Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning All…

    A village walk and lead training too..he is off the lead so much, just a reminder what we do..

    Going to my daughters for lunch, I will get changed to go after my cuppa…get out of dog walking clothes.

    A good list growing well done to everyone I think it makes you think…

    Have a good day everyone..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,sun is out and quiet warm outside. Doing well with my contacts, got them in quickly today. Day 6 of no bread,I think it is a big help to losing weight because I don’t seem to eat at dinner time because I usually have a sandwich so that’s a saving on calories for the bread,butter and filling.

    Hi FBBs Hope all is ok with you. Xxxx

    Kay … Thank you very much for the update. Xx

    A bright decent day no sun though.. at least dry.

    A nice walk over the fields saw a few walkers and dogs all good natured. A sweet grey hound very handsome indeed .

    Having a lazy day .. just relaxing. I have some smoked haddock for dinner not decide if with chips or small potatoes and peas. I do love it but the smell does linger. lol

    I have some almond flavoured ice creams so maybe a treat later as a good week with the calories.

    Sym … hope you enjoyed your lunch with your daughter.. hopefully something lovely. lol Although just nice to be with her I am sure .

    Brads .. that is really brilliant forgoing bread .. I dont think I could do it. I love all sorts … favorite at the moment is 3 cheese sourdough . Divine.

    Take care all stay safe Just in case no one has told you today. You are amazing! Have a really great day. Xxxx

    Jean- have a nice lunch with your daughter, good that her stomach problem is nothing major…must’ve been a worry.
    Hemmy- well done on your 2lbs off! Yes, I let Mum win yesterday, quite hard to though, she’s not daft & looks at whst I’ve got left at the end…the rose sounds lovely for your mum.
    Dave- doing well with the contacts & the bread! I don’t miss that on keto but would have toast most days for lunch. Have salad or seed crackers & cheese now.
    Kay- thanks for doing the sofa update…that’s great the training helping Tara! Is she still as reactive to other dogs? Hope you can see your mum soon, it’s been so long 😞
    Nana- well done on the loss for you! Hope that takeaway was as good as it sounded!
    Minols- enjoy your day off…
    Typhoo- hope you can get back to playing the guitar now?
    A lovely walk with Xena- she muscled in on another dog’s game with a stick, luckily came back quickly though! Had to pop out for a few bits of shopping, saw son, he’s now in charge of the alchol aisle & has targets, we said hubby can help him with that! Got a few bits for the mini hamper I’m doing for mum, it’s coming along nicely! Hubby hoovered my car out- I was going to wait until it warmed up, so he’s saved me a job! Another 800 day for me; will have my pizza mushrooms tonight.
    Off to mum’s in a minute….

    Good evening all

    I’m probably going to give it until Monday before I start playing guitar again but the finger is looking much better, I was only getting some tablets out of the foil too.


    Well done on your giving up on bread I’m sure it will make a difference for you on the scales.

    We have all have a great opportunity to lose the stone in weight in time for April so stay strong everyone.

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend all


    Lovely card, money, jumper and flowers off daughter early Mother’s Day presents…a good catch-up and lunch…

    A mild evening walk with Charlie calm before the storm……

    Well done on the contacts you seem to have got it together now…you are doing well with no bread 😀

    Daughter seems a bit sore but she’s fine. Good to have an outcome she’s been unwell for a good year…is your hamper for mum for Mother’s Day, you sound busy..is your tree sorted now?..how’s your hand?

    Good your fingers on the mend..paper cuts can go on a while and sore.

    You are right a stone or near is achievable..

    Jean x

    Morning all

    Quite a nice morning here it’s a little chilly but dry just as you might expect this time of year as we head towards spring.

    It’s very quiet on here again it must be the weekend and everyone is out enjoying themselves 😝.

    Stay safe and enjoy your weekend

    Morning All…
    A pleasant walk this morning milder than expected..still heating has gone up now it seems chilly..

    Decided to mend the strip on the floor between two doors don’t know what it’s called, it’s getting a bit dangerous of tripping…so off to bbq and see if they have one..then I have to cut it into shape 😂 it will be interesting!

    I would like a new phone it’s getting quite tatty, very well hammered…is it justified?? That’s me all over..I have to think it through….Steve’s voice is telling me not to prat about and get one!…he is a love….

    I will be fasting tomorrow..

    I am about…looking for jobs to keep busy, have a nice day yourself….

    Jean x

    Jean- hope you get the jobs done okay…I hate changing phones, don’t envy you that! thinking of you, hugs xx
    Typhoo- enjoy your Sunday too, any guitar playing today? Sunday veggie roast?
    Hope everyone else is okay ☺
    A long early walk, frosty here, lots of runners about, Xena was really good except for one she barked at! Not rushing about, online Church can be any time! Doing a roast chicken this afternoon, eldest son’s last one! He’ll take a plate round to Mum too.
    NonFD for me after a week of 800cals, will go back to that tomorrow.
    Have a good day all!

    Good afternoon everyone.Cloudy here but not cold. Roast chicken for us too so Heidi is happy.Big football game today, Denise days it’s just a game but I say it’s life of death. She is a red and I am a blue,my son is also a blue.So she’s outnumbered 😁

    I didn’t get as far as the phone shop…I put a few more snowdrops in at the cemetery…

    I got to b&q but the colour is wrong not a lot of choice, different to the one I have. I will take it back and try somewhere different.
    It’s not going to be as easy as I thought, unless I find the same one. The underneath brackets are so different and I am going onto a concrete floor which Steve found difficult too…

    We sometimes went to Wicks so maybe it’s worth a try there…another day…

    A chicken dinner it would be nice for me…I have no idea what I am cooking yet. I shall have a sit before our walk.

    Enjoy the football…and your chicken dinner.

    Jean x

    Gammon, egg and chips in the end, a couple of glasses of wine……fasting now..


    Morning all!
    Back to fasting for me after some lovely food yesterday! A bit hard going- neck painful again & bad headache, feeling like I need a lazy day, which makes fasting harder… Was nice to get out for fresh air with Xena though- we were complimented on her behaviour again when she sat nicely with me to let someone past- if only they knew what she can be like at home😂 Before son went to work she did her usual putting her paw up for fuss to him then growling when he does fuss her, so weird!! Sister’s hours changed now the children are back, she’s seeing mum this afternoon.
    Hope everyone is okay & keep strong if you’re fasting!

    Fast day for me but don’t feel like it at all. I lay awake half the night worrying about my daughter. I feel really miserable at the moment. Just took Heidi out and she met a husky, as we approached it, it lay down in front of her. It was only a puppy, and as usual she got on very well with it.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another lovely warm sunny day .. it makes such a difference so uplifting.

    Had a nice walk with a friend lots of chat. lol

    After lunch its going to be a cleaning day .. wrought iron table and chairs to wash off outside .. getting ready for spring.

    Hedgehogs… hopefully you will feel better soon… its sounds like you need a good rest and someone to look after you . You are always so very busy looking after everyone else dont forget about you.

    Brads.. I hope you can stop worrying soon.. it is very tiring and draining on our system.. Heidi sounds a lovely girl with a wonderful nature.

    Good luck Fasters you can do it. My turn tomorrow.

    Take care and stay safe all. Happiness comes in waves…..It will find you again.Xxxx

    Afternoon All..

    A lovely walk on a different river bank this morning with Oreo and Natalie..although it’s still our river!

    Grandson called to collect a wheelchair for his great grandma, he only stayed 20 mins. She went in a home 3 weeks ago but they felt guilty so she’s coming back home tomorrow, I think she’s 96.

    I have got an upset tum, gripes I don’t know why…I am fasting today…

    Hope you feel better soon it’s not nice. Have a lazy day I am!

    You can’t change things it’s not worth worrying what you can’t change…I know it’s hard it will work out in the end it has too…you worry about the kids whatever their age..

    I am not warm today quite chilly…you must be warmer than us if you are doing outside work..it will look nice when you can have a cuppa outside…I am looking forward to that.

    I am having a man come to quote for my gate tomorrow, the other handyman fell through as he moved house and was too busy..what would you expect to pay..2’ 6” wide 5’ high wooden gate and one wooden post to fix to house to hang it on?..£200 ??

    Off walking…so cold!
    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone a FD for me today and I’m feeling really hungry and cold. An enjoyable but quiet weekend as usual but no BBQ as not really warm enough.Had an extra long walk with OH this morning to collect our repeat prescriptions from the next village.
    Jean and Hedgehogs hope you both feel better soon and are taking it easy.
    Dave as Jean said you never stop worrying about your children no matter how old they are. Hope you can get sorted out with what you’re feeling at the moment.
    Nana x

    Denise lost another pound, that’s 12.6lbs she’s lost since January.I bought a knife sharpener and tried it out on an old knife I use for Heidi’s food,it just about cut butter.Now I could almost have a shave with it, brilliant knife sharpener.

    Successful FD today after a day off yesterday. Tomorrow is cal counted day, TDEE.

    I found it chilly today. Struggled to get warm this evening.

    I’m back to volunteering in our local shop tomorrow afternoon.

    Jean and HH I hope you both feeling better tomorrow.

    Hemmy, I did some stuff in the garden yesterday but it felt too cold today even though the sun was out!

    Dave, Denise has done really well. It must be hard seeing your daughter going through the split but I’m sure things will settle and they will work things out so that they can move on and be happy.

    Typh00, are you back to playing your guitar?

    Minols, is the boy back to school? How’s the fasting?

    Off to do a bit of jigsaw before Masterchef….

    Good morning all

    The finger is almost good enough to start playing again but going to give it a couple more days just to be sure.

    My fast yesterday went well and broke it in the usual way with some very enjoyable and tasty porridge.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

    Morning all!
    Well done fasters for yesterday!
    Dave- so hard with your children, impossible not to worry…hugs x & well done to Denise!
    Jean- hope that you can get a gate sorted, not sure how much it would cost, possibly a bit more than £200? Hope your stomach gets better today.
    Hemmy- definitely nicer for you than us yesterday, cold here still! Are you fasting today?
    Typhoo- well done on the fast yesterday, & keep resisting that chocolate!
    Kay- enjoy working in the shop again, a break from the jigsaws!
    Nana- you do alot of walking! Shame not nice enough for the bbq, hope you can have company soon.
    Minols- hope you’re okay…
    Neck much better today thanks! Had an extra long walk with Xena, stopped to chat with a neighbour & his dog we back onto, I think I scared him as I know his wife better, never spoken to him before, he probably thought I was weird!
    Fasting 800cals again, seeing mum this afternoon.

    Morning, the sun is trying to come out. Going shopping after I take Heidi out, no crusty cobs again😩.Day 9 of no bread 🥺🥺.I bought a smart watch that does messages and heart rate also steps and other things and the battery lasts a minimum 8 days, I charged it when it came and 8 days later still some battery left. And the best bit it only cost£25.

    Morning All..
    Very mild walk this morning, can’t ever get the clothing right…not complaining though…

    Coffee zoom meeting and my joiner calling over lunch time..

    Feeling fine this morning much better after I ate last night…..

    Charlie found a rat this morning in the back garden, I think it was poisoned but still alive, I went for my neighbour bless him he sorted it but said he didn’t like them..😱

    A long walk today for you, I do enjoy walking.

    Dave ..
    Denise is doing very well loosing weight…hope it’s not though worry??…well done on the no bread..

    How many jigsaws have you done…you are very good lots of patience..

    Hoping you are ready to play again…slowly do it..

    I am glad your necks easier this morning..hoping the gate is not too expensive 😬

    A few jobs later if I have time..

    Jean x

    Denise is losing it with a diet.Shopping done, dog walked. It was extremely hard to walk past my crusty cobs,when I want them they are sometimes sold out but since I am not having them they are there every time 😩.Also since I stopped bread I seem to have stopped dinner too.Hungry now and not a fast day but what can I have.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Another beautiful blue sky sunny day.. .. coat off and around the waist this morning.

    I do hope everyone else is sharing this glorious springlike day. Looks to be a big change tomoz with rain all day.
    A village guy is replacing some dry stone walling in the garden .. I can see its going to be a long job and lots of tea. Oh and expensive lolol

    Fast going well .. helped as I came straight from the walk and went to town.

    Its just my usual eggs this evening .. maybe a little icecream.. All should be under 600 ..hoping to go down to the lower stone level in the morning weigh.

    Good luck anyone else fasting … take care all… stay safe

    Tough times never last, but tough people do. Xxxx

    Hi all – cold here again today and obviously expecting wildness tonight! But we’re up to date with school work and we’re managingn exercise everyday, so if we have to miss a walk tomorrow we’ll cope!
    I’m beginning to slow down a bit work wise – that is, i’ve finished the zoom courses I was running, so much less in my diary. Still ahve loads of writing to do, but next week will be time enough for feelign that pressure once the boy is back to school and the day is my own again.

    Tomorrw will be as close as I get to a fd at the moment – a throwaway comment from Dave has made me realise I’ve got back into indulging the toast and honey habit…must get back to porridge, ultimately. There’s only enough bread for the boy in the morning, and I’ve got a long meeting, so I’ll be fine skipping breakfast and begin to get myself back to more normal patterns ready for Monday. Don’t want to say I’m looking forward to the boy going back because I will miss him…but…!


    Evening everyone it’s been a beautiful day here today the calm before the storm I guess. Have had a nice low calorie day 1200 and another FD planned for tomorrow and then I’m taking a break from counting calories until Monday as it’s my birthday on Thursday plus it’s Mothers Day also on Sunday. Will weigh on Thursday morning and hopefully have a loss.
    Hedgehogs and Jean yes I love walking always have and hope to be able to keep doing so. I’ve got a bit of osteoarthritis diagnosed in my left knee which is why I want to lose this extra weight as it helps with reducing the load on it.
    Well done to those of you who’ve fasted today. Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Morning all.
    So no toast this morning 🙁 but the boy will enjoy his – don’t know how he does, as he refuses butter! Just dry toast and runny honey…just don’t get it!
    A good complicated and therefore distracting meeting this morning, and then I’ll see if I want an omelette. Struggling to keep the weight off that I’ve lost and need to get that loss ‘safe’ before I’m likely to see any more.

    Minols- I used to have toast & honey without butter, it’s a different flavour, very nice! Enjoy your porridge & hope the meeting goes well! Hang in there with keeping the weight stable, hard with your son at home!
    Nana- hope that your FD goes well today, & enjoy a few days off!
    Jean- hope that your zoom meeting was good yesterday, will you meet up for a walk soon? Horrible Charlie finding the rat, good that he didn’t eat it…
    Dave- if bread’s a temptation then good to remove it- you could have cereals for lunch as you’re up late anyway? Or what about the sandwich thins instead of bread, lower cals?
    Hemmy- sounds like you kept busy enough on your FD yesterday, hope the workman doesn’t want biccies with his tea!
    Typhoo- think you might be getting some grim weather, hope you don’t have to go out!
    Kay- how was your stint at the shop? Are you doing ADF this week?
    A wet walk this morning, met a lovely dog & owner, a nice chat & Xena had a little play- then flopped on her back getting rather muddy! Mum said she’d be okay today so was going to get on with jobs, but have made a veggie lasagne for her & son, took ages! Have to do our asda order, & plam meals for the week so have to think about food 😬 not good as doing another FD 800cals, although not decided on my dinner tonight! Lots of kale though…
    Have a good day all!

    Good afternoon,day 10 of no bread. Miserable day here wet and windy.I think when April comes I will be like a cartoon character.I will pull my bottom jaw out,put a loaf in my mouth and close it👿.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A big change in the weather today .. rain and wind and its quite cold. Back to wet muddy towels lol

    Yesterdays FD went well and now down another stone level… about 6lbs to shift till maintenance yay.

    No work on the wall today .. so at least no in and out with tea. lol No biscuits Hedgehogs lol.

    Sym .. hope you got sorted with the guy and your gate and not to pricy .. you never know what to expect these days.

    Brads ,, well done on the 10days no bread … It will be interesting to see if it has made a big difference to your weight.

    Minois.. I butter my toast VERY thickly lol.

    Nanafixit… its a good idea to take a break at times and enjoy a few treats .. it makes it easier sticking to this way of life forever.

    Typoo Is that choc orange Easter egg still in your fridge. lol

    Hedgehogs.. You are always soo busy with food .. it must be so hard resisting tastes. Its lovely you are close and can pop your Mum a nice dinner. Did you decide on your own meal today ..

    Kay .. how is it going for you…

    I have a small chicken and doing a roast dinner for this evening… So Mr Pip and I will enjoy that. Just fancied it today with the weather.

    Take care and stay safe all

    Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts. Xxxx

    Morning All..
    A lovely cold park walk with Oreo and Charlie…tired out… I have been to see my sister I have not been to see her since lockdown started at Christmas…

    Quick phone call to Katie, she is packing to take the children to Egypt to see the pyramids and museum for half term break.

    Hoping all is sorted for your birthday tomorrow and your cake made…

    Oozing butter for me on toast or anything…nothing dry…even on cream scones…

    Charlie was having a go at the rat and the rat was standing on two feet with claws out…scary..
    Hope you have all your jobs finished…a break from visiting too…

    So cold and windy here…nearly walk time…

    I did sort something out with the builder about the gate, he said my idea would work but leave it with him as he has an idea….price?? as yet…
    You are doing well getting your weight to the stone level down…6 lbs to go well done..Enjoy your chicken dinner…

    Wet walk now…I will go and get wrapped up, both of us…

    I shall be fasting tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Evening all

    The fasting has begun for me again on this Thursday evening it will be interesting as always if the scales will be very nice to me this week.


    My shopping is done so no real need to go out again if the weather does take a turn for the worst but hopefully it will miss my part of the country.


    The chocolate orange is safely in my fridge and still fully intact it’s not too long until Easter now 😝.

    Stay safe and warm everyone.


    I bought a bag of chocolate orange pieces unfortunately I have enjoyed them 😂

    I am now fasting

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Nana- happy birthday to you 🎁🎉🎂 hope you enjoy your day…
    Typhoo- well done keeping strong & keeping the egg intact! Just wondering if you’ve ever thought about going vegan? There are alot of alternatives now, son was talking about it, got me thinking…
    Hemmy- very well done with the weight loss, it seems to have been very quick for you! Hope the roast chicken was nice yesterday…wet & muddy here the last couple of days too!
    Jean- keep strong today ☺ I hope Katie has a really good trip to Egypt, the children are very lucky!
    Dave- it’s good if the bread does help you lose, but it sounds like it’s making you miserable!
    Minols- keep away from the toast & honey!
    Couldn’t sleep last night- a busy head as Jean says, but nothing important or worrying! So did have a snack & a doze on the sofa, but on 800cals today. A wild windy walk early on, wet the last bit so a muddy dog! Then rang HS family & jobs done, now waiting for our asda delivery, & off to Mum’s this afternoon.
    Have a good day & keep strong fasters!

    Very windy here just took Heidi out. She is so slow now I almost drag her round, a few years ago she took me for a walk. Happy birthday Nanna😘.No idea what to have for dinner, still no bread, 11 days now.

    Afternoon All…
    Goodness so windy…a good park walk but cold as well..

    Nana s birthday today so I thought I would join her with a lazy day, a bit of tv this morning and book read soon, a few phone calls made.

    I am fasting but struggling I have been hungry since about 11am…trying to keep strong..

    You didn’t sleep well, was it your neck and shoulder playing up. Shopping and mum to keep you busy today.
    Katie gets 4 staff tickets a year, she has had to postponed them once if she doesn’t use them she will loose them. They are about £20,000 worth, she is nervous as she has to have COVID tests yesterday, if the flights are delayed maybe in Dubai too and again tests to come back. She catches planes like buses, she will be fine. She has two business and two economy tickets. She wanted a cultural trip for the children.

    Soup for me tonight…I could eat a horse!….hope you find something to suit…

    Happy Birthday have a nice day…enjoy your meal tonight and cake…🎂x

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Xxxx Hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    Wow what a windy night and now day. Pip and I nearly got blown over.. kept it a shorter walk today. .. I am really feeling its cold. lol

    Fasting today .. omelette tonight with bacon.

    Happy Birthday Nanafixit Xxxx Enjoy your special day Xxxx

    Good luck Fasters … mindful eating for everyone else. Take care all and Stay safe

    The most important thing is to believe in yourself and know that you can do it. Xxxx

    It’s so windy and cold here..walking shortly but I don’t think Charlie’s happy with the wind…

    Omelette with bacon sounds nice…soup for me but I may need more…I have been hungry and cold all day.

    Keep strong….I need too…

    Jean x

    Very windy here, almost blew my contacts out.I have set the tyre pressure on the car, hope I did it right. Not a fast day for me so sausages bacon and eggs plus beans, only thing missing is toast 😩. Thinking I might change to 3 days of 1000 calories next week. And 3 lowish days and one day of guzzling😁

    A good plan…change around…

    Kitchen closed…a very hungry day…soup and one egg omelette….

    Jean x

    Hungry here too! Managed to let mum win again today, nice & warm at her house so not feeling the cold as much as other FDs. Dinner in instalments today so better get cooking, one down already!
    Keep strong Jean!

    Morning all

    It’s been a wet and windy night here too and not because of the Brussel sprouts 😂😂.

    I’ve been for my weigh in this morning and I have managed to gain a pound this week but I did have a minor blow out on Wednesday with some doughnuts so not really surprising.


    I have considered going vegan but I do enjoy my cheese a little too much and chocolate so I don’t think it’s going to happen lol.
    Though saying that I used to be quite a big meat eater before going vegetarian so I should never say never.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

    Good morning sun and rain here today. Driving to Warrington soon to see mother in law. Will take Heidi out first. Then shopping at Sainsbury’s on the way home. Fast day today so must stay away from mil’s biscuits.

    Typhoo- shame about that pound, but at least you know why! Hope the doughnuts were good, very yummy! You’ve done well going veggie if you ate lots of meat before! I’d miss cheese & chocolate too 😬
    Dave- hope your MIL is okay & shopping & FD go well…
    Jean- I bet breakfast was good this morning! Hope you didn’t get blown away on your walk today!
    Hemmy- hopefully not too blowy for you & Pip too! Was your FD a good one yesterday?
    Minols- hopefully you’ve managed to get lots of work done…any sign of spring your way?
    Kay- how’s Tara doing, is she getting any less reactive?
    Hubby came with me for a forest walk with Xena- thought we’d cracked her not barking at people, but she went all guns blazing at a dog & walker today- very embarassing! The lady was pleased though as she said her dog could be a bully, & needed a dog to stand up to it, so maybe Xena picked up on that?!
    Quite worrying- went for my mammogram, only to find I was a week early- another embarassment!!
    On a better note- lost another pound this week! Another 800 cal day for me today, feeling quite strong!

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxx

    A better day not so windy and some sunshine. .. Think the heavy winds must have dried the ground some .. Pip not to bad today with mud.

    I am chuffed lost another pound this morning. 5lbs to go to NHS weight for height.

    I must admit this time I am finding it easier.. of course not that much to lose I suppose… plus I dont seem to be so hungry these days…. thank goodness. Definitely easier with just yourself to cater for.

    Typhoo .. well done on staying evens… we all should enjoy a little treat day when the body feels the need. .. Sometimes I think it tells us it is quite happy to stay and have a little rest along the way. ( Even more enjoyable with some doughnuts yummy. Hope there was lots of oozing jam… and cream lolol.

    Sym.. Hope your day is going well .. a warmer day for walking. Glad your guy came re the gate its nice to get things underway.
    My wall is going to be a long old job .. he has only managed 3 days this week with the weather. What is for dinner something tasty.

    Brads.. When are you weighing..? It will be interesting to see how it went with no bread I couldn’t do it… Well done.

    Hedgehogs .. Well done on you loss .. you have worked hard with your 800cals this week. .
    Dogs are strange .. Pip is of a good nature with most dogs and people but now and again he will just stand and bark like hell. Sometimes peeps are ok if they have a dog they understand they are just protecting .. You just never know what a dog will do however well trained I reckon.

    Nanafixit… Kay… Minois .. how are you doing. Xx

    Enjoy the day everyone .. take care and Stay safe..

    How beautiful it is when you find someone who asks for nothing but your company. Xxxx

    Starting to lose my motivation, but must stick with it for next few weeks, then I will have a week’s break I think, or just 1 FD, like the old days!

    Third and final FD of the week today and really could do with a loss to spur me on a bit! Only loosing 5.5lbs since the beginning of January isn’t very good. If I stick to it, I usually loose quite easily. Struggling this time…

    Neil has gone to the shops. I’ve been doing some training with Tara. She is much better at recall in the house and garden and twice when I’ve dropped the lead in the Close, she has come back, so that’s good. We are also practicing loose lead walking, which again is fine in the garden, but needs to be practiced in the Close next.
    She isn’t barking as much in the house, when she sees and hears dogs/vans etc and it is starting to improve in the garden now, but I don’t expect it will be much different if we were out and about, not yet.

    Helping in the shop again this afternoon, hopefully it will be busier than Wednesday. Don’t like just standing around! It is helping with my socialisation though 😁 I had started to not want to see or talk to people, with being at home for so long and not seeing anyone to talk to. My mood has been a bit low these last few days, no particular reason, so it’s good to have something to have to do.

    Well done those who have lost weight this week…Nana (0.5), HH (1) and Hemmy (how much did you lose?) Typh00, I wouldn’t worry about the pound, hopefully it will go next week and take something with it.
    Will update SOFA tomorrow.

    A good few people in our village have been without Internet for almost 2 weeks now. Its ridiculous! Our neighbour is without it, but ours is fine. It seems to be affecting the fibre optic. Loads of excuses, conflicting information etc. I think they will be due some compensation but that doesn’t alter the fact that they have had no Internet for a long time now. The mobile phone signal here is pretty poor so we rely on calls and texts over WiFi, so people are stuffed completely.

    Need to buy some more Colloidal Silver, so off to do some research before going over to the shop at 3pm. Luckily the weather isn’t so wild now, although it’s only a few yards to walk!

    Kay x

    Long post gone missing..catch up later…gone walking

    Good afternoon,mother in law seemed to be rambling today, not a good sign. 60 calories so far today.I am making my fast days 1000 calories from next week. Hemmy I am getting weighed on the 1st of April.Day 12 without bread 🥴😔😑😲.

    It’s been a wet and windy day up here but it seems to have stopped for now and looking quite nice outside.

    The doughnuts were the kind with the little sprinkles you get in Tesco’s but still very good.

    I’m not too unhappy as it was only a pound I gained it could have been alot worse and still on target for the stone loss hopefully.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

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