Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening everyone pleased to say my 2nd fd has gone well as I managed to keep myself busy all day which was good. Might be brave and weigh myself tomorrow morning. Jean it’s nice to be starting up our social life again isn’t it. Just need to be careful now until my next fd on Monday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A brighter day but no sun as yet. More on the way tomorrow.

    An early for me 7.30am walk this morning .. I must be getting set in my ways lol as I really didn’t like the change of routine.

    Feeling all out of zinc today… I m constantly saying to others “Oh just go with the flow” but I dont care for it myself.. lol

    Just having an easy day today while with no car till later .. usually dropped of when they go home.

    Sym .. hope the meeting with the biscuits went well .. maybe a nice little group will form out of it.
    Its good for you getting out and about with people .. I was so glad that Kristy was back home when Andrew passed over although she was working with F! and all over the world. Came back between races It really was something to focus on at that time. Thats what you need in early days .. Well done you for getting out there and not being a moaning poor me. Xx

    Nana … Did you brave it and weigh this morning Lol .. hopefully good news for you and if not so good you will soon sort that out.

    Alannah .. How is it going today…. Did you say you were veggie. I dont eat much meat these days .. just fish and chicken really .. as all vegetarian things seem to taste the same to me. We have a lovely pasty shop in town and last week I didnt fancy the steak ones so had a veggie one .. but there again to me there seemed like something missing leaving me not satisfied somehow. Probably just me. lol

    HH ..What are you doing today .. how is Mum . is it one of the days you see her today.
    You need some sunshine to sit in your new Arbour hopefully it will be back again soon. Are you doing 800 today or is it a free day.

    Have a good day everyone

    We don’t need a perfect life, We just want to be happy, surrounded by good friends and family who love us for who we are.. Xxxx

    Evening all!
    Just realised I didn’t post again yesterday- too busy stuffing my face 😱
    Alannah- good the waist is a bit smaller, think we might be the same shape! Although my backside is big too! You sound like you’re being really strong keeping at 800 cals or under!
    Jean- the baking group sounds lovely, hopefully some new friends for you! You’re very brave ☺
    Dave- enjoy your holiday!
    Kay & Nana- well done with b2b fds, & fitting it in with a social life too!
    Hemmy- hope your car was okay. I’m usually out that time with Xena, she doesn’t like it if it’s too warm…well done keeping off the alcohol!
    Minols- hope you’re packibg & sorting is going okay!
    Mum has a couple of busy days so haven’t seen her. Haircuts again- we have new clippers 😞 Mixed results with son trying new vegan recipes, I’ve liked everything though! He has finally looked at some recipes he’d like to try though. It’s pretty hard though as he’s aiming for 4000cals per day, whereas for me I think it was an 800 cal day- finished off a couple of falafels with salad tonight, & had a taster of a veg pie I made him.
    Have a good evening!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A decent day with some sunshine and nice temp for working.

    Car passed MOT and he didn’t do a full service as not many miles done since last year. lol

    Just going mowing..I am doing an 800 ay today should keep my weight within goal hopefully.

    HH.. I hope your recipes work out well and tasty .. Its good your Mum is busy and a little break knowing she is ok.

    Have a good day everyone what ever you are doing ..

    There’s nothing easy about realizing we are the one that’s been holding ourselves back the whole time. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A busy day, walking Charlie, car cleaning inside and out it’s like a dog kennel and smells like it too 😂, cleaning the drive and path around the side of the house..
    Sat outside very nice here…trying to fade my hair colour….after about 58 years of colouring my hair I am going grey gracefully…

    I am fasting today, going better than Monday not hungry today…

    Yes the social life is busy nearly too busy for it 😂…but it’s nice….

    The baking club..was maybe not…just 8 of us, talking recipes about all food, passing tips and having tea. Next month we are meeting up at someone’s house and having afternoon tea, 4 of us are taking things, me a quiche, 3 others lemon drizzle, cream scones and sandwiches .. a different theme each month I think..quite nice really.
    Andrew and Steve we will both miss them a lot..Steve told me to get out and meet people but it’s hard..better of late.
    Glad the car was fine and it passed always a worry if they find something..

    Hair cuts seem to come around quick…4000 cals what a lot for a growing lad, we wish 😂

    Walk again shortly a small one at this time about 40 mins…

    Jean x

    Hedgehogs – the bum is small but the belly is big, alas! I was hoping it might be the first thing to deflate, but not yet.

    Hemmy, it must be hard to diet when you’re in baking club! Yes, I am vegan. It’s not easy for me to eat out as peppers and avocado – staples for veggie options in restaurants – make me ill and I hate coconut. Love most veggies, though. I’m missing pasta, rice, pastry, bread… all the carbs, but eating a lot of greens and other good things.

    Jean- you are doing very well getting out & meeting people, very brave! Glad your FD was easier…sounds like you had a very busy day!
    Hemmy- good the car was okay! Enjoy the mowing!
    Alannah- hopefully all your hard work will pay off with the belly. Shame you can’t eat peppers & avocado, what are you eating now, salads?
    Have eaten too much again today, picking too much on nonFDs! Had our asda delivery, rang HS family, saw Mum this afternoon & took her to tidy Dad’s stone. She’s very chuffed with the bench, so we had to sit there for ages!
    Will hopefully manage a FD tomorrow!

    Hi all!
    FD going okay, extra long walk with Xena, nipped into our little local town for some bits & presents, so have been busy. Did a vegan burger for son- had said it was the nicest meal he’d had which was.a bit annoying as I’ve spent quite a while cooking nice healthy things over the last week! Seeing Mum this afternoon- another lovely day & she just wants to stay in & play a game again 😬

    Hedgehogs, yes, salads and lots of steamed or roasted or grilled vegetables. Hard to cook with so little oil. Four weeks tomorrow. I found hard going for the first time this week. Yesterday I was hungry all day and had no energy. I’m going to have a break and eat some carbs today and maybe stick to 5:2 for a week before trying the 800 kick-start again.

    I can understand how you felt about the ‘best meal ever’ comment when you have been cooking lovely heath meals all week!

    Evening All…
    Walked Charlie this morning around the village. Found a new canal walk this evening with two reservoirs, only 10 mins drive away never knew about it.
    I went out to lunch with a work colleague I haven’t seen for about 6 years we do text, so it was a chatty lunch.

    Scales were a pound up this week I am now out of goal, two meals out and my bakery club of eating loads of biscuits proved just too much…must pull my socks up.

    I am not keen on veggies so no good for me!!..I am sure your belly is not that big!

    Too warm to be doing games inside, hope you enjoyed it….
    Tried to get my sister to meet me and another friend for a meal out but she won’t drive and meet us, only 20 mins away, but she down, depressed, fed up and doesn’t go anywhere, she won’t go to coffee mornings in her village as they are all too old, she’s 78!!..she has no petrol in the car and she can’t fill it up!..she won’t spend money..she is getting worse, all excuses. I just go down and sit in her dark house..I think I have to except it.

    Boules and cafe tomorrow weather permitting..no wonder the pounds are going on…😂

    Jean x

    Evening everyone from a naughty Nana whose not been posting as much as she should. Will try to do better.
    Not been too bad a week foodwise and managed b2b Monday and Tuesday but not through choice but it fitted in with events for this week. Can’t remember if I posted that I’m going to make my fds Monday and Saturday as Thursday won’t work for me anymore due to starting up our visits to Ely again and enjoying a breakfast whilst there plus visiting my elderly Aunt and Uncle who insist on giving us cakes and biscuits. Unfortunately this Saturdays fd won’t happen because we’re having a meal at our local pub with some of our neighbours which is why I had to do Tuesday instead.
    Have been to our friends for our usual Friday get together and my turn to drive so no alcohol as yet. Collected a nice Indian takeaway on the way home.
    Hope everyone is keeping okay and enjoy the rest of the day and stay safe. Will be back Monday so have a good weekend everyone.
    Nanak x

    Good evening everyone, my last day on holiday, I have piled the pounds on so lots of hard work to be done starting next week.

    Hi FBBs .. hope all is well with you .

    A showery day with thunder storms forecast hopefully they will miss us.

    I had a good week and still well within maintenance level.. so very happy with that.

    Had an early walk .. went into town this morning and met for coffee and cake with an old school friend .. lost her hubby 6 months ago very sudden so still all very raw.

    Very much looking forward to the game this evening .. not really a footie fan but very patriotic lolol … Come on England.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing

    When we Support Each Other, Incredible Things Happen…Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone,back home from holiday,5 hour drive so feeling tired.But got to stay awake for the football tonight. Heidi was very pleased to see me, she keeps looking up to make sure I’m still here😁♥️.

    Evening All..
    I am not a footie fan but I will be semi watching it this evening…

    Boules was off due to the rain so we went for a chatty lunch at the cafe…

    Supposed to be thundery but very warm and humid even blue skies so I think we have missed it..we were on stand by for about 6 hours even took Charlie out early so he didn’t miss his walk….

    Glad to have you back..you must have been busy…your social life taking off again…

    Hope you feel relaxed after your holiday and Heidi was pleased to see you. A long drive 5 hours..

    Well done keeping in maintaining zone..unfortunately I am now a pound out..I really must try, lots of meals and lunches out, it makes it hard.
    Nice you met up with your friend, you feel lost at times….I am feeling much better, still have odd off days occasionally.

    Come on England 🤞

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Again rain overnight but a lovely dry sunny day here.

    What a brilliant football result Well Done England.

    Brads .. good you are back safe .. hopefully had a lovely holiday .. I bet Heidi was thrilled to see you.

    Sym… you are doing so very well being really brave and getting on with life for you and Charlie . Its the only way to go. Xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day a few treats for me lol… Day 16 of no alcohol so feeling pleased with my self. lol

    Take care all…

    We need to Focus on the step in front of us, not the whole staircase Xxxx

    Dave- good that Heidi missed you! I’m sure you enjoyed the footie?! Will you try to get back into 5:2 or 800 cal days next week?
    Heemy- well done staying in maintenance, enjoy those treats! You’re doing well without the alcohol, very strong! Hope it went okay with your friend. Does Pips get scared of storms? I’m not a big footie fan either but did watch last night’s match 😀
    Jean- nice that you could still all meet up without the boules! Good to find another walk, I try to vary ours as Xena gets bored! Shame about your sister- Mum was too nervous to fill up with petrol- I did tell her if she couldn’t cope with that it was time to give up…
    Nana- you sound so busy! Very nice to do all the socialising, especially after the last year, I hope you can make it work so you still lose! When was the wedding you’re aiming for?
    Alannah- good idea to have a break for a day, you’ve done really well! I love roasted veg rather than steamed- just a tiny wipe of oil on the dish…hope you do okay with a 5:2 week.
    Yesterday disappeared- including making a new recipe vegan chocolate silk pie, which turned out to be the most amazing dessert ever! Did some gardening but cut my finger again, so had to abandon that! Today was busy too- had a very long walk with Xena as we tried a new route, & met lots of people with big puppies- Xena was very well behaved! Tried a new recipe for quesadillas which went down well & then a keema madras tonight which was quite nice too- youngest has finally looked up a few recipes he’d like me to try. It is not helping the weight 😱 (But fun!)
    Have a good evening everyone ☺

    Morning everyone, have decided to come on here in the mornings before I start my day as I tend to start doing things and forget. We had a very nice meal with our neighbours at our local pub on Saturday night and the atmosphere was great because of the ⚽️ being shown outside in a Marquee. Oh & I aren’t into football so we left them there and came home.
    Plenty of wine for me Hemmy.
    Fd for me today and good luck to those of you also fasting today.
    Be back tomorrow and hope everyone keeps okay and stays safe.
    Nana x

    Symba – it’s the size of medium hippopotamus.
    Hedgehogs – yes, the break was a good idea. I felt better after it and had a fast day with no real hunger. One month down and a long way to go before I can get out my size 12 jeans….

    Good morning everyone,back to fasting again.Going to try 3 fast days this week if I can. Will take Heidi out while the rain as stopped then it’s bowling this afternoon.

    Morning All…
    A lovely morning walk with a very wet finish completely both drenched…!!

    Charlie has caught his snout near his wet black nose..quite concerned taking him to the vets to put my mind at rest…it’s like a flap as big as your small finger nail, all curling up at the edges, not bleeding just don’t know what’s the best to do, might he glue it?..I think he’s a bit offish…

    I am fasting today… going to do a bit of hoovering and dusting to keep me busy…chicken salad this evening.

    Thanks for your thoughts..it’s hard, keeping busy I think is the answer, in the house or catching up with people..
    Well done on 16 days no alcohol..I am enjoying a drink with my meals but not every time..a bottle of wine lasts all week.

    I have a few walk ideas, but I like to keep them about a hour much more is too much for my feet or my aching bottom of my spine were I fell…I like the idea about petrol..if you can’t fill you are not fit to drive….
    Lots of new food ideas the chocolate one sounded nice…

    You do well to loose weight on your social scene, it’s a hard balancing act..

    You are funny 😂..you look as if you are getting into the fasting well…

    All back on board…three fasts good luck…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A lovely day sunny with a nice breeze.

    Today we rolled again .. yuk .. just hoping Friday when its Vets yearly checkup it doesn’t happen again. lolo

    Lovely to see everyone back and on the ball again. Xx

    HH… That baking sounds delicious what a very lucky family you have.

    Nana .. lol glad you had my share of the wine too .. I do miss it but was drinking too much and feel more energetic not having any at all. ..

    Brads.. Good luck on your 3 Fasts are you cutting all bread/cobs out again.

    Alannah… You are in a good frame of mind … you can do this …size 12 jeans here you come.

    Sym… That is brilliant a bottle of wine lasting a week. My friend is the same.lol I drink it far to quickly and in big glasses lolol..
    I am ok now after the first 2 weeks .. I think that will be it this time now. Quite enjoying Cranberry and tonic water. lol. ( Kristy for a week at the end of the month ) !!!!

    Have a good day Fasters .. be mindful everyone else.

    Our beliefs affect our choices. Our choices shape our actions. Our actions determine our results. The future we create depends upon the choices we make and the actions we take today. Xxxx

    Back from bowling, the sun came out so the green was very slow at first but became fast as the day went on. I won so am happy.60 calories so far so going well. I will cut down on the bread possibly cut it out for most of the week.

    Good evening, watching speedway on the telly.I won a close game at bowls, so been a good day.450 calories so far today but a cuppa or 2 to add. Been a good fast day.

    FD for me, nearer 800 cals one though! Kept busy seeing mum- went round at 7.30 when a repair man came round for her dishwasher- honestly, just her, she does so little cooking but she’s been so hard done by doing her washing up for the last week! Then back to see her this afternoon- helped her with her online shopping, lucky as she’d missed lots off, my aunt is coming in a few days to stay! A vegan shepherds pie made for dinner- a hit with me (& Xena!), not so much with the boys!

    A good fast day for me! Aiming for another one tomorrow!
    Did 4 last week and that saw some of those pesky pounds off but then I relaxed on Saturday and Sunday!

    Hemmy well done on ditching the alcohol! I’ve managed to restrict it and have alcohol free days…

    Jean, a bottle of wine lasting all week….lol…I’m with Nana!!

    Alannah, I want to get back in those size 12 jeans too!

    Anyone fasting tomorrow….join me!

    Morning everyone a horrible wet one at the moment hope it clears soon so oh and I can get our walk in. Yesterdays fd went well coming in at 680 calories but I almost caved in as one of our neighbours had a 40th birthday party under a marquee in their garden on Saturday night and they brought around a large piece of the birthday cake each for oh and myself yesterday afternoon. Oh ate his but I put mine away to have today but the thought of it drove me crazy last night.
    Will enjoy it today though with no feelings of guilt. Sounds like the rest of us are being good. We’ve got this.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Well done on resisting the cake Nana..enjoy it later.

    Pouring down here so not sure what to do with the day. Need to keep busy as it’s a FD.

    Good luck to anyone else fasting. Just focus on today and use those calories wisely.


    I can’t decide if I should have cobs today or not.I had a very good fast day yesterday,under 600 calories.Doing fast days Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week, definitely no bread on fast days.I think I will leave in in the hands of God.If there are cobs there I will buy them if they have sold out then I obviously won’t be having them.

    The cobs were there so I have just scoffed 2 of them. Delicious.Wet again just for a change. Bowling the next 3 days from fasting tomorrow.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A decent day until now its very dark and raining .

    Doing a mindful day today .. yesterday I weened myself off of sweet stuff. Just the sandwich lunch and fruit the evening meal and fruit. .. Day 18 no Alcohol and not missing that 6pm glass. lol

    Feeling quite energetic today .. lol long may it last .. lots todo in my garden.

    I try to trim big shrubs back straight away when they have flowered helps me keep in control of them. Just have to then get a guy to trim back conifers in Oct when they have stopped their growth. lol

    Brads .. Dont cut too much out else it gets boring .. enjoy your cobs as part of this way of life.

    Alannah .. How is it going for you today.

    HH… Oh bless your Mum .. I bet she does keep you all entertained ..A nice bit of extra time for you when your Aunt comes to stay.

    Kay.. Good luck with your Fast Day .. hopefully your weather is improved now.

    Nana .. Oh well done with that cake.. was it the fruit kind or sponge either is lovely.

    Sym… Did you take Charlie to the vet .. how is his nose now. They seem to have everything happen to them at once.
    You are doing so well keeping very positive. Xx

    Have a good day everyone Fasting or Mindful

    Lets all get started now. With each step we take together , we will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful. Yay Xxxx

    Evening All…
    A very busy day…a long walk this morning, I do feel it, the boys shattered they do have fun..tomorrow meeting up again…

    The weather has said heavy rain for three days not seen much at all…I went early to boules played for over two hours good games..lost one, won two, won 1/2 a game due to weather….6 of us went to cafe for coffee and cake it’s getting quite social…

    A shorter walk this evening….

    You are right on the ball at the moment very focussed ..good on the alcohol.
    Charlie saw the vet…he picked off the scab off his nose😫..he thought he has scraped it and took the top layer of skin off his nose then it stuck back to his nose..he looked at his dog bite of last week took the scab off that 😫. Makes me cringe…inflamed nose and wet scar so he got antibiotics, said dog bites can be iffy…both scars look a lot better.

    Good you got your cobs, I think a few treats are nice to have…

    Well done on the cake…very hard to resist when you know it’s there…chocolate flapjack for me today worth every calorie!!

    Lot of work cleaning the kitchen..keeps you busy and out of mischief 😂

    A few pounds can soon make your jeans a bit tight…as I know 😂

    Jean x

    Evening all!
    Jean- hope Charlie’s okay, sounds ouchie! Good you got to play boules, & company on your walk…
    Dave- well done getting stuck into your FD yesterday, & sounds like you bowled well today!
    Kay- well done yesterday & today, are you having a break tomorrow?
    Nana- you did well resisting that cake! 😀 😇
    Hemmy- hope you got the gardening done, lots of pruning here to do as well, the clematis is going wild!
    Alannah- hope you can get stuck back into 5:2 okay…you’ll soon be in those jeans!
    Having helped Mum with her shopping yesterday & asked her if she wanted things, which she said no to, she’s been texting all day asking if I can get her them when we go shopping! Quite worried about the neighbours, he’s not been shopping for a week, but says he doesn’t need anything,made them a dinner today so at least they’ve had something! Have done hair cuts again, a long soggy walk with Xena, cooking & online shopping but not much else, Xena’s birthday in a week so have got her some presents! Fasting tomorrow…

    Morning everyone another dull morning here at the moment. I thoroughly enjoyed my piece of cake and am glad I didn’t cave in and eat it on my fd. Off out for lunch today in Cambridge with my sister and my brother in law and a another couple of friends that we’ve not seen since February of last year. This is instead of our usual Weds meet up with our other friends. Will try to eat sensibly though.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Thank you for the encouragement, Hedgehogs and Hemmy. Yesterday was a good fd. It will be 5 weeks on Saturday, so a week after that I’ll weigh myself and hope for a noticeable loss.

    Nana, well done on your strong resistance of cake temptation!

    Jean, true, especially if your poundage faces front. I tried Spanx to pull in the belly beast, but it defeated them – made the top fold over, adding another hideous roll so I looked fatter than ever!

    Good morning,Alannah I have decided my next weigh-in will be Christmas week.I always loose more if I don’t get weighed very often.I can see some of the girls on here shuddering, they are on and off the scales all week😂.It just works for me. It’s good to have day off now and again and with not getting weighed each week I can have a day or two off,eat chocolate and other naughty stuff.Fast day today then bowling.Just got a message from there mixed bowling team saying the game on Friday night bowling is cancelled due to the pub where we was due to play having problems with covid.

    Hi All,

    I’ve just started the whole 5:2 fasting route and am really pleased with how I’m feeling at the moment.

    20 years ago I was 135kg, (not good!) and eventually through a mix of diets and exercise got to a steady 115kg for a number of years. 6 years ago I managed to get down to 103kg and that was superb. Unfortunately due to the nature of my work I’ve piled back up and peaked last summer at 121kg.

    I’d heard about this and just fobbed it off as faddish, recently though my old fella had a heart attack and I decided I’d had enough and needed to make a change. So I started!

    I’m now a week in and I’m on my 4th fast day. My god, what a difference in a week, not only physically but in mind as well. I’ve not weighed in and I’ve promised my wife that I won’t until I’ve been doing it for three weeks, but I can already feel the difference.

    The fasting hasn’t been an issue so far and I’m saving for just the evening meal to take the edge off, but I do live with soda water and lemon/lime in the fridge on fast days. This may change as I get further in, (I hope I can keep my resolve on it), but my aim is to get down to a good 99kg as I haven’t been sub 100kg in 23 years.

    I’ve got a seafarers medical in 4 weeks so I’ll see if I can impress the doc with my weight loss then!!

    Brads, it will be my first weigh-in after 6 weeks. I won’t be doing it too often in case it is dispiriting. Sad news about your pub. I hope you can find another venue.

    Hello CaptAndy. Sounds like you got off to a flying start. Keeping hydrated is a good idea. I’m fairly new, too, and everyone has been very supportive, so you’ve come to a good place.

    It’s not my pub Alannah just where we was going to play. Got slaughtered today in the rain as well😲. Andy your 19 stone is my target weight to start of with. No good on metric system,too old😃

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Showers today … just come back from town managed to miss them.

    Welcome Capt Andy … Sounds like you are off to a good start. Its a good way of life as you can do it to suit you. No one even realises you are on a diet as such.
    Good luck this week … you can do this.

    Brads … On and off the scales all week … this one is on and off twice a day lolol.

    I have some lovely king prawns and crusty bread to eat while watching the game this evening … Plus Cranberry juice and tonic water Will fast tomorrow lol Day 19 no alcohol.


    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.

    Keep doing everything that you did when you were younger takes a little bit longer but get it done and stay positive Xxxx

    Brads, I didn’t think you owned the pub 🙂 I meant the pub you usually go to. Sorry you lost! Better luck next time.

    Evening All..
    A long walk with the boys this morning they are shattered yet again, may see them Friday.
    Messing trying to get some finance sorted out an isa bond, as on line I had to make sure it wasn’t a scam..I am quite happy about it.

    I shall be fasting tomorrow…I am not being very good at the moment I really must pull my socks up..I can’t get my head around it…I have been on this thread for 6 years, usually holidays here and there gives you a break from fasting which due to COVID we have not been having…

    The antibiotics are working very well his face is much better..very reactive to other dogs I think it’s made him worse. Hope you get your mum sorted out with her shopping..I had my sister arguing about Prince Harry becoming king and William not supporting him!! It’s hard going..she watched a programme and altered it all!!

    Hope your trip to Cambridge went well…and you enjoyed your cake..

    Soon will be your weigh in hope it’s a big number 😀

    You are doing really well at bowls, it takes time..

    Capt Andy..
    Fasting is a great way of life, a bit hard at the beginning but it does gets better…I thought a capt of a plane so it’s a ship you are in charge of…
    Keep with us lots of support and we are a friendly bunch…

    Ooo king prawns and crusty bread sounds lovely…our weathers been totally wrong with the forecast..very mixed and caught out with wet walks…

    Jean x

    Well a good win for England.Another good fast day, will do another on Friday.

    Alannah I have never been to the pub that’s closed, they are just a team that are in our league😂.I am playing again today for a different team,never won yet with this team so fingers crossed.A good 2 fast days so far this week and will try another one on Friday.Not a fast day today so got to try and not eat everything in the house.

    Morning All…
    A bright sunny day…across the fields walking today more sedate, just love these mornings…

    I am fasting today. Awaiting a phone call about an Isa Bond then I think outside jobs, grass to cut and a trough of plants need planting, I need shops for a bag of slate and cemetery …see what I get up too..

    I was impressed with Katie my daughter, she’s on holiday two hours drive from the Grand Canyon…hunting down a TV to watch the footy in a small town…the bar had the TV on, a Nottingham couple watching with his England shirt on..just picture no sound, loud music playing..the guy pulled a face and shrugged his shoulders at Katie..she said I will sort it!….she found the owners explained it was a top match as good as the Super Bowl, everybody in England would be watching it, and they must have the sound on…she turned it on, the music off, the full bar was with them all watching it by the end 😂

    Any more fasters today?

    Jean x

    Jean- well done to Katie getting the footie on! Hope you get your jobs done, & have a good FD. Well done tackling the ISA online, braver than me…& glad Charlie’s nose is okay!
    Dave- hope you’re bowling goes well today. & well done for your FDs this week!
    Hemmy- hope you enjoyed the footie & the dinner, sounded lovely!
    Alannah- hope your weigh-in goes well, you’ve worked hard!
    CaptnAndy- hi & welcome! Sounds like you’re finding it easy so far, that’s good! I hope you have good results for your weigh-in for your medical!
    Nana- I keep forgetting to post too! Hope your meal out in Cambridge was lovely!
    Minols- thinking of you & the move!
    Yesterday was a busy day- my car serviced, son’s sold his car so had to pick him up, other son drove it down, he got a really good price for it. Did some shopping on the way home, & an asda order coming today, spent lots this week 😱 FD was very good though- managed a liquid only day! A lovely early walk with Xena, black clouds keep coming over but has stayed dry, so pottered in the garden…Got baking to do tomorrow- aunt’s coming to stay with mum, her birthday’s on Saturday so we’re doing an afternoon tea. So don’t think I’ll manage a FD for the next couple of days!

    Jean, your daughter did well 😀

    Minols, good luck with the move. Hope it’s a great success.

    Hedgehogs, fingers crossed! Fd today – OK so far. Promising myself a nice but low-carb dinner tomorrow. I have resisted buying scales so that to weigh myself I have to go to Boots, which means I won’t keep doing it but will wait for 6 weeks each time. That’s the plan, anyway!

    Afternoon All….

    All going good here just having a coffee…I shall go and see if I can buy some slate for the cemetery to make it tidier..my daughter says there’s a short supply, so must buy before starting to do it.

    Everything seems to be in order for my ISA, I shall go to the bank to transfer funds, I do mobile banking but not sure what to do on transferring money….I did a lot of checks to make sure it wasn’t a scam and who I was talking too, I think he understood but thought I was loopy 😂
    A lot going on with your sons cars but all sorted now. Baking for your Aunt coming at least it will give you a break some what.

    I have Oreo coming for three days and sleeping over as Natalie is working at F1, she struggling as her sitter is on holiday and her mum is going to watch F1…Tony is coming to help me to walk them for two days, I shall try and find a dog walker to help me with Sunday…am I nuts 😱Thursday evening to Sunday evening …3 in the bed and the little one said😂🤣…( that’s next Thursday)

    Hoping all is going well not sure when the move is….is it total chaos!!…hope you have enough room…

    Good idea to use Boots scales, at least you are not tempted to jump on all the time…I like plans…

    A lovely day are you in the garden?..is Mr Pips behaving his self no more rolling do’s..

    Keep strong fasters ..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A lovely day lots of sunshine no rain…

    A lovely walk with a friend I hadn’t seen for a little while so a nice catch up.

    I think it may be grass cutting this afternoon if its not still too wet.

    Well done England what a brilliant result… Nor sure I can stand the excitement on Sunday evening lol.

    HH …well done you on doing a liquid only day .. hoping you get a good result this week.

    Sym… That was good of your daughter to sort that TV .. it would have been a shame to miss the game.

    Being mindful today keeping a steady weight .. 20days No wine.

    Have a good day all
    Life is a journey. We need to give it our best everyday. Staying positive and being with positive people helps Xxxx

    Well done Katie, bowling was good, a lovely sunny day.We are having a round robin at the bowls tomorrow night think it will be mostly women but a few men are going. Not a fast day today but only had 155 calories so far,I tell a lie.I had a chocolate biscuit at the bowling 😱.

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