Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Good morning, nice and sunny here.Bowling this afternoon.Speedway starts on Monday😄😄 things are looking up. We ride against Sheffield in the first meeting.Sheffield have moved up to the top league again, it’s so good to have them back.

    Morning all!
    Gem- hi & welcome! On FDs I usually have a salad, like the others have said, keep it simple! Although atm I’m finding doing 4×800cal days is working better for me, then I might have a stir fry with tofu, or sometimes some salmon & lots of veg. There are cook books for 5:2 though if you want to make it more interesting!
    Sarah- 1800 sounds very good for nonFDs, surprised you haven’t lost…
    Dave- will be nice to watch the speedway again, what about fishing, can you start that again?
    Jean- glad you got your boules game in yesterday! They do little stone planters for fresh flowers for Churchyards you could get for Steve otherwise? Where Dad is they don’t let you plant anything other than the bulbs which can be mown round…
    Hemmy- hope you can get out in your garden today, I love lilac, have now got a space so I might get one! We had lilac trees when I was a child, fond memories of playing with our Sindy dolls under them! ☺
    Nana- like Jean says, the melon might be better in the greenhouse? We didn’t get the storm yesterday, luckily!
    Steve- not ketchup with a fish finger sarnie 😱…got to be mayo or tartare sauce for me! Hope your weather’s better today!
    Started off my early walk really warm, now it’s turned chilly! Mum’s occupied today, so will catch up with some jobs! Another 800cal day for me- the almond milk has been brilliant, at least I can fill up with tea!

    Good morning

    It’s a rather wet start to our morning here but I have no plans on going anywhere so it’s all good.


    I’m thinking beans on toast for my fast day meal tomorrow it’s easy, quick and just as important tasty. Other than that it’s usually pasta for me with spinach and a small tin of tuna like others have said it’s better to keep it simple.

    I’m still on the 600 calories fd but you can still have a decent sized meal with just that.

    Stay safe everyone and stay strong for all those fasting today.

    Morning All…

    What a lovely day warm and sunny…our favourite walk this morning on the Ouse River, Oreos birthday he is two…shame cows are coming out in a week or so, so no walking there until November…😭

    Weights up a touch this morning I am out of wriggle room, bang on goal…fasting today and tomorrow…I really need to stop buying cakes, chocolate and biscuits a habit formed since Steve passed. He wouldn’t be impressed with me at all..!!!

    I had an exploding fried egg last night what a blxxdy mess it’s made of my wall, I need some paint blocker it’s splashed nearly to the ceiling and it won’t wash off!….then re paint again….off to B & Q soon….not amused at all….

    Speedway starting again we are getting back to normal 😀..enjoy your bowling later…

    Thanks I will look at the planters, I just need a small one as both sides of the gravestone I have internal flower pots, that maybe wasn’t a good idea.
    Going to my dog sitter later today hope it works well…just to chat.

    Poor you the weather always seems wet where you are…

    Jean x

    hedgehogs yes I’m OK thanks just had quite a few busy days lately.

    Hope everyone is doing OK. 🙂

    I’m going to try and find some nice recipes from the recipe book and see what I end up with. The soup was OK but with the last several days I have had to put it on the back burner. It’s funny when you plan something and something else crops up.

    My daughter started kickboxing last week and she loves it so I paid for her membership and uniform, she goes every Wednesday at 5.15 pm she has got quite a few of her class mates who go, so that helps.


    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Changeable weather again today.. at least a dry walk.

    A good fast yesterday so having a mindful day today. Another pair of baggy trousers bit the dusk today. lol

    I have decided its getting time to get my act together clothes wise ..Its been a very relaxed year not bothering to much.. time for change says she lol.

    HH… Lilacs are lovely .. years ago they used to say it was unlucky to bring the white indoors. The orange blossoms are lovely too .. I have one down by where I sit reading and the smell will be just glorious. .. I hope you have a good 800 day and find some time for yourself with Mum busy.

    Sym… It is easy to restart cakes etc when you are at target weight .. We have to have some leeway sometimes during or after trauma… You have your eye on it though so all good.

    Have a good day all Take care and stay safe.

    Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are.Xxxx

    Hiding from the scales since I went back to bread🍞.Good games at the bowling it ended 4-4 but I lost again🙄.I still learn something every time I bowl, it’s a learning curve but I will get better eventually.

    Afternoon everyone surprisingly it’s been a lovely sunny day here which was fortunate as we went to visit our daughter and son in law not forgetting Poppy this morning and for once it was nice sitting in the garden without being cold.
    Hedgehogs and Jean the melon plants had been in the greenhouse prior to being planted outside. According to the instructions plant out when all risk of frost has passed so 🤞.
    Jean what a nuisance about the egg.
    Dave good that speedway is coming back and also your coming along with the bowls even if you lose.
    Am having a salmon fillet and salad for my evening meal today and then another FD planned for tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good morning.A dull day here, not sleeping well at the moment 🥱Time to take Heidi out and then take Denise for her mammogram 😲

    Hi all, another day another dollar!!

    So wanted to introduce myself, I’m Gemma, I am 33 and live in West Yorkshire.

    I’ve had weight issues my whole life, I am n steroids and have an underactive thyroid which doesn’t help.

    Lately all I seem to do is eat, I have tried fasting and I do loose weight doing it but I can never seem to stick with it!

    I need to try and break myself in gently.

    Hope your all having a good day, I am at work 🙁

    Gem- nice to have you with us! Steroids & hypothyroid- that’s rough, very hard to lose with that…I’m from Suffolk- think we have way more northerners than southerners on here now!
    Kevin- glad you’re still with us! Glad yiur daughter liked the kickboxing, great exercise! I had to give it up as I have neck trouble, my son went with me, he’s still keen though.
    Jean- hope the extra FD helps, good to keep an eye on things…shame about your walk, there are cows on one of ours too so can’t go to that heath…
    Hemmy- I am very scruffy now, definitely slob about when I’m at home, have bought some things online though. Are you planning a shopping trip?
    Nana- surprised about the melon! Would’ve thought it would need to be warmer…nice to have stayed outside & warm when you saw Karen. How’s Poppy, is she better & losing weight?
    Dave- you take care of yourself, difficult time, hope Denise’s scan is okay…
    Steve- beans on toast is a good FD meal, if you’re not on keto like me 😞
    Hope it dries up for you!
    Was very busy in the garden yesterday so kept my mind off food! Today’s busy too- HomeStart call cancelled so have done a good kitchen clean, & had our Asda delivery. Xena’s having a naughty day- eating bracken so back on the lead, then pulling so we came home early! Then I found her eating the compost out of the tub I’d planted up yesterday! Why??!! Seeing Mum shortly.
    Fadting’s going okay ☺

    Afternoon everyone a FD for me today and not going too bad but I’m very cold and the weathers not helping as it’s dull and been raining on and off. Taking into account my planned evening meal of a grilled chicken breast and salad my calories in total for today are 680.
    Hedgehogs Poppy is losing weight slowly bless her and her skin irritation is easing but she may have to be on tablets permanently. Checked my melon plant this morning and it’s still okay.
    Hope everyone else is keeping okay and staying safe and sound.
    Weigh in tomorrow morning so will post the result on here.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All…
    Village walk this morning..the weather is beautiful hot and blue skies..in a tee shirt when walking no coat….
    I met up with Ivy for my second walk of the day, we tried to get a coffee out but closed so I went back to her house, she was saying how she is enjoying walking and meeting up, we have just a couple of hours, it is nice.
    Third walk of the day done, waiting in for some baking being delivered which is hard on a fast day. Fay my boules partner has just started baking in the village for one day a week, I feel I have to support her, a cottage pie and 4 scones arriving..it’s only a small amount…chicken and ham pie in a white wine sauce last week was delicious but bought too many almond tarts.

    My weight has moved down a bit after the shock of getting on after the weekend….three fasts completed this week.

    The kick boxing sounds different hobby for your daughter, at least it will help to look after herself at a later date….keep strong and positive..

    Like the sound of baggy trousers bites the dust..well done it’s a nice feeling unless they are your favourites 😂..it’s so easy to fall into dog walking clothes, I never seem to be really tidy…I have to try sometimes if I am visiting…
    I won’t be buying biscuits for a while….

    As long as you are enjoying bowls that’s the main..it takes a long time to catch up with the others who have been playing ages..

    Just bought some paint blocker a job in the next few days….I am surprised at the melon, photos please before you eat it…
    Chicken salad sounds good for tonight..hope you soon warm up..

    I am in East Yorkshire not far from Goole in a small village…it’s hard if you are on medication but keep with it, it works..hard working on a sunny day…

    The cows are out now until November then it will be lovely and muddy!!..still the hard frosts were good for walking…..
    Strange on Xena eating strange stuff, ours are eating soil at the park and sugar beet which the deer are bringing off the fields…so odd.
    Shame on the HS family will you catch then another time…

    Feeling hungry I was having eggs again but I am wondering what size the cottage pie will be, I could have it on its own…I don’t think it will be very big….

    Jean x

    Evening all

    Fast day for me today so have just eaten my beans on two slices of wholemeal toast and I must admit it was very good.

    The only bowls I’m usually interested in are filled with sweets or crisps not the most sporty and doesn’t burn alot of calories either.

    Have a great evening everyone and remember if you’re fasting it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Heidi is out for the count, the last walk must have been to much for her. I’m going to buy some proper old bowls(woods) made of lignum vitae. Got to drive to Blackburn tonight to get them. Denise is coming with me.

    Bowls of sweets more my thing too…easy fast meal always the best 😀

    Getting some lucky bowls…my dad had some lovely shiny ones in a lovely case…hope they are nice 😀

    Kitchen closed..weigh in tomorrow

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Jean- hope the cottage pie is nice, good to support local things but the waist might suffer! Hope the new paint covers the egg okay, sounds like you could do with a splash back or did it go over the top?
    Dave- hope the new bowls are lucky 😉
    Glad Heidi’s still enjoying her walks…
    Steve- enjoy your breakfast today- what are you having?
    Nana- poor Poppy- & poor daughter with the vets bills! We had a black cat who had alot of skin problems, I’m sure tge vet said black ones were more prone to that, wonder if it’s the same with dogs? Good the melon plant is okay- I potted on some courgette plants, one looked really wilty but seems to have rallied round today! Hope the weigh in is good!
    Hemmy- enjoying your words of wisdom every day thanks!
    Gem- what days are you fasting? Hope it gets easier & you can get in the zone again!
    Minols- you’ve been very quiet, hope everything’s okay x
    Kev- are you weighing today?
    I’ve lost a pound this week, so pleased, but it’ll probably go straight back on as I’m having a cheat day from keto! We have bought scones & clotted cream, plus I’ve made a kinder blondies recipe a friend gave me 😱
    Took Xena to the park- she gets so excited she just can’t heel, she was trying to, it was funny! She’s been playing up when hubby takes her in the afternoon, running off to pester other people, he says he won’t take her again!! Seeing mum this afternoon, hopefully going to a garden centre, I offer to take her & she doesn’t want to go, then acouple of days later asks if I’ll take her- this dementia is hard work! My sister’s away this weekend, so will have to see her tomorrow too…
    Have a good Friday everyone!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Still very iffy weather here very dark and quite chilly today.

    The fields and walkways are under water again.. Water tubs in the garden overflowing too.

    H H Very well done on another pound off again. Thats brilliant news. Those 800 3 days are really working for you.

    These four legged friends are really just like children with their moods. lol Sometimes Piper will stand and wait for me off the lead .. another time he will absolutely ignore me and keep going. It soo funny because if I say STAY low voiced and in a loving way he will stay .. If I shout in a high voice Pip will you STAY I have no chance. lolol

    Well scales stayed the same this week .. ok as yesterday I didn’t fast I went straight to the Garden centre after walking without food and ended with a big McDonalds on the way back. .. Only Tues Fast this week. Plus I have been hungry being chilly.

    Good luck anyone else weighing today. Take care all and stay safe

    We have three choices in life, Give up, give in or give it our all. Xxxx

    Good afternoon bowling tonight, I could play a lady, is mixed bowling.Not using my new bowls tonight will try them out on Sunday afternoon. They are nice and shiny I will send you a picture Jean. Hiding from the scales today, will see if I can do some fd’s next week. Time to take Heidi out.

    Afternoon All…
    Shopping and then started my block painting in the kitchen after my exploding egg…just done a second coat….hopefully tomorrow I can put the colour back on..

    I have put a pound on…I am still one pound under goal ..need more off…

    Looks like boules will be off again looks like very heavy rain…

    Enjoyed my treat crab and crusty bread finishing off with a red wine….

    The cottage pie was nice but only small, Steve would have eaten 4..!!…..I only ate that with a bit of gravy. The scones more like a splodge, tasty but not turned out right.
    The splash went about 6 “ short of the ceiling, about two metres square wide. I have a splash back but not that big. Waiting for second coat to dry…..

    Oh dear Xena seems a pickle at the moment, they take their turns, Charlie has been quite good for a couple of days but it won’t last.
    Looks like the garden centre is calling hope you get there. Well done moving a pound..was the blondies nice?

    It’s ok staying the same ..always hard around goal…any more plants bought at the garden centre?

    Your new bowls look good, hope they work well for you..

    Jean x

    Good morning,a very enjoyable night bowling last night, it’s good to have a mixed team. Two of the ladies who bowled against us are actually Debdale ladies(my team) but they live in Hyde where we played last night. Some of our team were calling then traitors but in a good mannered way just having a laugh with them. They both won too.

    Dave- sounds like a good evening was had last night! Good that yiu found the bowls club ☺
    Jean- what a mess one egg has made! Will you buy any more food from the lady in the village- none left over for Charlie?! Enjoy your bowling too…The blondies were lovely thanks- very rich though!
    Hemmy- good that you kept the same weight- better than gaining! Unfortunately it’s 4 or 5 days of 800cals for me to lose, not 3- but it’s doable if I see some loss! Glad everyone’s dogs have their moments, not just Xena! Was complimented on her good behaviour today- coming home from a 2 hr walk when she was tired, they should have seen her at the start 😂 Hooe it dries up for you today…
    Everyone else okay?
    Sucessful trip to the garden centre, with 2 trolley loads of plants bought- we went for bedfing plants for mum’s tubs, then she announced when we got there it was too early to be buying them so she wouldn’t get any 😬 Managed to persuade her it was fine though! It is uosetting with the garden though- I could cry when she can’t remember plant names, she was always an expert 😢
    Fast day for me today, kept busy with jobs this morning & then seeing mum this afternoon. Weather not nice enough for mum to plant everything today!

    Afternoon All..
    A boules morning, we had some practice with a different technique then had one game with three of us, I did win..we all seem to be getting quite good.

    A painting afternoon when back, looking much better think I may have to touch up a few areas with a second coat but it’s not too bad….I have a 1/4 of a tin left it’s getting a bit bitty with skin so not easy..

    I won’t buy food every week it depends on what’s on offer, cakes would be nice if I freeze them in portions, not Charlie things really…
    I shall make an effort to eat and clear my freezer out then batch bake for one, get organised better.
    You sounds as if you have bought loads of plants, it will keep you busy…between mum and you…it’s sad when it hits you and you realise how bad your mum is getting, it’s out of her home environment doing different things.
    I don’t think my daughter in Texas realises I am getting older and don’t feel confident like I used too, we had words yesterday about me going to see her, I find it hard to pull it all together and with Boris too..I think she’s upset she won’t get over here…I have to consider Charlie I can’t just book and go, you need to book him very much ahead. I feel both daughters are being bossy telling me what to do and I don’t like it.

    Glad the bowling is going well…mixed teams and different days…..a good social outing…not really much rain about here I suppose I better get ready for our next walk..

    Half a crab to eat tonight nice and easy…

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another strange day here .. lots of showers then warm sun. Mr Pip and I were just enjoying being in the garden this afternoon then it poured.

    All looking very lush and green but constant hot sun needed now. Made baskets up some days ago not hung as yet .

    I love the shrubs best really… spring my favorite time with the blossom. I wasn’t going to do so many pots this year but our local shop does trays of bedding plants lol.. So along with the 3 cheese sourdough you can get the plants too. lolol Not a good combination for me. lol.

    Brads you sound like your doing well at the Bowls. Some ladies can give the men a good run for their money. Well done you are doing brilliantly its a very sociable game too.

    HH.. It must be so hard your Mum changing.. you do so well for her though .. she is a very lucky lady..
    You are brave doing a Fast day on a Saturday lol .

    Sym… Now its just me and not Mum from Sat till Tues like you I need to adjust. I buy far to much stuff every week. I tell myself I dont need to big shop weekly now.. but I still end up doing it every week.

    I deep freeze a lot then go to the local shop and buy from there .. Must eat from the freezers clear them. I only need one now lol.

    Well not sure whats for dinner not hungry as eaten too much for lunch. lol

    Take care all and stay safe..

    Value you peace… rather than other peoples opinions . Xxxx

    Hemmy most of the ladies can give a good account of themselves. Can have a good laugh with them so it’s different than the all men’s team. Not to say that we don’t have a great time with them. The weather is supposed to be wet and cold for the next few weeks.

    Three cheese sour dough sounds yummy 😀…I have decided bread, eggs, milk and veg that’s all I am buying…save some money for a few weeks…

    Wall is looking good all finished now, I will check on morning light before I put everything away..

    I take the quote might be for me…??..it fits…

    Jean x

    Sym… I thought of you with the ” Thought of the day. Xx

    PS Think I will do the same as you with just buying the basic fresh things. Eat from that freezer… and treat myself. lolol Xxxx

    Morning all!
    Hemmy & Jean- my freezers are so jammed full, I can’t see what’s in them, so end up buying more fresh food too 😂
    Must go through them again & use some stuff up!
    Jean- hard for you being bossed about…I’m sure you’d love to see Katie, but a worry if they changed the rules, you couldn’t risk having to go into quarantine when you came back! You sound like you’re managing things really well without any help, what are they nagging you about? Mum is good at turning on the tears & making us feel bad if we ever try to talk her out of her schemes- maybe try that one with your daughters 😉 😂 Hope the paint
    covers okay?
    Hemmy- the sourdough sounds lovely! Was going to try making some but never get round to it!
    Dave- good exercise & company with the bowling! Are you trying out the new set with your son this afternoon?
    FD went really well yesterday- 550 cals in the end! Going to enjoy one more carby day & back to serious keto tonorrow- a couple of blondies left to finish! Mum had already planted all her stuff out when I saw her- she made quick work of it! & she thrashed me at rummikub! She has Church & will see a friend today, is seeing friends Monday & Tuesday, then has an afternoon group Weds so I get a few days off now!
    Although Xena tried to eat bracken again on our walk today, she did walk brilliantly on the lead, so somethibg’s working!
    Have a good day all 😃

    Afternoon All..
    An early walk to beat the rain which hasn’t arrived!!…popped to the garden centre for a trough for cemetery and I got some blue/ mauve viola plants too. Planted them in the trough and tidied the grave, it soon gets messy.
    Cut my grass spits and spots of rain are about sat with my door open, shame I was hoping to sit out and read.

    Small joint of pork for this evenings meal, everything prepared ready to go…fasting Monday.

    I bet I could last a month two freezers are packed!..just eaten two mince pies from Xmas..very nice 😂
    Have you got in the garden today?

    I have Jacqui here..saying..it’s best to keep as normal as you can, not having any more visitors so you don’t get used to them…I haven’t seen her for three weeks!!

    Katie telling me to leave Charlie and visit for a month and see the grandchildren. She didn’t realise I was not going to leave him and get so attached when he is a dog…my direct flight I was going to catch I think is cancelled till the new year. There is so much to think through on going, I know I could work through it but Steve usually did it. She thinks I can book Charlie in within a month and just go ( I know not at the moment)..she knew she was upsetting me and carried on having a go. She is annoyed her holiday is cancelled and I think she is just taking it out of me.
    Going to either of the houses I find stressful and busy, I think we are so quiet and calm here it makes it worse.

    Nice you have a few days to your self and your mum is busy, she seems to be catching up with her friends…well done Xena.

    Looking very dark here, a wet walk later?…I shall start a book, I feel I am ahead of myself getting up early.
    I am having better weekend than last weekend..which is good…

    Rain has started!

    Jean x

    Obesity has become a common problem all over the world. It is all about the unnecessary fat that we contain in our body. So we should try to reduce the unnecessary. Yes, it is fat reduction exactly, not weight reduction

    It is advisable to go for natural fat burners through our food and a good exercise, to reduce our body fat.

    Reduce carbohydrates, fat in your diet and increase protein, fiber
    ( Nuts, Vegetables, Fruits )

    Consume an adequate amount of vitamin C daily ( Fruits/juices )

    Drink 3 liters of water daily

    Brisk walking for 30 minutes daily

    If you follow the above, You can easily reduce body fat in 30 days. Also as a bonus, you will get glowing skin which makes you to look young and smart. You can look 10 years younger definitely

    There are some natural food supplements ( below ) that can transform your body quickly. It makes you slim, young, and glowing as i have experienced it very much. It was amazing for me to see the transformation in front of the mirror in just 30 days.

    Enjoy the benefits of natural green caffeine: Natural green caffeine extract for fat burn

    Enjoy the benefits of natural green barley: Effective capsules containing green barley

    Enjoy the benefits of natural green tea: Amazing green tea capsules for fat burning

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another strange day .. with sun then very dark and rain. Got wet walking.

    Not managed to get out into the garden today at all. I bought another tray of mixed petunia when i collected my paper. So they are awaiting planting with yesterdays tray.

    Sym / HH .. I am really going to use from my freezers. .. I keep saying it but still keep buying.
    TBH now I only really need one.. May close one down… keep just in case.

    HH Have a lovely you day .. taking time out just for you.. Let those boys make you some tea .. spoil you.

    Well done with a Saturday Fast of 550 that was a good achievement. A carb day is deserved today lol

    Sym… You will get stronger and then just do want you want. You have been through trauma .. and it is you and your faithful Charlies time now.

    After I lost Andrew my best friend could not understand how I didn’t want to be here there and everywhere. Not going through it she didn’t realise I just wanted some peaceful time. I feel the same again now after just losing Mum.
    I treasure any day that is peaceful with no hurt.

    I have a Macaroni cheese this evening ( Out of the freezer this morning ) lol …

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing … take care and stay safe.

    We can never control the choices, actions, and behaviors of other people.
    So don’t waste your energy thinking that you can, instead let them be who they are. Xxxx

    Thank you for the quotes they are quite soothing..makes you think.

    I can understand were you are coming from..wanting a peaceful time and I even want my own company with Charlie. I just want what I want…is it the healing time I don’t know.
    I feel as if I am getting better then it’s a backward step…

    You are waiting to plant out and better weather a mixed bag this week. Hoping there is some sun for you.

    I shall definitely have a go at emptying the freezer…let’s give it a go..

    Jean x

    Morning All…
    Awake very early 4.30, just light mornings I think, usually about 5am/5.30 which is bad enough..

    Early walk and colouring my hair this morning getting myself smart as going away next week.

    Feeling nippy can’t believe it at this time of year, heating will be going on. A few House Martins have arrived they are two weeks late, no nest building yet..I think it’s too cold for them.

    I am fasting today and trying hard this week after the weekend …

    Jean x

    Morning all, & another grey chilly one!
    Jean- such a shame your girls are not being helpful…best for you to do whatever helps you heal & leave everyone else to it! An early start for you, not good on a FD! Hope that the new planter works better.
    Hemmy- don’t think the weather will be any better today, I’ve still not got planting to do too! Hope you have a peaceful day ☺
    Dave- any bpwling to do today?
    Nana- hope this weather improves for your break!
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    No bracken eaten on our walk today, but Xena did roll in something awful, eww…fasting today, nothing planned, inside jobs looking at the weather!

    Morning all – sorry about last week…I really don’t know where it went! We’ve been north a couple of times – starting to imagine buying a wee cottage again. So while on normal days, I’ve been good, and even thrown in fds, you know what it’s like when you have to eat on the road! Even starters are chock full of calories, and I usually try to keep control by just having a started and finishing the boy’s chips!

    So no travel planned for the next 10 days…and I’m knuckling down again. I’ve jsut had an omelette, and I won’t eat with the boys tonight, although I’ve somehow ended up with a load of carrots that need using, so I’ll dig out a carrot soup recipe…I used to have a lovely one with star anise. And I went for a quick run this morning.

    I also started going through my wardrobe…realistically! It’s not just the weight, it’s recognising that some of the more formal clothes…I jsut never want to wear again, even though I loved them at the time! Life changes and someone else should get use of them…I can’t turn everything into patchworks!

    HH – remember our other dog used to love rolling in fox poo – bad enough, but one day he rolled in a seal carcass an hour’s drive from home…he was so very nearly abandoned at the beach!


    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Its quite chilly here today … got wet again this morning walking. I do hope it changes soon..

    HH I still have plants to go out will try to get some potted this afternoon… Neighbour has got tomato.. chilly and runner bean plants for me by the end of the week. I dont think I would have bothered with veg this year but its given with a kind heart .
    I find the only way I can cure Fox/deer poo is vinegar it neutralizes it. Little devils.

    Sym …Grief doesn’t seem to have any pattern… it comes and goes and you just have to go with the flow of it.

    Having a mindful day .. cottage pie this evening again from the freezer lolol Fast tomorrow.

    Good luck Fasters … Take care all and stay safe.

    The one to please, never mind the rest, is the beautiful one looking back at you in the mirror. Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone just had to sign in before I could post happens quite a lot lately. Have had a good weekend despite the weather. Was pleased to see the scales reward me with a one pound loss on Friday mornings weigh in.Am having a FD today but am once again really cold.
    Need to be really good this week as we’re going to be going away to the Norfolk Coast for a weeks holiday on Friday.
    Sounds like you’ve all been busy with your gardens.
    Dave with his bowls.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Afternoon All…
    Hair coloured and back tidy..ready for my Bridlington break a week Tuesday..
    I have had a nap I felt quite tired, these 4.30 morning wake ups are no good, especially on a fd…

    Cold pork this evening might have a hard boiled egg too…

    The girls haven’t really been through bereavements, someone of 92, I think it’s just get on with it…they will know one day. Katie hasn’t a lot of patience, Jacqui I think is controlled by her hubby. They just don’t think, Jacqui with a quick phone call, with gifts, flowers but I would like some of her time, Katie does long phone calls, she’s upset her holiday is cancelled and taking it out on me…Hemmys quotes are thoughtful…
    I am glad Charlie hasn’t started in rolling in muck, he just eats wood or anything he finds..just as bad.
    I am having a lazy day just can’t be bothered. Looking dark here too…

    Lovely a hunt for a cottage that’s it’s exciting…it is hard eating on the hoof it’s the best of a bad job..I know what you mean about your wardrobe, mine needs going through you never wear 3/4 s of what you have..

    Well done eating out of the freezer..I am having left overs of cold pork tonight….

    Fingers crossed for a good week and a good weigh in….a holiday to look forward too, just before me…enjoy a Cromer crab…is it your thing?

    Well hammering down with rain, we were just going to go…may wait a bit…

    Jean x

    Probably culled a quarter, Jean…mind you, as I type that, I realise that’s just the hanging clothes!

    Felt fine with just my omelette today – packing the protein really works! I’ll have a drop of the carrot soup I made earlier with the boys.


    Well done on the start 😀

    Morning all!
    Minols- lovely to be cottage hunting again! Will it be a holiday home, or an investment to rent? Sounds like you were stronger than I’d be on the road! I used to make a spicy carrot & lentil soup- just chucked it all in the saucepan & simmered it for half an hour, very tasty & easy, & very low cal- sadly a bit too many carbs for keto…I always think of your dog rolling in the dead seal if Xena rolls in something- there’s always someone worse off than you etc!
    Nana- hope you can keep strong til you go away! Nice to have that to look forward to!
    Jean- a shame the girls can’t understand, like you say, they will one day…my SIL told mum she shouldn’t still be crying- after 2 weeks!
    Hemmy- enjoy your freezer meals! I hope the weather ended up better for you!
    Dave- lovely to keep busy with the bowling, & speedway too! Are you managing FDs right now?
    Hope everyone else is okay…
    I got lots done in the garden in the end yesterday, stayed dry in the end! Did under 500 cals yesterday so decided to do ADFs, but 500 cal FDs for a change. Lovely here this morning, storms forecast later…hair cuts need to be done today. Eldest has been roped in to take a group photo of Mum & her friends, a treat for him!

    Up stupidly early, so feeling very ‘death warmed up’…and not that warm either!

    Today’s sign of life…the Toddler Group is starting up again, so we will have noise around the office at last!

    Inspired by my effort, the OH also went through his wardrobe last night…so my little car is rammed full of things to delight a charity shop…an excuse to meet a friend for coffee – and because sh’e also a colleague it counts as work!

    Have a great day, everyone.


    Really struggling to do any fast days just lately.I will try and do Wednesday and Thursday this week, got to get back in the swing. I actually won 21-5 at bowls yesterday,the team won 7-1.Terrified of getting back on the scales.Went to speedway last night, it was well organized.We had to scan our phone using the NHS app or if you didn’t have a phone you had to write out your name and address.It was strange to see a crowd but all the seats were marked so it was good.

    hedgehogs yes I am still here 🙂 At the moment can only log in now and again. Yes, Sabella loves her kickboxing she’s got all clobbered out for it now, except the gloves. The trainer Tony, nice guy, said that he would give Sabella some gloves tomorrow night when she goes. Does your son love kickboxing? How long has he been doing it for?
    I weigh every Tuesday and use the FD on Mondays and Thursdays.

    symba7 yes I thought it would help with her confidence and also to stick up for herself in later life, she’s very timid, which is good but she can sometimes get picked on because of her autism and she lets it happen. It doesn’t happen all the time just now and again but lately, touch wood (tapping my head LOL), she’s been OK 🙂

    I lost 3 pounds today so that now makes 7 pounds, the scales made me jump when they cheered LOL, I nearly fell off them.

    hedgehogs your spicy carroty and lentil soup sounds nice, not tried lentils before. I used to watch a tv programme back in the 80’s called ‘The Young Ones’ and Neil in that programme used to do lentils with everything, so, when you mentioned that you were doing a soup it brought that memory back.

    symba7 weather OK here in Malton, was gloomy this morning but better now, might wear my sunglasses when I pick Sabella up from school today. She finishes at 4.15 instead of 3.15 because she has gymnastics. She needs a lot of exercise to wear her out because she is so lively lol 🙂 I bet you can’t wait for your trip to Bridlington, hope the weather is lovely for you when you go.

    Nanafixit WOW the Norfolk coast, sound beautiful, I have never been. I hope you have a lovely time and well done with your weight loss…every bit counts. 🙂

    hemmy did you enjoy the cottage pie yesterday, sounds delicious. I have got chips lined up for me on Saturday, gives me something to chase this week…roll on the weekend LOL!!

    Hope everyone keeps safe and well. Take care


    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A better day today .. no rain yet. .. Only just had lunch as came back from walking and had coffee with a friend.
    I then managed to get all the lawns done .. a bit wet but they were ok and looking lush now.

    Pleased as its my Fast day and I had been 20hrs without eating by the time I got sat down at 2pm. .. infact its so funny as I really feel very energetic today . lol

    Brads .. Hopefully all your exercise will help a lot with a weigh in. You sound like you are really enjoying the bowls.

    Kev .. Wow thats brilliant losing 3lb this last week making half a stone. Well done you. You must be thrilled. Yay for chips on the weekend you deserve them.

    Sym… not doing much food shop tomorrow .. just fresh basic things … its going to be freezer week. Get some of that old stuff gone. May treat myself tomorrow as i had a £50 win on the premium bonds this month lol.

    Minois..lovely to prune down the wardrobe .. knowing others will gain from it.

    Nana .. lovely to have a break away .. Norfolk is beautiful.

    HH .. First day for ages I didn’t get wet today on the walk. I bet your Mum and friends will love having your boy taking their photo. lol

    Ty … Where are you and how are you doing mate . .. Put that fish finger sandwich down now. ( It needs more ketchup) lolol

    Not decided on tonight’s food yet …

    Have a good day all take care and stay safe..

    Not having to prove anything to anyone …is a lovely place to be. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    The girls called the boules off as heavy rain and hail….the time to play was beautiful and sunny..shame..we headed for the pub so not a wasted afternoon 😀

    A bit of a wobble today but put the girls understand….a lovely afternoon at the pub just a couple of hours..
    Hope the haircuts have been done get them all tidy again…

    Nice to have all the nice chatter of little ones…keep you awake 😂

    Well done on the winning bowls…you must get your head around fasting but you have a lot of worry at the moment.

    Lovely your daughter is enjoying the kickboxing. Well done on your 3 lbs off, it’s surprising how quickly the stone off arrives 😀

    I am with you freezer only!!..just buy fresh stuff….
    £50 win well done a lovely treat for you…what will you buy?….cheese sandwich for me I am not hungry and can’t be bothered…

    Jean x

    Morning all – a stunning one here!

    Kev – well done on the 3lbs…I love your scales!

    Typical NFD yesterday – overdid things a bit. So today I’ll pull it back in and maybe fast tomorrow. So…the plan – porridge, carrot soup, portion controlled freezer food tonight…should keep it nice and controlled and low, but filling and satisfying.

    Just heard this mornign that competitive shinty is starting up again for the boy – yippee! We’ve been back at the windswept field since Easter…it’ll be good to have some tournaments happening to bring a bit of focus to the kids now.


    Good morning everyone, yes it’s great sports starting up with crowds there. I really enjoyed the speedway on Monday.Bowling again today, the weather as been good but a big dark cloud as just appeared 🙄.Rain is predicted for this afternoon 😪.We take it in turn to drive so it’s my turn today, got a lovely shiny car after having a valet trying to do a fast day today so fingers crossed.

    Kev- well done with the 3lbs off, nice to get a cheer from the scales! Son has been doing kickboxing about 3 years, although not much over the last year, obvs! They did judo in the past, son was going to start brazilian jui jitsu but then the lockdown happened- all great exercise, great for confidence, that’ll be good for Sabella!
    Jean- hope your visit goes okay with your sister…
    Hemmy- a nice win, enjoy spending that! Yes, son was a hit with the ladies- he can be a charmer! Mum’s starting him a fan club…
    Dave- well done with the bowling win, hope you win again today! Keep strong with your FD!
    Minols- my nonFDs not going well either! Nice for your son’s shinty to get back to competitions!
    Feeling like it’s gone a bit pear-shaped this week! Ate too much yesterday- a bit of stress eating, worried about youngest, he’s starting a business, hope he knows what he’s doing, something with property rentals, he’s not the most organised with paper work… Then was planning a 500cal FD but neck was painful, can’t take painkillers on an empty stomach, so abandoned that, will try & rein it in, I think 800 cals are needed though as I’m eating too much other days 😬 Hair cuts didn’t get done yesterday- window cleaner came & no-one wanted him watching through the window! So will do them this afternoon…
    Have a good day all ☺

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