Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,337 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  Brads27 2 hours, 13 minutes ago.

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  • Sounds like lots of you have been enjoying the weather- Mum’s new bench that she made so much fuss about having was in the sun, would’ve been lovely to sit out there & watch the birds, but no, we were inside playing rummikub 😫
    FD has been good, 700 cals. Another one tomorrow!

    Morning all – stunning again here, too.

    Achieved the tough week 5 runs…the plan takes you up to 20 mins at this stage to prove to your head that you can do it…as long as you’ve treated the paced walks between runs as fast paced, and not gasping rests! It always feels really illogical when you see it there on the screen, but it works…and I did it. Next week the runs should feel a lot more do-able.

    FD went alright yesterday…going to wait until the end of the monthto measure and weigh, though as my loss is always so slow it’s too discouraging to record often.

    Off to work…to work with another colleague in the building – yay!


    Minols that’s the best way only getting weighed once a month. Twice I have done it and had a good loss each time. It’s when I go back to weekly weigh-ins I stop losing😩. Another beautiful day here. Will have a shower then take the old girl out, Heidi, not my wife😁. Going bowling this afternoon with my son.

    Good morning all

    It’s yet another wonderful spring day here and long may it continue.

    Weighed in this morning though I was going to wait until next week as I’ve just given up bread and still weigh the same as last Friday.

    May go out for a nice walk myself see if it helps shape up those stubborn pounds.

    Stay safe and Happy St Georges day everyone.

    A few flags flying,Don’t know how st George is our patron saint, he’s from Turkey and never fought a dragon.

    Minols- well done with all that running! Hopefully there’ll be some pounds shifted this month!
    Steve- shame you’ve not lost this week, maybe a whoosh next week!
    Dave- enjoy the bowling, nice to be able to go with your son!
    Hope everyone enjoys this good weather 😁
    Will brave the scales tomorrow, but not hopeful as I’ve not been good on the nonFDs! Mum has decided she can cope with a day on her own, so we’re going to B&Q so hubby can try to do a repair on our gate, & will do some gardening after that. 800cal day again, tummy is rumbling!

    Hi FBBss Hope all is well with you.

    Once again a lovely day .. Just had lunch and going to paint my other garden chair.

    Well the scales were kind this morning thank goodness after a boring for me no carb week. I had lost 4lbs .. but 2 really as i had put on 2 lbs last week-end.
    A good result but not easy for me life is too short . lol I just really ate chicken..prawns cheese eggs .. a bit of veg and fruit.

    After having no bread for lunch and a omelette everyday .. I can see Why Brads often doesn’t have any lunch . lol
    I do recommend it if you have had a bad few days being naughty just go with it for the week no cheating. You will be pleased with results.

    Anyway .. I have decided to ban myself from crusty bread and cakes for the time being back to a bit of sliced bead fro toast it would be a shame to put it back on. Thats the theory anyway. lolol

    Good luck with the scales everyone.. Take care and stay safe Have a lovely week-end.

    Our steps have the ability to take us anywhere but its the mind that controls where they go. Xxxx

    hedgehogs my fasting days were going to be Mondays and Thursdays but since I started last week my days are Tuesdays and Fridays, so I am fasting today. I don’t expect to lose any weight this week, might put it on, I had a birthday drink and meal with some friends the other day and had some birthday cake. So, I am hoping and praying that I lose a pound and that will be a bonus this week 🙂

    hemmy well done with your weight loss!!!

    I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. The sun is shining and it’s gorgeous weather here in Malton. Was going to do some HIT today but can’t be bothered :-O On my FD today and going for the 600 calories maximum, need to shift my birthday cake and drinks lol. I might go for a FD tomorrow but with a maximum of 1000 calories. I know it’s more than usual but with me already doing two FD’s this week it would be a little boost for my dreaded weigh in next week, GULP!!!!


    It’s been an absolutely beautiful day…and definitely a bad Friday as we’ll be getting a takeaway after shinty this evening. I suspect I’ll need to wrap up as it gets cold once the sun dips, adn any breeze will be off the water – still, it’s a beautiful shinty field, so not complaining…even if I’m ‘covid assistant’ tonight and have to stand around doing not a lot. Covid wouldn’t stand a chance outside on the eastern coast of Scotland!

    Have a great weekend everyone.


    Back from bowling,for some reason they have put me in the A team for Monday and Wednesday.I was hoping to be in the B team because I am very new to all this bowling.I was talking to my mate who is in the fishing club as well as the bowling club and he is on the B team.He played 15 games last year for the A team and only won 2.So it may be a struggle.

    Hemmy- well done with the weight loss, good result! I don’t eat the carbs, I have a great recipe for seed crackers which are amazing, have those instead of bread, or a salad lunch time. Enjoy the weather & the garden ☺
    Kevin- hope all the birthday celebrations don’t do too much damage! It’s only once ayear though, so enjoy, I think!
    Minols- hope you don’t get too cold, & see off the covid! Enjoy the takeaway!
    Nana- what are you having tonight?!
    Dave- good that they’ve put you on the A Team! A bit of pressure though…who won with you & your son today?
    B&Q trip not successful but hubby got what he needed in a smaller DIY shop. Had a productive afternoon in the garden too. Stir fry for dinner tonight, FD has been busy enough to not get too hungry!
    Have a good evening all ☺

    Good morning everyone.Not used to being first on😱.We didn’t play a match yesterday just practice.Seed crackers sound a possibility instead of bread. Sunny again here but it’s not as strong as it as been all week.

    Happy to post a link for the seed crackers recipe if you want, Dave!
    Pleased & surprised to see 2 of the 3lbs I’d put on last week have gone! NonFD for me today 😁
    Busy morning- both boys up early for work & that wakes me up…extra long walk with Xena, but she’s being a pickle & has started to eat the bracken shoots coming up! Had to put her on the lead for a bit & then she was pulling…can distract her a bit with sticks some of the time, the muzzle didn’t work last year, annoying!
    Have done lots of cleaning, & helped hubby with his latest repair attempt at a gate post- he’s finally accepted it needs a stronger post & a metpost base, so hopefully it’ll work this time!
    Seeing Mum this afternoon…

    Yes tell me how to make them HH,I may like them. If I do it would be a good substitute for bread. So long as there are not too man calories in them.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another glorious day hopefully we are all enjoying ..

    Hedgehogs … well done with that 2 lbs loss thats brilliant. It makes you feel so good doesn’t it. Enjoy today having a Non fast one.

    I hope Mum will fancy a sit in the garden this afternoon.. the sunshine would be good for her.. I do know how stubborn they can be though. lol Enjoy your afternoon whatever you are doing.

    Brads .. are you off bread again… Did you put any pounds back on after eating it again. .. I am just having 1 slice a day now just had my first food since last night at 6pm.. 2 fried eggs 1 toast and tomatoes. Going to go with a breakfast type lunch daily as keeping off that crusty cobs/ bread and cakes really makes a difference.

    Hope everyone is ok… Where is Sym. Xx

    Take care all and stay safe..

    True Freedom comes when you release the desire to care what others think about you.Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    An early walk then on to a Pétanque practice, I am enjoying it. Us 4 girls are newbies and practicing, a lot of talking and even of pub lunches more my thing when we can. Tuesday is more serious 😬 we have to behave ourselves.

    Sat reading in the sun going walking shortly…

    Hemmy ..
    Your chairs sound interesting you do get busy with your paint😂..I am painting my gate post…just one side to do twice, 14 hours to dry between coats a bit of a pain…
    Finished my bottle of rose wine a bit naughty, just so nice in the sun, I must get back into the mode tomorrow…

    It’s a shame mum won’t use her bench, it’s such lovely weather..well done on moving the 2 lbs that’s really good 😀..naughty girl on the bracken they do test us…

    Well done on the runs getting back into it nicely..

    You must be good to get in the A team..I wouldn’t complain it’s nice…..

    You are joining the Monday fasters that’s nice….must finish my birthday spirit…

    Have a good weekend

    Jean x

    Hemmy I put on half a stone when I went back on the bread😱.I am nowhere near as good as the other bowlers,but I have beat some of them in a friendly game.I do miss bread especially the cobs, but do gain weight when I have too much of it.

    Sym… well done for joining your new game.. Is it like Bowls as I see there is the Jack and looks like the nearest to it.

    Beautiful day for sitting out.. I have stopped wine but onto MEASURED out G and low cal T lol… Not my measures.

    Yes I do so love my garden painting… as you know I paint the old terracotta pots when they look a bit worse for wear. .. Its usually Wild Thyme my favorite for years… But have gone mad and I have painted these chairs and may now do a bench in Ronseal pale grey almost with a tinge of lavender really pretty .. It all just keeps things looking fresh I love my garden .. never got done last year with Mum passing.

    Brads .. I can see by just those 4 days this week what an amazing difference having no bread .. pasta rice potato made to weight loss.
    I am going to be careful now.. really going to keep my eye on those B carbs. Hope Heidi is having a good day too… Had her chicken and shes “been” lolol. Bless her .

    Hope everyone is enjoying their evening Xxxx

    Well that’s a week done again without bread. It’s been hard but now a few have stopped the bread it will help me carry on. It does make a big difference.

    Just got a text message asking to book the 2nd covid jab,I put my date of birth in and it said wrong so I put Denise’s date of birth and it was accepted.So she’s booked in and I am waiting.Last time we both had it done together. They have done the same with my mate and his wife. 😩Sunny again here, forget what rain is but no doubt it will return soon enough.Day 8 of no 🍞.

    Afternoon all

    It’s another beautiful sunny day here and not a cloud anywhere to be seen.

    Had some bad news on Friday that my dad had a fall at home and managed to break both his femur and hip that was his first fall at the age of 85. He’s currently in hospital down in the south of England so relying on family for updates.

    I had a bit of a blow out over the weekend so not sure how the scales will look on Friday.

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend all

    Afternoon all!
    Steve- sorry to hear about your Dad, a worry, especially as he’s so far away. Does he live by himself? Thinking of you…
    Hemmy- sounds good with all the painting, your garden must look so pretty! I thought we could’ve done our shed in something nice, but hubby went ahead with brown 😬
    Dave- well done keeping off the bread! I’m sure it’ll help, sent you the link for the crackers…
    Jean- will be good to get that gate sorted, hope your neighbour is being nicer! The ladies group sounds good, great you’ve found something, will be nice to go out for lunch!
    Nana- any bbq’s this weekend? My sister’s having one this afternoon with her ‘children’ all coming, we’ll smell that!
    Kevin- how’s your partner? Hope that she’s feeling a bit better?
    Minols- hope you had a good day off yesterday…
    Back to 800cal days today, feeling cold, really chilly & grey here!
    Have a good day all ☺

    Hi everyone

    HH – I’d be interested int he seed cracker recipe, too.

    Got out for a lovely walk yesterday and finished at a cafe someone had recommended – just takeaway baking fromt he door. I had a piece of Turkish Delight rockyroad – totally amazing, but so sweet I actually felt sick afterwards. Won’t do that again!

    Light dinner tonight, and I may try a fd tomorrow – ie a midday omelette…see how I go, as tomorrow ahs to be a writing day, and sometimes I need the distraction of food!

    Love the sound of your paintwork in the garden, Hemmy – lavendar grey…beautiful.


    Steve sorry to hear about your dad, hopefully he will be ok. It’s good to have a blow out every now and then.Took Heidi out again and see met a few dogs, her legs are getting worst but the band helps her get round. Still lovely and warm. Jean good you have bought some boules.Football on now so can’t eat until 6-30.

    Morning All..
    Bright and chilly at the moment…play date at the park with Oreo…
    Boules have been delivered before I have left..I thought I wouldn’t be in so that’s good…so difficult when on your own having to rely on neighbours….

    Fasting today so will keep busy lots of jobs on the list!!

    You must be quite good or you wouldn’t have been put in the A team….

    Yes it’s like bowls to a point, Saturday is just us ladies one game in 90 mins, Tuesday 2 games in 60 mins more serious..we talk a lot…if weathers good going to pub for a drink on Tuesday.
    I think your garden will look so lovely is it a typical country cottage garden?..

    Hope your dad has some support he sounds in a bad way..that’s what my Dad did but just his femur at 70….it’s so hard when you are at a distance..

    I can smell that bbq, lots of people get them going around me…my neighbour will never be nice!!

    Things can taste quite sweet when you have been good…join us today..

    Must dash and get my tea drunk…and off…

    Jean x

    HI all – grey and coolish today…but that’s alright. I need to get my head down.

    Thanks for the seed cracker recipe, Dave – where to you get psyllium husk powder? and is sit essential?

    Typhoo – how’s your dad been over the weekend…tough being so far away.

    Fasting today. I’ve been for a ‘run’, and in a little while I’ll get an omelette, and hope that takes me through the day. I have something for the boys tonight that I don’t really like, so that should be easy to resist!


    Minols you will have to ask HH,I just forwarded ít from what she sent me. I will check though. A lovely sunny day again,can’t believe I keep saying this every day. Must be due some rain soon. Probably next week when the bowling season starts.

    They sell it on Amazon Minols.

    Minols- the turkish delight rocky road sounds interesting! Shame you felt sick! The psyllium husk is essential, with that & the chia seeds it binds it all together, health food shops should sell it or amazon of course. Hope you get your writing done today!
    Steve- how’s your dad, will he have surgery?
    Dave- poor Heidi, lovely that she can get out still. You’re getting some good weather for bowling!
    Jean- will be nice to go out after boules, & to have your own set…hope the play date for Charlie went well!
    Hemmy- hope you can find enough to eat if you’re cutting down on carbs too…
    Early walk & took mum to a market she likes which has just started up again, but no plant stall. Went on to a nearby garden centre but that was closed Mondays, so not a great trip! She bought lots of chocolate at the market though, all good for her diet 😂
    She started talking about her gas fire again, tried to distract her with looking at what she could do in the garden, backfired as she decided she might try & do a path herself, not what I meant!
    Fasting today again, quite hungry though!
    Hope everyone else is okay!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A nice sunny day but cooler ..back to a sweater again… Longer morning walk chatting with a friend.

    Car cleaning day should have been yesterday but reading waylaid me. lol

    NFD but cutting down on carbs.. having a fried breakfast for lunch daily. .. So just some carb with evening protein..
    I cant cut carbs completely as i find it too boring without a pie or pasta .. potato or rice. .. Ideal though like last week after a binge ..

    Typhoo .. hope your Dad is on the mend .. hard when far away.

    Hedgehogs .. Oh your mum sure does keep you on your toes lol Bless her. Markets are lovely ..especially on a sunny day .. lots have gone now Banbury used to be a big one Thursday and Saturdays still going but not the same .

    Sym… What a wonderful new interest for you .. meeting new people and the pub too.

    I know what you mean about relying on neighbours .. I really try to avoid it unless desperate. All are willing but I am quite independent.. If I have to call on them I always try to reciprocate in some way .

    Brads sounds like its getting busy for you now out and about again.

    Minois ..hope that omelette keeps you going till this evening .. nice with some bacon. lol.

    Nana .. hope you had a lovely weekend with your friends. .

    Kev.. how was the week-end for you.

    Kay .. Mel How are you doing Xx

    Have a good day Fasters ..Take care all and stay safe.

    It is what it is,
    But it will be what you make of it. Xxxx

    Hi Everyone, my weigh in tomorrow, been naughty with the chocolate but like hedgehogs says…birthdays are once a year. Mine as been going on all last week and still got about 16 crunchies left, so, maybe going on this week too LOL

    Brads27 what sort of bowling do you do? I go bowling now and again in Scarborough doing crown green bowling, also, I have tried the flat bowling as well. Do you find that bread puts the weight on even if you have one slice? I’m on the wholemeal bread and I have 2 of them sometimes on my FD with no butter on.

    symba7 yes I’m on the Monday fasters and Thursday as well this week, could change again because things have a tendency to put my plans into turmoil when I try to plan anything 🙂 How was your birthday?

    Typh00 I hope your dad is feeling better after that bad fall. Sending my best wishes to your dad XX

    hedgehogs my partner Nicky is feeling better this week. I need to book her 2nd covid jab. She got the first one but not heard from the GP’s yet about the second one.

    Stay safe everyone. 🙂


    Afternoon everyone a lovely sunny day here but a bit of a chilly wind. Am having a FD today and it’s not going too badly. We’ve received a wedding invitation for a wedding in September so I really need to knuckle down.
    Typhoo hope your dad is coming along.A worry for you.
    Hemmy yes a lovely time with our friends as usual finished off with a takeaway Chinese collected on our way home.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and I hope those of you who are also having a FD succeed. Next one for me will be Thursday.
    Stay safe everyone.
    Nana x

    Afternoon all!

    Im back to it…!!

    Lost my mojo this month, but rather than wait til May, there is still a week left to undo some of the damage done. Weigh in on Friday, for the month.

    800 cals today and for the next 3 days.
    I was going to ditch the carbs, but I’ve got heartburn at the moment, no idea why, and I may need some plain food for a couple of days, so will see how it goes.

    I’m back to work, a few hours a week, just cleaning the holiday lets, but Neil has joined me so we team up.
    We have been to our local pub a few times, but its only open in the evenings so only last a couple of hours before it gets too cold! Nice to chat to people though.

    Trying to get on with the garden and plant some vegetables but it’s still cold at night. Too cold for fragile stuff.

    Too many posts to catch up on, so just picking up from last couple…

    Steve, I hope your dad gets on OK. That’s a bad fall.

    Kev, we all tend to stretch out our birthday treats…lol…Good luck if you do weigh in tomorrow.

    Jean, nice to have another hobby, and a chance to meet new people and chat too.

    Minols, you are doing fab with your running again, well done.

    Dave, Heidi is still going ok bless her. Well done on no bread again!

    HH, here’s hoping your mum’s bench does get some use eventually!

    Hemmy, it’s nice to freshen up the garden. I need to buy some more planters for my wooden tiered stand, to fill it up. And some more plants….

    Nana, we were going to have a bbq yesterday but it was too windy.

    Right….back to looking at wetsuits online so we can get out in the water on the body boards. Our current ones are a bit too snug!! But they were only cheap ones to see if we liked it!

    Kay x

    I do crown green bowls. Just back from doing it. The league starts next week and for some reason they have put me in the A team.I have only ever played 8 League games and lost them all. I only started last year after a 50 year break from it. It’s good exercise and meet lots of good people.

    Evening All..
    A busy day lots of jobs done kept me busy…car and house windows are still on the list, and oven….just thinking 😂

    Kitchen closed not bad day really, too busy to think…

    A disaster day for your mum, no plants and shop closed…surely mum can’t do a path..can she?

    One neighbour takes in my parcels as she is always in, I have a large block of chocolate and packet of 7 crunchies to give her, next time she collects for me, just a small thank you.

    Thank you I had a good birthday I was taken out to lunch by my dog walking friends. Good Nicky is feeling better it must be a worry at times.
    Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow.

    Lovely, nice to have a wedding to look forward too..new dress too..

    Working as a team with Neil, hope it works 😂…our revamped pub has re opened after a year of being closed today, hopefully we are going there after boules tomorrow. Expensive I would think wet suits, hope you can find some.

    Jean x

    Evening all

    Thanks for all your kind messages my dad had surgery and now has a metal plate in his leg so no trying to sneak through airport security.

    Not really feeling like fasting today so have only eaten once unfortunately that one meal was a medium sized pizza and potato wedges.

    He was living with my niece for a while as he has had a few medical problems over the past year and now this has happened to top everything he’s been through.

    Stay safe everyone

    Survived reasonably well, althoguh it’s been a bit of an ambley day work wise…haven’t really settled to write what needs writing, sohave tried to at least tick off other bits and pieces until inspiration strikes!

    The omelette ended up being ‘de-constructed’ as they’d say on masterchef. Next to the usual chorizo, I discovered some old bacon (Hemmy!) that was just about ready for binning but not quite, so that had to be used up and I thought I’d just swap it for the chorizo…except I couldn’t be bothered to chop it up, so started frying the slices…decided to just nibble the cheese, and then there really wasn’t much point with the eggs which I don’t like except when in a cheesey omelette! So essentially I had bacon and cheese!

    And this evenign I had some old oatcakes that also neeeded eating up (no-one’s ever going to want to come round my place for a meal!!!) Feel fine…but not like I’ve eaten ‘well’…but at least I’m not hungry!


    Morning all

    Things feeling vaguely ‘normal’ this morning. The cleaners are back in of furlough. The League of Gentlemen, who always used to gather to do odd jobs on a Tuesday are pottering around. My admin colleague is around and asking about stamps and printing.

    And I’ve still not finished my writing…so ‘normal’ is definitely back on!

    Anyone fasting today? Good luck.


    Good morning, the sun as disappeared, so the rain won’t be far away. Denise as got an appointment for her second jab on Thursday,we went together last time😲.Aching a little after 2 hours bowling yesterday.Going again Wednesday and Friday weather permitting.Need the practice for the league starting next week.

    Well I finally plucked up the courage to get myself onto the scales and I had anticipated putting weight on and I was not let down, I have put on just over 2lbs. I am still down from where I started but I need to dig deep after my birthday. I think I started at the wrong time and maybe should have waited until after my birthday. Anyway, Rome wasn’t built in a day 🙂

    Brads27 must be good bowling again, especially when the weather is nice. No league bowling over in Scarborough just friendly practicing at the moment. I am not going back to crown green bowling until next year anyway. Good luck in the league.

    Onwards and upwards. Next week I will lose what I have put on this week 😉


    Afternoon all!
    Steve- glad that your dad’s had his surgery, a worry how he’ll manage now, will he be able to live with your neice again? Hard to fast when you’re worried!
    Dave- they wouldn’t have put you in the A team unless they thought you were good- unless they’ve muddled you up with someone else 😂
    Jean- enjoy your boules & the drink today! Charlie will be sulking with you so busy!
    Hemmy- good you had a walk with a friend. Car cleaning can wait, enjoy your reading while you’ve got a good book!
    Nana- the wedding will be a good incentive to keep you on track- although now you can socialise with friends it’ll be harder!
    Kev- oh dear, lots more chocolate still left to eat, send some to Dave & Steve?!
    Minols- is it nice to have company while you work again, or more distracting?! Not sure about the dinner last night!!
    Kay- will be good to get out body boarding again- I think we got ours from car boots…of course you’ll have to be the boss with the cleaning as you have the experience! Good you can get back to the 800 cal days- since our holiday I can’t seem to do more than a couple of days at a time!
    Was nice here this morning so had a 2 hr walk with Xena- we stopped for a play at the lake, she won’t quite swim yet though! She’s been really lively though- son gave her a game when we got back, then she did zoomies & wanted another game later, plus she ‘helped’ in the kitchen clearing up the dropped bits while I was busy…
    Mum’s seeing a friend today so hopefully she’ll use the bench. Doing an extra dinner for her tonight. NonFD for me, so I can eat well too!
    Right, time to wash the kitchen floor in case Xena didn’t get it completely clean 😂

    Hi FBBs a cooler day here with rain coming in later The ground is very dry and loving no wet dog towels.. We have had a good run lol

    Everyone seems super busy lol ..

    … Kay it will probably help being back at work .. re 800 cals.

    Kev .. Just try to cut back a bit more on carbs just for this week .. you will soon see good results. .. Glad you enjoyed your Birthday treats life is for living.. lol.

    A fast day for me today anyone else.. I had egg bacon tomatoes 1 toast for lunch ..milky coffee and fruit this evenng.. Not sure on cal but it doesn’t seem a lot. lolol

    Typhoo … Hope Dad is doing well . Its not the time for worrying about calories thats the beauty of 5-2 .. over the past years I have been able to pick it up again when it suited . Take care.

    Hedgehogs .. that s a wonderful picture you paint in words of Xena cleaning your floor. Luv it… they are so very precious. lolol

    Have a good day all .. take care and stay safe..

    Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does. Xxxx

    Took Heidi to the park twice. She met 4 dogs the first time and the same 2 the second time. Yes I am open to eating chocolate, anytime 😋😋😋. It’s gone very dull here some rain is on its way.

    Just been out with Heidi again and got soaked,it’s worst now because she can only move slowly.Bowling tomorrow if it’s not raining heavy.

    Very dull here today,going to feed the insects at 2pm also known as bowling.Still got lumps on my arm from where they bit me on Monday.Fast day today so the bowling really helps,stops me feeling hungry for a couple of hours.

    Morning All..
    A bit of a lay in this morning I seem to have a busy week…a park walk this morning..

    My new passport has taken a 6 day turn around amazing, it did say 10 weeks..I missed the delivery yesterday so reorganised it for Wednesday as I have to be here….

    I had a lovely day at boules yesterday I am enjoying it, playing with three new lady friends, we popped over to our local which has been refurbished it’s really lovely, it was quite rough mans pub..now a hotel, restaurant and small bar, we sat outside and had a good afternoon, I was quite sqiffy after two very large wines then Charlie walking but I feel it did me good and I needed it…if you know what I mean.

    Good your Dads been sorted quickly he can start to recover now…it’s good news..

    Lovely to have a busy hive of bees about you, lovely getting back to near normal…

    Have a good bowling session hope the weather holds…it’s chilly here..

    It’s your birthday you are allowed a weigh gain….ps I am only saying it as I might be joining you 😂

    Dry weather!! Charlie found a lovely edge of a receding pond, legs thick of mud ..a wash down in the car park, you are luckier than me!! 😂..as Steve would have said but he enjoyed it!

    Fast day meals sounded ok to me..

    A lazy day for me…two visits to the dentist tomorrow for a crown, not looking forward to it, second jab Friday…

    Jean x

    Hi everyone – was seriously contemplating fasting today, but up way too early and tired by the time I made the boy’s toast…so had some too, and of course, that’s the top of a slippery slide, so I’ll do tomorrow instead.

    Might try and grab a nap this afternoon – 20 minutes should see me right!


    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you.Xxxx

    We had rain during the night so a mucky Mr Pip this morning. lol

    Its dark and cloudy and my Mojo seems to have disappeared with the sunshine.

    Brads hope the weather stays fine for your game.

    Minois ..Yes best just to enjoy the toast and tomorrow is another day. Thats the beauty of 5-2.

    Sym.. That was a fast turnaround for your passport .. brilliant.
    Thats how I feel when my boy gets in a pickle..just happy he enjoyed himself.
    Great fun today as lots of deer about … he sees them off but knows he cant catch them .. just protects me.

    May 1 st is Andrews anniversary .. it will be 9 years but hard as it still sometimes feels like just yesterday.

    Have a good day everyone .. Take care and stay safe.

    There is no limit to what you can achieve. The limit is only set by you. Xxxx

    symba7 you are so funny LOL. I know why not enjoy your birthday 🙂

    hemmy I am doing HIT several times this week to help with my weight as well. Will try cutting out on some of the carbs. Thanks.

    hedgehogs I should send Dave & Steve some chocolate, shouldn’t I? LOL 🙂

    I have been doing more HIT this week, been on the exercise bike twice already this week, that’s a first :-O

    Going to pick up Sabella from school soon, we walk home nowadays since I joined the 5:2, I can’t be bothered to walk in the mornings…a bit at a time and who knows ‘this time next year I might be a stick-insect’, who thought I was going to say millionaires? Ha ha

    Take care everyone and stay safe and it’s great reading about how you are all doing


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