Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning everyone, bit of a grey day here today. Just having a cuppa then will take Heidi out for her first walk. She almost fell down the stairs, she turns around to 45°so I had to catch her while trying not to fall down myself 😱. Sainsbury’s shopping later and speedway tonight.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another nice day although cloudy. A lovely walk apart from Pip rolling Yuk. lol

    Car just gone off for 2 new tyres to be fitted.. Lucky to have Two guys in the village that collect your car and bring it back… They also do MOT so its brilliant for me.

    Scales good this morning stayed the same apart from a few ozs so thats ok.

    Where is everyone .. lol Hope you are all well.

    Take care all and enjoy your day..

    What you say about others also says a whole lot about You. Xxxx

    Hemmy- a lovely day here too, so nice to be able to be gardening in the warm! Did you get to sit outside? Yes, the pastry was nice, not something I’d want too often!
    Dave- well done catching Heidi, that sounded close…enjoy the speedway!
    Jean & Nana- hope you both had good journeys home & a lovely break!
    Well, managed a FD today after overindulging! Finding keto very hard work at the moment…Had a bit of stress worrying about son- he has to re-apply for his job, so is very fed up & talking about not doing that to concentrate on his business- he does have a car loan to keep paying, but also hasn’t found any properties over the last few weeks…plus he’s a moody thing it’s nice when he’s out all day at work! (His father’s genes, not mine of course 😂)
    Lots of gardening done today, & had a hair cut!

    Good afternoon everyone,very warm and humid here. Just took Heidi out and there was a dog approaching but the owner pulled it away.He said he would keep it away because Heidi’s wearing her band.I said she’s ok just getting old so he let the Westie come over too her so Heidi’s happy now.

    Dave- good that the dog owner was considerate, & that Heidi got to say hello!
    Jean- boules today, or are you shattered after all your walkibg?!
    Hemmy- had a sniff of some cow parsley today when out with Xena- not that bad! Major progress with her lead today- a crop sprayer in the field where we started our walk, so couldn’t let her off, she was loopy with excitement but heeled well!
    Been to Mum’s to see aunt & uncle- haven’t seen them for about 18months, so lovely to meet up. Mum’s going back with them today- alot of driving for my uncle though, he’s 81, we had offered to do one way…lovely & sunny so we all sat outside. Off to take Xena to the beach soon 😀

    Afternoon All..
    Back with us all, very shattered after the three day break, I walked 45 miles and Charlie walked 61 miles in the three days….a lot of beach and cliff walking we were in bed at 9 last night.
    Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning we got drenched but the other times were lovely sunny and dry.
    Apartments were very nice clean and spotless, very dog friendly we would go back again…we looked in all the 5 apartments I would recommend them all, two were a bit big for us…

    Boules today and then after, lunch and G&Ts in Christine’s garden..it was very nice..her hubby brought me home..

    Sat relaxing in our garden nearly time for walking…

    Must start the fruit and cheese, sounds nice…Monday and all June a big push for me…a good choice to have your car collected nice and easy…

    Poor Heidi hope she’s ok..last thing you want is her falling…

    Lovely to see your aunt and uncle, a bit of a break from mum while she’s away…a worry the driving at 81!
    Enjoy your beach walk…

    Can’t catch everyone the page has turned…hope you are all ok….

    Jean x

    Morning All..
    A relaxing day ahead for me, hoping for a sit in the garden later..

    Some shopping and a grass cut, I suppose I could push in a car wash too..

    Must move and get the boy on his walk, we are both in a lazy mode he is still fast asleep.

    Safe journey to Chester, have a lovely visit to your Mum.. enjoy your break ..

    Have a lovely day everyone

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone,a beautiful day here warm and sunny.Not a cloud in the sky.No bowling tomorrow, speedway starts at 12pm,we ride against Peterborough at home then the return race at Peterborough at 7-30pm.Tempted to go to both but don’t fancy driving to Peterborough on my own.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A glorious day .. planting up beans today .. got tomatoes plants sorted yesterday.

    Mr Pip has rolled again today third time this week and it reeks. I think its Deer .
    Hopefully not tomorrow as i am going out to lunch at my favourite place by the canal. So I wouldn’t fancy cleaning him up before going Lol

    I have been rather lax with the carbs count this weekend.. Crusty bread and cakes. I must stop it from now as Kristy here from Thursday till Monday .. and that means out eating and lots of extra calories. lol

    Sym glad you enjoyed your away time .. a nice lot of walking there. Enjoy your relaxing time today in the garden.

    HH .. Hope you are having a lovely day knowing your Mum is safe an sound.

    Brads .Lots of sport to look forward too.

    Take care all ..

    This is our one precious life so choose the people you walk the path with carefully. Xxxx

    Roasting outside Heidi is panting rapidly.Watching the cricket (War of the Roses) Lancashire doing well, can’t lose but can draw.Could have gone but my son is playing ball hockey this afternoon.

    Jean- so pleased that you had a good break, the first one done, hopefully it’ll give you confidence to go again…
    Dave- shame about the sport last night! Hope the speedway is better! Do you still do a Sunday roast in the summer?
    Hemmy- better have a few good days before Kristy comes then! Naughty Pip!
    Sadly saw a dead seal on the beach yesterday- did think of Minols & her dog!
    Not as warm here today, although got hot with our double length walk- must’ve dropped Xena’s lead when I gave her a drink, forgot to pick it up- only realised as we walked back to the car, so went back over the whole walk but it’d gone 😬 Xena didn’t mind though!
    Fasting today, although very hungry!
    Have a good day all!

    I got the shopping done and that’s it…grass later maybe!

    Our weathers beautiful too…a bit too hot for me (us)…I have been painting my boules, as they all look the same, just in the makers mark as it’s delved in a bit….blue enamel…

    Naughty Mr Pip, glad Charlie isn’t up to rolling, only in our own garden…nice to look forward to Kirsty coming, I have a few outings with food so all my good intentions have gone out the window..two meals out booked…I should manage my two fds.

    Shame and annoying about Xena’s lead..it’s so easy done…keep strong on your fasting day…I had some vanilla slices so no low day for me, a glass of red later…fasting tomorrow…

    It’s walk time and Charlie is crashed out..may do the grass and walk later…it’s very hot…

    Jean x

    Morning All…
    Cloudy start needed a fleece on this mornings walk, sun expected later..

    I am fasting today..so need to get a bit busy…Charlie’s veg to make, tomato soup to be made for the freezer. some more painting on my boules two coats. A quick hoover down stairs.

    It always gets a bit quiet on the bank holidays, everyone is busy…

    Safe journey to Scotland and enjoy your holiday.

    Anyone else fasting today or changing days?

    Jean x

    Jean- maybe you’ll get a chance to do some jobs today, if it’s not so hot…are you going for meals out with boules friends?
    Dave- enjoy your speedway, & hope you stay strong on your FD- do they have tempting food there?
    Hemmy- did you have a good lunch out, hope Pip didn’t roll in anything before you went!
    Yesterday turned a bit chillier in the afternoon, so no sitting out, started warmer today. Xena has been very good the last few days & not eaten the bracken- for treats! FD went okay yesterday, 650 cals, another one today…

    There could only be two of us for boules, one might bring her visitor again making 4 but she is unsure what times she’s leaving.

    See what Jan wants to do, she is going on holiday on Friday depends how busy she is…

    Made my veg, forgot to buy green beans and sprouts so not as good as usual, 4 portions of tomato soup.

    Having a coffee and a sit…Charlie’s in a funny sulky mood may need my company, he’s very needy!

    Keep strong I am ok up to now….

    Jean x

    Been to speedway, very exciting last heat decider and we needed maximum point to get a draw.Ended up 45-45. They sell the usual junk food,burgers,hotdogs, chips but I didn’t even have a drink😇😇😇.Will take Heidi out again now I think then have a salad for tea😇😇😇

    Well done on being strong 😇…good race…

    Morning all – busy weekend, but trying to get back into things this week. The quilt top is laid out on its wadding and packing on a nice clean bit of floor in the church, and I’ll finish pinning in my break today. I may even bring my machine down here to sew it together…more space, less clutter…and NO dog hairs!

    Kept it super light yesterday, and hopefully today, too.

    The boy plays his first tournament with the older boys’ shinty team tonight!


    Morning everyone didn’t post yesterday as we had a lovely visit from my sister and brother in law which was very enjoyable especially as we could sit outside in the garden to enjoy this lovely weather we’re having at the moment. We had a lovely time away the weather was a bit unpredictable but it didn’t stop us going out and about and having some enjoyable walks in new places. I plucked up courage to get on the scales last Friday morning and was pleased to see that I’d only gained one and a half pounds despite having some lovely meals out. Must’ve been the beach walking.
    Far too many posts to catch up on so just hope that everyone is doing okay.
    A friend coming to have lunch today with us so have had to rejig my usual FDs of Monday and Thursday to B2B Wednesday and Thursday which I’ll find hard but I do like the flexibility of the 5:2 way of life so that it fits around your life.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not today and keep safe. Will be back on here tomorrow.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon, the shorts are on so rain will be with us soon. It red hot here and my arms are sore from sitting in the sun yesterday at speedway.Will put cream on next time.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxx

    What some beautiful days we are having at long last. .. early walk this morning and lawns are mown already .

    I am banning myself from the garden now till tomorrow afternoon. Well maybe a quick peep lol.

    Really need a good clean through inside and a big shop now. Cant wait to see Kristy on Thursday it seems a long time.

    We Had a lovely lunch yesterday while watching the canal boats go by. Fasting today and tomorrow as lots of calories will be consumed this week. lol

    Nana .. glad you enjoyed your time away .. well done with just a tiny gain.

    Have a good day everyone in the sunshine .. all that natural Vit D.. you cant beat it.

    Appreciate good people , they are very hard to come by. Xxxx

    Hemmy can I come round, I love fishing on canals.My grandad took me on the Macclesfield canal 60 years ago. I have just got a text from DHL saying there is a parcel delivery tomorrow.I was having problems with them trying to claim money from customs for something I have never had.

    Brads .. Its Aynho on the Oxford canal… its a very pretty village. Its called the Apricot village as lots of people grow them outside their homes. All is mainly stone.

    Hemmy- your lunch out sounds lively! A shame to have to stay in for cleaning tomorrow while it’s so lovely- would Kristy notice 😉
    Dave- well done staying strong at the speedway! Suncream next time…
    Jean- hope Charlie doesn’t sulk all afternoon! Hope boules was good x
    Minols- will be lovely the get the quilt done 😀 Hope your son survives the shinty match intact!
    Nana- sounds lovely seeing family & friends outside! Good that you can change FDs about, hope you’re okay doing B2B! Glad you had a good holiday ☺
    Went to a nature reserve yesterday afternoon- the bluebells were still out, it was beautiful & peaceful. FD went well yesterday. Today we went to the beach- very crowded, too big a queue for fish & chips, but did have ice cream, oops, not very keto! Feel like having a holiday week, & making the most of this weather! (Have still done the usual hair cuts, washing, ironing, cooking etc though)

    Morning everyone had a lovely lunch and catch up with my friend yesterday. First of my B2B fast days today so plan on keeping busy which includes visiting our Daughter and son in law not forgetting Grand Dog Poppy. It’s going to be another warm day today here according to the local weather forecast. Hemmy not too long before Kristy will be with you again. Is she your only child? We only have our Daughter as I was left unable to have anymore after having her but I’m so grateful to have managed to have her.
    Hedgehogs mmm ice cream haven’t had a seaside ice cream in ages.
    Minols hope the boys shinty match went off alright.
    Dave hope the sunburn has eased and that the weather has allowed you to keep wearing those shorts.
    Have a good day everyone whether fasting or not today and keep safe.
    Nana x

    Morning All…
    A busy week with boules, walk with Ivy and two lunches out…

    Played boules yesterday, played three and won three, we played with two men, mixed doubles ?man and women on each side. It was a good game, a bit competitive. I joined the men for coffee, Jan had to go home as getting ready for her holidays.

    Lunch out with Jacqui will put a dress on for a change hope it looks ok…

    A good walk with Charlie, he needs to be in as too hot so he will sleep while I am out.

    Well done on the quilt it sounds lovely…

    A lovely sit out with your friend and a good catch-up…we are getting nearly normal now..enjoy your walk to the next village for your tablets today , it seems to come round quick…is it monthly ?

    Shorts on here too…how’s the sunburn you silly wally 😂..hope the DHL gets sorted someone has got your name.

    Enjoy your time with Kirsty for your few days, I haven’t seen my daughter for 5 weeks she is so busy….having lunch watching the canal boats sounds really relaxing.

    I hate the crowds at the coast I was really pleased I got away before the children was off, it was so quiet. The bluebell wood sounds lovely, can Xena go, on lead maybe?

    Must move and get my gladrags on…make myself presentable 😂

    Jean x

    Hi Everyone – running aroudn like a mad thing just now, so may not be around much this week…but will be back next week and catch up then.

    couldn’t get out of bed but forced myself
    then took the dog out for a walk

    Walking the dog alway helps, saw these places, wonder if they take pets

    went a few kilometers and feel great

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another glorious day it could stay like this forever .. I love it.

    Had a busy day so far ..

    HH … Hoovered in all the corners lol Kristy would think it strange if I had gone a bit lax with my housekeeping although she is not very tidy herself Would prefer spending time with animals and wild life lol

    Nana Yes Kristy is the only child.. 41 yrs old and no sign of Grandchildren .. Very career minded. I still think of her as 5yrs old though lol

    Sym .. ..well done with the Boules you did brilliantly. Must be the painting. lol

    I dont think I am competitive enough to play a sport ..

    Minois.. Its to hot to go rushing around in this heat. Have a good week.

    Brads … Be carefull re the delivery notices there are lots of scams around.

    Trying to be mindful eating today.. but have had a Toffee cream Meringue after shopping.

    Take care all .. Enjoy the day.

    Until its our turn we should keep clapping for others its really that simple. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    So very hot in the garden…..in for a bit…

    A lovely meal and pud with daughter sat in the pub garden a slight breeze made it much better…

    Walking shortly a bit warm really..

    Enjoy your busy week see you Monday…

    I hate sport I am surprised I am enjoying it maybe it’s the pub or cafe which I like more…your pud sounded my cup of tea, I had a chocolate sponge with choc sauce inside with ice cream it was delicious…

    Fasting tomorrow not much for this evening full up…

    Jean x

    Jean I am not as good as you. I got slaughtered at bowls 21-3.Spent another 2 hours in the sun but was prepared this time. Sunburn ok I put Aloe Vera gel on it.

    Spent time in the garden today, but not a good day food-wise, feeling quite unsettled & stupidly letting any will power go!
    Enjoy the sun!

    I feel I throw and it is what it is..others say I am good..I don’t think so…it’s just luck…our pitch isn’t good it needs a topping of grit, we rake it but it never runs true with stones in the way, children ride their bikes around it and make a mess..the men rake and riddled all the stones out this week it was much better.

    I don’t think this weather is easy with food and drink, I find it hard….hope I do ok tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone another FD planned for today after yesterday which I didn’t find to hard due to the lovely weather we’re having at the moment as it meant I was drinking more water than I usually do. I really struggle drinking water on cooler days as I also get really cold as well. Was about to go out and water the garden yesterday evening and it started to rain quite heavily for a while so saved me a job – didn’t cool it down very much though. Lovely and sunny here again this morning.
    Hemmy our Daughter will be 49 this year but to me she’s still young 😉 She has provided us with two Grandsons one 24yrs old and the other 22yrs old who both tower above my OH and I. Plus through her second marriage we’ve inherited two granddaughters and another grandson plus two great grandsons plus another great grandchild expected early October.
    Jean glad you’re enjoying the boules it’s doing you good by the sound of it. The previous landlord of our local pub used to have a boules team but the new landlord didn’t want it playing at the pub do the team disbanded.
    Hedgehogs hope you feel better today and are able to hit the reset button.
    Hello to everyone else and hope those fasting today have a good one. Stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    Good morning everyone, it’s a little dull here today and 17°C so much cooler temperature wise but still feels humid.Going to watch my mate bowling today,maybe I will learn something. I will keep the shorts on though, will take Heidi out now, she had a good day yesterday meeting 5 dogs.

    Hemmy- hope you got the cleaning done & have a lovely time with Kristy ☺
    Minols- flying about as usual, hope you get everything done!
    Jean- sounds like a good sociable week for you…saw a couple playing boules at Aldeburgh, thete’s a pitch (?) on the front, thought of you ☺
    Nana- keep strong today, will be hard doing B2B! Lovely to have such a big family!
    Feeling better today, but planned a nonFD; dad would’ve been 80 today, usually so busy helping mum that I don’t think about him so much but have had time to this week. We’d have probably had a big family bbq for him, & meringues for pud, he’d have loved that ☺
    Rung HS family, waiting for our Asda order, washed Xena’s bedding so she is sitting gaurding it now! She comes out for food, had a brief game & came out to do scent work, the rest of the time she stays put!
    Have a good day all!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A warm day again here … hoping it lasts

    Had a nice early walk … just going to take it easy now .. its been a busy week inside and out in the garden.

    Expecting Kristy about 4pm.. so tea and cake. lol

    I am signing off now till Tuesday morning .. when it will be a strict fast.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone Take care.

    Confidence is knowing you are enough exactly as you are. Xxxx

    Good evening,I watched the bowls and had a 30 minutes practice.They want to sign me up, but they have to all vote on it so it’s in the have of the team members.Heidi meet 5 dogs again so she’s a happy doggie.

    Morning everyone a happy Nana here this morning as the scales rewarded me with a three pounds loss shown but it really is only one and a half pounds as it includes the one and a half pounds holiday gain. It does help to keep you motivated though.
    Dave 🤞 the vote goes well for you.
    Hedgehogs hope Xena has forgiven you for washing her bedding.
    Our usual Friday meet up with our friends as usual and we might even venture to a pub for a drink my turn to drive tonight though.
    Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay safe and sound and I’ll be back again Monday.
    Nana x

    Well done Nana,a great loss.A bit cooler here today but dry so far. Just took Heidi to the park but we was the only ones in it. So not a good walk for Heidi.Sainsburys shopping next, bowling tonight with the ladies and gents.

    Nana- really well done with your loss this week ☺
    Dave- another bowling team, that will keep you busy! Glad Heidi’s had some sociable walks!
    Jean- guessing you’re busy again today? Another lunch out?
    Hemmy- have a lovely time with Kristy!
    Not going near the scales at the moment! But am having a FD (hopefully anyway, but very hungry!)…raining now, so not venturing out anywhere, had a good walk with Xena before the rain though.
    Have a good day all!

    Good afternoon,it’s roasting here again, but will be nippy at the bowls tonight up in the hills. Heidi’s next walk is at 10pm.If I’m home then. She’s lay in from of her own fan😁

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely lunch out with my daughter, goodness when I will see her again in about 10 weeks unless I go up in the evening. It’s a hours round trip then the visit… She is always busy with lots on with school.
    Worth going to this pub again it’s ages since I have been, I saw Natalie with her mum and Oreo they had a walk up and coffee…
    Very warm but no sun quite nice really, very pleasant…

    My eldest daughter is 50 next April it makes you feel old….well done on the three pounds off, get the holiday weight off 😀…Enjoy your catchup with friends pm and outing to pub tonight..we sat outside it was lovely, cloudy but warm.

    Memories always hit you nice to remember him on your own, hoping mums ok while away having memories too..only two of us at boules tomorrow and Fays dashing off so just a couple of hours..give Charlie some time.

    Have a lovely 4 days with Kirsty, a bit of time off walking Mr Pip, I know Kirsty likes to walk him. It’s nice having company.

    Enjoy watching bowls this evening it will do you good 🤗

    Walking shortly, days pass so quickly..

    Jean x

    Had a great time at the bowling,a very friendly bunch,I think the mixed team is great. I got slaughtered again but played the best I have ever done. I checked online and the one I played beats everyone easily on his own green.He does lose on the away greens though. It was high up in the hills so a lovely setting.

    Afternoon All…
    A very hot day here..too hot for walking but we managed….

    Stripped the bed and got it washed and made again, bedding ironed tomorrow ..the job of the day 😂

    Boules a bit of a disaster, Fay was going to her mums to organise for new blinds, her mum late 80s, so she likes to be about, he was coming pm but he rang while we were playing so she had to go…a pain but I can understand why..never mind…

    Sat under a tree reading this afternoon but in now it’s very hot….

    Well done on bowling nice to have a good team….playing with two isn’t enough we need four at least..the other girls was holidays and visiting…

    Hope everyone is enjoying the sun..

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, very dull here today but dry. Just been out with Heidi took her to the old walk in the church yard where she has her fix, which she did😱. The church door was open and she tried to go in😁.A religious dog.Bowling with my son in an hour.

    Dave- nice that Heidi wanted to go into Church! You’re busy with all this bowling, I guess Denise gets the TV to herself?!
    Jean- being a Headteacher is such hard work these days, she must be very busy…I guess the other boules players will be back soon? Charlie will be pleased to have you home today!
    Nana- hope you’re evening out was good ☺
    Hemmy- hope you’re having a good weekend!
    Minols- I guess not that long until your son finishes for summer? Hope you have a quieter week next week!
    Not done our online Church yet- hubby up late & having a lazy morning! Started off roasting here but clouding over now…opposite to yesterday, we had a nice bbq, first one this year, just us. Fasting today, & I am hungry!
    Have a good day ☺

    Afternoon All..

    A very dull day bits of drizzle at times but warm…seems to be brightening up now…

    A busy day all cleaning done, didn’t mop the floors as they are not too bad as dry outside…Cooked Charlie’s chicken and beef it covers two weeks of meals, all in the freezer a bit time consuming.

    Having a sit and cuppa before walking in a hour or so…

    Heidi is still doing well, she must need her fix 😂… enjoy your bowling…

    Jacqui is still working through the holidays, she had 6 courses to do on line, some 30 mins, 60 mins and a couple of three hours.
    I think three of us playing pétanque on Tuesday, one still away on Norfolk Broads on a boat, she will be back next Tuesday.
    A nice bbq, I sometimes think of getting a disposable one just for me, to faff with. Keep strong I will be fasting tomorrow…

    Hope you are enjoying Kirsty and she’s keeping you busy…

    Are you missing? Hope you are ok…

    Is this next week less busy?

    Jean x

    Yes come back Steve. Heidi’s had her 3 walks today so she’s having a nap now😁

    Hello FBB Newbie here. Four days in and I am not hungry, which is a lovely surprise. I am a bit confused, though. In his TV series, Dr Mosely recommended a 14-hour break between last meal of the day and the first, and people were encouraged to start eating later in the day and having an 8-hour window for eating, but in his book he says that he has breakfast at 07:30 and dinner at 19:30 so that he has two fasting periods of 12 hours. It suits me to get up at 7 and eat at 11, but I’d for the 8-hour window I’d have to finish dinner by 7, which seems too soon – and for the 12-hour break from eating, dinner would be around 11pm. Which is better?
    Any suggestions gratefully received.

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