Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Hemmy..
    I like Lidl too, the prices are so good and I like the wine…what do you do with your tea lights? Do you turn all your lights off. I have never been a candle person maybe I should start….
    These fast days do come round quick..no idea on food as yet…milky coffee I think I will join you…

    I quite enjoyed getting out chopping things down, I use the term pruning loosely 😂..I would like a small table for outside maybe to have breakfast or lunch on in the summer, something cheap…
    There’s not much on the tv tonight, might read my book….

    Raining tomorrow so no window washing, have to re think on jobs..need to keep busy on a fast day.

    Jean x

    Good evening everyone, Good fast day today,512 calories so far. Tomorrow I need a lowish day the another fast day on Friday.Put a new video doorbell up, this one doesn’t need charging it is connected to the power supply.The picture is stunning but I turned the sound off it was very noisy, I can turn it back on when needed. It has a WiFi chime which I have put in the kitchen.

    Minols- you’ve done well with the weight loss so far, so enjoy the muffins…hope the funeral goes as well as possible tomorrow, a privilege to do that for a friend but as Jean says, very hard!
    Jean- you’ve been busy today! Glad that the fishcakes were good. Oops, sorry misunderstood about your daughter& the Next order, I know she has to get things for the school children! Hope you were okay after taking Steve his flowers, hugs x
    Dave- hope you’re feeling a bit better about the family situation, & can get back into fasting again.
    Typhoo- goodness you would be skinny if you went to the lower weight! Hope the hair cut was good 😂 Our clippers have had so much use over the last year!
    Nana- keep strong with your b2b days, not the best walk for you today!
    Hemmy- sounds like a good FD yesterday! Hope you’ve had a good day today…
    Kept busy enough today so fasting’s been fine- made sausage, beans & cheese pasties for son- ala Greggs! Didn’t make my mouth water at all but he liked them! Saw mum this afternoon, she won so was happy. Just seen an ambulance again at neighbours- poor lady has kidney failure & dementia, because of her dementia she’s not eating or going to appts, covid makes it worse, we can’t go in to see them, her hubby has dementia too & can’t see they need help. We’ve known them for years & keep offering to help but he says they’re fine…their son came before lockdown but hasn’t been for a while, he’d have to travel 😞
    Page has turned so I think I’ve missed some posts…

    Good morning 😀 bedtime 😵

    Good morning all

    I like Lidl and Aldi both are very good for a bargain, used to get some very good chocolate in Lidl.

    Weather not too bad here this morning it’s chilly but dry what more could you ask for at this time of year.

    Fasting again today but fortunately not feeling hungry but the day is young.. I can look forward to eating a little something later if I need to anyway.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Morning All..
    We got drenched this morning even Charlie didn’t know whether he wanted to come home early but we continued…if you are wet you are wet!!

    I am fasting today…possibly eggs for tonight…

    You are a gadget man..doorbell sounds good…

    Hope your neighbour is ok..so sad when going into hospital…pasties sound good but not my sort of filling.
    Glad mum is more upbeat, you will have to let her win more. 😂

    Aldi chocolate is nicer than Lidl, give it a try…I like the almond it’s full of nuts.

    A few of us fasting today let’s keep strong all of us..

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Xxxx What a glorious day .. got my mojo back again lol.

    Had a lovely walk although a very muddy dog . lol Came back and I have got dog towels blowing in the wind and sunshine.. plus blitz on the bathroom.. ( much needed ) lol before I sat for my lunch time coffee.

    Fasting going well .. its been a good week all round not felt that hungry at all really If I get a twinge at night after having dinner I just convince myself saying .. its so exciting as your body is telling you its doing its fasting job.

    I am looking for a good result on the morrow. lol

    Sym… I just adore candles scented unscented .. I am an easy person to buy for. lol Its a great matter for me to have loads in.

    I only use lamps in all rooms apart from kitchen where I use the under cupboard lights and the bathrooms .. I have 3 tealights in glass holders besides my lamps in the lounge. I burn the 6-8 hr ones so dont need to keep changing. Usually get the bags of them from Wilko . They are very cosy and comforting I find.

    I am having an omelette this evening .. so will be under 500 cals yippee.

    Hedgehogs .. Let Mum win lol if it makes her happy bless her. What a shame about your neighbours .. heartbreaking really. Sometimes elderly people have so much pride they wont take any help even if they really need it. What can you do really its hard.

    I love cheese pasties I used to have them at The Bakery tea shop after shopping .. cant wait for those days again.

    Good luck fasters we can all do this together we know we can . Hope everyone else is ok… take care stay safe
    Mistakes are the stepping stones to wisdom. We learn from trial and error, Xxxx

    Afternoon all!
    Jean- I do love candles, have tea lights in the bathroom, some of the scented ones in jars are lovely, yankee candles quite expensive, supermarket own brands are fine! Safer with dog tails if they’re on a low table too! Hope your FD is going okay…Is your daughter in Texas okay? Looks pretty bad there, no electric & some places no water 😬
    Hemmy- we were lucky & stayed dry today…would let mum win but that’s not always right either! Hope your omelette is good tonight! Do you have a book of all your wise sayings, or are they all in your head?!
    Typhoo- hope your FD goes quickly!
    Dave- you are good with the gadgets & tech stuff! Hope you can wrestle the hot chocolate from your son…
    Minols- thinking of you today & hope it’s gone okay…
    Nana- hope your FD is going okay too!
    A good walk first thing, rang my current Homestart family & my old one for a catch up…sis is seeing mum, so have caught up with a few jobs & had our asda delivery. Hubby has seen neighbour & his wife was sent home in a taxi at 2am, he didn’t know what was wrong with her & what was wrong. Hope maybe their son can find out…
    Son took Xena out for a run so we dismantled her crate, she has extra bedding in a lovely big bed, she didn’t seem too worried, fingers crossed! Fasting going okay, although very hungry now 😬

    Well unfortunately the fast day has turned out as a bit of a disaster as I had some chocolate in the fridge and the temptation was too much 😬.

    I am still thinking of weighing myself tomorrow and hopefully I will at least still be the same as last week I would be very happy with that.

    I’ll put this down to a one off and get back to the fasting next week.

    Steve you could lose weight having chocolate,I did for a few weeks 😀. The chocolate diet.I went to Morrisons and bought 2 tubs of options hot chocolate, so my son can have it when he wants. The door bell is great, less than half the price of a ring doorbell and possibly better. Anyone walking past I get a picture of😲.Easy to delete them, got a great picture of the postman today so sent it to him😁.Took Heidi out and she met two dogs. One was about the size of her head and the 2nd one a Pug lay down on the floor about 20 yards away from Heidi 😁😁,it eventually got up when Heidi started wagging her tail.

    Evening everyone b2b FDs completed and won’t be doing them again anytime soon if I can help it yesterday wasn’t too bad but I was so hungry at lunchtime that I had a mug of Oxo and an apple.Will see what the scales say tomorrow morning 🤞.
    Typhoo 🤞 for your weigh in tomorrow.
    Still a bit achy after my fall yesterday during our daily constitutional walk. Only took a very short one today.
    Hedgehogs hope Xena liked her new comfy bed.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Evening All..

    A good day, 2 egg omelette this evening for me, 1 egg omelette for Charlie and kibble.

    A bit of washing, bedding changed and then sat reading and finished my book..a bit lazy but kept me busy.

    Interesting about your lights..I never really think about them. Sounds as if you have had a busy day, I was so wet this morning, dryer for this afternoons walk.

    Must have a go with candles….I haven’t heard from Katie today, she may be off power again and she’s busy with the children her house is a magnet for the neighbourhoods children….. I think her temperature is going up tomorrow.
    Hope Xena is ok without her crate, comfy in her new bed…

    Chocolate is a nightmare..hope the weigh in goes well tomorrow…

    All set up for your hot chocolate!!

    Take care as you go it’s not nice going for a tumble..I struggle doing B2B it’s not easy..

    Jean x


    I think a chocolate diet is something that you could very easily sell.

    I’m hoping the one fast this week will be enough to make sure I haven’t put any weight on but will find out in the morning.

    Thanks guys for the kind words.

    Good morning,

    It’s a very wet and grey day here so far this morning at least but there’s still plenty of time for it to change.

    I’ve had a very mild loss this week of 4 oz but surprisingly it’s still a positive after the chocolate breakdown yesterday.

    Keep warm and safe everyone and good luck to all those who are fasting today.

    Morning all,

    1 pound down for me, which takes off the half I gained last week, plus another half! I’m going to switch to ADF 5his week as 4 days in a row of 500-800 cals and 3 days eat whatever isn’t working that brilliantly! And then maybe I won’t overeat as much on the NFDs.

    Well done maintaining, losing a few ounces, after not fasting yesterday in the end.

    Dave, I have bought some more hot chocolate too.

    So, pancakes for lunch, I missed out on Tuesday!
    And baking later, tiffin, tray bake or blondies….can’t decide!!!

    Grey, windy and wet again here, so no intentions of going out. Even Tara wasn’t in the garden for long! We have just had a mad session with her ball up and downstairs – both worn out!


    Good afternoon,at mil’s.Dont usually get a signal but am doing today. I have left Heidi watching Dog TV.Checked and she is watching it😁. Heidi got me up way to early today so fast day cancelled.Done 2 so not a great loss.

    Morning All
    A catch up with Oreo at the park this morning..Charlie is crashed out..

    I ordered two front door keys from a London locksmith, Steve had thrown my key code card out..they have arrived so pleased on that…definitely recommend them, so difficult to find around me.
    Grandson called with two jumpers which I ordered from Next, I am keeping one the other is going back…

    Just ordered a sack of food for Charlie and vehicle tax disc both on line..ticking all my jobs!

    Half a pound up today, but ok on that…a few jobs to do, a bit of bedding needs ironing, some shopping to do.

    A chocolate diet I would run with that..as we say it’s a loss…slowly as we go..

    Well done on the pound off, all in the right direction…
    Don’t start talking of baking and pancakes…I am easily led..
    I do the upstairs and downstairs stuff and then on and off the bed, it gets them so excited…

    Must start moving…

    Jean x

    Afternoon all!
    Typhoo- well done with the loss, you got away with it! I’ve gone back onto keto, hard, but less temptation!
    Kay- well done with your loss! Are you going to do 800cal ADFs or 500 cal ones? Getting Tara running about indoors sounds a good plan if the weather’s bad!
    Dave- good that Heidi’s keeping occupied while at MIL’s! I can’t fast if I’m up too early either- although my early start is a bit different to yours! But then I don’t stay up until 2am 😱
    Jean- well done with maintaining! Glad Katie’s okay…shame about your jumper but at least you have one! Sounds like you’re getting through the jobs today!
    Nana- well done with your pound too, hope that the aches soon go. Takeaway tonight?
    Minols & Hemmy- hope you’re both okay ☺
    I’ve lost a pound this week, pleased with that after the pancakes! But son has requested a keto cheesecake so will have to not eat too much!
    Xena needed a wash again after rolling in fox poo. Have been busy cleaning, keeping out of son’s way as he’s building the new computer today- he’s much more laid back than when hubby does DIY, no swearing! Going well so far…Sis is seeing mum today do another afternoon off!

    Hi FBBs Xxxx A dull windy but dry mild day here… Another muddy walk.

    Tyhpoo… well done on your loss the rest of the week must have counteracted the chocolate. you do so well.

    Kay … Well done on your pound you are on the down again. Good to shake things up now and again doing something different.

    Sym … Well done staying on target its a nice feeling when you can do that.

    Hedgehogs well done on your pound .. you seem to do well when you do Keto .. Its lovely finding something that suits you.

    Lol with the sayings . I have always done it love them ..a saying for everything lol Pick them up as I go along. Loved all the old ones especially .

    Well Yippee .. I lost 2lbs this week the scales were kind . I just had to laugh at myself as I have just had cheese and beans on toast.. Well not sure if it was the thought of losing the 2lbs but I just shoveled it down within minutes. Good job I am alone lolol..

    Cottage pie tonight no treats .. Just the two meals with fruit. Think I am working more on the days not fasting as I tended to spoil the Fasts the next few days.

    Thats the thinking hopefully . lol As we all know well things often dont go to plan. lol I have Kristy next Thursday -Sun so I have to be careful till then. I know after 4 days I will be undoing my loss. lol.

    Have a good day all whatever you are doing. Take care stay safe
    You are never too old,And it is never too late Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone pleased to report a one pound loss this week and well done to everyone else for losing also.
    Have had a busy morning doing a bit of housework and catching up with the washing which is drying nicely outside on the line.
    Hedgehogs yes a takeaway pizza delivery for us this evening and husband is talking about havinga BBQ this weekend as 16°C is forecast.
    Jean lovely to see your grandson wish we could see ours. Wonder what Boris will say on Monday.
    Have a good weekend everyone and enjoy the rest of today and keep safe. Will be back on here again Monday.
    Nana x

    Well done Hemmy,Nana and Kay on your weight loss this week you’re all a step closer to your goal.

    I was expecting to have gained a pound or two so happy with the few ounces I lost but wouldn’t recommend doing it for anyone else.

    Have a very good Friday evening everyone.

    Evening All..
    M&S meat pie was tasty with chips and gravy, wine on the side …not big but enough..second wine now.

    A pound loss thats good…more baking for your HS family, you are so kind. I never wear jumpers I have one from last year with tickets still on now another..hope I wear them.
    Xena with fox poop again, what’s she like not good for you..the computer looks good I have sent the picture to Katie to see if it’s like Cole’s, possibly not as he’s only 14..

    Well done on 2lbs off, you have got back on board quickly ..you must be looking forward to Kirsty coming, is her partner coming too…or just the two of you…

    Grandson only waited while I tried my jumpers on maybe 15 mins chat we sat at a distance…lovely to see him. He is saving for a house so talking where he can put his money..no where really, told him to tell me if he finds anywhere good. He is in my bubble but I keep my distance as he is around the country working.

    Have a good weekend what ever you are doing…

    Daughter calling tomorrow for a couple of hours, nice to have her to myself.

    Have a good weekend

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs Hope you are enjoying your evening. Xxxx

    Well done Nanafixit on you loss Hopefully it will be BBQ weather this week-end. lol

    Typhoo .. You did very well this week ..having the choc too .. My friend thinks the body needs to just stay put a while now and again when dieting just to stabilize it. I imagine that could be correct.

    Sym… M&S food is my favourite .. always tasty. Kristy just coming alone..partner working. We are in a bubble .. and Kristy works from home… will work from here Thurs then have 3 days together. Have some nice takeaways from the local pub..and some Merlot lol Plus it will be nice todo a Sunday roast. Enjoy your wine, I am on G&T.
    Sleep well all. Xxxx

    Afternoon all

    It’s another wet and grey day here in Scotland but the clocks go forward next month so spring is on the way.

    Lazy weekend for me same as every weekend at the moment but I’m not complaining, it’s not the best weather even for me to go out for a nice walk.

    Chips n gravy now there’s a good northern dish if ever i heard one all you need now is a good pint of beer or tea if you don’t drink lol.

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone and stay safe

    Afternoon All…
    A mild dry day, walked Charlie around the village, had to be back for 10.

    My daughter came at 10 till 2 nice to have her to myself. We had a good natter.
    A few jobs done, washer gone on twice, made Charlie’s pan of veg and 5 portions of tomato soup made for the freezer.

    Is it plant pot painting time?…must be soon. I might get my garden chairs out it starts to get tempting. My new bushes to go near my neighbours fence, I think it’s more March for planting out, I might go to the garden centre near me and see what they have, although another one is cheaper but a bit more of a ride out.

    Your weather seems much worse than us…chips and gravy sounds good to me…although I could never get my head around it, it’s only these last few years that I now enjoy it….still working on curry and chips, still not sure 😂

    I was cooking a pork joint for tonight but leaving it till tomorrow …fancy a snack tonight..

    Jean x

    Evening all!
    Jean- lovely to see your dsughter, hope you wear the jumpers, good price for Next, I like their stuff. Eldest son’s saved enough for a deposit for his own place, he’d planned to look last year but worried now about job security & what’ll happen with the market, so he’s held off. Youngest is saving in a help to buy ISA, might be worth grandson looking at that?
    Hemmy- beans & cheese on toast sounds good! Will be nice for you to see Kristy next weekend!
    Nana- enjoy the Bbq if you have one, needs to warm up a bit for us I think!
    Dave- you’re quiet on here! Roast tomortow?
    Typhoo- shame the weather’s not great for you to get out. No gravy with my chips- yuk! Ketchup for me, I could do curry sauce!
    Lovely & mild for my walk this morning, Xena was accosted by a young chocolate lab & didn’t have any choice but to play! Another hair cut done for youngest, lots of ironing done & have seen mum for a game this afternoon. Don’t worry about the score but she likes to keep count & let her do it as I thought it’d keep her brain active- realised today her adding up is very iffy 😞 she does well with the game though…
    Another FD for me- going well! I’m presuming I’m the only one today!

    FBBS hope all is well with you. Xxxx

    What a lovely day at 13deg it felt really springlike today.

    A lovely walk with my favourite friend and her King Charles. Our dogs get on so well just do their own thing. lol Lovely to have young company I am still very much young at heart if not body lol.

    Typhoo .. Your weather is much cooler by the sound of it .. hopefully it will get more spring like for you soon.
    How is your day going .. there is not much we can do at the moment but there is something quite nice about having this quiet time. Any chocolate urges today. lol.

    Sym… I bet it was so lovely you and your daughter having time together. Plant pot painting only gets done when the garden is looking good and nothing pending. lol.. Infact this year I am thinking on doing away with the smaller pots and just having less big ones. So would be no painting as they will be new. . lol My sheds will need a coat of Wild Thyme though as they didn’t see any last year with all that happened.

    Hedgehogs… It is so hard for the young ones saving for their deposits .. I think though even going back to when we started its always been a worry initially job security etc. Well done him anyway .
    Its lovely you and your twin can be there for your Mum… so nice for her. I am so glad i shared so much time these last years with mine.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day … Take care all .. stay safe

    Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. Xxxx

    Good evening everyone,chips and gravy that was a football fanzine, it was called. Chips and Gravy. We used to buy it sometimes.I can eat them but prefer salt & vinegar.Heidi had a nice walk with a boxer dog, they walked side by side. Roast chicken tomorrow so Heidi will be camping in the kitchen.


    William joined the isa to buy scheme, his I think is about finished he can’t put any more money in..he would like to buy in Leeds but with the virus all on hold. He was telling me he would like to save more money for the deposit. He’s a good saver he will be 21 in August.
    Busy day with Mum she keeps you on your toes 😂

    Sounds a bit easier not so many pots..hope your shed isn’t too big to paint. You will be looking forward to Thursday have a nice few days catching up with Kirsty.

    Enjoy your chicken dinner tomorrow..pork joint for me..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon,quiet on here today. Didn’t get to bed until 2-45am but Heidi was kind and let me have a lie-in.Not a bad day here quiet warm. Chicken for tea so Heidi will be very happy.

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely mild walk this morning taking a few layers off now…more pruning/ chopping of bushes, that’s complete now, my garden chairs and table are out..just need the sun to appear 🤣😂

    Pork dinner for tonight, table set, everything sorted, pork doing slow as a pork shoulder.

    I shall have cold meat tomorrow as I will be fasting…

    Yes all quiet on here…everyone possibly gardening, bbq for Nana, beach for hedgehog and field for Kay..all busy…

    Jean x

    Afternoon all

    It’s very quiet today is everyone else out enjoying themselves this afternoon?

    I haven’t decided yet on today’s dinner it could very well be a roast type dish but with a Linda McCartney vegetarian pie and plenty of vegetables.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay safe.

    Hi FBBS Xxxx Another mild dry day.

    A good walk with my neighbour .. she is just keeping fit no dog.

    Pip and I had a good hour on the garden.. cutting back some long grass shoots from ornamental grass in the borders. It overtakes everything but looks lovely in Spring/summer.

    A No cooking day for me I had cold roast beef sandwiches and my little choc egg treat.

    Brads … Hope Heidi enjoyed the chicken bless her.

    Sym… Its lovely to get out in the garden get started on things. Its been a long winter with the virus.
    Hopefully mid March after frosts I will be able to get Mums Rose planted. Queen of the Garden a pretty pink.. .. I have a small garden shed to paint plus a biggish workshop which Andrew loved. It still basically sits the same inside after 8 yrs

    Hope you enjoyed your Pork .

    Typhoo . Hope you enjoyed your dinner whatever you decided on. I just go with my whim these days whatever I fancy near the time. Gone are the days of thinking early morning about dinner. lol All will change Thurs with Kristy as she is constantly thinking and saying ” Oh what have you thought for dinner ” lolol. I fear for my weight loss the coming week-end… It will sure to include McDonalds and a take away lolol Life is for living though.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday .. We call it Granny’s day as my Granny always said it should be a day of rest. lol

    Take care all Stay safe. Things that cost nothing, hold the most value. Xxxx


    I decided on the vegetarian pie and again cooked enough vegetables for two or three people but I ate it anyway.

    It’s the start of another fast day and hopefully will be more successful than Thursday’s though I am determined not to let that happen again.

    Good luck to all those fasting and remember it’s only for one day and Tuesday we can eat normally.

    Heidi’s got the chicken in her bowl but left it, probably too early for her, she likes to eat after midnight.I said to Denise get me an Easter egg that I can eat from the inside out😲 so it will have to be a big one. That will be my next chocolate 😋😋😋.

    Pork dinner went down well, plenty meat left for cold platter tomorrow ..
    A fair few phone calls covered, a bit of reading.

    Hope your pie and veg went well, lots of veggies ..everybody seems busy else where on here…

    I have been working in the garden more clipping of bushes all done now, sat inside with the french doors open feeling very spring like.
    I like the idea of granny’s day…we could never do anything on a Sunday as a child, no playing out, sat inside playing quietly, mum just cooked dinner.

    Hoping Heidi eats later..she is a worry..

    Jean x

    Well today is the day I start trying to pull myself together. Six weeks since our beloved dog died and after beginning to feel a bit better I just went downhill again towards depression. Don’t want to leave the house or talk to anyone. Drinking and eating too much. A stone of the two stone I lost is back and feeling unfit. Was making myself ill. Have set myself some goals fitness wise and doing a fast day today. Going to try ADFs again as if worked for me. Also means no wine on alternate days but I find if I know I can have it the next day it works. Will half my consumption which can only be good. It is not going to be easy and I will have failures but the only way is up. Have put the sympathy cards away and Jodie is nestled into my heart. She wouldn’t want me to turn my back on life and be miserable.

    Sorry, all me, me, me this post 😂

    Morning All..

    A very wet heavy drizzle day, we got very wet at the park we were on our own today..washing him down before we get in the car is working much better.

    I am fasting today just deciding what jobs need doing to keep me busy …. just having a cuppa before I start.

    You have a right to grieve it takes time as I know. It’s small steps, putting things away, as the time is right for you. I had Symba’s bed out for 6 months before my time was right to put it away.
    Love and grief go hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other.
    You have a plan, have a go some days it won’t work but the next day it will, don’t beat yourself up..just try your best…we are here for you..lots of hugs..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon all

    It’s a very nice bright sunny day here looking like spring is on the way but not quite as warm as it seems when you go outside.


    Take your time in grieving for your beloved dog it’s not something you can rush, we understand dogs especially are much more than pets but also loving members of the family.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember that it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Stay safe and warm everyone

    Mel- hugs to you, & you can only do your best, good to have a plan & some goals xx
    Jean- shame for a wet walk, must’ve been nice to get in the garden yesterday. Keep strong for your FD…
    Hemmy- sounds like you had a good bit of time outside this weekend, & lots to keep you busy in the garden! I love my pots, but get told off for having too many! Thyme sounds a nice colour for the sheds, better than yucky brown ours were done- that garden can be quite contentious issue here!
    Dave- hope that Heidi had her chicken later? Have you decided if you’ll give the contacts a go?
    Typhoo- you are good cooking & eating all those veggies! Hope your FD goes well today, keep strong & it’s only one day as you say !!
    Minols- hope you had a good weekend! Is your son one of the year groups going back to school now?
    We did take Xena to the beach yesterday, she loved it & was so good about all the people, no barking at anyone! Fingers crossed, I’ve been working with her on that & seems to have mostly cured it! Roast chicken in the evening. Fasting today; not sure whether to do 500cal ADF or Mon-Fri 800cals? Hmm…salad planned for tonight anyway. Lots of jobs done this morning, seeing mum soon.
    Have a good afternoon!

    All schools open in 2 weeks or so, let’s hope it dosen’t start another peak in the virus.Heidi is getting lazy I brought her food into the living room and she scoffed it all.In her usual pose now fast asleep so I will wake her up and take her out.MM I am going to give the contacts a go,I go to the opticians on Wednesday.I can take them out very easily but it’s still a struggle putting them in. A bright sunny day here, spring is on the way.

    Hi FBBs

    Another mild day but still very muddy walking.

    Fasting tomorrow then putting myself on holiday till Monday. lol So no weigh in on Friday this week…

    Mel… My heart goes out to you. Be gentle with yourself .. take your time getting back into fasting… good days and bad days just go with the flow. Treat yourself like you would a good friend. Xx

    Sym… I will be so glad for dry weather Pip is always looking grubby these days. lol
    I was thinking today its either cold wet days in winter or its too hot for them in summer. lol

    Typhoo… So glad to hear you have a nice sunny day .. a lovely change from all the snow.

    Hedgehogs.. The Wild Thyme is a lovely colour .. but it does need a fair bit of upkeep.
    It sounds like you are doing a great training job on Xena.. Well done you.

    Brads … Hope all is well with Heidi and she ate all her chicken.

    Keep going fasters you can do it … Take care all stay safe.

    Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier than when they arrived. . Xxxx

    A bit more chilly here, I have stood talking to my neighbour..still the sun came out for 5 mins you could feel it warmer, soon disappeared.
    Cold pork tonight for me, it is tasty..not for you though 😂

    Just having a coffee…Ernie he’s 80, who has a walk every morning and chats and walks with any dog walkers who’s about, has gone in hospital with COVID, he has had his first injection. It’s a worry, his breathing was very bad.
    So lovely to get to the beach, just a bit far for us. Charlie has got very reactive to some dogs on leads, I am working on him, Graham Halls way, I feel as if we are getting there..a bit 😂

    Glad Heidi is eating again..I think she is winding you up 😂

    I am having one of your coffees for lunch..nice and filling…fast day tomorrow for you.. I don’t blame you having a few days off..enjoy Kirsty time and have a few treats…

    Jean x

    Afternoon everyone a FD for me today also but I’m struggling as I’m so cold and want comfort food. Had a good weekend as the weather was lovely and mild for this time of the year so made the most of it and got the garden tidied up. OH was determined to have a BBQ yesterday afternoon and I did sit outside with him as he cooked but didn’t eat outside.
    Mel we’re here for you x
    Wonder what we’ll hear from Boris later on.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and stay safe.
    Nana x

    Good afternoon.I am hoping the bowling season will start this year, looking forward to playing in a league, also good exercise, not done much since the bowling finished.Heidi can’t walk very far these days. Could do with giving her a bath but she’s heavy to lift into the bath.


    I’m hoping that this sunny weather is a good sign of things to come especially as it’s almost March and the clocks will soon be going forward.


    Definitely no pork for me, it’s one meat I don’t really miss since going vegetarian 😝.

    Stay strong and safe everyone

    Evening All..
    Lots of Spring cleaning 9 shelves of the kitchen cupboards cleaned and thrown away out of date stuff..mended a bird feeder it kept falling on the floor…sorted the wardrobe out moved things about..two new jumpers arrived pleased with them so keeping them..that’s now 3, I have,,..

    My pork was delicious..calories possibly in at 600/700 for the day..pleased with that.

    Definitely getting bbq weather, I might buy some disposable ones for the summer..still a bit chilly to sit out although ok if working about.

    Bowling talk again, summer around the corner 😀

    A month for the clocks..that will be nice…and some lockdown lifted…

    Jean x

    Sym… The coffees I do feel are my ace card on FDs. Full fat milk so they are filling without bulk. Plus I really enjoy them rather than just having something for the FD I am not mad on. iykwim lol

    Lovely you have the new jumpers .. i am thinking its very important to treat ourselves kindly at the moment.

    Nanafixit… My first husband loved BBQs we would have people round and he would BBQ in the rain just inside the garage. lol . Lovely times.

    Brads .. hopefully you will soon be able to bowl again. My friend Line dances and cannot wait she enjoys it so much its part of her life.

    Typhoo… Its very noticeable that its so much lighter in the evenings now. Ok here till about 6pm now. Hope you are having a good FD and no temps with Choc lol.

    Hope fasters are ok and feasters are being mindful .. you know you can do it. Xxxx

    Hockey tonight so maybe get to bed around 3am. See if Heidi can last out that long. They are coming out now.

    Lovely day here today and although the grass is saturated, I did some tidying up of plants and went through all my gardening stuff, a good sort out.

    Good FD today. I’m having to do 4, at least, FDs in a row, as I didn’t fast over the weekend, so missed the chance of starting ADFs.
    Too much baking (and eating) and drinking over the weekend, so I guess I will spend the next 4 days clawing it back!

    So we have a road map back to normality, fingers crossed, hospital admissions continue to fall, as I think that will be the main trigger for the lockdown easing to be delayed.

    Well done for last week everyone, let’s start digging in now for the remainder of SOFA!

    Week 7

    Jo +2
    Minols ?
    Typh00 0
    Kay -1
    Nana -1
    Hemmy -2

    So the scores on the doors are!!
    Jo 4.5
    Minols 5
    Typh00 5
    Nana 6
    Hemmy 6
    Kay 5
    HH 4

    6 Weigh ins left!! 😱

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