Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    A change in the temp here today down to 12deg.. and the chilly wind is back.

    Sym.. good to get your boiler done .. its a relief to get jobs done and dusted. Have a lovely visit with Jacquie I bet she will enjoy your biscuits.

    Minois .. Its lovely you are enjoying some relaxing time .. nice to have some you time.

    Kay… well done on your loss ..you can now enjoy yourself a bit with the odd one or two maybe three treats. lol

    Brads … we are all counting on you to show that if we cut out our bread we will all be skinny. lolol No pressure of course.
    Thinking of you.. Denise and family. Xx

    Mel… Well done on your walk .. I reckon walking is so good with helping the loss. Mr Pips is a 9yr old very active liver and white Springer Spaniel.

    Hedgehogs .. What a shame for your neighbour.. so very kind of you to think of a meal for him. Times like this I bet getting himself a decent meal is the last thing on his mind. Very important though … Have a good 800 day .

    Typoo .. how is the weather there today..maybe your turn with the sunshine.

    Fasting today .. Kristy coming tomorrow for lunch till Mon evening. So I better do a good 500 day today lol… Trying to do no carbs .. just a small few cubes of cheese and satsumas for lunch then omelette this evening..

    My clothes today hang like a sack sweater looks awful.. so will be binned later.

    At the other end of the scale .. I have 2 nice pairs of black jeans which I think need me to lose another 6/7 lbs.. lolol
    Take care all and stay safe … good luck fasters.
    One small thought in the morning can change your whole day. Xxxx

    Good afternoon all

    We have sunshine here with a clear blue sky so fingers crossed for a nice weekend. It was a little chilly early this morning though when I went out.

    Fasting today so no breakfast for me chocolate orange or anything else lol. I can guarantee the say that the chocolate orange is not going to make it safely through the weekend.


    That’s the only problem with losing the weight you need a whole new wardrobe 😂😝.

    Enjoy your Friday all and stay safe.

    Back from bowling and feeling very old. Did 2 hours for AA.Two nurses parked outside my house so had to park up the street. They weren’t in a house with full PPE on so hopefully all will be well. My mate who I have not seen for months asked if I had lost weight. So a good sign.

    Evening everyone hope you’ve all had a good day. I decided to weigh myself today instead of tomorrow and was rewarded with a one and a half pounds loss which I think was helped by my unplanned FD from Tuesday lunchtime until yesterday evening but did a FD today coming in at 720 calories which will help towards my weight loss next week 🤞
    Restarting up our Friday get together for a drink with our friends again but as it’s going to be in their back garden we’re going to be meeting in the afternoon rather than the evening as it will be too cold.
    Have a good Easter weekend everyone whatever your doing and stay safe and I’ll try to be mindful of what I’m eating and will be back on here on Tuesday.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A cloudy day here and quite chilly with the wind again. Such a shame when peeps have worked all week. At least no rain.

    Well done Nanafixit with your good loss this week of one and a half lbs .. well deserved. Xx

    Good luck everyone else weighing this morning Xx

    Just weighed and I have stayed the same … To many carbs this week lol. Bring on Active April after this weekend of course. lol

    I am going to put the laptop away now till Tuesday .. Have a lovely Easter my friends whatever you are doing ..

    Take care and stay safe
    Wherever you go… take a smile with you. Xxxx

    Good morning everyone just had a shower so will get dry then hop on the scales.🤞🤞🤞

    The suspense is killing us, Dave…

    Well I have done the SOFA challenge.I lost 15lbs.

    Brillliant, Dave! Absolutely chuffed for you!!!

    It’s another glorious spring day here with a clear blue sky so fingers crossed for a nice weekend.

    I weighed myself this morning and have no change from last week but still very happy with the overall result.

    Congrats Dave on your 15lbs loss that’s amazing you can enjoy your bread and best butter this weekend.


    Well done on your one and a half pound loss that’s a very good loss for the week.

    Stay safe and enjoy your Good Friday everyone

    Morning All…

    A very chilly walk this morning…a good chat with my sister on the phone, I may try and visit over the weekend but didn’t tell her until I decide…

    Where are you going in Beverley?….not far from me at all..my sister lives at Walkington a village just outside.

    Crab sandwiches was on the menu, a quick dash to the docks before she arrived, she came late so I could go!!…absolutely delicious and your biscuit recipe to finish. When I had a go at squats I did feel my legs toned up nicely..

    Well done on 8 lbs off…hope everyone does well….

    Moving onto next page….

    Morning All cont..

    Enjoy Kirsty’s visit a nice few days…very cold here Monday supposed to be colder and a scattering of snow through the week….
    My gate is arriving Monday, my stake in the ground to lock it, has arrived it’s very strong better than I expected …I have to find a lock/ chain now to secure it..
    Baggy jumpers!!, nice to move them on and jeans to look forward to wearing shortly ..

    Lovely you have some good blue skies, even chilly it’s more up lifting…enjoy your orange..I had a chocolate bunny last night, very tasty…

    Lovely someone noticed the weight loss, gives you a boost 😀
    Well done on the weight loss 15 lbs what an achievement!!!….🏆…you must be tops??…enjoy your cobs you deserve them…

    Have some lovely Easter services….

    I have maintained my weight for two months so I am very pleased..2 lbs under goal…keeping with it ..joining AA to maintain or get a bit under…

    Have a lovely Easter and hope you all do some nice things..

    Jean x

    Got the last cobs on the shop. They didn’t touch the sides, feel full now. I managed to tie with Denise she also lost 15lbs.

    Well a big clap for Dave, been so good going without the bread and what a result 🤗

    I did 700 calories yesterday. Non fast day today, had a buttered hot cross bun, amongst other stuff. But it is Easter! Should be walking but so cold out and feeling lazy.

    Our self catering is on a farm near ….. Walkington! Never been in the area so looking forward to some good walks. Always easier when it is new territory to get your a**e into gear.

    Had a dream about Jodie just before I woke up so that discombobulated me a bit but ok.

    Another fast day tomorrow then two days off as Monday is Paul’s birthday.

    I have just joined and I am from North Yorkshire but I don’t know where to start. I haven’t bought any books yet to read as they are quite a few and more on Amazon. I have just seen a book ‘The Fast 800’ by the same author of the ‘Fast Diet’
    Is there a difference between the two?

    Well Done Dave and Denise, smashed the target! 15 lbs each!
    And to Jean who reached her target of maintaining!

    Also Well done Steve….12 lbs…almost made it!

    And well done to the rest of us for having a good try!

    Hemmy and HH both lost 10 lbs
    Although Hemmy was fasting yesterday so may have weighed in this morning

    Nana came in with a 9 lb loss

    I lost almost 8 lbs.

    And Minols lost 6 lbs.

    My next target is 5lbs off to get me to half a stone away from goal!
    Oh and achieve 30 days A.A.

    Did everyone get a ✔ for yesterday?
    I did. And I know Dave, Mel and HH did too.

    Haven’t done anything today yet, might get the bicycle out….

    A long day for me not a usual passing quickly one..drunk some wine and a small Easter Egg..think I will fast Saturday or Sunday…feel yucky!!

    Dave …
    You have both done really well, no wonder your friend said you look fit!..15 lbs each amazing…

    Walkington is where my sister lives….not far from Beverley Westwood, a good walking area and then to pubs if they are open..30 mins from me….you could head for Bridlington or Hornsea at the coast or inland to Pickering a small town and Yorkshire moors is in driving distance…something to look forward to…

    Welcome we are a friendly lot, you must come on here it keeps you on track..a lot of weight lost the last two months from our group..
    I would buy the original 5.2 book, after a few months or a bit more, you can start tweaking it as we all have. Depends how much you need to loose..it’s not a diet as it’s a way of life…hard to start with for a few weeks but then it then gets much easier …stay with it.

    What a weight loss everyone a big well done…thanks for keeping the list…Now for Active April AA..
    A lazy day for me, it makes it a long day…
    I am aiming for maintaining by the end of April at today’s weight…a couple of pounds under would be good.

    Jean x

    Morning all – already done my AA as I’ve walked the dog and ‘run’ (boys say it’s so slow, it’s hardly running, but I made it up the slope today during the first 3min stint, so better than the other day!), and in a little while we’ll walk up to the butchers for supplies. Don’t have the right watch on, so I can’t tell you steps, but I’ll recharge that and wear it for the rest of the month.

    Hi Excelsius – as Jean said…a friendly bunch, and will keep you as right initially as the books. First one good – although I started out buying the cookbook as I’m NOT talented in the kitchen. Get the fasting principle under your belt (says she whose principles have slipped a bit!) and then tweak. When are you thinking of having your first / next day?

    Picked up a leg of lamb at Tesco half price for the OH to cook this weekend – his favourite, not mine, but when he wanted to try cooking it himself at Christmas he made such a good job of it, I’m really looking forward to it!

    Glorious day today, and the OH has pulled out the bike he’s been doing up ready to go and get it MOT’d…seeing it out the front reminds me of the stories of you and Steve touring, Jean! You gave me the courage to try pillion, remember! Just need to find something for the boy to do so that we can head off together…maybe next year!


    Morning all and welcome Excelsius. I lost two stone the year before last on this. I did 800 calories on alternate days, excluding holidays which we used to have a lot of. It is the only thing that has worked for me for many years. Have put on a stone since October when my dog became ill. She left me in January and it is only now I feel able to get on with things and tackle the weight. If I were you I would probably start with 5:2 as alternate days is a bit hardcore and not for everyone. Good luck! Oh and join in AA with us (Active April).

    Fast Day for me today. Hate it when it’s cold as I am always cold on fast days anyway.

    Good morning all, I had my cobs yesterday😁boy did they taste good, had a bar of chocolate to celebrate losing the weight. No fasting until Wednesday now then back into the swing. I got a text from Olwyn, she is the one who does Spanish lessons at the bowling club.She asked if my son and I would sign up for a mixed bowling team on Friday nights. My son does weightlifting then so be couldn’t but I signed up. It’s all good exercise.And I know most of the women who will be playing. It starts at the beginning of May.I said I won’t be available for all the games as speedway starts and I have a season ticket.

    Morning All…
    A chilly morning thought we walk along our river for a change, Charlie thought eating fox poop would be good idea, so lead walk and back tracked to do our usual village walk…cows are out so no walking there now, they were in the next village, they wander up and down and usually with a bull!!

    A few jobs to do, bedrooms, ironing, car wash and grass cut!! See how I go….

    I was thinking of fasting but I will do Sunday, I have two of hedgehogs biscuits to eat…can’t waste them

    Your boys keep you in line and a bit unkind when just started your running again…well done on the AA start.
    Lovely lamb, always expensive, a bargain buy…I love lamb.
    Those were the days when we were out and about and touring Europe, me falling asleep on the back 😂.. I saw a bike out the other day looked very much like Steve, it caught me off guard..

    Well done on fasting today..keep strong girl….

    Nice the bowling has started again, you do enjoy it…all the fixtures are being planned..all counts to AA…

    Well must move…have a good day everyone….

    Jean x

    Wow thanks for the excellent advice and where to start.
    So, best thing to do is to buy the 5:2 and then see how I go from there.
    Does the 5:2 book give you recipes or what you can and cannot eat and do you think it’s best to use the 2 fasting days together or separated by a couple of days?

    Afternoon all!
    Hi & welcome Excelcius! I think it’s best to separate the 2 FDs, doing them together is quite tough…having just one or 2 meals works best for me, 3 little ones makes me hungrier! I keep FD meals simple- a salad or small stir fry, don’t want to spend ages cooking!
    Well done to everyone for last month, & hopefully being active in April will help! I’m carrying on with the 5 x 800 cal FDs a week, seems to be working, until we go away on the 12th, fingers crossed. So enjoyed eating some keto hot cross buns & plain choc eggs yesterday, back to a FD again today. Saw mum yesterday & going shortly again- difficult weekend for her as it would’ve been their anniversary.
    Have a good day everyone!

    Thanks hedgehogs.
    Where do you get your meals from is it a recipe book or do you just count the calories when cooking a meal?
    I have just bought the 5:2 book from Amazon and it should be with me tomorrow, will, start after Easter…as I have a couple of Easter eggs with my name on them LOL.

    Evening All…
    A most lovely day…I managed to finish all my jobs and sit in the garden for 45 mins before Charlie’s walk…
    The calm before the weather changes …

    It’s best to separate the days, it’s hard doing two together..have you thought, are you sticking to the same days or moving them about depending what you are doing?
    I always stayed with the original Monday and Thursday, weigh in first thing naked Friday morning, write your weight down, then I always have Friday off, it’s my treat day, meal out, fish and chips, a few glasses of wine. Then I think what I am eating the rest of the days.
    Usually stick to protein on your fast days, meat, fish, prawns, 2 egg omelette with a salad…don’t over think it…stick with it, best plan going…
    We use MyFitnessPal App when you first start, it gives you an idea of your calories. If you go to the Tracker top right hand of page it will give you an idea how many calories you need.

    Hope mums been ok and not too upset…your 800 days seem to be working for you, it’s a bit hard going.
    I am having to change my days around this week I really don’t like too, due to Easter and visitors.
    I shall fast Sunday.

    Have a good weekend.

    Jean x

    Morning all – Happy Easter!

    Had my hot cross bun – unusual for me to eat before mid-day on a Sunday. And I’m really looking forward to the OH’s lamb later. Another beautiful day up here, and only a few moer hours and then I’m off for 5 days!!!

    Exc – my best runs are when I do Mondays and Thursday (although I do mix it up depending on schedule), and when I make it to one main meal in the evening with the family, and with lots of black coffee or stock during the day. However, If I want an alternative, a good omelette at about 11ish can see me through to a light meal with the boys – and that’s good if the day is quiet and I really need food to distract me. Home schoolin has really thrown me off my game, though, so after Easter I’m looking forward to geting a bit more of a pattern going.

    Oh, and I have a ‘boring gene’ so I hstick to a very small repertoire of foods on fds so I know I’ve got things under control.


    Good morning all

    It’s a chilly morning up here and there is the threat of snow in the next couple of days but hopefully it will miss me.

    The chocolate orange has sadly bitten the dust I decided to eat it yesterday but I must be losing my sweet tooth for chocolate as I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

    I have some hot cross buns here too which I have definitely been enjoying.

    Have a great Easter everyone and stay safe and warm.

    Thank you for the great advice symba7 and Minols.
    My book comes today so will be reading that later on.
    And I think I will be sticking to the Monday and Thursday as my Fasting Days. But, start the diet on Tuesday, some Easter eggs have got my name on and I shall be eating them today and tomorrow 🙂
    I am a full-time carer for my partner Nicola, who has got serious health problems and also we have a gorgeous 8 year old autistic daughter, so, I fully understand regarding the ‘Home School Learning’ my brain as never worked so much lol.
    Thanks for all the help and advice and I am looking forward to starting and keeping you all up to date with my progress, like some of you do on here, it gives positive vibes.
    Take care X


    Welcome to the group you will find everyone is very friendly here.

    Many of us are fasting on Monday and Thursday so you will have plenty of help and advice on those days.

    The book will help with many questions you may have but don’t be shy if you have any further questions or worries.

    Thanks TyphOO
    I am looking forward to starting on Tuesday, you are all wonderful!!!

    Denise’s mum passed away today🥺.At least she won’t be in pain anymore.

    Afternoon & a happy Easter to you all!
    Exc- sorry going to shorten your name!! Hard work for you being a carer & having a daughter with autism too, you have alot on your plate! You might find it hard having different food to the family on FDs, hopefully you’ll be able to find a smaller helping of something they eat, or something simple…I have a 5:2 diet recipe book by Jacqueline Whitehart & some of the recipes are good in there.
    Typhoo- shame you didn’t enjoy the egg as much, I’m finding that with doing keto. Enjoy the hot cross buns!
    Dave- thinking of you xx
    Jean- hope you can juggle your FDs about & fit it all in with visitors! When was Tony coming?
    Minols- hope today’s gone okay & enjoy your time off!
    Hemmy- hope you’re having a good time with Kristy, enjoy the roast today!
    Nana- hope you enjoyed seeing your daughter, chilly though!
    Mel- well done fasting yesterday & have a good couple of days off!
    Kay- enjoy your eggs after all your hard work for the Sofa…
    Sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone!
    Uplifting Church service this morning! Enjoying eating today- have made keto hot cross buns & having some little keto chocolate eggs too. Roast for the others- extra plate for mum & neighbour has said he’d like some too, so that’s good! Youngest son used his new bike & stand last night- looking in daylight today there’s a big dark streak of carbon & grease behing where it was- not all come out with shampoo either 😱 Covered it up with Xena’s rug, hubby hasn’t seen it! Xena is still being silly guarding her bad since I changed it, silly dog! Will keep her busy to take her mind off it this afternoon!
    Enjoy your day everyone!

    hedgehogs no problem in shortening my name, my real name is Kev and I don’t mind either 🙂
    I shall sometime in a week or two take a closer look at the recipe book by Jacqueline Whitehart. Do you find the recipes are easy to buy for? Where the food is easy to purchase from the ‘normal’ supermarkets?
    Thanks for your help, greatly appreciated 🙂

    Welcome kev three men now.I have lost over a few years 3 to 4 stone, so it does work. The beauty of it is if something crops up you can change your fast day to suit yourself.

    Afternoon All..Happy Easter..

    A lovely park walk this morning bright and cheery. Quite busy and football on.

    I have decided on a lazy day. I shall be fasting, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, trying to work around planned things. Three fasts to pull back on my over Easter eating…

    My thoughts are with you both at this sad time..sending lots of hugs…

    Happy Easter to you and your family, hope your work weekend goes well too..

    I know what you mean on the taste of chocolate, at least it’s gone now…my love of chocolate and wine is also in my head and the past…it can make me feel quite ill now, I still keep trying but no avail!!…☹️

    You will be kept busy with Nichola and daughter..it’s hard being a carer but it’s done in love…
    A good idea to measure yourself before you start, your waist and neck. You do it monthly. Your weight as well, weekly….write it down in a book.
    You sometimes loose inches when the weight slows down so it still gives you a boost. I think I have lost 8 or 9 belt holes!
    Kev is easier struggling with your spelling😂

    Tony is coming on Tuesday, for the full day. I did ring yesterday and naughty said he could sleep over but he has a hospital appointment on Wednesday. Meeting up with Ivy on Thursday for a walk, so hoping she is chatty.
    The grease is from the bike ? 😱..a bit of washing up liquid should move it but not too much it will go too soapy. Hard when hubbys about all the time you can’t do it without him seeing. You are so good doing meals for mum and neighbour.

    Hope your weekend with Kirsty is going well and she’s taking Mr Pips out for you. Does she like your finished wall?

    Enjoy your catch up today, the weathers quite good for the garden.

    How is the AA doing ?..good weather to walk…

    What are you doing?..a training day for Tara, a walk at the beach….

    A lazy day for me..

    Jean x

    Cheers Brads27, and well done with your weight loss!!!

    symba7 I will keep a record and write it down and your English is good. 🙂
    I just want to get into smaller and better clothes come the Summer and when this lockdown is finally over with.

    I have moved a few belt holes recently. But I think the way Denise is making cakes and mousse I will be going back to them😬.Nice sunny day here, took Heidi out but she is getting very unsteady on her legs. Bought some pills for her and have to stuff them in sausages so she has them.Not working today she’s left the first one.

    Welcome excelcius…yep we are a friendly bunch here!

    Take it slowly and just 2 fast days a week, spread out!


    Hi all, so excelcius becomes Kev, so much easier! Hope you are looking forward to your first fast tomorrow. I am fasting tomorrow too so we can support each other. I write everything I eat down, counting the calories on fast days but not non fast days. Still write it down though, keeps you mindful.You do have your hands full so not easy for you.
    Dave don’t blow all your hard work!

    Going for an AA walk again this afternoon, keep those steps up which have sadly diminished a lot since not having a dog.

    Have a good day everyone. Mine is very carby- focaccia, hot cross bun, creamy mash tonight. No chocolate though 😇

    Good morning all

    It looks very nice outside with some spring sunshine but having been out for a walk there’s a very chilly wind but no snow here.

    Fasting day for me as usual which will be much easier now the chocolate and hot cross buns have been eaten.


    It will take a few fasts before your body gets used to having fewer calories on your two days but after that it does become easier. Keeping a record of your calories is a good idea as you’ll always have some go to meals which means less chance of going off the rails.

    Stay safe and warm everyone and to all those fasting remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Kay65 thanks I will do 🙂

    MelFish I haven’t read the book yet so might start my fasting next week, good luck 🙂
    I am going out today with my family to an Easter Egg hunt so will be getting on the scales and doing all the measurements from tomorrow…gulp!! :-0
    I have ordered the recipe book, thanks hedgehogs.

    Typh00 I shall keep a record and see how I get on. My fasting days will be Monday and Thursday but it will be this Thursday and then next week as normal, I need to read the 5:2 diet book between now and next week.

    Good luck everyone!!!!!

    How is everyone doing on the A.A. (Active April)

    5th April already! So 2 days left of week 1 and so far I have ✔✔✔✔✔ although my back is a bit stiff today so I need to be careful what I do.

    Tara is in season at the moment so not taking her out for couple of days.

    I think I will fast tomorrow need to pull back the damage from the weekend! Although I’ve made mini egg tiffin 🍰

    Much cooler here today, no sitting outside, but no snow either!!

    Keep warm and safe everyone x

    Afternoon All…

    A bit of snow in the air at 6am, extremely cold….well wrapped up for Charlie’s walk, what a difference a day makes ..

    Awaiting delivery of my gate getting close on the app by 3pm I hope…prepared my dinner for Tony tomorrow, apple crumble for after..

    Fasting day is going well..maybe an omelette for tonight…I had fruit for breakfast for a change ..

    Hope you enjoy your walk get well wrapped up…

    Keep strong as you say only one day!

    Hope you are starting to read the book..enjoy your Easter egg hunt…where in the country are you from? I am in a small village near Goole in East Yorkshire …we are all scattered about…

    Goodness the days pass fast…hope Taras ok and no problems..your choc egg tiffin sounds interesting…😋

    Keep strong fasters..

    Jean x

    Afternoon all!
    Jean- Thanks for the washing up liquid tip, will try it! Stain is fading, carpet pretty grim all over tbh, maybe hire a carpet shampooer in the summer! Early start for you tomorrow! Hope fadting’s going okay…
    Hemmy- will be quiet without Kristy tomorrow, hope you’re okay & have had a good weekend!
    Dave- what tablets have you got for Heidi? Used to cover Josie’s with peanut butter, she couldn’t spit the tablet out then, maybe try that? Hope you don’t eat too many cakes, nor Denise…hugs to you both.
    Steve- keep strong today, I’m finding it a bit hard after indulging yesterday! How are you getting on with the guitar?
    Mel- have you been out for a walk yet today? Hope hubby has a good birthday, are you having a special dinner tonight?
    Kay- did you take Tara to the field yesterday? How’s your back doing?
    Minols- enjoy your time off…enjoyed the Good Friday message…
    Kev- that’s easier! Hope the Easter egg hunt was good! Any pets in your house? I’m afraid we talk alot about dogs on here! Hope the weighing & measuring’s not too bad…
    Having a lazy day today, quiet as eldest is at work & youngest out, who knows when he’ll be home, not very good atkeeping in touch! Had snow this morning, quitehard while I wasout walking! Have done my 100 squats again(although some are quite feeble!), & adding 100 star jumps in too. Building up to a proper workout again, I’m so unfit! Sis is seeing mum today, then as her hubby is off for the rest of the week I’ll do the next few days. Fasting today, but 800 cals, son’s birthday tomorrow, no cake but some sort of takeaway!
    Enjoy the rest of the day!

    symba7 I live in a small place called Malton about 15 miles from York and 20 from Scarborough.

    hedgehogs I have a budgie and she’s called ‘Sunshine’ (yellow feathers). What sort of dogs do you have? We have been watching that ‘In the doghouse’ on Tv, it’s quite good with people wanting to share their lifes with a dog.
    The weigh in wasn’t too bad…shock!! eyes wide open in disbelief. But going to do a full measure up tomorrow after I have finished my Easter eggs off tonight :-0
    I have just got back in from the Easter egg hunt and my daughter came away with a pack of 12 small eggs, a bit like mini-eggs but slightly bigger and a medium sized Easter egg with a Cadbury’s crème egg inside. She’s now got 6 left and I have one and a half left…I ate half last night but thought I should leave half for today, and yes it was a large Easter egg. I would have been a pig if I ate all of it in one go…I was wanting to but I didn’t. It will be finished off tonight LOL!!!

    What does everybody think when we have Easter and Christmas, it must be difficult with all that chocolate flying about.



    I’m staying strong and it’s been almost 24 hours since I last ate but I swear I’m not counting honest. 😂😎😂


    The guitar is going well I did miss not being able to play for the week or so last month so be careful with getting tablets out of the foil if you play an instrument.


    I’m sure we would all say the same that at Easter or Christmas you can have a couple of days off from fasting but try and get back to it as soon as you can. Just be careful with that flying chocolate 😝😝

    Im sure the flying chocolate was just aero plane. 😂😝😂😝

    Evening All..

    A good fast day..I had a two egg omelette with tomatoes and a smattering of cheese..500/600 cal day pleased with that…

    Tony, Steves best man is coming to see me tomorrow for the day, doing a couple of jobs for me…he likes taking Charlie out, cooking him a meal ..I am expecting him at 6.30 !!…he’s an early bird….and he lives 80 miles away!!

    Watch the washing up liquid it may bring your carpet too clean!..it’s good for moving oil on clothes etc…alarm for about 5.45!…I might be missing tomorrow till evening…
    Well done on the squats they are hard going or I am unfit and older 😂

    I know Malton very well, lovely area. Have you always lived there?..always go through visiting the Moors
    Sunshine is a lovely name for a budgie, does she talk?….
    I have Charlie a rescue Dalmation, we collected him from near Glasgow he was 3, he has just had his 5th birthday, he has a great nature.
    Lots of Easter Eggs, the egg hunt sounded fun….I have two left they are upstairs away out of sight…
    Cross Christmas went it arrives…just a few days off..think carefully what treats you want..more you get into fasting..less treats you want…

    You do well on your fasts I couldn’t do it…as you say we can eat tomorrow….I liked the joke 😂

    Keep strong tonight.. fasters…

    Jean x

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