Morning All..
Have a good day fasters…
Up early my visitor will be here shortly…speak this evening…
Jean x
This topic contains 36,337 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by Brads27 5 hours, 46 minutes ago.
Jean- hope all goes well with Tony, a long day for him…did you get yiur gate delivered?
Dave- thinking of you today, difficult job to do…
Steve- hope your FD went well yesterday- mine was really hard work!
Kev- Easter egg hunt sounded good, get those eggs out the way! I think the longer you leave it over Christmas, special occasions etc without fasting it’s harder to get back into it! Hi to your budgie from us! I love watching the Dog house program too- I was outvoted on getting a rescue with our dog, so we had her as a puppy. She’s been hard work!
Kay- hope Tara’s okay with her season, good luck fasting today! Tiffin sounded good ☺
Hemmy- hope you’ve had a good weekend, back fasting today?
Mel- hope that hubby’s birthday was good!
Minols- hopefully you’re having a good break!
Out early to take youngest to work, then did a 2 hr walk with Xena, so that’ll be my AA task done today! Eldest’s birthday & he wants a takeaway (but can’t decide what!), so nonFD for me. Have made chocolate fondants for his pudding too, but he didn’t want a cake! Sis popped over with his present, Xena was beside herself! Seeing mum this afternoon.
Have a good day all!
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx
A lovely day with lots of sunshine although a bit nippy .. perfect walking weather. lol
I hope everyone had a wonderful week-end. What a glorious Easter Sunday Kristy and I sat in the garden all day and got some good colour.
We had a ride out to Banbury on Saturday went to M&S and was amazed how quiet it was. Nothing in the clothes line appealed. So came away with raspberry trifle and more cream cakes. It was so lovely having my girl for Easter.
Weighed this morning and I had gained 3 lbs since Thursday.. would have been more if alcohol had been involved. lolol
Sooo back fasting today omelette and salad this evening. Just had a milky coffee so far.
Brads… so very sorry to hear your sad news Thinking of you. On a lighter note sooo very well done on shifting the 15 lbs .. brilliant.
Kev.. Welcome .. you will soon get into the swing of things .. we are all very different you will find out what suits you best.
Have a good day everyone .. fasting or being mindful .. Take care and stay safe.
Follow your heart … but never forget to take your brain with you. Xxxx
Afternoon all
The fast yesterday went without any problems apart from as usual having very cold feet later in the evening that’s my only strange reaction to fast days.
I do find drinking water with a teaspoon or so of lemon juice seems to keep some of the hunger pangs away during the daylight hours.
I’m not weighing myself until Friday as usual as after all the hot cross buns I don’t want to know how much weight I might have gained 😝.
Have a great day everyone
symba7 I have lived in Malton since 2016, I used to live in Scarborough. My budgie doesn’t talk, I was told by the breeder that only male budgies talk and she’s female…so no telephone ringing when it’s the budgie LOL. The budgie that we had before Sunshine talked and he used to imitate a telephone ringing, it was so good that I kept answering the phone 🙂
I bet Charlie is a gorgeous Dalmatian, does he sit on your lap? What does your family think of him?
hedgehogs I got my half of an Easter egg out the way last night, one to go 🙂 I do think my problem regarding my weight is that I tend to eat later on a night.
What sort of dog do you have?
hemmy yes I think we all slot into our own patterns and do what’s best for each of us. I had a bit of a read of the 5:2 book yesterday…at page 29 :-O …and the recipe book comes tomorrow!!!
Brads27 sorry to hear about your sad loss and my heart goes out to you and your family, sending my love to you all XXXX
Afternoon everyone – hope everyone had a good Easter. Ours started off on Friday afternoon with a visit to our usual Friday evening friends that had been on hold since October and on the Saturday afternoon we went to visit our Daughter and son in law not forgetting Poppy the Labrador. Eating wise I wasn’t too bad and only had one Easter Egg which i ate in one go on Sunday and had a FD yesterday to get myself back on track.
Welcome Kev as the others on here have said just do the 5:2 in the way it best suits you and you’ll lose the weight. My loss is extremely slow usually half a pound a week but I’m okay with that. And yes we are a friendly bunch oh and Poppy is my daughters Black Labrador. I live in a small village six miles from Cambridge happily married with one daughter , four grandsons two of whom are step grandsons plus a step granddaughter and through her two great grandsons.
Jean hope your day with Tony is going well.
Kay hope Taras season is going alright for her and you’re able to get a walk in for her without too much trouble.
Hedgehogs nice to have a takeaway in the week enjoy.
Dave nice too get things sorted.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening All..
A very good day with Tony, quite busy, two walks, vets for jabs, he mended a handle on the loo door which was faffy, we went to get a gate post but the lifting machine was broken but I know what I want now will ring the builder and ask him to get it hopefully and hang it for me. A lovely meal and pudd…definitely a double fd as feel stuffed starting tomorrow.
A sad time emptying houses, all special things gone in a flash..remembering my parents house..thinking of you both.
Yes the gates delivered, although saying 36” wide it is smaller as including the hinges and latch in the measurements ..need a larger post! I shall ask the builder to get one as it won’t fit in my car…
A two hour was a long walk definitely counts as AA.. a busy birthday hope he’s had a good day..
Sounds good sitting relaxing in the garden getting a bit of colour is a bonus, good catch up time with Kirsty..a trip out to Marks a different day will soon loose your three pounds quick you always do..I sat out for a hour or so, a sheltered corner..
Scarborough how lovely…we nearly moved to Bridlington, the house sale was just going through just before Christmas but we found out my hubby had terminal cancer, so had to pull out, he was given 3 to 6 months but only lasted 3 my life is very different now, still raw..
Charlie does sit on my knee occasionally but he’s heavy and big, my step daughter loves him to bits and he’s barmy when she visits, she’s in Newport Wales, my daughter in Texas has a dally too but not seen him yet due to COVID, my SIL in Hull doesn’t like big dogs so it’s difficult my daughter likes him but its not like the others.
I use iPad and iPhone so I have all the avatars…
Nice having a chatty budgie… mum used to throw a tablecloth over ours, he talked a bit, swearing too..‘you’re a bugger you bite’..was one of his best.!!😂 ( one from my mum!)
A lovely busy time seeing everyone..specially your Friday friends and daughter and family….happy times starting again..
Feeling a bit tired but watching The Circle starting at 10.15, it’s a bit late, the last 5 to the finish must keep awake…😳
Jean x
Morning all!
Jean- hope your builder can sort the post out for you & get the gate done…was Charlie’s weight okay when he went to the vets?
Dave- that’s very quick for the funeral, hopefully the paperwork will get done…
Nana- sounds like you were good over Easter! Nice to get back to being sociable! Hope your area wasn’t too busy, did you get your early walks in? At least people can go further afield now so maybe it’ll quieten down?
Hemmy- glad you had a lovely weekend, I’m sure those extra pounds will soon go!
Steve- any hot water bottles for your feet? You can’t have mine, I definitely still need them!
Kev- shame your budgie doesn’t talk, didn’t know only the male ones do! Eating late isn’t supposed to be good- I can never wait that long so it’s not a problem for me! I have a yellow lab, she’s only small but quite fiesty! A real odd character, needs lots of walking though, so that’s good!
Son didn’t fancy a takeaway, so better for my waist-line! Up early taking youngest to work, a 5am start 😬 Doing an 800 cal day, but not too hungry…Rang my old Homestart family- she’s having a tough time again & had been having a cry, I think talking about it helped although there’s nothing practical I can do 😞 Seeing Mum this afternoon, & have to do my Asda order- will need to get some bits for going away next week!
Have a good day all & keep strong if you’re fasting!
Morning All..
A lovely walk on the River Ouse bank this morning, with Natalie and Oreo, so peaceful and quiet..a new walk to me…a start to AA we did 100 mins, a tired boy asleep…
I am doing a B2B starting today..just to pull me back but scales looking good this morning….pear and a kiwi for breakfast, 2 egg omelette tonight.
A lazy day I think, a pan of veggies for the boy I have to do….a cuppa now, getting warm through then have a think..
All ok at the vets..32.2 kg he was happy only a couple of ounces up on last year, I like him about 31kg or a fraction under…he’s had his kennel cough in case I need him to go in kennels.
You do get some troubled families I hope you can help her and calm her down…I shall try and catch the builder tomorrow I don’t want him here this week. Good luck on your Asda order ..
Have a good everyone..
Jean x
Fasting today….scales show me up 5lbs up from Thursday 😫😫😫😫
Once I get my motivation, I’m going to do some housework…hoover, mop floors and clean bathrooms…should help with AA!
I have picked up one of the holiday lets in our village to look after – change over cleans. I have done it before but I will be doing it direct so need to sort out a laundry company. No way I am ironing super king duvet covers every week!
I’m also going to start back with the company I was working for, although they want me to be employed now rather than self employed, so need to think about that.
I think having some work to do, apart from the extra money, will help with my motivation as I’m really struggling to get going and do things. I don’t know what’s the matter with me….perhaps need a kick up the bum!!
Good news on the holiday let’s..things sound as if we are getting back into normality… would it not be better to be employed with regular income? Instead of self employed…still I wouldn’t know the difference…
It might feel better to get in a routine again and for fasting too. We are all either doing loads or nothing..get the better weather back and we will feel better..
Only 10 calories so far today, going bowling at 2pm with my son. It’s very sunny but cold here, so the thick jumper is going on. Heidi’s back legs are getting worst, she fell twice trying to get up the doorstep 😭.I am giving her glucosamine tablets, long capsules,so I cook her sausages and hide them inside.
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx
A very chilly day but at least sunny. My hands were really cold this mornings walk colder than mid winter. lol
I am having a low cal day trying to get back on track after the week-end. Fasted yesterday but wobbled a bit with some leftovers.
Like others I am not feeling very motivated after my walk… roll on warmer days again. lol
HH.. Hopefully the weather will warm up again for you next week.
Sym… That was a good walk you did this morning.. I always do longer with my friends chatting along the way. lol
Kay ..It will be easier to get back into things when places are opened up again.. We have all got lethargic after all this time cooped up. lol
Brads .. you are doing so well with your cals showing us the way forward.. I have had Pip on Yu Move Tabs for a while now.. They have really made a difference to his joint movement . He was getting really stiff but a big improvement. Vets recommend them. Amazon and Pets at Home do them.
Hope everyone is having a good day Take care and stay safe…
Stay positive as life responds to your attitude Xxxx
Nanafixit you have a big family with grandsons. I bet it’s fab when you all get together and your weight loss is amazing…every small bit counts, well done 🙂
symba7 I am sorry to hear about your husband, I cannot imaging what you was going through. My daughter Sabella always goes on about America, she calls pounds – dollars, lifts – escalators etc. She would love to go to Texas…but more so her favourite place would be California for Disneyland.
Small world…my ex lives in Hull with my cousin, very long story.
hedgehogs yes my biggest problem is eating at night, it’s because I always like to watch the Tv and I need to be nibbling at something when I watch a movie, but, I have bought some celery sticks and apples so I might eat them instead of the naughty snacks that I have been munching on LOL.
I am onto page 65 on the 5:2 and my recipe book came yesterday (thanks hedgehogs for the advice 🙂 ) I was going to start but I feel I need to read the book first and I’m a slow reader so maybe in 2034 I might be ready LOL!!! Just kidding!!! I should be able to start next Monday, which will be a good start with it being the fasting day.
It’s nice to hear everybody’s stories, thanks for sharing.
Hello all, yesterday’s fast day failed as soon as I got up. Knew I wasn’t in the zone. Kev, I don’t have specific days of the week when I fast, like to keep it flexible as sometimes, like yesterday, I just wake up not in the mood. Think that is why it worked so well for me. I never get that “I broke my diet so stuff it” feeling.
That’s what it was like on Slimming World etc. On a diet every day. And I consciously don’t call this a diet, it’s just the way I eat. Just seen your bit about eating later affecting your weight? We always eat just before 7.30. I don’t think it makes a difference except if I ate early I would be hungry at bedtime and then I don’t sleep well.
Up with my friend’s horses again today, good grooming session then walked them round the village. First the two Shetland ponies then again with Noo, (big black horse). That will have to be my AA for today.
Hope the other fasters – Jean and HH i think – are doing ok. Oh and Dave. The bowling will fill a few hours, and good AA! Oh Kay fasting too. Anyone else I keep missing 😂
HI All
Having a wonderful relaxing time…lots of sewing. I’ve been watching youtube tutorials on free motions quilting – definitely not as chilled and easy as the final product looks! But I’m dong a seat pad cos the leather is crackign on my desk chair, so it’s perfect for wild practising…no-one will ever see it with my derriere plonked firmly in situ (hope you’re all impressed by the dropping of both Fernch and Latin into that last sentence!)
So, I’ve done a post-Easter weigh and measure. I have 11lbs to lose before my next stone mark. And I’ll keep an eye on the inches too, as I have clothes I love that I don’t want to get rid of!
Kay – all good on the AA – I’m averaging 5miles a day…must have set my targets on that, which equates to about 11000 steps. Runs are now 3min and 5 min alternating…and killing me!
Right – I have a chicken casserole in the oven, of which I will only have a small portion.
Evening everyone my highlight today was a walk to the next village to collect our repeat prescriptions. Sadly Hedgehogs there were even more people walking about due to school holidays.
Kay glad you’ve managed to get your holiday let job back again will help to make you feel that life is getting slowly back to normal.
Kev yes lovely to have so many grandchildren and can’t wait until we can all get together again.
Jean sounds like you’ve had a good day.
Minols glad you’re having a much deserved relaxing break.
Well done to those of you who have completed a FD today it’s my turn tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening all
It’s been quite a mixed day weather wise here but fortunately it’s not raining yet.
It’s the start of another fast day now I’ve had dinner this one seems to have come around much quicker but hopefully the scales will be kinder on Friday.
I used to have the same problems with snacking late at night but now it’s under better control and I don’t usually eat anything after 6pm.
Stay safe everyone
Evening All..
A good fast day, another one tomorrow…my omelette tonight didn’t hit the spot, Charlie shared a bit..must think of something for tomorrow …
A bit milder this afternoon, better tomorrow before the cold returns on Friday….
Poor Heidi, it’s always the legs what give way, she’s getting an old girl…bless her..hoping her tablets help her..a good bowling session, sounds like summer is on its way 😀
You will get back on track, a bit hard after a few days off..still the enjoyment of having Kirsty around is worth it…I enjoyed my new walk this morning, another month and the cows will be a no go area then ☹️
My ex lives in Hull too..and that’s another story too 😂…good you are working through the book..are you trying a fast day tomorrow or waiting till Monday? could push one in!
I think it will be another year before I get back to Texas, then I have to consider kennels for Charlie, my hubby stayed with him last time…I have no choice now, that’s if I can do it.
Time out with the horses sounds nice, takes your mind off things…
Did you get your special quilt finished for the church piano?…chicken casserole sounds good…
All these special highlights you get up least the AA is kicking in with the walking 😂…I think it’s busy out and about …
Let’s hope the scales are kind on Friday…I am trying to make a good effort this week…
Have a good evening…
Jean x
Morning all…
Not quite as cold today – but the wind is wild, and the old dog decided to extended the walk over the other side of the burn…but at least I saw him head off that way this time!
I volunteered to deliver the community mag, and so had two heavy boxes dropped off last night. I’d hoped to get it done earlier in the week, but these things happen, so the boy and me will be tramping the streets today, and maybe tomorrow. Need to get him away from the PS4 early, though, as we’re due rain by midday. Kay – my fitbit should love this!
And now that I’ve only two days off left, I need to start doing some ‘spot’ tidying/cleaning. I’m going to leave the sewing set up in the study, as I can only practise in short bursts – don’t laugh at me finding sewing tiring! Even the man quilter said you have to be fit for this! Jean – I did finish the piano cover quilt…it gives me great personal joy…but as ti’s always off and folded up when folks are in, very few others know it’s there, which almost keeps me from being too big-headed!
So – ambitious and possibly premature aim today is the front lobby and hall – winter coats and boots to be put away (!) as I dust and clean the crevices.
Morning All..
Up and out early our river bank and village walk….I am meeting a lady from my the U3A walking group, only two at a time due to virus guidelines. Hoping she’s chatty, we are walking down the Thorne Canal. Charlie is staying at home so I am not distracted…possibly a hour or so….
Fasting day went well yesterday, scales looking very nice this morning, I am going for another fast today…it’s a long time since I have done three in a week.
Come on it’s Thursday get your socks pulled up…let’s have another go today…stay strong I am with you…
She will be successful!!
Lovely the piano quilt cover got finished you have possibly told us before and I have missed it…a lovely keepsake for the need to be very proud….good luck on mags, think of AA, everything towards it helps…
Well I must go upstairs and see what I am walking in…I must have something other then the dog walking clothes!!..they seem to be stuck on my back!😂
Picking my ordered crab and a piece of haddock up…must remember..
Jean x
Dave-hope that the tablets help Heidi, my sister’s GSD x is the same, they don’t walk her at all now, but she is a bit scatty still even though old so will lunge at other dogs & makes things worse…not like your lovely, gentle Heidi! Maybe you should try the tablets too for you after bowling?!
Jean- hope your walk goes well! An extra walk for you, as you’re not taking Charlie! Good on his weight, & yours too by the sound of it! 😉
Nana- shame it’s so busy around. How exciting, a trip to the chemists, how life has changed! Hope you do okay with your FD!
Minols- your week off will soon pass, but you’re being very productive! Don’t put the winter coats away yet! Had put some of my stuff away & it’s had to come back out again! Glad you kept track off your old dog this time! & well done with your running!!
Kay- good you have some work, that’ll get you out a bit…you were doing really well before Easter with the Sofa challenge, try to get back into it…
Mel- hope you can get motivated too- you lose weight really quickly with your ADF! Time with the horses sounds good!
Hemmy- the Youmove supplements worked well for a while with our last dog, she had to go onto metacam in the end.
Steve- hope your FD goes well today, no temptations in your fridge?!
Kev- I do clean my teeth early in the evening on FDs sometimes if I’m tempted, nothing tastes good after that! You can keep your celery- yuk! We had a debate about that before, I hate the stuff!
Doing another 800cals today, salad tonight but it’s very cold 😬 Had our asda order delivered, rung current HS family, some jobs & then we’ll take Xena out together in a bit- it’s so hard & dry at the park her legs are getting scuffed again when she skids for the ball, so we’ll go to the forest. Sis seeing mum today, Mum said I can have the afternoon off!
symba7 I shall start on Monday and have Tuesday’s and Friday’s as my fasting days of 600 calories. I shall more than likely switch to Monday’s and Thursday’s when I am use to everything 🙂
I said it was a small world and that just proves it with your ex living in Hull. A shame you can’t leave Charlie with a friend or neighbour. I would have volunteered if I lived closer, I try my best to help out anybody when their need help. I believe in giving someone a helping hand because in time I might need a helping hand. An old saying ‘What goes around comes around’
I’m into the triple numbers now…LOL…with the 5:2 book and I had a quick look at the recipe book and I can’t wait to try them.
So, even eating things like celery, apples, bananas or oranges late on a night, say about 10pm, would not be beneficial to me…even if my calorie intake was well within what I can eat for the day? I know I eat late and I would need to change that anyway to an early time 🙂
By the way what does ‘AA’ stand for…I take it’s not ‘Automobile Association’ or ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’
Afternoon All..
A nice walk with Ivy and a cuppa of coffee, knocked on the biscuits, I am meeting up next Thursday.
My builder is coming around at 5 pm to check measurements of gate and post, he will get the post for me..Charlie will have to have an early walk.
All going good feeling quite hungry now…
Good the tablets are working for Heidi..and her legs are a bit better..
I could do with Charlie’s weight down a kilo, cutting his treats down a bit if I can…I always think three fasts are hard going…collected my haddock and crab…it’s hard on their paws sometimes, just thinking we have been quite good recently 🤞
Good mums got a rota for you both 😂..she’s very lucky to have two daughters…
It is a small world…I laughed at ‘ What goes around comes around’…that’s my Texas daughters saying….she gives and helps freely, one day someone will help her…
AA is Active April, just our group, trying to do a bit more exercise this month, everyone is saying how much they loose each week…Kay was in charge of the weigh loss over two months, Dave came out tops with 15 lbs loss, some 8 lbs, just gives you some motivation ..
I like celery no one on here does 😂…two meals and that’s it! or one meal, it’s the non eating of food that benefits you…when your tummy growls I think of it as eating fat !….use a smaller dinner plate too, I bought mine from Asda..
Oh I am so hungry today..that’s with the three fasts….keep strong fasters…
Jean x
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx
Another sunny but chilly wind day. Just going out to mow as looks like rain here the next few days.
Fasting going well ,,,Egg and tomatoes on toast this evening. good luck anyone else Fasting today.
Brads… so glad Heidi was walking better today .. hopefully the tabs are kicking in. It will make her and you feel better.
Sym.. Enjoy your walk with a friend .. It is hard to see beyond Dog walking clothes these days. lol.
Minios ..You sound all go .. well done for delivering the local mags .. its always interesting to receive them.
Kay .. You can do this we are all behind you. Just crack one good day and you will be there again.
Nana .. How is your Fast going .. are you doing a long walk today any BBQs in sight with hubby lol?
Typhoo ..How is your weather today .. any sunshine ?
Mel … I agree the slimming clubs to restrictive and format.. with 5-2 no one knows we are on a program.
Kev… Lol I read the book but I end up having things like a Fried egg sandwich on a fasting day lol. If I make a sensible soup or a bit of protein and veg/salad I still need my carbs. lol . Hope it is all going well for you and that you are enjoying it.
HH ..Enjoy your afternoon off you are always soo busy with everyone. How many 800 days are you doing this week?
Take care everyone .. and stay safe. When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself. Xxxx
Evening everyone have had a good FD today it helped that I went with my husband and waited in the car whilst he had his second vaccination this afternoon. Hopefully won’t be too long before I get my second one as I had my first one a week after him getting his.
Hemmy had a nice walk this morning but it was very cold so no BBQ’s planned for a while.
Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
Nana x
Evening all
Sadly no sunshine here it’s been a very miserable wet and windy day but it could probably be worse 🤪.
Don’t worry people that sound you hear isn’t thunder but just the not so gentle rumbling of my hungry stomach.
You will soon be at the end of the book and have the knowledge to start your fasting journey. It’s easy once you start but any questions you have can be answered here.
Stay safe everyone and to those fasting today remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.
Evening All..
Lunch at my daughters tomorrow and popping to M&S food dept for a few treats..taking another crab to share..she is back at school Monday….
We are desperate for a bit of rain here….another couple of days of low night temperatures ..wrapping my trough of pansies up each night, they are still looking good.
Things on toast is easy I usually go on that route..tonight feeling light headed and very hungry, so homemade tomato soup and a couple of hard boiled eggs mixed in salad cream to follow…B2B was maybe a bit much.
The second jabs are coming around quick mine is on the least it was a distraction…we managed today!
We could do with some rain it’s very dry here.. I am ready for my breakfast and weigh in day!
I have been so hungry today..ok now …
Jean x
Good morning everyone
It’s a very fresh but dry start to our day here in deepest darkest Scotland and we even have a clear blue sky.
I weighed myself this morning and they no longer say Oi fatty one at a time please 😝😝. This week I lost 3lbs so that’s just over a stone loss in total.
I will send you some rain down in the post so you can expect to see it anytime in August 🤪.
It’s been 38 hours now without any food so I must go and make some delicious porridge.
Stay safe and enjoy your Friday all
Morning All..
Up early walking this morning…going to daughters for lunch then she is back at school Monday…back to weekend visiting, more difficult with all the family there and they get more busy.
It was a goodness me!!! thiis morning….3 lbs off…..that makes me 4 lbs under goal a good bit of wriggle room…I may change the goal??
First thanks for the overnight rain, a good wetting, dry now.
Well done on your 3 lbs off too …..a stone amazing a really good feeling…are you down into the stone number?
Still waiting for the builder/ joiner I think he forgot!
Must move …..speak later
Jean x
Not quite under the stone number just 4 pounds above it but I am very happy with the total loss so far.
Fingers crossed your builder/joiner will turn up soon he’s probably busy making a nice cuppa 😳🤪.
I’m going to have to make a complaint at Tesco that person has been putting hot cross buns in my trolley again without my seeing.
It’s dry here but there is a little chill in the air.
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx
A funny weather day .. sunshine then showers April I guess. lol
Wow Wow and Wow again Well done Typhoo and Sym for losing the massive 3lbs. Brilliant.
I also lost 3lbs but it was my Easter weight lol.. So back to square one and onwards and downwards.
Typhoo .. Lovely to get new jeans a well deserved treat along with the hot cross buns. lol
Sym… Enjoy the lunch with your daughter its nice having them on their own.
Nana .. Is it a take out tonight .. lovely to have a Friday treat night.
Enjoy your day everyone .. take care and stay safe..
You cannot make people happy in your way,You must let them be happy or unhappy in their own way. Xxxx
Afternoon everyone a quick check in before we go to visit our friends for a catch up in their back garden and then a Chinese takeaway delivery this evening.
Managed to lose half a pound this week so I’m back to losing slowly. Well done Jean and Typhoo also Hemmy a loss is a loss even if it was a gain originally.
Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe and have a good weekend. I’ll be back again Monday.
Nana x
Jean & Typhoo- well done on your loss, Hemmy too! Sadly one pound on despite Sat, Mon, Weds & Thursdays 800cals…so am doing another one today! I didn’t expect to lose after my Easter keto treats but would’ve been nice to be the same!
Been to my friend’s today & had a really good catchup- love seeing her girls but the youngest is very attention seeking so if she’s there we don’t get to talk at all, but she was at a holidayclub, lots to talk about! Mum seeing a friend today, will drop off some shopping later.
Have a good afternoon all, & enjoy some Friday treats if you’re not fasting!
Hi all
I’ve walked or run 8.5 miles today – wahey! I’ve also gutted the kitchen (long overdue). Of course, I should have done my study too…but I might do that on work time next week!
I little more sorting, and then I’m stopping for takeaway tonight.
HH – lovely to have a good chinwag with your friend…now that I do miss! But can’t really blame the lockdown for that – more just being busy. But the other week I persuaded one of my oldest pals to ‘finish’ work early and move fromt eh table to the sofa and we got to have a good talk on zoom.
Right – one last burst of activity and then I’m done!
Evening All…
A lovely few hours with my daughter, my grandson had been to work very early and was just coming in…
Crab was lovely with a tasty M&S cake for afters….
I missed my builder by a whisker, I was nearly home after walking Charlie when he passed at the end of the street..he must have totally forgotten or doesn’t want to do it!
Hot cross buns being naughty again…it’s Friday a day off ..glad you found some new jeans..
A surprise at loosing 3 lbs I never do….well done on your 3lbs off even if it was put on,..
Enjoy your Chinese tonight nice to look forward to it…
Shame on the pound on when you have had a good week, our body is so strange…a good catch up with your friend did you sit in the garden or go for a walk.
Enjoy your takeaway night…split the cleaning it’s easier!..well done on your AA sounds busy walking/running…
Jean x
Good morning all
Well done everyone on your weight loss this week the Easter eggs haven’t had too much of an effect on our results.
I only need to lose around 3lbs now to be down to my goal weight of around 13 stone but will go under just so I have a little bit of leeway to play with.
Good to hear you’re getting back into the bowling and hopefully you have been enjoying the bread again after giving up for a while.
Stay safe everyone and have a great weekend.
Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx
Showers and sunshine here today .. looks set in for the week-end .
Hopefully some time out weeding but its going to be a book .. coffee weekend lol.
Well done everyone on this past weeks weigh in .. not the easiest one of the year lolol.
Sym … Going under goal .. yay Go girl.
Nana .. well done on your steady loss.
Typhoo.. Just 3lbs to go to goal that is brilliant news… you must be thrilled.
Lets all have a lovely weekend doing as we will … come Monday lets all really go for it.. those summer clothes will soon be wanting an air after this long drab year.
Soooo Lets get our socks pulled and get a wiggle on .. we can do this FBBs.
Take care everyone and stay safe..
Busy is a choice, stress is a choice, joy is a choice, choose well. Xxxx
It’s turning out to be a very nice spring day here with plenty of sunshine and blue skies.
I am thrilled to be so close to my weight goals but it’s going to be quite strange having just the one fast a week. I’m thinking I’ll still have my usual Friday weigh ins especially at first to make sure I don’t start gaining anything in access.
We can all enjoy being out in our summer clothes a little more now we’re all lighter and some are more trim though I haven’t noticed that in me personally but I’m sure I have.
Afternoon all!
Steve- good to be so close to goal! I’ve always found maintaining hard too though, it only takes a few days away for me to do damage & then weeks to get it off! Hopefully you’ll do better!
Minols- well done with the walking & running! I’m sure it is hard for you to fit in friends too, you’re so busy!
Jean- glad that you had a nice visit with your daughter, & a few treats, you deserve that!
Dave- nice to be bowling again, hopefully not too sore today! How’s Heidi, are her legs still getting stronger?
Hemmy- enjoy your book this weekend! Hope you & Mr Pips don’t get wet in the showers!
Kay, Mel- hope you’re both okay…
Another 800cal day today, then into holiday mode! Lots of cleaning to be catching up with to keep me busy…my brother’s seeing mum, so made excuses although she did text to say he’d been & gone, I think she was hoping I’d come for a game as usual!
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6:19 am
6 Apr 21