good day fishing!
    Jean- hope it goes well at your sister’s with Coco & Charlie…
    Hemmy- hope your FD yesterday was good, the lunch out should be lovely tomorrow!
    Getting hotter here now, walked Xena at 7.30, but she charges about so much she still got hot. Walked little Gwinnie, she’s a stubborn thing if she doesn’t want to go one way she won’t- but I can pick her up! Their son is there today with a social worker, hopefully they can persuade Marg to go into a home…Not much to do today so might sit in the garden! A FD though so no ice cream!

    Afternoon All..
    A good walk then we went to my sisters, Charlie came with me trying to get get their dog Coco to be friends..all went very well, they were both shattered we had about three hours, Charlie went straight to sleep in the car..

    Lots of blackberries around here I don’t really eat them too many maggots in them..it puts me off…

    A very hot start here now very cloudy..a hours sit then we will walk if he wants too, lots of playing at sisters.
    Good your neighbours son has come down something needs sorting out or some help too..hope the fasts going well..

    I shall be fasting tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A mixed day sun and cloud but quite warm again.

    Just got back from town shopping .. again very busy so didn’t hang round.

    I am pleased that I found another Martina Cole book I am on my last one lol.. The Army and Navy charity shop was pleased to accept my bag of 8 books all the same author .

    Had a 800 day yesterday .. and today will go careful so I can have what I fancy.

    tomorrow for lunch. Its 2 months on Friday with no alcohol. Think I may have cracked it this time. lol

    Brads ..It amazing how these doggies know our timings. Good luck with your fishing .

    Nana … How are things going for you. Did you enjoy the family BBQ .. Hopefully the weather was good.

    HH… Hopefully Marg will go into a home. It is upsetting for all concerned I can imagine. Old age shucks.
    Have a good FD and in your garden and enjoy your work. Winter will be upon us before we know it then plenty of time will be spent indoors.

    Sym… I hope you and Charlie are having a nice time at your sisters. I would have loved a sister .. I never resumed my relationship with my only brother after he treated Mum so very badly.
    It sounds like a lot of pain for your SD hopefully it will soon improve.

    Ps just seen your mail and sounds like Charlie enjoyed himself and is worn out .. Oh until the next walk of course. lolol

    Have a good day all.

    Your journey is not the same as mine, and my journey is not yours, but if you meet me on a certain path, may we encourage each other.-Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, just came back from our usual Weds pub lunch meet up with friends. Hopefully the cycling to to and from the guided busway will help a little towards burning off the excess calories I’ve consumed lately. Yesterdays BBQ was lovely and the weather was kind to us.
    Hedgehogs you’re a good neighbour hope something can be sorted out for them.
    Dave hope the fishing was good we haven’t been for at least two years now.
    Jean glad Charlie and Coco got on okay.
    My widowed friend has just whatsapped me to ask if we’d like to go over to hers for lunch next Monday. Apparently once her husband passed away a lot of their friends didn’t bother to keep in touch with her which I think is so sad. Will have to try and juggle my fds around.
    Hemmy enjoy your lunch tomorrow.
    Off to Ely tomorrow as usual for a Thurs.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Today was a case of quality over quantity fishing, caught the biggest fish of my life but only got a couple of bream to go with the Carp.Fast day tomorrow.

    Hello everyone is busy today. The sun is out and the bowling is cancelled so will have a cuppa then take Heidi to the park. Will put her band on today incase she does a Bambi.

    Jean- that’s great Charlie & Coco getting on well, at least it’s one day out you can have without leaving him…I’ve never noticed maggots in blackberries, maybe I’ve eaten them without realising & I’m not a veggie any more 😂
    Dave- well done with the fishing, shame about the bowling…hooe you have a good walk with Heidi! Little Gwinnie is similar- she wants to walk the same side of me & the same side of the road too! She gets really excited at sering other dogs, we met a very big schnauzer pup today & a lab, she was so happy!
    Hemmy- hope you have a lovely lunch out today! I did quite a bit of pruning before sitting in the garden yesterday in the end! You have a pain of a brother too then?! Rarely speak to mine now, he’s done very little for mum, but I’m lucky with my sister ☺
    Nana- good to do some exercise to burn off your lunch out! A shame for your friend that people have dropped her, some people can be odd…
    FD was good yesterday, will hopefully try a vegan cake recipe this afternoon so definitely not a FD today! Have had a long walk with Xena & then another long one with Gwinnie- when shegets going there’s no stopping her! Their son has given her a haircut so she looks a bit smarter…he’s taken some more time off work to get some things sorted for them, waiting for a bed I think at the home for Marg…I feel for him as an only child & with no wife/gf to help him, sad…Waiting for our asda order now!

    Afternoon All…
    A park walk this morning…lovely and quiet.

    I have decided to have a ‘holiday’ from fasting, starting again a week Monday…just feel really struggling the hot weather doesn’t help. In normal situations we would have had 5 or 6 breaks/ holidays over the last year which I am not at the moment …I am not on a wobble I am fine…

    Louise is back in hospital she was rolling about in pain and the tablets/morphine wasn’t helping and they didn’t know what to do, they rung the surgeons department and after chatting they told her to go to A&E, there can be quite a few issues causing it, they are hoping they don’t have operate again. She is waiting for them to come and see her today.

    Enjoy your meal out today and catchup. Charlie and Coco got on really well again, we did separate them for a bit, Coco was flirting with him and annoying him..the next thing would have been him humping! They were both shattered when I left, I did about 3 hours.
    Lunch with daughter at a garden centre tomorrow…

    I feel for your friend, you do see who your friends and family are. I have lost a few joint friends and family well some understand, others think a few months and you should be getting on with it. It’s very hard at times.
    Nice you are trying to see her.

    Well done on the very large fish….shame no bowling today…hope Heidi manages her walk.

    You must put blackberries in cold water and salt, a couple of times with good rinsing of cold water between and before cooking.
    Hope the cake works out well, always trying new recipes…hope the son can sort your neighbours out, it’s a lot for their son when he’s the only one.

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone, a lovely trip to Ely again and more stalls are coming back to the market. Lots of people about though quite a few were tourists. Aunt and Uncle both keeping well bless them.
    Jean glad visit to your sisters with Charlie went well. It does one good to have a break from 5:2 now and then. 🤞 your step daughter is sorted out soon. Enjoy your lunch with your daughter tomorrow.
    Hemmy hope your lunch was enjoyable.
    Hedgehogs all that extra dog walking must help and show a nice downward result on the scales.
    Forgot to say that I weighed myself on Tuesday morning after my one fd and was surprised to see a half pound loss.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone about to get on the scales, just had a shower. I will take Heidi out and then go to Sainsbury’s.

    I lost just over a pound 😁

    Got the last two cobs😋😋. Sainsbury’s shoppers are not all wearing masks anymore.I would say 60% still ware them.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A funny day here like it cant make up its mind sun or cloudy .

    Brads.. you lost your pound and well done. lolol and I found it this morning on my scales.

    So I thought I would cut back on carbs no bread so just had an omelette for lunch .. and never enjoyed it at all. Sick of eggs lolol. I need that lunch time sandwich or toast so no cutting carbs there.

    Hope you enjoyed your cobs.. I have noticed lots not wearing masks now. I think I may leave mine off so many conflicting daily reports I am fed up with it all now .

    Nana ..well done on your half a pound loss you do so well .. a nice steady amount.

    I love the old markets .. wonderful on a sunny day wandering through. We have one in Banbury Thurs and Sat it used to be very big but much smaller now. Take away tonight?

    H H OMG be careful eating those blackberries lolol there are little white maggots in lots. Even with putting them in salty water I dont seem to fancy them anymore lol. I pick them now for my neighbour . She knows i m faddy and gives me lettuce saying ” If there is any meat in there I will charge you ” lolol It goes straight in the bin lol.
    Its a good job your neighbours have you.

    Sym… Take a break from fasting you are at a good weight. I often just over this last eighteen months put my self on a weeks holiday .
    Its good those dogs get on.. you just never know with them. Like humans I guess. lol.

    I had a lovely day yesterday the pub hadn’t changed hardly in all the yrs since I went last. They have a Morse room.. where we had a good lunch.. Went charity shopping in Kidlington .. then coffee and cake in Annie’s kitchen olde worlde too instead of pudding with lunch . Pip was left about 5 hours yesterday a long time for him but he was fine. I told him it was my day and not his thats every day Lolol.

    Take care all

    Trust that some of our very best days, biggest smiles, and loudest laughs are yet to come. ❤️ Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A good day, walking and then out to a couple of garden centres and lunch with my daughter, first cafe closed due to COVID so moved on….

    Nothing much done, my Avon lady came and sat and chatted then walk time again…

    Daughter still in hospital waiting for surgeon to come and see her, still in lots of pain, leg elevated due to swelling and higher doses of morphine and tablets. It looks like a long job..
    Well done on your loss, I forgot to weigh this morning…

    Well done on the pound off…

    Glad your day went well, I think we over worry with our doggies..it’s the sulk and face which gets me when I tell him I am going out!!…he can be moody…lots of fuss when I’m back…
    Markets sound good, I have not been round one for a while.

    Boules tomorrow and lunch..

    Jean x

    Dave- well done losing a pound!
    Jean- glad you had a nice time out with your daughter…hope SD can get sorted soon, sounds awful 😞
    Hemmy- sounds like a good day out yesterday, glad that Pip was okay. I’ve not had any blackberries, Jean has, none round here yet, too early! But honestly have never seen any maggots!
    Nana- a good day out in Ely, nice you can see all your family again! Well done on your half pound too…
    I seem to be expanding, all the baking is catching up with me! I think I need to try some more 800cal days again, but that means going back to cooking separate dinners 😬 The cake looks a bit squishy but tastes amazing though! Saw neighbours today as it’s Marg’s birthday, decided not to take them some cake as it was a bit messy… Did some gardening, potatoes, courgettes & runner beans all doing well, more potatoes planted today. Saw mum this afternoon- offered to take her out again but she just wanted to stay in, so I beat her at Rummikub 😂
    Hopefully a FD tomorrow…

    Morning everyone just lost my post grr. Quickly recap had a busy day yesterday. Lunch out with my sister and brother in law today.
    Busy week ahead lunch with our widowed friend on Monday,evening meal at our Newmarket friends Tuesday, usual Wednesday lunch and Thursday visit. Going to be tricky fitting in my fasting days this week 🤔 think I will have to be very careful with my food choices am also going to try to have no alcohol as I’ve a annual blood test coming up on the 23rd of this month and our Dr always insists on having my liver function tested as I was borderline on no alcoholic fatty liver disease a few years back so try to get a nice low reading. I wouldn’t mind but when out on our weds and Fri get togethers I only have two glasses of wine and the same if I have a drink at home.Must admit I drink more when on holiday though 😉
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe. Be back Monday.
    Nana x

    Good morning one and all. I played a lady called Liz last night at bowls. She beat me 21-16,I did well to get near her she’s very good. No bowling match on Monday but got Wednesday and Thursday.Cant bowl on Friday going to speedway.So only one game left on a Friday night.Next FD is Monday so steak tonight and roast beef on Sunday.

    Afternoon ☺
    Dave- sounds like you’re doing well with the bowls! Enjoy your steak & roast beef this weekend!
    Jean- hope you get to do your boules today & will it be a trip to the cafe?
    Nana- hope your blood tests are okay next week. Sounds like you will have to be very careful with eating out next week, lovely that you’re busy with family & friends though!
    Hemmy- what have you got planned this weekend? Hope the weather stays nice for you to enjoy the garden…
    FD for me, catching up with some jobs to keep busy. Took Gwinnie out again- coming back she pulled me back to our house so came in to see Xena! Xena was good, would’ve played but Gwin was a bit hot- she laid down in the kitchen & would’ve stayed!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A pretty sunny day with a nice breeze.

    Having a very lazy Saturday… eaten far too many carbs already but Hey Ho just going to enjoy a decadent day today.

    A Friends dog ate chocolate it found while out walking last night. She was lucky she saw it and took him straight to the vets. Little Teddy terrier was given an injection
    Sick many times then allowed to go home. He was exhausted but fine this morning a bit of kibble plenty of water and as it was out of hours my friend is £300 lighter. Not sure as yet how it stands with Ins company.

    Nana .. Give alcohol a rest for a while its amazing how much better you feel and really helps with weight loss even the smallest amount adds up in cals . Just find a nice alternative I love Cranberry and soda very cold. Lovely and refreshing and a nice colour in a wine glass. lol

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing
    Learn from the past, plan for the future. The more we live in and enjoy the present moment, the happier we will be.Xxxx

    My old dog scoffed four or five Christmas selection boxes,bars of chocolate,pulled the tree over to get chocolate and it never did him any harm. We just hid it out of his reach.He could sniff out chocolate with ease.

    Morning All..
    Rain over night but sunny and getting hot now…Village and river walk not many people about all having their Sunday lie ins…

    Both my grandsons have tested positive on a lateral flow test and waiting results on PCR..SIL not happy as booked two nights away, and a holiday day booked off work, couldn’t go, lost the hotel money…

    A very busy week for you and juggling your fast days, enjoy your meet ups…

    A busy week for you too…enjoy your steak meal…

    Hope your son got home safely they are a worry…some more double dog walks today? it’s a lot of walking.

    I like the idea of cranberry and fizzy water 😂…I am having a lazy day today just a vac and dust downstairs.
    My Corgi when I was a small girl, we went to shops every day for his small bar of chocolate he carried it home, ate the edges and licked the middle of the silver paper where it had melted!…I think the dark chocolate is more of a problem.

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Heidi s had the odd bit of chocolate, never done her any harm. Just took her on the churchyard walk, not done that for ages. She had her fix while there.Four of us going bowling on our new green tomorrow for a practice.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A lovely sunny day and warm… garden this afternoon just to sit and read no work to day .. I am having a” Granny’s Day she said Sunday was a day of rest lol.

    I have been eating far too many carbs this last few days. I cant even blame alcohol as going into 9 weeks without it.

    Sooo having a naughty day again today .. then starting over again tomorrow and very strict.
    HH … hope you are having a nice relaxing day

    Brads .. Good that Heidi is ok with chocolate .. I must admit I make sure Pip doesn’t come into contact with it at all . It can be very toxic.

    Syn… Cranberry and soda is lovely and refreshing and good for the waterworks too.lol
    Have a good day all.

    Obstacles can’t stop us. Problems can’t stop us. Most of all, other
    people can’t stop us. Only we can stop us. Xxxx

    Ordered a new phone, it comes on the 27th of August. It’s one of them that folds in half, so I will be like a kid at Christmas 😁. Ordered a case for it but not paying Samsung prices, got a leather one for £20.Must do my homework on it now ready for when it comes.

    Minols where are you?

    Good afternoon, it’s spitting but going bowling for a practice.The sun is trying to get out.Fast day today so 40 calories up to now. Quiet on here today,Minols come on down.

    Afternoon all!
    Jean- hope your grandsons don’t have it too bad…back to fasting or are you having a longer holiday from it? Another neighbour is walking Gwinnie too so we take it in turns, it’s only a stroll with her really as she likes to stop & sniff!
    Dave- nice that Heidi got to the Churchyard! You’ll enjoy playing with your new phone, I wouldn’t! Hope the new green is good! I guess Minols is still busy with the move & new job…hopefully back soon!
    Nana- hope you have a good day with your friend ☺
    Hemmy- hope your carby weekend hasn’t done too much damage! You’ve got to enjoy yourself though, especially not drinking now! I like Nozecco, it’s alcohol free & not too many cals…
    FD for me, I’ll be trying to do more 800cal days again, hard when I like what the boys are eating though! & the baking for youngest 😱 Have rung my HS family today- she wants support with her daughter, but hasn’t got round to doing any of the suggestions I made, she’s nice but very disorganised! Cut youngest’s hair, & done some baking, he’s back to work tomorrow, I’ll miss him as he’s been much less moody & better company! Eldest is off for 2 days then though, so still more cooking! Seeing mum this afternoon.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A cloudy old day here and looks the same all week local forecast.

    A nice walk just me and Mr Pip.. often nice with neighbours or friends but i do enjoy out lone walks .. taking in the scenery.

    Fields are ploughed now so looking quite barren.. I loved to see the golden fields.

    A new day new week and a new look once again lol on my diet. Too many carbs as late so just had a platter of 2 boiled eggs cheese . a pickled onion plums and a satsuma. No bread in sight. lol

    Not only though have I gone off omelettes boiled eggs too so it seems . I did eat them but wasn’t mad on them. Will try them fried tomorrow lunch with Ham .. see how that goes if not keen will eliminate them for awhile . lol

    Sym … a shame about your Grandsons and the loss of hotel money too. Are you having a break till next Monday .

    Brads … Hope all goes well with your new phone.. I cant be bothered with it all and cling on to my old one like grime death . I would rather pay out the price of an all singing dancing phone and have mine repaired . lol

    HH … Lovely having your boys around.. Kristy is messy and never changes lol but these days I love seeing shoes in the hall and other bits and bobs about rooms

    I still haven’t tried that Non A wine I had forgotten about it.. I had seen the tag on the shelf in Tesco but they were out of it at the time. I didn’t care for all those others I tried they tasted bland.. will try that one though.

    Nana .. How is your day going

    Have a good day everyone

    Unless our mind is free, no amount of freedom can make us feel free. Xxxx

    Morning All..

    Walked out then I got changed to go out, a productive morning, a new bra bought and another on order, I was buying the week of lockdown and never bought, so I am very pleased. Birthday cards for Texas get them off early, hope they get there poor Zack’s didn’t arrive, I thought a package may get there better ?!
    Two sacks of birdseed, Steve always looked after his birds, it’s my job now…

    Both grandsons are feeling unwell youngest is the worse, both lolling in their beds and not much appetites, unusual for growing lads..

    I am fasting today it’s what we do, strange not to…all going well…

    Louise has got home from hospital today, still lots of pain but more under control, wobbly if she gets up to move….

    Heidi seems to have got second wind….good she got to the church yard…all playing with your phone again, different a folding one, how does that work with a case?

    The fields are all changing, nice the doggies can run on them now instead of just on the track, my walk is very much on my own I don’t know why people don’t walk that way. Could get muddy in bad weather.
    I am taking stock again, no biscuits or crisps in the house, eating far too many..

    Nice to share the dog walking with a neighbour too much with Xena too.
    You are trying for a 800 week, I must really get back on board properly I feel as I am skimming the edges, easy when at goal BUT I am now 4 lb up 😱…off the pedal soon adds the weight on too easily

    Yes we are missing Minols…the boy should be back at school anytime now…

    Keep strong nearly eat time…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone had aa lovely lunch with our friend and as I’m still feeling full have not bothered with having some homemade soup planned which is good. No breakfast either so a nice low day.
    Jean hope grandsons improve soon. We got to see our step great grandsons whom we’d not seen for over a year yesterday and it was so lovely to see them. Goodness they had grown quite a bit taller.
    Harvesting has been going on around here the last few days it’s sad to see bare fields as its a sign of summer ending.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    My case for the new phone as been despatched so may get it tomorrow or Wednesday. It’s made to for the foldable phone so should be ok.

    Up early, dropped the car off for a service.Got soaked as usual walking home.10 days until I get my new phone, it’s like the countdown to Christmas 😂.Heidi couldn’t believe it when I got up early😂 revenge for all the times she’s got me up.

    I’m keeping this forum going😂😂😂

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A mixed day again sun and cloud plus a bit of a breeze.

    Lawn mowing this afternoon.

    Well first day with limited carbs went well and it does show quickly on the scales. Its just keeping it up .. I must get some tasty cold meats .. nice cheeses and plenty of nuts.

    I was quite happy this lunch time with 2 fried eggs some ham and tomatoes. So its just omelette and boiled I am off. lol

    Brads … lol That phone will keep you occupied sorting it out. So pleased Heidi is doing so well .

    Sym. Best way not having stuff in the house then you cant be tempted. I do like getting into my jeans with ease … makes me feel really happy. I tell myself .. do you want to look like cream bun. lolol..

    Have a good day everyone ..

    Believe and trust yourself completely. What you see and believe will become your reality. When all else fails, there are always dogs. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A dull miserable day better on getting out we did have a dry walk…

    Boules day..won one and lost one..no cafe there was a ‘Do’ in…it would have been nice to be told …Jill a new lady was in the cafe yesterday and was told, she brought cake and coffee so sat around the pitch chatting…very thoughtful…

    The scales have moved nicely in the right direction..so much happier…I need to think before eating…
    It’s nice to have something tasty if it’s a smaller portion, cold meats and nuts good idea…I have to feel like an omelette..I am on fruit at the moment..

    All wet through taking your car..hope it’s dried up now…no big bills on collection!..

    Lovely to see your step grandsons a year is a long time…nice having a big lunch and you are full..

    Having a quiet hour before walking…

    Jean x

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