Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • You are doing it the best way on my opinion.When I have lost the most I only get on the scales once in 6 weeks and sometimes in 2 months.Strugling at the moment,too much stuff going with my daughter.Going on holiday soon so will do a big push after the holidays.

    Good afternoon all

    Sorry for going radio silent I suffer with depression which sometimes gets the best of me and I don’t want to do anything.

    I had my second vaccine on Tuesday and luckily no side effects or symptoms so should be at much lower risk of catching the virus.

    Breakfast today was a very good and tasty scrambled eggs on toast been looking at ways to get some extra protein in my body so I feel fuller.

    Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend.

    Afternoon All..
    An early walk before the heat…pétanque just three girls today, I was the first to 13 so I won again…then two of us to the cafe for lunch, we sat in the courtyard very nice..

    Sitting in the shade with my boy, very warm but a nice breeze…blogging and a book to start, a few phone calls to make…lazy 😂

    Well done on moving the 2 lbs off..I seem to be struggling at the moment..I have a glass of wine to drink sometime today, no more biscuits for me. A few clothes a bit snug so must be strong..I always worked on a piece of cake at a cafe or if I were visiting anyone ….nothing at home..only as a treat out!
    Enjoy your lunch today and your car boot hope it’s a good one and you fine a bargain…

    Well done on your first week also getting into ketosis…looser clothes for you, well done 😀

    You have lots on don’t worry, hopefully get back on track after holidays…everything will sort its self out 🤗

    Lovely to have you back, you were missed..depressions an awful thing we are here to talk and help but I know at times you need space too…keep with us…

    Hope you find somewhere in the forest with a bit of peace…neighbours can be a nightmare as I well know..

    So hot here the sun is chasing my shade away…it will be in soon…or under the tree maybe…

    Jean x

    Steve good to have you back. My son and daughter suffer with depression (hope it’s not gotten to me) my son as been seeing a therapist for a long time now and says it helps him a lot. He won’t take tablets for it, he says talking about it is much better. The sun as come out now, lovely outside and I have to isolate 😩

    Thank you, Symba! There’s a long way to go but at least I have made a start. Off for a walk in the last evening sunshine 🙂

    Brads, I hope that things will get better for you soon.

    Morning all!
    Steve- sending you a hug, hope it lifts soon, hard on your own too. Thinking of you…
    Dave- you’ve alot on too, at least a holiday to look forward to. Such a worry with your ‘kids’…
    Jean- well done with the boules, winning again! Nice to have treats though!
    Hemmy- did you get any bargains at the car boot? I can never resist plants & books if I go!
    Had an extra walk with Xena & a peaceful spell outside- Xena dug about a bit & then disturbed a big ants nest! Ended up going to 3 garden centres later, looking for something big but nothing right- saw a lovely arbour & bench though so may order one of those- it’ll give us some privacy! Did a500 cal FD so enjoying eating today! Very hot already, but was cool in the forest to walk Xena…all quiet here today so far!

    Afternoon all

    Thanks for the welcome back messages they are very appreciated.

    It’s a very nice day here the sun is out so hopefully summer has finally found us but I’m not holding out too much hope for it lasting for more than just a few days.

    I’ve been suffering with this depression for over ten years now but it can still hit me hard and unexpectedly at times.

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone for tomorrow is a fast day for many of us.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another glorious day we are so very blessed.

    I had a fab day yesterday at the car boot .. It was massive as on an old airfield.

    I think we may do one ourselves… I found lot of books..some nice big planters and a pretty hanging basket .. that I needed like a hole in the head…but was such a good price. lol

    A nice sandwich and glass of Cider at the pub .. very enjoyable. I am easily pleased lol.

    Ty so very lovely to see you back.. Life is a B at times .. Can you do much walking it really is naturally therapeutic. Also good to talk . Anyway brilliant to see you back mate . Xx

    Sym… For some reason I seem to be hitting cake and wine again.. No reason at all .. I had got out of all that and didn’t want anything other than my 2 meals. I think this always happens after company the body gets used to sugar. Well it is not going to beat me… tomorrow I will be back in full control. I love my slimish body now lolol.

    HH The Arbour and bench sounds lovely go for it. How is Mum after her away time. Missing mine this lovely weather .. she was out in the garden from morning till night.. Looking on the funny side.. my garden is soo full this year as it missed out on Mum s heavy handed weeding which she often took plants up with the weeds… especially the beautiful Granny Bonnets lolol
    So lovely that Xena like Mr Pip gets to walk in the cool.

    Brads … what are you up to today.. do you watch the football.

    Alannah ..Well done on your first week.. Its wonderful when you can feel your clothes are looser. lolol You are so patient not weighing. .. lol I am guilty of getting those ole scales out first thing in the morning and last thing at night. lol

    Have a lovely day everyone .. enjoy the sunshine.

    We never know what another human being is going through, when they’re short tempered, quiet, rude, nervous, or dismissive. Remember
    They could be at a breaking point. Xx

    Afternoon All..
    We are very cloudy and overcast but lovely and warm to sit out, sitting in the garden blogging and looking up things.
    I had a terrible nights sleep possibly only three or four hours, so definitely a lazy day.

    A lovely cool forest walk, we was up and away early, a longer one for us in case it’s too hot later..very dull now. The bench and Arber will be good choice from the neighbours…mum might want one 😂

    Hope you are feeling brighter today nice to have you back….you have the sun too…

    Are you watching footie?

    Car boot sounded interesting with some good buys…lunch and cider too..we did a cafe after boules no cake this time just a toastie for me….nice to be with friends..I find weekends quiet on my own everyone busy….I like my own company but like a bit of chatter too.

    Debating to head to Tesco..daughter said everyone will be watching footie saves a job for tomorrow ..

    Fasting Monday as usual..

    Jean x

    Symba, hope you sleep tonight. Hemmy, that sounds like a nice day – bargains and pub!

    I am able to get out and walk on most days it’s just the bad days can be more frequent.

    Have just been out to Tesco which seemed a little quieter than usual but still some people need driving lessons with their trolleys lol.

    I have had a couple of beers over the last couple of days which haven’t hurt my sleep though I do have to be very careful with my tablets and alcohol.

    We have a slight breeze here which is nice with the heat from the sun.

    Thanks I hope I do..I will be shattered by then…

    I didn’t get to Tescos maybe tomorrow I couldn’t be bothered…walk time soon just a short one…

    Enjoy the weather if you have it…

    Jean x

    Yes watching football,3 European babes on then Brazil at 10 pm on BBC iPlayer. It’s way to hot outside took heid out keeping well away from any human beings.

    Brads lolol .. yes keep well away from human beings I always try to. lolol..

    Dogs are sooo much better company .. you know where you are with them lol.

    England did well.

    Yes England did do well. Scotland next on Friday I think. Just waiting for my holidays now.

    Since starting to count calories I’ve been surprised at how low in calories some foods are, and realising that I mostly don’t take in as many as I thought, other than by using more than 1 tsp of oil in cooking, as diet books think you can! So I am wondering how I got to be so fat. Has anyone else noticed this?

    Bread and butter is one of my downfalls,also just putting sauce on is high in calories.I don’t have sugar on anything so that’s good. I’m just waiting for my holidays then will do a big push when I get home.Decided I will get weighed when I get home from Devon then stay off the scales until Christmas.

    Afternoon all!
    Alannah- sorry, I think I forgot you when I posted yesterday! I seem to put weight on very easily, & it comes off very slowly…some of us have sluggish metabolisms!
    Steve- good you’re still getting out…how’s the weight been, you were about at goal weren’t you?
    Jean- weekends must be hard, hugs for you…hope you can catch up.on that sleep! Hadn’t thought of Mum wanting an arbour too 😱 don’t think she’d have anywhere for it without digging up flower beds though!
    Dave- not long now until your holiday! How will you get your shopping this week, will Denise go in?
    Hemmy- lots bought at the car boot then! Hubby has done them quite often but not got enough stuff now. Round here you have to be there by 5am! Hugs for you missing your mum…
    Have cut youngest’s hair, & we’ve got our ceanothus tree cut down now, have been doing it in bits over the last few weeks- hard work in the heat! Taking mum out for a walk along the river this afternoon, wasn’t going to sit in playing games with her! Should be a FD, but if she wants an ice cream I’ll join in- although she usually starts a diet every Monday-until Monday evening! (Hemmy, she’s been a bit tearful since coming home & being on her own again but can see friends which takes her mind off it a bit…)
    Have agood afternoon everyone ☺

    Brad, yes, Ive waved goodbye to béchamel, hollandaise and the rest forever. I miss bread, especially as I am still making but not eating it, but managing to go without so far. Trying not to be impatient for visible changes!

    Evening all

    A fiendishly busy weekend, but a lot of fun – baptised the most cheerful wee chap yesterday. Gave me big grins throughout!

    And I’m off for 2 days away training tomorrow – yes, away! Quite a lot of it involves learning sign language for particular stories, so I’ve been practicing hard today. I don’t really have time for the training, but it’s something I really want to use later in the year, and getting on the training is reaaly hard, so I didn’t want to give up my place.

    I confess, 5:2 is going a bit by the board, just now…I feel a bit of a fraud – but I equally know that when I lose complete touch with you guys, everything goes pear-shaped…or should that be ‘I’ go pear-shaped!

    Anyway, back in a couple of days.


    Alannah- you’re a better woman than me, making bread for others & not for you! I rarely made any when I was on keto! Do you make it for family?
    Dave- hope you can get some cobs today!
    Minols- don’t want you getting pear shaped! Hope the training is good; is it BSL or Makaton? I did a bit of the latter with HomeStart but haven’t been able to use it…
    Jean- what are you up to today? Is it tomorrow Charlie goes away?
    Hemmy- hope you’re enjoying your garden again with this lovely weather- is it a FD today?
    Doing another 800cal day today; managed to squeeze in a Magnum (244 cals) when I went out with Mum yesterday & stayed under 800cals. Made a start shortlisting entries for a Homestart children’s competition last night- agreed to do it back in March when the weather was grim, now so lovely I don’t want to sit in on the computer! Hopefully will get it all done in the evenings…Just getting on with jobs today, boring!

    Hi FBBs Hope ll is well with you Xxxx

    What some fabulous sunny days and brilliant blue skies we are enjoying .

    Sounds like we are all very busy.

    A good day so far .. a lovely walk in the fields lots of shade For Pip .. We came across a lady on horse back down the bridle way which is quite narrow.. I quickly got Mr Pip on the lead told him to sit. He did like a good one and she stopped and chatted with this massive horse just a few feet a way Pip sat brilliantly. I was sooo very proud. lolol

    Its a fast day for me today .. Just some cold chicken and salad this evening I think I have lost the excess pounds I put on with Kristy here.lol

    Drinking lots of lemon water ..

    Ty…. Just a thought .. have you tried taking Magnesium Tabs.. They are brilliant Just one a day from Holland and Barrett or Boots.

    HH .. well done on your 800 days .. they seem to suit you. I hope your Mum is getting back to her usual self after her away time. Finding plenty of ideas for you to be getting on with.. Of course while fitting in.. Homestart cooking.. baking .. gardening.. Haircutting ..dogwalking lol Bless her.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok take care all

    Trying to make everyone happy is impossible.
    What really matters is whether or not you like yourself.
    Focus your energy there, and never apologize for being you. Xxxx 🧡

    Evening everyone, have been having issues with my phone so haven’t been able to read or post on here A new phone now so here I am again.
    Weekend was good and aren’t we lucky with the weather. A FD today instead of yesterday because we went to visit our eldest grandson and his fiancee to drop off a gift for her birthday which is this coming Thursday. 650 calories so pleased with that.Pub lunch with friends again tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nanak x

    Evening All..
    Such a busy day..a good long walk this morning, came back made a quiche and cooked a pan of veg for Charlie…

    Boules early afternoon and to cafe for AGM of the year..we lost our game, I think too busy to have my mind on the game…must relax next time 😂

    My daughter called after school, she dropped my grandson off for a cricket match an urgent call out for him, so we had a good couple of hours before going to collect him.

    Charlie is going for his break at a dog sitter for the day and night tomorrow , just to get him used to being away from me, in case I get to Texas at some time…I shall be upset I think, I know he will be upset….

    Enjoy your training days…you must get back on board or you will put your weight back on…keep with us…

    I think I will have a magnum sounds a good idea 😂…a lot of work to get through your entries..

    Good boy Mr Pips with the horse, Charlie has taken his time but he is fine now with horses..we now need to work at other animals. Well done on the movement of the pounds you do well to move them so quick..

    Long job sorting new phone out…hope it sorts out the problems you have had….
    Well done on your fast dsy…

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,a lovely day here.My last day of lockdown thankfully.Denises nickname is Pip,she used to have long hair in bunches so I called her pippy longstocking and pip stuck even after 47 years.She answers to it now.😁😁😁. Missed the bowling Monday and Wednesday due to me isolating but can play this coming Thursday and Friday.

    Morning All…
    A lovely hot day and an early walk for Charlie…
    He is going to the dog sitters ‘The Furry Godmother’ what a lovely name 😂 and I am going out looking for walking boots…a cafe will be involved too..hope he will be alright I am panicking already!

    Last day of isolating…look forward to your bowling tomorrow…

    Jean x

    I’ve turned off the NHS app until I go on holiday.Dont want to miss out.Very warm here, thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow so will get wet Bowling. When is your next game Jean.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you . Xxxx

    Another glorious day .. really making the most of it… before the storms.

    Had a good food day yesterday no carbs as such. .. it definitely makes a difference to the scales. lol

    I have been shopping for 4 hrs today the longest time for ages.. Just felt in the mood..
    I have bought myself 6 new tops.. 3 t shirts in pretty pale colours from Sainsburys and 3 unusual not my usual look .. from charity shops. A bit of fun for a few pounds. lol

    So a nice try on later .. sooo thrilled with myself as i looked at the cakes in Sainsburys .. and spoke with my self and walked away . lolol

    Brads .. I have a neighbour called Pip so have to call my Pip ” Mr” his real name is Piper .
    I just adore the Pippy Longstocking story that really appeals to me. Love it.

    Yes turn that App off. It sounds like lots are faulty anyway.

    Nana .. good you got your new phone up and running.. ..I hope you enjoy your lunch today with friends. What did you have . I always seem to choose the same things lol

    Sym… Oh you will miss Charlie boy tonight .. but a very sensible thing to start doing especially living alone .

    Did you find some boots and have a nice cafe stop.

    HH.. What are you doing today.. is it another 800 day or a break.

    Ty… Minois and Alannah how are things with you today .

    Enjoy your day everyone… Take care

    When people show you who they are believe them. ❤️
    (People who care make an effort, not an excuse. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    A funny day without Charlie, I had a magnum then realised my saved bit of ice cream on the stick and he’s not here…
    He has been asleep on the sofa with Elaine, her granddaughter came and she said she loves him, she’s about 3.
    He has just eaten his dinner..so all’s good…it’s just me…

    A good idea turning the app off…enjoy your bowls….our will be 11am Saturday with the girls and lunch at the cafe.

    You did better at shopping than me, I was one hour and back home, too hot, masks and no stock a waste of time…you have picked up a lot of things you will enjoy your try on later…I am missing Charlie so much a strange night and evening…no walk too…still really very hot it would have been a later one..

    Take care everyone…

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone it’s currently 27°C here at the moment was very hot cycling back home after our enjoyable pub lunch. Hemmy I chose a bacon and brie baguette served with a side salad and enjoyed two glasses of chilled pinot gringo wine.
    Jean will be very quiet for you without your Charlie but it’s good to try him with others so that when the chance comes to visit your daughter in Texas he’ll be alright being left.
    Off to visit aunt and Uncle in Ely tomorrow morning and then starting on the packing for our holiday Friday.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all

    Back from training – tired and with holmework for the final day which is next week…don’t quite know how to fit it all in just now and had a little bit of a meltdown last night…so the boy had a little bit of a meltdown…so all feeling a little fragile this morning. And the dog…well he really is fragile as his back legs are bothering him again so he’s back on the gabapentin!

    But today is an omelette day, a beautiful day…and a day for cracking on with my list of things to sort. By the end of today, I WILL be further forward with the 3 removal quotes I have to get, I WILL have got to grips with satellite broad band (?), I WILL have sent appropriate proof of ID to the solicitors…and I’ll also have done a full day’s work, gone to the butchers, walked the dog, cleaned and tidied at least one room…

    Right, nearly 8am, time to get at it…that list doesn’t tick itself!


    Morning All…
    I am feeling very lost without my boy, I collect him at 10 am and counting….I was told he has been a good boy and the granddaughter loved him, I think she’s 3. He left some of his dinner last night. It means he was upset a bit, unless the hot weather was bothering him.

    I am fasting today…I am about with my boy not doing a lot, I may take him to the opticians I need my glasses frame tightening up.

    A dreary day after all this lovely weather, just drizzle for us no storms.

    Have a lovely visit in Ely…then getting ready for your hols…

    Poor you what a lot to do..baby steps one thing at a time, deep breathe, till the end of the day..🤗 hugs too.

    Have a good day all…any more fasters today?

    Jean x

    Good morning just about,off bowling now, at least it’s still dry at the moment.Speak later.

    Afternoon all!
    Minols- poor you, so much to do…will pray you miraculously get it all done!
    Don’t know how you do it…
    Jean- you’ll be glad to have your boy back, it’s great he was well behaved & good that you know someone who can have him if needed. Enjoy his company today!
    Dave- enjoy getting out again, hope the bowling goes well. Don’t know if you’ve seen it on your NHS app, have seen online that they’re adding extra categories which are nothing to do with Covid- like convictions, pending ones…China here we come!
    Nana- nice to have you back, enjoy the new phone, sounds like you are having a lovely time right now seeing family, & a holiday to look forward to!
    Hemmy- well done Pip, very good! Sounds like you had a really good shoping trip & well done resisting the cake!
    Allanah & Steve- hope you’re both okay…
    Had a day off yesterday, busy at home apart from enjoying the sun with a couple of sit downs in the garden! Hoping for a FD today, we had torrential rain & storms last night, so very little sleep, was going to abandon it but am being strong so far…Xena was quiet, the storm didn’t seem to worry her! We got very wet on our walk! Seeing Mum this afternoon, she didn’t answer my text this morning so I rang her- she sounded a bit strange on the phone, hope she’s okay…
    Keep strong anyone fasting!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A bit cooler today without the sunshine no rain here just yet. So a good housecleaning day if I felt inclined lolol.

    I have had hardly any carbs this week and it really shows. Its just changing that bread habit.

    Nana .. oh lovely bacon and brie .. I also love Brie and cranberry .. hope you are enjoying your day in Ely. Then your holiday to look forward too.

    HH Well done to Xena being a good girl in the storms…they really unsettle some dogs. Hopefully you found your mum in good spirits and well.

    Minois you are so non stop busy .. take care of yourself too.

    Brads.. Good luck with the bowls today and hope the weather is kind.

    Sym.. So glad Charlie was happy .. I bet he was spoilt by the little girl.. Good luck with your fast day .. just watching carbs here .. Cheese ham salad and fruit .. then chicken and veg this evening. Just easy pan fried chicken breast with a bit of butter herbs and garlic.
    You will be happy having your boy back.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing ,,

    When the day is over, let it go. Don’t dwell on what you could’ve or should’ve done. Tomorrow is another day, and another chance to get it right. Xxxx

    Morning everyone a quick check in to say the scales showed the same as last week. Off on holiday today to Sheringham for a week.
    Hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe. Will be back a week Monday.
    Nana x

    Morning all!
    Nana- have a lovely trip, we love Sheringham too…hope the weather gets back to sunshine!
    Minols- hope you got everything done on your list yesterday!
    Hemmy- I love brie & cranberry too! I sometimes have a salad with dried cranberries, toasted pecans, baby spinach & a balsamic vinegar dressing- it’s lovely 😀
    Dave- bowling this evening?
    Jean- bet you spoilt Charlie yesterday?! Hope your FD was okay.
    My FD went well, Mum had spent the morning in the garden even though it was wet, but she seemed happier for that. Up & out early today, expecting a call from HD coordinator in a minute…Got lots of cleaning to do today as son’s gf is coming tomorrow, & a ferrero rocher cheesecake to make- yum!
    Have a good day all!

    Yes bowling tonight, it’s good playing in a mixed team,still get the banter,a good laugh.Its a smaller green tonight and lightning fast so o will have to concentrate on not bowling the bowls off.My mate played there on Wednesday and he is a very good player but he got beat 21-3😲.Soon be our holiday,my son s got the week off so Heidi won’t get lonely.

    Morning All…
    A dull day again, a good walk as not sure how the weather will be later. I met my bowling friend on route when back for a cuppa so that was nice. Just got back home before the rain started no coat so I was lucky…

    Charlie was fine when I collected him, he was a good boy. He had walked two hours before I collected him and long walk the day before so that was nice..he has his Fitbit so I know what he has been up too…

    I have stayed the same this week, pretty good as I have been filling my face!

    Dave ..
    Enjoy your game tonight remember to play short 😂

    Hope your Mum was ok when you saw her..we seem to have missed the storms moved over to your area…
    The cheesecake sounds divine, hope the GF gets on with you all, I think you have already met.

    You cook some lovely plain meals, they sound tasty…did you get the house work done or was there a delay 😂

    Enjoy your holiday, I think the good weather is returning..safe travels….

    Just seen mum was ok and she’s been happy doing things in the garden….it is a worry…..

    Just thinking what to do????…..no idea yet

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A very wet walk .. I had forgotten about wet dog and towels. lol

    Its not stopped a steady fall all day so far. Nice for the animals to have a cooler day though

    Well done Nana and Sym for staying the same.. I am back now to my good weight thank goodness. The low carbs helped.

    Just celebrated with 2 crumpets.

    Nana.. enjoy your holiday .. hope you get some good weather.

    Brads.. Good luck with your bowling.

    HH That cheesecake sounds lovely .. you will frighten the GF off with your gorgeous baking .. lol

    Sym… I am also wondering what to do today.. I really need to start painting but cant seem to get motivated at all… only in the garden. lol ..

    I do like plain simple tasty meals.. I am not bothered about Chinese or curries..
    I am not a fussy person at all but I expect I am with food. lol

    Have a good weekend everyone.. take care

    We cant change the people around us but we can chose who to be around. Xxxx

    Morning All..
    A warm day but with heavy black clouds, the sun is coming out now…a good hours walk very nice and relaxing at peace with nature…

    Boules for just three of us and lunch out in the cafe. Jan seems to have found a builder who is in between jobs who may do our pitch this week, which is good but maybe no play Tuesday. It will be nice to have it back to good condition.

    Nothing much planned for the day, few jobs hanging about sorting my clothes out still, hair and makeup box needs sorting old things throwing out, airing cupboard things need throwing…those jobs which keep getting pushed back…

    I agree you forget about the wet weather, my boots leak must get the wellies out if rain is too heavy…getting desperate to find some new boots…Charlie grumbled at his bowl of soapy water and towel yesterday! They are funny….
    Must get my menus in order eating lots of rubbish it’s not good for me..too many sweet things.

    Have a good holiday..

    Hope all goes to plan with your visitor and she like the cheesecake ….she has been about a while is it serious ….

    Fasting day Monday..make a good effort this week, although at goal I need 3 lbs off into my wriggle room…tummy looks a bit big at the moment..

    Have a good weekend everyone..

    Jean x

    I have the holiday feeling now so fasting will start on the 5th oh July.I will get weighed then and the next weigh-in will be at Christmas.Bowling was good we lost 7-3.One of the ladies Ivy walked up to me with her fingers crossed like an X she said is it safe to sit next to you, have you done your time😁.The green was bigger than I expected but extremely fast and has a big crown.Needless to say I lost.I bowled the jack and on my own green it would have traveled 20 yards,but on this green it went about 35 yards so it’s very difficult to judge plus the crown makes it go a long way to the left or right whereas on our green it would go straight.We are at a big disadvantage on the away greens.Took Heidi out and two foreign ladies were walking their dog but picked it up when they looks at Heidi.One of them asked me how old she was and I said 15, she said her dog was the same age. I just wish she would have left her dog on the ground because even though it would have almost fitted in Heidi’s mouth she is so gentle with all dogs.

    Afternoon all!
    Jean- sounds like you’ll have had a lovely morning, not so nice afternoon! Hopefully I’ll be with your for a re-start next week! Son’s been with this gf for over 18months, although as it’s a long distance relationship & with lockdowns they’ve not seen much of each other! She’s just finished her uni degree so will see what happens…
    Dave- glad you enjoyed the bowling, sounds like it’s quite tricky! A shame people keep their dogs away from Heidi but some GSD can be funny. There’s a couple around here that the owners keep well away & turn & walk the opposite way!
    Nana- happy holidays!
    Hemmy- gf’s mum is a good bajer too I think, but she’s not much of a cook, lives on veggie burgers, pasta & halloumi too! Hope you can get some motivation to do your painting- that’s one inside job I could get stuck into!
    Had to take youngest into work- the road he cycles down is flooded, has been for 3 days. Can get through in my Jimny though 😀 So a later walk with Xena, but we saw more dogs. Have done lots of cleaning, will make a lasagne in a bit as not nice enough for a bbq. Sis is seeing mum, did offer to see her today as well as they’re doing lots to help out her in laws at the moment. Had a very off text from my brother when I asked for ideas for SIL- he says we don’t need to bother with all that any more! Saves money I guess…
    Not very controlled eating wise at the moment 😱

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Cloudy but at least a dry day today and the plants have all enjoyed a good drink of water the past few days.

    A very quiet walk .. never saw a soul.. I do quite enjoy that though as it so beautiful at the moment over the fields. One small field my favourite for the view is just filled completely with moon daisies so very pretty and peaceful.

    Having a lazy day ..still cant get my head around doing any painting. At least with an old place things dont have to look new and pristine. Thank god. lolol

    Sym.. enjoy your game and lunch in the cafe.. ..Once we go down that cake/sweet road its hard getting back on track. Like you I can feel the difference now if i put on just a few pounds.

    Brads … I would imagine it more interesting in a mixed team..I expect harder on an away game as you get used to your own greens. Heidi sounds a beauty.

    Nana.. enjoy your holiday.

    H H … Often you find a good baker is not always the best cook Sounds like a busy day for you with the family.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day .. Take care all.

    Never trust anyone who is unkind to animals. Xxxx

    Getting the holiday feeling you seem to have a plan in place when you come back…shame the bowling ground runs fast, ours is better one way when we return the other way it runs fast.

    Turned out a pleasant day. It’s 18 months he’s been going out it’s a long time, as you say now she has finished uni things could change. You seem quite busy today lots to do…

    Boules went quite well again, I won, first one to 13…I must have an eye for the ball…no boules this Tuesday everyone’s busy or away I might go and visit my sister.

    Jean x

    Nice to see what everyone has been doing. I’ve finished my second week and so far no problems. Longing to get into my old clothes! Has anyone got a favourite garment they are hoping to get into again?

    I have just been checking up on the Friday night bowling stats, Olwyn our captain keeps putting me on last, so I invariably play against their best player.of the three players I have played they have played 15 games between them and won 14😲 the one who lost only lost by 2 points.We had a new man playing for us last night, his first game and he played one of their ladies.He lost 21-4 so he was upset.I just said to him I had lost by r Dave score before then won the nex game.I haven’t played on my own green yet on a Friday so it will help a bit when I play at home.But if I am still on last it will be hard.

    I had a pair of favourite jeans, I got back into them and by three months they hung like a sack they have been thrown away!..quite a lot of new clothes bought…nice but upsetting on your favourites..

    I am sure you will get there, it’s hard when you are new into teams, they need to mixed it up a bit…the few oldies in our boules team want to do it their way, if they want new people in they have to give a bit, more on the running of it, not the game, some don’t even play due to ill health but have a lot to say for them selves…as they said at work there’s no ‘ i ’ in team!…still generally a good crowd.

    Looking cloudy again Charlie is getting ready for his walk..cuppa to finish and we will go…I am getting the look 👀..

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    It’s a rather mixed day here it’s dry the sun is trying to come out but it’s cloudy too but hopefully we’ll not see the rain.

    I was thinking of being very good this week and lose some of the pounds I’ve probably gained in the last month or so but that was before Fathers day and having the biggest bar of chocolate I’ve ever seen from my daughter.

    Tomorrow will be a much needed fast day for me especially if I open the chocolate.

    Have a great Sunday everyone

    Morning All…
    A drizzly morning but dry now and overcast..it’s warm though…village walk for a hour and been out for a bit of shopping …a bit of hand washing…
    A couple of boxes sorted yesterday moving things about..

    See what I am doing after lunch…

    Enjoy some chocolate today and have a fast day tomorrow with us all…hope the weather bucks up makes you feel better….

    Jean x

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