Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hello all, sorry I forgot to post this weekend!
    Dave- happy anniversary šŸ’Ÿ hopefully no Heidi accidents!
    Hemmy- have a lovely week with Kristy! Nice trips & meals out šŸ˜€
    Jean- good that Charlie & Coco got on well, it’ll be good to be able to take Charlie with you. Hope your FD goes okay.
    Nana- have a good meal with your friends! What are you cooking? We didn’t get the storms or rain either over the weekend…
    FD for me today, would’ve liked to have done Saturday but was just up too early! Both boys liked the courgette cake, hubby didn’t but he’d decided he wouldn’t! Might see mum later as her friend’s not coming after all today. Cooler here today, Xena’s pleased!

    Morning Allā€¦
    The day getting hot again here expecting 26 degreesā€¦a good park walk this morning a bit reactive with people and dogs!..he was in troubleā€¦

    I am fasting todayā€¦I was trying yesterday but finished at about 1000 cals, just gave way šŸ˜¬

    Enjoy your visitors tonight, a take out makes it easyā€¦such a shame on your neighbours dog always a sad time..

    You do try lots of different things, the cake wouldnā€™t be my thingā€¦the dogs got on well, more or less ignored each other, which was fine. We will try againā€¦

    Happy Anniversary, enjoy your meal outā€¦

    Nothing really planned today..see what it bringsā€¦

    Jean x

    Hello itā€™s very good post , thank you ! Like

    Definitely having alcohol tonight,not too many though. Bowling was great, the best I have ever played.I won 21-6.Possibly a sticky toffee pudding toošŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.

    Morning everyone a nice and sunny one at the moment. Yesterdays meal with our friends was brilliant and we didn’t get to bed until after one. It definitely wasn’t a low calorie day but on a fd today so salmon and a salad for my evening meal. Update on neighbours dog after the visit to the vet is that they think the reason he collapsed was because he was over excited to be going for a walk after being kept from walking after his operation.
    Dave well done on the bowls win and hope your anniversary meal was good. Planning to burn off a few calories today by walking to our next village to collect our repeat prescriptions.
    Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone,dull here and 18Ā°C so much cooler.Sainsburys shopping soon but after yesterday I had better do a fast day so no cobs šŸ„ŗ.A enjoyable meal last night and took our son with us.

    So a little over 3 weeks from my last post.

    Well! Where to begin….I started off at 113.6kg when I went for a check up at my Doc then I held off on weighing myself for 3 weeks (as I promised my wife) and last week was at 108.4kg. This morning I checked and was at 107kg.

    My short term goal has been surpassed by a big distance as I was really looking to get down to 110kg before my medical next week. Nailed it!

    Long term, the plan is to get down to 90kg, which will likely be the first time in 30 years that I have seen that.

    I’m sticking rigidly to my fast days but I’m finding I don’t need breakfast in the mornings on those days, (might be different when I’m back at sea), all other days are free choice.

    The biggest thing is the exercise, I was really struggling to get back to it (2 years ago I was running 5k/10k no problem) after a knee injury but using the plans from the Fast Exercise book I’ve exceeded my plan and I’m getting back to a really good level of fitness again.

    Lets see how the medical goes next week now!

    Morning All..
    A good walk out in the rain then it came out warmer..we went across the fieldsā€¦we have a small bridge over a ditch I suppose, I cut all the trees/weeds/nettles back it was getting very overgrown all tidy now.

    Itā€™s my baking club this afternoon, more coffee and a chatā€¦today theme is ā€˜Afternoon Teaā€™..so I have baked a quiche for me to take, three other people are bringing things tooā€¦.

    I had a really bad nights sleep feel quite tired..

    You had a good meal out a lovely treat on an anniversaryā€¦

    Enjoy your walk into your village ..a quieter day for you.

    Capt Andy,
    Well done on the weight loss you are doing really brilliant..your doctor will be pleased with you good luck on your medical next week..ā€¦keep going to your next goalā€¦

    Jean x

    2nd time of posting- had an emergency test broadcast on my phone so lost the last post!
    Jean- hope your quiche is good & you enjoy the afternoon…& hope you sleep better tonight šŸ˜˜
    Dave- glad you had a good meal out! Hope Heidi doesn’t have any more accidents!
    Nana- glad you had a good evening with friends! Hope you got all your shopping okay…Well done with your walking!
    Hemmy- hope you’re having a lovely week!
    CapnAndy- well done on the weight loss, sounds like you’ve worked hard for it! I hope your medical next week goes okay!
    Had a good walk with sis this morning, although not suee that Xena enjoyed it as Arnie wouldn’t leave her alone, he got a bit frisky too, hasn’t shown any interest before, although he’s not done…sat with neighbour while her hubby had a drs appt- a carer came while I was there, it’s all getting quite bad. Marg has cancer & not long to live, Roger is getting worse with his dementia, so they’re trying to get Marg in a home. The fridge was full of mouldy food, their son has come & got shopping…Their poor dog’s claws were so long they’re curling over, so have got the hubby to take her to the vets. So pretty upset for all of them šŸ˜¢

    Good afternoon,a bit scarry the bowling.It was pouring down when I went on to play and lightning above too.Didnt play well, don’t like playing in the rain but still managed to win so not all bad. They were a very friendly team today who we played.

    Afternoon everyone managed my second fd yesterday I’m please to say. Weigh in this morning had me at the same weight as I was at the end of June so no loss for July but I’m okay with that because we’ve had a busy month eating out. Talking of eating out our usual Weds pub lunch meet up with friends went well today. We went to St Ives and I had a salmon and cream cheese baguette together with two large glasses of Pinot Grigo wine. A big heavy thunderstorm went on whilst in the pub but luckily it had cleared away when it was time to leave.off to Ely tomorrow as usual.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All..
    My ā€œ Afternoon Teaā€ at the baking club was enjoyable but I donā€™t think itā€™s me..they are organising doing biscuits/ cakes for 100 at the monthly meeting, might become a monthly thing also trips out to factories, flour mills etc although sounding nice I couldnā€™t leave Charlie ā€¦I have given it a tryā€¦

    You shouldnā€™t have played in thunder and lightening itā€™s quite dangerousā€¦bowls slippy tooā€¦we had a lot earlier nice now.

    So sad for your neighbour maybe a hospice and for him too he would have to go into a home. Goodness who looks after their dog?
    Frisky Arnie naughty I have one here like that it comes and goesā€¦hoping I sleep tonight..

    Jean x

    Good morning, had a good sleep as usual. A dull day but dry, bowling again later so hope the rain stays away.A fast day today just having a cuppa then I will take Heidi out.My turn to drive today so will set the satnav later.

    Morning all!
    Dave- hope it stays dry today! Well done winning yesterday , but I agree with Jean, I wouldn’t want to play in a storm!
    Jean- shame about the baking club, you have your boules & social time after that, walking Charlie would be hard to fit in with more trips out I guess, & leaving him….I guess you’re fasting today? I worry about our neighbour’s dog- I’ve offered to walk her but he refuses, I thought he was still taking her out sometimes but he can’t of done with looking at her claws! I might try being a bit firmer- they overfeed her too, she’s a fat little barrel but so nice natured!
    Nana- I think you’ve done really well maintaing the weight with your holiday & socialising!
    FD for me, have been busy so far so it’s been okay…

    Good Morning..

    A walk on the riverbank with Natalie and Oreo..A good chat about Oreos legs, she is still waiting news off the specialist, his knee is the main problem and I think she is leaving his hips at the moment. If his knee hadnā€™t dislocated they wouldnā€™t have found out about his hips.

    I am fasting today as usual. I shall do some cleaning and need to go to Tesco trying to keep busy..

    Enjoy your bowls today, hope itā€™s dry for youā€¦

    I do feel quite busy, I need so see my sister and a couple of friends which I just donā€™t seem to have time available to have lunch. Everything seems coming at once, I am happy with what I do.
    Itā€™s so sad about your neighbours and also the dog, itā€™s hard knowing what to do.

    Have a good fast day..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, back from bowling,won again so three wins this week. Going to speedway later tonight, so will have to be an early tea.

    Morning everyone a very grey and blowy morning here with thunderstorms forecast for later on.
    Visit to Ely yesterday as usual have to say it was much busier than usual. We always pop into Waitrose to pick up fresh stuff which was well stocked for the weekend however there were a lot of empty spaces on a lot of the shelves in the rest of the store. Also cars were queuing up to get into the car park something you only usually see at Christmas.
    Allowed myself a mini bottle of prosecco yesterday evening to celebrate the fact that its been 16 years since I worked my last day.
    Usual Friday evening planned and it’s going to be a Chinese.
    We’re very fortunate that a few of the neighbours have allotments and give us their surplus courgettes and marrow. I made us a simple low calorie quick soup using the courgettes yesterday for our evening meal and am going to attempt a marrow one for our lunch today.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning just about,very dull here but the sun is trying to come out. Going to Sainsbury’s when my son gets home, we are waiting for a parcel from Amazon for my daughter.I stayed the same weight so not bad considering it was our anniversary.Not going bowling tonight no game but they are having a practice.I will give my bones a rest.

    Morning Allā€¦
    What a wet day ā€¦looks like it going on all dayā€¦..A park walk for us and it was all ours!!..last 5 mins saw a couple of dogs. A brunch at the cafe, scrambled eggs and sausage for Charlie with a top up of kibble, bacon butty for me, shortcake biscuit yummy homemade and a latteā€¦

    Last week was bad and no weigh in, I have pulled back this week lost which I had put onā€¦I am back to 1 lb up on goal. I really must try and move that this week before it decides to stay!!

    I think itā€™s getting more back to normal, looks busy here sometimesā€¦not today in the rain šŸ˜‚ it has its advantages..Enjoy your Chinese tonight nice to get things off the allotmentsā€¦I have just been to our village farm shop, a bit dearer but tasty and niceā€¦

    Hope you enjoyed speedwayā€¦

    Have a good dayā€¦

    Jean x

    Forgot to post yesterday! Soaked walking Xena, but it dried enough to walk Gwinnie again. He’d forgotten to buy her food so we went out & got some. He was up a ladder painting the hall & landing! Cooked another chocolate courgette cake yesterday as it went down well!
    Today is a FD, not too hungry. Stayed dry for my walk with Xena, another neighbour said she’ll walk Gwinnie although she’d forgotten! Might be easier to do it myself every day šŸ˜¬ Was going to do some weeding & it started raining!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Afternoon All..
    Bright day here although it keeps going dark. A good walk this morning..

    Boules day, we played two and I won two, cafe closed so back earlyā€¦I feel very tired today I had a snooze for two hours I still feel shatteredā€¦

    A worry with the neighbours dog, will he forget to feed her, itā€™s hard going doing extra walks every dayā€¦another cake baking day helps your son get his calories in.

    Hope you are enjoying Kirsty and are getting out and aboutā€¦alcohol?? Howā€™s it going šŸ˜‚

    We are supposed to be thunder and lightning..we have blue skies!!

    Jean x

    Morning Allā€¦
    A different walk from the village opposite direction but still across the fields lovely and peaceful..a bit of barking at a greyhound and some horses he can be naughty..

    Nothing planned at the moment a flat few days must think of things to do..so hard on your own.
    August already before we know it will be autumn..

    I will be fasting tomorrow as usualā€¦.have a good day all..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon stayed up until 4am watching the Olympics šŸ˜“šŸ˜“.A fast day tomorrow,also bowling and speedway so a busy day.A very dull day here. Took Heidi out twice so she’s happy until her last walk at 10pm.

    hi jaye
    ya its important to maintain our fats and calories in limit so it would be great to maintain our body shape.

    Expressive Therapy For Depression

    Morning everyone very quiet on here. Another good weekend apart from the rain showers it felt more like April but warmer weather is forecast for later in the month. Couldn’t get my head around doing a fd on Saturday so did it yesterday and am having my next one tomorrow so will weigh Wednesday morning.
    Hope everyone is keeping alright and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon had a bad night last night, not well at all so not gone bowling today.Fast day will be easier though,liquids only today.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A very mixed day here hopefully going to mow the lawns in a minute before any showers.
    The gardens been unattended for over a week lol

    I had a lovely week with Kristy although weather iffy at times. Went out and about most days. Went to Stratford upon Avon which was lovely with less tourists about.

    We had a fab lunch at Hobsons our favourite place .. puddings to die for. Pub lunches shopping .. then Phil her partner came Sat and they have painted my staircase in Natural Calico .. I am so pleased with it.
    Plus he did lots of the small electrical jobs that needed doing. A lovely week.. Pip was super spoilt too. .

    PLUS … no alcohol at all .. I am so thrilled.. I weighed this morning and had only put 1 pound on. Yay .

    How is everyone doing … I will fast tomorrow .. whose fasting today.

    Nana .. I think weekends are very hard to stick to a fast day. Will join you tomorrow.

    Brads.. So sorry you are not feeling well.. be careful doing a fast today. You have been very active the past few weeks maybe over done things a bit .

    Sym H H Hope you are having a good day.

    Take care everyone…. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    My daughter joined me for our walk this morning so nice to walk and chatā€¦itā€™s been a wobbly two weeks for me.
    Just popped to shop for the boys veggies and meat, I shall cook his meat tomorrowā€¦

    Bought some more plants for the trough, red geraniums the others havenā€™t lasted..do you nip the tops to spread them?

    Dave ..
    Hope you soon feel betterā€¦pushing it a bit this evening if you are out!

    Sounds like you have had a wonderful week and only a pound onā€¦great to get help with the staircase and odd jobs done tooā€¦the colour a good neutral. My grass needs cutting too as soon as the weather improves.

    My fast day going ok should be about 600 ish that will doā€¦

    Weather very mixed here but sunny and hot at the momentā€¦getting the nudge and look itā€™s walk time šŸ˜‚

    Jean x

    Hemmy- glad that you had a good week, & only 1lb on is great! Good that ‘SIL’ Phil was useful. We have the calico colour too…hope the weather holds so that you can catch up with the garden!
    Jean- hugs to you, you’ve been quiet about your wobbly spell šŸ˜ž good you saw your daughter, hope you can keep busy the next few days…
    Dave- hope you feel better soon- I’d give the speedway a miss in case if I were you…
    Nana- well done doing a FD yesterday! Hope tomorrow’s one goes well too.
    Saturday’s FD went well, ate too much again yesterday though. Did the sweet & sour tofu, eldest was here this time & loved it, so it’s a big hit! FD today, okay but very hungry…
    Walked neighbour’s dog again, their son came to take him shopping, I stayed with Marg, nice to chat with her just us 2…the son’s dog is a huge English Bull terrier, they keep the dogs apart in case but she’s a big softie, I’m getting used to her now! Their son had done some cleaning too & I did a little while I was there, would love to give it more! Did a bit of my own this afternoon… Mum is seeing friends today, tomorrow, & Weds so she’s taken care of. She has decided not to go to my cousin’s wedding after all which is a big refief as she’s been very stressed about it.
    Keep strong fasters!

    Lawns done .. and just started raining. .. So i am glad all is done out there.

    Eating up bits and bobs this week.. just sticking to two meals though.

    Sym… you will have wobbly days ….weeks .. I did for years. Not so bad after losing my first husband as i was younger then at 39. Then met Andrew…. losing him was sooo very hard .. my soul mate like your Steve was to you.

    It is still early days and you have and are doing absolutely brilliantly . Just go with it .. let it flow.. some days good and yes you can do this then others are like a bang on the head.
    Best way is just do what your mind and body tells you it can cope with that day . Main thing I would say is dont let yourself get too tired physically and mentally.Xx

    H H … How very heartbreaking re your neighbours. I can imagine its very hard seeing and being part of that situation. You are such a kind person.

    Its good your Mum deciding not to put herself under pressure with that wedding its really not worth it. Less stress for yourself I expect too.

    Brads… hope you are feeling better this evening

    Enjoy your evening everyone. Xxxx

    Morning everyone a FD for me today.
    Hemmy glad you had a nice week with your daughter and well done on no alcohol. We need to drop off some things for our daughter tomorrow morning before our usual Wednesday lunchtime meet up that I can’t fit on my bike so will take the car and I’ll drive home so no wine for me.
    Weather okay at the moment so will try and get some tidying up in the garden done.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

    A lovely day here, I went to speedway last night, we beat Ipswich,sorry HH.I felt ok so in the end it was a good decision to go. Shopping now hopefully there will be cobs left.

    Not sure how the weather is going to be today as it’s overcast and looking like rain but none so far.

    Fast day yesterday went well and breakfast was the usual porridge made with water and a good squeeze of lemon juice. I need to get back into routine again as it’s been a while since I’ve done a fast or two.

    It’s almost football season again so expect lots of ups and downs as usual.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    A beautiful day in this little corner of the world. lol

    Well it was going to be a fast day but came back from walking and decided to get a small book shelf by the stairs painted so all nice and finished there ..

    So never had lunch till 2pm not eaten since 6pm yesterday .. soooo then I was so hungry I have eaten a big cheese salad sandwich and the last biggish slice of coffee and walnut cake. lol so I think a fast is wishful thinking today lol.

    46 days no alcohol. Yay.

    Nana.. How lovely your daughter lives within cycling distance.. Enjoy your gardening.

    Brads … So pleased to hear you are up and running again and enjoyed your speedway.Hopefully there were some cobs left with your name on. lol.

    Ty … Sometimes its just nice to sit back and have a rest from thinking about our weight. Then start over when the time is right.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing ..

    At the end of the day we can always be thankful that our blessings are bigger than our problems. Xxxx

    Morning everyone am pleased to say that the scales showed a one pound loss this morning admittedly its the day after a fd. My aim is to loose a pound a week for August šŸ¤ž
    Hemmy garden looks much better but I’ve got aching muscles this morning so just as well we’re using the car instead of cycling today. Yes very lucky to have our daughter living so close as she’s our only child.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All..
    Trying for a fast day and all ok as now, as I am going to a cafe tomorrow so could be strugglingā€¦very dark and raining at the momentā€¦

    I have planted some geraniums for the decking and for Steve at the cemetery I wanted to get them in before the rain started.

    Itā€™s hard having wobbly days, donā€™t want to be a grouch with peopleā€¦I feel fine again these last couple of days. Your small bookcase painted a job well done, itā€™s how it takes you ā€¦

    Enjoy your lunch today and catching up with your daughter. Well done on your pound off.

    Glad you were fine at speedway glad the illness has passed..

    Glad to have you back again, get into your routine..

    Well the rain is here and coats will have to go on for both of usā€¦walk time..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A beautiful day quite hot again in fact

    Went to town after a walk with a neighbour. It was very busy .. just need ed the post office really to get my American friend s card away.

    Too many people about and I thought go home to the garden on this beautiful day you dont need to be trailing around shops. .lol

    Nana .. Well done with the pound off… its the best way to go .. It is hot in the garden.. I always try todo half to an hour everyday.. even in hot- cold weather as it keeps on top of it plus I play with Pip throwing too while out there. .

    Sym… Glad you are feeling better … are there any boules this week.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok..

    We can disagree with someone and still be the highest version of ourselves and be kind. Xxxx

    Good evening everyone,Steve who do you support?I went to football for over 50 years but it got too expensive.When I gave my season ticket up it was costing over Ā£800 and that was 2016.Got slaughtered today at bowls šŸ¤Ŗ.But not unduly worried it’s my first season so I dare say it won’t be the last time.Good fast day on Monday and got my cobs yesterdayšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.Had 1200 calories today but not a FD.

    Seafarers Medical all done for another 2 years! Doc’s scales said 105kg but I’ll stick to mine as mine are showing 106.1kg. 6kg until I reach my first goal point. Still a long way to go but when I look back at the start of my leave period in April (117kg), thats a hell of a long way I’ve come!

    On FD’s I’m rigid and unwavering. I only have an evening meal and even then I’ve only been eating what they’ve listed in the book as the general recipes, (last night was Thai Steak salad, Jeez I could have stuck a flag on the top of the plate and called it a mountain!) and its usually only about 300 to 400 calories on those days.

    Non FD’s, eat the cake!! Enjoy it and savour it. This morning was 2 slices of fresh brown bread toast with marmalade and it has never tasted finer (its the little things in life!!). I have made changes but I don’t watch calories. I’m just enjoying what I eat, but I still look forward to Mondays and Wednesdays (FD’s).

    On top of that is the exercise. I’m running a minimum of 3 days a week and Strength training 2 days a week as per the fast exercise book. This is the big difference overall and what has really kicked everything into overdrive. The running didn’t start fast and I’ll never be a challenger for an olympics place but just that extra bit with the high intensity sprint in the middle! Wow! Feel great for the rest of the day. Only takes me 30 minutes total for the entire stretch (5 min walk at the start and finish, 20 min running including 3 x 30 second sprints) and the strength exercises take me less than 7 minutes. My wife has really passed comment on the difference. On top of all that I go out for a jog with my wife twice a week ( if she’s not too tired from work) which is at a nice gentle pace and we always try to get out for a nice walk every evening, rain or shine.

    My only regret is not finding out about this sooner! What a difference in such a short space of time.

    Whoever and wherever you are, take every little change for the better and treat it like the massive win that it is. But always remember to enjoy the cake on Non FD’s!! šŸ˜€

    Well done Captain, your doing great. I’ve just had a check-up at the doctor’s so will get my blood results on Monday,my blood pressure was 140/80. So not too bad. Fast day today and feeling hungry šŸ„ŗ

    Afternoon everyone. Have had a lovely day today which involved meeting up with my old work colleagues for lunch instead of my usual Ely visit. Was very good and had a chargrilled chicken breadt with a salad and no alcohol šŸ˜‡
    Might have a glass of wine later though as its the anniversary of my husbands identical twin brothers funeralšŸ˜Ŗ

    CaptAndy- well done with your loss since April, doing well with your medical, & the exercise! Not managing that myself right now, & too much cake on nonFDs!
    Nana- glad you’ve had a good couple of days socialising & well done on the pound off! A sad day for Mick though, thinking of him…
    Jean- glad you’re feeling a bit better, & had a good bit of extra walking today! Does your daughter have lots to do still.at school in the holidays? I’m guessing she does…
    Dave- good you enjoyed the speedway, & passed your MOT! Keep strong today!
    Hemmy- hope the book case turned out well, & you are doing brilliantly with the no alcohol! Don’t blame you choosing the garden over a busy town centre!
    Steve- how are you doing? Hope you’re feeling a bit better, & hope the fasting’s going okay?
    The days seem to be busy & flying by right now! Glad I don’t work šŸ˜‚ Still walking neighbours dog, although she’s a bit odd & seems not so keen to go, I carry her up the road a bit & then she goes off & enjoys a good sniff! Made tge most of the last of the nice weather & got gardening done today, still cooking & trying new recipes…FD went well yesterday, as usual really hungry & overeaten today, so am just maintaining & not losing at the moment šŸ˜¬

    I managed to lose 3lbs this week so hopefully i can continue to lose a pound a week in future.Very wet here so the bowling tonight won’t be much fun.

    Well done Dave! šŸ‘
    Attempting a FD today but had an early start so it’ll be hard! Cuppa now in between jobs, got lots done already…mum says she can manage on her own, that makes a change! Have a ‘new’ HS family- actually a family I supported a few years ago now needing support again, but they didn’t answer, so a bit frustrating!

    Morning Allā€¦
    What a mixed weather dayā€¦fortunately a dry walk, as I walked through the door the heavens opened, timed it right.

    Weigh in this morning has brought me back to goalā€¦could do with another three pounds off for wriggle room.

    Step daughter was walking her dog yesterday with her partner on the side of a mountain/ hill their usual walk, she slipped on some grit and broke her leg she was air lifted to hospital. She was plastered up from ankle to top of leg transported to another hospital stay in over night waiting for surgery today. Her knee surgery of 2 or 3 months ago, the steel plate has bent and screws have come awayā€¦sounds like another fun three months!

    Boules Saturday and Tuesday weather depending, we are having a ride out to look at another pitch over the weekend see what theirs is like. We need more grit or some other topping, our chairman has taken his bat home and left. He just wouldnā€™t do anythingā€¦
    I donā€™t like too many people about the garden was the best bet..

    Tasty cobs, I went for a crusty bread yesterday very niceā€¦..glad all was well at the doctors thatā€™s good news, just your bloods to checkout. Well done on 3 lbs off šŸ˜€

    You must be very proud of yourself you have lost a lot of weight and into the exercise routine ..Doc must have been pleased with you. A big well done to youā€¦ Its a lovely way of life once you are settled into it.

    Lovely to meet up with your friendā€¦.I must get my friend booked in to see after her holidays.

    Hoping to see Jacqui next week, she has been on holiday and her hubby has been about the second week..she will have two weeks off then she will be back at school a couple of weeks before the children get back, not full days popping in and out.
    You are always so busy slow down and have some ā€˜youā€™ time..flying about everywhereā€¦.a relaxing day for me.

    Friday my day off..some wineā€¦.crab for lunch ā€¦..homemade chicken and leek pie in a white wine sauce is on tonightā€™s menu..

    Have a good day.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A sunny day so far with a nice breeze no rain so far.

    Lots to do in the garden now… I think I will look like a green bean soon.. so many of them.lol

    Brads .. Well done on your 3lbs loss thats brilliant ..hopefully it dries off for bowling this evening.

    HH you are so busy .. do you have any more breaks this year. I hope you managed to reach your HS family to check all was ok.

    Nana .. Is it a takeaway today .. what are you having.

    Sym… Oh how awful for your S D sounds like it will take a while to put right. Well done or getting back to goal. Its a nice feeling.

    I was happy with the scales this morning back to my goal weight. So pleased as normally after a Kristy week I could have put 5-6 lbs on and just put that one.

    7 weeks today with no alcohol and I can really feel the difference.

    Have a lovely day everyone what ever you are doing.

    The only way we can achieve true happiness is if we experience true sadness as well.Xxxx

    Evening Allā€¦
    Still waiting of news on Louise nothing as yet..she went down about 1.30.. a worry ā€¦

    Well done back to your weight so quick..and the alcohol too..
    A lazy day for me not done much just two walks..I felt as if I didnā€™t sleep everyone is talking of torrential rain keeping them awake I never heard any of it..I must have been asleep!

    Boules tomorrow depending on rainā€¦

    Have a lovely weekend..

    Jean x

    Hemmy no alcohol does make a difference,I think I went from January to June without any. Bowling was good last night, the green was quiet dry considering all the rain we have had.I played there captain again and lost again 21-17 so not too bad. Jean hope the weather is good for boules.

    Been out twice with Heidi and got wet both times. Only went for short walks though. The athletics is over now, some cycling to come and that’s it for I think.

    Dave- hope you enjoyed the cycling, hubby was watching something else so I missed it! Shame you got wet, we did at the start of our walk but it dried up…
    Jean- a worry with SD, going to be another long job, does she still work for the highways agency? Hope you can do something nice with Jacqui…did you cook the pie last night from scratch? Well done getting back to goal!
    Hemmy- well done for you too! Our beans have been slow starting this year, lots of potatoes & courgettes though! Hope it’s dry so you can be in the garden this weekend!
    Did find out yesterday that my HS family had a problem with their phone, I’ll try them Monday…had a lazier day today, my lovely sis offered to see mum as she’ll be away soon & I’ll do extra then. Youngest has a week off today so my last day of peace! Did some baking for him today- the lovely chocolate silk pie for puddings & I’ve tried a vegan millionaires shortcake recipe. Not sure if the caramel will set!
    My FD was another good 500cal one, but as usual eaten too much today, just maintaining at the moment & not losing šŸ˜±
    Have a good weekend everyone!

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