Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Oh Dave – sorry to hear about Denise’s mum. Worrying and waiting for you all is not easy.

    Having a slow start today as don’t feel 100%, AND the dog id a bunk this morning. We were on the way home, and he was up sniffing along the top of the hillock – I could see his head go down…and then he disappeared. I assumed he’d come down a bit further along, so called him, nothing. It was blwoing a gale and the rain was horizontal, so – fed up I trudged round the path to the otherside of the hillock – no sign. Trudged UP the hillock, trudged back to the house, ran back to the park, ran up the hillock, ran roudn the field.;..I guess that answered my questiop – ‘can I be bothered going for a run in this weather’?! 40 minutes of running like a shouty mad thing, and he comes strolling towards me. I threatened him with becoming grey fur gloves for everyone’s Christmas presents!

    So now I have a tonne of Friday finishing to do, and the house smells of wet dog!


    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you Xxxx

    Another strange day .. started walking in sunshine and blue sky ended up getting soaked. lol

    Brads …So very sorry to hear the sad news regarding your MIL . It must be very distressing for Denise. Hoping for a gentle outcome for all of you.

    Minois .. What a wonderfully coloured picture you describe of your walk this morning. Lolol Sounds like you did a walk and cross country all in one. lol Not to mention the stress level. You must have lost a pound at least . lol

    Well so pleased to report a 1lb loss this mornings weigh in. How did everyone else do?

    Feeling lazy today .. so just having a little potter then reading. I am getting into Gabrielle Bernsteins ” The Universe has your back” I am trying to practice Living in Love instead of Judgement … Not that easy lolol I can but try I do like a challenge .

    Take care all and stay safe.

    The only person you should seek approval from is yourself. Xxxx

    Afternoon All…
    Took the car to have the touch up paint on the door, it looks fine. I walked Charlie on the riverbank while it was being done, it was horrendous gale force wind, hail, sleet and heavy rain, at one point Charlie took cover under a fallen tree, I sat with him trying to protect him, poor boy and me too…both were wet through.

    Shopping pm, I have found a new wet fish shop, I have bought a dressed crab for tonight’s meal and lovely soft baps to have with it.

    I was good this week the scales moved in the wrong direction, 1 lb on,

    So sorry to hear on MIL, hope you all get to see her at the hospital, thoughts are with you all…another sad occasion for our group.

    Your walk sounded very much like mine this morning except I didn’t loose my dog !!…Charlie doesn’t mind the rain but just too much for him today, he isn’t keen on hailstones.

    Enjoy your lazy day and with your book too…those tarts are nice from Lidl I buy them regularly..
    Well done on your pound off…might start my book it’s been here for a week now unopened.

    Quite bright here now hope it holds for pm walk….chilly though..

    Jean x

    Evening all

    It’s been a wet and a little windy day here today but it could be far worse and be snowing.


    Sorry to hear about your MIL it’s a very sad time for you both.

    Weigh in today and I have managed to lose a very respectable two pounds this week I’m not sure what I have done differently but very happy with that.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.

    Evening everyone a pound on for me this week a bit disappointing but thats the way it goes sometimes. Well done to those of you who have lost this week.
    It’s been a mixed day of rain , sun and hail here but hopefully it’s going to be getting better for next week and Easter.
    Chinese takeaway delivery shortly and a nice chilled glass of Rose wine or two will be had.
    Have a good weekend everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x


    Well done on the 2 lbs off..our body is strange…

    You and me the same both up a pound ..both trying to be good too…strange body…enjoy your Chinese this evening…my crab was tasty but eaten quite a lot of soft bread buns…

    Our thoughts are with you both, it’s a sad time.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone…remember the clocks going forward a hour…😀

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,no change with mother in law. She’s still in hospital not expecting her to come out again. Been out twice with Heidi and it’s a very cold wind. Booked to go bowling on Thursday afternoon unless anything happens with mil.

    Evening everyone

    It’s been a very mixed day weather wise it started out quite well but has been raining in the past few hours.

    I had a little shop earlier as I needed some spuds but avoided the aisles with all the calorific food ie the chocolate,crisps and Easter eggs. 😂

    Don’t forget the clocks go forward an hour tonight so unfortunately it’s an hour less beauty sleep for moi.

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend good people.

    Evening all,

    Minols….I know I shouldn’t, but I did chuckle a bit at naughty dog 😶

    Dave, a very difficult time for you all. Horrible x

    Jean, glad you got your car door sorted. I have a scratch on mine, no idea where I got it, in a car park somewhere, needs more work than yours.

    Hemmy, hope you are enjoying the book and had a nice lazy day.

    Steve, well done avoiding the naughty aisles in the supermarket. It’s funny when you get to the checkout and feel almost smug about the healthier items being zapped through 😃

    Neil and I had our jabs this morning, so far we are ok! Watched F1 qualifying today, so happy it’s started. A good race tomorrow hopefully.

    Omelette for tea, fresh local duck and hen eggs with cheese, onion and peppers with lots of black pepper. And I’ve baked chocolate brownies….Think I’m getting into birthday/easter/end of SOFA a bit earlier….need to be careful…

    Speaking of which…Well done Steve (-2) and Hemmy (-1)
    Nana, I’m sure you will catch up next week.
    I’m not weighing in til Thursday now, as I’m finishing earlier than the rest of you as Thursday is my birthday.

    SOFA so far:
    Typh00 12
    Hemmy 10
    Nana 7.5
    HH 8
    Kay 7
    Minols 6

    Dave it’s getting closer to Weigh in….I think you will have smashed it, over the stone! Mind you Steve is close…
    Come on Minols, dig in with me and see what we can do!!! Another pound??

    Weather is set to improve after the weekend but cool down again for Easter weekend.

    Take care all x

    Had a few biscuits lately instead of chocolate. So must cut them out for the last week. 28 days without bread today😲😩🥴.Will make up for it on Good Friday,3 cobs, saying that there was non left on Friday just gone.

    Good afternoon

    I hope everyone remembered to change their clocks earlier this morning.

    That’s surprised me I didn’t realise I was so close to losing the stone for this coming weeks weigh in. Losing that much is a big win already and we should all be very proud of ourselves.

    Are we weighing in on the Thursday as that’s the first or on Friday our usual weigh days?

    Stay safe everyone and enjoy the weekend

    Friday for me, I stick to Friday as my weigh-in day. But it will be before I eat any bread or chocolate 😲😁. miserable day here, it was very windy last night and raining.Got wet talking Heidi out at 10pm.Going bowling on Thursday and wouldn’t you know my right shoulder is sore now.Hope it’s not a frozen shoulder.

    Afternoon All..
    A chilly and windy day, it was a bit better earlier for our walk…

    I am visiting my daughter tomorrow so I decided to fast today, see what tomorrow brings food wise. I shall possibly do Tuesday and Thursday weigh in Friday.

    A wobbly day for me, it’s 6 months since Steve passed, feeling a bit upset so having a lazy day reading..

    Hope you are both feeling a bit better after the jab..

    You will have lost some extra weight stopping bread..I have had extra bread this weekend and noticed a weight gain…you will be looking forward to your bowling, the weather looks good for it..hope your shoulder eases off..

    Looking good for you on your weight loss, you have worked hard…will you make the stone??

    Have a good day…

    Jean x

    Sorry, missed posting the last couple of days- I’ve been on & read all the posts but things came up before I could write anything!
    Steve & Hemmy- well done on your losses- I lost a pound too.
    Jean & Nana- so strange when you both had better weeks food-wise to put on! Not fair!
    Jean- extra hugs for you this weekend xx
    Dave- thinking of you, & Denise especially…you’ve done well to keep off the bread, keep away from.the biscuits too, not long left!
    Minols- your naughty old dog- I was aghast at you threatening he’ll be turned into slippers 😂
    Kay- hope you don’t feel too poorly after the jab…
    Had some lovely sunshine for walks with Xena, although cloudy & cold here now…had a bit of a strssful time with mum, hopefully we’ll have a quieter few days but their wedding anniversary is Friday, I’m sure she’ll get herself worked up about that…I totally understand her finding it hard, but she does look ahead for weeks to those dates 😞
    Eating day today, back to fasting tomorrow.

    Post AZ vaccination…Bad night for us both with flu symptoms, better today but still feel like we have been steam rollered! Hopefully we will be fine again by tomorrow morning.

    Lazy sofa afternoon. F1 on at 4pm and then we have a 12 month lockdown anniversary of our online 80s music DJ! And Line of Duty this evening. Then BED!

    I don’t think eating today will be very healthy…snax and easy food!

    Will have to be full on SOFA for next 3 days…500 cals..make sure I don’t gain any of those pounds lost! Don’t think I’m going to lose any more..

    I’m weighing in on Thursday, but I’m guessing the rest of you will be weighing in on Friday, your usual weigh in day.
    I’ve switched to a Saturday, so that I have to behave on Fridays and not have a 3 day weekend!

    Chilly and drizzly today but I think its going to improve.
    Going to plan a picnic and a walk for Thursday if the weather is OK.

    Then after Easter, I’m back to it, even if a lb off every 2 weeks. Want to crack this stone off for August!

    Hope everyone is OK x

    Hi FBBs a cold windy today .. it is still only March though.

    Kay .. Thank you for the update. .. Hope you both feel better and can enjoy your F1 . I was glued to it when Kristy did that year for Force India as it was then.

    It was such an exciting time for me and Mum getting calls from all over the world. Since then I haven’t bothered although easy reach of Silverstone. Enjoy your day.

    Brads .. I really do admire how you have given up those cobs these past weeks. You deserve to lose that stone.

    Typhoo… you can do the stone .. your consistent loss is brilliant. Well done you. Get that chocolate orange at ready steady go lol.

    Minois .. Hope your doggies been behaving oh and you with the Cals too . lol

    Nanafixit.. I hope your Take away met expectations. Its lovely to have a treat to look forward too.

    Hedgehogs.. Its a shame for your Mum she builds herself up to these dates /anniversaries. They do effect people so very much.. My friend is upset as it was her late Hubby’s birthday yesterday and her DIL hadn’t rang. Her son had though and Dil mailed. Just very touchy hard to know what to say. Same for you I guess re your Mum.

    Sym…It is hard .. I actually think the build up to the day is worse than the day.Just be good to yourself reading is a wonderful help I found. I still miss My Andrew after 9 yrs May 1.
    It will be nice to visit your daughter tomorrow.. lovely having younger company. Thinking of you today… Take care. Xx

    Having Chicken Kiev salad potatoes and broccoli this evening ,, Haven’t had it for years .. was marked down . lol

    Take care all and stay safe.. Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return. Xxxx

    Well done Hemmy and Hedgehogs on your pound losses this week you have both lost over half a stone now and should be very happy with that.


    It’s not surprising you’re having a wobbly day or two just take care of yourself.

    It would be nice to make the stone target but to get so close is a massive achievement.


    That chocolate orange is helping keep me on track and looking forward to eating it in a weeks time.

    Hi All..
    Writing before our walk…I bought a new radiator brush, so cleaned 4 radiators then cleaned through downstairs, my filter needs cleaning so didn’t get up stairs..another day…I have been sat reading.

    A good fast day I will finish at about 600 / 700 cals, will be doing Tuesday and Thursday this week,,.prawns for this evening…

    I seem to have come around a bit, a bit of laziness of reading, I don’t often sit. Struggling with your mum at the moment it will be hard for her on Friday.
    It’s hard people get on with their life’s while ours has stopped, they forget the milestones and wonder why you are upset, without a phone call. I think they think just get on with it as times passes.

    Enjoy your Kiev this evening, I lost one in the freezer but found it I knew I hadn’t eaten it!…but I did wonder.
    Things will get better for me after the first year hopefully and lockdown finishes.
    Is it still hard for you after 9 years of Andrew passing?

    Chocolate orange to look forward too, I have two Easter eggs pending…

    A goal for August to aim for…good…no wine for me this weekend 😇…I have crept up this week on my weight too much bread I think….must get it off, it’s so easy…

    My nasty neighbour has been on my property overnight or early this morning, he’s possibly heard me watering my plants and has come to look what I am doing!…. I must chase my gate again but the guys building his own extension, a gate seems too petty to push him…

    Jean x

    SOFA update with HHs 1lb:

    Typh00 12
    Hemmy 10
    HH 9
    Nana 7.5
    Kay 7
    Minols 6

    Typhoo.. I am so pleased with the loss .. I have about 4lbs I would like to shift now.

    I keep meaning to ask .. do you feel the cold more losing the weight. I tend to feel really cold now.

    Kay .. thank you for the update. How are you feeling this afternoon.

    Sym… It is hard .. I lost my first hubby at 39 yrs it was devastating then but I was younger.
    Andrew was my soul mate though and cannot be replaced. Thats harder. Like you and Steve .. you were one person and half now gone .
    I honestly looking back do not know where years went after .. just kept going. Mr Pips was the saving of me. Like Charlie is and will be to you.

    The cottage is smelling beautifully of garlic lol good job we are in lockdown. lolol

    Dinner time for me and Mr Pips. Xxxx


    I have noticed that I feel the cold a little more now but that’s probably not surprising due to loss of some extra padding all that’s needed now is to find the elusive six pack lol.

    Not good exercising weather here today due to wet conditions outside welcome to the start of British summer time.

    I should get the skipping rope out at least it’s something you can do indoors.

    Stay safe everyone

    HI Everyone…

    Start of the school holidays! I’ve persauded the boy to walk to church this morning so I could put something on the railings, adn then we walked up the hill for bacon rolls. Really tempted to go out for chocolate now…but after Kay’s inspiring SOFA table, I’ll resist! Just want to get to the other side of Easter without putting it all back on, and then get stuck in again.

    Managed a run in the wind and rain this morning – not cold here today…first time in a while. Picked up a trolley at the far end of the park and ‘ran’ / walked it back to Asda at the other end of the park…virtuous multi-tasking! I don’t have a problem with people talking trolleys if they need them – I get it. I jsut wish they wouldn’t dump them where a kid will come along and think it a good idea to dump it in the burn, cos then it’s a nuisance to have to pull them out all silted up!


    Minols- very virtuous, running back with the trolley 😀 must admit I get quite annoyed when people shove them back willy nilly in the shelters so I do tidy them up! Enjoy the holidays & your son being home again!
    Hemmy- so sorry to read you’ve lost two husbands, that is very tough…no wonder you’re so strong! I do feel the cold; fasting days I really notice it!
    Jean- have a nice catch up with your daughter! Nice to get out for a bit…
    Typhoo- you’ve done brilliantly with the weight loss, hope you can work the six pack as well!
    Kay- hope you’re feeling better now & hope the back improves too…
    Dave- thinking of you & Denise, difficult times…
    Nana- hope you can see your daughter in her garden soon too, as well as friends?
    Up early to get the fridge moved & outside, all cleaned behind it- hubby’s repair job held well! New one delivered, in & did some shopping to get it filled up. It’s bigger than the last one, but have lost the little freezer space. Lovely weather, so will wash my car after lunch. Fasting going okay, another 5 days of 800cals as that seems to be working!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you.

    A much warmer day without the chilly wind. Heat wave tomoz and Wed 21deg Yay.

    Came back from my walk and cleaned all down stairs windows .. Brass cleaning this afternoon. Not my favourite job and keep thinking I will put it all away but it does look beautiful when it shines.

    Typhoo .. Hope you find that six pack… Maybe hiding in that chocolate Orange lolol Hopefully a dry day for you today.

    Minois Hope you enjoyed the bacon rolls with your boy.

    Hedgehogs.. Lovely to have a new fridge … I bet you can soon fill it with all the yummy food you make. lol

    Yes two husbands gone .. Both good ones. Looking on the lighter side lol I dare not have another one else peep s will start talking about me. lolol

    Sym… Hope you are feeling better today . Its annoying that we have to keep chasing trades.

    I often think these days it almost seems like they are doing us a favour taking our money. lolol

    Kay …How is today going … you can do it.

    Brads … How is Mil after the week-end. I do so hope there will be plenty of cobs with your name on when you are ready. You deserve them.

    Nanafixit… How is it going for you today.. Your hubby will be doing his BBQs all this week.

    Take care all and stay safe

    A true victory is not always about the winning.. but always trying and never giving up.Xxxx

    Good afternoon all

    It’s been another wet and windy day here in deepest darkest Scotland it seems like the weather has gone forward along with the clocks but unfortunately has skipped summer.

    Another fast day today but I look forward to them now and find them easier in the whole.

    It’s going to be very interesting at the end of the week to see our results and what we have lost as a group.

    Stay safe and warm everyone and remember to all those fasting it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Afternoon everyone what a lovely day it’s been 18°C here but with a chilly wind so wasn’t able to sit outside. Tesco delivery this morning first thing then a shorter walk than normal as lots of walkers from surrounding villages to take advantage of the lovely walks around here. Had a good weekend with fairly careful eating. Hemmy yes husband planning on a BBQ mid week. Our widowed friend rang me to ask if we’d like to have lunch in her garden tomorrow so that’s going to be nice.Completed a FD today having 690 calories including my nightime choc options later on seemed a lot easier with it being warmer.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All…
    A busy day up early for our walk. I went for lunch at my daughters, both grandsons were in so nice to catch up with them too. She had cooked the ham and scones in the morning, so ham sandwiches, a plain one with butter, then one with jam and cream, very nice…I have trained her well 😂
    I left Charlie just over 4 hours, I feel guilty a bit later then I wanted but he was upstairs asleep.

    Hope you both feel better today. The sofa has some good results..well done everyone.

    Yes you are right Charlie keeps me going, as Mr Pips for you..I feel as if he came for a reason now, we bought him a week before Steves first cancer was diagnosed, he’s been with us for two years.
    I saw my joiner in the street, we decided on plan A a suggestion of mine..so he told me to go ahead and buy them and he will come and hang it for me. I know he’s busy.

    Shame the weather isn’t good..hope you get a bit of ours…well done on the weight loss..

    Well done on the trolly run, it annoys me when they get dumped!….me like hedgehog, I like to tidy the trolleys at their base, I always tidy them up into lines..😂

    Lovely to get your new fridge/freezer sorted. All clean and tidy. My cars looking dirty again…nice you got yours done.

    BBQs will be going these next few days?… nice to catch up with your Friday friends, the afternoon would be better idea..and your friend tomorrow pm…enjoy.

    Hoping to fast tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone. Been told by sil that mother in law won’t die today or tomorrow but it could happen anytime after that🥴. Denise thinks her mother is hanging on until Wednesday, her wedding anniversary of good Friday the day her father passed away.You should not be touching trolleys in the supermarket carpark. Could be full of the virus.

    Good afternoon, beautiful day lovely and warm.No visit on for the first time this year. Still waiting to hear about a bill I got from DHL for£249.In custom fees even though I haven’t ordered or received anything. They said it’s been delivered and I have signed for it. But not a clue what they are on about.I rang them up and they said they would get back to shopping done and some hot cross buns turned up in our basket.But definitely not for me, horrible things they are.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What a glorious day and mother nature is truly waking up.

    A lovely long walk with my neighbour … then gave Mr Pips a shampoo out in the sunshine.
    There had been a fair bit of rolling the last few days. lol Not sure if its in Deer or Fox poo. Yukky whatever lol.

    Typhoo… I do so hope you are having a lovely day too. Everyone is in need of natural Vit D now. Its seemed a long winter with the lockdown.

    Brads … I really do believe people know their allotted time to pass over.

    I am not madly keen on hot cross buns either. I will take the chocolate lol

    Nanafixit … It sounds a beautiful part of the country where you live. A lovely day for lunch with your friend.

    Sym… It sounded a lovely time with your daughter and Grandsons yesterday .. Charlie is fine left for a while.

    I try not to leave Pip more than 4 hrs sometimes its unavoidable when you live alone. Then I think of the rare times he is left and some dogs are alone all day while owners at work.
    I think they sleep while we are out… because they are not missing anything lol

    Hedgehogs ..Kay .. Minois what are you doing on this beautiful day.

    Fasting today … not sure yet if Kristy is coming Thurs evening or Friday so will depend on whether today is my last fast till after Easter.

    Take care all and stay safe ..

    Behind every little comfort, is someones big effort. Xxxx

    Just been for an eye test, not impressed with how busy it was in a small shop…need new glasses for driving so have ordered the anti-glare coating. Have washed Xena’s bedding while it’s nice to dry it outside, she’s being silly & back to guarding her clean stuff! We have made some progress though since changing from her crate, I bribe her with treats to sit beside it while I tidy it before bed.
    Beautiful day here too, seeing mum in a bit but will be inside.
    800 cals again, keep strong everyone if you’re fasting!

    Afternoon All…
    A lovely walk this morning ..misty with a chill but knowing it’s going to get hot, crows crowing..beautiful..
    Zoom call, a bit boring…finished the garage cleaning almost done, just the small workbench to clean and sort ..drawers too but they may get left…

    Quite tired just having a cuppa then walk time again…fast day for me haven’t had time to think of food..possibly eggs tonight.

    Your poor MIL I suppose she will go when she’s ready…hope she has someone with her…have you sorted the DHL out?

    Naughty Mr Pips!..hope he smells sweeter now..a good day for an outside bath..Jacqui is coming to me on Thursday, I may suprise get with crab sandwiches if I can get a crab…lol..
    I think you feel guilty leaving the dogs behind more than they are bothered..they just sleep I know.

    Have a lovely weekend with Kirsty a nice bit of company.

    Sounds busy in the opticians and expensive too…I did all Charlie’s blankets yesterday, upstairs and downstairs bedding..he doesn’t mind…

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone have had a lovely day which started off with dropping off a friends birthday card and having a catch up in their back garden and then on to visit a widowed friend that we’d not seen since last July for lunch in her back garden. It was lovely and warm and we shared a bottle of wine that I took along as OH was driving. Still full up from lunch so won’t bother eating anything more today.
    Hope all of you have had a good day and that those of you fasting have found it easy.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Lovely day today, so warm. Did some tidying out of the garage and sorted out my gardening stuff. Neil has made me a wooden potting bench, but it’s on wheels and has shelves etc. Love it 😁

    I darent do any more gardening at the moment as my back is still sore, although a lot better than it was.

    Another low FD today and last one tomorrow for me before final weigh in!

    A few ideas for my birthday on Thursday. Going to go for a walk on coast path with a picnic. Fingers crossed Tara behaves!
    And a bbq for tea…

    Nana, glad you had a lovely day.

    HH, annoying about the opticians, it was very quiet when I went in. No reason for it to be busy…allow more time between appointments. How rotten of you to wash Xenas bedding 😁

    Jean, good you have almost finished in the garage….what’s the next project? Crab sandwiches on the menu eh?!

    Hemmy, hope Mr Pips is smelling sweeter now! Will be nice when Kristy arrives.

    Dave, not long til weigh in and bread rolls!

    Going to start watching new series of The Unforgotten this evening…

    Forgot to say…..anyone up for Active April??
    Thinking of attempting some form of calorie burning every day….30 days A.A.

    Put me down Kay, although with all the wine drinkers on here AA could stand for something else😲😲😲. It’s gone quiet at DHL.Denise thinks today or Friday will be when her mother goes.It would have been her 70th wedding anniversary today.And her dad passed away on Good Friday.

    Morning all


    I would be very interested in an active April and any good ideas for exercising. 30 days of AA I had better book myself in for a MOT pronto 😝😝.

    The good news is it isn’t raining here today not at the moment anyway.

    It’s the end of March today so not long before we can all jump on the scales and see our final results.

    Stay safe everyone

    I know I have said it before but I am back now. Have accepted Jodie (my dog) has gone. Something just clicked in my head and I suppose I said goodbye to her which I hadn’t been able to before. Two and a half months.
    Had a good fast day yesterday (I aim for 800 cals). Want to get the stone off that I put back on over the last few months plus another 5lb would be good. Our first break away is hopefully in four weeks time so a bit off by then would be good.

    Meant to say Kay, yes definitely up for AA. My exercise will be walking which has come to a bit of a halt. Walked this morning and am up to 11,000 steps. Did 16,000 day before yesterday. Walking is the only exercise I have ever stuck to, tried gyms, step classes etc but never kept it up.

    Afternoon all!
    Mel- glad you’re feeling up to joining us again…can’t remember where you were going for your holiday?
    Dave- thinking of you & Denise…awful waiting for a call, FIL was desperate to go but it took 2 weeks, that was grim. Are the others staying with her much?
    Jean- crab sandwiches will be lovely I’m sure, & some baking?! Hope you get the gate sorted soon, I’d electrify it & zap the nasty neighbour if he comes snopping round!
    Hemmy- anything nice planned for when Kristy comes? Hope the weather holds…good to get Mr Pips clean! A lady I knew through Church had just lost her 3rd husband, so awful for her…
    Kay- good timing for your birthday that you can go out without feeling guilty! Any nice food planned? Hope your back holds up, & keep strong with your last FD! I’m up for the AA, need to get fitter!
    Nana- sounds like you had a lovely day, nice to catch up with friends!
    Typhoo- shame on your weather, I guess Minols is in the same boat?!
    Impressed with my resolve fasting today as was up at 5am to run son to work. Had a good long walk, busy with Asda order, cleaning- will jinx the weather as I’ve washed our patio table! Mum’s seeing a friend so dropped off a dinner for her & won’t see her this afternoon, we’ll enjoy the weather & take Xena to the beach ☺

    Yayy glad you are back with us Mel x
    Be kind to yourself though, it’s still early days.

    My exercise will mostly be walking I think, with some cycling hopefully. I need to do improve my fitness.
    I had high hopes for lots of dog walking but I didn’t bargain on having a highly reactive dog who is almost impossible to walk!

    My last FD of SOFA so have to stay strong. Fingers crossed I can add a tiny bit extra to my final total!

    Not as warm or sunny as yesterday unfortunately but still pleasant!

    Off to do some pottering!

    Hi FBBs Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What another cracking day .. I am spending it outside although I have things todo indoors. Just got 2 good sized bags of Levingtons compost 2 for £6 from Tesco.

    Mel… lovely to see you back .. we just have to keep keeping on … Life is a B at times. Xx

    Kay .. you sound like you are revitalised … it must be the Vit D with the sunshine.lol Please include me in your April chart.. not much to lose now but its good to be accountable.

    Hedgehogs.. Nothing as yet planned with Kristy… She is tired and stressed with work so may just need some rest and TLC . lol
    I have just seen a lovely take out menu from a local pub for Easter Sunday .. it included Lamb Roast beef or chicken . Although I have just got a lovely chicken from the farm shop … It would mean I could have Roast Beef .. includes a lovely pudding too. Will see what she says. I think she enjoys the smells of me doing the roast. lol
    Enjoy the beach walk with Xena … do you live near by? Sad to lose 3 husbands … I couldn’t go through another loss.

    Brads… Just had a tiger cob eat your heart out. lolol .. It is so exciting waiting for your weight loss total.. I have told all my friends that diet and they cant wait to know what difference bread makes. lol
    Thoughts are with you Denise and family a sad time.

    Typhoo… Choc orange is getting near as we speak lol. Hopefully you will get some sunshine today.

    Nanafixit… What a wonderful day you had yesterday .. many more like that to come now hopefully after the last years solitude.

    Sym… How are you today… are you still doing clearing out.. have a nice rest this Easter … glad you have the gate sorted . Something else off the list to think about.

    A good fast yesterday .. naughty lunch today very carbi with a roll /cob plus a jam cream doughnut.

    Take care all and stay safe.

    Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe.Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A beautiful day here…we were at the park when my boiler engineer rang me and said he was outside my house 😱..he told me he was busy until the week of the 5th, then rang and said Wednesday, I thought he meant next week but he was pushing me in early…all done..my leaky valve wasn’t leaking so he’s left it so just a boiler service…

    Made some biscuits for Jacqui’s visit tomorrow, no crab I was going to surprise her maybe another time. Just cooking a chicken so we will have that.

    My second fast day all is going well…might do a weigh in tomorrow then start Easter..

    Glad your meet-ups went well yesterday..lovely food and wine..

    Enjoy your picnic tomorrow and have a lovely birthday, hoping the weather holds ours is changing.

    AA..hoping to hold on maintaining..hoping for that tomorrow too…

    Thinking about you both, it’s very hard…….hoping you get your cobs tomorrow 😀

    Good luck for weigh in you will be leading the troops…chocolate orange soon 😀

    Glad to have you back on board, it’s so hard…like you I have to get my head around it…something to look forward too your holiday, it will do you good, strange, hard but you will be fine..🤗

    All sorted for Jacqui coming, all easy to go….no crab….gates coming Monday, I hope, I have had no confirmation just the buying bill. I will ask him to come and hang it after Easter holidays and they are back at work, it’s easier…a security hook to go into the ground too is on its way.

    You are busy doing jobs hope your mums ok till tomorrow and you can get them all finished.

    Hope Kirsty can relax while with you, walk Mr Pips as I know she likes to do..so stressful times working and virus about, extra strains on everyone. It would be nice to pick a meal from the pub..easy 😀 as we like to do, following your thoughts. Lazy day for me a bit of reading this afternoon in the garden, then I remembered I hadn’t posted..walking Charlie shortly my chicken is almost done…

    All for now..have a lovely evening all…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone, been a lovely day again and I’ve taken advantage of it by having our daily constitutional walk early this morning. Then pottered aboutin the garden for a bit before sitting in the garden with my codewords puzzle book. OH cooked some very nice marinated chicken on the BBQ which we had with a large mixed salad which was my first meal since lunch at my friends yesterday.
    Welcome back Mel hopefully now will be the right time for you just take it at your own pace.
    Hemmy you’ve been busy again bet you can’t wait for Kirsty to arrive.
    Jean have a lovely time tomorrow with your daughter.
    Hedgehogs an early start for you today.
    Well done to those of you who have completed a FD today my turn tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe and stay safe.
    Nana x

    No sunshine here today but it hasn’t rained either so that can only be a bonus.


    Let me guess you reach the grand age of 21 tomorrow hopefully you’ll be spoilt and a little cake would always be appreciated or is that just me. 😂😂


    The chocolate orange will be broken into sometime on Sunday and probably devoured in one sitting lol. I hope as many of us as possible will be close to the goal weight this week.


    No sunshine here but I can almost taste that chocolate orange now just hope it’s as good as I’m expecting.

    Into another fast now as I’ve eaten my dinner and the final one of this week and into a brand new month.

    Have a great evening everyone and stay safe.

    Morning everyone…

    Just touching base before my time becomes quite fixed and less flexible for the next few days. Still, I must say, it’s been one of the most relaxed Easter’s ever…so far!

    Dave – thinking of you and Denise.

    I think Active April sounds wonderful! I’m planning to declare on Monday what my target is to the next complet stone…and crack on with that for the start of the summer holidays.

    On tenterhooks to hear about Dave’s weigh in tomorrow! It’s going to be a guddun, I don’t doubt!


    Weigh in for me….
    0.8 lbs lost so total of 7.8lbs.

    Definitely not the stone but better than nothing.

    Few days off now.

    You have got me running scared about my weigh-in tomorrow.I managed the month without bread so I feel good about doing it. Going bowling this afternoon, is still sunny but much colder. I can taste the cobs already 🤤🤤🤤.

    Just back from my AA walk. Just over an hour. Quite strenuous as part of the path was along a field which the lovely farmer had just ploughed up to the very edge. lovely evening yesterday with new neighbours in our garden. Got to know them a bit over champagne and red wine. Back to FD800 today. Mini Babybels and soup my go tos.

    Hedgehog our holiday is five days self catering on a farm near Beverley. Not too far to go. Should get some good AA walks in.
    Hemmy what breed is Mr Pips?
    Good luck fasters and enjoy the bowls Dave.

    Afternoon all!
    Kay- happy birthday to you! 🎉🎂🎁🍸 & very well done on your 8lbs for the Sofa…
    Jean- hope you have a good time with Jacqui, whatever you eat! Well done on your loss & now you can relax over Easter!
    Hemmy- have a good weekend with Kristy, some good walks & food ☺
    Minols- hope all your Easter plans / services go to plan & you have a chance to appreciate the time too.
    Dave- keep strong, last day! You’ve done amazingly well! Enjoy your bowling today ☺
    Typhoo- hope your FD goes well- chocolate orange for breakfast?!
    Mel- good for you to be getting out, hope you can keep strong for your FD, only one day…nice to have met up with neighbours! Is it near Jean where you’re going?
    Nana- you’ve done well this week too, not got our BBQ out yet! Not sure if eldest has thought about that, with going veggie- he loves his burgers & chicken cooked on it!
    Fasting again 800 cals today, so will weigh tomorrow. Turned out quite nice today, was out over an hour with Xena, but will try to add in some extra exercise for AA; will get back to doing daily squats & try to squeeze in HIIT workouts again- although have got to wait in for Asda delivery this afternoon & then drop Mum’s bits off…have ordered some extra bits so I can give some meals to our neighbour- his wife’s still in hospital & he’s looking awful too 😞
    Have a good day all, & keep strong us who are fasting! ☺

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