Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Afternoon everyone just got back from Ely when our neighbour knocked on the door a bit upset as her dog has had to be left at a veterinary school overnight to investigate problems he’s been having so we had a cup of tea and a chat.
    Her husbands away at the moment but hopefully he’ll come home early to be with her incase it’s bad news šŸ˜•
    Ely was much quieter than usual maybe due to a lot of people celebrating the āš½ļø win.
    Lunch yesterday was good and it was nice to catch up with our friends. I did have a healthy choice chicken salad from the menu but then ruined it by having a couple of medium glasses of Pinot Grigo.
    Was planning on starting my Saturday and Monday fds this Saturday and we’ve now been invited to a birthday BBQ on Saturday afternoon but I’ll drive so no wine.
    Welcome Captain we’re a friendly lot on here and it also helps if you have a dog šŸ• or grand dog in my case.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Grrr…just lost my post!

    Minols, hope the move goes OK.

    Hemmy, you are amazing, still ditching the wine!

    Captain, it looks like you are already on track!

    Alannah, all seems to be going OK.

    Another FD for me tomorrow…


    Morning everyone not too bad weather here at the moment so might risk hanging some washing out before visiting a friend to drop off their birthday present.
    Will try to eat sensibly during the day as we’re having a Chinese takeaway this evening. Birthday BBQ tomorrow so planned fd will now be Sunday and as we’ve nothing planned for Tuesday will move Mondays fd to then as I really struggle with b2b fds. We are lucky that we have such wonderful friends and are able to enjoy a nice social life but I struggle with fitting in my fds.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe. Will be back Monday.
    Nana x

    I’m afraid that the cobs got the better of me so fast day cancelled,I have still done 2 fast days so not to bad.Will try for 3 FDs next week.Nice and sunny here,very clamy.Bowling tonight just a practice,I think it will be mostly women tonight but there will be a few men.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another lovely day.. Early walk as it was vets check up at noon. ..

    I have never been oh so very thankful to finish a walk Fox poo free. lolol just kept to the bridle path no fields to day for my boy. lol

    All well . his weight good too .. sooo just writing today off as a holiday now as I dont feel inclined to do much of anything other than relax. lolol

    Just had a lovely sandwich.. a bit of garlic and herb cream cheese mixed with grated Cheddar and spring onions. Very tasty …I think a nice layer of cucumber would have been nice at the bottom but didn’t have any. lol. It was nice when they used to sell half.

    Weight was good this morning staying the same just doing 2 mindful days now . No Alcohol 3 weeks today yay.

    Kay .. hope all is going well with another FD for you. How many cals are you doing.
    Do you weigh every week.

    Finding Lidl’s bags of mixed nuts !.59 are a very filling snack.. Lovely nuts no broken bits nice quality .. a few in a dish with some sliced fresh fruit feels a lovely treat.

    Nana Enjoy your social life its been a long old year.

    Brads .. you have done so well this week soo a few cobs wont go a miss. Good luck with the bowls tonight.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.

    The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.
    No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours Xxxx

    It’s gone dull here but still dry.Going for around 1500 calories TDEE is 2664 so not too bad.

    Hemmy- well done staying the same! Glad Pips was good on the walk & at the vets…have a nice day off!
    Dave- hope no rain for your bowling later, enjoy those cobs, still sounds like a low day…
    Kay- sounds like you have quite a bit of work on, how’s it going with Neil helping out?
    Jean- hope you manage the dogs okay…
    Nana- enjoy your day…
    Alannah- I am finding so many yummy vegan recipes to try right now, but not so many low cal ones! Son wants to try tofu scrambled egg, have you ever done that? I’ll give it a go šŸ˜¬
    Hope everyone else is okay!
    Have been picking while I’m baking today- mini salted caramel cakes & carrot cakes today, eclairs I’ll make tomorrow. It’s so warm in the kitchen the buttercream’s melting though…& cut youngest’s hair as well, it seems to be a weekly treat now!
    Have a good day all!

    Afternoon Allā€¦
    A lovely walk with Charlie on the riverbank with Oreo so lovely with the fields on the side and away from the traffic so peaceful ..
    Then another walk out with Ivy and Tony ( Ivyā€™s cousin) and lunch out..I am finding this extra walk too much but a small one today.
    Itā€™s been so hot here and humid not very nice really..still I think lots of rain tomorrowā€¦boules may be off so it will be to the cafe!!!!

    Hope you got your grass cut, I did yesterday looks much tidier ā€¦.Mr Pips was good while he was out no rolling in muck!!..well done on the drinkā€¦.

    Lots of social activity itā€™s hard on the fasting but lovely to meet up with friends..I seem to be eating out a lot..

    Poor you on the cobs..as long as you enjoyed them..I may join you in three fasts next weekā€¦

    Oreo is next Thursdayā€¦cakes sound yummy..too hot for baking! Hope all goes well tomorrow and they all enjoy itā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning one and all.The bowling was good last night,the women were trying to cheat if they were behind šŸ˜.Adding some points on to their score.Its all fun and it was just a practice because our game was cancelled due to Covid šŸ˜®

    Afternoon All..
    A funny sort of day, damp and a bit of drizzle but warm..dried up for boules..

    A good game of boules played two and won two, but very close then to cafe for coffee and carrot cake.

    Across the fields walk this morning tire Charlie out so he would settle while I was out, shorter walk later.

    A good night playing bowls too..

    Popping to see my daughter tomorrow for lunch a couple of hours, seem to have a lot on I donā€™t like to leave Charlie every day but itā€™s only for a short timeā€¦a busy two weeks.

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    I’m sure Charlie is used to it,why not get a camera and see what he gets up tošŸ˜.Heidi just goes to sleep on the setteešŸ˜‚.Still clamy here got the fan on.

    Am I worrying unnecessary ..I leave him for 3 hours, very rarely 4 hours..no more. I just feel guiltyā€¦do you think itā€™s fineā€¦3 or 4 times a weekā€¦.


    Fixed a camera up in the bedroom šŸ˜€..didnā€™t think I could do itā€¦I will have to be careful when I get undressed for bed šŸ˜‚

    Only you will see it Jean, Charlie should be fine,he knows your coming back but it will be interesting to see what he does when you go out.

    He usually lays on the settee then goes to bed..I have set it for 45 secs..I can see if he movesā€¦quick thinking Batman..thanks..

    Morning All..šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ

    A bright warm morning, out with my shorts on across the fields this morning. A good hours walk.

    Popping for lunch and visit to my daughters for a couple of hours..see how Charlieā€™s camera works while I am out, I am sure he will go to bed.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow and catch up with my housework and keep busy..

    Have a good dayā€¦fingers crossed for the footy I shall watch itā€¦
    šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another lovely day .. feeling excited for the game this evening.

    A few treats to be eaten.. Fasting is another day lol… still no wine 23 days.

    Enjoy you time with your daughter Sym .. Charlie will be just fine.
    I try not to leave Pip for more than 4 hours but sometimes it cant be avoided.. He goes happily through from 11pm till 7am no probs.. he would soon tell me. lolol .

    Have a good day everyone.. enjoy the game. COME ON ENGLAND

    Can we do it ? Yes we can. Xxxx

    Heidi’s always been ok, off it’s 1 hour or so day she just went to bed and fell asleep.Still muggy here Heidi used her cool mat upstairs as a toilet šŸ˜” so had to bring it down and give it a good clean. Can’t shout at her, she’s too old.Not the first time she’s done it.May try and give her a bath but it’s tricky picking her up and putting her in.

    Dave- a worry with Heidi, hope she’s okay & not going to do that too much. Has she started on her new supplements?
    Jean- good you got your cafe & boules! Hope you had a good time with your daughter…I’m sure Charlie will be fine, he has lots of attention the rest of the time!
    Hemmy- enjoy the footie! Doing very well with your wine free days!
    Had a lovely afternoon tea for aunt’s birthday yesterday, my neice came too, it was good to all get together! Unfortunately mum got upset though as aunt constantly corrects her (I’ve spoken to my aunt & we texted before she came, I keep saying we don’t correct mum, aunt says she wouldn’t ever do that, obvs oblivious that she does!) They still have a few days together…
    Lazier day today, trying a couple of new recipes, I really need some good FDs this week!
    Fingers crossed for tonight!

    Hi Allā€¦
    I had a couple of hours with my daughter it was very nice, so out 3 1/4 hoursā€¦Charlie was restless he was looking for me, on the bed he moved about 6 times..good on the camera Daveā€¦

    A nice walk for him, warm and breezy very pleasantā€¦my boules friend Fay, brought me two pieces of chocolate flapjack which I will be eating with a cuppa shortly ..then fasting will start..

    Glad you have had a lovely day I shall settle to watch it..so hoping they will winā€¦

    Poor Heidi sheā€™s an old girl canā€™t be helped..poor Oscar today heā€™s not well at all, getting water on his lungs his hearts not good, trying to cough and clear it but in general he is still pushing on, heā€™s 11 King Charles Spaniel.

    Shame on your aunt correcting Mum, she would be upset. I need to do good fast days too before Tony arrives Fridayā€¦

    Jean x

    Morning everyone how are you after the weekend of sport. Have to admit that the only sport oh and I are into is Motorsports. Have had a lovely weekend the BBQ on Saturday was good and it was lovely to meet up with family members after such a long time. Finally plucked up courage to get on the scales this morning for the first time since before we went on holiday and I’m one pound up so not to bad. Just as well I had a FD yesterday with my next one planned for tomorrow as I find b2b FDs to hard.
    Raining here and supposed to be for the whole day so will do a bit of housework and ironing.
    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    This is just a quick ‘I’ll be back soon’ kind of post!

    Obviously I’ve not made it on in a while, and I think realistically, I won’t now until I’ve settled…this week is full of goodbyes / sorting and cleaning, so that we can get a break next week, and then move the last week of the month.

    No plans to lose weight until after all the goodbye cakes and chocs are consumed, and the then the comfort food of leaving, and the convenience takeaways of moving in…

    Take care everyone


    Morning Allā€¦
    A rainy and wet walk today..

    I am fasting so itā€™s a housework day to keep busy..down stairs nearly finished waiting for floors to dry. Middle of speaking to the bank, phone calls and e-mails ..long winded!

    Good luck on your move and new jobā€¦lots of eating involved leaving and then moving in..good idea to start fresh when everything is back in orderā€¦hoping everyone is friendly and makes you welcome, for the boys too..

    You have done very well with 1lb on, your holiday and 2 bbqs, Indians take aways etc too many to comment on šŸ˜‚ā€¦a good time had by all..thatā€™s the main out come..

    Have a good fast day anyone else joining me.?

    Jean x

    Hubby’s in B&Q browsing the bolts, hate going in there unless it’s something interesting!
    Minols- hope the move goes okay & you all love the new place! Too stressful to watch weight when you move house, definitely!
    Jean- I’m joining you fasting. Daughter’s dog is doing well for his age- my hairdressers always had the cavalier’s & they’ve all died younger with heart problems…
    Nana- really well done given your holiday & socialising! We’re supposed to have downpours & storms although it’s nice right now…
    Dave- hope you get to do bowling & speedway today…
    Hemmy- hope you didn’t resort to alcohol watching the footie?! I couldn’t watch the penalties…
    Soggy walk first thing, nice now that we’re out for boring bits, doing the rounds of a few shops! Mum sounded like she’d had a better day with my aunt yesterday, so relieved about that. Might pop in for a cuppa with them later. Cooking pies for tonight’s dinner so won’t make my mouth water too much!
    Keep strong if you’re fasting!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Well what a night it was.. lol HH .. I managed to get through it without wine. lol.
    I dont think my heart would stand much of that excitement though on a regular basis. lol

    Its a strange weather day no rain as yet but very dark.

    Finishing of my glossing today late lunch just going to get it out of the way today.

    Have a good day all good luck fasters

    Take Risks: If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise Xxxx

    Been bowling,it poured down all the time,we won the match but I lost, they kept slipping out of my hand.The speedway is called off tonight,not surprised if never stopped raining all day.Had to change my clothes after bowling, soaked throughšŸ˜”

    Another successful Monday fast. Its always the easiest one of the week!

    Only lost half a pound last week but considering I only managed 2 fds earlier in the week, that’s to be expected. Aiming for 2lbs this week, so digging deep.
    As I’m doing several fds, I’m keeping to 800 cals rather than 500. Trying to up the activity a bit too.

    We avoided the rain here today. At one point it went extremely dark but then it brightened up again. Thought it was going to be soggy doggy walks but luckily not. Looks like lovely weather as the week goes on.

    HH, hard to know what’s best in regard to your mum…correct or not to correct. I guess if she gets upset when corrected, then it’s kinder not to.

    Nana, only a pound up! That’s control. Keep up with the fasts this week and it will disappear again!

    Dave, I’m not surprised the speedway was cancelled! I saw an item on the news from Oldham I think and it was bouncing down.
    Poor Heidi. Definitely showing signs of aging now.

    Jean, how is Oreo? The cameras are well worth it to keep an eye on our furry ones! With work how it is, Tara can be on her own for approx 5 hours, occasionally longer but having the camera gives us peace of mind she’s fine. What do you mean when you say it’s set for 45 secs?

    Hemmy, is the painting finished now? Is Kristy due to visit soon?

    Are the newbies still here?

    Minols, good luck with the move.

    Going to try and get some sleep but Neil and Tara šŸ• are both snoring!

    Not sure if to fast again tomorrow and then again Thurs and Friday.

    I notice there is a different format for the F1 this weekend including a sprint quali on Saturday with the standard quali on Fri…interesting!

    Kay x

    Good morning up early couldn’t sleep.Denise lost 6lbs last week, don’t know how she does it. It never stopped raining yesterday so hopefully it will be a better day today.Had a good fast day yesterday,cobs todayšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.Got Heidi up do we can have an early walk for a change.

    Morning all!
    Kay- well done with your FD, good you’re back into it, I’m trying for more 800cal days this week too, today is day 2. Good you can leave Tara a bit longer & keep an eye on her! (With Mum, it’s silly petty things aunt corrects her on, like what mum was wearing, holidays they did, food etc, & aunt’s often wrong anyway! šŸ˜¬)
    Hemmy- hope you got the glossing done- it’s such a pain & takes so long to dry, & always gets dog hairs on it anyway!
    Dave- shame about the bowling, & the speedway! Hope your FD went okay? Cobs today?
    Jean- hope it stays dry for your boules today…no need to ask about your FD, you’re always strong!
    Where are the Newbies?!
    My fd was good yesterday, did pop to Mum’s & she was a bit huffy, especially as I didn’t want cake! Aunt going home today. The boys pie really made my mouth water though, tried a new soya meat thing in it, smelt lovely, so will do that again on a nonfd! I had salad!
    It’s Xena’s 3rd birthday today! Waiting for the others to get up for her walk & presents! She can have steak too…

    Morning everyone. Well the forecasted rain here never happened yesterday sounds like Dave and Jean had it instead. Happy birthday to Xena Hedgehogs.
    Minols hope the move goes well sad to leave old friends but also exciting to be starting a new adventure.
    Hemmy hope you get the glossing finished today. We don’t have gloss anywhere indoors because the smell of it makes me sick together with a horrendous headache. I’m fine once it’s dried and the smell no longer lingers.
    Update on my neighbours dog is they’ve found a tumour on his spleen bless him his heart and lungs are good so they’re going forward with an operation.
    FD for me today.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

    I got the last 2 cobs,very tastyšŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹.rest day today then bowling Wednesday Thursday and Friday.Good luck with the boules Jean.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its a funny day hot sun then it goes very dark.

    Just having a mindful day with food as if I go alcohol free my weight is good. 25 days today lol

    Having a good clean through today as I need to get all shopping done tomorrow as our roads will be geared up for Silverstone. I am not sure when the campers start coming if its Wednesday or Thursday. Traffic and the helicopters overhead its best staying at home. lol

    Kay .. well done on your fasts and well done for the loss last week. Hopefully you will crack that 2lbs this week. All gloss done thank goodness. Kristy coming for a week from 26th Hopefully I wont be lead astray. lol

    HH.. Happy Birthday Xena I hope there are lots of treats which I am sure there are and extra spoiling ,

    It s hard when Mums get older trying to make their lives happy ones .. not always easy though as they can get very awkward at times when they get a bee in their bonnet about something. . You do ever so well though.

    Brads .. Glad you got your cobs I love them.. lol Lots of games for you to look forward too. Well done to Denise for losing 6lbs.

    Nana.. You are so right about that smell it gave me a headache and got on my nerves. lol The first time for gloss but everyone told me it lasts longer hopefully they are right.

    Well done only putting 1 lb on you will soon ditch that this week .

    Minois .. Look after yourself with all the upheaval .. home and job.

    Sym… What happened about that Guy at the boules giving the extra attention.. I am sort of having a bit of a problem with a friends hubby .. its so hard and and a bit childish I am thinking.. Good luck with your game today.

    Take care all .,, good luck Fasters

    When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another ā€“ and ourselves. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A good fast day yesterday..gone astray a bit todayā€¦

    Nearly a two hour walk this morning, doing my new route met up with a lady and she showed me a new way and extended our walk which was nice. Charlie was a good boy today very reactive since he was attacked and had his face ripped, played with the spaniel very gently. I have him on the lead a lot more.

    Boules was good won one and lost one, all very close. Then to cafe for coffee and cake.

    We have that problem with our boules very slippy when wetā€¦Denise has done well to move 6 lbs ..I wish šŸ˜‚

    You are doing very well very focused at the moment.
    My camera you set, I have changed it to 30 secs, then it stops if he moves again it starts again, I think he was restless and waiting for me, listening and not settledā€¦he moved 6 times in 3 hours but he was fineā€¦when I went out today he stayed down stairs he must not like the camerašŸ˜‚

    Itā€™s hard with them isnā€™t it, you never know what to say..sis had a bee in her bonnet as she had no electricity her son had disconnected her bit oh the house for his music room he needed more power, he forgot to put it back on and he went to work. She had no tv, phone, toaster or kettle, I have had this for two days now for at least 30 mins each day, repeating her selfā€¦itā€™s so hard, she gets upset as he is so untidy too.
    Happy 3rd Birthday to Xena šŸŽ‚

    Hope the doggy has his operation and itā€™s a success itā€™s a worry..

    Bryan wasnā€™t here today heā€™s having a cataract operation on Friday and is in isolation..he seems to have calmed down, hopefully ..I think heā€™s lonely..I just donā€™t want it..
    Good the painting is finishedā€¦you are live near Silverstone, Natalie is going up Thursday to camp as sheā€™s working there, Oreo has dislocated his leg, he is much better today she will let me know if I am having him tomorrow, he will come to me Thursday evening till Sundayā€¦I must be mad!!šŸ˜‚
    Nice to be having Kirsty up to see youā€¦she will get you naughty!! Out shopping etc

    Have a nice evening..the weathers coming nice againā€¦

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    Walk across the fields this morning, a good walk but Charlie must have been slow his Fitbit shows a lot less than me!!ā€¦if heā€™s sluggish it downs his exercise maybe heā€™s tired or warmā€¦

    Oreo is staying at home but I am taking him out for two morning walks..I think itā€™s best, he is on lead walks until his leg is better.

    I might try for a fast day today and tomorrow before Tony arrives, staying for Friday and Saturday, we will go out for a meal, snacks etc..

    Have we lost the new people itā€™s gone all quiet in their cornerā€¦

    Jean x

    Jean, glad that Oreo is staying at home. It would have been a worry and hard work trying to stop them from playing.

    Quite humid out there at the moment but the sun is starting to come out. Just out to pick up prescription and Neil is calling into surf shop to get them to check out his wet suit. I will grab a few bits from Sains hopefully which will save us going to Morrisons as the roads are very busy.

    2 good b2b fasts so going to enjoy a more relaxed day today then 2 more Thu and Fri with weigh in on Saturday.

    Happy hump day all.

    Kay x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    What a beautiful day it looks to being warmer for the weekend.. and the race. .

    Just come back from town .. all quiet on the roads at the moment .

    Sym… I am about 25 minutes from Silverstone. .. On the borders of 4 counties Oxfordshire .. Buckinghamshire .. Northamptonshire . Warwickshire… I can be over the border of all of them between 15 -30 minutes lol So its quite handy .. Cotswolds on our doorstep too.

    Kay .. you are doing so well.. fingers crossed for you on Saturday.

    I have some prawns and a crusty Roll /cob tonight with some fruit. I find I am cooking less every week. Getting lazy lolol. Mindful day tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely day ..

    To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is NOT a brilliant mind that speaks but a SPECIAL HEART that LISTENS. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone- didn’t have time to post this morning as we didn’t wake up until just after eight and we leave just after nine to cycle up to the guided busway bus stop to get the bus to visit daughter,son in law and grand dog Poppy before then catching another bus into St Ives to meet up with our friends for lunch. We tried a pub new to us and we all agreed it was good. I had a lovely prawn sandwich and two glasses of wine then on the bus again to where we left our bikes and then cycled home. Still feeling full so probably won’t be eating anything else so a lowish day calorie wise .It’s lovely and warm here today 25Ā°C here at the moment. Off to Ely tomorrow as usual.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, bowling was good,I played an 87 year old bloke,I was 16-9 down but can’t back strong to win 21-20.Second time in a week I have done that. Very warm here.

    Good morning everyone,a beautiful sunny day here.Bowling at 1-30 so shorts on today.And sun cream, forgot it yesterday šŸ™„. Trying another fast day today after doing Monday and Wednesday.Hemmy sounds like you live in a lovely part of England.I am so jealous.

    Hi Everyone

    Bit of a disappointment after having been really good for 6 weeks n Saturday to find I haven’t lost much weight. A very little from the waist which happened quickly is all. Can’t understand why when I have not cheated apart from one day (my birthday) when I had veggie curry and rice. Someone I know started a week after me and has lost 1/2 a stone. I’m trying not to be downhearted.

    Xena and Oreo are great names!

    Alannah- that’s so hard, you’ve been really strict…I do have to fight for every pound too, so I know how it feels. We do notice on here that there’s no rhyme or reason- you can have a good week & not lose, then have a whoosh & lose a couple the next…
    Jean- good that Oreo isn’t coming to you really, hope he’s good on the walks- are you taking him separately or with Charlie? Extra exercise?! Will be nice to have Tony to stay, any jobs lined up for him?
    Dave- well done with the bowls, & hope your FD goes well, you’re good cramming 3 in…
    Hemmy- good idea to get everything sorted before the weekend then! I love the cotswolds…you’re doing well with no alcohol, don’t blame you not cooming much, salad’s are nice anyway…
    Nana- busy days fof you again! You’re so good just having the one meal when you go out, I couldn’t do that!
    Had a nonFD yesterday, was doing 2 800cal days then but we have the evening to ourselves tomorrow so a takeaway is called for! Hoping for a 500csl fd today.

    Afternoon All..
    My fast day which I was doing as an extra yesterday didnā€™t happen..this hot weather makes me eatā€¦.

    A good walk and met up with everybody a very chatty morning..poor Charlieā€¦

    A busy morning getting ready for Tony heā€™s coming in the morning for a couple of days. He was helping with Oreo but we are only doing two walks now he is not staying at our house, we will have a dog each. His dislocated leg is much better but Charlie and Oreo play hard so a lead walk for Oreo. His grandad his sitting with him heā€™s 83 and not good on his legs.

    So very hot yesterday I was drippingā€¦and er eating and vodka with tonic šŸ˜¬ā€¦so my extra fd didnā€™t happen.

    What a pretty area you live so easy to cross the borders, shopping in all directions….a busy weekend with F1 still itā€™s going to be very hot..a garden day?ā€¦might be too hot for meā€¦

    You always seem to have lots of family/friends days itā€™s so nice, ours is such a small familyā€¦our friends are so scattered too far for me to drive and so different when you are on your own.

    Get the sun cream on and those shorts..I have mine on these last few weeksā€¦chatting this morning lots of snakes about someone saw 4ā€™ Grass Snake also thereā€™s Adders on the canal side, makes me nervous as I go down the side of fields/ river sides/ canals/ fishing ponds..I think I need wellies and trousers on !
    You are getting much better at the bowling thatā€™s really good, as they say practice makes perfect šŸ˜€

    How much do you want to loose? It will make a difference. Have a re think on what you are eating, check your calories. Is there anything what needs changing. Keep at it, itā€™s the best ever way of loosing and keeping it off but it is slow not a quick fix.

    Tony is having Charlie and I shall have Oreo when walking. Thing is Charlie is usually off the lead but he likes to take charge of him generally he always takes him off me….itā€™s quite funny really. We will walk out together, no jobs for Tony!!
    Enjoy your takeaway in, do you not fancy going to a pub/ restaurant for a change, I have booked a meal out on Friday evening. Just for something to do, Tony talks football a lot, not the easiest person to talk too, usually me talkingā€¦.even I run outā€¦.he does like walkingā€¦

    Cup of coffee time.. a good fast day up to nowā€¦..itā€™s funny how Monday and Thursday are non negotiable I am always fineā€¦..if I throw another day in or change my fd, I find it so hard….odd reallyā€¦

    Jean x

    Hi Jean

    I want to lose 2 stones. I’ve been weighing and calorie counting. Started on the 5:2, based on 800 calories on non-fast days and 500 on two fast days a week. After a few weeks moved to 800 a day. I think I’ll go back to 500 x 2 days and minimal carbs on non-fast days. 800 doesn’t seem to suit me.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx
    A lovely day with a nice breeze too. A pleasant walk this morning.

    Just going to mow .. lawns seem to have really grown this week. On Cat duty today plus green house watering as a neighbour is away over overnight … both in a fishing competition.
    I have really upped my water the past few weeks and notice i dont feel so hungry now. Weight staying really good.

    It will be a month tomorrow with no alcohol at all. I am sooo very chuffed about it. It was my trigger .

    Brads… good luck with the game today..and your Fast.

    Alannah .. I think its just trial and error with this 5-2 the main thing being to adjust it to suit you. Everyone being different .
    I would just start basic.. 2 old fashioned 500 days and then just be mindful of what you eat for the rest…
    If you know you have a downfall of any kind … bread .. sweets /cakes maybe just allow a treat on certain days.. ( I always had Sat-Sun easy going days. ) I know lots fast on a Monday.. but always found it easier Tues and Thursday … Monday to ease back into it then Fast Tuesday .. again Thursday and always weighed in day Friday.
    I know we all think differently but I do think weighing in between really keeps me on my toes . lol Good luck .. xx

    HH.. you deserve your take away or someone else to cook for you .. you work so hard.

    Sym … it sounds a busy weekend for you and its going to be a hot one by the forecast..

    I have lived in the area all my life .. funny as I always wanted to retire by the sea. Maybe I still might one day. lol

    Nana .. you are soo active .. I dont know how you do it. You do so well keeping pounds at bay .

    Kay .. how is your day going Xxxx

    Have a good fast day fasters …

    We wouldnā€™t worry so much about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do. Xxxx

    800 way of life didnā€™t suit me.. I like the 2 x 500.. I always have Fridays off which is my morning weekly weigh in.. fish and chips, alcohol, cake a bit if what you fancy, A carrot to aim for as a treat.
    As I am at goal now I have Friday and Saturday off..Sorry..I am just out of goal 1 lb up and watching it. I have held my own for two years always a bit up or down or nearly goal.. itā€™s been the hardest time. I feel quite stable now.. I have lost 30 lbs / 32lbs ish

    Yes I have a busy two days and no boules, I do like going, never mind itā€™s only one match missing and different company. Tony misses Steve they spoke every day he is on his own too.. he looks after me maybe Steve asked him too I donā€™t know, he would help me with anything I couldnā€™t do. He is a bit quiet sometimes hard to chat too, it was fine last time he came talking about Steve a lot.. I usually left them both to chat, doings menā€™s talk..
    Busy for you too looking after two gardens and green house. Kirsty will be coming to see you soon something to look forward too..

    Walk time soon itā€™s a bit hot, I think a breeze at the front I am in a secluded bit, might not be so bad.

    Food has just passed my head šŸ˜‚ not a bad day

    Jean x

    Jean, gosh, 30lb – well done you!

    Just lost a long postšŸ˜” shortened version it’s roasting,I bet I lost weight bowling today.Got the fan on too keep cool. I won at bowling 21-18, always get good value on my games šŸ˜.

    Evening everyone no hot sunny weather here today but looks like it’s going to be warming up over the next few days šŸ¤žBBQ’s will be on the agenda for the next few days.
    A lovely visit to Ely today and lovely to see my elderly Aunt and Uncle a few more people about than last week and there were a few more stalls on the market.
    We are lucky to have our family and friends all living close by – oh was talking about wanting to move down to the coast but I talked him out of it as I didn’t want to move away from everyone.
    Well done to those of you who’ve managed a FD today my next one will be on Saturday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hello from Scotland! Iā€™m just wondering what days are best to weigh yourself on the 5:2? Iā€™ve chosen Monday and Thursdays as my fast days! Thanks! šŸ™‚

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