Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All..
    Waiting for Tony to arrive, giving me grace I think…

    Weighed in the same this morning to the ounce..three weeks on the bounce..still 1 lb up from goal..

    Ely has been on the news this morning it looks lovely..

    I fast Monday and Thursday, I weigh in first thing Friday morning and log my journey…I always have Friday off as a treat day, cakes, fish and chips and wine..whatever rocks your boat… then back to thoughtful eating …good luck

    Speak later as I can..Tony leaves Saturday evening..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,another scorching day here. Shorts on just having a cuppa then I will take Heidi out before shopping at Sainsbury’s.Bowling again tonight, speedway was disappointing last night. We didn’t ride well lost by 10 points😩.

    Morning everyone been having problems with our Internet this morning so 🤞it’s sorted now.
    Jean missed seeing Ely what was it about ?
    A beautiful morning here so looking forward to some warmth and the sunshine always makes things seem better.
    Haven’t been doing to bad on my nfds foodwise and shall be having a kebab takeaway tonight and then Saturday will be a fd and weighing myself on Sunday morning.
    Haggi because of our social life starting up again I have to juggle my fds to suit during lockdown I used to do Mondays and Thursdays but now do Saturdays and Mondays but at the end of the day do whatever works for you. The beauty of 5:2 is the flexibility.
    Enjoy your weekend and stay safe. Will be back on Monday.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Its a beautiful summers day … a lovely walk in the cool of the fields.

    I keep thinking its Saturday today for some reason.. probably the excitement of the race build up. Mercedes working locally are very good to the area .. so are very well supported.

    I was pleased to see I had lost a pound this morning …. at long last I am very happy with my weight.
    Just 2 meals a day lots of water.

    Sym .. well done for keeping those pounds at bay. I think I have lost about the same as you.. Came here originally at 12st 3lbs and now 10st 2lbs.. I think another 2lb would be nice. lol.

    Haggi As Nana said .. really just choose days to suit your lifestyle. They can be adjusted every week. Good luck.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone whatever you are doing.

    Stay in your lane, don’t compare yourself with others, be focused on your plans, and quietly achieve your happiness and success. Xxxx

    Afternoon all!
    Page has turned so apologies if I miss things!
    Dave- shame about the speedway, hope your bowling is good tonight & not too hot…
    Jean- have a good weekend with your visitor! Hope Oreo behaves for your walks! And a good meal out tonight ☺
    Hemmy- well done losing another pound! Enjoy the racing, hope it’s not too crowded about…
    Nana- you love the coast, but so nice to be close to family- although if you moved everyone might come and stay! My brother’s hoping to retire & move to N Norfolk next year, but has already announced ‘they don’t want all & sundry coming’ 😱 Unfortunately it sounded like ge was including mum in that…there’s some family it’d be nice not to live near!
    Haggi- if I’ve fasted in the week I weigh on a Friday, always after a FD anyway! Good luck with 5:2!
    I braved the scales today & have stayed the same, which was a relief as I felt heavier! Still up on where I want to be though! More feeding up youngest before he went to work- despite eating 4,000 cals a day for a month he’s only put on a pound! Hair cuts again today…seen mum this afternoon- lovely weather but again she wanted to stay in- I’ll remind her of this if we have another lockdown & she moans about not being allowed out! Eldest is going away tonight, youngest is on lates, so an evening to ourselves & having a takeaway ☺

    With the doctor changing my meds I have decided to buy a new watch,it can actually do an EPG.And it warns about heart fluctuations.It looks like a normal watch with 2 hands but is also a smart watch.I lost at bowling tonight to a lady called Millicent, I was getting slaughtered 16-5 but pulled it back to 19 all then she won 21-19.I enjoyed it though.

    Morning All..
    So very hot here, an early walk but still 20 degrees at 8 am…took both boys on the riverbank, all worked well, I am glad Tony was here helping me….Oreo limping a bit so not totally better yet.

    Tony says my TVs is loosing colour, I may need a new tv…see how I go I am not really bothered unless it gets worse. He will leave later this evening…

    Enjoy your bowling a bit on the hot side….hope the watch helps you to monitor…

    False alarm it was Ealing…not yours….you are having lovely food again..good luck on your weigh in…

    We are similar on weight loss..I was 13.7 lbs down to 11.8..I like to be 11.4 for wriggle room…goal is 11.7..
    Must get a few pounds off get my head around it…I am 5’ 8 so quite tall…
    Have a lovely day a bit hot for the garden, I need a big brolly..

    Hope all the hair cuts done and you got mum outside…4000 cals is a lot to eat, when I was underweight and I was 😂..I drank draft Guinness for over a year I put a stone on!!..only thing what helped.
    Well done on the scales…

    Enjoy your day everyone..

    Jean x

    Jean you would be ok with my fishing umbrella.Heidi’s like a ball of fluff after her bath😁.Got my watch on and done an ECG and oxygen test,both ok.Took Heidi out but will wait until it gets cooler for her next walk. It was very warm bowling last night. It’s the first time I have played against a woman. Millicent she was called, nice woman.She beat me 21-19 I was losing 16-5 I think. They had 4 women playing and they were all good players.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a very hot one today and forecast 29deg for tomorrow it will be hot up on the track.

    A shorter walk keeping to the shade today .. I have got jobs to-do but cant be bothered . lol

    Brads … Sorry you lost but hey good on Millicent for showing the men how to-do it lol
    Thats what I like to hear lol.. Well done you for clawing back to end up a very close game.

    HH .. I dont know how you do so well keeping your weight down with all the different types of meals and baking you do in a day.
    What takeaway did you have last night and did you enjoy it.
    Hopefully Mum will want to go outside this weather .

    Nana .. enjoy your weekend. Will you be on your bikes.

    Sym… I am only 5ft 4ins .. so 10st is a good weight for me. 10st 6lbs should be my highest weight.. it s nice to have some leeway though.

    How is Charlies nose is it healing well?
    I am like you and TV doesn’t really bother me at all… I only have a small one and funny enough Kristy doesn’t have one .. just uses her laptop when needed.
    Enjoy the rest of the day with Tony .. its nice to have company sometimes.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day doing what makes them happy.

    When we start taking care of our self, we start feeling better, we start looking better and It all starts with us. Xxxx

    Morning All..
    Out early at 7.30 walking it was very nice. I had a good nights sleep considering how hot it was I laid on top of the bed.
    A day on my own with the boy, a lazy sort of book reading day, breakfast sat in the garden, going to make my cuppa in a minute…I was going to fast or have a low day but maybe not…A me day….fast tomorrow as usual.

    I have ordered a garden brolly and stand, it’s arriving Wednesday or Thursday, it will be nice instead of having to sit inside, I loose my shade about noon…

    I shall wash Tony’s bedding but that’s all…a very pleasant two days lots of chat and upset, I suppose he was as close to Steve as me but in a different way. It did us both good.

    A good game very close…hope the watch helps out with your heart..

    Charlie is fine now a small scar on the side of his face, hoping his fur might cover in time..it has made him a bit re active with small snappy dogs…I am happy with my weight, 3 lbs off would be nice to loosen my dresses off around my tummy area but they do fit.
    You have done well to hold tight too, maintaining is the hardest time…have a lazy day…

    Take care in the sun everyone…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon.Scorching again here, I’m like you Jean on top of the bed all night, slept ok,I tried my watch out for sleep tracking.It said I had 8 hours sleep,3 hours deep sleep and 5 hours light sleep. Just had my hair cut and had a shower,feel human again.Hemmy they had at least 4 very good women bowlers,I played their best one, she’s only lost 2 games all season.My mate played their number 2 lady and he is our best player,he won 21-20.We play a top team on Monday so a very difficult game to come.Heidi is out for the count,to warm for her so I will charge her fan up.

    Evening all!
    Very hot here, nice temperature for me! 😂 Eaten too much over the weekend (Hemmy, I am struggling right now!), tried a new recipe for sweet & sour tofu tonight which was great, & a chickpea ‘tuna’ sandwich at lunchtime, also good! We were busy in the garden yesterday- veg finally coming on well, lots of solar fairy lights put up which was a long job, all tangled! Sat out for a bit today but the neighbours were really noisy again 😬 Xena not impressed at having to wait until late for her game at the park with hubby!!
    Have a good evening ☺

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Wow what a very hot day I love it warm but its been a bit too much today..

    Had a few extra carbs today as didn’t feel like cooking … so just fresh crusty bread and cheeses and salad.

    It s so very hot for the fur babies.. problem is Pip still wants to play .. Its been such a hard job sitting in the shade trying to read with the constant paw tap on my leg . lol

    Sym.. hope you are enjoying your day with your boy .. nice to have company also nice to just do your own thing when and what you fancy.

    Brads .. Its been 34 deg here in the garden about 2pm .. Well you sound like you had some good competition this last week so it should set you in good stead for tomorrows difficult game. Its nice to win but also good just to participate .

    Hope everyone is having a lovely day .. exciting F! … did anyone watch.

    We can be whoever we want to be. Just be honest and kind. And be the kind of person who helps others see their worth and beauty Xxxx

    HH … I just saw your post … saw you were struggling.. we all do at times 1 step forward then 2 back.. You can do it though… you do …

    Tomorrow is another day another week .. Lets do it.. like we know we can. .xx

    Morning everyone we were late getting our daily constitutional walk in this morning it’s really hot out there. A good weekend as always and I did manage my fd on Saturday and weighed myself yesterday morning to find that I was the same as the last time I weighed. Another fd today even though I don’t feel like doing one.
    Update on our neighbours dog is that he was operated on Friday and they collected him on Saturday. They’ve been advised that it’s going to be a two week wait to see if the growth is malignant or benign but the vet who did the operation said he was certain it was cancerous and that he’s probably got another year at the most. They’ve been told to keep him quiet for 10 days which won’t be easy. So sad as he’s a lovely dog 😧
    A busy week ahead opticians for oh tomorrow, usual Wednesday lunchtime meet up with friends and instead of Ely on Thursday we’re going out for afternoon tea paid for by a friend as a present for our Golden Wedding Anniversary last year but we’ve only been able to use it now.
    Have a lovely day everyone whether fasting or not and stay not only safe but cool.
    Nana x

    Very interesting the F1,I have watched it since I was a boy.As for bowling it’s lovely to be out in the fresh air, I don’t mind losing, and I meet some really nice people.Will put my sun cream on now then it’s ok for this afternoon.I use ultrasun, it’s very good and only needs to go on once. It dosen’t mark your clothes line some of them do. The cricketers use it and it works well especially in Cyprus when I have been there. Fast day today, joining the mass fast.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    It seems to be even hotter today..

    Early out and a shorter walk … I have done a few bits and pieces but too warm for much of anything.

    Good thing is I am not feeling very hungry at all. lol.

    Nana .. How very heartbreaking re your neighbours dog.. So hard or them I am sure.

    A busy week for you. Well done on staying the same.

    Brads .. Good luck with your game … and hope the fast goes well.

    Hope everyone is having a good day

    Avoiding certain people to protect your emotional health is not weakness. It is wisdom. Xxxx

    Hemmy I played the man who beat me on my first game, I won today so must be getting better.Its very hot here will take Heidi out again in a while,can keep in the shade for most of the walk.Just over 600 calories so far today.

    Evening All..
    A beautiful hot day again a bit cooler than yesterday a bit if cloud covering making it more comfortable 24 degrees..back to 28 degrees tomorrow..
    We were out at 7.30 going to the park it’s about 6 weeks since we have been, Charlie so loves it…..we had reports of poison it made me nervous…

    A lazy day for me couldn’t get moving, most jobs done. A good fast day about 500 maybe a touch more.

    Playing boules tomorrow going to be a hot one I think only 4 of us…we are 4 down, are they knocking with the heat…😂

    Your garden lights sound lovely with the arbor sounds complete…too hot for me, I don’t know how you do gardening in the heat…keep strong we all struggle, it’s when we keep plodding on possibly not having our holiday breaks as usual.

    I am very much getting used to my own company with my boy…..just please yourself….I didn’t think I would ever would think that way…Charlie like Pip decided on playing at bedtime, I think because it was cooler, he was sent to the loo and bed much to late for that 😂

    It’s sad with your neighbours dog, hard times ahead, hope it can push on a bit longer…afternoon tea sounds just lovely, having a late celebration. Keeping busy as usual.

    Well done on the win today..you are improving a lot.

    Keep safe everyone..

    Jean x

    A very good FD for me, just over the 500cals, sadly I don’t lose my appetite with the heat 😂 Youngest has been off today & determined to get in his cals, have cooked him 5 meals!
    So hot here, a shorter walk with Xena, she still wants to play though so threw sticks in the shade in the woods. Had a trip to the beach (knew the cafe would be closed so no temptations there!!), threw sticks in the sea! She won’t swim but is getting braver. Took our chairs like old people, set up a tarp for shade & sat enjoying the view for a while. Not too hot for me at night, just right!

    Another hot one tonight. Got the fan on buy its just blowing hot air around!
    Not complaining though, it never lasts for long.

    A good FD and another one to tick off tomorrow before a non fd on Wednesday.

    Weigh in went well on Saturday, down just over another pound, so July is going OK so far. Still a way to go though. A stone needs to come off, but 1st target is to get under the 11 stone mark which hopefully will be this week if I can lose another pound.

    Hemmy, I used to lose interest in food when it was hot. Sadly its not the case anymore 😄 although to be fair I’ve not been bothered today.

    Nana, very sad about the neighbours dog. Can but hope the prognosis is better than anticipated.

    Dave, sounds like an enjoyable game of bowls, in spite of the weather.

    Jean, hope its not too hot for your game tomorrow. Are you going somewhere afterwards?

    Loved the F1 although not sure about that sprint qualifying. Back to normal quali at the next one in 2 weeks.

    Im already in bed but no sign of Tara…I think it maybe cooler downstairs. It’s certainly better for us with her downstairs! I can do without a hot water bottle!

    A few pages of my book before sleep. Nothing in the diary for tomorrow so a lazy day planned.

    Kay x

    Morning All…
    I had a very bad nights sleep, a busy head, I am a bit slow this morning….

    We were out just before 8 am but you could feel the temperature rising, nice walk across the fields no one about until we passed the school when we were coming home..

    I had a good fast day yesterday hoping for a thoughtful week foodwise…

    Boules at 1.30 it’s going to be a hot one must take water and a hat..about 28 degrees…5 of us there today unless anyone else decided at last minute..

    Lovely to be on the beach at least you usually get a breeze…Charlie goes to his belly in the water no more, unless a freak wave catches him out..he does like it now but no swimming….like you I tend to eat more when hot, more the magnums and a wine then the picking..trying hard this week.

    You are doing well, the weight seems to be going in the right direction..well done. Enjoy your lazy day..
    I had made my bed but gone back upstairs to strip it..I think the washers finished I will get it on the line, it’s a job done.
    Nothing planned as yet after boules …depending what the others have planned.
    Keep safe on your very hot temperatures in your area…

    Have a good day everyone..keep safe too.

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another very hot day .. lovely if just sitting in the shade doing nothing lol. There could be a risk of thunder storms tonight here though.

    Early walk and having late lunch .. just steam cleaned my lounge carpet .. Its a Vax only used it about twice in the 5 yrs I have had it.. Had to get the instruction book out. It was matter of life and death to get it .. lol Audrey that used to be on here swore by them. I think it looks fresher lol.

    Having to move myself a bit indoors today as my bestie that used to be my neighbour and i are going to lunch tomorrow I haven’t seen her since Xmas. Not sure about the pub as a big modern new one in town… small old country village pubs more my style lol But it is a new one so we will see .. company will be lovely anyway.

    Brads .. how brilliant for you beating that guy who you had lost to on your very first game. Now that is a good achievement well done you.

    Nana .. hope you are having a good day is it a social one .. Are you still cycling in the heat.

    HH How wonderful living near the beach I am in envy lol. Well done on your 500 cals yesterday ..

    Kay.. I cant make up my mind about the F1 outcome.. so many people with mixed views.

    Well done getting back into your fasting.

    Sym .. Good luck with the Boules .. you need plenty of water in the sun. I am having to sort myself out with something nice to wear tomorrow as I have got lazy this year. lol My friend is very young looking for her age and trendy lol.. not a dog walker or gardener . lolol
    I will have to watch my food intake this week as Kristy here from Monday -Monday so that will mean food in snacks form besides meals out . 32 days no alcohol its helping keeping my weight down.

    Have a good day all
    Do not waste time thinking about what you could have done differently. Keep your eyes on the road ahead and do it differently now.Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, just got back from oh having an eye test in Huntingdon we went by bus but drove to the park and ride to catch the bus instead of cycling as it was so hot. We took grandson that works in the opticians out for lunch which was very nice. Most people including us were wearing masks on the bus and in the shops.
    A thunderstorm has now started here with lots of rain but not cooling down much yet but at least we won’t have to water the garden this evening.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, it’s still extremely hot here.I don’t like the sprint in F1.ive bought some nappies for Heidi🥺.She dosen’t know when she’s doing it😫.I may have to start getting up early to take her out🥵

    Nana- lovely to see grandson & take him out for lunch, is he enjoying his job? Was hubby’s eye test okay? Don’t blame you not cycling…
    Kay- well done with the loss, is your stomach okay now?
    Jean- must’ve been hot playing boules! Good that you can go back to the park now with Charlie!
    Dave- a worry with Heidi, hope she doesn’t mind the nappies.
    Hemmy- we’re about 12 miles from the sea, & only 5 mins from.the forest so there are cool options to walk Xena in this weather! Hope you’ve found something to wear & have a good lunch out tomorrow! (Hopefully nothing like Mum’s badly clashing outfit that she wore today 😱) Having Kristy with you for a week will test your will power! Will you have a few drinks while she’s staying?
    Had to do some shopping today, some nice loose trousers for at home while it’s hot- that’s already made the weather change as we’ve had a shower! Made another new recipe for tonight- jambalaya, which was lovely, but son hasn’t tried it yet as he’s fallen asleep- have woken him twice but he keeps going back off again!

    Afternoon all! You’re all quiet!
    FD here, didn’t want to as hungry & headachey, but stuck with it…have leftovers for dinner so I won’t be tempted by just cereal again! Getting a bit hangry now though so hope nobody upsets me! Xena is being moody too today! Popped out to see a friend on her birthday, have done the least amount of housework I can get away with in the heat, & now enjoying some peace in the garden…
    Hope everyone’s having a good day!

    Afternoon All..
    A park walk with Oreo and Charlie, Oreo’s leg is still not right he’s going for an X-ray in the morning he’s not putting his full weight on it..so 🤞for him..

    Been to see the hygienist this morning all ok, then I went to a large outlet found some new waterproof walking boots, a good deal…no bras and no trousers …so still looking.

    A lazy afternoon with the boy too hot for anything…

    Audrey was a one for her steam cleaning, nice you got your carpet cleaned even if you had to read the instructions..hope your lunch is going well at the new pub, great to catch up with your friend too.
    Will the wine come out when Kirsty visits? She will soon be here…

    Lovely to take your grandson out for lunch…no rain here I think Saturday for us…

    I am enjoying the park again…Charlie has been quite good on the re active with dogs..both got a sausage each from the cafe 😱..it went down in one, I usually do it in 12 pieces!!
    Very hot playing boules…but managed hat and water with me.
    Trousers sound good for lounging about in…jambalaya is it from Louisiana?

    What you moody for??..headache and heat?

    Still 24 degrees here a bit too hot for walking yet….another 28 degrees tomorrow..

    I shall be fasting Thursday…anyone else?

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, it’s been another hot day here it’s 28.5°C outside at the moment. We decided against cycling and used the car instead and I drove so no alcohol for me today but its our afternoon tea at The Ivy in Cambridge tomorrow so will be using the car again but oh turn to drive so will indulge in a glass or two of 🍾🥂.
    Jean it was lovely to meet up with grandson yesterday and we’ll hopefully get to repeat the lunch again with him in a couple of weeks time when oh collects his new glasses.
    Hedgehogs son in law took Poppy out for an hour and a half at half past five this morning but you wouldn’t have known as she was still as bouncy as ever.
    Jean sounds like you had a partly successful shopping trip.
    Have a good evening everyone and stay safe and cool.
    Nana x

    Good evening,got beat today played a very good player and lost by 7.It was like playing in a sauna, so hot. Heidi’s nappies have arrived 🤫.So will see how she goes on, if I can get them on.

    Morning everyone how are all of you coping with this heat? Another warm morning here already am imagining it’s going to be warm in Cambridge this afternoon when we go.
    Dave hope the nappies were a success for Heidi.
    Jean glad Charlie is getting better with other dogs again.
    Hedgehogs hope headache has gone today and Xena is no longer moody.Yes grandson is enjoying his job very much and I observed him whilst oh was having his eye test (which was fine by the way just needs new glasses )he was very professional and polite with the customers.
    Hemmy hope the pub and meet up with your friend went well.
    Enjoy the day everyone and stay safe and sound.
    Nana x

    It’s hotter still here, where is the rain Manchester is famous for?Think I need a fan for the bedroom.Heidi’s nappy came off during the night
    I will get Denise to help me put it on tonight.Will get weighed tomorrow,I think I have put a lot of weight on so must buckle down.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another beautiful day 28 again but sitting here windows open there seems to be a breeze which is lovely.

    I had a wonderful catch up with my bestie .. plus a quite impressive lunch .. It was a big modern pub /hotel .. we just had 2 courses from their lunch time special deal £10.50 well couldn’t believe it how good it was.. Just fish and chips and apple pie and icecream but lovely presentation .. all fresh hot and tasty and plenty.. We both said ..( plus Pam being a chef although tiny ) lol .. we have paid more than twice as much for a more inferior meal. Just goes to show. lol Oh and just tonic water and lemon. lol 34 days no A today.

    Nana.. hope its not too hot in Cambridge this afternoon. ( What a lovely place too)

    Really nice to have been able to see your grandson in action you must have felt very proud how he conducted himself. Upbringing I reckon lol.

    HH .. I hope you are feeling better today .. its been a funny ole time this past year etc.. sometimes it all just gets a bit much ..so much changing daily a lot for the mind and body to cope with at times. Xx

    Brads .. Poor Heidi it must be hot for her too. .. Hopefully those nappies will help I would imagine it might need two pairs of hands to do it.

    Kay .. How is it going with you .

    Sym… I am going to try my hardest to have no wine with Kristy lol.. Last time she came i put on about 5- 6lbs and as you know not so easy to get off.
    If I dont have wine I can keep my weight steady I am even still losing a few ounces not really fasting.. Soon as I hit wine I eat sweet stuff I sort of crave for it. Without I am just not bothered at all. Blood sugar I guess. I think we all have a trigger and need to find it.

    How are you coping now.. I expect some days are not so good.. you are positive though and that helps a lot.

    Have a good day everyone all we can do is our best.

    The person who matters most in your life is the one looking back in the mirror. 🔍Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    An early walk and a small garden tidy…my brolly and base fitted together and I am pleased with it..just come in from outside it’s very hot and I was fine under it..so I am glad I have got it…

    Lots of water drunk but having a cup of tea inside now.

    After Tony has been here, eating food up which he didn’t eat, meals out and cafe…I am sky high on weight I will be weighing in next week..

    Enjoy your meal out at The Ivy, I don’t know how you loose weight when you are doing things all the time..much stronger than me!
    Charlie seems to be better with dogs again but I have to keep him under control..just one barking session this morning at a duo of dogs.

    Lots of bowling you are doing….no fishing this year?..no time 😂

    A good meal and a good price too, what more can you ask for…nice catch up with your bestie. You will have to try your best when Kirsty’s there but it’s nice to relax a little..
    I think I have to pull my belt in its not been very good this week…as Hedgehog says I have had a wobbly week it’s not been good..maybe with Tony here we were both upset at the weekend and it’s continued off and on. He was his bestie and spoke every day, he lives on his own too.
    Today I think I am better..

    How’s the headaches and hangry, better today..

    Think I am getting hungry …egg and bacon for tonight maybe some tomatoes too..

    Keep strong..

    Jean x

    Hemmy your going well without the wine. I used to drink like a fish but don’t have much these days and never drink in the house apart from Christmas and New year.Even then I only have 2 or 3 drinks.

    Oreos hips are displaced, trying him on meds and hydrotherapy if it doesn’t work an operation needed £12,000 ouch!
    He is only two Natalie is heartbroken her mum said she would pay for it…

    Hope it works, he is being brought back to the local surgery now..


    Sym … Omg what a worry for Natalie .. isn’t Oreo insured .. he is so young Hopefully therapy and meds will help. They are really clever with what they can do now. ..

    Brads… Did you just suddenly decide to give up drinking for health or just go off of it. lol

    Hope everyone is staying cool a hot one again this evening Xxxx

    Morning everyone a much cooler start to the day here. Afternoon Tea in Cambridge was amazing but I only had one glass of wine and oh had a lager rest of the time we had water plus we also had tea provided. Cambridge was very busy so we kept our masks on all of the time whilst walking about.
    Aiming for a lowish day today but it’s Friday so usual takeaway and catch up with friends this evening. Fd tomorrow and weigh in or should I say weigh up Sunday after this week.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe. Be back Monday.
    Nana x

    Hemmy I stopped going out to the pub,my best mate passed away and it just wasn’t the same without him. And I don’t drink in the house.I only seem to drink on holidays now.Its a bit cooler today temperature wise but still very clamy.

    Forgot to mention I lost almost 7lbs😁

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a lovely day 24 deg here with a wonderful breeze. So welcome after the intense heat of the past week.

    A busy morning .. out earlier than normal .. back and sat in one of my neighbours garden had coffee. Her books are coming along with the publisher .. Lovely to see her name in print a short story in each I will tell you when they go on sale. Not sure on the age group will have to ask …they are for young children anyway.
    So exciting as I have brought the copies home and read as she wrote them.

    I have just finished mowing lawns .. late lunch. Just mailing my american friend 36 deg in Idaho omg .

    Pleased to see I had lost half a pound this week so just another 1 1/2 would be nice to see that 10st exactly lol.
    It will be an indulging week next week as I dont go away on holiday .. we will treat it as a holiday with lots of nice outings and meals. … we can spend some of Kristy inheritance while I can enjoy it with her. lolol that what I tell her.

    Brads .. Well done 7lbs half a stone.. how absolutely brilliant bet you are well chuffed.
    What a shame your best mate passed over .. I can see that would have stopped you going to the pub without him. It s better for you anyway .. keep drinking the water lol.

    Nana .. Have a lovely weekend enjoy your Friday takeaway.

    Sym … I can imagine chatting about Steve with Tony going over old times could result in a wobbly week. We all have them at times.. As my Mum would have said ” But thats life and it happens to everyone” It never helped thinking that at the time though lolol.

    H H and Kay … how are you today . Xx

    Enjoy your day everyone …Whatever you are doing

    Keep something beautiful in your mind as a reminder of what you have instead of what is missing. ❤️

    It’s still uncomfortable at the moment, need a breeze to cool it down. Will take Heidi out around 6pm of it’s cooler.

    Dave- well done losing 7lbs! You’ve done great! How’s Heidi? Hope you can get the nappies to work…
    Jean- hope you’re feeling better, enjoy the garden, & the new parasol…just chill about the weight off, it’ll come off soon!
    Hemmy- I hope that you have a lovely week with Kristy, & get some nice meals out! Good to have a holiday!
    Nana- glad that your afternoon tea at the Ivy was lovely, enjoy your takeaway tonight…
    Forgot to post yesterday- early walk, phone call to HS family, had asda delivery, saw mum, lots of washing done, cooking…today busy too, tried a courgette & chocolate cake recipe- lovely but it’s vegan for son so it’s got banana in, that tastes quite strong, he might not be keen…Lots of veg coming in the garden, needs using up! Now at the hairdressers, nice to sit down ☺
    Not fasted the last couple of days, hopefully can tomorrow- I feel quite bloaty 😬
    Hope everyone’s okay!

    Evening All…
    A lovely cool day, I got wet in the drizzle this morning too hot for a coat then it came down heavy while across the fields…

    Housework day got on top of it I have been very lazy this week with the heat.

    Your afternoon tea sounded lovely a very nice present for you both…

    Well done on your 7 lbs off..brilliant…sorry Heidi isn’t so good.

    Your weights going down nicely, nearly there…I am struggling this week I shall weigh in next Friday, with Tony visiting with me and extra things he didn’t eat, which I ate, meals out..I have copped out on this weeks weigh in. I have had a day off as usual today but will start tomorrow…

    Natalie is insured but I don’t think it’s that good, she pays £5 or £6 a month, mine is nearly £40 with a high excess…the specialist is looking more deeply at the X-rays, hoping there is a cheaper option.

    Hairdresser for you and me and my daughter 😂…pleased with mine, half inch off makes all the difference..hope your son enjoys his cake..I am feeling ok it’s possibly passed over me…strange to say but when the fans on, I listen to that and my heads not busy..still chilly tonight…

    I have Katie in Dubai and Jacqui is going to the Yorkshire moors for a week so no phone calls this next week…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,much cooler today. Just took Heidi out, I have given up with the nappies,u think it stresses her too much. Will just have to clean up after her when I have to.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Much cooler today which is a lovely relief especially for the animals. As yet no rain here but dark spells that they go over.

    Not doing much of anything today .. just general bits and bobs.

    HH.. I was wondering if you had a H S family ..Do you have a limited time to help them or each treated for their needs with timings.
    I must tell my friend about a courgette and chocolate cake as they always grow sooo many and dont know what to-do with them,
    Are you fasting today or didn’t you fancy it being Saturday .

    Brads.. Given Heidi’s grand age I wouldn’t stress her out either. Any games today or tomorrow.

    Sym…You will miss your calls this week … Are you still letting your hair grow out… I dont think I could brave it lol I have used the same one in Nice and Easy for ever it seems lol.

    Have a good day everyone …

    For what it’s worth… It’s never too late, or too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    Walked over the fields this morning away from everyone 😂..so nice…weekends are busy at the park with children, football and now park run, we keep away.

    A bit of excitement here..a Lancaster bomb has been found all roads closed last night at 9 pm, including the M62 and a 1 1/2 mile radius around it…can’t really get to shops or out of the village, diversions are taking 2 to 3 hours so keeping well away…thought it would be finished by 9 am today but now saying 9 pm tonight, the army are blowing it up..people have been moved out of houses…we are about 3 miles away but possibly would hear it go off…

    Having a low day today…boules I won one game and lost one..we run very close which is nice…we went to the cafe, a toasted tea cake and coffee No Cake today 😇…

    You don’t want to stress Heidi out she won’t like doing accidents at the best of times…

    This weather is quite nice, still at 20 but very pleasant..
    I was at the hairdressers yesterday she said it’s looking very good, I have been in the sun so my hair has faded down looking better than I thought. Possibly a good inch on either side of my parting…the hats will be coming out for winter so not too bothered as yet. I am 72 just thought the time is right my colour wasn’t holding…..I started to colour at about 13, so it’s 50 years of colouring……How old are you?
    Are you getting in the garden now the weathers cooler?..I did get the grass cut, some rain about next week l think…

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    Jean it was on the national news,it showed it being blown up.I think only Nana is fasting today so good luck to her.We are dining out tomorrow for our anniversary so fast days will have to change this week. A good night for Heidi,she asked to go out at 1am so that was good.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a pleasant temperature again today.. Still no rain here.. Never watered yesterday as forecast was storms.

    Early walk and then did a Tesco shop ..mainly treats and some fresh bits and pieces. We will be eating out mainly this week. Hoping to go to Stratford to our favourite restaurant and shops. Check and see if the Christmas shop is still there and open .. love that place.

    My walking friend wanted me to go to Annie’s Tea room at Thrupp this week .. I have rearranged till the following week but Kristy may like to go this week… We will see. Oxford on the river would be nice too.

    Brads .. Oh good for Heidi letting you know bless her.. Happy anniversary to you both for tomorrow.. Enjoy your meal to celebrate

    Sym That was some excitement yesterday was it all sorted by 9pm.

    Yes the sun does bleach the hair up naturally .. I am a natural blonde and like Mums did my hair tends towards white instead of grey … I use light Beige blonde which all seems to tone in naturally .
    I am a VERY young 74 yr old lolol thinking i am still 35 lolol. In my eyes and mind anyway. lolol

    I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Sunday … See you all next week.

    Day .. 38 no alcohol .. fingers crossed for me the coming week.

    Allow yourself to be proud of yourself and all the progress you’ve made. Especially the progress no one else can see. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    Quite warm today..across the fields again this morning…the combined harvester was cutting the corn, I thought a bit early…there will be an empty field to run in 😀

    I have had a productive day, decided to go to sisters after our walk, see if we could get Coco a chocolate lab and Charlie to be friends…I went down the street and they followed at a distance we slowly got together, all ok, both on leads, after 15 mins we decided to let them off all was ok. We walked back to the house after 45 mins and sat in her courtyard, Charlie ventured in the house too..lots of biscuits and sausage but it went well…just getting tetchy after 3 hours both tired and hot, Charlie decided on humping so I thought time to leave while the going was good.
    We will try again 😀..better than the full on fight of last time still she was coming on season!

    I am trying for a low day, will end up about 800 mark, 400 up to now, chilly chicken later all good.

    I feel young at heart too, these doggies keep us on our toes. If you use the wash in colours it’s not like mine a grow out..yours is much better…those never stayed in my hair as I got older so I had no choice. Since going to the hairdresser I haven’t touched my hair just a comb through, it seems a really good cut this time.

    Lots of things planned for Kirsty’s visit, foot off the break for the week and enjoy like a holiday..I do love cafes, I find it hard on your own as if you queue then find a table, then there isn’t one, I used to plonk Steve there, as it’s not always table service. Only good thing about COVID was table service.

    It was a good size bomb, blew up at 16.10, it took another hour for traffic to get moving…our village was busier than normal…

    Chilly chicken tonight looking forward to it..no walk for Charlie he is shattered, he had an afternoon walk.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone.Have had a lovely weekend with no sign of the heavy rain and thunder being forecast for yesterday. My planned fd for Saturday didn’t happen as I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do it but managed to complete one yesterday of 630 calories made all the more easier by my wonderful oh joining me. Next one is planned for tomorrow as we have our Newmarket friends coming over for a takeaway meal this evening. My neighbours dog has not been so good since Saturday so they’re taking him to the vet’s today because he collapsed on his short walk that the vet said he was allowed to have. Such a shame as he’s a lovely dog. We’ll I’m off to do a cleaning blitz and also have a Tesco online shop delivery this morning it’ll be interesting to see if everything ordered is delivered.
    Enjoy your day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

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